Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
    var = theano.shared(T.zeros(shape=(88, 100), dtype=theano.config.floatX).eval(), name='W')
    updates = [(var, add_uniform(input=var, noise_level=.02))]

    stats = get_stats(var)
    l1 = stats.pop('l1')
    l2 = stats.pop('l2')
    min = stats.pop('min')
    max = stats.pop('max')
    var = stats.pop('var')
    std = stats.pop('std')
    mean = stats.pop('mean')

    mean_monitor = Monitor('mean', mean, train=True, valid=True, out_service=FileService('outs/mean.txt'))
    var_monitor = Monitor('var', var, out_service=FileService('outs/var.txt'))

    w_channel = MonitorsChannel('W', monitors=mean_monitor)

    stat_channel = MonitorsChannel('stats', monitors=[var_monitor])

    monitors = [w_channel, stat_channel]

    train_collapsed_raw = collapse_channels(monitors, train=True)
    train_collapsed = OrderedDict([(item[0], item[1]) for item in train_collapsed_raw])
    train_services = OrderedDict([(item[0], item[2]) for item in train_collapsed_raw])
    valid_collapsed_raw = collapse_channels(monitors, valid=True)
    valid_collapsed = OrderedDict([(item[0], item[1]) for item in valid_collapsed_raw])
    valid_services = OrderedDict([(item[0], item[2]) for item in valid_collapsed_raw])

    f = theano.function(inputs=[], outputs=train_collapsed.values(), updates=updates)
    f2 = theano.function(inputs=[], outputs=valid_collapsed.values(), updates=updates)


    for epoch in range(10):
        vals = f()
        m = OrderedDict(zip(train_collapsed.keys(), vals))
        for name, service in train_services.items():
            if name in m:
                service.write(m[name], TRAIN)
        log.debug('----- '+make_time_units_string(time.time()-t))

    for epoch in range(10):
        t = time.time()
        vals = f2()
        m = OrderedDict(zip(valid_collapsed.keys(), vals))
        for name, service in valid_services.items():
            if name in m:
                service.write(m[name], VALID)
        log.debug('----- ' + make_time_units_string(time.time() - t))

    log.debug("TOTAL TIME "+make_time_units_string(time.time()-t1))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_gradients(self, model, data, ** kwargs):

        cost = self.expr(model=model, data=data, **kwargs)

        params = list(model.get_params())

        grads = T.grad(cost, params, disconnected_inputs='ignore')

        gradients = OrderedDict(izip(params, grads))

        if self.gradient_clipping:
            norm_gs = 0.
            for grad in gradients.values():
                norm_gs += (grad ** 2).sum()
            not_finite = T.or_(T.isnan(norm_gs), T.isinf(norm_gs))
            norm_gs = T.sqrt(norm_gs)
            norm_gs = T.switch(T.ge(norm_gs, self.max_magnitude),
                               self.max_magnitude / norm_gs,

            for param, grad in gradients.items():
                gradients[param] = T.switch(not_finite,
                                            .1 * param,
                                            grad * norm_gs)

        updates = OrderedDict()

        return gradients, updates
Exemplo n.º 3
    def orderings(self):
        Return dict d s.t. d[node] is a list of nodes that must be evaluated
        before node itself can be evaluated.

        This is used primarily by the destroy_handler feature to ensure that
        all clients of any destroyed inputs have already computed their

        :note: This only calls the orderings() fct on all features. It does not
               take care of computing dependencies by itself.

        ords = OrderedDict()
        assert isinstance(self._features, list)
        for feature in self._features:
            if hasattr(feature, 'orderings'):
                orderings = feature.orderings(self)
                if not isinstance(orderings, OrderedDict):
                    raise TypeError("Non-deterministic return value from " +
                                    str(feature.orderings) +
                                    ". Nondeterministic object is " +
                for node, prereqs in orderings.items():
                    if not isinstance(prereqs, (list, OrderedSet)):
                        raise TypeError(
                            "prereqs must be a type with a "
                            "deterministic iteration order, or toposort "
                            " will be non-deterministic.")
                    ords.setdefault(node, []).extend(prereqs)
        # eliminate duplicate prereqs
        for (node, prereqs) in ords.items():
            ords[node] = list(OrderedSet(prereqs))
        return ords
Exemplo n.º 4
class StemCell(NonlinCell):

    .. todo::
    def __init__(self,
        super(StemCell, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        if name is None:
            name = self.__class__.name__.lower()
        self.name = name
        self.nout = nout
        self.init_W = init_W
        self.init_b = init_b
        self.cons = cons
        self.parent = OrderedDict()
        parent_dim = tolist(parent_dim)
        for i, par in enumerate(tolist(parent)):
            if len(parent_dim) != 0 and len(parent) != 0:
                if len(parent) != len(parent_dim):
                    raise AssertionError("You probably had a mistake providing,\
                                          write number of values. It will end,\
                                          up with a model containing a bug.")
                self.parent[par] = parent_dim[i]
                self.parent[par] = None
        self.lr_scaler = lr_scaler
        self.use_bias = use_bias

    def fprop(self):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            str(type(self)) + " does not implement Layer.fprop.")

    def initialize(self):

        params = OrderedDict()

        for parname, parout in self.parent.items():
            W_shape = (parout, self.nout)
            W_name = 'W_' + parname + '__' + self.name
            params[W_name] = self.init_W.get(W_shape)

        if self.use_bias:
            params['b_'+self.name] = self.init_b.get(self.nout)

        return params
Exemplo n.º 5
class RecurrentLayer(StemCell):
    Abstract class for recurrent layers

    .. todo::
    def __init__(self,
                 clip_gradient = True,
                 clip_bound = 5,

        super(RecurrentLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.recurrent = OrderedDict()

        if self_recurrent:
            self.recurrent[self.name] = self.nout

        recurrent_dim = tolist(recurrent_dim)

        for i, rec in enumerate(tolist(recurrent)):
            if len(recurrent_dim) != 0:
                self.recurrent[rec] = recurrent_dim[i]
                self.recurrent[rec] = None

        self.clip_gradient = clip_gradient
        self.clip_bound = clip_bound
        self.init_U = init_U

    def get_init_state(self, batch_size):

        state = T.zeros((batch_size, self.nout), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        state = T.unbroadcast(state, *range(state.ndim))

        return state

    def initialize(self):

        self.params = super(RecurrentLayer, self).initialize()

        for recname, recout in self.recurrent.items():
            U_shape = (recout, self.nout)
            U_name = 'U_'+recname+'__'+self.name
            self.alloc(self.init_U.get(U_shape, U_name))

        return self.params
Exemplo n.º 6
class RecurrentLayer(StemCell):
    Abstract class for recurrent layers

    .. todo::
    def __init__(self,

        super(RecurrentLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.recurrent = OrderedDict()

        if self_recurrent:
            self.recurrent[self.name] = self.nout

        recurrent_dim = tolist(recurrent_dim)

        for i, rec in enumerate(tolist(recurrent)):
            if len(recurrent_dim) != 0:
                self.recurrent[rec] = recurrent_dim[i]
                self.recurrent[rec] = None

        self.init_U = init_U

    def get_init_state(self, batch_size):

        state = T.zeros((batch_size, self.nout), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        state = T.unbroadcast(
            state, *range(state.ndim)
        )  #[0,1] this is to raise an error if length of dimensions are not 1

        return state

    def initialize(self):

        params = super(RecurrentLayer, self).initialize()

        for recname, recout in self.recurrent.items():
            U_shape = (recout, self.nout)
            U_name = 'U_' + recname + '__' + self.name
            params[U_name] = self.init_U.get(U_shape)

        return params
Exemplo n.º 7
class RecurrentLayer(StemCell):
    Abstract class for recurrent layers

    .. todo::
    def __init__(self,
        super(RecurrentLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.recurrent = OrderedDict()
        if self_recurrent:
            self.recurrent[self.name] = self.nout
        recurrent_dim = tolist(recurrent_dim)
        for i, rec in enumerate(tolist(recurrent)):
            if len(recurrent_dim) != 0:
                self.recurrent[rec] = recurrent_dim[i]
                self.recurrent[rec] = None
        self.init_U = init_U
        self.init_states = OrderedDict()
        self.init_state_cons = init_state_cons
        self.use_fast_fprop = use_fast_fprop
        self.skip_list = tolist(skip_list)
        if len(self.skip_list) > 0:
            if len(self.skip_list) != len(self.parent):
                raise ValueError("length of parents and skip list should match")

    def get_init_state(self, batch_size):
        state = T.zeros((batch_size, self.nout), dtype=theano.config.floatX) + self.init_state_cons
        state = T.unbroadcast(state, *range(state.ndim))
        return state

    def initialize(self):
        super(RecurrentLayer, self).initialize()
        for recname, recout in self.recurrent.items():
            U_shape = (recout, self.nout)
            U_name = 'U_'+recname+'__'+self.name
            self.alloc(self.init_U.get(U_shape, U_name))
Exemplo n.º 8
class RecurrentLayer(StemCell):
    Abstract class for recurrent layers

