def extract_params(bnn_weights, pred_loss, delta=0.01): rhos = list( filter(lambda p:'bnn.rho'), bnn_weights)) mus = list( filter(lambda p:''), bnn_weights)) grad_mus = T.grad(pred_loss, mus) new_mus = [(mu - delta * grad_mu) for mu, grad_mu in zip(mus, grad_mus)] grad_rhos = T.grad(pred_loss, rhos) new_rhos = [(rho - delta * grad_rho) for rho, grad_rho in zip(rhos, grad_rhos)] for i in range(len(new_mus)): new_mus[i].name = 'new_mu' for i in range(len(new_rhos)): new_rhos[i].name = 'new_rho' mus, new_mus, rhos, new_rhos = list(map( lambda variables: T.concatenate( [var.ravel() for var in variables]), [mus, new_mus, rhos, new_rhos])) sigmas = T.log1p(T.exp(rhos)) new_sigmas = T.log1p(T.exp(new_rhos)) return mus, new_mus, sigmas, new_sigmas
def logp(self, value): r""" Calculate log-probability of ZeroInflatedBinomial distribution at specified value. Parameters ---------- value: numeric Value(s) for which log-probability is calculated. If the log probabilities for multiple values are desired the values must be provided in a numpy array or theano tensor Returns ------- TensorVariable """ psi = self.psi p = self.p n = self.n logp_val = tt.switch(, 0), tt.log(psi) + self.bin.logp(value), logaddexp(tt.log1p(-psi), tt.log(psi) + n * tt.log1p(-p)), ) return bound(logp_val, 0 <= value, value <= n, 0 <= psi, psi <= 1, 0 <= p, p <= 1)
def neuron_theano(neuron_type, x): import theano import theano.tensor as tt floatX = theano.config.floatX if isinstance(neuron_type, nengo.Direct): return x elif isinstance(neuron_type, nengo.neurons.RectifiedLinear): return tt.maximum(x, 0) elif isinstance(neuron_type, nengo.neurons.Sigmoid): return tt.nnet.sigmoid(x) elif isinstance(neuron_type, SoftLIFRate): # before LIF since subclass # do not apply amplitude, since this is done elsewhere! tau_ref = tt.cast(neuron_type.tau_ref, floatX) tau_rc = tt.cast(neuron_type.tau_rc, floatX) sigma = tt.cast(neuron_type.sigma, floatX) j = tt.nnet.softplus((x - 1) / sigma) * sigma r = 1 / (tau_ref + tau_rc * tt.log1p(1 / j)) return tt.switch(j > 0, r, 0) elif isinstance(neuron_type, (nengo.LIF, nengo.LIFRate)): tau_ref = tt.cast(neuron_type.tau_ref, floatX) tau_rc = tt.cast(neuron_type.tau_rc, floatX) j = x - 1 r = 1. / (tau_ref + tau_rc * tt.log1p(1. / j)) return tt.switch(j > 0, r, 0) else: raise NotImplementedError("Neuron type %r" % neuron_type)
def jacobian_det(self, y): Km1 = y.shape[0] k = tt.arange(Km1)[(slice(None),) + (None,) * (y.ndim - 1)] eq_share = -tt.log(Km1 - k) # logit(1./(Km1 + 1 - k)) yl = y + eq_share yu = tt.concatenate([tt.ones(y[:1].shape), 1 - inverse_logit(yl)]) S = tt.extra_ops.cumprod(yu, 0) return tt.sum(tt.log(S[:-1]) - tt.log1p(tt.exp(yl)) - tt.log1p(tt.exp(-yl)), 0)
def jacobian_det(self, y_): y = y_.T Km1 = y.shape[0] k = tt.arange(Km1)[(slice(None), ) + (None, ) * (y.ndim - 1)] eq_share = logit(1. / (Km1 + 1 - k).astype(str(y_.dtype))) yl = y + eq_share yu = tt.concatenate([tt.ones(y[:1].shape), 1 - invlogit(yl, self.eps)]) S = tt.extra_ops.cumprod(yu, 0) return tt.sum(tt.log(S[:-1]) - tt.log1p(tt.exp(yl)) - tt.log1p(tt.exp(-yl)), 0).T
def jacobian_det(self, y): Km1 = y.shape[0] k = tt.arange(Km1)[(slice(None), ) + (None, ) * (y.ndim - 1)] eq_share = -tt.log(Km1 - k) # logit(1./(Km1 + 1 - k)) yl = y + eq_share yu = tt.concatenate([tt.ones(y[:1].shape), 1 - inverse_logit(yl)]) S = tt.extra_ops.cumprod(yu, 0) return tt.sum( tt.log(S[:-1]) - tt.log1p(tt.exp(yl)) - tt.log1p(tt.exp(-yl)), 0)
def log_i0(x): """ Calculates the logarithm of the 0 order modified Bessel function of the first kind"" """ return tt.switch(, 5), tt.log1p(x**2. / 4. + x**4. / 64. + x**6. / 2304. + x**8. / 147456. + x**10. / 14745600. + x**12. / 2123366400.), x - 0.5 * tt.log(2. * np.pi * x) + tt.log1p(1. / (8. * x) + 9. / (128. * x**2.) + 225. / (3072. * x**3.) + 11025. / (98304. * x**4.)))
