class ThreddsConnection(object): def __init__(self, app, random_state, timeout=300.0, cached=False, **fs_args): """ Create an expiring connection to the THREDDS server. The connection will drop after 5 minutes of non-use. Any subsequent attempt to use the connection will initiate a new one. Access to the connection is RLock'd to ensure only one connection is alive at a time. Parameters: timeout : int, seconds The length of time in seconds to hold open a connection. Remaining keyword args are passed to the connection's constructor. """ = app self.random_state = random_state self.cached = cached self._fs = {} self._fs_lock = RLock() self._fs_args = fs_args self._timer = None self.timeout = float(timeout) def cached(): doc = "If True, use cached data." def fget(self): return self._cached def fset(self, value): self.datasources = { 'hindcast': HINDCAST_CACHE_DATA_URI if value else HINDCAST_DATA_URI, 'forecast': FORECAST_CACHE_DATA_URI if value else FORECAST_DATA_URI, } self._cached = value return locals() cached = property(**cached()) def _forget(self):"Closing THREDDS connection") if self._timer: self._timer.cancel() self._timer = None self._fs = {} def _reset_timer(self):"Resetting THREDDS connection timer") if self._timer: self._timer.cancel() self._timer = Timer(self.timeout, self._forget) self._timer.start() hindcast_fs = property(fget=partial(fget, datasource='hindcast'), fdel=fdel) forecast_fs = property(fget=partial(fget, datasource='forecast'), fdel=fdel)
def __init__(self, name) : rospy.on_shutdown(self._on_node_shutdown) self.current_node = "Unknown" self.nogo_pre_active = False self.nogo_active = False self.nogos=[] self.stop_services=["/enable_motors", "/emergency_stop", "/task_executor/set_execution_status"] self.activate_services=["/enable_motors", "/reset_motorstop", "/task_executor/set_execution_status"] #Waiting for Topological Map self._map_received=False rospy.Subscriber('/topological_map', TopologicalMap, self.MapCallback) rospy.loginfo("Waiting for Topological map ...") while not self._map_received : pass rospy.loginfo(" ...done") self.update_service_list() print self.av_stop_services, self.av_activate_services #Subscribing to Localisation Topics rospy.loginfo("Subscribing to Localisation Topics") rospy.Subscriber('/current_node', String, self.currentNodeCallback) rospy.loginfo(" ...done") self.nogos = self.get_no_go_nodes() print self.nogos self._killall_timers=False t = Timer(1.0, self.timer_callback) t.start() rospy.loginfo("All Done ...") rospy.spin()
def onStatusUpdate(self, cmd): cmd.updateTime = time.time() # append the command's status to the rendernode's history if isFinalStatus(cmd.status): # only if we don't already have a command for this task if hasattr(cmd.renderNode, 'tasksHistory') and not in cmd.renderNode.tasksHistory: cmd.renderNode.tasksHistory.append( cmd.renderNode.history.append(cmd.status) if cmd.status is CMD_DONE: # TOFIX: handle CANCEL status and update end time when cancelling a # job so that it can be properly cleaned cmd.endTime = cmd.updateTime cmd.computeAvgTimeByFrame() cmd.attempt += 1 # autoretry elif cmd.status is CMD_ERROR: cmd.attempt += 1 LOGGER.debug("Mark command %d for auto retry in %ds (%d/%d)" % (, singletonconfig.get('CORE', 'DELAY_BEFORE_AUTORETRY'), cmd.attempt, cmd.task.maxAttempt)) if cmd.attempt < cmd.task.maxAttempt: t = Timer(singletonconfig.get('CORE', 'DELAY_BEFORE_AUTORETRY'), self.autoretry, [cmd]) t.start() elif cmd.status is CMD_ASSIGNED: cmd.startTime = cmd.updateTime elif cmd.status < CMD_ASSIGNED: cmd.startTime = None
def test_sqs_longpoll(self): c = SQSConnection() queue_name = "test_sqs_longpoll_%s" % int(time.time()) queue = c.create_queue(queue_name) self.addCleanup(c.delete_queue, queue, True) messages = [] # The basic idea is to spawn a timer thread that will put something # on the queue in 5 seconds and verify that our long polling client # sees the message after waiting for approximately that long. def send_message(): messages.append(queue.write(queue.new_message("this is a test message"))) t = Timer(5.0, send_message) t.start() self.addCleanup(t.join) start = time.time() response = end = time.time() t.join() self.assertEqual(, messages[0].id) self.assertEqual(response.get_body(), messages[0].get_body()) # The timer thread should send the message in 5 seconds, so # we're giving +- .5 seconds for the total time the queue # was blocked on the read call. self.assertTrue(4.5 <= (end - start) <= 5.5)
class Countdown(object): """ Countdown timer starts immediatly on init from `start_value` and counts down to zero, then counts up with negated time. Only displays minutes and seconds. No pause or reset available. Each "tick" of the clock is passed to the callback function as a string. """ def __init__(self, start_value, callback): self._finished = False self.start_value = start_value self.callback = callback self.start_time = now() self._update() def _update(self): self._set_time(now() - self.start_time) if not self._finished: self._timer = Timer(1, self._update) self._timer.start() def _set_time(self, value): neg = '' if self.start_value > value: value = self.start_value - value elif self.start_value < value: value = value - self.start_value neg = '-' else: value = 0 mm, ss = divmod(value, 60) self.callback("{}{:02d}:{:02d}".format(neg, mm, ss)) def stop(self): self._timer.cancel() self._finished = True
