Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_compute_breakdata_2(self):
     funs = np.array([self.fun0, self.fun1])
     breaks = compute_breakdata(funs)
     x, y = list(breaks.keys()), list(breaks.values())
     self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(x-np.array([-1,0,1])), eps)
                                              np.exp(1)])), 2*eps)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test__add__radd__constant(self):
     xx = self.xx
     for (fun, funlen, _) in testfunctions:
         for const in (-1, 1, 10, -1e5):
             f = lambda x: const + fun(x)
             techfun = Chebtech2.initfun_fixedlen(fun, funlen)
             f1 = const + techfun
             f2 = techfun + const
             tol = 5e1 * eps * abs(const)
             self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(f(xx)-f1(xx)), tol)
             self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(f(xx)-f2(xx)), tol)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test__add__radd__constant(self):
     subinterval = Interval(-.5,.9)
     xx = subinterval(self.yy)
     for (fun, _, _) in testfunctions:
         for const in (-1, 1, 10, -1e5):
             f = lambda x: const + fun(x)
             bndfun = Bndfun.initfun_adaptive(fun, subinterval)
             f1 = const + bndfun
             f2 = bndfun + const
             tol = 4e1 * eps * abs(const)
             self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(f(xx)-f1(xx)), tol)
             self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(f(xx)-f2(xx)), tol)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test__mul__rmul__constant(self):
     xx = self.xx
     for (fun, funlen, _) in testfunctions:
         for const in (-1, 1, 10, -1e5):
             techfun = Chebtech2.initfun_fixedlen(fun, funlen)
             f = lambda x: const * fun(x)
             g = lambda x: fun(x) * const
             ff = const * techfun
             gg = techfun * const
             tol = 5e1 * eps * abs(const)
             self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(f(xx)-ff(xx)), tol)
             self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(g(xx)-gg(xx)), tol)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test__mul__rmul__constant(self):
     subinterval = Interval(-.5,.9)
     xx = subinterval(self.yy)
     for (fun, _, _) in testfunctions:
         for const in (-1, 1, 10, -1e5):
             bndfun = Bndfun.initfun_adaptive(fun, subinterval)
             f = lambda x: const * fun(x)
             g = lambda x: fun(x) * const
             ff = const * bndfun
             gg = bndfun * const
             tol = 4e1 * eps * abs(const)
             self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(f(xx)-ff(xx)), tol)
             self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(g(xx)-gg(xx)), tol)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_truediv_constant(self):
     xx = self.xx
     for (fun, funlen, hasRoots) in testfunctions:
         for const in (-1, 1, 10, -1e5):
             tol = eps*abs(const)
             techfun = Chebtech2.initfun_fixedlen(fun, funlen)
             g = lambda x: fun(x) / const
             gg = techfun / const
             self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(g(xx)-gg(xx)), 2*gg.size*tol)
             # don't do the following test for functions with roots
             if not hasRoots:
                 f = lambda x: const / fun(x)
                 ff = const / techfun
                 self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(f(xx)-ff(xx)), 3*ff.size*tol)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test__call__general_evaluation(self):
     f = lambda x: sin(4*x) + exp(cos(14*x)) - 1.4
     npts = 50000
     dom1 = [-1,1]
     dom2 = [-1,0,1]
     dom3 = [-2,-0.3,1.2]
     ff1 = Chebfun.initfun_adaptive(f, dom1)
     ff2 = Chebfun.initfun_adaptive(f, dom2)
     ff3 = Chebfun.initfun_adaptive(f, dom3)
     x1 = np.linspace(dom1[0], dom1[-1], npts)
     x2 = np.linspace(dom2[0], dom2[-1], npts)