def rates(self, x): dtype = theano.config.floatX sigma = tt.cast(0.05, dtype=dtype) tau_ref = tt.cast(self.tau_ref, dtype=dtype) tau_rc = tt.cast(self.tau_rc, dtype=dtype) j = self.gain * x + self.bias - 1 j = sigma * tt.log1p(tt.exp(j / sigma)) v = 1. / (tau_ref + tau_rc * tt.log1p(1. / j)) return tt.switch(j > 0, v, 0.0) / self.max_rates
def safe_logaddexp(a, b): """Symbolic log(exp(a) + exp(b)). The edge case where `a` - `b` is undefined is handled by setting the difference to 0. This occurs if both `a` and `b` are +inf or -inf. Returns: symbolic log(exp(a) + exp(b)) """ diff = b - a safe_diff = tt.switch(tt.isnan(diff), 0, diff) return tt.switch(safe_diff >= 0, b + tt.log1p(tt.exp(-safe_diff)), a + tt.log1p(tt.exp(safe_diff)))
def mu_law_encode(audio, quantization_channels): '''Quantizes waveform amplitude code is derived from ibab's wavenet github ''' mu = float(quantization_channels - 1) # Perform mu-law companding transformation (ITU-T, 1988) # Minimum operation is here to deal with rare large amplitudes caused # my resampling safe_audio_abs = T.minimum(abs(audio), 1.0) magnitude = T.log1p(mu * safe_audio_abs) / T.log1p(mu) signal = T.sgn(audio) * magnitude # Quantize signal to the specified number of levels. return T.cast((signal + 1) / 2 * mu + 0.5, 'int32')
def log_i0(x): """ Calculates the logarithm of the 0 order modified Bessel function of the first kind"" """ return tt.switch(, 5), tt.log1p(x**2.0 / 4.0 + x**4.0 / 64.0 + x**6.0 / 2304.0 + x**8.0 / 147456.0 + x**10.0 / 14745600.0 + x**12.0 / 2123366400.0), x - 0.5 * tt.log(2.0 * np.pi * x) + tt.log1p(1.0 / (8.0 * x) + 9.0 / (128.0 * x**2.0) + 225.0 / (3072.0 * x**3.0) + 11025.0 / (98304.0 * x**4.0)), )
def logp(self, value): psi = self.psi p = self.p n = self.n logp_val = tt.switch(, 0), tt.log(psi) + self.bin.logp(value), logaddexp(tt.log1p(-psi), tt.log(psi) + n * tt.log1p(-p))) return bound(logp_val, 0 <= value, value <= n, 0 <= psi, psi <= 1, 0 <= p, p <= 1)
def logp(self, value): psi = self.psi p = self.p n = self.n logp_val = tt.switch(, 0), tt.log(psi) + self.bin.logp(value), logaddexp(tt.log1p(-psi), tt.log(psi) + n * tt.log1p(-p))) return bound(logp_val, 0 <= value, value <= n, 0 <= psi, psi <= 1, 0 <= p, p <= 1)
def nlif(x): dtype = theano.config.floatX sigma = tt.cast(0.05, dtype=dtype) tau_ref = tt.cast(0.002, dtype=dtype) tau_rc = tt.cast(0.02, dtype=dtype) alpha = tt.cast(1, dtype=dtype) beta = tt.cast(1, dtype=dtype) amp = tt.cast(1. / 65, dtype=dtype) j = alpha * x + beta - 1 j = sigma * tt.log1p(tt.exp(j / sigma)) v = amp / (tau_ref + tau_rc * tt.log1p(1. / j)) return tt.switch(j > 0, v, 0.0)
def nlif(x): dtype = theano.config.floatX sigma = tt.cast(0.05, dtype=dtype) tau_ref = tt.cast(0.002, dtype=dtype) tau_rc = tt.cast(0.02, dtype=dtype) alpha = tt.cast(1, dtype=dtype) beta = tt.cast(1, dtype=dtype) # so that f(0) = firing threshold amp = tt.cast(1. / 63.04, dtype=dtype) # so that f(1) = 1 j = alpha * x + beta - 1 j = sigma * tt.log1p(tt.exp(j / sigma)) v = amp / (tau_ref + tau_rc * tt.log1p(1. / j)) return tt.switch(j > 0, v, 0.0)