    .. todo::

    def __init__(self,
        super(RecurrentLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.recurrent = OrderedDict()
        if self_recurrent:
            self.recurrent[self.name] = self.nout
        recurrent_dim = tolist(recurrent_dim)
        for i, rec in enumerate(tolist(recurrent)):
            if len(recurrent_dim) != 0:
                self.recurrent[rec] = recurrent_dim[i]
                self.recurrent[rec] = None
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.init_U = init_U
        self.init_states = OrderedDict()
        self.init_state_cons = init_state_cons

    def get_init_state(self, batch_size=None):
        if batch_size is None:
            batch_size = self.batch_size
        state = T.zeros((batch_size, self.nout)) + self.init_state_cons
        state = T.unbroadcast(state, *range(state.ndim))
        return state

    def initialize(self):
        super(RecurrentLayer, self).initialize()
        for recname, recout in self.recurrent.items():
            U_shape = (recout, self.nout)
            U_name = 'U_' + recname + '__' + self.name
            self.alloc(self.init_U.get(U_shape, U_name))
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: opt.py Projeto: lipengyu/cle
    def get_updates(self, grads):
        .. todo::

        updates = OrderedDict()
        g_tt = OrderedDict()
        cnt = sharedX(0, 'counter')
        for p, g in grads.items():
            lr_scaler = self.lr_scalers.get(str(p), 1.)
            m = sharedX(p.get_value() * 0.)
            v = sharedX(p.get_value() * 0.)
            b1 = self.b1 * self.lambd**cnt
            m_t = b1 * m + (1 - b1) * g
            v_t = self.b2 * v + (1 - self.b2) * g**2
            m_t_hat = m_t / (1. - self.b1**(cnt + 1))
            v_t_hat = v_t / (1. - self.b2**(cnt + 1))
            g_t = m_t_hat / (T.sqrt(v_t_hat) + self.e)
            p_t = p - lr_scaler * self.lr * g_t
            g_tt[p] = g_t
            updates[m] = m_t
            updates[v] = v_t
            updates[p] = p_t
        if self.post_clip:
            g_norm = sum([T.sqr(x/self.batch_size).sum()
                          for x in g_tt.values()])
            not_finite = T.or_(T.isnan(g_norm), T.isinf(g_norm))
            g_norm = T.sqrt(g_norm)
            scaler = self.scaler / T.maximum(self.scaler, g_norm)
            for p, g in g_tt.items():
                lr_scaler = self.lr_scalers.get(str(p), 1.)
                p_t = p - lr_scaler * self.lr * g * scaler
                updates[p] = p_t
        updates[cnt] = cnt + 1
        return updates
Exemplo n.º 10
class Optimizer(object):
    Default interface for an optimizer implementation - this provides the necessary parameter updates when
    training a model on a dataset using an online stochastic process. The base framework for performing
    stochastic gradient descent.
    def __init__(self, dataset, loss=None, model=None,
                 epochs=1000, batch_size=100, min_batch_size=1,
                 save_freq=10, stop_threshold=None, stop_patience=50,
                 learning_rate=1e-3, lr_decay=None, lr_decay_factor=None,
                 grad_clip=None, hard_clip=False,
        Initialize the Optimizer.

        dataset : Dataset
            The :class:`opendeep.data.Dataset` to use when training the Model.
        loss : Loss
            The :class:`opendeep.optimization.loss.Loss` function to compare the model to a 'target' result.
        model : Model
            The :class:`opendeep.models.Model` to train. Needed if the Optimizer isn't being passed to a
            Model's .train() method.
        epochs : int
            How many training iterations over the dataset to go.
        batch_size : int
            How many examples from the training dataset to use in parallel.
        min_batch_size : int
            The minimum number of examples required at a time (for things like time series, this would be > 1).
        save_freq : int, optional
            How many epochs to train between each new save of the Model's parameters.
        stop_threshold : float, optional
            The factor by how much the best validation training score needs to improve to determine early stopping.
        stop_patience : int, optional
            The patience or number of epochs to wait after the stop_threshold has been reached before stopping.
        learning_rate : float
            The multiplicative amount to adjust parameters based on their gradient values.
        lr_decay : str
            The decay function to use for changing the learning rate over epochs. See
            `opendeep.utils.decay` for classes of decay and documentation.
        lr_decay_factor : float
            The amount of decay to use for the ``lr_decay`` type of decay.
        grad_clip : float, optional
            Whether to clip gradients. This will clip the norm of the gradients either with a hard cutoff or rescaling.
        hard_clip : bool
            Whether to use a hard cutoff or rescaling for clipping gradients.
        log.info("Initializing optimizer %s", str(self.__class__.__name__))

        # Deal with early stopping None initializations (no early stopping).
        if not stop_threshold:
            stop_threshold = numpy.inf
        if not save_freq:
            save_freq = 1000000
        if not stop_patience:
            stop_patience = 1

        # Put all init parameters in self.args so we can log the initial configuration.
        self.args = locals().copy()
        kwargs = self.args.pop('kwargs')
        self.args = add_kwargs_to_dict(kwargs, self.args)
        # log the arguments
        log.info("Optimizer config args: %s", str(self.args))
        # if the optimizer wasn't initialized with a Model (train() being called from the model class itself),
        # just return. (This seems kinda hacky but hey, people wanted .train() to happen from Model and there
        # wasn't really a better way unless the epoch looping logic was in that method for Model. That wasn't
        # the best option because other methods besides stochastic ones can exist for optimizers in the future.
        # TODO: fix this up - feels like a hack just to make model.train() work...
        if not model:
        # Otherwise, things are proceeding as normal. Carry on...

        assert isinstance(model, Model), "Optimizer input model needs to be a Model class! " \
                                         "Found %s" % str(model.__class__.__name__)
        assert isinstance(dataset, Dataset), "Optimizer input dataset needs to be a Dataset class! " \
                                             "Found %s" % str(dataset.__class__.__name__)
        # deal with loss expression/targets
        if loss is not None:
            assert isinstance(loss, Loss), "Optimizer input loss needs to be a Loss class! " \
                                           "Found %s" % str(loss.__class__.__name__)
        if isinstance(loss, Loss):
            self.loss_targets = loss.get_targets()
            self.loss_expression = loss.get_loss()
            assert model.get_loss() is not None, "No Loss specified, and the model does not have one implemented."
            if isinstance(model.get_loss(), tuple):
                self.loss_targets = raise_to_list(model.get_loss()[0])
                self.loss_expression = model.get_loss()[1]
                self.loss_targets = None
                self.loss_expression = model.get_loss()

        model_inputs = raise_to_list(model.get_inputs())
        n_model_inputs = len(model_inputs)

        model_targets = self.loss_targets or []
        for input in model_inputs:
            if input in model_targets:

        n_model_targets = len(model_targets)
        self.unsupervised = (n_model_targets is 0)
        # make sure the number of inputs/targets matches up with the dataset properties
        # train
        assert n_model_inputs == len(raise_to_list(dataset.train_inputs)), \
            "Dataset has %d train inputs, while model expects %d" % \
            (len(raise_to_list(dataset.train_inputs)), n_model_inputs)
        if not self.unsupervised:
            assert n_model_targets == len(raise_to_list(dataset.train_targets) or []), \
                "Dataset has %d train targets, while model expects %d" % \
                (len(raise_to_list(dataset.train_targets) or []), n_model_targets)
        # valid
        if dataset.valid_inputs is not None:
            assert n_model_inputs == len(raise_to_list(dataset.valid_inputs)), \
                "Dataset has %d valid inputs, while model expects %d" % \
                (len(raise_to_list(dataset.valid_inputs)), n_model_inputs)
            if not self.unsupervised:
                assert n_model_targets == len(raise_to_list(dataset.valid_targets) or []), \
                    "Dataset has %d valid targets, while model expects %d" % \
                    (len(raise_to_list(dataset.valid_targets) or []), n_model_targets)
        # test
        if dataset.test_inputs is not None:
            assert n_model_inputs == len(raise_to_list(dataset.test_inputs)), \
                "Dataset has %d test inputs, while model expects %d" % \
                (len(raise_to_list(dataset.test_inputs)), n_model_inputs)
            if not self.unsupervised:
                assert n_model_targets == len(raise_to_list(dataset.test_targets) or []), \
                    "Dataset has %d test targets, while model expects %d" % \
                    (len(raise_to_list(dataset.test_targets) or []), n_model_targets)

        # now we are happy, we can add them to `self`
        self.model = model
        self.dataset = dataset
        self.loss = loss

        # Learning rate - how drastic of a step do the parameters change
        self.learning_rate = sharedX(learning_rate, 'learning_rate')
        # whether to scale individual model parameters' learning rates.
        self.lr_scalers = self.model.get_lr_scalers()
        # whether to decay
        if lr_decay:
            self.learning_rate_decay = get_decay_function(lr_decay,
            self.learning_rate_decay = False

        # rest of initial parameters needed for training.
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.min_batch_size = min_batch_size
        self.n_epoch = epochs
        self.save_frequency = save_freq
        self.early_stop_threshold = stop_threshold
        self.early_stop_length = stop_patience
        self.grad_clip = grad_clip
        self.hard_clip = hard_clip

    def get_updates(self, gradients):
        This returns the parameter updates to use during training. It defaults to only using (annealed) learning rate.

        gradients : dict
            A dictionary mapping from the model's parameters to their gradients.

        updates : OrderdDict
            A dictionary mapping from the old model parameters, to their new
            values after a single iteration of the learning rule.
        log.debug('Setting up Stochastic Gradient Descent for optimizer...')
        updates = OrderedDict()
        for (param, gradient) in six.iteritems(gradients):
            scaled_lr = self.learning_rate * self.lr_scalers.get(param, 1.)
            updates[param] = param - scaled_lr * gradient
        return updates

    def train(self, monitor_channels=None, train_outservice=None, plot=None):
        This method performs the training!!!
        It is an online training method that goes over minibatches from the dataset for a number of epochs,
        updating parameters after each minibatch.

