Exemplo n.º 1
def test_link_flap(request, duthosts, all_ports, fanouthosts):
    tlf = TestLinkFlap(request)

    dutname, portname = decode_dut_port_name(all_ports)
    for dut in duthosts:
        if dutname == 'unknown' or dutname == dut.hostname:
            tlf.run_link_flap_test(dut, fanouthosts, portname)
Exemplo n.º 2
def enum_dut_portname_module_fixture(request):
    param = request.param
    dutname, portname = decode_dut_port_name(param)
    if dutname not in cadidate_test_ports.keys(
    ) or portname not in cadidate_test_ports[dutname].keys():
        pytest.skip('%s port was not selected for test' % param)
    return dutname, portname
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_lag(common_setup_teardown, duthosts, tbinfo, nbrhosts, fanouthosts,
             conn_graph_facts, enum_dut_portchannel, testcase):
    ptfhost = common_setup_teardown

    dut_name, dut_lag = decode_dut_port_name(enum_dut_portchannel)

    some_test_ran = False
    for duthost in duthosts:
        if dut_name in ['unknown', duthost.hostname]:
            lag_facts = duthost.lag_facts(

            test_instance = LagTest(duthost, tbinfo, ptfhost, nbrhosts,
                                    fanouthosts, conn_graph_facts)

            # Test for each lag
            if dut_lag == "unknown":
                test_lags = lag_facts['names']
                    dut_lag in lag_facts['names'],
                    "No lag {} configuration found in {}".format(
                        dut_lag, duthost.hostname))
                test_lags = [dut_lag]

            for lag_name in test_lags:
                if testcase in ["single_lag", "lacp_rate"]:
                    except KeyError:
                        msg = "Skip {} for lag {} due to min_ports not exists".format(
                            testcase, lag_name)
                        pytest_require(lag_name == "unknown", msg)
                        some_test_ran = True
                        if testcase == "single_lag":
                                lag_name, lag_facts)
                                lag_name, lag_facts)
                else:  # fallback testcase
                    except KeyError:
                        msg = "Skip {} for lag {} due to fallback was not set for it".format(
                            testcase, lag_name)
                        pytest_require(lag_name == "unknown", msg)
                        some_test_ran = True
                            lag_name, lag_facts)

    pytest_assert(some_test_ran, "Didn't run any test.")
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_force_speed(enum_dut_portname_module_fixture):
    """Test all candidate ports to force to all supported speeds one by one and verify
       that the port operational status is up after auto negotiation
    dutname, portname = decode_dut_port_name(enum_dut_portname_module_fixture)
    if dutname not in cadidate_test_ports.keys(
    ) or portname not in cadidate_test_ports[dutname].keys():

    duthost, dut_port, fanout, fanout_port = cadidate_test_ports[dutname][

    logger.info('Start test for DUT port {} and fanout port {}'.format(
        dut_port, fanout_port))
    # Disable auto negotiation on fanout port
    success = fanout.set_auto_negotiation_mode(fanout_port, False)
    if not success:
        # Fanout does not support set auto negotiation mode for this port
            'Ignore port {} due to fanout port {} does not support setting auto-neg mode'
            .format(dut_port, fanout_port))

        'Trying to get a common supported speeds set among dut port, fanout port and cable'
    supported_speeds = get_supported_speeds_for_port(duthost, dut_port, fanout,
    if not supported_speeds:
            'Ignore test for port {} due to cannot get supported speed for it'.

        'Run test based on supported speeds: {}'.format(supported_speeds))
    duthost.shell('config interface autoneg {} disabled'.format(dut_port))
    for speed in supported_speeds:
        success = fanout.set_speed(fanout_port, speed)
        if not success:
                'Skip speed {} because fanout does not support it'.format(
        duthost.shell('config interface speed {} {}'.format(dut_port, speed))
            'Wait until the port status is up, expected speed: {}'.format(
        wait_result = wait_until(SINGLE_PORT_WAIT_TIME,
                                 PORT_STATUS_CHECK_INTERVAL, 0, check_ports_up,
                                 duthost, [dut_port], speed)
        pytest_assert(wait_result, '{} are still down'.format(dut_port))
        fanout_actual_speed = fanout.get_speed(fanout_port)
            fanout_actual_speed == speed,
            'expect fanout speed: {}, but got {}'.format(
                speed, fanout_actual_speed))
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_link_flap(request, duthosts, enum_dut_portname, fanouthosts):
    Validates that link flap works as expected
    tlf = TestLinkFlap(request)