def kl_div(self, x, y): """ Compute sum of D(x_i || y_i) for each corresponding element along the 3rd dimension (the embedding dimension) of x and y This function takes care to not compute logarithms that are close to 0, since NaN's could result for log(sigmoid(x)) if x is negative. It simply uses that log(sigmoid(x)) = - log(1 + e^-x) """ sig_x = T.nnet.sigmoid(x) exp_x = T.exp(x) exp_y = T.exp(y) exp_neg_x = T.exp(-x) exp_neg_y = T.exp(-y) return (sig_x * (T.log1p(exp_neg_y) - T.log1p(exp_neg_x)) + (1 - sig_x) * (T.log1p(exp_y) - T.log1p(exp_x))).mean()
def log_posterior_approx(self,weights, mean, rho): """ Logarithm of ELBO on posterior probabilities: log q(weights|learned mu and rho) aka log q(theta|x) """ std = T.log1p(T.exp(rho)) #rho to std return self.log_normal(weights, mean, std)
def normal_lccdf(mu, sigma, x): z = (x - mu) / sigma return tt.switch(, 1.0), tt.log(tt.erfcx(z / tt.sqrt(2.)) / 2.) - tt.sqr(z) / 2., tt.log1p(-tt.erfc(-z / tt.sqrt(2.)) / 2.) )
def stick_breaking_log(u): """Return log of weights from stick-breaking process.""" lu = tns.concatenate((tns.log(u), [0.0])) cs = tns.concatenate(([0.0], tns.cumsum(tns.log1p(-u)))) lw = lu + cs return lw
def create_theano_loss(d): X, t = T.dmatrix('X'), T.dvector('t') log_sigma2 = theano.shared(np.ones((num_classes, d))) theta = theano.shared(np.random.randn(num_classes, d)) # Change parametrization log_alpha = log_sigma2 - T.log(theta**2) la, alpha = log_alpha, T.exp(log_alpha) # -KL(q || prior) mD_KL = -(0.5 * T.log1p(T.exp(-la)) - (0.03 + 1.0 / (1.0 + T.exp(-(1.5 * (la + 1.3)))) * 0.64)).sum() # NLL through Local Reparametrization mu, si =, theta.T), T.sqrt( * X, (alpha * theta * theta).T)) activation = mu + self._srng.normal(mu.shape, avg=0, std=1) * si predictions = T.nnet.softmax(activation) ell = -T.sum( categorical_crossentropy(predictions, one_hot(t, num_classes))) # Objective Negative SGVLB nlb = -(N / batch_size * ell + mD_KL) # Optimization Method and Function Compiling opt = lasagne.updates.adam(nlb, [log_sigma2, theta], learning_rate=lr, beta1=beta) lbf = function([X, t], nlb, updates=opt) return lbf, theta, log_sigma2
def setup(self, bottom, top): from caffe_helper.theano_util import init_theano init_theano() import theano as tn import theano.tensor as T assert len(bottom) == 2 assert len(top) == 1 s_y = T.matrix('y') # y in [-inf, inf] s_t = T.matrix('t') # t in {-1, 0, 1} where 0 is ignored s_dloss = T.scalar('dloss') # Forward # s_loss = T.mean(abs(s_t) * T.log1p(T.exp(-s_y * s_t))) # unstable s_loss = -T.sum( abs(s_t) * ( s_y * ((s_t >= 0) - (s_y >= 0)) - T.log1p(T.exp(-abs(s_y)))))\ / T.maximum(T.sum(abs(s_t)), 1) # Backward s_p = 1 / (1 + T.exp(-s_y)) s_dy = s_dloss * abs(s_t) * (s_p - (s_t >= 0)) / \ T.maximum(T.sum(abs(s_t)), 1) def _o(s): return tn.Out(s, borrow=True) self.tn_forward = tn.function([s_y, s_t], s_loss) self.tn_backward = tn.function([s_y, s_t, s_dloss], _o(s_dy))
def eval_reg(self, **kwargs): k1, k2, k3 = 0.63576, 1.8732, 1.48695 C = -k1 log_alpha = self.clip(self.log_sigma2 - T.log(self.W**2)) mdkl = k1 * T.nnet.sigmoid(k2 + k3 * log_alpha) - 0.5 * T.log1p( T.exp(-log_alpha)) + C return -T.sum(mdkl)