        You can disrupt training with a KeyBoardInterrupt and it should exit/save parameters gracefully.

        monitor_channels : list(MonitorsChannel or Monitor), optional
            The list of channels or monitors containing monitor expressions/variables to compile and evaluate
            on the data.
        train_outservice : OutService, optional
            The OutService to use for the automatically created train_cost monitor. Default of None just outputs
            to logs.
        plot : Plot, optional
            The Plot object to use if we want to graph the outputs (uses bokeh server).
        if not self.model:
            log.error("No self.model for the Optimizer!")
            raise AssertionError("Needs to be initialized with a Model! (Or something went wrong if train() "
                                 "was called from the Model. Try initializing the Optimizer with the model param "
                                 "and calling optimizer.train().")

        # gradients and updates #
        # grab the model parameters to use during training
        self.params = self.model.get_params()
        # Now create the training cost function for the model to use while training - update parameters
        # gradient!
        gradients = grad(cost=self.loss_expression, wrt=list(self.params.values()))
        # now create the dictionary mapping the parameter with its gradient
        gradients = OrderedDict(
            [(param, g) for param, g in zip(list(self.params.values()), gradients)]
        # clip gradients if we want.
        gradients = clip_gradients(gradients, self.grad_clip, self.hard_clip)

        # Calculate the optimizer updates each run
        # This is where the magic happens for a lot of sub-implementations of SGD!
        # It tells how to update the params each training epoch
        gradient_updates = self.get_updates(gradients)

        # Combine the updates from the model also if applicable
        updates = self.model.get_updates()
        if updates:
            updates = gradient_updates

        log.info("%s params: %s", self.model._classname, str(list(self.params.keys())))

        # monitors #
        # deal with the monitor channels if they were given (or take them from the plot)
        if monitor_channels is None and plot is not None and len(plot.channels) > 0:
            monitor_channels = plot.channels
        self.train_monitors_dict = {}
        self.valid_monitors_dict = {}
        self.test_monitors_dict = {}
        self.train_monitors_outservice_dict = {}
        self.valid_monitors_outservice_dict = {}
        self.test_monitors_outservice_dict = {}
        if monitor_channels:
            # collapse the appropriate monitors into their (name, expression, out_service) tuples
            train_collapsed = collapse_channels(monitor_channels, train=True)
            valid_collapsed = collapse_channels(monitor_channels, valid=True)
            test_collapsed  = collapse_channels(monitor_channels, test=True)
            # get name: expression dictionary
            self.train_monitors_dict = OrderedDict([(name, expression) for name, expression, _ in train_collapsed])
            self.valid_monitors_dict = OrderedDict([(name, expression) for name, expression, _ in valid_collapsed])
            self.test_monitors_dict  = OrderedDict([(name, expression) for name, expression, _ in test_collapsed])
            # get name: outservice dictionary
            self.train_monitors_outservice_dict = OrderedDict([(name, out) for name, _, out in train_collapsed])
            self.valid_monitors_outservice_dict = OrderedDict([(name, out) for name, _, out in valid_collapsed])
            self.test_monitors_outservice_dict  = OrderedDict([(name, out) for name, _, out in test_collapsed])
        # finally deal with an outservice provided to monitor training cost
        self.train_outservice = train_outservice
        # remove redundant files made by the fileservice for the train monitor.
        # TODO: THIS FEELS LIKE A HACK. I don't like it.
        if isinstance(self.train_outservice, FileService):

        # compile train and monitor functions #
        function_input = raise_to_list(self.model.get_inputs())
        if self.loss_targets is not None:
            function_input += self.loss_targets
        # Compile the training function!
        log.info('Compiling f_learn function for model %s...', self.model._classname)
        t = time.time()

        f_learn = function(inputs=function_input,
                           outputs=[self.loss_expression] + list(self.train_monitors_dict.values()),

        log.info('f_learn compilation took %s', make_time_units_string(time.time() - t))

        # figure out if we want valid and test (monitors)
        self.valid_flag = (self.dataset.valid_inputs is not None) and (len(self.valid_monitors_dict) > 0)
        self.test_flag = (self.dataset.test_inputs is not None) and (len(self.test_monitors_dict) > 0)
        # Now compile the monitor functions!
        log.debug("Compiling monitor functions...")
        monitor_t = time.time()
        # valid monitors
        if self.valid_flag:
            self.valid_monitor_function = function(
            self.valid_monitor_function = None

        # test monitors
        if self.test_flag:
            self.test_monitor_function = function(
            self.test_monitor_function = None

        log.debug("Compilation done. Took %s", make_time_units_string(time.time() - monitor_t))

        # start training #
        log.info("-----------TRAINING %s FOR %d EPOCHS-----------",
                 self.model._classname, self.n_epoch)

        self.STOP = False
        self.epoch_counter = 0
        # reset any decay params
        for decay_param in self.get_decay_params():

        self.times = []
        self.best_cost = numpy.inf
        self.best_params = None
        self.patience = 0

        t = time.time()

        while not self.STOP:
                self.STOP = self._perform_one_epoch(f_learn, plot)
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                self.STOP = True

        # save params
        if self.best_params is not None:
            log.debug("Restoring best model parameters...")
            for best_param, param_value in self.best_params.items():
                self.params[best_param].set_value(param_value, borrow=False)
        log.debug("Saving model parameters...")
        self.model.save_params('trained_epoch_' + str(self.epoch_counter))

        log.info("------------TRAIN TIME TOOK %s---------", make_time_units_string(time.time() - t))

    def _perform_one_epoch(self, f_learn, plot=None):
        Performs a single training iteration with the given learn function.
        self.epoch_counter += 1
        t = time.time()
        log.info('EPOCH %s', str(self.epoch_counter))

        # set the noise switches on for training function! (this is where things like dropout happen)
        if not self.model.switches_on:

        # train #
        train_costs = []
        train_monitors = {key: [] for key in self.train_monitors_dict.keys()}
        train_data = [
            minibatch(input_data, self.batch_size, self.min_batch_size)
            for input_data in raise_to_list(self.dataset.train_inputs)
        if self.dataset.train_targets is not None and not self.unsupervised:
            train_data += [
                minibatch(target, self.batch_size, self.min_batch_size)
                for target in raise_to_list(self.dataset.train_targets)

        for batch in min_normalized_izip(*train_data):
            _outs = raise_to_list(f_learn(*batch))
            # handle any user defined monitors
            if len(train_monitors) > 0:
                current_monitors = zip(self.train_monitors_dict.keys(), _outs[1:])
                for name, val in current_monitors:
                    val = numpy.asarray(val)

        # get the mean values for the batches
        mean_train = numpy.mean(train_costs, 0)
        current_mean_monitors = {key: numpy.mean(vals, 0) for key, vals in train_monitors.items()}
        # log the mean values!
        log.info('Train cost: %s', trunc(mean_train))
        if len(current_mean_monitors) > 0:
            log.info('Train monitors: %s', str(current_mean_monitors))
        # send the values to their outservices
        if self.train_outservice:
            self.train_outservice.write(mean_train, "train")
        for name, service in self.train_monitors_outservice_dict.items():
            if name in current_mean_monitors and service:
                service.write(current_mean_monitors[name], "train")
        # if there is a plot, also send them over!
        if plot:
            current_mean_monitors.update({TRAIN_COST_KEY: mean_train})
            plot.update_plots(epoch=self.epoch_counter, monitors=current_mean_monitors)

        # set the noise switches off for valid and test sets! we assume unseen data is noisy anyway :)
        if self.model.switches_on:

        # valid #
        self._compute_over_subset("valid", self.dataset.valid_inputs, self.dataset.valid_targets,
                                  self.valid_monitors_dict, self.valid_monitor_function,
                                  self.valid_monitors_outservice_dict, plot)

        # test #
        self._compute_over_subset("test", self.dataset.test_inputs, self.dataset.test_targets,
                                  self.test_monitors_dict, self.test_monitor_function,
                                  self.test_monitors_outservice_dict, plot)