def setInterval(func, sec): def func_wrapper(): setInterval(func, sec) func() t = Timer(sec, func_wrapper) t.start() return t
def run(data, d=None): global timer print(data) if data == "ring": if int(d) == 1: if timer: timer.cancel() timer = Timer(60, genugdavon) timer.start() check = Thread(target=check_locks) check.start() putfile('/sys/class/gpio/gpio11/value', '0') playsound("/root/ring-bb.wav") else: playsound("/root/ring-fis.wav") if data == "open": # if not locked_oben: playsound("/root/open.wav") if data == "summ": if timer: timer.cancel() # if not locked_oben: putfile('/sys/class/gpio/gpio11/value', '1') playsound("/root/summ.wav")
class RepeatTimer: """Timer that repeats itself `interval` seconds /after/ each function call returns.""" def __init__(self, interval, fn, args=None, kwargs=None): self.cancelled = False args = args or () kwargs = kwargs or {} def repeater(): if self.cancelled: return fn(*args, **kwargs) self.timer = Timer(interval, repeater) self.timer.start() self.timer = Timer(interval, repeater) def start(self): logging.debug('starting timer') self.timer.start() def cancel(self): logging.debug('cancelling timer') # `timer.cancel()` won't cancel properly if within repeater call, so use internal check self.cancelled = True
def run(dir, main="tmp"): try: ##print("DEBUG:", [ ## config.JAVA_CMD, ## "", ## "", ## "-cp",config.WYJC_JAR + ":" + dir, ## main ## ]) # run the JVM proc = subprocess.Popen([ config.JAVA_CMD, "", "", "-cp", config.WYJC_JAR + ":" + dir, main ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=False) # Configure Timeout kill_proc = lambda p: p.kill() timer = Timer(20, kill_proc, [proc]) timer.start() # Run process (out, err) = proc.communicate() timer.cancel() # Check what happened if proc.returncode >= 0: return out else: return "Timeout: Your program ran for too long!" except Exception as ex: # error, so return that return "Run Error: " + str(ex)
def scheduleFlight(res, flight, blocking=False, scheduler=None): flight_time = time_module.mktime(flight.legs[0].depart.dt_utc.utctimetuple()) - time_module.timezone seconds_before = config["CHECKIN_WINDOW"] + 24*60*60 # how many seconds before the flight time do we check in flight.sched_time = flight_time - seconds_before flight.sched_time_formatted = DateTimeToString(flight.legs[0].depart.dt_utc.replace(tzinfo=utc) - timedelta(seconds=seconds_before)) flight.seconds = flight.sched_time - time_module.time() # Retrieve timezone and apply it because datetimes are stored as naive (no timezone information) tz = airport_timezone_map[flight.legs[0].depart.airport] flight.sched_time_local_formatted = DateTimeToString(flight.legs[0].depart.dt_utc.replace(tzinfo=utc).astimezone(tz) - timedelta(seconds=seconds_before)) db.Session.commit() dlog("Flight time: %s" % flight.legs[0].depart.dt_formatted) if config["CELERY"]: from tasks import check_in_flight result = check_in_flight.apply_async([,], countdown=flight.seconds) flight.task_uuid = db.Session.commit() elif not blocking: result = "Scheduling check in for flight at", flight.legs[0].depart.dt_formatted, "(local), ", flight.legs[0].depart.dt_utc_formatted, "(UTC) in", int(flight.seconds/60/60), "hrs", int(flight.seconds/60%60), "mins from now..." t = Timer(flight.seconds, TryCheckinFlight, (,, None, 1)) t.daemon = True t.start() # DEBUG # if flight ==[0]: # Timer(5, TryCheckinFlight, (res, flight, None, 1)).start() else: scheduler.enterabs(flight.sched_time, 1, TryCheckinFlight, (,, scheduler, 1)) result = "Scheduling check in for flight at", flight.legs[0].depart.dt_formatted, "(local), ", flight.legs[0].depart.dt_utc_formatted, "(UTC)" print result dlog('Checkin scheduled at (UTC): %s' % flight.sched_time_formatted) dlog('Checkin scheduled at (local): %s' % flight.sched_time_local_formatted) dlog('Flights scheduled. Waiting...') return result
class InfiniteTimer(): """A Timer class that does not stop, unless you want it to.""" def __init__(self, seconds, target): self._should_continue = False self.is_running = False self.seconds = seconds = target self.thread = None def _handle_target(self): self.is_running = True self.is_running = False self._start_timer() def _start_timer(self): if self._should_continue: # Code could have been running when cancel was called. self.thread = Timer(self.seconds, self._handle_target) self.thread.start() def start(self): if not self._should_continue and not self.is_running: self._should_continue = True self._start_timer() else: print("Timer already started or running, please wait if you're restarting.") def cancel(self): if self.thread is not None: # Just in case thread is running and cancel fails. self._should_continue = False self.thread.cancel() else: print("Timer never started or failed to initialize.")