    dutname, portname = decode_dut_port_name(enum_dut_portname)
    for dut in duthosts:
        if dutname == 'unknown' or dutname == dut.hostname:
            tlf.run_link_flap_test(dut, fanouthosts, portname)
def test_containers_autorestart(duthosts, enum_dut_feature_container,
                                enum_rand_one_per_hwsku_frontend_hostname, tbinfo):
    @summary: Test the auto-restart feature of each container against two scenarios: killing
              a non-critical process to verify the container is still running; killing each
              critical process to verify the container will be stopped and restarted
    dut_name, container_name = decode_dut_port_name(enum_dut_feature_container)
    pytest_require(dut_name == enum_rand_one_per_hwsku_frontend_hostname and container_name != "unknown",
                   "Skips testing auto-restart of container '{}' on DuT '{}' since another DuT '{}' was chosen."
                   .format(container_name, dut_name, enum_rand_one_per_hwsku_frontend_hostname))
    duthost = duthosts[dut_name]

    run_test_on_single_container(duthost, container_name, tbinfo)
def test_containers_autorestart(duthosts, enum_dut_feature,
                                rand_one_dut_hostname, tbinfo):
    @summary: Test the auto-restart feature of each container against two scenarios: killing
              a non-critical process to verify the container is still running; killing each
              critical process to verify the container will be stopped and restarted
    dut_name, feature = decode_dut_port_name(enum_dut_feature)
        dut_name == rand_one_dut_hostname and feature != "unknown",
        "Skip test on dut host {} (chosen {}) feature {}".format(
            dut_name, rand_one_dut_hostname, feature))

    duthost = duthosts[dut_name]
    run_test_on_single_container(duthost, feature, tbinfo)
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_auto_negotiation_fanout_advertises_each_speed(enum_dut_portname_module_fixture, dut_all_supported_speeds):
    Test the case when DUT advertises all supported speeds while fanout advertises one speed at a time.
    Verify that the port operational status is up after auto negotiation
    dutname, portname = decode_dut_port_name(enum_dut_portname_module_fixture)
    if dutname not in cadidate_test_ports.keys() or portname not in cadidate_test_ports[dutname].keys():
        pytest.skip('%s port was not selected for test' % enum_dut_portname_module_fixture)

    duthost, dut_port, fanout, fanout_port = cadidate_test_ports[dutname][portname]

    logger.info('Start test for DUT port {} and fanout port {}'.format(dut_port, fanout_port))

    dut_advertised_speeds = dut_all_supported_speeds[dutname][dut_port]
    duthost.shell('config interface autoneg {} enabled'.format(dut_port))
    duthost.shell('config interface advertised-speeds {} {}'.format(dut_port, dut_advertised_speeds))

    logger.info('Trying to get a common supported speed set among dut port, fanout port and cable')
    supported_speeds = get_supported_speeds_for_port(duthost, dut_port, fanout, fanout_port)
    if not supported_speeds:
        logger.warn('Ignore test for port {} due to cannot get supported speed for it'.format(dut_port))

    logger.info('Run test based on supported speeds: {}'.format(supported_speeds))
    success = fanout.set_auto_negotiation_mode(fanout_port, True)
    if not success:
        # Fanout does not support set auto negotiation mode for this port
        logger.info('Ignore port {} due to fanout port {} does not support setting auto-neg mode'.format(dut_port, fanout_port))

    for speed in supported_speeds:
        success = fanout.set_speed(fanout_port, speed)
        if not success:
            # Fanout does not support set advertise speeds for this port
            logger.info('Ignore port {} due to fanout port {} does not support setting advertised speeds'.format(dut_port, fanout_port))
        logger.info('Wait until the port status is up, expected speed: {}'.format(speed))
        wait_result = wait_until(SINGLE_PORT_WAIT_TIME, 

        pytest_assert(wait_result, '{} are still down. Advertised speeds: DUT = {}, fanout = {}'
            .format(dut_port, dut_advertised_speeds, speed))
        fanout_actual_speed = fanout.get_speed(fanout_port)
        pytest_assert(fanout_actual_speed == speed, 'expected fanout speed: {}, but got {}'.format(speed, fanout_actual_speed))
Exemplo n.º 9
def recover_ports(duthosts, enum_dut_portname_module_fixture, fanouthosts):
    """Module level fixture that automatically do following job:
        1. Build global candidate test ports 
        2. Save fanout port state before the test
        3. Restor fanout and DUT after test

