Exemplo n.º 1
    def setUp(self):
        from pygmin.potentials.rigid_bodies.molecule import Molecule, setupLWOTP
        from pygmin.potentials.rigid_bodies.sandbox import RBSandbox
        from pygmin.potentials.lj import LJ
        from pygmin.optimize import lbfgs_py as quench

        #set up system
        nmol = 5
        self.nmol = nmol
        otp = setupLWOTP()
        #set up a list of molecules
        mols = [otp for i in range(nmol)]
        # define the interaction matrix for the system.
        # for LWOTP there is only one atom type, so this is trivial
        lj = LJ()
        interaction_matrix = [[lj]]
        #set up the RBSandbox object
        mysys = RBSandbox(mols, interaction_matrix)
        self.pot = mysys
        self.nsites = mysys.nsites

        self.permlist = [range(nmol)]

        self.coords1 = testmindist.randomCoordsAA(nmol)
        ret = quench(self.coords1, self.pot.getEnergyGradient)
        self.coords1 = ret[0]
Exemplo n.º 2
 def setUp(self):
     from pygmin.potentials.rigid_bodies.molecule import Molecule, setupLWOTP
     from pygmin.potentials.rigid_bodies.sandbox import RBSandbox
     from pygmin.potentials.lj import LJ
     from pygmin.optimize import lbfgs_py as quench
     #set up system
     nmol = 5
     self.nmol = nmol
     otp = setupLWOTP()
     #set up a list of molecules
     mols = [otp for i in range(nmol)]
     # define the interaction matrix for the system.
     # for LWOTP there is only one atom type, so this is trivial
     lj = LJ()
     interaction_matrix = [[lj]]
     #set up the RBSandbox object
     mysys = RBSandbox(mols, interaction_matrix)
     self.pot = mysys
     self.nsites = mysys.nsites
     self.permlist = [range(nmol)]
     self.coords1 = testmindist.randomCoordsAA(nmol)
     ret = quench(self.coords1, self.pot.getEnergyGradient)
     self.coords1 = ret[0]
Exemplo n.º 3
    def testOPT(self):
        from pygmin.optimize import lbfgs_py as quench
        coords1 = np.copy(self.coords1)
        coords1i = np.copy(coords1)

        coords2 = testmindist.randomCoordsAA(self.nmol)
        ret = quench(coords2, self.pot.getEnergyGradient)
        coords2 = ret[0]
        coords2i = np.copy(coords2)

        self.runtest(coords1, coords2)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def testOPT(self):
        from pygmin.optimize import lbfgs_py as quench
        coords1 = np.copy(self.coords1)
        coords1i = np.copy(coords1)
        coords2 = testmindist.randomCoordsAA(self.nmol)
        ret = quench(coords2, self.pot.getEnergyGradient)
        coords2 = ret[0]
        coords2i = np.copy(coords2)

        self.runtest( coords1, coords2)