class InternalServer(HTTPServer): def kill_me(self): self.shutdown()"The server's life has come to an end, pid: {}".format(os.getpid())) def reset_selfdestruct_timer(self): if self.self_destruct_timer: self.self_destruct_timer.cancel() self.self_destruct_timer = Timer(LIFESPAN, self.kill_me) self.self_destruct_timer.start() def __init__(self, server_address, RequestHandlerClass, bind_and_activate=True): HTTPServer.__init__(self, server_address, RequestHandlerClass, bind_and_activate=bind_and_activate) self.self_destruct_timer = None self.clients = 1 self.reset_selfdestruct_timer() def suicide(self): self.clients -= 1 if self.clients == 0: if self.self_destruct_timer is not None: self.self_destruct_timer.cancel() quick_and_painless_timer = Timer(0.1, self.kill_me) quick_and_painless_timer.start()
def setupClient(self, topic, msg_type, wait_duration=10): """ Tries to set up an action client for calling it later. @type topic: string @param topic: The topic of the action to call. @type msg_type: msg type @param msg_type: The type of messages of this action client. @type wait_duration: int @param wait_duration: Defines how long to wait for the given client if it is not available right now. """ if topic not in ProxyActionClient._clients: client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(topic, msg_type) t = Timer(1, self._print_wait_warning, [topic]) t.start() available = client.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration.from_sec(wait_duration)) warning_sent = False try: t.cancel() except Exception as ve: # already printed the warning warning_sent = True if not available: Logger.logerr("Action client %s timed out!" % topic) else: ProxyActionClient._clients[topic] = client if warning_sent: Logger.loginfo("Finally found action client %s..." % (topic))
def request_handler(self): timeout = self.opcd.get('power_save_timeout') req = PowerReq() rep = PowerRep() timer = None while True: rep.status = OK try: req_data = self.ctrl_socket.recv() except: sleep(1) continue try: req.ParseFromString(req_data) except: rep.status = E_SYNTAX else: try: timer.cancel() except: pass if req.cmd == STAND_POWER: timer = Timer(timeout, self.power_off) timer.start() else: if self.critical: # flying command is not allowed if battery was critical: rep.status = E_POWER else: self.gpio_mosfet.set_gpio(self.power_pin, True) self.ctrl_socket.send(rep.SerializeToString())
class Handler(): """Queues filesystem events for broadcast""" def __init__(self): """Create an event handler""" ## Timer used to prevent notification floods self._timer = None ## The files that have changed since the last broadcast self._files = set() ## Lock to protect files and timer from threading issues self._lock = Lock() def broadcast(self): """Broadcasts a list of all files touched since last broadcast""" with self._lock: cola.notifier().broadcast(signals.update_status, self._files) self._files = set() self._timer = None def handle(self, path): """Queues up filesystem events for broadcast""" with self._lock: self._files.add(path) if self._timer is None: self._timer = Timer(0.333, self.broadcast) self._timer.start()
def sync (self): if len (self.clients) == 0: self.logger.debug ('No clients available, bootstrapping...') self.reboot () return if len (self.clients) < self.minpeers: self.logger.debug ('Available clients are less than minpeers, bootstrapping...') if self.boottimer != None: self.boottimer.cancel () self.boottimer = Timer (5.0, self.reboot) self.boottimer.start () for p in self.clients: #r = random.randint(0, len (self.clients) - 1) #p = self.clients [r] try: getblock = clients.GetBlocks ([int (self.db['lastblockhash'], 16)]) p.send_message (getblock) except Exception as e: #self.logger.error ('Node fail.') if not p.reconnect (): self.logger.debug ('Removed unreachable peer %s (%s)', str (, e) self.clients.remove (p) self.logger.debug ('Available peers: %d', len (self.clients)) self.synctimer.cancel () self.synctimer = Timer (5.0, self.sync) self.synctimer.start ()