        # cleanup #
        # check for early stopping on train costs
        cost = numpy.sum(train_costs)
        # if the cost improved, reset the patience and record the best cost.
        if cost < self.best_cost * self.early_stop_threshold:
            self.patience = 0
            self.best_cost = cost
            # save the parameters that made it the best
            self.best_params = {key: param.get_value(borrow=False) for key, param in self.params.items()}
        elif not numpy.isnan(cost):
            self.patience += 1

        # check for stopping either from n_epochs or from threshold/patience
        stop = False
        if self.epoch_counter >= self.n_epoch:
            log.info("Stopping (reached max number of epochs)...")
            stop = True
        if self.patience >= self.early_stop_length:
            log.info("Stopping early (reached stop threshold)...")
            stop = True

        timing = time.time() - t

        log.info('time: ' + make_time_units_string(timing))

        log.debug('remaining time: ' +
                 make_time_units_string((self.n_epoch - self.epoch_counter) * numpy.mean(self.times)))

        if (self.epoch_counter % self.save_frequency) == 0:
            #save params
            self.model.save_params('trained_epoch_' + str(self.epoch_counter))

        # ANNEAL!
        if not stop:
            # perform the appropriate decay on the decay functions/parameters for this optimizer and model
            for decay_param in self.get_decay_params():

        # return whether or not to stop this epoch
        return stop

    def _compute_over_subset(self, subset, inputs, targets,
                             monitors_dict, monitor_function, monitors_outservice_dict,
        inputs = raise_to_list(inputs)
        targets = raise_to_list(targets)
        if inputs is not None and len(monitors_dict) > 0:
            monitors = {key: [] for key in monitors_dict.keys()}
            data = [minibatch(input, self.batch_size, self.min_batch_size) for input in inputs]
            if targets is not None and not self.unsupervised:
                data += [minibatch(target, self.batch_size, self.min_batch_size) for target in targets]

            for batch in min_normalized_izip(*data):
                _outs = raise_to_list(monitor_function(*batch))
                current_monitors = zip(monitors_dict.keys(), _outs)
                for name, val in current_monitors:
                    val = numpy.asarray(val)

            # get the mean values for the batches
            current_mean_monitors = {key: numpy.mean(vals, 0) for key, vals in monitors.items()}
            # log the mean values!
            log.info('%s monitors: %s', subset, str(current_mean_monitors))
            # send the values to their outservices
            for name, service in monitors_outservice_dict.items():
                if name in current_mean_monitors and service:
                    service.write(current_mean_monitors[name], subset)
            # if there is a plot, also send them over!
            if plot:
                plot.update_plots(epoch=self.epoch_counter, monitors=current_mean_monitors)

    def get_decay_params(self):
        Returns a list of all the Decay objects to decay during training.

            List of Decay objects to use after each training epoch - in this case the
            learning rate decay.
        decay_params = self.model.get_decay_params()
        if hasattr(self, 'learning_rate_decay') and self.learning_rate_decay:
        return decay_params
Exemplo n.º 11
class StemCell(NonlinCell):

    .. todo::
    def __init__(self,

        super(StemCell, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        if name is None:
            name = self.__class__.name__.lower()

        self.name = name
        self.nout = nout
        self.init_W = init_W
        self.init_b = init_b
        self.cons = cons
        self.x_as_index = x_as_index
        self.parent = OrderedDict()
        parent_dim = tolist(parent_dim)

        for i, par in enumerate(tolist(parent)):
            if len(parent_dim) != 0 and len(parent) != 0:
                if len(parent) != len(parent_dim):
                    raise AssertionError(
                        "You probably had a mistake providing,\
                                          write number of values. It will end,\
                                          up with a model containing a bug.")
                self.parent[par] = parent_dim[i]
                self.parent[par] = None
        self.lr_scaler = lr_scaler
        self.use_bias = use_bias

    def fprop(self):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            str(type(self)) + " does not implement Layer.fprop.")

    def initialize(self):

        params = OrderedDict()

        for parname, parout in self.parent.items():
            W_shape = (parout, self.nout)
            W_name = 'W_' + parname + '__' + self.name
            params[W_name] = self.init_W.get(W_shape)

        if self.use_bias:
            params['b_' + self.name] = self.init_b.get(self.nout)

        return params
Exemplo n.º 12
class Optimizer(object):
    Default interface for an optimizer implementation - this provides the necessary parameter updates when
    training a model on a dataset using an online stochastic process. The base framework for performing
    stochastic gradient descent.
    def __init__(self, dataset, loss=None, model=None,
                 epochs=1000, batch_size=100, min_batch_size=1,
                 save_freq=10, stop_threshold=None, stop_patience=50,
                 learning_rate=1e-3, lr_decay=None, lr_decay_factor=None,
                 grad_clip=None, hard_clip=False,
        Initialize the Optimizer.

        dataset : Dataset
            The :class:`opendeep.data.Dataset` to use when training the Model.
        loss : Loss
            The :class:`opendeep.optimization.loss.Loss` function to compare the model to a 'target' result.
        model : Model
            The :class:`opendeep.models.Model` to train. Needed if the Optimizer isn't being passed to a
            Model's .train() method.
        epochs : int
            How many training iterations over the dataset to go.
        batch_size : int
            How many examples from the training dataset to use in parallel.
        min_batch_size : int
            The minimum number of examples required at a time (for things like time series, this would be > 1).
        save_freq : int, optional
            How many epochs to train between each new save of the Model's parameters.
        stop_threshold : float, optional
            The factor by how much the best validation training score needs to improve to determine early stopping.
        stop_patience : int, optional
            The patience or number of epochs to wait after the stop_threshold has been reached before stopping.
        learning_rate : float
            The multiplicative amount to adjust parameters based on their gradient values.
        lr_decay : str
            The decay function to use for changing the learning rate over epochs. See
            `opendeep.utils.decay` for classes of decay and documentation.
        lr_decay_factor : float
            The amount of decay to use for the ``lr_decay`` type of decay.
        grad_clip : float, optional
            Whether to clip gradients. This will clip the norm of the gradients either with a hard cutoff or rescaling.
        hard_clip : bool
            Whether to use a hard cutoff or rescaling for clipping gradients.
        log.info("Initializing optimizer %s", str(self.__class__.__name__))

        # Deal with early stopping None initializations (no early stopping).
        if not stop_threshold:
            stop_threshold = numpy.inf
        if not save_freq:
            save_freq = 1000000
        if not stop_patience:
            stop_patience = 1

        # Put all init parameters in self.args so we can log the initial configuration.
        self.args = locals().copy()
        kwargs = self.args.pop('kwargs')
        self.args = add_kwargs_to_dict(kwargs, self.args)
        # log the arguments
        log.info("Optimizer config args: %s", str(self.args))
        # if the optimizer wasn't initialized with a Model (train() being called from the model class itself),
        # just return. (This seems kinda hacky but hey, people wanted .train() to happen from Model and there
        # wasn't really a better way unless the epoch looping logic was in that method for Model. That wasn't
        # the best option because other methods besides stochastic ones can exist for optimizers in the future.
        # TODO: fix this up - feels like a hack just to make model.train() work...
        if not model:
        # Otherwise, things are proceeding as normal. Carry on...

        assert isinstance(model, Model), "Optimizer input model needs to be a Model class! " \
                                         "Found %s" % str(model.__class__.__name__)
        assert isinstance(dataset, Dataset), "Optimizer input dataset needs to be a Dataset class! " \
                                             "Found %s" % str(dataset.__class__.__name__)
        # deal with loss expression/targets
        if loss is not None:
            assert isinstance(loss, Loss), "Optimizer input loss needs to be a Loss class! " \
                                           "Found %s" % str(loss.__class__.__name__)
        if isinstance(loss, Loss):
            self.loss_targets = loss.get_targets()
            self.loss_expression = loss.get_loss()
            assert model.get_loss() is not None, "No Loss specified, and the model does not have one implemented."
            if isinstance(model.get_loss(), tuple):
                self.loss_targets = raise_to_list(model.get_loss()[0])
                self.loss_expression = model.get_loss()[1]
                self.loss_targets = None
                self.loss_expression = model.get_loss()

        model_inputs = raise_to_list(model.get_inputs())
        n_model_inputs = len(model_inputs)

        model_targets = self.loss_targets or []
        for input in model_inputs:
            if input in model_targets:

        n_model_targets = len(model_targets)
        self.unsupervised = (n_model_targets is 0)
        # make sure the number of inputs/targets matches up with the dataset properties
        # train
        assert n_model_inputs == len(raise_to_list(dataset.train_inputs)), \
            "Dataset has %d train inputs, while model expects %d" % \
            (len(raise_to_list(dataset.train_inputs)), n_model_inputs)
        if not self.unsupervised:
            assert n_model_targets == len(raise_to_list(dataset.train_targets) or []), \
                "Dataset has %d train targets, while model expects %d" % \
                (len(raise_to_list(dataset.train_targets) or []), n_model_targets)
        # valid
        if dataset.valid_inputs is not None:
            assert n_model_inputs == len(raise_to_list(dataset.valid_inputs)), \
                "Dataset has %d valid inputs, while model expects %d" % \
                (len(raise_to_list(dataset.valid_inputs)), n_model_inputs)
            if not self.unsupervised:
                assert n_model_targets == len(raise_to_list(dataset.valid_targets) or []), \
                    "Dataset has %d valid targets, while model expects %d" % \
                    (len(raise_to_list(dataset.valid_targets) or []), n_model_targets)
        # test
        if dataset.test_inputs is not None:
            assert n_model_inputs == len(raise_to_list(dataset.test_inputs)), \
                "Dataset has %d test inputs, while model expects %d" % \
                (len(raise_to_list(dataset.test_inputs)), n_model_inputs)
            if not self.unsupervised:
                assert n_model_targets == len(raise_to_list(dataset.test_targets) or []), \
                    "Dataset has %d test targets, while model expects %d" % \
                    (len(raise_to_list(dataset.test_targets) or []), n_model_targets)