        duthosts: DUT object
        enum_dut_portname_module_fixture (str): DUT port name
        fanouthosts: Fanout objects
    global cadidate_test_ports
    fanout_original_port_states = {}
    dutname, portname = decode_dut_port_name(enum_dut_portname_module_fixture)
    logger.info('Collecting existing port configuration for DUT and fanout...')
    for duthost in duthosts:
        if dutname == 'unknown' or dutname == duthost.hostname:
            all_ports = build_test_candidates(duthost, fanouthosts, portname)
            # Test all ports takes too much time (sometimes more than an hour),
            # so we choose 3 ports randomly as the cadidates ports
            cadidate_test_ports[duthost] = random.sample(all_ports, 3)
            for _, fanout, fanout_port in cadidate_test_ports[duthost]:
                auto_neg_mode = fanout.get_auto_negotiation_mode(fanout_port)
                speed = fanout.get_speed(fanout_port)
                if not fanout in fanout_original_port_states:
                    fanout_original_port_states[fanout] = {}
                fanout_original_port_states[fanout][fanout_port] = (
                    auto_neg_mode, speed)


    logger.info('Recovering port configuration for fanout...')
    for fanout, port_data in fanout_original_port_states.items():
        for port, state in port_data.items():
            fanout.set_auto_negotiation_mode(port, state[0])
            fanout.set_speed(port, state[1])

    logger.info('Recovering port configuration for DUT...')
    for duthost in duthosts:
def ignore_expected_loganalyzer_exception(loganalyzer, enum_dut_feature):
        Ignore expected failure/error messages during testing the autorestart feature.

        First, since we killed a critical process in a specific container to test the feature of
        autorestart, we expect to see error messages which were fired by Monit such as
        "ERR monit[563]: 'lldp|lldpd' status failed (1) -- 'lldpd' is not running."

        Second, if teammgrd process was killed for testing, orchagent process in
        swss container would write the error messages into syslog such as
        "ERR swss#orchagent: :- removeLag: Failed to remove ref count 1 LAG PortChannel10008."
        When teamd was restarted, there was an error message in the syslog: "ERR teamd#teamsyncd:
        :- readData: netlink reports an error=-33 on reading a netlink socket."

        Third, during pmon container was restarted due to ledd process was killed for testing,
        xcvrd process would write an error message into syslog such as "ERR pmon#xcvrd[29]: :-initialize
        GlobalConfig: Sonic database config global file doesn't exist at /var/run/redis/sonic-db/database_global.json."
        thermalctld process would write an error message into syslog such as "ERR pmon#thermalctld[33]:
        Caught exception while initializing thermal manager."

        Fourth, if orchagent process was killed and swss container was restarted, then syncd process
        would write error messages such as "ERR syncd#syncd: [none] driverEgressMemoryUpdate:1395
        Error getting cosq for port 1.". At the same time, syncd process also wrote two WARNING messages
        into syslog such as "WARNING syncd#syncd:- saiDiscover: skipping since it causes crash:
        SAI_STP_ATTR_BRIDGE_ID". Since there was a keyword "crash" in these warning message, logAnalyzer
        would fail.

        Fifth, systemd would fire an error message:"ERR systemd[1]: Failed to start SNMP/TEAMD container." since
        SNMP/TEAMD container hits the limitation of restart. route_check.py also wrote an error message into syslog.

    swss_syncd_teamd_regex = [
        ".*ERR swss#orchagent.*removeLag.*",
        ".*ERR syncd#syncd.*driverEgressMemoryUpdate.*",
        ".*ERR syncd#syncd.*brcm_sai*",
        ".*ERR syncd#syncd.*SAI_API_UNSPECIFIED:sai_api_query.*",
        ".*ERR syncd#syncd.*SAI_API_SWITCH:sai_query_attribute_enum_values_capability.*",
        ".*ERR syncd#syncd.*SAI_API_SWITCH:sai_object_type_get_availability.*",
        ".*ERR syncd#syncd.*sendApiResponse: api SAI_COMMON_API_SET failed in syncd mode.*",
        ".*ERR syncd#syncd.*processQuadEvent.*",
        ".*WARNING syncd#syncd.*skipping since it causes crash.*",
        ".*ERR swss#portsyncd.*readData.*netlink reports an error=-33 on reading a netlink socket.*",
        ".*ERR swss#orchagent.*set status: SAI_STATUS_ATTR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_0.*",
        ".*ERR swss#orchagent.*setIntfVlanFloodType.*",
    ignore_regex_dict = {
        'common': [
            ".*ERR monit.*",
            ".*ERR systemd.*Failed to start .* container*",
            ".*ERR kernel.*PortChannel.*",
            ".*ERR route_check.*",
        'pmon': [
            ".*ERR pmon#xcvrd.*initializeGlobalConfig.*",
            ".*ERR pmon#thermalctld.*Caught exception while initializing thermal manager.*",

    _, feature = decode_dut_port_name(enum_dut_feature)

    if loganalyzer:
        if feature in ignore_regex_dict: