Exemplo n.º 1
    def _gpu_matrix_dot(matrix_a, matrix_b, matrix_c=None):
        Performs matrix multiplication.
        Attempts to use the GPU if it's available. If the matrix multiplication
        is too big to fit on the GPU, this falls back to the CPU after throwing
        a warning.
        matrix_a : WRITEME
        matrix_b : WRITEME
        matrix_c : WRITEME
        if not hasattr(ZCA._gpu_matrix_dot, 'theano_func'):
            ma, mb = T.matrices('A', 'B')
            mc = T.dot(ma, mb)
            ZCA._gpu_matrix_dot.theano_func = \
                theano.function([ma, mb], mc, allow_input_downcast=True)

        theano_func = ZCA._gpu_matrix_dot.theano_func

            if matrix_c is None:
                return theano_func(matrix_a, matrix_b)
                matrix_c[...] = theano_func(matrix_a, matrix_b)
                return matrix_c
        except MemoryError:
            warnings.warn('Matrix multiplication too big to fit on GPU. '
                          'Re-doing with CPU. Consider using '
                          'THEANO_FLAGS="device=cpu" for your next '
                          'preprocessor run')
            return np.dot(matrix_a, matrix_b, matrix_c)
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: SGVB.py Projeto: dhern/vilds
    def __init__(self,
                gen_params, # dictionary of generative model parameters
                GEN_MODEL,  # class that inherits from GenerativeModel
                rec_params, # dictionary of approximate posterior ("recognition model") parameters
                REC_MODEL, # class that inherits from RecognitionModel
                xDim=2, # dimensionality of latent state
                yDim=2 # dimensionality of observations

        # instantiate rng's
        self.srng = RandomStreams(seed=234)
        self.nrng = np.random.RandomState(124)

        ## actual model parameters
        self.X, self.Y = T.matrices('X','Y')   # symbolic variables for the data

        self.xDim   = xDim
        self.yDim   = yDim

        # instantiate our prior & recognition models
        self.mrec   = REC_MODEL(rec_params, self.Y, self.xDim, self.yDim, self.srng, self.nrng)
        self.mprior = GEN_MODEL(gen_params, self.xDim, self.yDim, srng=self.srng, nrng = self.nrng)

        self.isTrainingRecognitionModel = True;
        self.isTrainingGenerativeModel = True;
Exemplo n.º 3
def sample_parallel():
    print "並列"
    x, y = T.matrices("a", "b")
    diff = x - y
    abs_diff = abs(diff)
    diff_sq = diff**2
    # 2つの行列を入力, 3つの行列のベクトルを出力
    f = theano.function([x, y], [diff, abs_diff, diff_sq])
    print f([[0,1],[2,3]], [[10,11],[12,13]])
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_grad(self, cls_ofg):
     x, y, z = T.matrices('xyz')
     e = x + y * z
     op = cls_ofg([x, y, z], [e])
     f = op(x, y, z)
     f = f - T.grad(T.sum(f), y)
     fn = function([x, y, z], f)
     xv = np.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX)
     yv = np.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX) * 3
     zv = np.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX) * 5
     assert np.all(11.0 == fn(xv, yv, zv))
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_grad(self):
     x, y, z = T.matrices('xyz')
     e = x + y * z
     op = OpFromGraph([x, y, z], [e], mode='FAST_RUN', grad_depth=2)
     f = op(x, y, z)
     f = f - T.grad(T.sum(f), y)
     fn = function([x, y, z], f)
     xv = numpy.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX)
     yv = numpy.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX)*3
     zv = numpy.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX)*5
     assert numpy.all(11.0 == fn(xv, yv, zv))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_connection_pattern(self, cls_ofg):
        # Basic case
        x, y, z = T.matrices('xyz')
        out1 = x * y
        out2 = y * z

        op1 = cls_ofg([x, y, z], [out1, out2])
        results = op1.connection_pattern(None)
        expect_result = [[True, False],
                         [True, True],
                         [False, True]]
        assert results == expect_result

        # Graph with ops that don't have a 'full' connection pattern
        # and with ops that have multiple outputs
        m, n, p, q = T.matrices('mnpq')
        o1, o2 = op1(m, n, p)
        out1, out2 = op1(o1, q, o2)
        op2 = cls_ofg([m, n, p, q], [out1, out2])

        results = op2.connection_pattern(None)
        expect_result = [[True, False],
                         [True, True],
                         [False, True],
                         [True, True]]
        assert results == expect_result

        # Inner graph where some computation doesn't rely on explicit inputs
        srng = RandomStreams(seed=234)
        rv_u = srng.uniform((2, 2))
        x, y = T.matrices('xy')
        out1 = x + rv_u
        out2 = y + 3
        out3 = 3 + rv_u
        op3 = cls_ofg([x, y], [out1, out2, out3])

        results = op3.connection_pattern(None)
        expect_result = [[True, False, False],
                         [False, True, False],
                         [True, False, True]]
        assert results == expect_result
Exemplo n.º 7
 def _build(self):
     if self._debug:
         theano.config.compute_test_value = 'warn'
     X,W = T.matrices('X','W')
     if self._debug:
         X.tag.test_value = np.random.rand(3,1)
         W.tag.test_value = np.random.rand(5,3)
     Z = T.dot(W,X)
     A = self._activation(Z)
     self._fpropagate = function([X, W],A)
     self._layers = []
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_grad_grad(self):
     x, y, z = T.matrices('xyz')
     e = x + y * z
     op = OpFromGraph([x, y, z], [e])
     f = op(x, y, z)
     f = f - T.grad(T.sum(f), y)
     f = f - T.grad(T.sum(f), y)
     fn = function([x, y, z], f)
     xv = numpy.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX)
     yv = numpy.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX) * 3
     zv = numpy.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX) * 5
     assert numpy.allclose(6.0, fn(xv, yv, zv))
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_straightforward(self):
     x, y, z = T.matrices('xyz')
     e = x + y * z
     op = OpFromGraph([x, y, z], [e], mode='FAST_RUN')
     f = op(x, y, z) - op(y, z, x)  # (1+3*5=array of 16) - (3+1*5=array of 8)
     fn = function([x, y, z], f)
     xv = numpy.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX)
     yv = numpy.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX)*3
     zv = numpy.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX)*5
     #print function, function.__module__
     #print fn.maker.fgraph.toposort()
     fn(xv, yv, zv)
     assert numpy.all(8.0 == fn(xv, yv, zv))
     assert numpy.all(8.0 == fn(xv, yv, zv))
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, shape):
        self.in_size, self.out_size = shape

        self.W = init_weights(shape)
        self.b = init_bias(self.out_size)

        self.gW = init_gradws(shape)
        self.gb = init_bias(self.out_size)

        D, X = T.matrices("D", "X")
        def _active(X):
            return T.nnet.sigmoid(T.dot(X, self.W) + self.b)
        self.active = theano.function(inputs = [X], outputs = _active(X))
        def _derive(D, X):
            return D * ((1 - X) * X)
        self.derive = theano.function(
            inputs = [D, X],
            outputs = _derive(D, X)

        def _propagate(D):
            return T.dot(D, self.W.T)
        self.propagate = theano.function(inputs = [D], outputs = _propagate(D))

        x, dy = T.rows("x","dy")
        updates_grad = [(self.gW, self.gW + T.dot(x.T, dy)),
               (self.gb, self.gb + dy)]
        self.grad = theano.function(
            inputs = [x, dy],
            updates = updates_grad

        updates_clear = [
               (self.gW, self.gW * 0),
               (self.gb, self.gb * 0)]
        self.clear_grad = theano.function(
            inputs = [],
            updates = updates_clear

