Exemplo n.º 1
def load_tets(loadpath, limit=None):
    description: This function loads and rebuilds the tets saved by save_tets
    parameters: the loadpath is the path to the file where the tets are saved
    return: the return is a dictionary of all tets
    tets = {}
    count = 1
    with open(loadpath, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as file:
        for stringtet in tqdm(csv.reader(file)):
            tetchildren = []
            for stringsubtet in stringtet[1:]:
                stringsubtet = stringsubtet.replace('[', '').replace(']', '').split(':')
                stringsubtet[0] = stringsubtet[0].split(',')
                genres = []
                for genre in stringsubtet[0][1:]:
                partlist = [tet.TETChild(stringsubtet[0][0], children=genres)]\
                     * int(stringsubtet[1])
                tetchildren = tetchildren + partlist
            tets[stringtet[0]] = tet.TET(stringtet[0], children=tetchildren)
            if limit is not None:
                if count >= limit:
                count += 1
    return tets
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: tests.py Projeto: Landi29/P8
 def test_tetchild_tostring3(self):
     test tostring in tetchild
     children = [tet.TETChild('action'), tet.TETChild('comedy')]
     test_objekt = tet.TETChild('high', children=children)
     self.assertEqual(test_objekt.tostring(), '[high,[[action],[comedy]]]')
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: tests.py Projeto: Landi29/P8
 def test_tetchild_construction3(self):
     test the construction of a tetchild
     children = [tet.TETChild('action')]
     test_objekt = tet.TETChild('high', children=children[0])
     self.assertEqual(test_objekt.getchildren(), children)
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: tests.py Projeto: Landi29/P8
 def test_tet_count_children2(self):
     test count_children in tet with children
     username = '******'
     children = [tet.TETChild('high', children=tet.TETChild('action'))]
     test_objekt = tet.TET(root=username, children=children)
                      {'[high,[[action]]]': 1})
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: tests.py Projeto: Landi29/P8
 def test_tet_tostring2(self):
     test tostring in tet with children
     username = '******'
     children = [tet.TETChild('high', children=tet.TETChild('action'))]
     test_objekt = tet.TET(root=username, children=children)
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: tests.py Projeto: Landi29/P8
 def test_tet_find_most_with_rating5(self):
     test find_most_with_rating in tet
     username = '******'
     children = [
         tet.TETChild('low', children=tet.TETChild('action')),
         tet.TETChild('low', children=tet.TETChild('comedy'))
     test_objekt = tet.TET(root=username, children=children)
                      [['[high,[[nohigh]]]', 0]])
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: tests.py Projeto: Landi29/P8
 def test_tet_find_tree2(self):
     tests the find_tree where the tet does not exists
     username = '******'
     children = [
         tet.TETChild('high', children=tet.TETChild('action')),
         tet.TETChild('high', children=tet.TETChild('action'))
     test_tet = tet.TET(root=username, children=children)
     test_tets = {username: test_tet}
     self.assertNotEqual(build_tet.tet_find_tree('u:5678', test_tets),
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: tests.py Projeto: Landi29/P8
 def test_tetchild_construction1(self):
     test the construction of a tetchild
     test_objekt = tet.TETChild('action')
     self.assertIsInstance(test_objekt, tet.TETChild)
     self.assertIsInstance(test_objekt, tet.TET)
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: tests.py Projeto: Landi29/P8
 def test_tet_getchildren(self):
     test get children in tet
     username = '******'
     children = [tet.TETChild('Lars')]
     test_objekt = tet.TET(root=username, children=children)
     self.assertEqual(test_objekt.getchildren(), children)
Exemplo n.º 10
def construct_child(movieid, rating, vmoviedict):
    description: construct_child constructs the child whoms root is a rating (low, mid or high)
                 and its children.
    parameters: movieid is the movie that an edge between user and movie leads to via rating
                rating is the rating binding a user and a vmoviedict is
                the dictionary of all movies in the graph.
    return: this return a subTET.
    movie = vmoviedict[movieid]
    genres = []
    for genre in movie[3]:
    if float(rating) < 2.5:
        child = tet.TETChild("low", children=genres)
    elif float(rating) > 3.5:
        child = tet.TETChild("high", children=genres)
        child = tet.TETChild("mid", children=genres)
    return child
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: tests.py Projeto: Landi29/P8
 def test_tetchild_tostring1(self):
     test tostring in tetchild
     test_objekt = tet.TETChild('action')
     self.assertEqual(test_objekt.tostring(), '[action]')