Exemplo n.º 1
 def wrapper():
     tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="threadbare-" + prefix)
         yield {"temp-dir": tempdir}
         # permissions on temp dir may have changed. make sure we can still remove it.
         local('chown %s:%s -R "%s"' % (USER, USER, tempdir), use_sudo=True)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_run_a_local_command_but_hide_output():
    "presumably for side effects"
    with hide():
        result = local("cat /etc/passwd", capture=False)
        # (nothing should be emitted)
        assert result["succeeded"]
        assert result["stdout"] == []
        assert result["stderr"] == []
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_local_command_non_zero_custom_exit():
    "`local` commands may raise a specific exception if the command they execute exits with a non-zero result"
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
        operations.local("exit 1", abort_exception=ValueError)
    exc = err.value

    expected_err_msg = "local() encountered an error (return code 1) while executing '/bin/bash -l -c \"exit 1\"'"
    assert expected_err_msg == str(exc)

    expected_err_payload = {
        "command": '/bin/bash -l -c "exit 1"',
        "failed": True,
        "return_code": 1,
        "stderr": [],
        "stdout": [],
        "succeeded": False,
    assert expected_err_payload == exc.result
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_local_command_non_zero_exit_swallowed():
    "`local` commands that exit with a non-zero result do not raise an exception if `warn_only` is `True`"
    expected_result = {
        "command": '/bin/bash -l -c "exit 1"',
        "failed": True,
        "return_code": 1,
        "stderr": [],
        "stdout": [],
        "succeeded": False,
    command = "exit 1"

    with state.settings(warn_only=True):
        result = operations.local(command)
        assert expected_result == result

    # ... and again, but as a parameter
    result = operations.local(command, warn_only=True)
    assert expected_result == result
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_local_command():
    "non-shell commands must pass their command as a list of arguments"
    command = ["echo", "hello world"]
    expected = {
        "succeeded": True,
        "failed": False,
        "return_code": 0,
        "command": command,
        "stdout": [],
        "stderr": [],
    actual = operations.local(command, use_shell=False)
    assert expected == actual
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_local_sudo_command():
    "non-shell sudo commands have 'sudo' added to the command argument list"
    command = ["echo", "hello world"]
    expected = {
        "succeeded": True,
        "failed": False,
        "return_code": 0,
        "command": ["sudo", "--non-interactive", "echo", "hello world"],
        "stdout": [],
        "stderr": [],
    actual = operations.local(command, use_shell=False, use_sudo=True)
    assert expected == actual
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_local_command_capture():
    "when output is being captured, non-shell command output on stdout is available"
    command = ["echo", "hello world"]
    expected = {
        "succeeded": True,
        "failed": False,
        "return_code": 0,
        "command": command,
        "stdout": ["hello world"],
        "stderr": [],
    actual = operations.local(command, capture=True, use_shell=False)
    assert expected == actual
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_local_shell_command_capture():
    "when output is being captured, shell command output on stdout is available"
    command = 'echo "hello world"'
    expected = {
        "return_code": 0,
        "succeeded": True,
        "failed": False,
        "command": '/bin/bash -l -c "echo \\"hello world\\""',
        "stdout": ["hello world"],
        "stderr": [],
    actual = operations.local(command, capture=True)
    assert expected == actual
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_local_shell_command():
    "commands are run within a shell successfully"
    command = 'echo "hello world"'
    expected = {
        "return_code": 0,
        "succeeded": True,
        "failed": False,
        "command": '/bin/bash -l -c "echo \\"hello world\\""',
        "stdout": [],
        "stderr": [],
    actual = operations.local(command)
    assert expected == actual
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_local_command_split_stderr():
    "when output is being captured, output on stderr is also available when `combine_stderr` is False"
    command = 'echo "standard out"; >&2 echo "standard error"'
    expected = {
        "succeeded": True,
        "failed": False,
        "return_code": 0,
        '/bin/bash -l -c "echo \\"standard out\\"; >&2 echo \\"standard error\\""',
        "stdout": ["standard out"],
        "stderr": ["standard error"],
    actual = operations.local(command, combine_stderr=False, capture=True)
    assert expected == actual
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_local_command_stderr():
    "when output is being captured, stderr is combined with stdout by default"
    command = 'echo "standard out"; >&2 echo "standard error"'
    expected = {
        "succeeded": True,
        "failed": False,
        "return_code": 0,
        '/bin/bash -l -c "echo \\"standard out\\"; >&2 echo \\"standard error\\""',
        "stdout": ["standard out", "standard error"],
        "stderr": [],
    actual = operations.local(command, capture=True)  # default is to combine
    assert expected == actual
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_local_shell_sudo_command_capture():
    "local sudo commands have their output captured as expected"
    command = 'sudo echo "hello world"'
    expected = {
        "succeeded": True,
        "failed": False,
        "return_code": 0,
        'sudo --non-interactive /bin/bash -l -c "sudo echo \\"hello world\\""',
        "stdout": ["hello world"],
        "stderr": [],
    actual = operations.local(command, capture=True, use_sudo=True)
    assert expected == actual
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_local_shell_sudo_command():
    "local commands are run as root when `use_sudo` is `True`"
    command = 'sudo echo "hello world"'
    expected = {
        "succeeded": True,
        "failed": False,
        "return_code": 0,
        'sudo --non-interactive /bin/bash -l -c "sudo echo \\"hello world\\""',
        "stdout": [],
        "stderr": [],
    actual = operations.local(command, use_sudo=True)
    assert expected == actual
Exemplo n.º 14
    def wrapper():
        tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="threadbare-" + prefix)

        # create some empty files of specific sizes
        path_map = {
            "small-file": join(tempdir, "small-file.temp"),
            "medium-file": join(tempdir, "medium-file.temp"),
            # "large-file": join(tempdir, "large-file.temp") # unused
        file_size_map = {
            "small-file": "1KiB",
            "medium-file": "1MiB",
            "large-file": "25MiB",
        for path_name, path in path_map.items():
            file_size = file_size_map[path_name]
            local("fallocate -l %s %s" % (file_size, path))

            yield {"temp-dir": tempdir, "temp-files": path_map}
            # permissions on temp dir may have changed. make sure we can still remove it.
            local('chown %s:%s -R "%s"' % (USER, USER, tempdir), use_sudo=True)
Exemplo n.º 15
def _test_upload_and_download_a_file(transfer_protocol):
    """write a local file, upload it to the remote server, modify it remotely, download it, modify it locally,
    assert it's contents are as expected"""
    with empty_local_fixture() as local_env:
        with empty_remote_fixture() as remote_env:
            with test_settings(transfer_protocol=transfer_protocol):
                LOG.debug("modifying local file ...")
                local_file_name = join(local_env["temp-dir"], "foo")
                local('printf "foo" > %s' % local_file_name)

                LOG.debug("uploading file ...")
                remote_file_name = join(remote_env["temp-dir"], "foobar")
                upload(local_file_name, remote_file_name)
                # verify contents
                assert remote_file_exists(remote_file_name)

                assert remote("cat %s" % remote_file_name)["stdout"] == ["foo"]

                LOG.debug("modifying remote file ...")
                remote('printf "bar" >> %s' % remote_file_name)
                # verify contents
                assert remote("cat %s" %
                              remote_file_name)["stdout"] == ["foobar"]

                LOG.debug("downloading file ...")
                new_local_file_name = join(local_env["temp-dir"], "foobarbaz")
                download(remote_file_name, new_local_file_name)
                # verify contents
                assert open(new_local_file_name, "r").read() == "foobar"

                LOG.debug("modifying local file (again) ...")
                local('printf "baz" >> %s' % new_local_file_name)

                LOG.debug("testing local file ...")
                data = open(new_local_file_name, "r").read()
                assert "foobarbaz" == data
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_local_command_timeout():
    "`local` commands can be killed if their execution exceeds a timeout threshold"
    command = "sleep 5"
    expected = {
        "succeeded": False,
        "failed": True,
        "return_code": -9,  # SIGKILL
        "command": '/bin/bash -l -c "sleep 5"',
        "stdout": [],
        "stderr": [],
    actual = operations.local(command,
    assert expected == actual
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_local_quiet_param():
    "when quiet=True, nothing is sent to stdout or stderr"
    cmd = lambda: operations.local(
        'echo "hi!"; >&2 echo "hello!"', capture=False, combine_stderr=False)
    result = cmd()

    # with `local` it's either captured or printed.
    # if the results are empty it's because it was printed.
    # but how do we test? sys.stdout/sys.stderr are bypassed ... this test needs improving somehow.
    assert result["stdout"] == []
    assert result["stderr"] == []

    with operations.hide():
        result = cmd()
        assert result["stdout"] == []
        assert result["stderr"] == []
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_local_sudo_command_capture():
    "non-shell sudo commands continue to capture output as expected"
    command = ["echo", "hello world"]
    expected = {
        "succeeded": True,
        "failed": False,
        "return_code": 0,
        "command": ["sudo", "--non-interactive", "echo", "hello world"],
        "stdout": ["hello world"],
        "stderr": [],
    actual = operations.local(command,
    assert expected == actual
Exemplo n.º 19
 def myfn():
     return local(state.ENV["cmd"], capture=True)
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_run_a_local_command_in_a_different_dir():
    "switch to a different local directory to run a command"
    with lcd("/tmp"):
        result = local("pwd", capture=True)
        assert result["succeeded"]
        assert result["stdout"] == ["/tmp"]
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_run_a_local_command_with_separate_streams():
    "run a simple local command but capture the output"
    result = local("echo hello, world!", capture=True)
    assert result["succeeded"]
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_run_a_local_command():
    "run a simple local command"
    result = local("echo hello, world!")
    assert result["succeeded"]
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_local_command_non_arg_list():
    "non-shell commands must pass their command as a list of arguments"
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        operations.local("echo foo", use_shell=False)