Exemplo n.º 1
def test_filter_product():
    p = Product((Range(5), "x"), (Range(5), "y"))
    q = Qit()

    f = Function("filter").returns(Bool()).takes(p.type, "p").code("return p.x == p.y;")

    q.run(p.iterate().filter(f)) == [(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4)]
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_product_copy():
    p = Product("P", (Range(4), "x"), (Range(4), "y"))

    p2 = p.copy()
    p2.set("x", Range(2))

    q = Product("Q", (p, "p1"), (p, "p2"))

    q2 = q.copy()
    q2.set_generator("p2", p2.generator)
    q2.set_iterator("p1", p2.iterator)

    v_r4 = list(range(4))
    v_r2 = list(range(2))
    v_p = list(itertools.product(v_r4, v_r4))
    v_p2 = list(itertools.product(v_r2, v_r4))
    v_q2_generator = set(itertools.product(v_p, v_p2))
    v_q2_iterator = set(itertools.product(v_p2, v_p))

    c = Qit()
    for v in c.run(q2.generate().take(200).collect()):
        assert v in v_q2_generator

    result = c.run(q2.iterate().collect())
    assert len(v_q2_iterator) == len(result)
    assert v_q2_iterator == set(result)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_iterator_first_default_value():
    ctx = Qit()
    fn = Function().takes(Int(), "a").returns(Int()).code("return a > 100;")
    result = ctx.run(Range(91, 120, 2).iterate().filter(fn).first(111))
    assert result == 101
    result = ctx.run(Range(10, 20, 2).iterate().filter(fn).first(111))
    assert result == 111
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_iterator_first_maybe():
    ctx = Qit()
    fn = Function().takes(Int(), "a").returns(Int()).code("return a > 100;")
    result = ctx.run(Range(91, 120, 2).iterate().filter(fn).first_maybe())
    assert result == ("Just", 101)
    result = ctx.run(Range(10, 20, 2).iterate().filter(fn).first_maybe())
    assert result == ("Nothing", None)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_iterator_first_no_default():
    ctx = Qit()
    fn = Function().takes(Int(), "a").returns(Int()).code("return a > 100;")
    result = ctx.run(Range(91, 120, 2).iterate().filter(fn).first())
    assert result == 101
    with pytest.raises(ProgramCrashed):
        ctx.run(Range(10, 20, 2).iterate().filter(fn).first())
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_map_value():
    ctx = Qit()
    m = { 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3 }
    assert ctx.run(Map(Int(), Int()).value(m)) == m

    m = { (1, 2) : (2, 1), (3, 4): (4, 3), (5, 6): (6, 5) }
    s = Struct(Int(), Int())
    assert ctx.run(Map(s, s).value(m)) == m
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_map_variable():
    ctx = Qit()
    m = Variable(Map(Int(), Int()), "m")
    assert ctx.run(m, args={m: { 2: 1, 1: 2 }}) == { 2: 1, 1: 2 }

    m = Map(Int(), Int() * Int())
    x = Variable(Int(), "x")
    assert ctx.run(m.value({1: (x, 20)}), args={x: 123}) == {1: (123, 20)}
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_filter_map():
    r = Range(5)
    q = Qit()

    f = Function("f").returns(Int()).takes(Int(), "r").code("return r * 2;")
    g = Function("g").returns(Bool()).takes(Int(), "x").code("return x == 4;")
    h = Function("h").returns(Int()).takes(Int(), "r").code("return r + 1;")

    q.run(r.iterate().map(f).filter(g).map(h)) == 5
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_bool_variable():
    ctx = Qit()
    x = Variable(Bool(), "x")

    result = ctx.run(x, args={x: True})
    assert result is True

    result = ctx.run(x, args={x: False})
    assert result is False
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_product_values():
    ctx = Qit()
    p = Range(4) * Range(10)
    v = p.values((0, 0), (1, 7), (3, 2))

    result = ctx.run(v.iterate())
    assert [(0, 0), (1, 7), (3, 2)] == result

    result = ctx.run(v.generate().take(100))
    assert all(i in ((0, 0), (1, 7), (3, 2)) for i in result)
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_range_size():
    ctx = Qit()
    r = Range(11)
    assert ctx.run(r.size) == 11

    start = Variable(Int(), "start")
    end = Variable(Int(), "end")
    step = Variable(Int(), "step")
    r = Range(start, end, step)
    assert ctx.run(r.size, args={ "start" : 5, "end" : 10, "step" : 1 }) == 5
    assert ctx.run(r.size, args={ "start" : 5, "end" : 10, "step" : 2 }) == 2
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_range_indexer():
    ctx = Qit()
    r = Range(10)
    ctx.run(r.indexer(5)) == 5

