Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_get_results_incorrect_uid(self, app):
        GET /api/questions/<question_id>/results: attempt to retrieve question with invalid uid
        uid_one = set_test_cookie(app)
        question_one_id = build_question("Question 1", uid_one)["_id"]

        uid_two = set_test_cookie(app)
        question_two_id = build_question("Question 2", uid_two)["_id"]

        res = app.get(f"/api/questions/{question_one_id}/results")
        assert res.status_code == 401

        res = app.get(f"/api/questions/{question_two_id}/results")
        assert res.status_code == 200
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_get_results_uid_accuracy(self, app):
        GET /api/questions/results: validate accuracy on retrieved results for a particular user
        uid = set_test_cookie(app)

        number_of_questions = 10
        questions = build_questions(uid, number_of_questions)

        result_value = 5
        questions = seed_questions_with_sample_results(questions, result_value)

        res = app.get(f"/api/questions/results")
        assert res.status_code == 200

        results = res.json.get("results")
        assert results

        expected_avg = (number_of_questions *
                        result_value) / number_of_questions
        expected_total = number_of_questions * result_value

        number_of_pauses = results.get("number_of_pauses")
        assert number_of_pauses["avg"] == expected_avg
        assert number_of_pauses["total"] == expected_total

        words_per_minute = results.get("words_per_minute")
        assert words_per_minute["avg"] == expected_avg
        assert words_per_minute["total"] == expected_total
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_submit_answer_201(self, app):
        POST /api/questions/<question_id>/answer: submit proper file and check local directories
        uid = set_test_cookie(app)
        question_id = build_question("test question", uid)["_id"]

        webm_path = f"{TMP_DIR}/{question_id}{WEBM_EXT}"
        webm = generate_sample_webm(question_id)
        assert webm
        assert os.path.exists(webm_path)

        res = app.post(
        assert res.status_code == 201

        question_response = res.json.get("question")
        assert question_response
        assert len(question_response) >= 1

        blob_path = f"{uid}/{question_id}{WEBM_EXT}"
        blob_url = res.json.get("question").get("answer")
        assert blob_url
        assert blob_url == get_test_blob_url(blob_path)

        cleanup_webm(uid, question_id)
        assert os.path.exists(webm_path) is False
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_get_results_uid_404(self, app):
        GET /api/questions/results: attempt to retrieve results without valid questions
        uid = set_test_cookie(app)

        res = app.get(f"/api/questions/results")
        assert res.status_code == 404
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_get_results_404(self, app):
        GET /api/questions/<question_id>/results: provide invalid question_id
        uid = set_test_cookie(app)

        res = app.get(f"/api/questions/{new_id()}/results")
        assert res.status_code == 404
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_get_results_uid_200(self, app):
        GET /api/questions/results: retrieve valid results
        uid = set_test_cookie(app)
        build_question("Question 1", uid)

        res = app.get(f"/api/questions/results")
        assert res.status_code == 200
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_get_results_200(self, app):
        GET /api/questions/<question_id>/results: retrieve results for a valid [uid:question_id] combination
        uid = set_test_cookie(app)
        question_id = build_question("Question 1", uid)["_id"]

        res = app.get(f"/api/questions/{question_id}/results")
        assert res.status_code == 200
        assert res.json.get("result")
        assert len(res.json.get("result")) >= 1
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_submit_answer_400(self, app):
        POST /api/questions/<question_id>/answer: uses malformed file ending
        uid = set_test_cookie(app)

        file = dict(audio=(io.BytesIO(str.encode(uid)), "test.txt"))
        res = app.post(
        assert res.status_code == 400
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_get_question_200(self, app):
        uid = set_test_cookie(app)
        question_doc = build_question("test question", uid)

        res = app.get(f"/api/questions/{question_doc['_id']}")
        assert res.status_code == 200

        question = res.json.get("question")
        assert question

        question_doc = find_question_by_id(question["_id"])
        assert question_doc
        assert question_doc["description"] == question["description"]
        assert question_doc["user_id"] == question["user_id"]
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_add_questions_use_cookie(self, app):
        POST /api/questions: uses existing cookie sent with request
        uid = set_test_cookie(app)
        res = app.post("/api/questions", json=dict(questions=["question 1"]))

        assert res.status_code == 201
        assert not res.headers.get("Set-Cookie")
        assert len(res.json["questions"]) == 1

        question = find_question_by_id(res.json["questions"][0])
        assert question
        assert question["user_id"] == uid
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_get_questions_200(self, app):
        uid = set_test_cookie(app)

        question_docs = build_questions(uid, 10)

        res = app.get(f"/api/questions")
        assert res.status_code == 200

        questions_response = res.json.get("questions")
        assert len(questions_response) == 10

        for question in questions_response:
            question_doc = find(lambda q: q["_id"] == question["_id"],
            assert question_doc
            assert question_doc["created_on"] == question["created_on"]
            assert question_doc["description"] == question["description"]
            assert question_doc["user_id"] == question["user_id"]
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_get_questions_404(self, app):
        uid = set_test_cookie(app)

        res = app.get(f"/api/questions")
        assert res.status_code == 404