def _connected(self, link_uri): """ This callback is called form the Crazyflie API when a Crazyflie has been connected and the TOCs have been downloaded.""" print('Connected to %s' % link_uri) # The definition of the logconfig can be made before connecting self._lg_stab = LogConfig(name='Stabilizer', period_in_ms=10) self._lg_stab.add_variable('stabilizer.roll', 'float') self._lg_stab.add_variable('stabilizer.pitch', 'float') self._lg_stab.add_variable('stabilizer.yaw', 'float') # Adding the configuration cannot be done until a Crazyflie is # connected, since we need to check that the variables we # would like to log are in the TOC. try: self._cf.log.add_config(self._lg_stab) # This callback will receive the data self._lg_stab.data_received_cb.add_callback(self._stab_log_data) # This callback will be called on errors self._lg_stab.error_cb.add_callback(self._stab_log_error) # Start the logging self._lg_stab.start() except KeyError as e: print('Could not start log configuration,' '{} not found in TOC'.format(str(e))) except AttributeError: print('Could not add Stabilizer log config, bad configuration.') # Start a timer to disconnect in 10s t = Timer(5, self._cf.close_link) t.start()
class OpeningState: def __init__(self, door_model): self.door_model = door_model def door_position_changed(self, new_position): if new_position == DOOR_POSITION_OPEN: self.door_model.set_new_state("Open") elif new_position == DOOR_POSITION_CLOSED: self.door_model.set_new_state("Closed") def enter(self): logger.debug("State 'opening' entered") self.timer = Timer(self.door_model.transit_time, self._transit_timeout) self.timer.start() def exit(self): logger.debug("State 'opening' exited") if self.timer: self.timer.cancel() self.timer = False def _transit_timeout(self):"Transit timeout reached") self.timer = False self.door_model.set_new_state("Intermediate")
def _on_message(self, ws, message):"Connection: Message - %s" % message) # Stop our timeout timer, since we got some data self.connection_timer.cancel() self.ping_timer.cancel() params = self._parse(message) if 'event' in params.keys(): if 'channel' not in params.keys(): # We've got a connection event. Lets handle it. if params['event'] in self.event_callbacks.keys(): for callback in self.event_callbacks[params['event']]: callback(params['data']) else:"Connection: Unhandled event") else: # We've got a channel event. Lets pass it up to the pusher # so it can be handled by the appropriate channel. self.event_handler( params['event'], params['data'], params['channel'] ) # We've handled our data, so restart our connection timeout handler self.connection_timer = Timer(self.connection_timeout, self._connection_timed_out) self.connection_timer.start() self.ping_timer = Timer(self.ping_interval, self.send_ping) self.ping_timer.start()
def clean_avisos(): global avisos_n"avisos_n = 0") avisos_n = 0 global hilo hilo = Timer(config['clean_time'], clean_avisos) hilo.start()
class IOServer(threading.Thread): # 6 7 8 9 # l d u r uPin = 15 # u <-> d lPin = 27 # l <-r rPin = 14 dPin = 18 def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) # tprint(self.currentState) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) setupGPIO(self.uPin, self.upButtonHandler) setupGPIO(self.lPin, self.leftButtonHandler) setupGPIO(self.rPin, self.rightButtonHandler) setupGPIO(self.dPin, self.downButtonHandler) self.quit = False self.lcd = get_lcdcontroller() self.timer = Timer(0.5, self.timeoutHandler) def run(self): tprint("start ioserver") self.timer.start() lcd = self.lcd while True: c = getch() if (c == 'w'): lcd.up() elif (c == 'a'): lcd.left() elif (c == 's'): lcd.down() elif (c == 'd'): lcd.right() elif (c == ' '): elif (c == 'u'): lcd.updateDisplay() elif (c == 'q'): self.quit = True break else: tprint("Unknown Command") def upButtonHandler(self, pin = None): self.lcd.up() def downButtonHandler(self, pin = None): self.lcd.down() def leftButtonHandler(self, pin = None): self.lcd.left() def rightButtonHandler(self, pin = None): self.lcd.right() def timeoutHandler(self): self.lcd.updateDisplay() if not self.quit: self.timer = Timer(0.5, self.timeoutHandler) self.timer.start()
def initial(): #UDP socket works print 'Waiting For Peers.... :)' sock_udp = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock_udp.bind((SERVER_IP,SERVER_PORT)) peer_data = '' t = Timer (TIMER_IDLE_PEER, timer_function) t.start() exp_seq=1 old_buffer='' #Request from Peer while True: recv_buffer,addr = sock_udp.recvfrom(4096) if recv_buffer == 'list': sock_udp.sendto(str(peer_list), addr) else: sock_udp.sendto(recv_buffer,addr) if old_buffer != recv_buffer: old_buffer = recv_buffer recv_buffer_split = recv_buffer.split() recv_buffer_len = len(recv_buffer_split) num_pkts = recv_buffer_split.pop(recv_buffer_len-1) seq_pkt = recv_buffer_split.pop(recv_buffer_len-2) exp_seq=exp_seq+1 peer_data = peer_data + ''.join((str(x)+' ') for x in recv_buffer_split) if num_pkts == seq_pkt: thread = Thread(target = process_packet, args = (peer_data,sock_udp,addr)) thread.start() #TEST THREADING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #thread.join() peer_data = '' exp_seq=1