        # now we are happy, we can add them to `self`
        self.model = model
        self.dataset = dataset
        self.loss = loss

        # Learning rate - how drastic of a step do the parameters change
        self.learning_rate = sharedX(learning_rate, 'learning_rate')
        # whether to scale individual model parameters' learning rates.
        self.lr_scalers = self.model.get_lr_scalers()
        # whether to decay
        if lr_decay:
            self.learning_rate_decay = get_decay_function(lr_decay,
            self.learning_rate_decay = False

        # rest of initial parameters needed for training.
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.min_batch_size = min_batch_size
        self.n_epoch = epochs
        self.save_frequency = save_freq
        self.early_stop_threshold = stop_threshold
        self.early_stop_length = stop_patience
        self.grad_clip = grad_clip
        self.hard_clip = hard_clip

    def get_updates(self, gradients):
        This returns the parameter updates to use during training. It defaults to only using (annealed) learning rate.

        gradients : dict
            A dictionary mapping from the model's parameters to their gradients.

        updates : OrderdDict
            A dictionary mapping from the old model parameters, to their new
            values after a single iteration of the learning rule.
        log.debug('Setting up Stochastic Gradient Descent for optimizer...')
        updates = OrderedDict()
        for (param, gradient) in iteritems(gradients):
            scaled_lr = self.learning_rate * self.lr_scalers.get(param, 1.)
            updates[param] = param - scaled_lr * gradient
        return updates

    def train(self, monitor_channels=None, plot=None):
        This method performs the training!!!
        It is an online training method that goes over minibatches from the dataset for a number of epochs,
        updating parameters after each minibatch.

        You can disrupt training with a KeyBoardInterrupt and it should exit/save parameters gracefully.

        monitor_channels : list(MonitorsChannel or Monitor), optional
            The list of channels or monitors containing monitor expressions/variables to compile and evaluate
            on the data.
        plot : Plot, optional
            The Plot object to use if we want to graph the outputs (uses bokeh server).
        if not self.model:
            log.error("No self.model for the Optimizer!")
            raise AssertionError("Needs to be initialized with a Model! (Or something went wrong if train() "
                                 "was called from the Model. Try initializing the Optimizer with the model param "
                                 "and calling optimizer.train().")

        # gradients and updates #
        # grab the model parameters to use during training
        self.params = self.model.get_params()
        # Now create the training cost function for the model to use while training - update parameters
        # gradient!
        # First find the basic variables that will be updated
        params = set()
        for param in self.params.values():
        params = list(params)
        gradients = grad(cost=self.loss_expression, wrt=params)
        # now create the dictionary mapping the parameter with its gradient
        gradients = OrderedDict(
            [(param, g) for param, g in zip(params, gradients)]
        # clip gradients if we want.
        gradients = clip_gradients(gradients, self.grad_clip, self.hard_clip)

        # Calculate the optimizer updates each run
        # This is where the magic happens for a lot of sub-implementations of SGD!
        # It tells how to update the params each training epoch
        gradient_updates = self.get_updates(gradients)

        # Combine the updates from the model also if applicable
        updates = self.model.get_updates()
        if updates:
            updates = gradient_updates

        log.info("%s params: %s", self.model._classname, str(list(self.params.keys())))

        # monitors #
        # deal with the monitor channels if they were given (or take them from the plot)
        if monitor_channels is None and plot is not None and len(plot.channels) > 0:
            monitor_channels = plot.channels
        self.train_monitors_dict = {}
        self.valid_monitors_dict = {}
        self.test_monitors_dict = {}
        self.train_monitors_outservice_dict = {}
        self.valid_monitors_outservice_dict = {}
        self.test_monitors_outservice_dict = {}
        if monitor_channels:
            # collapse the appropriate monitors into their (name, expression, out_service) tuples
            train_collapsed = collapse_channels(monitor_channels, train=True)
            valid_collapsed = collapse_channels(monitor_channels, valid=True)
            test_collapsed  = collapse_channels(monitor_channels, test=True)
            # get name: expression dictionary
            self.train_monitors_dict = OrderedDict([(name, expression) for name, expression, _ in train_collapsed])
            self.valid_monitors_dict = OrderedDict([(name, expression) for name, expression, _ in valid_collapsed])
            self.test_monitors_dict  = OrderedDict([(name, expression) for name, expression, _ in test_collapsed])
            # get name: outservice dictionary
            self.train_monitors_outservice_dict = OrderedDict([(name, out) for name, _, out in train_collapsed])
            self.valid_monitors_outservice_dict = OrderedDict([(name, out) for name, _, out in valid_collapsed])
            self.test_monitors_outservice_dict  = OrderedDict([(name, out) for name, _, out in test_collapsed])

        # compile train and monitor functions #
        function_input = raise_to_list(self.model.get_inputs())
        if self.loss_targets is not None:
            function_input += self.loss_targets
        # Compile the training function!
        log.info('Compiling f_learn function for model %s...', self.model._classname)
        t = time.time()

        f_learn = function(inputs=function_input,
                           outputs=[self.loss_expression] + list(self.train_monitors_dict.values()),

        log.info('f_learn compilation took %s', make_time_units_string(time.time() - t))

        # figure out if we want valid and test (monitors)
        self.valid_flag = (self.dataset.valid_inputs is not None) and (len(self.valid_monitors_dict) > 0)
        self.test_flag = (self.dataset.test_inputs is not None) and (len(self.test_monitors_dict) > 0)
        # Now compile the monitor functions!
        log.debug("Compiling monitor functions...")
        monitor_t = time.time()
        # valid monitors
        if self.valid_flag:
            self.valid_monitor_function = function(
            self.valid_monitor_function = None

        # test monitors
        if self.test_flag:
            self.test_monitor_function = function(
            self.test_monitor_function = None

        log.debug("Compilation done. Took %s", make_time_units_string(time.time() - monitor_t))

        # start training #
        log.info("-----------TRAINING %s FOR %d EPOCHS-----------",
                 self.model._classname, self.n_epoch)

        self.STOP = False
        self.epoch_counter = 0
        # reset any decay params
        for decay_param in self.get_decay_params():

        self.times = []
        self.best_cost = numpy.inf
        self.best_params = None
        self.patience = 0

        t = time.time()

        while not self.STOP:
                self.STOP = self._perform_one_epoch(f_learn, plot)
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                self.STOP = True

        # save params
        if self.best_params is not None:
            log.debug("Restoring best model parameters...")
            self.model.set_param_values(self.best_params, borrow=False)
        log.debug("Saving model parameters...")
        self.model.save_params('trained_epoch_' + str(self.epoch_counter))

        log.info("------------TRAIN TIME TOOK %s---------", make_time_units_string(time.time() - t))

    def _perform_one_epoch(self, f_learn, plot=None):
        Performs a single training iteration with the given learn function.
        self.epoch_counter += 1
        t = time.time()
        log.info('EPOCH %s', str(self.epoch_counter))

        # set the noise switches on for training function! (this is where things like dropout happen)
        if not self.model.switches_on:

        # train #
        train_costs = []
        train_monitors = {key: [] for key in self.train_monitors_dict.keys()}
        train_data = [
            minibatch(input_data, self.batch_size, self.min_batch_size)
            for input_data in raise_to_list(self.dataset.train_inputs)
        if self.dataset.train_targets is not None and not self.unsupervised:
            train_data += [
                minibatch(target, self.batch_size, self.min_batch_size)
                for target in raise_to_list(self.dataset.train_targets)

        for batch in min_normalized_izip(*train_data):
            _outs = raise_to_list(f_learn(*batch))
            # handle any user defined monitors (if different from the train cost)
            if len(train_monitors) > 0:
                current_monitors = zip(self.train_monitors_dict.keys(), _outs[1:])
                for name, val in current_monitors:
                    val = numpy.asarray(val)

        # get the mean values for the batches
        mean_train = numpy.mean(train_costs, 0)
        current_mean_monitors = {key: numpy.mean(vals, 0) for key, vals in train_monitors.items()}
        # log the mean values!
        log.info('Train cost: %s', trunc(mean_train))
        if len(current_mean_monitors) > 0:
            log.info('Train monitors: %s', str(current_mean_monitors))
        # send the values to their outservices
        for name, service in self.train_monitors_outservice_dict.items():
            if name in current_mean_monitors and service:
                service.write(current_mean_monitors[name], "train")
        # if there is a plot, also send them over!
        if plot:
            plot.update_plots(epoch=self.epoch_counter, monitors=current_mean_monitors)