    start = Variable(Int(), "start")
    end = Variable(Int(), "end")
    step = Variable(Int(), "step")
    r = Range(start, end, step)
    result = ctx.run(r.iterate().map(r.indexer), args={"start" : 5, "end": 21, "step" : 3})
    assert result == list(range(6))
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_run_circular_deps():
    ctx = Qit()

    x = Int().variable("x")
    y = Int().variable("y")

    with pytest.raises(QitException):
        ctx.run(x, args = {
            x : y,
            y : x,
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_union_different_types():
    ctx = Qit()
    a = Int()
    b = Int() * Int()
    c = Vector(b)
    d = Set(a)
    e = Map(b, c)
    u = Union(A=a, B=b, C=c, D=d, E=e, G=None)
    assert ctx.run(u.value(("B", (25, 16)))) == ("B", (25, 16))
    assert ctx.run(u.value(("C", [(25, 16), (3, -2)]))) == ("C", [(25, 16), (3, -2)])
    assert ctx.run(u.value(("G", None))) == ("G", None)
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_basic_functor():
    ctx = Qit()

    f_functor = Functor("f_functor", Int(), (Int(), "x"), (Int(), "y"))
    f = Function("f").takes(Int(), "x").takes(Int(), "y").returns(Int()).code("return x + y;")
    g = Function("g").takes(f_functor, "f")\
                     .takes(Int(), "x")\
                     .takes(Int(), "y")\
    g.code("return f(x, y);")
    assert ctx.run(g(f_functor.value(f), 3, 4)) == 7

    f_functor = FunctorFromFunction(f)
    assert ctx.run(g(f_functor.value(f), -2, 4)) == 2
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_filter_empty():
    r = Range(5)
    q = Qit()

    f = Function("filter").returns(Bool()).takes(r.type, "r").code("return false;")

    assert len(q.run(r.iterate().filter(f))) == 0
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_union_sort():
    ctx = Qit()
    u = Union(A=Int(), B=None, C=Int())
    v = (("A", 10), ("B", None), ("C", 5), ("B", None), ("C", 5), ("A", 0), ("A", 20))
    values = u.values(*v)
    result = ctx.run(values.iterate().sort())
    assert result == sorted(v)
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_system_rule_variable():
    ctx = Qit()
    x = Variable(Int(), "x")
    f = Function("f").takes(Int(), "a").returns(Int()).reads(x).code("return x;")
    s = System(Int().values(5), (f,))
    result = ctx.run(s.states(3).iterate(), args={"x": 5})
    assert result == [5]
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_filter_even():
    r = Range(5)
    q = Qit()

    f = Function("filter").returns(Bool()).takes(r.type, "r").code("return r % 2 == 0;")

    assert q.run(r.iterate().filter(f)) == [0, 2, 4]
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_vector_values():
    ctx = Qit()
    s1 = [(1, 2), (3, 4), (7, 7)]
    s2 = [(1, 1), (2, 2)]
    s3 = []
    s4 = [(4, 4), (4, 4), (4, 4)]

    p = Int() * Int()
    s = Vector(p)
    v = s.values(s1, s2, s3, s4)

    result = ctx.run(v.iterate())
    assert result == [s1, s2, s3, s4]

    result = ctx.run(v.generate().take(150))
    assert all(i in [s1, s2, s3, s4] for i in result)
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_range_variable_generate():
    c = Qit()
    x = Variable(Int(), "x")
    r = Range(x).generate().take(30)
    result = c.run(r, { "x": 3 })
    for i in result:
        assert 0 <= i < 3
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_system_in_product():
    ctx = Qit()
    f = Function("f").takes(Int(), "x").returns(Int()).code("return x * 10;")
    g = Function("g").takes(Int(), "x").returns(Vector(Int())).code("return { x + 1, x + 2 };")

    v = Int().values(10, 20)
    s = System(v, (f,g))