def view_image(self, im, auto_close=True): # use a manager to open so will auto close on quit self.open_view(im) if auto_close: minutes = 2 t = Timer(60 * minutes, im.close_ui) t.start()
class PeriodicTimer(object): def __init__(self, frequency=60, *args, **kwargs): self.is_stopped = Event() self.is_stopped.clear() self.interval = frequency self._timer = Timer(self.frequency, self._check_for_event, ()) self._timer.daemon = True @property def interval(self): return self.frequency @interval.setter def interval(self, frequency): self.frequency = frequency self.stop() try: if self._timer: self._timer.cancel() del(self._timer) except AttributeError, ex: pass self._timer = Timer(self.frequency, self._check_for_event, ()) return self.frequency
class TimerMixIn(object): def __init__(self, *argl, **argd): super(TimerMixIn,self).__init__(*argl,**argd) self.timer = None self.timerSuccess = True def startTimer(self, secs): if self.timer is not None: self.cancelTimer() self.timer = Timer(secs, self.__handleTimerDone) self.timerSuccess = False self.timer.start() def cancelTimer(self): if self.timer is not None and self.timer: self.timer.cancel() self.timer = None self.timerSuccess = False def timerRunning(self): return self.timer is not None def timerWasCancelled(self): return not self.timerSuccess def __handleTimerDone(self): self.scheduler.wakeThread(self) self.timer = None self.timerSuccess = True
def create_session(self):"Enabling for MAC %s" % (self.mac)) sys_cmd = "iptables -I internet 1 -t mangle -m mac --mac-source %s -j RETURN" % self.mac callback = Timer(self.length, self.destroy_session) callback.start()
def dataout(): global timer1 timer1 = Timer(1.0 / data_freq, dataout) timer1.start() lock.acquire() print "{:+.3f}".format(data.popleft()) lock.release()
def run(self, app, type): # Invoke wren and run the test. test_arg = self.path if type == "api test": # Just pass the suite name to API tests. test_arg = basename(splitext(test_arg)[0]) proc = Popen([app, test_arg], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) # If a test takes longer than two seconds, kill it. # # This is mainly useful for running the tests while stress testing the GC, # which can make a few pathological tests much slower. timed_out = [False] def kill_process(p): timed_out[0] = True p.kill() timer = Timer(2, kill_process, [proc]) try: timer.start() out, err = proc.communicate(self.input_bytes) if timed_out[0]:"Timed out.") else: self.validate(type == "example", proc.returncode, out, err) finally: timer.cancel()
def defer(self, t, run_on_cancel, func, *args): event = Timer(t, self.run_action, kwargs={'func': func, 'args': args}) = '%s deferring %s' % (, func.__name__) event.start() with worker_lock:[event.ident] = Event(event, run_on_cancel) return event.ident
def run(self): while self.is_running: try: super(SerializeThread, self).run() except Exception, e: log.error("Exception in thread %s: %s",, e) delay = TIMER_DELAYS[] if delay > MAX_DELAY: num_attempts = int(math.log((delay/10), 2)); log.error("Giving up re-spawning serialization " "worker after %d seconds (%d attempts).", delay, num_attempts ) notify_serialization_failure(None, subject="Notice - Bungeni Serialization Workers", body="""Unable to restart serialization worker. Please check the Bungeni logs.""" ) else:"Attempting to respawn serialization " "consumer in %d seconds", delay ) next_delay = delay * 2 timer = Timer(delay, init_thread, [], {"delay": next_delay }) timer.daemon = True timer.start() self.is_running = False del TIMER_DELAYS[]
def start(self): if not self.is_running: self._timer = Timer(self.interval, self._run) self._timer.start() self.is_running = True
def change_state(self, new_state): success = False #check state transition plausibility if (self.boInit): success = True elif (self.state == 'closed'): if (new_state == 'opening'): success = True elif (self.state == 'opening'): if(new_state == 'opened'\ or new_state == 'intermediate'): success = True elif(new_state == 'closing'\ or new_state == 'opening'): success = True new_state = 'intermediate' elif (self.state == 'opened'): if (new_state == 'closing'): success = True elif (self.state == 'closing'): if(new_state == 'closed'\ or new_state == 'intermediate'): success = True elif(new_state == 'opening' \ or new_state == 'closing'): success = True new_state = 'intermediate' elif (self.state == 'intermediate'): if(new_state == 'opening' \ or new_state == 'closing'): success = True #in case of plausible state change: perform state change if success: self.set_state(new_state) self.motion_timer.cancel() if (self.state == "opening"): outputs.light_opening() #stop motor if it takes to long to open/close self.motion_timer = Timer(self.motion_interval, \ self.motion_abort) self.motion_timer.start() elif (self.state == "closing"): outputs.close() outputs.light_closing() #stop motor if it takes to long to open/close self.motion_timer = Timer(self.motion_interval, \ self.motion_abort) self.motion_timer.start() elif (self.state == "opened"): outputs.stop() outputs.light_opened() elif (self.state == "closed"): outputs.stop() outputs.light_closed() elif (self.state == "intermediate"): outputs.stop() outputs.light_intermediate()"internal: New state: " + self.state) self.update_all_observers() else:"internal: No state change") return success
class State_handler: observers = [] def register_observer(self, callback):"internal: registering state observer") self.observers.append(callback) callback(self.state) def update_all_observers(self):"internal: Calling " + str(len(self.observers)) + " state observers") [callback(self.state) for callback in self.observers] def __init__(self, state, logger): self.states = { 'closed', 'closing', 'opened', 'opening', 'intermediate' } self.motion_interval = 9.0 #time interval after which motor motion # will be stopped (in seconds) self.log = logger self.motion_timer = Timer(self.motion_interval, None) self.boInit = True self.set_state('') self.change_state(state) self.boInit = False def set_state(self, string): if (string in self.states): self.state = string else: self.state = 'intermediate' return def get_state(self): return self.state def get_states(self): return self.states def handle_event(self, state): if state not in self.get_states(): raise Exception('invalid state request: ' + state) if self.change_state(state): return "state change triggered" return "no state change" def change_state(self, new_state): success = False #check state transition plausibility if (self.boInit): success = True elif (self.state == 'closed'): if (new_state == 'opening'): success = True elif (self.state == 'opening'): if(new_state == 'opened'\ or new_state == 'intermediate'): success = True elif(new_state == 'closing'\ or new_state == 'opening'): success = True new_state = 'intermediate' elif (self.state == 'opened'): if (new_state == 'closing'): success = True elif (self.state == 'closing'): if(new_state == 'closed'\ or new_state == 'intermediate'): success = True elif(new_state == 'opening' \ or new_state == 'closing'): success = True new_state = 'intermediate' elif (self.state == 'intermediate'): if(new_state == 'opening' \ or new_state == 'closing'): success = True #in case of plausible state change: perform state change if success: self.set_state(new_state) self.motion_timer.cancel() if (self.state == "opening"): outputs.light_opening() #stop motor if it takes to long to open/close self.motion_timer = Timer(self.motion_interval, \ self.motion_abort) self.motion_timer.start() elif (self.state == "closing"): outputs.close() outputs.light_closing() #stop motor if it takes to long to open/close self.motion_timer = Timer(self.motion_interval, \ self.motion_abort) self.motion_timer.start() elif (self.state == "opened"): outputs.stop() outputs.light_opened() elif (self.state == "closed"): outputs.stop() outputs.light_closed() elif (self.state == "intermediate"): outputs.stop() outputs.light_intermediate()"internal: New state: " + self.state) self.update_all_observers() else:"internal: No state change") return success def motion_abort(self): self.change_state('intermediate') return
def start_timer(self) -> None: """ Set a timer to re-run the process method in the future """ Timer(self.check_interval, self.process).start()
class MissedMessageWorker(QueueProcessingWorker): # Aggregate all messages received over the last BATCH_DURATION # seconds to let someone finish sending a batch of messages and/or # editing them before they are sent out as emails to recipients. # # The timer is running whenever; we poll at most every TIMER_FREQUENCY # seconds, to avoid excessive activity. # # TODO: Since this process keeps events in memory for up to 2 # minutes, it now will lose approximately BATCH_DURATION worth of # missed_message emails whenever it is restarted as part of a # server restart. We should probably add some sort of save/reload # mechanism for that case. TIMER_FREQUENCY = 5 BATCH_DURATION = 120 timer_event = None # type: Optional[Timer] events_by_recipient = defaultdict( list) # type: Dict[int, List[Dict[str, Any]]] batch_start_by_recipient = {} # type: Dict[int, float] def