        lr = T.scalar()
        t = T.scalar()
        updates_w = [
               (self.W, self.W - self.gW * lr / t),
               (self.b, self.b - self.gb * lr / t)]
        self.update = theano.function(
            inputs = [lr, t],
            updates = updates_w
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_setitem(self):
     x, y, z, w = T.matrices('x', 'y', 'z', 'w')
     i1 = TheanoInterval(x, y)
     i2 = TheanoInterval(z, w)
     i1[:, 1:3] = i2
     f = function([x, y, z, w], [i1.lower, i1.upper])
     ex_x = A([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])
     ex_z = A([[20, 30], [50, 60], [80, 90]])
     ex_y = 100 * ex_x
     ex_w = 100 * ex_z
     l, u = f(ex_x, ex_y, ex_z, ex_w)
     rl = A([[1., 20., 30.], [4., 50., 60.], [7., 80., 90.]])
     ru = rl * 100
     assert_array_equal(l, rl)
     assert_array_equal(u, ru)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_size_changes(self):
     x, y, z = T.matrices('xyz')
     e = T.dot(x, y)
     op = OpFromGraph([x, y], [e], mode='FAST_RUN')
     f = op(x, op(y, z))
     fn = function([x, y, z], f)
     xv = numpy.ones((2, 3), dtype=config.floatX)
     yv = numpy.ones((3, 4), dtype=config.floatX)*3
     zv = numpy.ones((4, 5), dtype=config.floatX)*5
     res = fn(xv, yv, zv)
     assert res.shape == (2, 5)
     assert numpy.all(180.0 == res)
     res = fn(xv, yv, zv)
     assert res.shape == (2, 5)
     assert numpy.all(180.0 == res)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def test_size_changes(self, cls_ofg):
     x, y, z = tt.matrices("xyz")
     e = tt.dot(x, y)
     op = cls_ofg([x, y], [e])
     f = op(x, op(y, z))
     fn = function([x, y, z], f)
     xv = np.ones((2, 3), dtype=config.floatX)
     yv = np.ones((3, 4), dtype=config.floatX) * 3
     zv = np.ones((4, 5), dtype=config.floatX) * 5
     res = fn(xv, yv, zv)
     assert res.shape == (2, 5)
     assert np.all(180.0 == res)
     res = fn(xv, yv, zv)
     assert res.shape == (2, 5)
     assert np.all(180.0 == res)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def test_straightforward(self):
     x, y, z = T.matrices('xyz')
     e = x + y * z
     op = OpFromGraph([x, y, z], [e], mode='FAST_RUN')
     f = op(x, y, z) - op(y, z,
                          x)  # (1+3*5=array of 16) - (3+1*5=array of 8)
     fn = function([x, y, z], f)
     xv = numpy.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX)
     yv = numpy.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX) * 3
     zv = numpy.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX) * 5
     #print function, function.__module__
     #print fn.maker.fgraph.toposort()
     fn(xv, yv, zv)
     assert numpy.all(8.0 == fn(xv, yv, zv))
     assert numpy.all(8.0 == fn(xv, yv, zv))
Exemplo n.º 15
 def test_size_changes(self, cls_ofg):
     x, y, z = T.matrices('xyz')
     e = T.dot(x, y)
     op = cls_ofg([x, y], [e])
     f = op(x, op(y, z))
     fn = function([x, y, z], f)
     xv = np.ones((2, 3), dtype=config.floatX)
     yv = np.ones((3, 4), dtype=config.floatX) * 3
     zv = np.ones((4, 5), dtype=config.floatX) * 5
     res = fn(xv, yv, zv)
     assert res.shape == (2, 5)
     assert np.all(180.0 == res)
     res = fn(xv, yv, zv)
     assert res.shape == (2, 5)
     assert np.all(180.0 == res)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def test_size_changes(self):
     x, y, z = T.matrices('xyz')
     e = T.dot(x, y)
     op = OpFromGraph([x, y], [e])
     f = op(x, op(y, z))
     fn = function([x, y, z], f)
     xv = numpy.ones((2, 3), dtype=config.floatX)
     yv = numpy.ones((3, 4), dtype=config.floatX) * 3
     zv = numpy.ones((4, 5), dtype=config.floatX) * 5
     res = fn(xv, yv, zv)
     assert res.shape == (2, 5)
     assert numpy.all(180.0 == res)
     res = fn(xv, yv, zv)
     assert res.shape == (2, 5)
     assert numpy.all(180.0 == res)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_connection_pattern(self):
        # Basic case
        x, y, z = T.matrices('xyz')
        out1 = x * y
        out2 = y * z

        op1 = OpFromGraph([x, y, z], [out1, out2])
        results = op1.connection_pattern(None)
        expect_result = [[True, False], [True, True], [False, True]]
        assert results == expect_result

        # Graph with ops that don't have a 'full' connection pattern
        # and with ops that have multiple outputs
        m, n, p, q = T.matrices('mnpq')
        o1, o2 = op1(m, n, p)
        out1, out2 = op1(o1, q, o2)
        op2 = OpFromGraph([m, n, p, q], [out1, out2])

        results = op2.connection_pattern(None)
        expect_result = [[True, False], [True, True], [False, True],
                         [True, True]]
        assert results == expect_result

        # Inner graph where some computation doesn't rely on explicit inputs
        srng = RandomStreams(seed=234)
        rv_u = srng.uniform((2, 2))
        x, y = T.matrices('xy')
        out1 = x + rv_u
        out2 = y + 3
        out3 = 3 + rv_u
        op3 = OpFromGraph([x, y], [out1, out2, out3])

        results = op3.connection_pattern(None)
        expect_result = [[True, False, False], [False, True, False],
                         [True, False, True]]
        assert results == expect_result
Exemplo n.º 18
    def test_straightforward(self, cls_ofg):
        x, y, z = T.matrices('xyz')
        e = x + y * z
        op = cls_ofg([x, y, z], [e])
        # (1+3*5=array of 16) - (3+1*5=array of 8)
        f = op(x, y, z) - op(y, z, x)

        fn = function([x, y, z], f)
        xv = np.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX)
        yv = np.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX) * 3
        zv = np.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX) * 5
        # print function, function.__module__
        # print fn.maker.fgraph.toposort()
        fn(xv, yv, zv)
        assert np.all(8.0 == fn(xv, yv, zv))
        assert np.all(8.0 == fn(xv, yv, zv))
Exemplo n.º 19
    def test_shared(self):
        x, y, z = T.matrices('xyz')
        s = shared(numpy.random.rand(2, 2).astype(config.floatX))
        e = x + y * z + s
        op = OpFromGraph([x, y, z], [e])
        # (1+3*5=array of 16) - (3+1*5=array of 8)
        f = op(x, y, z) - op(y, z, x)

        fn = function([x, y, z], f)
        xv = numpy.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX)
        yv = numpy.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX) * 3
        zv = numpy.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX) * 5
        # print function, function.__module__
        # print fn.maker.fgraph.toposort()
        assert numpy.allclose(8.0, fn(xv, yv, zv))
        assert numpy.allclose(8.0, fn(xv, yv, zv))
Exemplo n.º 20
    def test_straightforward(self, cls_ofg):
        x, y, z = T.matrices('xyz')
        e = x + y * z
        op = cls_ofg([x, y, z], [e])
        # (1+3*5=array of 16) - (3+1*5=array of 8)
        f = op(x, y, z) - op(y, z, x)

        fn = function([x, y, z], f)
        xv = np.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX)
        yv = np.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX) * 3
        zv = np.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX) * 5
        # print function, function.__module__
        # print fn.maker.fgraph.toposort()
        fn(xv, yv, zv)
        assert np.all(8.0 == fn(xv, yv, zv))
        assert np.all(8.0 == fn(xv, yv, zv))
Exemplo n.º 21
 def test_getitem(self):
     x, y = T.matrices('x', 'y')
     i = TheanoInterval(x, y)
     i0, i1, i2 = i[0, 0], i[1, 1], i[2, 2]
     l0, l1, l2 = i0.lower, i1.lower, i2.lower
     u0, u1, u2 = i0.upper, i1.upper, i2.upper
     f = function([x, y], [l0, l1, l2, u0, u1, u2])
     ex_x = A([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])
     ex_y = ex_x * 10
     [rl0, rl1, rl2, ru0, ru1, ru2] = f(ex_x, ex_y)
     assert_equal(rl0, 1)
     assert_equal(rl1, 5)
     assert_equal(rl2, 9)
     assert_equal(ru0, 10)
     assert_equal(ru1, 50)
     assert_equal(ru2, 90)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def test_shared(self, cls_ofg):
        x, y, z = T.matrices('xyz')
        s = shared(np.random.rand(2, 2).astype(config.floatX))
        e = x + y * z + s
        op = cls_ofg([x, y, z], [e])
        # (1+3*5=array of 16) - (3+1*5=array of 8)
        f = op(x, y, z) - op(y, z, x)

        fn = function([x, y, z], f)
        xv = np.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX)
        yv = np.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX) * 3
        zv = np.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX) * 5
        # print function, function.__module__
        # print fn.maker.fgraph.toposort()
        assert np.allclose(8.0, fn(xv, yv, zv))
        assert np.allclose(8.0, fn(xv, yv, zv))
Exemplo n.º 23
    def __init__(self, shape, X):
        prefix = "Softmax_"
        self.in_size, self.out_size = shape
        self.W = init_weights(shape, prefix + "W")
        self.b = init_bias(self.out_size, prefix + "b")

        self.gW = init_gradws(shape, prefix + "gW")
        self.gb = init_bias(self.out_size, prefix + "gb")

        D = T.matrices("D")
        self.X = X
        def _active(X):
            return T.nnet.softmax(T.dot(X, self.W) + self.b)
        self.active = theano.function(inputs = [self.X], outputs = _active(self.X))

        def _propagate(D):
            return T.dot(D, self.W.T)
        self.propagate = theano.function(inputs = [D], outputs = _propagate(D))

        x, dy = T.rows("x","dy")
        updates_grad = [(self.gW, self.gW + T.dot(x.T, dy)),
               (self.gb, self.gb + dy)]
        self.grad = theano.function(
            inputs = [x, dy],
            updates = updates_grad

        updates_clear = [
               (self.gW, self.gW * 0),
               (self.gb, self.gb * 0)]
        self.clear_grad = theano.function(
            inputs = [],
            updates = updates_clear

        lr = T.scalar()
        t = T.scalar()
        updates_w = [
               (self.W, self.W - self.gW * lr / t),
               (self.b, self.b - self.gb * lr / t)]
        self.update = theano.function(
            inputs = [lr, t],
            updates = updates_w

        self.params = [self.W, self.b]
Exemplo n.º 24
 def test_max(self):
     al = A([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
     au = A([[2, 2], [4, 7]])
     bl = A([[0, 3], [3, -4]])
     bu = A([[2, 4], [3, -3]])
     alt, aut, blt, but = T.matrices('alt', 'aut', 'blt', 'but')
     ai = TheanoInterval(alt, aut)
     bi = TheanoInterval(blt, but)
     ci = ai.max(bi)
     d = {alt: al, aut: au, blt: bl, but: bu}
     res = ci.eval(d)
     rl = res[0]
     ru = res[1]
     ansl = A([[1, 3], [3, 4]])
     ansu = A([[2, 4], [4, 7]])
     array_almost_equal(rl, ansl)
     array_almost_equal(ru, ansu)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def test_shared_grad(self, cls_ofg):
        x, y, z = tt.matrices("xyz")
        s = shared(np.random.rand(2, 2).astype(config.floatX))
        e = x + y * z + s
        op = cls_ofg([x, y, z], [e])
        f = op(x, y, z)
        f = f - tt.grad(tt.sum(f), y)
        fn = function([x, y, z], f)
        xv = np.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX)
        yv = np.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX) * 3
        zv = np.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX) * 5
        assert np.allclose(11.0 + s.get_value(), fn(xv, yv, zv))