     x3 = np.linspace(dom3[0], dom3[-1], npts)
     self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(f(x1)-ff1(x1)), 5e1*eps)
     self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(f(x2)-ff2(x2)), 2e1*eps)
     self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(f(x3)-ff3(x3)), 5e1*eps)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_truediv_constant(self):
     subinterval = Interval(-.5,.9)
     xx = subinterval(self.yy)
     for (fun, _, hasRoots) in testfunctions:
         for const in (-1, 1, 10, -1e5):
             hscl = abs(subinterval).max()
             tol = hscl * eps * abs(const)
             bndfun = Bndfun.initfun_adaptive(fun, subinterval)
             g = lambda x: fun(x) / const
             gg = bndfun / const
             self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(g(xx)-gg(xx)), 3*gg.size*tol)
             # don't do the following test for functions with roots
             if not hasRoots:
                 f = lambda x: const / fun(x)
                 ff = const / bndfun
                 self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(f(xx)-ff(xx)), 2*ff.size*tol)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test__mul__rmul__constant(self):
     for (f, _, _) in testfunctions:
         for c in (-1, 1, 10, -1e5):
             for dom, _ in chebfun_testdomains:
                 a,b = dom
                 xx = np.linspace(a, b, 1001)
                 ff = Chebfun.initfun_adaptive(f, np.linspace(a, b, 11))
                 g = lambda x: c * f(x)
                 gg1 = c * ff
                 gg2 = ff * c
                 vscl = ff.vscale
                 hscl = ff.hscale
                 lscl = max([fun.size for fun in ff])
                 tol = 2*abs(c)*vscl*hscl*lscl*eps
                 self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(g(xx)-gg1(xx)), tol)
                 self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(g(xx)-gg2(xx)), tol)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_cumsum(self):
     xx = np.linspace(-5,5,10000)
     for f in [self.f1, self.f2, self.f3, self.f4]:
         a, b = f.support
         x = xx[(xx>a)&(xx<b)]
         fa = self.If(a)
         self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(f.cumsum()(x)-self.If(x)+fa), 3*eps)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_onefun_construction(self):
     coeffs = np.random.rand(10)
     subinterval = Interval()
     onefun = Chebtech2(coeffs)
     f = Bndfun(onefun, subinterval)
     self.assertIsInstance(f, Bndfun)
     self.assertLess(infnorm(f.coeffs-coeffs), eps)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_minimum_multipiece(self):
     x = chebfun('x', np.linspace(-2,3,11))
     y = chebfun(2, x.domain)
     g = (x**y).minimum(1.5)
     t = np.linspace(-2,3,2001)
     f = lambda x: np.minimum(x**2,1.5)
     self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(f(t)-g(t)), 1e1*eps)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def test_copy(self):
     ff = self.ff
     gg = self.ff.copy()
     self.assertEquals(ff, ff)
     self.assertEquals(gg, gg)
     self.assertNotEquals(ff, gg)
     self.assertEquals(infnorm(ff.coeffs-gg.coeffs), 0)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def test_simplify(self):
     interval = Interval(-2,1)
     ff = Bndfun.initfun_fixedlen(self.f, interval, 1000)
     gg = ff.simplify()
     self.assertEqual(gg.size, standard_chop(ff.onefun.coeffs))
     self.assertEqual(infnorm(ff.coeffs[:gg.size]-gg.coeffs), 0)
     self.assertEqual(ff.interval, gg.interval)
Exemplo n.º 15
 def tester(self):
     vscl = max([ff.vscale, gg.vscale])
     lscl = max([ff.size, gg.size])
     self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(fg(self.xx)-FG(self.xx)), 3*vscl*lscl*eps)
     if binop is operator.mul:
         # check simplify is not being called in __mul__
         self.assertEqual(fg.size, ff.size+gg.size-1)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def tester(self):
     vscl = max([ff.vscale, gg.vscale])
     hscl = max([ff.hscale, gg.hscale])