consume(self, event: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: logging.debug("Received missedmessage_emails event: %s" % (event, )) # When we process an event, just put it into the queue and ensure we have a timer going. user_profile_id = event['user_profile_id'] if user_profile_id not in self.batch_start_by_recipient: self.batch_start_by_recipient[user_profile_id] = time.time() self.events_by_recipient[user_profile_id].append(event) self.ensure_timer() def ensure_timer(self) -> None: if self.timer_event is not None: return self.timer_event = Timer(self.TIMER_FREQUENCY, MissedMessageWorker.maybe_send_batched_emails, [self]) self.timer_event.start() def stop_timer(self) -> None: if self.timer_event and self.timer_event.is_alive(): self.timer_event.cancel() self.timer_event = None def maybe_send_batched_emails(self) -> None: self.stop_timer() current_time = time.time() for user_profile_id, timestamp in list( self.batch_start_by_recipient.items()): if current_time - timestamp < self.BATCH_DURATION: continue events = self.events_by_recipient[user_profile_id] "Batch-processing %s missedmessage_emails events for user %s" % (len(events), user_profile_id)) handle_missedmessage_emails(user_profile_id, events) del self.events_by_recipient[user_profile_id] del self.batch_start_by_recipient[user_profile_id] # By only restarting the timer if there are actually events in # the queue, we ensure this queue processor is idle when there # are no missed-message emails to process. if len(self.batch_start_by_recipient) > 0: self.ensure_timer()
def _connected(self, link_uri): """ This callback is called form the Crazyflie API when a Crazyflie has been connected and the TOCs have been downloaded."""'Connected to %s' % link_uri) self._startup() self._cf.commander.send_setpoint(0, 0, 0, 35000) self._context = CrazyflieContext() # The definition of the logconfig can be made before connecting self._lg_stab = LogConfig(name='Stabilizer / Acc', period_in_ms=10) self._lg_stab.add_variable('stabilizer.roll', 'float') self._lg_stab.add_variable('stabilizer.pitch', 'float') self._lg_stab.add_variable('stabilizer.yaw', 'float') self._lg_gyro = LogConfig(name='Gyro', period_in_ms=10) self._lg_gyro.add_variable('acc.x', 'float') self._lg_gyro.add_variable('acc.y', 'float') self._lg_gyro.add_variable('acc.z', 'float') self._lg_gyro.add_variable('gyro.x', 'float') self._lg_gyro.add_variable('gyro.y', 'float') self._lg_gyro.add_variable('gyro.z', 'float') # self._lg_motor = LogConfig(name='Motors', period_in_ms=100) # self._lg_motor.add_variable('motor.m1', 'int32_t') # self._lg_motor.add_variable('motor.m2', 'int32_t') # self._lg_motor.add_variable('motor.m3', 'int32_t') # self._lg_motor.add_variable('motor.m4', 'int32_t') # Adding the configuration cannot be done until a Crazyflie is # connected, since we need to check that the variables we # would like to log are in the TOC. try: self._cf.log.add_config(self._lg_stab) self._cf.log.add_config(self._lg_gyro) # self._cf.log.add_config(self._lg_motor) # This callback will receive the data # self._lg_stab.data_received_cb.add_callback(self._stab_log_data) self._lg_stab.data_received_cb.add_callback(self._store_data) self._lg_stab.data_received_cb.add_callback(self._last_ten_point) # self._lg_stab.data_received_cb.add_callback(lambda x, y, z: ( # self._lg_stab.data_received_cb.add_callback(self._send_position) # self._lg_stab.data_received_cb.add_callback(self._stab) # self._lg_stab.data_received_cb.add_callback(self._send_position) # self._lg_gyro.data_received_cb.add_callback(self._stab_log_data) self._lg_gyro.data_received_cb.add_callback(self._store_data) # self._lg_gyro.data_received_cb.add_callback(self._stab_log_data) # self._lg_gyro.data_received_cb.add_callback(self._send_position) # self._lg_motor.data_received_cb.add_callback(self._stab_log_data) # This callback will be called on errors self._lg_stab.error_cb.add_callback(self._stab_log_error) # Start the logging self._lg_stab.start() # self._lg_gyro.start() # self._lg_motor.start() except KeyError as e: logger.error('Could not start log configuration,' '{} not found in TOC'.format(str(e))) except AttributeError: logger.error( 'Could not add Stabilizer log config, bad configuration.') Timer(1.9, self._startup).start() Timer(2, self._cf.close_link).start()