def normal_lcdf(mu, sigma, x): z = (x - mu) / sigma return tt.switch(, -1.0), tt.log(tt.erfcx(-z / tt.sqrt(2.)) / 2.) - tt.sqr(z) / 2, tt.log1p(-tt.erfc(z / tt.sqrt(2.)) / 2.) )
def __call__(self, layer, spec, shape, name=None, **tags): # case when user uses default init specs assert tags.get('variational',False) == True, "Please declare param as variational to avoid confusion" if not isinstance(spec, dict): initial_rho = np.log(np.expm1(self.prior_std)) #std to rho assert np.isfinite(initial_rho),"too small std to initialize correctly. Please pass explicit"\ " initializer (dict with {'mu':mu_init, 'rho':rho_init})." spec = {'mu': spec,'rho':init.Constant(initial_rho)} mu_spec,rho_spec = spec['mu'],spec['rho'] rho = layer.add_param(rho_spec, shape,name=(name or 'unk')+'.rho', **tags) mean = layer.add_param(mu_spec, shape,name=(name or 'unk')+'.mu', **tags) #Reparameterization trick e = self.srng.normal(shape, std=1) W = mean + T.log1p(T.exp(rho)) * e #KL divergence KL(q,p) = E_(w~q(w|x)) [log q(w|x) - log P(w)] aka variational cost q_p = T.sum(self.log_posterior_approx(W, mean, rho) - self.log_prior(W)) #accumulate variational cost layer._bbwrap_var_cost += q_p return W
def logp(self, value): r""" Calculate log-probability of ZeroInflatedNegativeBinomial distribution at specified value. Parameters ---------- value: numeric Value(s) for which log-probability is calculated. If the log probabilities for multiple values are desired the values must be provided in a numpy array or theano tensor Returns ------- TensorVariable """ alpha = self.alpha mu = psi = self.psi logp_other = tt.log(psi) + self.nb.logp(value) logp_0 = logaddexp( tt.log1p(-psi), tt.log(psi) + alpha * (tt.log(alpha) - tt.log(alpha + mu))) logp_val = tt.switch(, 0), logp_other, logp_0) return bound(logp_val, 0 <= value, 0 <= psi, psi <= 1, mu > 0, alpha > 0)
def __call__(self, layer, spec, shape, name=None, **tags): # case when user uses default init specs assert tags.get( 'variational', False), "Please declare param as variational to avoid confusion" if not isinstance(spec, dict): initial_rho = np.log(np.expm1(self.prior_std)) # std to rho assert np.isfinite(initial_rho), "too small std to initialize correctly. Please pass explicit"\ " initializer (dict with {'mu':mu_init, 'rho':rho_init})." spec = {'mu': spec, 'rho': init.Constant(initial_rho)} mu_spec, rho_spec = spec['mu'], spec['rho'] rho = layer.add_param(rho_spec, shape, name=(name or 'unk') + '.rho', **tags) mean = layer.add_param(mu_spec, shape, name=(name or 'unk') + '.mu', **tags) # Reparameterization trick e = self.srng.normal(shape, std=1) W = mean + T.log1p(T.exp(rho)) * e # KL divergence KL(q,p) = E_(w~q(w|x)) [log q(w|x) - log P(w)] aka # variational cost q_p = T.sum( self.log_posterior_approx(W, mean, rho) - self.log_prior(W)) # accumulate variational cost layer._bbwrap_var_cost += q_p return W
def normal_lccdf(mu, sigma, x): z = (x - mu) / sigma return tt.switch(, 1.0), tt.log(tt.erfcx(z / tt.sqrt(2.0)) / 2.0) - tt.sqr(z) / 2.0, tt.log1p(-tt.erfc(-z / tt.sqrt(2.0)) / 2.0), )