     lscl = max([fun.size for fun in np.append(ff.funs, gg.funs)])
     self.assertEqual(ff.funs.size, n)
     self.assertEqual(gg.funs.size, m)
     self.assertEqual(fg.funs.size, n+m-1)
     self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(fg(xx)-FG(xx)), vscl*hscl*lscl*tol)
Exemplo n.º 17
 def test_identity_construction(self):
     for (a,b) in [(-1,1), (-10,-2), (-2.3, 1.24), (20,2000)]:
         itvl = Interval(a,b)
         ff = Bndfun.initidentity(itvl)
         self.assertEquals(ff.size, 2)
         xx = np.linspace(a,b,1001)
         tol = eps * abs(itvl).max()
         self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(ff(xx)-xx), tol)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def test_rpow_const(self):
     xx = self.xx
     for (fun, funlen) in [(np.sin, 15), (np.exp,15)]:
         for c in (1, 2):
             techfun = Chebtech2.initfun_fixedlen(fun, funlen)
             g = lambda x: c ** fun(x)
             gg = c ** techfun
             tol = 2e1 * eps * abs(c)
             self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(g(xx)-gg(xx)), tol)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def test_pow_const(self):
     xx = self.xx
     for (fun, funlen) in [(np.sin, 15), (np.exp,15)]:
         for c in (1, 2):
             techfun = Chebtech2.initfun_fixedlen(fun, funlen)
             f = lambda x: fun(x) ** c
             ff = techfun ** c
             tol = 2e1 * eps * abs(c)
             self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(f(xx)-ff(xx)), tol)
Exemplo n.º 20
 def test__break_2(self):
     altdom = Domain([-2,3])
     newdom = self.f1.domain.union(altdom)
     f1_new = self.f1._break(newdom)
     self.assertEqual(f1_new.domain, newdom)
     self.assertNotEqual(f1_new.domain, altdom)
     xx = np.linspace(-2,3,1000)
     error = infnorm(self.f1(xx)-f1_new(xx))
     self.assertLessEqual(error, 3*eps)
Exemplo n.º 21
 def test_rpow_const(self):
     subinterval = Interval(-.5,.9)
     xx = subinterval(self.yy)
     for func in (np.sin, np.exp, np.cos):
         for c in (1, 2):
             f = lambda x: c ** func(x)
             ff = c ** Bndfun.initfun_adaptive(func, subinterval)
             tol = 1e1 * eps * abs(c)
             self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(f(xx)-ff(xx)), tol)
Exemplo n.º 22
 def test__break_3(self):
     altdom = Domain(np.linspace(-2,3,1000))
     newdom = self.f2.domain.union(altdom)
     f2_new = self.f2._break(newdom)
     self.assertEqual(f2_new.domain, newdom)
     self.assertNotEqual(f2_new.domain, altdom)
     self.assertNotEqual(f2_new.domain, self.f2.domain)
     xx = np.linspace(-2,3,1000)
     error = infnorm(self.f2(xx)-f2_new(xx))
     self.assertLessEqual(error, 3*eps)
Exemplo n.º 23
 def test_coeffmult(self):
     f, g = self.f, self.g
     fn, gn = self.fn, self.gn
     hn = fn + gn - 1
     h  = lambda x: self.f(x) * self.g(x)
     fc = Chebtech2.initfun(f, fn).prolong(hn).coeffs
     gc = Chebtech2.initfun(g, gn).prolong(hn).coeffs
     hc = coeffmult(fc, gc)
     HC = Chebtech2.initfun(h, hn).coeffs
     self.assertLessEqual( infnorm(hc-HC), 2e1*eps)
Exemplo n.º 24
 def test_initidentity(self):
     _doms = (
     for _dom in _doms:
         ff = Chebfun.initidentity(_dom)
         a, b = ff.support
         xx = np.linspace(a, b, 1001)
         tol = eps * ff.hscale
         self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(ff(xx)-xx), tol)
     # test the default case
     ff = Chebfun.initidentity()
     a, b = ff.support
     xx = np.linspace(a, b, 1001)
     tol = eps * ff.hscale
     self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(ff(xx)-xx), tol)     
Exemplo n.º 25
 def test_initvalues(self):
     # test n = 0 case separately
     vals = np.random.rand(0)
     fun = Chebtech2.initvalues(vals)
     cfs = Chebtech2._vals2coeffs(vals)
     # now test the other cases
     for n in range(1,10):
         vals = np.random.rand(n)
         fun = Chebtech2.initvalues(vals)
         cfs = Chebtech2._vals2coeffs(vals)
         self.assertEqual(infnorm(fun.coeffs-cfs), 0.)