        # grad again the shared variable
        f = op(x, y, z)
        f = f - tt.grad(tt.sum(f), s)
        fn = function([x, y, z], f)
        assert np.allclose(15.0 + s.get_value(), fn(xv, yv, zv))
Exemplo n.º 26
    def test_shared_grad(self):
        x, y, z = T.matrices('xyz')
        s = shared(numpy.random.rand(2, 2).astype(config.floatX))
        e = x + y * z + s
        op = OpFromGraph([x, y, z], [e])
        f = op(x, y, z)
        f = f - T.grad(T.sum(f), y)
        fn = function([x, y, z], f)
        xv = numpy.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX)
        yv = numpy.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX) * 3
        zv = numpy.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX) * 5
        assert numpy.allclose(11.0 + s.get_value(), fn(xv, yv, zv))

        # grad again the shared variable
        f = op(x, y, z)
        f = f - T.grad(T.sum(f), s)
        fn = function([x, y, z], f)
        assert numpy.allclose(15.0 + s.get_value(), fn(xv, yv, zv))
Exemplo n.º 27
def main():
    """A simple test case."""
    rgb1, rgb2 = T.matrices('rgb1', 'rgb2')
    jab1 = srgb_to_ucs(rgb1, 100, 20, 20, **Surrounds.AVERAGE)
    jab2 = srgb_to_ucs(rgb2, 100, 20, 20, **Surrounds.AVERAGE)
    loss = delta_e(jab1, jab2)**2
    grad_ = T.grad(loss, rgb2)
    grad = theano.function([rgb1, rgb2], grad_)

    # Inversion of CAM02-UCS via gradient descent
    target = floatX([[0.25, 0.25, 1]])
    x = np.zeros_like(target) + 0.5
    for i in range(1500):
        g = grad(target, x)
        x -= 1e-6 * g
        if i % 100 == 99:
Exemplo n.º 28
    def test_shared_grad(self):
        x, y, z = T.matrices('xyz')
        s = shared(numpy.random.rand(2, 2).astype(config.floatX))
        e = x + y * z + s
        op = OpFromGraph([x, y, z], [e], mode='FAST_RUN')
        f = op(x, y, z)
        f = f - T.grad(T.sum(f), y)
        fn = function([x, y, z], f)
        xv = numpy.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX)
        yv = numpy.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX) * 3
        zv = numpy.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX) * 5
        assert numpy.allclose(11.0 + s.get_value(), fn(xv, yv, zv))

        # grad again the shared variable
        f = op(x, y, z)
        f = f - T.grad(T.sum(f), s)
        fn = function([x, y, z], f)
        assert numpy.allclose(15.0 + s.get_value(),
                              fn(xv, yv, zv))
Exemplo n.º 29
    def test_shared_grad(self, cls_ofg):
        x, y, z = T.matrices('xyz')
        s = shared(np.random.rand(2, 2).astype(config.floatX))
        e = x + y * z + s
        op = cls_ofg([x, y, z], [e])
        f = op(x, y, z)
        f = f - T.grad(T.sum(f), y)
        fn = function([x, y, z], f)
        xv = np.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX)
        yv = np.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX) * 3
        zv = np.ones((2, 2), dtype=config.floatX) * 5
        assert np.allclose(11.0 + s.get_value(), fn(xv, yv, zv))

        # grad again the shared variable
        f = op(x, y, z)
        f = f - T.grad(T.sum(f), s)
        fn = function([x, y, z], f)
        assert np.allclose(15.0 + s.get_value(),
                           fn(xv, yv, zv))
Exemplo n.º 30
 def test_ops1(self):
     # __add__, __sub__, __mul__,
     x, y, z, w = T.matrices('x', 'y', 'z', 'w')
     i1 = TheanoInterval(x, y)
     i2 = TheanoInterval(z, w)
     l1 = A([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])
     u1 = l1 * 10 + 1
     l2 = l1 * 10 + 2
     u2 = l1 * 10 + 3
     r_add1 = i1 + i2
     r_add2 = i1 + x
     r_sub1 = i1 - i2
     r_sub2 = i1 - x
     r_mul1 = i1 * i2
     r_mul2 = i1 * x
     fres = [r_add1.lower, r_add1.upper, r_add2.lower, r_add2.upper,
             r_sub1.lower, r_sub1.upper, r_sub2.lower, r_sub2.upper,
             r_mul1.lower, r_mul1.upper, r_mul2.lower, r_mul2.upper]
     f = function([x, y, z, w], fres)
     add1l, add1u, add2l, add2u, \
         sub1l, sub1u, sub2l, sub2u, \
         mul1l, mul1u, mul2l, mul2u, = f(l1, u1, l2, u2)
     ops_results = [add1l, add1u, add2l, add2u,
                    sub1l, sub1u, sub2l, sub2u,
                    mul1l, mul1u, mul2l, mul2u]
     r_add1l = l1 + l2
     r_add2l = l1 + l1
     r_add1u = u1 + u2
     r_add2u = u1 + l1
     r_sub1l = l1 - u2
     r_sub2l = l1 - l1
     r_sub1u = u1 - l2
     r_sub2u = u1 - l1
     r_mul1l = l1 * l2
     r_mul2l = l1 * l1
     r_mul1u = u1 * u2
     r_mul2u = u1 * l1
     results = [r_add1l, r_add1u, r_add2l, r_add2u,
                r_sub1l, r_sub1u, r_sub2l, r_sub2u,
                r_mul1l, r_mul1u, r_mul2l, r_mul2u]
     for i in range(len(ops_results)):
         array_almost_equal(ops_results, results)
Exemplo n.º 31
def test_top_with_numpy_generator():
    # Random dataset
    dataset = np.random.normal(0, 1, (1000, 10))
    # target = 0 if sum>.5 else 1
    target = 0. + (np.dot(dataset, np.ones((10, 1))) > .5)

    def dataset_generator():
        return NumpyDatasetGenerator(dataset=(dataset, target), batch_size=100)

    W = theano.shared(np.random.normal(0, 1, (10, 1)).astype(top.up.floatX))
    X, T = tensor.matrices('X', 'Y')
    Y = tensor.nnet.sigmoid(tensor.dot(X, W))
    cost = tensor.nnet.binary_crossentropy(Y, T).mean()
    opt = top.Optimizer(W,
                        input=[X, T],
    opt.iterate_epochs(1000, dataset_generator)
    print W.get_value()
Exemplo n.º 32
 def test_eval(self):
     txl, txu, tyl, tyu = T.matrices('xl', 'xu', 'yl', 'yu')
     xl = A([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
     xu = A([[2, 4], [6, 9]])
     yl = A([[-1, -5], [0, 3]])
     yu = A([[4, 2], [0, 3]])
     ix = TheanoInterval(txl, txu)
     iy = TheanoInterval(tyl, tyu)
     iz = ix + iy
     d = {txl: xl, txu: xu, tyl: yl, tyu: yu}
     zl, zu = iz.eval(d)
     array_almost_equal(zl, xl + yl)
     array_almost_equal(zu, xu + yu)
     i2 = TheanoInterval(theano.shared(1), theano.shared(3))
     i2l, i2u = i2.eval()
     assert_equal(i2l, 1)
     assert_equal(i2u, 3)
     i2l, i2u = i2.eval({})
     assert_equal(i2l, 1)
     assert_equal(i2u, 3)
Exemplo n.º 33
def SGD(eta, minibatch_size, n_minibatch, n_epochs):
    # Testing and Validation data are the outputs of the last inputs.
    print 'Calling SGD() ..'
    index = T.iscalar('index')
    x, y = T.matrices('x', 'y')

    tree = TreeLSTM(x, n_in)
    updates = [(param, param - eta * gparam) for param, gparam in zip(tree.params, T.grad(tree.loss(y), tree.params))]
    train_fn = theano.function([index], tree.loss(y), updates=updates,
                               givens={x: train_x[:, minibatch_size * n_in * index: (minibatch_size + 1) * n_in * index],
                                       y: train_y[:, minibatch_size * index: (minibatch_size + 1) * index]}

    # Compilation over
    ## TRAIN MODEL ##

    for epoch in n_epochs:
        for idx in range(n_minibatch):
    def compile(self,X,n_negative_samples=None):
        if n_negative_samples is None:
            n_negative_samples = 1000
        pos_samples = X.loc[:, self.column_ranges.keys()].values.astype(floatX)

        pos_data, neg_data = T.matrices('SigData', 'BckData')
        pos_w, neg_w, parameters = T.vectors('SigW', 'BckW', 'parameters')

        neg_samples, neg_weight = self.generate_negative_samples(n_negative_samples=n_negative_samples,

        givens = {pos_data: pos_samples, neg_data: neg_samples,  neg_w: neg_weight}

        pdf = self.prepare_pdf()
        pdfs, summands = pdf(pos_data, neg_data, neg_weights=neg_w, weights=parameters)
        result = - T.mean(pos_w * T.log(pdfs))

        self.Tfunction = theano.function([parameters,pos_w], result, givens=givens)
        self.Tderivative = theano.function([parameters,pos_w], T.grad(result, parameters), givens=givens)
Exemplo n.º 35
    def __init__(self, layers, mini_batch_size):
        """Takes a list of `layers`, describing the network architecture, and
        a value for the `mini_batch_size` to be used during training
        by stochastic gradient descent.