def log_posterior_approx(self, weights, mean, rho): """ Logarithm of ELBO on posterior probabilities: log q(weights|learned mu and rho) aka log q(theta|x) """ std = T.log1p(T.exp(rho)) # rho to std return self.log_normal(weights, mean, std)
def logp(self, value): quaddist, logdet, ok = self._quaddist(value) k = value.shape[-1].astype(theano.config.floatX) norm = (gammaln(( + k) / 2.) - gammaln( / 2.) - 0.5 * k * floatX(np.log( * np.pi))) inner = -( + k) / 2. * tt.log1p(quaddist / return bound(norm + inner - logdet, ok)
def normal_lcdf(mu, sigma, x): """Compute the log of the cumulative density function of the normal.""" z = (x - mu) / sigma return tt.switch(, -1.0), tt.log(tt.erfcx(-z / tt.sqrt(2.)) / 2.) - tt.sqr(z) / 2., tt.log1p(-tt.erfc(z / tt.sqrt(2.)) / 2.) )
def gev_logp(value): scaled = (value - loc) / scale logp = -(tt.log(scale) + (((c - 0.5) + 1) / (c - 0.5) * tt.log1p( (c - 0.5) * scaled) + (1 + (c - 0.5) * scaled)**(-1 / (c - 0.5)))) bound1 = loc - scale / (c - 0.5) bounds = tt.switch((c - 0.5) > 0, value > bound1, value < bound1) return bound(logp, bounds, c != 0)
def normal_lcdf(mu, sigma, x): """Compute the log of the cumulative density function of the normal.""" z = (x - mu) / sigma return tt.switch(, -1.0), tt.log(tt.erfcx(-z / tt.sqrt(2.0)) / 2.0) - tt.sqr(z) / 2.0, tt.log1p(-tt.erfc(z / tt.sqrt(2.0)) / 2.0), )
def logp(self, value): quaddist, logdet, ok = self._quaddist(value) k = value.shape[-1].astype(theano.config.floatX) norm = (gammaln(( + k) / 2.) - gammaln( / 2.) - 0.5 * k * floatX(np.log( * np.pi))) inner = - ( + k) / 2. * tt.log1p(quaddist / return bound(norm + inner - logdet, ok)
def log_add(lna, lnb): """ Compute the ln(a+b) given {lna,lnb} :param :return: ln(a+b) """ max_ = tensor.maximum(lna, lnb) result = (max_ + tensor.log1p(tensor.exp(lna + lnb - 2 * max_))) #log1p(x) = log(1+x) return tensor.switch(tensor.isnan(result), max_, result)
def _log_add_3(log_a, log_b, log_c): """Theano expression for log(a+b+c) given log(a), log(b), log(c).""" smaller = T.minimum(log_a, log_b) larger = T.maximum(log_a, log_b) largest = T.maximum(larger, log_c) larger = T.minimum(larger, log_c) return largest + T.log1p( T.exp(smaller - largest) + T.exp(larger - largest))
def logp(self, value): psi = self.psi theta = self.theta logp_val = tt.switch(, 0), tt.log(psi) + self.pois.logp(value), logaddexp(tt.log1p(-psi), tt.log(psi) - theta)) return bound(logp_val, 0 <= value, 0 <= psi, psi <= 1, 0 <= theta)
def gev_logp(value, t, t2): loc = m1 * t2 + m2 * t + m3 # scale=tt.log(tt.exp(scale1)) scaled = (value - loc) / scale logp = -(tt.log(scale) + (((c - 0.5) + 1) / (c - 0.5) * tt.log1p( (c - 0.5) * scaled) + (1 + (c - 0.5) * scaled)**(-1 / (c - 0.5)))) bound1 = loc - scale / (c - 0.5) bounds = tt.switch((c - 0.5) > 0, value > bound1, value < bound1) return bound(logp, bounds, c != 0)
def log1mexp(x): """Return log(1 - exp(-x)). This function is numerically more stable than the naive approach. For details, see """ return tt.switch(, 0.683), tt.log(-tt.expm1(-x)), tt.log1p(-tt.exp(-x)))
def lif(x): dtype = theano.config.floatX tau_ref = tt.cast(0.002, dtype=dtype) tau_rc = tt.cast(0.02, dtype=dtype) alpha = tt.cast(1, dtype=dtype) beta = tt.cast(1, dtype=dtype) amp = tt.cast(1. / 65, dtype=dtype) j = alpha * x + beta - 1 v = amp / (tau_ref + tau_rc * tt.log1p(1. / j)) return tt.switch(j > 0, v, 0.0)