        # set the noise switches off for valid and test sets! we assume unseen data is noisy anyway :)
        if self.model.switches_on:

        # valid #
        self._compute_over_subset("valid", self.dataset.valid_inputs, self.dataset.valid_targets,
                                  self.valid_monitors_dict, self.valid_monitor_function,
                                  self.valid_monitors_outservice_dict, plot)

        # test #
        self._compute_over_subset("test", self.dataset.test_inputs, self.dataset.test_targets,
                                  self.test_monitors_dict, self.test_monitor_function,
                                  self.test_monitors_outservice_dict, plot)

        # cleanup #
        # check for early stopping on train costs
        cost = numpy.sum(train_costs)
        # if the cost improved, reset the patience and record the best cost.
        if cost < self.best_cost * self.early_stop_threshold:
            self.patience = 0
            self.best_cost = cost
            # save the parameters that made it the best
            self.best_params = self.model.get_param_values(borrow=False)
        elif not numpy.isnan(cost):
            self.patience += 1

        # check for stopping either from n_epochs or from threshold/patience
        stop = False
        if self.epoch_counter >= self.n_epoch:
            log.info("Stopping (reached max number of epochs)...")
            stop = True
        if self.patience >= self.early_stop_length:
            log.info("Stopping early (reached stop threshold)...")
            stop = True

        timing = time.time() - t

        log.info('time: ' + make_time_units_string(timing))

        log.debug('remaining time: ' +
                 make_time_units_string((self.n_epoch - self.epoch_counter) * numpy.mean(self.times)))

        if (self.epoch_counter % self.save_frequency) == 0:
            #save params
            self.model.save_params('trained_epoch_' + str(self.epoch_counter))

        # ANNEAL!
        if not stop:
            # perform the appropriate decay on the decay functions/parameters for this optimizer and model
            for decay_param in self.get_decay_params():

        # return whether or not to stop this epoch
        return stop

    def _compute_over_subset(self, subset, inputs, targets,
                             monitors_dict, monitor_function, monitors_outservice_dict,
        inputs = raise_to_list(inputs)
        targets = raise_to_list(targets)
        if inputs is not None and len(monitors_dict) > 0:
            monitors = {key: [] for key in monitors_dict.keys()}
            data = [minibatch(input, self.batch_size, self.min_batch_size) for input in inputs]
            if targets is not None and not self.unsupervised:
                data += [minibatch(target, self.batch_size, self.min_batch_size) for target in targets]

            for batch in min_normalized_izip(*data):
                _outs = raise_to_list(monitor_function(*batch))
                current_monitors = zip(monitors_dict.keys(), _outs)
                for name, val in current_monitors:
                    val = numpy.asarray(val)

            # get the mean values for the batches
            current_mean_monitors = {key: numpy.mean(vals, 0) for key, vals in monitors.items()}
            # log the mean values!
            log.info('%s monitors: %s', subset, str(current_mean_monitors))
            # send the values to their outservices
            for name, service in monitors_outservice_dict.items():
                if name in current_mean_monitors and service:
                    service.write(current_mean_monitors[name], subset)
            # if there is a plot, also send them over!
            if plot:
                plot.update_plots(epoch=self.epoch_counter, monitors=current_mean_monitors)

    def get_decay_params(self):
        Returns a list of all the Decay objects to decay during training.

            List of Decay objects to use after each training epoch - in this case the
            learning rate decay.
        decay_params = self.model.get_decay_params()
        if hasattr(self, 'learning_rate_decay') and self.learning_rate_decay:
        return decay_params
Exemplo n.º 13
def main():
    var = theano.shared(T.zeros(shape=(88, 100),
    updates = [(var, add_uniform(input=var, noise_level=.02))]

    stats = get_stats(var)
    l1 = stats.pop('l1')
    l2 = stats.pop('l2')
    min = stats.pop('min')
    max = stats.pop('max')
    var = stats.pop('var')
    std = stats.pop('std')
    mean = stats.pop('mean')

    mean_monitor = Monitor('mean',
    var_monitor = Monitor('var', var, out_service=FileService('outs/var.txt'))

    w_channel = MonitorsChannel('W', monitors=mean_monitor)

    stat_channel = MonitorsChannel('stats', monitors=[var_monitor])

    monitors = [w_channel, stat_channel]

    train_collapsed_raw = collapse_channels(monitors, train=True)
    train_collapsed = OrderedDict([(item[0], item[1])
                                   for item in train_collapsed_raw])
    train_services = OrderedDict([(item[0], item[2])
                                  for item in train_collapsed_raw])
    valid_collapsed_raw = collapse_channels(monitors, valid=True)
    valid_collapsed = OrderedDict([(item[0], item[1])
                                   for item in valid_collapsed_raw])
    valid_services = OrderedDict([(item[0], item[2])
                                  for item in valid_collapsed_raw])

    f = theano.function(inputs=[],
    f2 = theano.function(inputs=[],

    t1 = time.time()

    for epoch in range(10):
        t = time.time()
        vals = f()
        m = OrderedDict(zip(train_collapsed.keys(), vals))
        for name, service in train_services.items():
            if name in m:
                service.write(m[name], TRAIN)
        log.debug('----- ' + make_time_units_string(time.time() - t))

    for epoch in range(10):
        t = time.time()
        vals = f2()
        m = OrderedDict(zip(valid_collapsed.keys(), vals))
        for name, service in valid_services.items():
            if name in m:
                service.write(m[name], VALID)
        log.debug('----- ' + make_time_units_string(time.time() - t))

    log.debug("TOTAL TIME " + make_time_units_string(time.time() - t1))
Exemplo n.º 14
class StemCell(NonlinCell):

    .. todo::
    def __init__(self,
        super(StemCell, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        if name is None:
            name = self.__class__.name__.lower()
        self.name = name
        self.nout = nout
        self.init_W = init_W
        self.init_b = init_b
        self.cons = cons
        self.parent = OrderedDict()
        parent_dim = tolist(parent_dim)
        for i, par in enumerate(tolist(parent)):
            if len(parent_dim) != 0 and len(parent) != 0:
                if len(parent) != len(parent_dim):
                    raise AssertionError(
                        "You probably had a mistake providing,\
                                          write number of values. It will end,\
                                          up with a model containing a bug.")
                self.parent[par] = parent_dim[i]
                self.parent[par] = None
        self.params = OrderedDict()
        self.lr_scaler = lr_scaler

    def get_params(self):
        return self.params

    def fprop(self, x=None):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            str(type(self)) + " does not implement Layer.fprop.")

    def alloc(self, x):
        self.params[x.name] = x

    def initialize(self):
        for parname, parout in self.parent.items():
            W_shape = (parout, self.nout)
            W_name = 'W_' + parname + '__' + self.name
            self.alloc(self.init_W.get(W_shape, W_name))
        self.alloc(self.init_b.get(self.nout, 'b_' + self.name))

    def add_noisy_params(self, key=['W'], weight_noise=0.075):
        self.noisy_params = OrderedDict()
        for param in self.params.items():
            if param[0].split('_')[0] in key:
                self.noisy_params[param[0]] = add_noise(
                    param[1], weight_noise, self.theano_rng)

    def del_noisy_params(self):
        del self.noisy_params
Exemplo n.º 15
class Optimizer(object):
    Default interface for an optimizer implementation - this provides the necessary parameter updates when
    training a model on a dataset using an online stochastic process.
    def __init__(self, model, dataset,
                 n_epoch=1000, batch_size=100, minimum_batch_size=1,
                 save_frequency=10, early_stop_threshold=.9995, early_stop_length=30,
                 learning_rate=1e-3, lr_decay='exponential', lr_factor=1,
        Initialize the Optimizer.

        model : Model
            The Model to train.
        dataset : Dataset
            The Dataset to use when training the Model.
        n_epoch : int
            how many training iterations over the dataset to go.
        batch_size : int
            How many examples from the training dataset to use in parallel.
        minimum_batch_size : int
            The minimum number of examples required at a time (for things like time series, this would be > 1).
        save_frequency : int
            How many epochs to train between each new save of the Model's parameters.
        early_stop_threshold : float
            The factor by how much the best validation training score needs to improve to determine early stopping.
        early_stop_length : int
            The patience or number of epochs to wait after the early_stop_threshold has been reached before stopping.
        learning_rate : float
            The multiplicative amount to adjust parameters based on their gradient values.
        lr_decay : str
            The type of decay function to use for changing the learning rate over epochs. See
            `opendeep.utils.decay` for options.
        lr_factor : float
            The amount to use for the decay function when changing the learning rate over epochs. See
            `opendeep.utils.decay` for its effect for given decay functions.
        log.info("Initializing optimizer %s", str(type(self)))

        if early_stop_threshold is None:
            early_stop_threshold = 1.
        if save_frequency is None:
            save_frequency = 1000000
        if early_stop_length is None:
            early_stop_length = 100

        self.args = locals().copy()
        kwargs = self.args.pop('kwargs')
        self.args = add_kwargs_to_dict(kwargs, self.args)
        # log the arguments
        log.info("optimizer config args: %s", str(self.args))

        assert isinstance(model, Model), "Optimizer input model needs to be an opendeep Model class!"
        assert isinstance(dataset, Dataset), "Optimizer input dataset needs to be an opendeep Dataset class!"
        self.model = model
        self.dataset = dataset