        self.layers = layers
        self.mini_batch_size = mini_batch_size
        self.params = [
            param for layer in self.layers for param in layer.params
        self.x = T.matrices("x")
        self.y = T.ivector("y")
        init_layer = self.layers[0]
        init_layer.set_inpt(self.x, self.x, self.mini_batch_size)
        for j in range(1, len(self.layers)):
            prev_layer, layer = self.layers[j - 1], self.layers[j]
            layer.set_inpt(prev_layer.output, prev_layer.output_dropout,
        self.output = self.layers[-1].output
        self.output_dropout = self.layers[-1].output_dropout
def test_4_conditionals():
    a, b = T.scalars('a', 'b')
    x, y = T.matrices('x', 'y')

    f_switch = theano.function([a, b, x, y], T.switch(T.lt(a, b), T.mean(x), T.mean(y)))
    f_lazy_ifelse = theano.function([a, b, x, y], ifelse(T.lt(a, b), T.mean(x), T.mean(y)))

    x_val = np.ones((100, 100), dtype=theano.config.floatX)*1
    y_val = np.ones((100, 100), dtype=theano.config.floatX)*2

    # vectorized switch is going to evaluate both options
        f_switch(1, 2, x_val, y_val),

    # lazy evaluation is going to evaluate only single option
        f_lazy_ifelse(2, 1, x_val, y_val),
Exemplo n.º 37
 def test_reshape(self):
     tl, tu = T.matrices('l', 'u')
     xl = A([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
     xu = xl + 3
     i = TheanoInterval(tl, tu)
     i1 = i.reshape((1, 6))
     i2 = i.reshape((2, 3))
     i3 = i.reshape((3, 2))
     i4 = i.reshape((6, 1))
     [l1, u1] = i1.eval({tl: xl, tu: xu})
     [l2, u2] = i2.eval({tl: xl, tu: xu})
     [l3, u3] = i3.eval({tl: xl, tu: xu})
     [l4, u4] = i4.eval({tl: xl, tu: xu})
     assert_array_equal(l1, xl.reshape((1, 6)))
     assert_array_equal(l2, xl.reshape((2, 3)))
     assert_array_equal(l3, xl.reshape((3, 2)))
     assert_array_equal(l4, xl.reshape((6, 1)))
     assert_array_equal(u1, xu.reshape((1, 6)))
     assert_array_equal(u2, xu.reshape((2, 3)))
     assert_array_equal(u3, xu.reshape((3, 2)))
     assert_array_equal(u4, xu.reshape((6, 1)))
Exemplo n.º 38
    def test_broadcasting_pattern(self):
        from lasagne.layers import ElemwiseSumLayer, InputLayer
        import lasagne
        import theano.tensor as T
        import numpy as np
        import theano
        a, b = T.matrices('a', 'b')
        a_ = np.ones((2, 1), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        b_ = np.ones((2, 5), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
        l_a = InputLayer((2, 1))
        l_b = InputLayer((2, 5))
        l_o = ElemwiseSumLayer([l_a, l_b])
        shp = l_o.output_shape  # set broadcastable table
        output = lasagne.layers.get_output(l_o, {
            l_a: a,
            l_b: b
            a: a_,
            b: b_
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(output, np.ones((2, 5)) + 1.0)
        assert shp == output.shape

        # test that None dimensions are not modified
        l_a = InputLayer((2, None))
        l_b = InputLayer((2, None))
        l_o = ElemwiseSumLayer([l_a, l_b])
        shp = l_o.output_shape  # set broadcastable table
        a = T.addbroadcast(a, 1)
        output = lasagne.layers.get_output(l_o, {
            l_a: a,
            l_b: b
            a: a_,
            b: b_
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(output, np.ones((2, 5)) + 1.0)
        assert shp == (2, None)
Exemplo n.º 39
        self.z = theano.dot(self.inpts, self.W) + self.B

        self.pool_size = pool_size

        self.filter_shape = filter_shape
        conv_out = conv.conv2d(self.inpts,
        pool_out = downsample.pool_2d(input=conv_out,
        self.out = T.nnet.sigmoid(pool_out)

x = T.matrices("x")
y = T.matrices("y")

ly1 = convlyer(x, filter_shape=(5, 5), image_shape=(28, 28), pool_size=(2, 2))
ly2 = lyers(ly1.out, 12, 100, activation="relu")
ly3 = lyers(ly2.out, 100, 10, activation="sigm")
lamda = 0.1
cost = T.mean(1 / 2 * T.square(ly3.outputs - y))
params = [param for ly in [ly1, ly2, ly3] for param in ly.params]
grads = T.grad(cost, params)
update = [(param, param - lamda * grad) for param, grad in zip(params, grads)]

train = theano.function([x, y], cost, updates=update)
predict = theano.function([x], ly3.outputs)

for t_data in training_data[0:10]:
Exemplo n.º 40
def test_gpu_rowwise_switch():
    assert theano.config.device.startswith("gpu"), "Need to test on GPU!"

    data = [
        # 4 x 2
        (np.array([[0.22323515, 0.36703175], [0.82260513, 0.3461504],
                   [0.82362652, 0.81626087], [0.95270008, 0.2226797]]),
         np.array([[0.36341551, 0.20102882], [0.24144639, 0.45237923],
                   [0.39951822, 0.7348066],
                   [0.16649647, 0.60306537]]), np.array([1, 0, 1, 1]),
         np.array([[0.22323515, 0.36703175], [0.24144639, 0.45237923],
                   [0.82362652, 0.81626087], [0.95270008, 0.2226797]])),

        # 2 x 3 x 4
        (np.array([[[0.48769062, 0.82649632, 0.2047115, 0.41437615],
                    [0.25290664, 0.87164914, 0.80968588, 0.49295084],
                    [0.71438099, 0.97913502, 0.37598001, 0.76958707]],
                   [[0.37605973, 0.538358, 0.74304674, 0.84346291],
                    [0.95310617, 0.61540292, 0.49881143, 0.1028554],
                    [0.83481996, 0.90969569, 0.40410424, 0.34419989]]]),
         np.array([[[0.7289117, 0.97323253, 0.19070121, 0.64164653],
                    [0.26816493, 0.76093069, 0.95284825, 0.77350426],
                    [0.55415519, 0.39431256, 0.86588665, 0.50031027]],
                   [[0.1980869, 0.7753601, 0.26810868, 0.3628802],
                    [0.2488143, 0.21278388, 0.09724567, 0.58457886],
                    [0.12295105, 0.75321368, 0.37258797,
                     0.27756972]]]), np.array([1, 0]),
         np.array([[[0.48769062, 0.82649632, 0.2047115, 0.41437615],
                    [0.25290664, 0.87164914, 0.80968588, 0.49295084],
                    [0.71438099, 0.97913502, 0.37598001, 0.76958707]],
                   [[0.1980869, 0.7753601, 0.26810868, 0.3628802],
                    [0.2488143, 0.21278388, 0.09724567, 0.58457886],
                    [0.12295105, 0.75321368, 0.37258797, 0.27756972]]]))

    A2, B2 = T.matrices("AB")
    A3, B3 = T.tensor3("A"), T.tensor3("B")
    mask = T.ivector("mask")

    switch2 = T.switch(mask.dimshuffle(0, "x"), A2, B2)
    switch3 = T.switch(mask.dimshuffle(0, "x", "x"), A3, B3)

    f2 = theano.function([A2, B2, mask], switch2)
    f3 = theano.function([A3, B3, mask], switch3)

    print "Graph of 2dim switch:"
    print "Graph of 3dim switch:"

    for instance in data:
        # Retrieve appropriate function
        func = f2 if instance[0].ndim == 2 else f3

        # Cast to float-friendly types
        instance = [
            x.astype(np.float32) if x.dtype.kind == 'f' else x.astype(np.int32)
            for x in instance

        yield tuple([_test_gpu_rowwise_switch_inner, func] + instance)
Exemplo n.º 41
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
import numpy as np

from breze.arch.construct.layer.distributions import DiagGauss

n, m = 10, 5
A, B = T.matrices('A', 'B')
X = np.empty((3, 4), dtype=np.float32)
print 'X shape =', X.shape

# # this works
# S = theano.shared(np.random.randn(n, m))
# sample = T.tile(S[np.newaxis, :, :], (A.shape[0], 1, 1), ndim=3)

