def main(): # loop = tf.while_loop( # cond = lambda i: i < tf.Variable(100, name='Const100'), # # cond = lambda i: i < tf.constant(5, name='Const5') + tf.constant(100, name='Const100'), # body = lambda i: i + tf.constant(1, name='Const1' ), # loop_vars=[ tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='INPUT') ], # parallel_iterations=1 # ) # # y = tf.identity(loop, 'OUTPUT') # x = tf.Variable(0, name='Const0') # y = tf.cond( # x < tf.constant(1, name='Const1'), # lambda: tf.identity( tf.constant(2, name='Const2') ), # lambda: tf.Variable(3, name='Const3') # ) # INPUT = tf.constant( # # np.column_stack([ # np.arange(4), # # np.arange(1000,2000) # # ]), # name='INPUT' # ) # OUTPUT = tf.map_fn(lambda x: x*1337, INPUT, parallel_iterations=1) # # OUTPUT = tf.map_fn(lambda x: tf.Print(x*1337, [x]), INPUT, parallel_iterations=1) # OUTPUT = tf.identity(OUTPUT, name='OUTPUT') # OUTPUT = tf.TensorArray(tf.float64, size=4) INPUT = tf.constant(np.random.rand(40, 20, 50), name='INPUT') OUTPUT = tf.identity(INPUT, name='OUTPUT') # MAP_FN = tf.map_fn( lambda i: tf.multiply(i,i, name='I_TIMES_I'), INPUT, name='MAP_FN' ) # OUTPUT = tf.identity(MAP_FN, name='OUTPUT') cfg = tf.ConfigProto(device_count={'GPU': 0}) with tf.Session(config=cfg) as sess: # tf.global_variables_initializer() ) # print(, feed_dict = {'INPUT:0': 0}) ) # print( ) dot = tf2dot(OUTPUT, sess=sess) dot.format = 'pdf' dot.attr(root='INPUT') # dot.attr( splines='true') # dot.attr( rank='same' ) # dot.attr( ranksep='0.01', nodesep='0.01' ) # dot.attr( rankdir='LR' ) # dot.attr(splines='ortho', layout='circo') tmpdir = mkdtemp() help(dot.render) dot.render(directory=tmpdir, view=True)
Created on Dec 1, 2018 @author: Dirk Toewe ''' import tensorflow as tf from tf2x import tf2dot from tempfile import mkdtemp with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph: tf_a = tf.constant([1, 2, 3], dtype=tf.float32, name='a') tf_b = tf.constant([4, 5, 6], dtype=tf.float32, name='b') tf_c = tf.placeholder(shape=[], dtype=tf.bool, name='c') tf_d = tf.cond(tf_c, lambda: tf_a, lambda: tf_b, name='d') tf_e = tf.identity(tf_d, name='e') with tf.Session() as sess: dot = tf2dot(graph, sess=sess) result_e =, feed_dict={tf_c: False}) print('E(false):', result_e) result_e =, feed_dict={tf_c: True}) print('E(true):', result_e) tmpdir = mkdtemp() dot.format = 'png' dot.attr(root='c:0') dot.render(directory=tmpdir, view=True)
''' Created on Dec 1, 2018 @author: Dirk Toewe ''' import tensorflow as tf from tf2x import tf2dot from tempfile import mkdtemp tf_loop = tf.while_loop(cond=lambda i: i < tf.constant(16, name='iMax'), body=lambda i: i + 1, loop_vars=(tf.constant(0, name='i0'), )) tf_out = tf.identity(tf_loop, name='out') with tf.Session() as sess: dot = tf2dot(tf_out, sess=sess) tmpdir = mkdtemp() dot.format = 'png' dot.attr(root='i0') dot.attr(newrank='true') dot.render(directory=tmpdir, view=True)
''' Created on Dec 1, 2018 @author: Dirk Toewe ''' import tensorflow as tf from tf2x import tf2dot from tempfile import mkdtemp tf_a = tf.constant([1, 2, 3], dtype=tf.float32, name='a') tf_b = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, name='b') tf_c = tf.add(tf_a, tf_b, name='c') with tf.Session() as sess: dot = tf2dot(tf_c, sess=sess) tmpdir = mkdtemp() dot.format = 'png' dot.render(directory=tmpdir, view=True)