Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_multilayer_sparse(self):
        # fixed parameters
        bsize = 10     # batch size
        imshp = (5,5)
        kshp = ((3,3),(2,2))
        nkerns = (10,20) # per output pixel
        ssizes = ((1,1),(2,2))
        convmodes = ('full','valid',)

        # symbolic stuff
        kerns = [tensor.dvector(),tensor.dvector()]
        input = tensor.dmatrix()
        rng = numpy.random.RandomState(3423489)

        # build actual input images
        img2d = numpy.arange(bsize*numpy.prod(imshp)).reshape((bsize,)+imshp)
        img1d = img2d.reshape(bsize,-1)

        for mode in ('FAST_COMPILE','FAST_RUN'):
            for conv_mode in convmodes:
                for ss in ssizes:

                    l1hid, l1outshp = sp.applySparseFilter(kerns[0], kshp[0],\
                            nkerns[0], input, imshp, ss, mode=conv_mode)
                    l2hid, l2outshp = sp.applySparseFilter(kerns[1], kshp[1],\
                            nkerns[1], l1hid, l1outshp, ss, mode=conv_mode)

                    l1propup = function([kerns[0], input], l1hid, mode=mode)
                    l2propup = function([kerns[1], l1hid], l2hid, mode=mode)

                    # actual values
                    l1kernvals = numpy.arange(numpy.prod(l1outshp)*numpy.prod(kshp[0]))
                    l2kernvals = numpy.arange(numpy.prod(l2outshp)*numpy.prod(kshp[1])*nkerns[0])
                    l1hidval = l1propup(l1kernvals,img1d)
                    l2hidval = l2propup(l2kernvals,l1hidval)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_multilayer_sparse(self):
        # fixed parameters
        bsize = 10     # batch size
        imshp = (5, 5)
        kshp = ((3, 3), (2, 2))
        nkerns = (10, 20)  # per output pixel
        ssizes = ((1, 1), (2, 2))
        convmodes = ('full', 'valid',)

        # symbolic stuff
        kerns = [tensor.dvector(), tensor.dvector()]
        input = tensor.dmatrix()
        rng = numpy.random.RandomState(3423489)

        # build actual input images
        img2d = numpy.arange(bsize*numpy.prod(imshp)).reshape((bsize,)+imshp)
        img1d = img2d.reshape(bsize, -1)

        for mode in ('FAST_COMPILE', 'FAST_RUN'):
            for conv_mode in convmodes:
                for ss in ssizes:

                    l1hid, l1outshp = sp.applySparseFilter(kerns[0], kshp[0],\
                            nkerns[0], input, imshp, ss, mode=conv_mode)
                    l2hid, l2outshp = sp.applySparseFilter(kerns[1], kshp[1],\
                            nkerns[1], l1hid, l1outshp, ss, mode=conv_mode)

                    l1propup = function([kerns[0], input], l1hid, mode=mode)
                    l2propup = function([kerns[1], l1hid], l2hid, mode=mode)

                    # actual values
                    l1kernvals = numpy.arange(numpy.prod(l1outshp)*numpy.prod(kshp[0]))
                    l2kernvals = numpy.arange(numpy.prod(l2outshp)*numpy.prod(kshp[1])*nkerns[0])
                    l1hidval = l1propup(l1kernvals, img1d)
                    l2hidval = l2propup(l2kernvals, l1hidval)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_sparse(self):

        print '\n\n*************************************************'
        print '           TEST SPARSE'
        print '*************************************************'

        # fixed parameters
        bsize = 10  # batch size
        imshp = (28, 28)
        kshp = (5, 5)
        nkern = 1  # per output pixel
        ssizes = ((1, 1), (2, 2))
        convmodes = (

        # symbolic stuff
        bias = tensor.dvector()
        kerns = tensor.dvector()
        input = tensor.dmatrix()
        rng = numpy.random.RandomState(3423489)

        import theano.gof as gof
        #Mode(optimizer='fast_run', linker=gof.OpWiseCLinker(allow_gc=False)),):
        for mode in ('FAST_COMPILE', 'FAST_RUN'):  #,profmode):
            ntot, ttot = 0, 0
            for conv_mode in convmodes:
                for ss in ssizes:

                    output, outshp = sp.applySparseFilter(kerns, kshp,\
                            nkern, input, imshp, ss, bias=bias, mode=conv_mode)
                    f = function([kerns, bias, input], output, mode=mode)

                    # build actual input images
                    img2d = numpy.arange(
                        bsize * numpy.prod(imshp)).reshape((bsize, ) + imshp)
                    img1d = img2d.reshape(bsize, -1)
                    zeropad_img = numpy.zeros((bsize,\
                    zeropad_img[:, kshp[0] - 1:kshp[0] - 1 + img2d.shape[1],
                                kshp[1] - 1:kshp[1] - 1 +
                                img2d.shape[2]] = img2d

                    # build kernel matrix -- flatten it for theano stuff
                    filters = numpy.arange(numpy.prod(outshp)*numpy.prod(kshp)).\
                    spfilt = filters.flatten()
                    biasvals = numpy.arange(numpy.prod(outshp))

