Exemplo n.º 1
def test_average_speed_periodic(client, db_instance, background_app, celery_session_worker):
    rv = client.post('/create_user', data=dict(submit='Publish', email='*****@*****.**', firstname='a', lastname='a',
                                               password='******', age='1',
                                               weight='1', max_hr='1', rest_hr='1', vo2max='1'),
    assert b'Hi Anonymous' in rv.data
    assert db_instance.session.query(User).count() == 1
    rv = client.post('/login', data=dict(email='*****@*****.**', password='******'), follow_redirects=True)
    with mock.patch('monolith.views.auth.Client') as mocked:
        mocked.return_value.exchange_code_for_token.return_value = "blablabla"
        fun = mocked_result([])
        with mock.patch('monolith.background.c.ApiV3', side_effect=fun):
    r = Run(name='run', strava_id=1, distance=2000, start_date=date.today(), elapsed_time=1000 * 50,
            average_speed=20.12, average_heartrate=0, runner_id=1)
    r = Run(name='run', strava_id=2, distance=3000, start_date=date.today(), elapsed_time=1000 * 50,
            average_speed=17.19, average_heartrate=0, runner_id=1)
    r = Run(name='run', strava_id=3, distance=3000, start_date=date.today(), elapsed_time=1000 * 50,
            average_speed=2.13, average_heartrate=0, runner_id=1)
    rv = client.get("/")
    assert b'13.15 m/s' in rv.data
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_fetch_with_no_valid_token(client, db_instance, background_app, celery_session_worker):
    rv = client.post('/create_user',
                     data=dict(submit='Publish', email='*****@*****.**', firstname='a', lastname='a', password='******',
                               weight='1', max_hr='1', rest_hr='1', vo2max='1', ), follow_redirects=True)
    assert b'Hi Anonymous' in rv.data
    assert db_instance.session.query(User).count() == 1

    rv = client.post('/login', data=dict(email='*****@*****.**', password='******'), follow_redirects=True)

    assert b'Hi [email protected]' in rv.data
    assert b'Authorize Strava Access' in rv.data
    with mock.patch('monolith.views.auth.Client') as mocked:
        mocked.return_value.exchange_code_for_token.return_value = "blablabla"

        fun = mocked_result([])
        with mock.patch('monolith.background.c.ApiV3', side_effect=fun):

        r = db_instance.session.query(User)  # use the db_instance as in a normal not testing file (thx me later)
        u = r.first()
        assert u.strava_token == "blablabla"

    assert db_instance.session.query(User).first().strava_token is None
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_list_of_runs(client, db_instance, background_app, celery_session_worker):
    rv = client.post('/create_user', data=dict(submit='Publish', email='*****@*****.**', firstname='a', lastname='a',
                                               password='******', age='1',
                                               weight='1', max_hr='1', rest_hr='1', vo2max='1'),
    assert b'Hi Anonymous' in rv.data
    assert db_instance.session.query(User).count() == 1
    client.post('/login', data=dict(email='*****@*****.**', password='******'), follow_redirects=True)
    with mock.patch('monolith.views.auth.Client') as mocked:
        mocked.return_value.exchange_code_for_token.return_value = "blablabla"
        fun = mocked_result([])
        with mock.patch('monolith.background.c.ApiV3', side_effect=fun):
    r = Run(name='run', strava_id=1, distance=2000, start_date=date.today(), elapsed_time=1000 * 50,
            average_speed=20.121, average_heartrate=0, runner_id=1)
    r = Run(name='run', strava_id=2, distance=2000, start_date=date.today(), elapsed_time=1000 * 50,
            average_speed=3.211, average_heartrate=0, runner_id=1)
    r = Run(name='run', strava_id=3, distance=3000, start_date=date.today(), elapsed_time=1000 * 50,
            average_speed=17.19, average_heartrate=0, runner_id=1)
    rv = client.get('/')
    assert b' <tr>\n            <td> run </td>\n            <td class="text-center">\n             ' \
           b' <a href="/runs/1"">\n                <img class="icon" src="/static/view.png"/>\n             ' \
           b' </a>\n            </td>\n            <form action="/create_challenge" method="post">\n             ' \
           b' <input type="hidden" name="id_run" value=1 />\n              <td class="text-center">\n              ' \
           b'  <a href="#" onclick="document.forms[1-1].submit()">\n                 ' \
           b' <img class="icon" src="/static/challenge.png"/>\n                </a>\n              </td>\n          ' \
           b'  </form> \n          </tr>\n' in rv.data
    assert b' <tr>\n            <td> run </td>\n            <td class="text-center">\n             ' \
           b' <a href="/runs/2"">\n                <img class="icon" src="/static/view.png"/>\n             ' \
           b' </a>\n            </td>\n            <form action="/create_challenge" method="post">\n             ' \
           b' <input type="hidden" name="id_run" value=2 />\n              <td class="text-center">\n              ' \
           b'  <a href="#" onclick="document.forms[2-1].submit()">\n                 ' \
           b' <img class="icon" src="/static/challenge.png"/>\n                </a>\n              </td>\n          ' \
           b'  </form> \n          </tr>\n' in rv.data
    assert b' <tr>\n            <td> run </td>\n            <td class="text-center">\n             ' \
           b' <a href="/runs/3"">\n                <img class="icon" src="/static/view.png"/>\n             ' \
           b' </a>\n            </td>\n            <form action="/create_challenge" method="post">\n             ' \
           b' <input type="hidden" name="id_run" value=3 />\n              <td class="text-center">\n              ' \
           b'  <a href="#" onclick="document.forms[3-1].submit()">\n                 ' \
           b' <img class="icon" src="/static/challenge.png"/>\n                </a>\n              </td>\n          ' \
           b'  </form> \n          </tr>\n' in rv.data
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_login_delete_strava(client, db_instance, background_app, celery_session_worker):
    rv = client.post('/create_user',
                     data=dict(submit='Publish', email='*****@*****.**', firstname='a', lastname='a', password='******',
                               weight='1', max_hr='1', rest_hr='1', vo2max='1', ), follow_redirects=True)
    assert b'Hi Anonymous' in rv.data
    assert db_instance.session.query(User).count() == 1