# this does not work
mean_val, var_val = (np.random.randn(n, m) for _ in xrange(2))
var_val = var_val**2 + 1e-5
mean_raw, var_raw = (theano.shared(v) for v in (mean_val, var_val))

mean, var = (T.tile(v[np.newaxis, :, :], (A.shape[0], 1, 1), ndim=3) for v in (mean_raw, var_raw))
gaus = DiagGauss(mean, var)
sample = gaus.sample()

foo_sample_A = theano.function([A], sample)
print 'foo_sample_A.shape =', foo_sample_A(X).shape     # (3, 10, 5)

sample += B[0, 0] * 0   # to avoid unused input errorr
Exemplo n.º 42
    def __init__(self,
                 state       = 'x',
                 measurement = 'z',
                 motion_transition      = None,
                 measurement_transition = None):

        self.N = len(state.split(' '))
        self.M = len(measurement.split(' '))

        self.X, self.Z         = T.fvectors('X','Z')
        self.P, self.Q, self.R = T.fmatrices('P','Q','R')
        self.F, self.H         = T.matrices('F','H')
        self.dt                = T.scalar('dt')

        self.X_  = T.dot(self.F, self.X)
        self.fX_ = G.jacobian(T.flatten(self.X_), self.X)
        self.P_  = T.dot(T.dot(self.fX_, self.P), T.transpose(self.fX_)) + self.dt * self.Q

        self.h = T.dot(self.H, self.X_)
        self.y = self.Z - self.h

        self.hX_ = G.jacobian(self.h, self.X_)

        self.matrix_inv = T.nlinalg.MatrixInverse()

        self.S = T.dot(T.dot(self.hX_, self.P_), T.transpose(self.hX_)) + self.R
        self.K = T.dot(T.dot(self.P_, T.transpose(self.hX_)), self.matrix_inv(self.S))

        self.X__ = self.X_ + T.dot(self.K, self.y)
        self.P__ = T.dot(T.identity_like(self.P) - T.dot(self.K, self.hX_), self.P_)

        self.prediction = theano.function(inputs  = [self.X,
                                          outputs = [self.X_,
                                          allow_input_downcast = True)

        self.update = theano.function(inputs  = [self.X,
                                      outputs = [self.X__,
                                      allow_input_downcast = True)

        if motion_transition == None:
            self.motion_transition = np.eye(self.N)
            self.motion_transition = np.array(motion_transition)

        if measurement_transition == None:
            self.measurement_transition = np.eye(self.M)
            self.measurement_transition = np.array(motion_transition)
Exemplo n.º 43
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
import numpy as np
# from OkapiV2.Layers.Activations import SoftmaxLayer
from OkapiV2 import Losses

x, y = T.matrices('xy')

# regular softmax and crossentropy
sm = T.nnet.softmax(x)
cm1 = T.nnet.categorical_crossentropy(sm, y)
g1 = T.grad(cm1.mean(), x)

# numerically stable log-softmax with crossentropy
'''xdev = x-x.max(1, keepdims=True)
lsm = xdev - T.log(T.sum(T.exp(xdev), axis=1, keepdims=True))'''
# lsm = SoftmaxLayer().get_output(x, None) + 1e-7
'''sm2 = T.exp(lsm)
cm2 = -T.sum(y*lsm, axis=1)'''
cm2 = Losses.AltSoftmaxLoss().get_train_loss(x, y, [None])
# cm2 = T.nnet.categorical_crossentropy(sm2, y)
g2 = T.grad(cm2.mean(), x)

# create some inputs into a softmax that are large and labels
a = np.exp(10*np.random.rand(5, 10).astype(theano.config.floatX))
# create some one-hot coded labels
b = np.eye(5, 10).astype(theano.config.floatX)

# show equivalence of softmax and exponentiated numerically stable log-softmax
'''f1 = theano.function([x], [sm, sm2])
sm1, sm2 = f1(a)
Exemplo n.º 44
import time

import numpy

import theano
from theano import tensor as tt
from theano.ifelse import ifelse

a, b = tt.scalars('a', 'b')
x, y = tt.matrices('x', 'y')

z_switch = tt.switch(tt.lt(a, b), tt.mean(x), tt.mean(y))
z_lazy = ifelse(tt.lt(a, b), tt.mean(x), tt.mean(y))

f_switch = theano.function([a, b, x, y], z_switch)
f_lazyifelse = theano.function([a, b, x, y], z_lazy)

val1 = 0.
val2 = 1.
big_mat1 = numpy.ones((10000, 1000))
big_mat2 = numpy.ones((10000, 1000))

n_times = 10

tic = time.clock()
for i in xrange(n_times):
    f_switch(val1, val2, big_mat1, big_mat2)
print 'time spent evaluating both values %f sec' % (time.clock() - tic)

tic = time.clock()
for i in xrange(n_times):
Exemplo n.º 45
# IfElse v.s. Switch
# (1) Both ops build a condition over symbolic variables.
# (2) IfElse takes a boolean condition and two variables as inputs.
# (3) Swith takes a tensor as condition an two variables as inputs. switch
# is an elementwise operation and is thus more general than ifelse.
# (4) Whereas switch evaluates both output variables, ifelse is lazy and
# only evaluates one variable with respect to the condition.

# Example
from theano import tensor as T
from theano.ifelse import ifelse
import theano, time, numpy

a, b = T.scalars('a', 'b')
x, y = T.matrices('x', 'y')

z_switch = T.switch(T.lt(a, b), T.mean(x), T.mean(y))
z_lazy = ifelse(T.lt(a, b), T.mean(x), T.mean(y))

f_switch = theano.function([a, b, x, y],
f_lazyifelse = theano.function([a, b, x, y],

val1 = 0.0
val2 = 1.0
big_mat1 = numpy.ones((10000, 20000), dtype=numpy.float32)
big_mat2 = numpy.ones((10000, 20000), dtype=numpy.float32)
Exemplo n.º 46

print f(2,3)
print f(132.5,322.4)

print z.eval({x:1,y:2})

#Add two mitrix

print f([[1,2],[1,2]],[[10,20],[10,20]])

#multiply outputs
abs_diff = abs(diff)
diff_squared = diff ** 2
print "diff is : \n"
print d
print "abs_diff is : \n"
print e
print "diff_squared is : \n"
print f
Exemplo n.º 47
import theano.tensor as T
from theano import function

a, b = T.matrices('a', 'b')
diff = a - b
abs_diff = abs(diff)
diff_squared = diff ** 2
f = function([a, b], [diff, abs_diff, diff_squared])

print f([[1, 1], [1, 1]], [[0, 1], [2, 3]])
Exemplo n.º 48
from theano import function
import theano

from theano.ifelse import ifelse

import time

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from minitest import *
    inject(numpy.allclose, 'must_close')

    # http://deeplearning.net/software/theano/tutorial/conditions.html
    with test("if"):
        a,b = T.scalars('a', 'b')
        x,y = T.matrices('x', 'y')

        z_lazy = ifelse(T.lt(a, b), T.mean(x), T.mean(y))
        f_lazyifelse = theano.function([a, b, x, y], z_lazy,

        val1 = 0.
        val2 = 1.
        big_mat1 = numpy.ones((2, 2))
        big_mat2 = numpy.ones((2, 2))

        f_lazyifelse(val1, val2, big_mat1, big_mat2).must_close(

    with test("if with value"):
        a = T.scalar()
Exemplo n.º 49
    def make_train_fun(
            sequence_length=25,  # how many steps to make before updating weights
            observation_shape=(1, 64,
                               64),  # same as env.observation_space.shape
            reward_scale=1e-3,  #rewards are multiplied by this. May be useful if they are large.
            gamma=0.99,  #discount from TD
        """Compiles a function to train for one step"""

        #make replay environment
        observations = T.tensor(theano.config.floatX,
                                broadcastable=(False, ) *
                                (2 + len(observation_shape)),

        actions = T.imatrix("actions[b,t]")
        rewards, is_alive = T.matrices("rewards[b,t]", "is_alive[b,t]")
        prev_memory = [l.input_var for l in agent.agent_states.values()]

        replay = SessionBatchEnvironment(observations, [observation_shape],

        #replay sessions
        _, _, _, _, (logits_seq, V_seq) = agent.get_sessions(
            False,  #speeds up compilation 10x, slows down training by 20% (still 4x faster than TF :P )
        rng_updates = agent.get_automatic_updates(
        )  #updates of random states (will be passed to a function)

        # compute pi(a|s) and log(pi(a|s)) manually [use logsoftmax]
        # we can't guarantee that theano optimizes logsoftmax automatically since it's still in dev
        logits_flat = logits_seq.reshape([-1, logits_seq.shape[-1]])
        policy_seq = T.nnet.softmax(logits_flat).reshape(logits_seq.shape)
        logpolicy_seq = T.nnet.logsoftmax(logits_flat).reshape(

        # get policy gradient
        elwise_actor_loss, elwise_critic_loss = a2c.get_elementwise_objective(
            state_values=V_seq[:, :, 0],
            rewards=replay.rewards * reward_scale,

        # add losses with magic numbers
        # (you can change them more or less harmlessly, this usually just makes learning faster/slower)
        # also regularize to prioritize exploration
        reg_logits = T.mean(logits_seq**2)
        reg_entropy = T.mean(T.sum(policy_seq * logpolicy_seq, axis=-1))
        loss = 0.1 * elwise_actor_loss.mean() + 0.25 * elwise_critic_loss.mean(
        ) + 1e-3 * reg_entropy + 1e-2 * reg_logits

        # Compute weight updates, clip by norm
        grads = T.grad(loss, self.weights)
        grads = lasagne.updates.total_norm_constraint(grads, 10)

        updates = lasagne.updates.adam(grads, self.weights, 1e-4)

        # compile train function
        inputs = [observations, actions, rewards, is_alive] + prev_memory
        return theano.function(inputs,
                               updates=rng_updates + updates,
Exemplo n.º 50
    def __init__(self, rng, layer, shape, X, is_train = 1, batch_size = 1, p = 0.5):
        prefix = "GRU_"
        self.in_size, self.out_size = shape

        self.W_xr = init_weights((self.in_size, self.out_size), prefix + "W_xr" + "_" + layer)
        self.W_hr = init_weights((self.out_size, self.out_size), prefix + "W_hr" + "_" + layer)
        self.b_r = init_bias(self.out_size, prefix + "b_r" + "_" + layer)
        self.W_xz = init_weights((self.in_size, self.out_size), prefix + "W_xz" + "_" + layer)
        self.W_hz = init_weights((self.out_size, self.out_size), prefix + "W_hz" + "_" + layer)
        self.b_z = init_bias(self.out_size, prefix + "b_z" + "_" + layer)

        self.W_xh = init_weights((self.in_size, self.out_size), prefix + "W_xh" + "_" + layer)
        self.W_hh = init_weights((self.out_size, self.out_size), prefix + "W_hh" + "_" + layer)
        self.b_h = init_bias(self.out_size, prefix + "b_h" + "_" + layer)