Exemplo n.º 26
 def test_simplify(self):
     gg = self.ff.simplify()
     # check that simplify is calling standard_chop underneath
     self.assertEqual(gg.size, standard_chop(self.ff.coeffs))
     self.assertEqual(infnorm(self.ff.coeffs[:gg.size]-gg.coeffs), 0)
     # check we are returned a copy of self's coeffcients by changing
     # one entry of gg
     fcfs = self.ff.coeffs
     gcfs = gg.coeffs
     gg.coeffs[0] = 1
Exemplo n.º 27
 def test_x_property(self):
     _doms = (
     for _dom in _doms:
         f = Chebfun.initfun_fixedlen(sin, 1000, _dom)
         x = f.x
         a, b = x.support
         pts = np.linspace(a, b, 1001)
         tol = eps * f.hscale
         self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(x(pts)-pts), tol)
Exemplo n.º 28
 def test_truediv_constant(self):
     for (f, _, hasRoots) in testfunctions:
         for c in (-1, 1, 10, -1e5):
             for dom, _ in chebfun_testdomains:
                 a,b = dom
                 xx = np.linspace(a, b, 1001)
                 ff = Chebfun.initfun_adaptive(f, np.linspace(a, b, 11))
                 g = lambda x: f(x) / c
                 gg = ff / c
                 vscl = gg.vscale
                 hscl = gg.hscale
                 lscl = max([fun.size for fun in gg])
                 tol = 2*abs(c)*vscl*hscl*lscl*eps
                 self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(g(xx)-gg(xx)), tol)
                 # don't do the following test for functions with roots
                 if not hasRoots:
                     h = lambda x: c / f(x)
                     hh = c / ff
                     vscl = hh.vscale
                     hscl = hh.hscale
                     lscl = max([fun.size for fun in hh])
                     tol = 2*abs(c)*vscl*hscl*lscl*eps
                     self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(h(xx)-hh(xx)), tol)
Exemplo n.º 29
 def test_rpow_constant(self):
     for ((_,_), (f, _)) in powtestfuns:
         for c in (1, 2, 3):
             for dom, _ in powtestdomains:
                 a,b = dom
                 xx = np.linspace(a, b, 1001)
                 ff = Chebfun.initfun_adaptive(f, np.linspace(a, b, 11))
                 g = lambda x: c ** f(x)
                 gg = c ** ff
                 vscl = gg.vscale
                 hscl = gg.hscale
                 lscl = max([fun.size for fun in gg])
                 tol = 2*abs(c)*vscl*hscl*lscl*eps
                 self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(g(xx)-gg(xx)), tol)
Exemplo n.º 30
 def test_restrict_(self):
     # test a variety of domains with breaks
     doms = [(-4,4), (-4,0,4), (-2,-1, 0.3, 1, 2.5)]
     for dom in doms:
         ff = Chebfun.initfun_fixedlen(cos, 25, domain=dom)
         # define some arbitrary subdomains
         yy = np.linspace(dom[0], dom[-1], 11)
         subdoms = [yy, yy[2:7], yy[::2]]
         for subdom in subdoms:
             xx = np.linspace(subdom[0], subdom[-1], 1001)
             gg = ff._restrict(subdom)
             vscl = ff.vscale
             hscl = ff.hscale
             lscl = max([fun.size for fun in ff])
             tol = vscl*hscl*lscl*eps
             # sample the restricted function and comapre with original
             self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(ff(xx)-gg(xx)), tol)
             # check there are at least as many funs as subdom elements
             self.assertGreaterEqual(len(gg.funs), len(subdom)-1)
             for fun in gg:
                 # chec each fun has length 25
                 self.assertEqual(fun.size, 25)
Exemplo n.º 31
 def test_coeffs2vals_size1(self):
     for k in np.arange(10):
         ak = np.array([k])
         self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(_coeffs2vals(ak)-ak), eps)
Exemplo n.º 32
 def tester(self):
     vscl = ff.vscale
     hscl = ff.hscale
     lscl = max([fun.size for fun in ff])
     self.assertEqual(ff.funs.size, gg.funs.size)
     self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(gg(xx)-GG(xx)), vscl*hscl*lscl*tol)
Exemplo n.º 33
 def test_vals2coeffs_size1(self):
     for k in np.arange(10):
         fk = np.array([k])