    rv = client.post('/login', data=dict(email='*****@*****.**', password='******'), follow_redirects=True)

    assert b'Hi [email protected]' in rv.data
    assert b'Authorize Strava Access' in rv.data
    with mock.patch('monolith.views.auth.Client') as mocked:
        mocked.return_value.exchange_code_for_token.return_value = "blablabla"

        fun = mocked_result([])
        with mock.patch('monolith.background.c.ApiV3', side_effect=fun):
        with mock.patch('monolith.views.auth.Client') as mocked:
            client.post('/remove_user', data=dict(submit='Publish', password='******'), follow_redirects=True)
            assert mocked.return_value.deauthorize.called
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_create_runs(client, background_app, db_instance, celery_session_worker):

    we use client app and db_instance celery_worker creates a celery worker instance for this test so we don't need to
    have the celery program running (we still need redis-server I din't figured out how to start it from here

    :param client:
    :param app:
    :param db_instance:
    :param celery_worker:

    # mock.patch create an object that will be used instead of the one inside brackets
    # monolith.views.auth.Client is stravalib.Client but we need to mock the one in the
    # right context
    with mock.patch('monolith.views.auth.Client') as mocked:
        # mocked.return_value is what is returned when we call Client() so line 17 of views.auth.py
        # mocked.return_value.exchange_code_for_token.return_value is what is returned when we call
        # client().exchange_code_for_token(args...) so line 18 and 19 of views.auth.py
        mocked.return_value.exchange_code_for_token.return_value = "blablabla"
        # create an user with email
        rv = client.post('/create_user',
                         data=dict(submit='Publish', email='*****@*****.**', firstname='a', lastname='a', password='******',
                                   weight='1', max_hr='1', rest_hr='1', vo2max='1', ), follow_redirects=True)
        assert b'Hi Anonymous' in rv.data
        assert db_instance.session.query(User).count() == 1
        # create an user with emaill
        rv = client.post('/create_user',
                         data=dict(submit='Publish', email='*****@*****.**', firstname='a', lastname='a',
                                   weight='1', max_hr='1', rest_hr='1', vo2max='1', ), follow_redirects=True)

        rv = client.post('/login', data=dict(email='*****@*****.**', password='******'), follow_redirects=True)

        assert b'Hi [email protected]' in rv.data
        assert b'Authorize Strava Access' in rv.data