def _log_add_3(log_a, log_b, log_c): """Theano expression for log(a+b+c) given log(a), log(b), log(c).""" smaller = T.minimum(log_a, log_b) larger = T.maximum(log_a, log_b) largest = T.maximum(larger, log_c) larger = T.minimum(larger, log_c) return largest + T.log1p( T.exp(smaller - largest) + T.exp(larger - largest) )
def logp(self, value): nu = mu = lam = self.lam sd = return bound(gammaln((nu + 1.0) / 2.0) + .5 * T.log(lam / (nu * np.pi)) - gammaln(nu / 2.0) - (nu + 1.0) / 2.0 * T.log1p(lam * (value - mu)**2 / nu), lam > 0, nu > 0, sd > 0)
def log1mexp(x): """Return log(1 - exp(-x)). This function is numerically more stable than the naive approch. For details, see """ return tt.switch(, 0.683), tt.log(-tt.expm1(-x)), tt.log1p(-tt.exp(-x)))
def logp(self, value): alpha = self.alpha mu = psi = self.psi logp_val = tt.switch(, 0), tt.log(psi) + self.nb.logp(value), logaddexp(tt.log1p(-psi), tt.log(psi) + alpha * (tt.log(alpha) - tt.log(alpha + mu)))) return bound(logp_val, 0 <= value, 0 <= psi, psi <= 1, mu > 0, alpha > 0)
def log_sum(a, axis=None, keepdims=False): if axis is None: assert keepdims is False # not implemented atm return log_sum(a.flatten(), axis=0) assert isinstance(axis, int) # current implementation only for exactly one axis m, argm = T.max_and_argmax(a, axis=axis, keepdims=True) exp_a = T.exp(a - m) idx = T.arange(a.shape[axis]).dimshuffle(['x'] * axis + [0] + ['x'] * (a.ndim - axis - 1)) exp_a = T.switch(T.eq(idx, argm), 0, exp_a) sum = T.sum(exp_a, axis=axis, keepdims=True) res = m + T.log1p(sum) if not keepdims: if axis is not None: res = res.dimshuffle([i for i in range(res.ndim) if i != axis]) else: res = res.dimshuffle() # expect a scalar return res
def s_softrelu(x, sigma): import theano.tensor as tt y = x / sigma return tt.switch(y < 34.0, sigma * tt.log1p(tt.exp(y)), x)
def s_lif(x, tau_ref, tau_rc, gain, bias, amp): import theano.tensor as tt j = gain * x + bias - 1 v = amp / (tau_ref + tau_rc * tt.log1p(1. / j)) return tt.switch(j > 0, v, 0.0)
def s_softlif(x, sigma, tau_ref, tau_rc, gain, bias, amp): import theano.tensor as tt j = gain * x + bias - 1 j = s_softrelu(j, sigma) v = amp / (tau_ref + tau_rc * tt.log1p(1. / j)) return tt.switch(j > 0, v, 0.0)
def logp(self, value): beta = self.beta return bound(T.log(2) - T.log(np.pi) - T.log(beta) - T.log1p((value / beta)**2), value >= 0, beta > 0)
def logp(self, value): alpha = self.alpha beta = self.beta return bound(- T.log(np.pi) - T.log(beta) - T.log1p(((value - alpha) / beta)**2), beta > 0)
def _log_add(log_a, log_b): """Theano expression for log(a+b) given log(a) and log(b).""" # TODO fix potential axis bug here!!! (it might be subtracting the wrong vals) smaller = T.minimum(log_a, log_b) larger = T.maximum(log_a, log_b) return larger + T.log1p(T.exp(smaller - larger))
def _log_add(a, b): # TODO: move functions like this to utils max_ = tensor.maximum(a, b) result = max_ + tensor.log1p(tensor.exp(a + b - 2 * max_)) return T.switch(T.isnan(result), max_, result)