        # for gradients
        self.gW_xr = init_gradws((self.in_size, self.out_size), prefix + "gW_xr" + "_" + layer)
        self.gW_hr = init_gradws((self.out_size, self.out_size), prefix + "gW_h" + "_" + layer)
        self.gb_r = init_bias(self.out_size, prefix + "gb_r" + "_" + layer)
        self.gW_xz = init_gradws((self.in_size, self.out_size), prefix + "gW_xz" + "_" + layer)
        self.gW_hz = init_gradws((self.out_size, self.out_size), prefix + "gW_hz" + "_" + layer)
        self.gb_z = init_bias(self.out_size, prefix + "gb_z" + "_" + layer)

        self.gW_xh = init_gradws((self.in_size, self.out_size), prefix + "gW_xh" + "_" + layer)
        self.gW_hh = init_gradws((self.out_size, self.out_size), prefix + "gW_hh" + "_" + layer)
        self.gb_h = init_bias(self.out_size, prefix + "gb_h" + "_" + layer)
        def _active(x, pre_h):
            r = T.nnet.sigmoid(T.dot(x, self.W_xr) + T.dot(pre_h, self.W_hr) + self.b_r)
            z = T.nnet.sigmoid(T.dot(x, self.W_xz) + T.dot(pre_h, self.W_hz) + self.b_z)
            gh = T.tanh(T.dot(x, self.W_xh) + T.dot(r * pre_h, self.W_hh) + self.b_h)
            h = z * pre_h + (1 - z) * gh
            return r, z, gh, h
        self.X = X
        H = T.matrix("H")
        [r, z, gh, h], updates = theano.scan(_active, sequences=[self.X], outputs_info=[None, None, None, H])
        self.active = theano.function(
            inputs = [self.X, H],
            outputs = [r, z, gh, h]

        h = T.reshape(h, (self.X.shape[0], self.out_size))
        # dropout
        if p > 0:
            srng = T.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams(rng.randint(999999))
            mask = srng.binomial(n = 1, p = 1-p, size = h.shape, dtype = theano.config.floatX)
            self.activation = T.switch(T.eq(is_train, 1), h * mask, h * (1 - p)) # is_train = 1
            self.activation = T.switch(T.eq(is_train, 1), h, h) # is_train

        # TODO ->scan
        def _derive(prop, r, post_r, z, gh, pre_h, post_dh, post_dgh, post_dr, post_dz):
            dh = prop + T.dot(post_dr, self.W_hr.T) + T.dot(post_dz, self.W_hz.T) + T.dot(post_dgh * post_r, self.W_hh.T) + post_dh * z
            dgh = dh * (1 - z) * (1 - gh ** 2)
            dr = T.dot(dgh * pre_h, self.W_hh.T) * ((1 - r) * r)
            dz = (dh * (pre_h - gh)) * ((1 - z) * z)
            return dh, dgh, dr, dz
        prop, r, z, gh, pre_h, post_dh, post_dgh, post_dr, post_dz, post_r = \
                T.matrices("prop", "r", "z", "gh", "pre_h", "post_dh", "post_dgh", "post_dr", "post_dz", "post_r")
        self.derive = theano.function(
            inputs = [prop, r, post_r, z, gh, pre_h, post_dh, post_dgh, post_dr, post_dz],
            outputs = _derive(prop, r, post_r, z, gh, pre_h, post_dh, post_dgh, post_dr, post_dz)

        x, dz, dr, dgh = T.rows("x", "dz", "dr", "dgh")
        updates_grad = [(self.gW_xr, self.gW_xr + T.dot(x.T, dr)),
               (self.gW_xz, self.gW_xz + T.dot(x.T, dz)),
               (self.gW_xh, self.gW_xh + T.dot(x.T, dgh)),
               (self.gW_hr, self.gW_hr + T.dot(pre_h.T, dr)),
               (self.gW_hz, self.gW_hz + T.dot(pre_h.T, dz)),
               (self.gW_hh, self.gW_hh + T.dot((r * pre_h).T, dgh)),
               (self.gb_r, self.gb_r + dr),
               (self.gb_z, self.gb_z + dz),
               (self.gb_h, self.gb_h + dgh)]
        self.grad = theano.function(
            inputs = [x, r, pre_h, dz, dr, dgh],
            updates = updates_grad

        updates_clear = [
               (self.gW_xr, self.gW_xr * 0),
               (self.gW_xz, self.gW_xz * 0),
               (self.gW_xh, self.gW_xh * 0),
               (self.gW_hr, self.gW_hr * 0),
               (self.gW_hz, self.gW_hz * 0),
               (self.gW_hh, self.gW_hh * 0),
               (self.gb_r, self.gb_r * 0),
               (self.gb_z, self.gb_z * 0),
               (self.gb_h, self.gb_h * 0)]
        self.clear_grad = theano.function(
            inputs = [],
            updates = updates_clear

        lr = T.scalar()
        t = T.scalar()
        tm1 = T.scalar()
        updates_w = [
               (self.W_xr, self.W_xr - self.gW_xr * lr / t),
               (self.W_xz, self.W_xz - self.gW_xz * lr / t),
               (self.W_xh, self.W_xh - self.gW_xh * lr / t),
               (self.W_hr, self.W_hr - self.gW_hr * lr / tm1),
               (self.W_hz, self.W_hz - self.gW_hz * lr / tm1),
               (self.W_hh, self.W_hh - self.gW_hh * lr / tm1),
               (self.b_r, self.b_r - self.gb_r * lr / t),
               (self.b_z, self.b_z - self.gb_z * lr / t),
               (self.b_h, self.b_h - self.gb_h * lr / t)]

        self.update = theano.function(
            inputs = [lr, t, tm1],
            updates = updates_w

        DZ, DR, DGH = T.matrices("DZ", "DR", "DGH")
        def _propagate(DR, DZ, DGH):
            return (T.dot(DR, self.W_xr.T) + T.dot(DZ, self.W_xz.T) + T.dot(DGH, self.W_xh.T))
        self.propagate = theano.function(inputs = [DR, DZ, DGH], outputs = _propagate(DR, DZ, DGH))

        self.params = [self.W_xr, self.W_hr, self.b_r,
                       self.W_xz, self.W_hz, self.b_z,
                       self.W_xh, self.W_hh, self.b_h]
Exemplo n.º 51
# Dataset generation parameters
ns = 300  # number of source points
nt = 20  # number of target points

nb_tr = 3  # number of trials for averaging

num_src = 5  # number of source domains

# variables to stock the results
lambdaWa = []
Wdista = []
MMDa = []
true_errora = []

# variables used in teano for mmd calculation
Xth, Yth = T.matrices('X', 'Y')
sigmath = T.scalar('sigma')
fn = theano.function([Xth, Yth, sigmath], mmd.rbf_mmd2(Xth, Yth,

a, b = np.ones((ns, )) / ns, np.ones(
    (nt, )) / nt  # empirical distributions for source and target domains
reg = 1e-1  # entropic regularization for \lambda computation
Mb = ot.utils.dist0(ns)  # cost matrix on bins
Mb /= Mb.max()  # normalization

if plot_moons:  # to plot the data (avoid when len(theta_range)>5)
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(theta_range), num_src, figsize=(21, 16))

for j, it in enumerate(theta_range):
    lambdaW = []
from theano import tensor as T
from theano.ifelse import ifelse
import theano, time, numpy

a,b = T.matrices('a', 'b')
x,y = T.matrices('x', 'y')

#I would think of it as just another operator that acts on three symbolic variables, if the first is true, return the second, else return the third.
#But for many operators (like - and +) theano has overloaded them for symbolic variables, so probably you don't feel the difference.
#For example, if a and b are numbers, then c=a+b creates a variable c with the value of a+b. If a and b are symbolic variables, then c=a+b creates another symbolic variable c, that will apply (element-wise) addition to a and b when the corresponded function gets called/evaluated.
#Here's an introduction on theano operators and graphs. http://deeplearning.net/software/theano/extending/graphstructures.html

val1 = numpy.zeros((100, 100))
val2 = numpy.ones((100, 100))
big_mat1 = numpy.ones((100, 100))
big_mat2 = numpy.zeros((100, 100))

z_switch = T.switch(T.lt(a-b,0),big_mat1, big_mat2)

#set = (a,b)
#z_lazy = ifelse(T.lt(*set), big_mat1, big_mat2)

f_switch = theano.function([a,b], z_switch,
#f_lazyifelse = theano.function([a,b], z_lazy,
#                              mode=theano.Mode(linker='vm'))

n_times = 10

tic = time.clock()
Exemplo n.º 53
    def make_gradient(self,
        global opfunc

        start = time.perf_counter()

        def _loss(y, ideal_jab, ideal_diff):
            jab = ucs.symbolic.srgb_to_ucs(y, 80, 16,
                                           ucs.srgb_to_xyz(bg)[1] * 80,
            diff = jab[1:, :] - jab[:-1, :]
            ucs_loss = T.sum(T.sqr(jab - ideal_jab))
            diff_loss = T.mean(T.sqr(diff - ideal_diff))
            return ucs_loss + diff_loss * diff_weight

        if opfunc is None:
            rgb, _ideal_jab, _ideal_diff = T.matrices('rgb', 'ideal_jab',
            loss_sym = _loss(rgb, _ideal_jab, _ideal_diff)
            grad_sym = T.grad(loss_sym, rgb)