            Alright calling mocked_result from conftest.py
            with what looks like the response we would get if we call client.get_activities...
            result copied from strava api references
        fun = mocked_result([{
            "resource_state": 2,
            "athlete": {
                "id": 134815,
                "resource_state": 1
            "name": "Happy Friday",
            "distance": 24931.4,
            "moving_time": 4500,
            "elapsed_time": 4500,
            "total_elevation_gain": 0,
            "type": "Run",
            "workout_type": None,
            "id": 154504250376823,
            "external_id": "garmin_push_12345678987654321",
            "upload_id": 987654321234567891234,
            "start_date": "2018-05-02T12:15:09Z",
            "start_date_local": "2018-05-02T05:15:09Z",
            "timezone": "(GMT-08:00) America/Los_Angeles",
            "utc_offset": -25200,
            "start_latlng": None,
            "end_latlng": None,
            "location_city": None,
            "location_state": None,
            "location_country": "United States",
            "start_latitude": None,
            "start_longitude": None,
            "achievement_count": 0,
            "kudos_count": 3,
            "comment_count": 1,
            "athlete_count": 1,
            "photo_count": 0,
            "map": {
                "id": "a12345678987654321",
                "summary_polyline": None,
                "resource_state": 2
            "trainer": True,
            "commute": False,
            "manual": False,
            "private": False,
            "flagged": False,
            "gear_id": "b12345678987654321",
            "from_accepted_tag": False,
            "average_speed": 5.54,
            "max_speed": 11,
            "average_cadence": 67.1,
            "average_watts": 175.3,
            "weighted_average_watts": 210,
            "kilojoules": 788.7,
            "device_watts": True,
            "has_heartrate": True,
            "average_heartrate": 140.3,
            "max_heartrate": 178,
            "max_watts": 406,
            "pr_count": 0,
            "total_photo_count": 1,
            "has_kudoed": False,
            "suffer_score": 82
        }, {
            "resource_state": 2,
            "athlete": {
                "id": 167560,
                "resource_state": 1
            "name": "Bondcliff",
            "distance": 23676.5,
            "moving_time": 5400,
            "elapsed_time": 5400,
            "total_elevation_gain": 0,
            "type": "Run",
            "workout_type": None,
            "id": 1234567809,
            "external_id": "garmin_push_12345678987654321",
            "upload_id": 1234567819,
            "start_date": "2018-04-30T12:35:51Z",
            "start_date_local": "2018-04-30T05:35:51Z",
            "timezone": "(GMT-08:00) America/Los_Angeles",
            "utc_offset": -25200,
            "start_latlng": None,
            "end_latlng": None,
            "location_city": None,
            "location_state": None,
            "location_country": "United States",
            "start_latitude": None,
            "start_longitude": None,
            "achievement_count": 0,
            "kudos_count": 4,
            "comment_count": 0,
            "athlete_count": 1,
            "photo_count": 0,
            "map": {
                "id": "a12345689",
                "summary_polyline": None,
                "resource_state": 2
            "trainer": True,
            "commute": False,
            "manual": False,
            "private": False,
            "flagged": False,
            "gear_id": "b12345678912343",
            "from_accepted_tag": False,
            "average_speed": 4.385,
            "max_speed": 8.8,
            "average_cadence": 69.8,
            "average_watts": 200,
            "weighted_average_watts": 214,
            "kilojoules": 1080,
            "device_watts": True,
            "has_heartrate": True,
            "average_heartrate": 152.4,
            "max_heartrate": 183,
            "max_watts": 403,
            "pr_count": 0,
            "total_photo_count": 1,
            "has_kudoed": False,
            "suffer_score": 162

            I've read the fudging source code of stravalib to see that client has this import ApiV3
            and that when we call get_activities will be called ApiV3 get method...

            So now we are mocking ApiV3 with fun which is the result from mocked_result
            fun is a function which when called returns an object with a get method...
            so when i call client.get('/fetch')
            a call to fetch_all_runs will be made which creates an object of type
            stravalib.Client which creates inside of him an object ApiV3 which is a moked
            object with just the get method.

