def test_list(book): # success: defaults assert out(book, list) == [ 'alpha\n', 'bravo\n', 'charlie\n', ] # success: GLOB assert out(book, list, 'a*') == [ 'alpha\n', ] # success: --reverse --sort size assert out(book, list, '-r', '-s', 'size') == [ 'charlie\n', 'bravo\n', 'alpha\n', ] # success: --sort time book['bravo'].time = time.localtime(time.time() + 1) book['charlie'].time = time.localtime(time.time() + 2) book['alpha'].time = time.localtime(time.time() + 3) assert out(book, list, '-s', 'time') == [ 'bravo\n', 'charlie\n', 'alpha\n', ]
def test_find(book): # success: defaults assert out(book, find, 'alpha') == [ 'alpha\n', ] # success: --regex assert out(book, find, r'a\w{3}a', '-r') == [ 'alpha\n', ]
def test_copy(book): # setup dest = book['alpha'].path.replace('alpha', 'dest') # success: defaults assert out(book, copy, 'alpha', 'dest') == [] assert os.path.exists(dest) assert os.path.exists(book['alpha'].path) # failure: dest exists assert out(book, copy, 'bravo', 'charlie') == [ "Error: Note 'charlie' already exists.\n", ]
def test_wget(book): # success: defaults assert out(book, wget, 'alpha', '') == [] assert '<title>Example Domain</title>' in book['alpha'].read() # failure: invalid address assert out(book, wget, 'alpha', 'nope.nope') == [ "Error: Could not find 'http://nope.nope'.\n", ] # failure: nonexistent address num = random.randrange(1000000, 2000000) assert out(book, wget, 'alpha', f'nope{num}.com') == [ f"Error: Could not find 'http://nope{num}.com'.\n", ]
def test_dump(book, tmpdir): # setup dest = tmpdir.join('') # success: defaults assert out(book, dump, dest) == [] with zipfile.ZipFile(dest, 'r') as zipf: assert zipf.namelist() == ['alpha.txt', 'bravo.txt', 'charlie.txt'] assert'alpha.txt').read() == b'alpha' assert'bravo.txt').read() == b'bravobravo' assert'charlie.txt').read() == b'charliecharliecharlie' # success: --level 0 assert out(book, dump, dest, '-l', '0') == [] with zipfile.ZipFile(dest, 'r') as zipf: assert os.stat(dest).st_size == 359
def test_show(book): # setup book['bravo'].write('test ' * 25) # success: defaults assert out(book, show, 'alpha') == [ 'alpha\n', ] # success: --wrap 40 assert out(book, show, 'bravo', '-w', 40) == [ 'test test test test test test test test\n', 'test test test test test test test test\n', 'test test test test test test test test\n', 'test\n', ]
def test_copy(book, monkeypatch): # setup args = [] monkeypatch.setattr(send2trash, 'send2trash', lambda *a: args.extend(a)) # success: defaults assert out(book, drop, 'alpha') == [] assert args == [book['alpha'].path]
def test_list(book): # success: defaults assert out(book, list) == [ 'alpha\n', 'bravo\n', 'charlie\n', ] # success: GLOB assert out(book, list, 'a*') == [ 'alpha\n', ] # success: --reverse --sort size assert out(book, list, '-r', '-s', 'size') == [ 'charlie\n', 'bravo\n', 'alpha\n', ]
def test_edit(book, monkeypatch): # setup args = {} func = lambda a, **k: args.update({'args': a, **k}) monkeypatch.setattr(subprocess, 'run', func) # success: defaults assert out(book, edit, 'alpha') == [] assert args == { 'args': [book['alpha'].path], 'shell': True, } # success: --editor assert out(book, edit, 'alpha', '-e', 'test') == [] assert args == { 'args': ['test', book['alpha'].path], 'shell': True, }
def test_clip(book): # setup (to preserve pre-test clipboard) pre = pyperclip.paste() # success: defaults assert out(book, clip, 'alpha') == [] assert pyperclip.paste() == 'alpha' # teardown pyperclip.copy(pre)
def test_edit(book, monkeypatch): # setup editargs = {} monkeypatch.setattr(click, 'edit', lambda **k: editargs.update(k)) # success: defaults assert out(book, edit, 'alpha') == [] assert editargs == { 'editor': None, 'extension': '.txt', 'filename': book['alpha'].path, } # success: --editor assert out(book, edit, 'alpha', '-e', 'test') == [] assert editargs == { 'editor': 'test', 'extension': '.txt', 'filename': book['alpha'].path, }
def test_repl(book, monkeypatch): # setup args = {} monkeypatch.setattr(code, 'interact', lambda **k: args.update(k)) # success: defaults assert out(book, repl) == [] assert args == { 'banner': VERSION_STRING, 'local': {'book': book, 'group': group}, 'exitmsg': '', }
def test_make(book, tmpdir): # setup file = tmpdir.join('test.txt') file.write('test') # success: default assert out(book, make, 'make') == [] assert 'make' in book assert book['make'].path.endswith('make.txt') assert book['make'].read() == '' # success: --file FILE assert out(book, make, 'make2', '-f', file) == [] assert book['make2'].read() == 'test' # failure: note already exists assert out(book, make, 'alpha') == [ "Error: Note 'alpha' already exists.\n", ] # failure: cannot read file assert out(book, make, 'make3', '-f', 'nope.txt') == [ "Error: Cannot read file 'nope.txt'.\n", ]
def test_group(book): # success assert out(book, mock, 'test') == [f'{book.dire}\n', 'test\n'] # success: version callback assert out(book, mock, '-v') == [f'{VERSION_STRING}\n']