Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_specified_api_version(self):
     For all API versions >0, we get a generic hello world message
     for api_version in range(1, test_base.get_test_server_api() + 1):
         client = trovebox.Trovebox(config_file=self.config_file, api_version=api_version)
         result = client.get("hello.json")
         self.assertEqual(result["message"], "Hello, world!")
         self.assertEqual(result["result"]["__route__"], "/v%d/hello.json" % api_version)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_specified_api_version(self):
     For all API versions >0, we get a generic hello world message
     for api_version in range(1, test_base.get_test_server_api() + 1):
         client = trovebox.Trovebox(config_file=self.config_file)
         result = client.get("hello.json")
         self.assertEqual(result['message'], "Hello, world!")
                          "/v%d/hello.json" % api_version)
Exemplo n.º 3
    import unittest2 as unittest
except ImportError:
    import unittest

from tests.functional import test_base, test_activities, test_actions
from tests.functional import test_albums, test_photos, test_tags

@unittest.skipIf(test_base.get_test_server_api() < 2,
                 "Don't test future API versions")
class TestActivitiesV2(test_activities.TestActivities):
    api_version = 2

@unittest.skipIf(test_base.get_test_server_api() < 2,
                 "Don't test future API versions")
class TestActionsV2(test_actions.TestActions):
    api_version = 2

@unittest.skipIf(test_base.get_test_server_api() < 2,
                 "Don't test future API versions")
class TestAlbumsV2(test_albums.TestAlbums):
    api_version = 2

@unittest.skipIf(test_base.get_test_server_api() < 2,
                 "Don't test future API versions")
class TestPhotosV2(test_photos.TestPhotos):
    api_version = 2

@unittest.skipIf(test_base.get_test_server_api() < 2,
                 "Don't test future API versions")
class TestTagsV2(test_tags.TestTags):
Exemplo n.º 4
class TestAlbums(test_base.TestBase):
    testcase_name = "album API"

    def test_create_delete(self):
        """ Create an album then delete it """
        album_name = "create_delete_album"
        album = self.client.album.create(album_name)

        # Check the return value
        self.assertEqual(album.name, album_name)
        # Check that the album now exists
        self.assertIn(album_name, [a.name for a in self.client.albums.list()])

        # Delete the album
        # Check that the album is now gone
                         [a.name for a in self.client.albums.list()])

        # Create it again, and delete it using the Album object
        album = self.client.album.create(album_name)
        # Check that the album is now gone
                         [a.name for a in self.client.albums.list()])

    def test_update(self):
        """ Test that an album can be updated """
        # Update the album using the Trovebox class,
        # passing in the album object
        new_name = "New Name"
        self.client.album.update(self.albums[0], name=new_name)

        # Check that the album is updated
        self.albums = self.client.albums.list()
        self.assertEqual(self.albums[0].name, new_name)

        # Update the album using the Trovebox class, passing in the album id
        new_name = "Another New Name"
        self.client.album.update(self.albums[0].id, name=new_name)

        # Check that the album is updated
        self.albums = self.client.albums.list()
        self.assertEqual(self.albums[0].name, new_name)

        # Update the album using the Album object directly

        # Check that the album is updated
        self.albums = self.client.albums.list()
        self.assertEqual(self.albums[0].name, self.TEST_ALBUM)

    @unittest.skipIf(test_base.get_test_server_api() == 1,
                     "update_cover was introduced in APIv2")
    def test_update_cover(self):
        """ Test that an album cover can be updated """
        self.assertNotEqual(self.albums[0].cover.id, self.photos[1].id)
        self.assertEqual(self.albums[0].cover.id, self.photos[1].id)

    @unittest.skipIf(test_base.get_test_server_api() == 1,
                     "includeElements was introduced in APIv2")
    def test_view(self):
        """ Test the album view """
        # Do a view() with includeElements=False, using a fresh Album object
        album = Album(self.client, {"id": self.albums[0].id})
        # Make sure there are no photos reported
        self.assertEqual(album.photos, None)

        # Get the photos with includeElements=True
        # Make sure all photos are in the album
        for photo in self.photos:
            self.assertIn(photo.id, [p.id for p in album.photos])

    def test_add_remove(self):
        """ Test that photos can be added and removed from an album """
        # Make sure all photos are in the album
        album = self.albums[0]
        for photo in self.photos:
            self.assertIn(photo.id, [p.id for p in album.photos])

        # Remove two photos and check that they're gone
        self.assertEqual([p.id for p in album.photos], [self.photos[2].id])

        # Add a photo and check that it's there
        self.assertNotIn(self.photos[0].id, [p.id for p in album.photos])
        self.assertIn(self.photos[1].id, [p.id for p in album.photos])
        self.assertIn(self.photos[2].id, [p.id for p in album.photos])

        # Put the environment back the way we found it
Exemplo n.º 5
    import unittest2 as unittest
except ImportError:
    import unittest
from tests.functional import test_base, test_albums, test_photos, test_tags

@unittest.skipIf(test_base.get_test_server_api() < 2, "Don't test future API versions")
class TestAlbumsV2(test_albums.TestAlbums):
    api_version = 2

@unittest.skipIf(test_base.get_test_server_api() < 2, "Don't test future API versions")
class TestPhotosV2(test_photos.TestPhotos):
    api_version = 2

@unittest.skipIf(test_base.get_test_server_api() < 2, "Don't test future API versions")
class TestTagsV2(test_tags.TestTags):
    api_version = 2
Exemplo n.º 6
    import unittest2 as unittest  # Python2.6
except ImportError:
    import unittest

from tests.functional import test_base

@unittest.skipIf(test_base.get_test_server_api() == 1, "The tag API didn't work at v1 - see frontend issue #927")
class TestTags(test_base.TestBase):
    testcase_name = "tag API"

    def test_create_delete(self, tag_id="create_tag"):
        Create a tag then delete it.
        This test is a little contrived, since the tag create/delete
        endpoints are only intended for internal use.
        # Create a tag
        # Check that the tag doesn't exist (It has no photos, so it's invisible)
        self.assertNotIn(tag_id, [t.id for t in self.client.tags.list()])

        # Create a tag on one of the photos
        # Check that the tag now exists
        self.assertIn(tag_id, [t.id for t in self.client.tags.list()])

        # Delete the tag
        # Check that the tag is now gone