        # Learning rate - how drastic of a step do the parameters change
        self.learning_rate = sharedX(learning_rate, 'learning_rate')
        self.lr_scalers = self.model.get_lr_scalers()
        if lr_decay:
            self.learning_rate_decay = get_decay_function(lr_decay,
            self.learning_rate_decay = False

        self.noise_switches = raise_to_list(self.model.get_noise_switch())
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.minimum_batch_size = minimum_batch_size
        self.n_epoch = n_epoch
        self.save_frequency = save_frequency
        self.early_stop_threshold = early_stop_threshold
        self.early_stop_length = early_stop_length

    def _get_batch_indices(self, data_lengths):
        Computes the tuples of (start_index, end_index) that represent the appropriate slices of the concatenated
        dataset with regards to the given data_lengths. This allows for lists of data lengths to represent sequences,
        so that the concatenated batches returned do not overstep the start of a new sequence.

        data_lengths : list(int) or int
            List of num_examples for each dataset (the length of the datasets - this is a list in the case of

        list((int, int))
            List of tuples (start, end) representing the batch slices for the total dataset if it were concatenated.
        batch_indices = []
        start_idx = 0
        for len in raise_to_list(data_lengths):
            # integer division to determine number of whole batches for this length
            n_batches = len / int(self.batch_size)
            # add the (start_idx, end_idx) tuple to the list
            for i in range(n_batches):
                end_idx = start_idx + self.batch_size
                batch_indices.append((start_idx, end_idx))
                start_idx = end_idx
            # remainder to find number of leftover examples
            remainder = numpy.remainder(len, self.batch_size)
            end_idx = start_idx + remainder
            # check if it is bigger than the minimum allowed size
            if remainder >= self.minimum_batch_size:
                batch_indices.append((start_idx, end_idx))
            start_idx = end_idx
        return batch_indices

    def _get_givens_subset(self, subset, batch_slice):
        This translates a batch slice of start and end indices into the actual data from the given subset.

        subset : int
            The subset to use - determined in opendeep.data.datasets as TRAIN, VALID, or TEST attributes.
        batch_slice : symbolic slice
            The symbolic slice to grab from the data.

            The givens to provide to a function where it sets the input variable to the actual batch representation
            of data from the dataset: (input_variable: data[batch])
        # translate the data_idx into the givens for the model
        # first get the lists of input variables the model requires - inputs and targets
        model_inputs = raise_to_list(self.model.get_inputs())
        model_targets = raise_to_list(self.model.get_targets())
        givens = None
        if self.dataset.getSubset(subset)[0] is not None:
            # grab the data and labels
            data, labels = self.dataset.getSubset(subset)
            # create the givens for the input function as pairs of (input_variable: sliced_data)
            givens = OrderedDict(zip(model_inputs, [data[batch_slice]]))
            # include labels as well if they are required by the model
            if model_targets is not None and len(model_targets) > 0:
                if labels is None:
                    log.error("No labels in the dataset!")
                    raise AssertionError, "No lables in the dataset!"
                givens.update(OrderedDict(zip(model_targets, [labels[batch_slice]])))
            log.warning("Dataset doesn't have subset %s" % get_subset_strings(subset))

        return givens

    def get_updates(self, gradients):
        This returns the parameter updates to use during training. It defaults to only using (annealed) learning rate.

        gradients : dict
            A dictionary mapping from the model's parameters to their

        updates : OrderdDict
            A dictionary mapping from the old model parameters, to their new
            values after a single iteration of the learning rule.
        log.debug('Setting up Stochastic Gradient Descent for optimizer...')
        updates = OrderedDict()
        for (param, gradient) in six.iteritems(gradients):
            scaled_lr = self.learning_rate * self.lr_scalers.get(param, 1.)
            updates[param] = param - scaled_lr * gradient
        return updates

    def get_lr_monitor(self):
        Returns a monitor dictionary to the Optimizer's learning rate.

            Mapping 'learning_rate' to `self.learning_rate` shared variable.
        return {'learning_rate': self.learning_rate}

    def train(self, monitor_channels=None, train_outservice=None, plot=None, continue_training=False):
        This method performs the training!!!
        It is an online training method that goes over minibatches from the dataset for a number of epochs,
        updating parameters after each minibatch.

        You can disrupt training with a KeyBoardInterrupt and it should exit/save parameters gracefully.

        monitor_channels : list(MonitorsChannel or Monitor), optional
            The list of channels or monitors containing monitor expressions/variables to compile and evaluate
            on the data.
        train_outservice : OutService, optional
            The OutService to use for the automatically created train_cost monitor. Default of None just outputs
            to logs.
        plot : Plot, optional
            The Plot object to use if we want to graph the outputs (uses bokeh server).
        continue_training : bool
            Whether to continue training from a previous point.
        # theano index variable to use on the dataset #
        # index to a [mini]batch - both start and end
        data_idx = T.iscalar('data_index')
        data_end_idx = T.iscalar('data_end_index')
        function_input = [data_idx, data_end_idx]
        batch_slice = slice(data_idx, data_end_idx)

        # compute number of minibatches for training, validation and testing
        # shapes is list of list - input list of datasets to optimizer (for multiple inputs), and each dataset
        # could be a list of shared variables (like multiple sequences from files)
        train_data_shapes = raise_to_list(self.dataset.getDataShape(TRAIN))
        valid_data_shapes = raise_to_list(self.dataset.getDataShape(VALID))
        test_data_shapes = raise_to_list(self.dataset.getDataShape(TEST))

        # train_batches is going to be lists of tuples that contain the start and end indices for train data.
        # this is more useful in the case of datasets that are lists of sequences, so that the start and end
        # indices can make sure a batch does not cross the sequence boundary on the concatenated data
        train_data_lens = [shape[0] for shape in train_data_shapes]
        self.train_batches = self._get_batch_indices(train_data_lens)

        if valid_data_shapes is not None:
            valid_data_lens = [shape[0] for shape in valid_data_shapes]
            self.valid_batches = self._get_batch_indices(valid_data_lens)
            self.valid_batches = None
        if test_data_shapes is not None:
            test_data_lens = [shape[0] for shape in test_data_shapes]
            self.test_batches = self._get_batch_indices(test_data_lens)
            self.test_batches = None

        # create the givens for the input function as pairs of (input_variable: sliced_data)
        train_givens = self._get_givens_subset(TRAIN, batch_slice)
        valid_givens = self._get_givens_subset(VALID, batch_slice)
        test_givens = self._get_givens_subset(TEST, batch_slice)

        # Now time to create the gradient updates for the model - make sure to handle the possible
        # list of costs used for pretraining of certain parts of the model.
        train_costs = raise_to_list(self.model.get_train_cost())
        train_updates = []
        self.gradients = []
        for i, train_cost in enumerate(train_costs):
            # Now create the training cost function for the model to use while training - update parameters
            # gradient!
            gradients, _ = self.model.get_gradient(cost=train_cost)

            # Calculate the optimizer updates each run
            # This is where the magic happens for a lot of sub-implementations of SGD!
            # It tells how to update the params each training epoch
            gradient_updates = self.get_updates(gradients)

            # Combine the updates from the model also if applicable
            updates = self.model.get_updates()
            if updates:
                updates = gradient_updates

        # grab the model parameters to use during training
        self.params = self.model.get_params()
        log.info("%s params: %s", str(type(self.model)), str(self.params))

        # deal with the monitor channels if they were given (or take them from the plot)
        if monitor_channels is None and plot is not None and len(plot.channels) > 0:
            monitor_channels = plot.channels
        self.train_monitors_dict = {}
        self.valid_monitors_dict = {}
        self.test_monitors_dict = {}
        self.train_monitors_outservice_dict = {}
        self.valid_monitors_outservice_dict = {}
        self.test_monitors_outservice_dict = {}
        if monitor_channels:
            # collapse the appropriate monitors into their (name, expression, out_service) tuples
            train_collapsed = collapse_channels(monitor_channels, train=True)
            valid_collapsed = collapse_channels(monitor_channels, valid=True)
            test_collapsed  = collapse_channels(monitor_channels, test=True)
            # get name: expression dictionary
            self.train_monitors_dict = OrderedDict([(name, expression) for name, expression, _ in train_collapsed])
            self.valid_monitors_dict = OrderedDict([(name, expression) for name, expression, _ in valid_collapsed])
            self.test_monitors_dict  = OrderedDict([(name, expression) for name, expression, _ in test_collapsed])
            # get name: outservice dictionary
            self.train_monitors_outservice_dict = OrderedDict([(name, out) for name, _, out in train_collapsed])
            self.valid_monitors_outservice_dict = OrderedDict([(name, out) for name, _, out in valid_collapsed])
            self.test_monitors_outservice_dict  = OrderedDict([(name, out) for name, _, out in test_collapsed])
        # finally deal with an outservice provided to monitor training cost
        self.train_outservice = train_outservice
        # remove redundant files made by the fileservice for the train monitor.
        # TODO: THIS FEELS LIKE A HACK. I don't like it.
        if isinstance(self.train_outservice, FileService):