            # Ensure this function is compiled
            ucs.srgb_to_ucs([1, 1, 1])

            print('Building opfunc()...', file=sys.stderr)
            opfunc = theano.function([rgb, _ideal_jab, _ideal_diff],
                                     [loss_sym, grad_sym],
            print('Done building functions in {:.3g} seconds.'.format(
                time.perf_counter() - start),

        # If the method was called only to precompile Theano functions, return early
        if self.x is None:

        if self.colorspace == 'rgb':
            conds = Conditions(Y_w=100, Y_b=ucs.srgb_to_xyz(self.bg)[1] * 100)
            jmh = ucs.jab_to_jmh(ucs.srgb_to_ucs(self.y, conds))
        elif self.colorspace == 'jmh':
            jmh = self.y.copy()
            jmh[:, 2] = ucs.H_to_h(self.y[:, 2])
            raise ValueError('colorspace must be RGB or JMH')
        jmh[:, 2] = np.rad2deg(np.unwrap(np.deg2rad(jmh[:, 2])))
        if self.periodic:
            jmh[-1] = jmh[0]
            interp = interpolate.CubicSpline(self.x,
            if not hasattr(interpolate, interpolator):
                raise ValueError(
                    'interpolator must exist in scipy.interpolate')
            interp = getattr(interpolate, interpolator)(self.x, jmh, axis=0)
        ideal_jmh = np.zeros((steps, 3))
        x = np.linspace(self.x[0], self.x[-1], steps)
        for i, n in enumerate(x):
            ideal_jmh[i] = interp(n)
        ideal_jab = ucs.jmh_to_jab(ideal_jmh)
        ideal_diff = ideal_jab[1:, :] - ideal_jab[:-1, :]

        y = floatX(np.random.uniform(-1e-8, 1e-8, size=ideal_jab.shape)) + 0.5
        opt = AdamOptimizer(y,
                            opfunc=lambda y: opfunc(y, ideal_jab, ideal_diff),
                            proj=lambda y: np.clip(y, 0, 1))
        for i in opt:
            if i % 100 == 0:
                loss_ = float(opfunc(y, ideal_jab, ideal_diff)[0])
                if callback is not None:
                    callback('Iteration {:d}, loss = {:.3f}'.format(i, loss_))

        # i = 0
        # y_shape = y.shape
        # def lbfgs_callback(y_opt):
        #     nonlocal i
        #     i += 1
        #     if i % 100 == 0:
        #         loss_ = float(opfunc(y_opt.reshape(y_shape), ideal_jab, ideal_diff)[0])
        #         if callback is not None:
        #             callback('Iteration {:d}, loss = {:.3f}'.format(i, loss_))

        # y = lbfgs(y, lambda y: opfunc(y, ideal_jab, ideal_diff), callback=lbfgs_callback)

        done = time.perf_counter()
        s = (
            'Loss was {:.3f} after {:d} iterations; make_gradient() took {:.3f} seconds.'
            float(opfunc(y, ideal_jab, ideal_diff)[0]),
            done - start,
        return x, y, s
Exemplo n.º 54
def SGD(eta, n_minibatch, n_epochs, valid_steps, valid_interval, valid_headwords):

    # Testing and Validation data are the outputs of the last inputs.
    print 'Calling SGD() ..'
    t0 = time.time()
    index = T.iscalar('index')
    x, y = T.matrices('x', 'y')
    print 'The length of valid_headwords is', len(valid_headwords)
    print 'n_epochs * n_minibatch * n_in is', n_epochs * n_minibatch * n_in / valid_interval
    # minibatch size needs to be added later in assert statement.
    assert len(valid_headwords) >= (n_epochs * n_minibatch)/ valid_interval, 'The length of valid_headwords need to be' \
                                                                                       'greater than n_epochs * n_minibatch/ valid_interval'
    # Need to put  (* minibatch_size) when support for minibatches is introduced.
    model = SentenceLSTMLayers(n_in_tree, n_nodes)
    model_output = model.output(x)
    valid_output = model.output(x, n_steps=valid_steps, valid=True)

    loss = model.loss(y, model_output)
    pred = model.pred(model_output)
    validation_pred = model.pred(valid_output)

    params = model.params
    updates = [(param, param - eta * gparam) for param, gparam in zip(params, T.grad(loss, params))]
    # No need to return the updates by scan function within RNNStackedLayers. Only needed when shared variables are
    # updated within step function. This is not the case here. See this source

    train_fn = theano.function([index], [loss, pred], updates=updates,
                               givens={x: train_x[:, n_in * index: n_in * (index + 1)],
                                       y: train_y[:, index: index + 1]})

    valid_fn = theano.function([x], validation_pred)

    # Compilation over
    ## TRAIN MODEL ##
    words_seen = 0
    match_idx = 0
    valid_idx = 0
    training_loss = []
    for i in range(n_epochs):
        print 'The current epoch number is', i
        t1 = time.time()
        for idx in range(n_minibatch):
            train_loss, train_pred = train_fn(idx)
            if (i*n_minibatch+idx) % valid_interval == 0:
                valid_op = []
                valid_headword = valid_headwords[valid_idx]
                valid_input = word_vecs[valid_headword]
                print '---------------------------------------------------------------'
                assert valid_input.shape[0] == vec_dims, 'ASSERTION 1 FALSE'
                print 'The validation headword for validation index =', valid_idx, 'is', \
                valid_pred = valid_fn(valid_input)

                print 'The validation prediction is', ' '.join([mappings_words[idx] for idx in valid_op])
        print 'Time taken by this epoch is', time.time()-t1

    print 'Time taken by __main__ and training is', time.time()-t0
    print 'Total words seen is', words_seen
    print 'Total words matched is', match_idx
    print 'Ratio is', match_idx/words_seen
Exemplo n.º 55
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division
import time

import numpy

import theano
from theano import tensor as tt
from six.moves import xrange
from theano.ifelse import ifelse

a, b = tt.scalars('a', 'b')
x, y = tt.matrices('x', 'y')

z_switch = tt.switch(tt.lt(a, b), tt.mean(x), tt.mean(y))
z_lazy = ifelse(tt.lt(a, b), tt.mean(x), tt.mean(y))

f_switch = theano.function([a, b, x, y], z_switch)
f_lazyifelse = theano.function([a, b, x, y], z_lazy)

val1 = 0.
val2 = 1.
big_mat1 = numpy.ones((10000, 1000))
big_mat2 = numpy.ones((10000, 1000))

n_times = 10

tic = time.clock()
for i in xrange(n_times):
    f_switch(val1, val2, big_mat1, big_mat2)
print('time spent evaluating both values %f sec' % (time.clock() - tic))
Exemplo n.º 56
    def test_clone(self):
        # Data for unit testing
        X_unit = ['abcdef', 'abcdef', 'qwerty']
        X_unit = [[ord(c) for c in w] for w in X_unit]
        X_unit = np.array(X_unit, dtype='int8')
        n_alerts_unit, l_alerts_unit = X_unit.shape
        mask_unit = np.ones(X_unit.shape, dtype='int8')

        # Dimensions
        n_alerts = None
        l_alerts = None
        n_alphabet = 2**7  # All ASCII chars
        num_units = 10

        # Symbolic variables
        input_var, input_var2 = T.imatrices('inputs', 'inputs2')
        mask_var, mask_var2 = T.matrices('masks', 'masks2')
        target_var = T.dvector('targets')

        # build net for testing
        l_in = InputLayer(shape=(n_alerts, l_alerts),
        l_emb = EmbeddingLayer(l_in,
        l_emb.params[l_emb.W].remove('trainable')  # Fix weight
        l_mask = InputLayer(shape=(n_alerts, l_alerts),
        l_lstm = LSTMLayer(l_emb,
        l_slice = SliceLayer(l_lstm, indices=-1, axis=1,
                             name="SLICE-LAYER")  # Only last timestep

        net = l_slice

        # clone
        l_in2 = InputLayer(shape=(n_alerts, l_alerts),
        l_mask2 = InputLayer(shape=(n_alerts, l_alerts),
        net2 = lstm_rnn_tied_weights.clone(net, l_in2, l_mask2)

        self.assertNotEqual(repr(net), repr(net2))

        pred_unit = layers.get_output(net,
                                          l_in: input_var,
                                          l_mask: mask_var
                                          input_var: X_unit,
                                          mask_var: mask_unit

        pred_unit2 = layers.get_output(net2,
                                           l_in2: input_var2,
                                           l_mask2: mask_var2
                                           input_var2: X_unit,
                                           mask_var2: mask_unit

        self.assert_array_equal(pred_unit, pred_unit2)
Exemplo n.º 57
def test_gpu_rowwise_switch():
    assert theano.config.device.startswith("gpu"), "Need to test on GPU!"

    data = [
        # 4 x 2
        (np.array([[ 0.22323515,  0.36703175],
                   [ 0.82260513,  0.3461504 ],
                   [ 0.82362652,  0.81626087],
                   [ 0.95270008,  0.2226797 ]]),
         np.array([[ 0.36341551,  0.20102882],
                   [ 0.24144639,  0.45237923],
                   [ 0.39951822,  0.7348066 ],
                   [ 0.16649647,  0.60306537]]),
         np.array([1, 0, 1, 1]),
         np.array([[ 0.22323515,  0.36703175],
                   [ 0.24144639,  0.45237923],
                   [ 0.82362652,  0.81626087],
                   [ 0.95270008,  0.2226797 ]])),