            I've lost my mind yesterday to figure it out,
            ApiV3.get is masked from visibility rules so we need to mask it directly furthermore
            get_activities returns an iterator over an object of the stravalib library
            instead ApiV3.get returns a json!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            So... the arguments passed to mocked_result must be a json object
        with mock.patch('monolith.background.c.ApiV3', side_effect=fun):
            # calling strava_auth with the mocked instance of stravalib.client which set the token then make a call to
            # fetch_runs_for_user
            r = db_instance.session.query(User)  # use the db_instance as in a normal not testing file (thx me later)
            u = r.first()
            assert u.strava_token == 'blablabla'  # this assert prove the usage of the mocked client
            rv = client.get('/fetch')
        # I logout from the this user
        rv = client.get('/logout', follow_redirects=True)

        # create another mocked result with two activities with different id from the previous one
        fun = mocked_result([{
            "resource_state": 2,
            "athlete": {
                "id": 13481,
                "resource_state": 1
            "name": "Happy Friday",
            "distance": 24931.4,
            "moving_time": 4500,
            "elapsed_time": 4500,
            "total_elevation_gain": 0,
            "type": "Run",
            "workout_type": None,
            "id": 15450425037682,  # changed id
            "external_id": "garmin_push_12345678987654321",
            "upload_id": 987654321234567891234,
            "start_date": "2018-05-02T12:15:09Z",
            "start_date_local": "2018-05-02T05:15:09Z",
            "timezone": "(GMT-08:00) America/Los_Angeles",
            "utc_offset": -25200,
            "start_latlng": None,
            "end_latlng": None,
            "location_city": None,
            "location_state": None,
            "location_country": "United States",
            "start_latitude": None,
            "start_longitude": None,
            "achievement_count": 0,
            "kudos_count": 3,
            "comment_count": 1,
            "athlete_count": 1,
            "photo_count": 0,
            "map": {
                "id": "a12345678987654321",
                "summary_polyline": None,
                "resource_state": 2
            "trainer": True,
            "commute": False,
            "manual": False,
            "private": False,
            "flagged": False,
            "gear_id": "b12345678987654321",
            "from_accepted_tag": False,
            "average_speed": 5.54,
            "max_speed": 11,
            "average_cadence": 67.1,
            "average_watts": 175.3,
            "weighted_average_watts": 210,
            "kilojoules": 788.7,
            "device_watts": True,
            "has_heartrate": True,
            "average_heartrate": 140.3,
            "max_heartrate": 178,
            "max_watts": 406,
            "pr_count": 0,
            "total_photo_count": 1,
            "has_kudoed": False,
            "suffer_score": 82
        }, {
            "resource_state": 2,
            "athlete": {
                "id": 16756,
                "resource_state": 1
            "name": "Bondcliff",
            "distance": 23676.5,
            "moving_time": 5400,
            "elapsed_time": 5400,
            "total_elevation_gain": 0,
            "type": "Run",
            "workout_type": None,
            "id": 123456780,  # changed id
            "external_id": "garmin_push_12345678987654321",
            "upload_id": 1234567819,
            "start_date": "2018-04-30T12:35:51Z",
            "start_date_local": "2018-04-30T05:35:51Z",
            "timezone": "(GMT-08:00) America/Los_Angeles",
            "utc_offset": -25200,
            "start_latlng": None,
            "end_latlng": None,
            "location_city": None,
            "location_state": None,
            "location_country": "United States",
            "start_latitude": None,
            "start_longitude": None,
            "achievement_count": 0,
            "kudos_count": 4,
            "comment_count": 0,
            "athlete_count": 1,
            "photo_count": 0,
            "map": {
                "id": "a12345689",
                "summary_polyline": None,
                "resource_state": 2
            "trainer": True,
            "commute": False,
            "manual": False,
            "private": False,
            "flagged": False,
            "gear_id": "b12345678912343",
            "from_accepted_tag": False,
            "average_speed": 4.385,
            "max_speed": 8.8,
            "average_cadence": 69.8,
            "average_watts": 200,
            "weighted_average_watts": 214,
            "kilojoules": 1080,
            "device_watts": True,
            "has_heartrate": True,
            "average_heartrate": 152.4,
            "max_heartrate": 183,
            "max_watts": 403,
            "pr_count": 0,
            "total_photo_count": 1,
            "has_kudoed": False,
            "suffer_score": 162
        # log in with the other user
        rv = client.post('/login', data=dict(email='*****@*****.**', password='******'), follow_redirects=True)
        with mock.patch('monolith.background.c.ApiV3', side_effect=fun):
            r = db_instance.session.query(Run)
            assert r.count() == 4  # I should have 4 runs
            u = db_instance.session.query(User).filter(User.email == '*****@*****.**').first()
            r = db_instance.session.query(Run).filter(Run.runner == u)
            assert r.count() == 2  # but only just 2 run for the user with email == emaill