        # compile train and monitor functions #
        train_functions = []
        for i in range(len(train_costs)):
            updates = train_updates[i]
            train_cost = train_costs[i]
            # Compile the training function!
            log.info('Compiling f_learn %d/%d function for model %s...', i + 1, len(train_updates),
            t = time.time()

            f_learn = function(inputs=function_input,
                               outputs=[train_cost] + self.train_monitors_dict.values(),
                               name='f_learn_%d' % i)

            log.info('f_learn compilation took %s', make_time_units_string(time.time() - t))

        # figure out if we want valid and test
        self.valid_flag = (self.dataset.getSubset(VALID)[0] is not None) and (len(self.valid_monitors_dict) > 0)
        self.test_flag = (self.dataset.getSubset(TEST)[0] is not None) and (len(self.test_monitors_dict) > 0)
        # Now compile the monitor functions!
        log.debug("Compiling monitor functions...")
        monitor_t = time.time()
        # valid monitors
        if self.valid_flag:
            self.valid_monitor_function = function(
            self.valid_monitor_function = None

        # test monitors
        if self.test_flag:
            self.test_monitor_function = function(
            self.test_monitor_function = None

        log.debug("Compilation done. Took %s", make_time_units_string(time.time() - monitor_t))

        # start training #
        # make sure to deal with a list of train_cost functions - for layer-wise pretraining!
        # this list of training functions was created during __init__()
        start_time = time.time()
        for func_i, train_function in enumerate(train_functions):
            log.info("-----------TRAINING %s function %d/%d FOR %d EPOCHS (continue_training=%s)-----------",
                     str(type(self.model)), func_i + 1, len(train_functions), self.n_epoch, str(continue_training))

            log.debug("Train dataset size is: %s", self.dataset.getDataShape(TRAIN))
            if self.dataset.getSubset(VALID)[0] is not None:
                log.debug("Valid dataset size is: %s", self.dataset.getDataShape(VALID))
            if self.dataset.getSubset(TEST)[0] is not None:
                log.debug("Test dataset size is: %s", self.dataset.getDataShape(TEST))

            self.STOP = False
            self.epoch_counter = 0
            if not continue_training:
                # reset any decay params
                for decay_param in self.get_decay_params():

            self.times = []
            self.best_cost = numpy.inf
            self.best_params = None
            self.patience = 0

            t = time.time()

            while not self.STOP:
                    self.STOP = self._perform_one_epoch(train_function, plot)
                except KeyboardInterrupt:
                    log.info("STOPPING EARLY FROM KEYBOARDINTERRUPT")
                    self.STOP = True

            # save params
            if self.best_params is not None:
                log.debug("Restoring best model parameters...")
                set_shared_values(self.params, self.best_params)
            log.debug("Saving model parameters...")
            self.model.save_params('trained_epoch_' + str(self.epoch_counter) + '.pkl')

            log.info("------------TRAIN TIME TOOK %s---------", make_time_units_string(time.time() - t))

        log.info("------------TOTAL %s TRAIN TIME TOOK %s---------",
                 str(type(self.model)), make_time_units_string(time.time() - start_time))

    def _perform_one_epoch(self, f_learn, plot=None):
        Performs a single training iteration with the given learn function.
        self.epoch_counter += 1
        t = time.time()
        log.info('EPOCH %s', str(self.epoch_counter))

        # set the noise switches on for training function! (this is where things like dropout happen)
        switch_vals = []
        if len(self.noise_switches) > 0 and (self.valid_flag or self.test_flag or self.epoch_counter == 1):
            log.debug("Turning on %s noise switches", str(len(self.noise_switches)))
            switch_vals = [switch.get_value() for switch in self.noise_switches]
            [switch.set_value(1.) for switch in self.noise_switches]

        # train
        train_costs = []
        train_monitors = {key: [] for key in self.train_monitors_dict.keys()}
        for batch_start, batch_end in self.train_batches:
            _outs = raise_to_list(f_learn(batch_start, batch_end))
            # handle any user defined monitors
            if len(train_monitors) > 0:
                current_monitors = zip(self.train_monitors_dict.keys(), _outs[1:])
                for name, val in current_monitors:

        # get the mean values for the batches
        mean_train = numpy.mean(train_costs, 0)
        current_mean_monitors = {key: numpy.mean(vals, 0) for key, vals in train_monitors.items()}
        # log the mean values!
        log.info('Train cost: %s', trunc(mean_train))
        if len(current_mean_monitors) > 0:
            log.info('Train monitors: %s', str(current_mean_monitors))
        # send the values to their outservices
        if self.train_outservice:
            self.train_outservice.write(mean_train, TRAIN)
        for name, service in self.train_monitors_outservice_dict.items():
            if name in current_mean_monitors and service:
                service.write(current_mean_monitors[name], TRAIN)
        # if there is a plot, also send them over!
        if plot:
            current_mean_monitors.update({TRAIN_COST_KEY: mean_train})
            plot.update_plots(epoch=self.epoch_counter, monitors=current_mean_monitors)

        # set the noise switches off for valid and test sets! we assume unseen data is noisy anyway :)
        if len(self.noise_switches) > 0 and (self.valid_flag or self.test_flag):
            log.debug("Turning off %s noise switches", str(len(self.noise_switches)))
            [switch.set_value(0.) for switch in self.noise_switches]

        # valid
        if self.valid_flag:
            valid_monitors = {key: [] for key in self.valid_monitors_dict.keys()}
            for batch_start, batch_end in self.valid_batches:
                _outs = raise_to_list(self.valid_monitor_function(batch_start, batch_end))
                current_monitors = zip(self.valid_monitors_dict.keys(), _outs)
                for name, val in current_monitors:

            # get the mean values for the batches
            current_mean_monitors = {key: numpy.mean(vals, 0) for key, vals in valid_monitors.items()}
            # log the mean values!
            log.info('Valid monitors: %s', str(current_mean_monitors))
            # send the values to their outservices
            for name, service in self.valid_monitors_outservice_dict.items():
                if name in current_mean_monitors and service:
                    service.write(current_mean_monitors[name], VALID)
            # if there is a plot, also send them over!
            if plot:
                plot.update_plots(epoch=self.epoch_counter, monitors=current_mean_monitors)

        if self.test_flag:
            test_monitors = {key: [] for key in self.test_monitors_dict.keys()}
            for batch_start, batch_end in self.test_batches:
                _outs = raise_to_list(self.test_monitor_function(batch_start, batch_end))
                current_monitors = zip(self.test_monitors_dict.keys(), _outs)
                for name, val in current_monitors:

            # get the mean values for the batches
            current_mean_monitors = {key: numpy.mean(vals, 0) for key, vals in test_monitors.items()}
            # log the mean values!
            log.info('Test monitors: %s', str(current_mean_monitors))
            # send the values to their outservices
            for name, service in self.test_monitors_outservice_dict.items():
                if name in current_mean_monitors and service:
                    service.write(current_mean_monitors[name], TEST)
            # if there is a plot, also send them over!
            if plot:
                plot.update_plots(epoch=self.epoch_counter, monitors=current_mean_monitors)

        # check for early stopping on train costs
        cost = numpy.sum(train_costs)
        if cost < self.best_cost * self.early_stop_threshold:
            self.patience = 0
            self.best_cost = cost
            # save the parameters that made it the best
            self.best_params = get_shared_values(self.params)
            self.patience += 1

        # check for stopping either from n_epochs or from threshold/patience
        stop = False
        if self.epoch_counter >= self.n_epoch:
            log.info("Stopping (reached max number of epochs)...")
            stop = True
        if self.patience >= self.early_stop_length:
            log.info("Stopping early (reached stop threshold)...")
            stop = True

        timing = time.time() - t

        log.info('time: ' + make_time_units_string(timing))

        log.debug('remaining time: ' +
                 make_time_units_string((self.n_epoch - self.epoch_counter) * numpy.mean(self.times)))

        if (self.epoch_counter % self.save_frequency) == 0:
            #save params
            self.model.save_params('trained_epoch_' + str(self.epoch_counter) + '.pkl')

        # ANNEAL!
        if not stop:
            # perform the appropriate decay on the decay functions/parameters for this optimizer and model
            for decay_param in self.get_decay_params():

        # reset the switches
        if len(self.noise_switches) > 0:
            [switch.set_value(val) for switch, val in zip(self.noise_switches, switch_vals)]

        # return whether or not to stop this epoch
        return stop

    def get_decay_params(self):
        Returns a list of all the Decay objects to decay during training.

            List of Decay objects to use after each training epoch - in this case the
            learning rate decay.
        decay_params = self.model.get_decay_params()
        if hasattr(self, 'learning_rate_decay') and self.learning_rate_decay:
        return decay_params