    D = s.states(2)
    P = Product(D, D)

    values = ctx.run(D.iterate().take(1000))
    pairs = set(itertools.product(values, values))
    result = ctx.run(P.iterate().take(1000))
    assert len(result) == 484 # 22 * 22
    assert pairs == set(result)
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_map_in_map():
    def prepare_map (start, size):
        return dict((start + i, start * i) for i in range(size))

    ctx = Qit()
    d = dict((i, prepare_map(i, 10)) for i in range(3))
    assert ctx.run(Map(Int(), Map(Int(), Int())).value(d)) == d
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_min_step_range_iterate_variables():
    x = Variable(Int(), "x")
    y = Variable(Int(), "y")
    z = Variable(Int(), "z")
    expr = Range(x, y, z).iterate()
    c = Qit()
    assert list(range(10, 20, 4)) == c.run(expr, args={"x": 10, "y": 20, "z": 4})
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_range_function_iterate():
    c = Qit()

    x = Variable(Int(), "x")
    r = Range(x).iterate().to_vector()
    f = r.make_function()
    assert [[], [0], [0,1], [0,1,2]] == c.run(Range(4).iterate().map(f))
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_outer_variables():
    c = Qit()
    x = Variable(Int(), "x")
    f = Function().takes(Int(), "a").returns(Int()).reads(x)
    f.code("return a * x;")
    r = Range(x).iterate().map(f)
    assert [0, 5, 10, 15, 20] == c.run(r, args={ x: 5 })
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_vector_variable():
    ctx = Qit()
    s = Struct(Int(), Int())
    v = Vector(s)
    x = Variable(v, "x")
    result = ctx.run(x, args={x: [(11,12), (5, 2)]})
    assert result == [(11,12), (5, 2)]
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_struct_variable():
    ctx = Qit()
    s = Struct(Int(), Int())
    s2 = Struct(s, Int(), s)
    x = Variable(s2, "x")
    result = ctx.run(x, args={x: ((11,12), 13, (5, 2))})
    assert result == ((11,12), 13, (5, 2))
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_functor_variable():
    ctx = Qit()
    ftype = Functor("f_functor", Int(), (Int(), "x"), (Int(), "y"))

    # functions
    fplus = Function().takes(Int(), "x").takes(Int(), "y").returns(Int())
    fplus.code("return x + y;")

    ftimes = Function().takes(Int(), "x").takes(Int(), "y").returns(Int())
    ftimes.code("return x * y;")

    fmod = Function().takes(Int(), "x").takes(Int(), "y").returns(Int())
    fmod.code("return x % y;")

    # apply function in variable fvar to the given list of pairs
    fvar = ftype.variable("f")
    p = Product((Range(1, 4), "x"), (Range(1, 3), "y"))
    apply_f = Function().takes(p, "p").reads(fvar).returns(Int()).code("""
        return f(p.x, p.y);
    g = p.iterate().map(apply_f).make_function((fvar, ))

    bind_function = Function().takes(ftype, "f")\
    bind_function.code("return {{g}}(f);", g=g)
    res = ctx.run(ftype.values(fplus, ftimes, fmod).iterate().map(bind_function))
    assert res == [[2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 6], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1]]
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_mapping_product_sequence():
    ctx = Qit()
    r = Range(2) * Range(1)
    s = Sequence(Enumerate("X", "Y"), 2)
    m = Mapping(r, s)
    result = ctx.run(m.iterate())

    expected = [
            {(1, 0): ['X', 'X'], (0, 0): ['X', 'X']},
            {(1, 0): ['X', 'X'], (0, 0): ['Y', 'X']},
            {(1, 0): ['X', 'X'], (0, 0): ['X', 'Y']},
            {(1, 0): ['X', 'X'], (0, 0): ['Y', 'Y']},
            {(1, 0): ['Y', 'X'], (0, 0): ['X', 'X']},
            {(1, 0): ['Y', 'X'], (0, 0): ['Y', 'X']},
            {(1, 0): ['Y', 'X'], (0, 0): ['X', 'Y']},
            {(1, 0): ['Y', 'X'], (0, 0): ['Y', 'Y']},
            {(1, 0): ['X', 'Y'], (0, 0): ['X', 'X']},
            {(1, 0): ['X', 'Y'], (0, 0): ['Y', 'X']},
            {(1, 0): ['X', 'Y'], (0, 0): ['X', 'Y']},
            {(1, 0): ['X', 'Y'], (0, 0): ['Y', 'Y']},
            {(1, 0): ['Y', 'Y'], (0, 0): ['X', 'X']},
            {(1, 0): ['Y', 'Y'], (0, 0): ['Y', 'X']},
            {(1, 0): ['Y', 'Y'], (0, 0): ['X', 'Y']},
            {(1, 0): ['Y', 'Y'], (0, 0): ['Y', 'Y']} ]

    def to_tuple(d):
        for key, value in d.items():
            return (tuple(key), tuple(value))

    assert set(map(to_tuple, result)) == set(map(to_tuple, expected))