        # 2 x 3 x 4
        (np.array([[[ 0.48769062,  0.82649632,  0.2047115 ,  0.41437615],
                    [ 0.25290664,  0.87164914,  0.80968588,  0.49295084],
                    [ 0.71438099,  0.97913502,  0.37598001,  0.76958707]],

                   [[ 0.37605973,  0.538358  ,  0.74304674,  0.84346291],
                    [ 0.95310617,  0.61540292,  0.49881143,  0.1028554 ],
                    [ 0.83481996,  0.90969569,  0.40410424,  0.34419989]]]),
         np.array([[[ 0.7289117 ,  0.97323253,  0.19070121,  0.64164653],
                    [ 0.26816493,  0.76093069,  0.95284825,  0.77350426],
                    [ 0.55415519,  0.39431256,  0.86588665,  0.50031027]],

                   [[ 0.1980869 ,  0.7753601 ,  0.26810868,  0.3628802 ],
                    [ 0.2488143 ,  0.21278388,  0.09724567,  0.58457886],
                    [ 0.12295105,  0.75321368,  0.37258797,  0.27756972]]]),
         np.array([1, 0]),
         np.array([[[ 0.48769062,  0.82649632,  0.2047115 ,  0.41437615],
                    [ 0.25290664,  0.87164914,  0.80968588,  0.49295084],
                    [ 0.71438099,  0.97913502,  0.37598001,  0.76958707]],

                   [[ 0.1980869 ,  0.7753601 ,  0.26810868,  0.3628802 ],
                    [ 0.2488143 ,  0.21278388,  0.09724567,  0.58457886],
                    [ 0.12295105,  0.75321368,  0.37258797,  0.27756972]]]))


    A2, B2 = T.matrices("AB")
    A3, B3 = T.tensor3("A"), T.tensor3("B")
    mask = T.ivector("mask")

    switch2 = T.switch(mask.dimshuffle(0, "x"), A2, B2)
    switch3 = T.switch(mask.dimshuffle(0, "x", "x"), A3, B3)

    f2 = theano.function([A2, B2, mask], switch2)
    f3 = theano.function([A3, B3, mask], switch3)

    print "Graph of 2dim switch:"
    print "Graph of 3dim switch:"

    for instance in data:
        # Retrieve appropriate function
        func = f2 if instance[0].ndim == 2 else f3

        # Cast to float-friendly types
        instance = [x.astype(np.float32) if x.dtype.kind == 'f'
                    else x.astype(np.int32) for x in instance]

        yield tuple([_test_gpu_rowwise_switch_inner, func] + instance)
Exemplo n.º 58
    def __init__(self, input, n_in, n_out):

        hidden_size = 36
        batch_size = 32
        self._w_h = init_weights((n_in, hidden_size))
        self._b_h = init_b_weights((1, hidden_size))
        # self._b_h = init_b_weights((hidden_size,))
        self._w_h2 = init_weights((hidden_size, hidden_size))
        self._b_h2 = init_b_weights((1, hidden_size))
        # self._b_h2 = init_b_weights((hidden_size,))
        # self._w_o = init_tanh(hidden_size, n_out)
        self._w_o = init_weights((hidden_size, n_out))
        self._b_o = init_b_weights((1, n_out))
        # self._b_o = init_b_weights((n_out,))

        self._w_h_old = init_weights((n_in, hidden_size))
        self._w_h2_old = init_weights((hidden_size, hidden_size))
        self._w_o_old = init_tanh(hidden_size, n_out)

        # print ("Initial W " + str(self._w_o.get_value()) )

        self._learning_rate = 0.00025
        self._discount_factor = 0.99

        self._weight_update_steps = 5000
        self._updates = 0

        # data types for model
        State = T.dmatrix("State")
        State.tag.test_value = np.random.rand(batch_size, 2)
        ResultState = T.dmatrix("ResultState")
        ResultState.tag.test_value = np.random.rand(batch_size, 2)
        Reward = T.col("Reward")
        Reward.tag.test_value = np.random.rand(batch_size, 1)
        Action = T.icol("Action")
        Action.tag.test_value = np.zeros((batch_size, 1),
        # Q_val = T.fmatrix()

        # model = T.nnet.sigmoid(T.dot(State, self._w) + self._b.reshape((1, -1)))
        # self._model = theano.function(inputs=[State], outputs=model, allow_input_downcast=True)
        _py_xA = self.model(State, self._w_h, self._b_h, self._w_h2,
                            self._b_h2, self._w_o, self._b_o, 0.0, 0.0)
        _py_xB = self.model(State, self._w_h_old, self._b_h_old,
                            self._w_h2_old, self._b_h2_old, self._w_o_old,
                            self._b_o_old, 0.0, 0.0)
        self._y_predA = T.argmax(_py_xA, axis=1)
        self._y_predB = T.argmax(_py_xB, axis=1)
        self._q_funcA = T.mean(
            (self.model(State, self._w_h, self._b_h, self._w_h2, self._b_h2,
                        self._w_o, self._b_o, 0.0,
                              Action.reshape((-1, ))].reshape((-1, 1)))
        self._q_funcB = T.mean(
            (self.model(State, self._w_h_old, self._b_h_old, self._w_h2_old,
                        self._b_h2_old, self._w_o_old, self._b_o_old, 0.0,
                              Action.reshape((-1, ))].reshape((-1, 1)))
        # q_val = py_x
        # noisey_q_val = self.model(ResultState, self._w_h, self._b_h, self._w_h2, self._b_h2, self._w_o, self._b_o, 0.2, 0.5)

        # L1 norm ; one regularization option is to enforce L1 norm to
        # be small
        self._L1_A = (abs(self._w_h).sum() + abs(self._w_h2).sum() +
        self._L1_B = (abs(self._w_h_old).sum() + abs(self._w_h2_old).sum() +
        self._L1_reg = 0.0
        self._L2_reg = 0.001
        # L2 norm ; one regularization option is to enforce
        # L2 norm to be small
        self._L2_A = ((self._w_h**2).sum() + (self._w_h2**2).sum() +
        self._L2_B = ((self._w_h_old**2).sum() + (self._w_h2_old**2).sum() +

        # cost = T.mean(T.nnet.categorical_crossentropy(py_x, Y))
        # delta = ((Reward.reshape((-1, 1)) + (self._discount_factor * T.max(self.model(ResultState), axis=1, keepdims=True)) ) - self.model(State))
        deltaA = ((Reward + (self._discount_factor * T.max(self.model(
            ResultState, self._w_h_old, self._b_h_old, self._w_h2_old,
            self._b_h2_old, self._w_o_old, self._b_o_old, 0.2, 0.5),
                                                           keepdims=True))) -
                  (self.model(State, self._w_h, self._b_h, self._w_h2,
                              self._b_h2, self._w_o, self._b_o, 0.2,
                                    Action.reshape((-1, ))].reshape((-1, 1)))
        deltaB = (
            (Reward +
             (self._discount_factor *
              T.max(self.model(ResultState, self._w_h, self._b_h, self._w_h2,
                               self._b_h2, self._w_o, self._b_o, 0.2, 0.5),
                    keepdims=True))) -
            (self.model(State, self._w_h_old, self._b_h_old, self._w_h2_old,
                        self._b_h2_old, self._w_o_old, self._b_o_old, 0.2,
                              Action.reshape((-1, ))].reshape((-1, 1)))
        # bellman_cost = T.mean( 0.5 * ((delta) ** 2 ))
        bellman_costA = T.mean(0.5 * ((deltaA)**2)) + (
            self._L2_reg * self._L2_A) + (self._L1_reg * self._L1_A)
        bellman_costB = T.mean(0.5 * ((deltaB)**2)) + (
            self._L2_reg * self._L2_B) + (self._L1_reg * self._L1_B)

        paramsA = [
            self._w_h, self._b_h, self._w_h2, self._b_h2, self._w_o, self._b_o
        paramsB = [
            self._w_h_old, self._b_h_old, self._w_h2_old, self._b_h2_old,
            self._w_o_old, self._b_o_old
        # updates = sgd(bellman_cost, params, lr=self._learning_rate)
        updatesA = rlTDSGD(self._q_funcA,
        updatesB = rlTDSGD(self._q_funcB,
        # updates = RMSprop(bellman_cost, params, lr=self._learning_rate)
        # updates = RMSpropRL(q_func, T.mean(delta), params, lr=self._learning_rate)
        # updates = lasagne.updates.rmsprop(bellman_cost, params, self._learning_rate, 0.95, 0.01)
        # updatesA = lasagne.updates.rmsprop(self._q_funcA, paramsA, self._learning_rate * -T.mean(deltaA), 0.95, 0.01)
        # updatesB = lasagne.updates.rmsprop(self._q_funcB, paramsB, self._learning_rate * -T.mean(deltaB), 0.95, 0.01)

        self._trainA = theano.function(
            inputs=[State, Action, Reward, ResultState],
        self._trainB = theano.function(
            inputs=[State, Action, Reward, ResultState],
        self._bellman_errorA = theano.function(
            inputs=[State, Action, Reward, ResultState],
        self._bellman_errorB = theano.function(
            inputs=[State, Action, Reward, ResultState],
        self._q_valuesA = theano.function(inputs=[State],
        self._q_valuesB = theano.function(inputs=[State],
        self._py_xA = theano.function(inputs=[State],
        self._py_xB = theano.function(inputs=[State],

        x, y = T.matrices('x', 'y')
        z_lazy = ifelse(T.gt(T.max(x, axis=1)[0],
                             T.max(y, axis=1)[0]), T.argmax(x, axis=1),
                        T.argmax(y, axis=1))
        self._f_lazyifelse = theano.function([x, y],