def test_null_types(self):
        Test to validate that the numpy protocol handler can deal with null values.
        @since 3.3.0
         - updated 3.6.0: now numeric types used masked array
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-550
        @expected_result Numpy can handle non mapped types' null values.

        @test_category data_types:serialization
        s = self.session
        s.row_factory = tuple_factory
        s.client_protocol_handler = NumpyProtocolHandler

        table = "%s.%s" % (self.keyspace_name, self.function_table_name)
        create_table_with_all_types(table, s, 10)

        begin_unset = max(
            s.execute('select primkey from %s' % (table, ))[0]['primkey']) + 1
        keys_null = range(begin_unset, begin_unset + 10)

        # scatter some emptry rows in here
        insert = "insert into %s (primkey) values (%%s)" % (table, )
        execute_concurrent_with_args(s, insert, ((k, ) for k in keys_null))

        result = s.execute("select * from %s" % (table, ))[0]

        from import masked, MaskedArray
        result_keys = result.pop('primkey')
        mapped_index = [v[1] for v in sorted(zip(result_keys, count()))]

        had_masked = had_none = False
        for col_array in result.values():
            # these have to be different branches (as opposed to comparing against an 'unset value')
            # because None and `masked` have different identity and equals semantics
            if isinstance(col_array, MaskedArray):
                had_masked = True
                    self.assertIsNot(col_array[i], masked)
                    for i in mapped_index[:begin_unset]
                    self.assertIs(col_array[i], masked)
                    for i in mapped_index[begin_unset:]
                had_none = True
                    for i in mapped_index[:begin_unset]
                    for i in mapped_index[begin_unset:]
    def test_custom_raw_row_results_all_types(self):
        Test to validate that custom protocol handlers work with varying types of

        Connect, create a table with all sorts of data. Query the data, make the sure the custom results handler is
        used correctly.

        @since 2.7
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-313
        @expected_result custom protocol handler is invoked with various result types

        @test_category data_types:serialization
        # Connect using a custom protocol handler that tracks the various types the result message is used with.
        session = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION).connect(keyspace="custserdes")
        session.client_protocol_handler = CustomProtocolHandlerResultMessageTracked
        session.row_factory = tuple_factory

        colnames = create_table_with_all_types("alltypes", session, 1)
        columns_string = ", ".join(colnames)

        # verify data
        params = get_all_primitive_params(0)
        results = session.execute("SELECT {0} FROM alltypes WHERE primkey=0".format(columns_string))[0]
        for expected, actual in zip(params, results):
            self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
        # Ensure we have covered the various primitive types
        self.assertEqual(len(CustomResultMessageTracked.checked_rev_row_set), len(PRIMITIVE_DATATYPES)-1)
 def setUpClass(cls):
     cls.cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
     cls.session = cls.cluster.connect()
     cls.session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE testspace WITH replication = "
                         "{ 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'}")
     cls.colnames = create_table_with_all_types("test_table", cls.session, cls.N_ITEMS)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_custom_raw_row_results_all_types(self):
        Test to validate that custom protocol handlers work with varying types of

        Connect, create a table with all sorts of data. Query the data, make the sure the custom results handler is
        used correctly.

        @since 2.7
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-313
        @expected_result custom protocol handler is invoked with various result types

        @test_category data_types:serialization
        # Connect using a custom protocol handler that tracks the various types the result message is used with.
        cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
        session = cluster.connect(keyspace="custserdes")
        session.client_protocol_handler = CustomProtocolHandlerResultMessageTracked
        session.row_factory = tuple_factory

        colnames = create_table_with_all_types("alltypes", session, 1)
        columns_string = ", ".join(colnames)

        # verify data
        params = get_all_primitive_params(0)
        results = session.execute(
            "SELECT {0} FROM alltypes WHERE primkey=0".format(
        for expected, actual in zip(params, results):
            self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
        # Ensure we have covered the various primitive types
                         len(PRIMITIVE_DATATYPES) - 1)
    def test_null_types(self):
        Test to validate that the numpy protocol handler can deal with null values.
        @since 3.3.0
         - updated 3.6.0: now numeric types used masked array
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-550
        @expected_result Numpy can handle non mapped types' null values.

        @test_category data_types:serialization
        s = self.session
        s.row_factory = tuple_factory
        s.client_protocol_handler = NumpyProtocolHandler

        table = "%s.%s" % (self.keyspace_name, self.function_table_name)
        create_table_with_all_types(table, s, 10)

        begin_unset = max(s.execute('select primkey from %s' % (table,))[0]['primkey']) + 1
        keys_null = range(begin_unset, begin_unset + 10)

        # scatter some emptry rows in here
        insert = "insert into %s (primkey) values (%%s)" % (table,)
        execute_concurrent_with_args(s, insert, ((k,) for k in keys_null))

        result = s.execute("select * from %s" % (table,))[0]

        from import masked, MaskedArray
        result_keys = result.pop('primkey')
        mapped_index = [v[1] for v in sorted(zip(result_keys, count()))]

        had_masked = had_none = False
        for col_array in result.values():
            # these have to be different branches (as opposed to comparing against an 'unset value')
            # because None and `masked` have different identity and equals semantics
            if isinstance(col_array, MaskedArray):
                had_masked = True
                [self.assertIsNot(col_array[i], masked) for i in mapped_index[:begin_unset]]
                [self.assertIs(col_array[i], masked) for i in mapped_index[begin_unset:]]
                had_none = True
                [self.assertIsNotNone(col_array[i]) for i in mapped_index[:begin_unset]]
                [self.assertIsNone(col_array[i]) for i in mapped_index[begin_unset:]]