Exemplo n.º 1
def set_presto_node_state(cluster_ip, node_ip, state):
    cmd = ("sudo sed -i 's/http-server.threads.max=.*/http-server.threads.max=%s/g' " +
        "/etc/presto/conf/config.properties") % INVALID_CONFIG_VALUE
    out = run_ssh(cmd, cluster_ip, user='******', via_hosts=[node_ip], cache_duration_secs=QUERY_CACHE_TIMEOUT)

    cmd = ("curl -s --connect-timeout %s -X PUT -H 'Content-Type:application/json' " +
        "-d '\\\"%s\\\"' http://%s:8889/v1/info/state") % (CURL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, state, node_ip)
    out = run_ssh(cmd, cluster_ip, user='******', cache_duration_secs=QUERY_CACHE_TIMEOUT)
    out = re.sub(r'\s*"(.+)"\s*', r'\1', out)
    return out
Exemplo n.º 2
def set_presto_node_state(cluster_ip, node_ip, state):
    cmd = ("sudo sed -i 's/http-server.threads.max=.*/http-server.threads.max=%s/g' " +
           "/etc/presto/conf/config.properties") % INVALID_CONFIG_VALUE
    if not is_ip_address(cluster_ip):
        cluster_ip = hostname_to_ip(cluster_ip)
    out = run_ssh(cmd, cluster_ip, user='******', via_hosts=[node_ip], cache_duration_secs=QUERY_CACHE_TIMEOUT)

    cmd = ("curl -s --connect-timeout %s -X PUT -H 'Content-Type:application/json' " +
           "-d '\\\"%s\\\"' http://%s:8889/v1/info/state") % (CURL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, state, node_ip)
    out = run_ssh(cmd, cluster_ip, user='******', cache_duration_secs=QUERY_CACHE_TIMEOUT)
    out = re.sub(r'\s*"(.+)"\s*', r'\1', out)
    return out
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_node_queries(cluster_ip):
    cmd = ('presto-cli --execute \\"SELECT n.http_uri,count(q.node_id) from system.runtime.nodes n ' +
        'left join (select * from system.runtime.queries where state = \'RUNNING\' ) as q ' +
        'on q.node_id = n.node_id group by n.http_uri\\"')

    result = {}
    if cluster_ip == 'localhost':
        # for testing purposes
        return result

    # run ssh command
    out = run_ssh(cmd, cluster_ip, user='******', cache_duration_secs=QUERY_CACHE_TIMEOUT)

    # remove SSH log output line
    out = remove_lines_from_string(out, r'.*Permanently added.*')

    for line in out.splitlines():
        ip = re.sub(r'.*http://([0-9\.]+):.*', r'\1', line)
        if ip:
            queries = re.sub(r'.*"([0-9\.]+)"$', r'\1', line)
            host = aws_common.ip_to_hostname(ip)
                result[host] = int(queries)
            except Exception, e:
                result[host] = 0
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_node_queries(cluster):
    cmd = ('presto-cli --execute \\"SELECT n.http_uri,count(q.node_id) from system.runtime.nodes n ' +
        'left join (select * from system.runtime.queries where state = \'RUNNING\' ) as q ' +
        'on q.node_id = n.node_id group by n.http_uri\\"')

    result = {}
    if cluster.ip == 'localhost':
        # for testing purposes
        return result

    # run ssh command
    out = run_ssh(cmd, cluster.ip, user='******', cache_duration_secs=QUERY_CACHE_TIMEOUT)

    # remove SSH log output line
    out = remove_lines_from_string(out, r'.*Permanently added.*')

    # read config for domain
    custom_dn = config.get_value(constants.KEY_CUSTOM_DOMAIN_NAME, section=SECTION_EMR, resource=cluster.id)
    # assume input is actually domain name (not ip)
    dn = custom_dn if custom_dn else re.match(r'ip-[^\.]+\.(.+)', cluster.ip).group(1)