                    # compute output by hand
                    ntime1 = time.time()
                    refout = numpy.zeros((bsize, nkern, outshp[1], outshp[2]))
                    patch = numpy.zeros((kshp[0], kshp[1]))
                    for b in xrange(bsize):
                        for k in xrange(nkern):
                            pixi = 0  # pixel index in raster order
                            for j in xrange(outshp[1]):
                                for i in xrange(outshp[2]):
                                    n = j * ss[0]
                                    m = i * ss[1]
                                    patch = zeropad_img[b, n:n + kshp[0],
                                                        m:m + kshp[1]]
                                    refout[b,k,j,i] = numpy.dot(filters[k,pixi,:],\
                                    pixi += 1
                    refout = refout.reshape(bsize, -1) + biasvals
                    ntot += time.time() - ntime1

                    # need to flatten images
                    ttime1 = time.time()
                    out1 = f(spfilt, biasvals, img1d)
                    ttot += time.time() - ttime1

                    temp = refout - out1
                    assert (temp < 1e-10).all()

                    # test downward propagation
                    vis = tensor.grad(0.5 * tensor.sqr(output).sum(), input)
                    downprop = function([kerns, output], vis)
                    temp1 = time.time()
                    for zz in range(100):
                        visval = downprop(spfilt, out1)
                    indices, indptr, spmat_shape, sptype, outshp, kmap = \
                    spmat = sparse.csc_matrix((spfilt[kmap], indices, indptr),
                    visref = numpy.dot(out1, spmat.todense())
                    assert numpy.all(visref == visval), (visref, visval)

            print '**** Sparse Profiling Results (', mode, ') ****'
            print 'Numpy processing time: ', ntot
            print 'Theano processing time: ', ttot
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_sparse(self):

        #        print '\n\n*************************************************'
        #        print '           TEST SPARSE'
        #        print '*************************************************'

        # fixed parameters
        bsize = 10  # batch size
        imshp = (28, 28)
        kshp = (5, 5)
        nkern = 1  # per output pixel
        ssizes = ((1, 1), (2, 2))
        convmodes = ("full", "valid")

        # symbolic stuff
        bias = tensor.dvector()
        kerns = tensor.dvector()
        input = tensor.dmatrix()
        rng = numpy.random.RandomState(3423489)

        import theano.gof as gof

        # Mode(optimizer='fast_run', linker=gof.OpWiseCLinker(allow_gc=False)),):
        for mode in ("FAST_COMPILE", "FAST_RUN"):  # ,profmode):
            ntot, ttot = 0, 0
            for conv_mode in convmodes:
                for ss in ssizes:

                    output, outshp = sp.applySparseFilter(
                        kerns, kshp, nkern, input, imshp, ss, bias=bias, mode=conv_mode
                    f = function([kerns, bias, input], output, mode=mode)

                    # build actual input images
                    img2d = numpy.arange(bsize * numpy.prod(imshp)).reshape((bsize,) + imshp)
                    img1d = img2d.reshape(bsize, -1)
                    zeropad_img = numpy.zeros(
                        (bsize, img2d.shape[1] + 2 * (kshp[0] - 1), img2d.shape[2] + 2 * (kshp[1] - 1))
                        :, kshp[0] - 1 : kshp[0] - 1 + img2d.shape[1], kshp[1] - 1 : kshp[1] - 1 + img2d.shape[2]
                    ] = img2d

                    # build kernel matrix -- flatten it for theano stuff
                    filters = numpy.arange(numpy.prod(outshp) * numpy.prod(kshp)).reshape(
                        nkern, numpy.prod(outshp[1:]), numpy.prod(kshp)
                    spfilt = filters.flatten()
                    biasvals = numpy.arange(numpy.prod(outshp))

                    # compute output by hand
                    ntime1 = time.time()
                    refout = numpy.zeros((bsize, nkern, outshp[1], outshp[2]))
                    patch = numpy.zeros((kshp[0], kshp[1]))
                    for b in xrange(bsize):
                        for k in xrange(nkern):
                            pixi = 0  # pixel index in raster order
                            for j in xrange(outshp[1]):
                                for i in xrange(outshp[2]):
                                    n = j * ss[0]
                                    m = i * ss[1]
                                    patch = zeropad_img[b, n : n + kshp[0], m : m + kshp[1]]
                                    refout[b, k, j, i] = numpy.dot(filters[k, pixi, :], patch.flatten())
                                    pixi += 1
                    refout = refout.reshape(bsize, -1) + biasvals
                    ntot += time.time() - ntime1

                    # need to flatten images
                    ttime1 = time.time()
                    out1 = f(spfilt, biasvals, img1d)
                    ttot += time.time() - ttime1

                    temp = refout - out1
                    assert (temp < 1e-10).all()

                    # test downward propagation
                    vis = tensor.grad(0.5 * tensor.sqr(output).sum(), input)
                    downprop = function([kerns, output], vis)
                    temp1 = time.time()
                    for zz in range(100):
                        visval = downprop(spfilt, out1)
                    indices, indptr, spmat_shape, sptype, outshp, kmap = sp.convolution_indices.sparse_eval(
                        imshp, kshp, nkern, ss, conv_mode
                    spmat = sparse.csc_matrix((spfilt[kmap], indices, indptr), spmat_shape)
                    visref = numpy.dot(out1, spmat.todense())
                    assert numpy.all(visref == visval), (visref, visval)