def test_jvm_mem_tracking(self, vector):
    service = ImpalaCluster().impalads[0].service
    verifier = MemUsageVerifier(service)
    proc_values = verifier.get_mem_usage_values('Process')
    proc_total = proc_values['total']
    proc_limit = proc_values['limit']
    max_heap_size = verifier.get_mem_usage_values('JVM: max heap size')['total']
    non_heap_committed = verifier.get_mem_usage_values('JVM: non-heap committed')['total']
    MB = 1024 * 1024"proc_total={0}, max_heap_size={1} non_heap_committed={2}".format(
        proc_total, max_heap_size, non_heap_committed))
    # The max heap size will be lower than -Xmx but should be in the same general range.
    assert max_heap_size >= 900 * MB and max_heap_size <= 1024 * MB
    # The non-heap committed value is hard to predict but should be non-zero.
    assert non_heap_committed > 0
    # Process mem consumption should include both of the above values.
    assert proc_total > max_heap_size + non_heap_committed

    # Make sure that the admittable memory is within 100MB of the process limit
    # minus the heap size (there may be some rounding errors).
    backend_json = json.loads(service.read_debug_webpage('backends?json'))
    admit_limit_human_readable = backend_json['backends'][0]['admit_mem_limit']
    admit_limit = parse_mem_value(admit_limit_human_readable)"proc_limit={0}, admit_limit={1}".format(proc_limit, admit_limit))
    assert abs(admit_limit - (proc_limit - max_heap_size)) <= 100 * MB