    for line in out.splitlines():
        ip = re.sub(r'.*http://([0-9\.]+):.*', r'\1', line)
        if ip:
            queries = re.sub(r'.*"([0-9\.]+)"$', r'\1', line)
            host = aws_common.ip_to_hostname(ip, dn)
                result[host] = int(queries)
            except Exception, e:
                result[host] = 0
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_node_queries(cluster):
    cmd = ('presto-cli --execute \\"SELECT n.http_uri,count(q.node_id) from system.runtime.nodes n ' +
        'left join (select * from system.runtime.queries where state = \'RUNNING\' ) as q ' +
        'on q.node_id = n.node_id group by n.http_uri\\"')

    result = {}
    if cluster.ip == 'localhost':
        # for testing purposes
        return result

    # run ssh command
    out = run_ssh(cmd, cluster.ip, user='******', cache_duration_secs=QUERY_CACHE_TIMEOUT)

    # remove SSH log output line
    out = remove_lines_from_string(out, r'.*Permanently added.*')

    # read config for domain
    custom_dn = config.get_value(constants.KEY_CUSTOM_DOMAIN_NAME, section=SECTION_EMR, resource=cluster.id)
    # assume input is actually domain name (not ip)
    dn = custom_dn if custom_dn else re.match(r'ip-[^\.]+\.(.+)', cluster.ip).group(1)

    for line in out.splitlines():
        ip = re.sub(r'.*http://([0-9\.]+):.*', r'\1', line)
        if ip:
            queries = re.sub(r'.*"([0-9\.]+)"$', r'\1', line)
            host = aws_common.ip_to_hostname(ip, dn)
                result[host] = int(queries)
            except Exception, e:
                result[host] = 0
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_presto_node_state(cluster_ip, node_ip):
    cmd = ('curl -s --connect-timeout %s --max-time %s http://%s:8889/v1/info/state' %
    out = run_ssh(cmd, cluster_ip, user='******', cache_duration_secs=QUERY_CACHE_TIMEOUT)
    out = remove_lines_from_string(out, r'.*Permanently added.*')
    out = re.sub(r'\s*"(.+)"\s*', r'\1', out)
    return out
Exemplo n.º 7
def terminate_inactive_nodes(cluster_ip, nodes):
    for key, node in nodes.iteritems():
        if (node['state'] == INSTANCE_STATE_RUNNING and node['presto_state'] not in
                cmd = "cat /etc/presto/conf/config.properties | grep http-server.threads"
                out = run_ssh(cmd, cluster_ip, user='******',
                    via_hosts=[node['host']], cache_duration_secs=QUERY_CACHE_TIMEOUT)
                if INVALID_CONFIG_VALUE in out:
                    LOG.info("Terminating instance of idle node %s in instance group %s" %
                        (node['iid'], node['gid']))
                    terminate_task_node(node['gid'], node['iid'])
            except Exception, e:
                LOG.info("Unable to read Presto config from node %s: %s" % (node, e))
Exemplo n.º 8
def terminate_inactive_nodes(cluster, cluster_state, role=None):
    if not is_presto_cluster(cluster):
    nodes = cluster_state['nodes']
    for key, node in nodes.iteritems():
        if (node['state'] == INSTANCE_STATE_RUNNING and
                node['presto_state'] not in [PRESTO_STATE_SHUTTING_DOWN, PRESTO_STATE_ACTIVE]):
                cmd = "cat /etc/presto/conf/config.properties | grep http-server.threads"
                out = run_ssh(cmd, cluster.ip, user='******',
                              via_hosts=[node['host']], cache_duration_secs=QUERY_CACHE_TIMEOUT)
                if INVALID_CONFIG_VALUE in out:
                    LOG.info("Terminating instance of idle node %s in instance group %s" %
                             (node['iid'], node['gid']))
                    terminate_task_node(instance_group_id=node['gid'], instance_id=node['iid'], role=role)
            except Exception, e:
                LOG.info("Unable to read Presto config from node %s: %s" % (node, e))