         self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(_vals2coeffs(fk)-fk), eps)
Exemplo n.º 34
 def test_breakpoint_roots_1(self):
     rts = self.f2.roots()
     self.assertEqual(rts.size, 5)
     self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(rts - self.f2.breakpoints), eps)
Exemplo n.º 35
 def test_multiple_pieces(self):
     rts = self.f1.roots()
     self.assertEqual(rts.size, 80)
     self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(rts - np.arange(-9.875, 10, .25)),
                          10 * eps)
Exemplo n.º 36
 def test_restrict(self):
     i1 = Interval(-1, 1)
     gg = self.ff.restrict(i1)
     yy = np.linspace(-1, 1, 1000)
     self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(self.ff(yy) - gg(yy)), 1e2 * eps)
Exemplo n.º 37
 def tester(self):
     self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(gg(self.xx)-GG(self.xx)), 4e1*eps)
Exemplo n.º 38
 def test_maps(self):
     yy = -1 + 2 * np.random.rand(1000)
     interval = Interval(-2,3)
     vals = interval.invmap(interval(yy)) - yy
     self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(vals), eps)
Exemplo n.º 39
 def test_breakpoint_roots_2(self):
     rts = self.f3.roots()
     self.assertEqual(rts.size, 81)
     self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(rts-arange(-10,10.25,.25)), 1e1*eps)
Exemplo n.º 40
 def tester(self):
     absdiff = infnorm(ff.diff().coeffs - gg.coeffs)
     self.assertLessEqual(absdiff, tol)
Exemplo n.º 41
 def tester(self):
     absdiff = infnorm(ff.cumsum().coeffs - coeffs)
     self.assertLessEqual(absdiff, tol)
Exemplo n.º 42
 def test_coeff_construction(self):
     coeffs = np.random.rand(10)
     f = Chebtech2(coeffs)
     self.assertIsInstance(f, Chebtech2)
     self.assertLess(infnorm(f.coeffs-coeffs), eps)
Exemplo n.º 43
 def test_call_bary_vs_clenshaw(self):
     b = self.ff(self.xx, "clenshaw")
     c = self.ff(self.xx, "bary")
     self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(b - c), 2e2 * eps)
Exemplo n.º 44
 def tester(self):
     vscl = max([ff.vscale, gg.vscale])
     lscl = max([ff.size, gg.size])
     xx = subinterval(self.yy)
     self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(fg(xx) - FG(xx)), 6 * vscl * lscl * eps)
Exemplo n.º 45
 def tester(self):
     vscl = max([ff.vscale, gg.vscale])
     hscl = max([ff.hscale, gg.hscale])
     lscl = max([fun.size for fun in append(ff.funs, gg.funs)])
     self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(fg(xx)-ffgg), vscl*hscl*lscl*tol)
Exemplo n.º 46
 def test_initidentity(self):
     x = Chebtech2.initidentity()
     s = -1 + 2*np.random.rand(10000)
     self.assertEqual(infnorm(s-x(s)), 0.)
Exemplo n.º 47
 def tester(self):
     xx = subinterval(self.yy)
     self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(gg(xx) - GG(xx)), 4e1 * eps)
Exemplo n.º 48
 def tester(self):
     xx = interval(self.yy)
     vscl = GG.vscale
     lscl = GG.size
     self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(gg(xx) - GG(xx)), vscl * lscl * tol)
Exemplo n.º 49
 def tester(self):
     self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(rts - roots), tol)
Exemplo n.º 50
 def tester(self):
     xx = interval(self.yy)
     vscl = GG.vscale
     lscl = sum([fun.size for fun in GG])
     self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(gg(xx)-GG(xx)), vscl*lscl*tol)
Exemplo n.º 51
 def asserter(self):
     coeffs = np.random.rand(n)
     values = _coeffs2vals(coeffs)
     _coeffs_ = _vals2coeffs(values)
     self.assertLessEqual( infnorm(coeffs-_coeffs_), scaled_tol(n) )
Exemplo n.º 52
 def test_diff(self):
     xx = linspace(-5,5,10000)
     for f in [self.f1, self.f2, self.f3, self.f4]:
         a, b = f.support
         x = xx[(xx>a)&(xx<b)]
         self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(f.diff()(x)-self.df(x)), 2e3*eps)
Exemplo n.º 53
 def test_compute_breakdata_1(self):
     funs = array([self.fun0])
     breaks = compute_breakdata(funs)
     x, y = list(breaks.keys()), list(breaks.values())
     self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(x - array([-1, 0])), eps)
     self.assertLessEqual(infnorm(y - array([exp(-1), exp(0)])), 2 * eps)