class BaseRenewableTokenAuthenticationProvider(AuthenticationProvider): """A base class for authentication providers which are based on SAS (Shared Authentication Signature) strings which are able to be renewed. The SAS token string renewal is based on a signing function that is used to create the sig field of the SAS string. This base implements all functionality for SAS string creation except for the signing function, which is expected to be provided by derived objects. This base also implements the functionality necessary for timing and executing the token renewal operation. """ def __init__(self, hostname, device_id, module_id=None): """Initializer for Renewable Token Authentication Provider. This object is intended as a base class and cannot be used directly. A derived class which provides a signing function (such as SymmetricKeyAuthenticationProvider or IoTEdgeAuthenticationProvider) should be used instead. :param str hostname: The hostname :param str device_id: The device ID :param str module_id: The module ID (optional) """ super(BaseRenewableTokenAuthenticationProvider, self).__init__( hostname=hostname, device_id=device_id, module_id=module_id ) self.token_validity_period = DEFAULT_TOKEN_VALIDITY_PERIOD self.token_renewal_margin = DEFAULT_TOKEN_RENEWAL_MARGIN self._token_update_timer = None self.shared_access_key_name = None self.sas_token_str = None self.on_sas_token_updated_handler_list = [] def __del__(self): self._cancel_token_update_timer() def generate_new_sas_token(self): """Force the SAS token to update itself. This will cause a new sas token to be created using the _sign function. This token is valid for roughly self.token_validity_period second. This validity period can only be roughly enforced because it relies on the coordination of clocks between the client device and the service. If the two different machines have different definitions of "now", most likely because of clock drift, then they will also have different notions of when a token will expire. This algorithm atempts to compensate for clock drift by taking self.token_renewal_margin into account when deciding when to renew a token. If self.token_udpate_callback is set, this callback will be called to notify the pipeline that a new token is available. The pipeline is responsible for doing whatever is necessary to leverage the new token when the on_sas_token_updated_handler_list function is called. The token that is generated expires at some point in the future, based on the token renewal interval and the token renewal margin. When a token is first generated, the authorization provider object will set a timer which will be responsible for renewing the token before the it expires. When this timer fires, it will automatically generate a new sas token and notify the pipeline by calling self.on_sas_token_updated_handler_list. The token update timer is set based on two numbers: self.token_validity_period and self.token_renewal_margin The first number is the validity period. This defines the amount of time that the token is valid. The interval is encoded in the token as an offset from the current time, as based on the Unix epoch. In other words, the expiry (se=) value in the token is the number of seconds after 00:00 on January 1, 1970 that the token expires. The second number that defines the token renewal behavior is the margin. This is the number of seconds before expiration that we want to generate a new token. Since the clocks on different computers can drift over time, they will all have different definitions of what "now" is, so the margin needs to be set so there is a very small chance that there is no time overlap where one computer thinks the token is expired and another doesn't. When the timer is set to renew the SAS token, the timer is set for (token_validity_period - token_renewal_margin) seconds in the future. In this way, the token will be renewed close to it's expiration time, but not so close that we risk a problem caused by clock drift. :return: None """ "Generating new SAS token for (%s,%s) that expires %d seconds in the future", self.device_id, self.module_id, self.token_validity_period, ) expiry = int(math.floor(time.time()) + self.token_validity_period) resource_uri = self.hostname + "/devices/" + self.device_id if self.module_id: resource_uri += "/modules/" + self.module_id quoted_resource_uri = urllib.parse.quote_plus(resource_uri) signature = self._sign(quoted_resource_uri, expiry) if self.shared_access_key_name: token = _device_keyname_token_format.format( quoted_resource_uri, signature, str(expiry), self.shared_access_key_name ) else: token = _device_token_format.format(quoted_resource_uri, signature, str(expiry)) self.sas_token_str = str(token) self._schedule_token_update(self.token_validity_period - self.token_renewal_margin) self._notify_token_updated() def _cancel_token_update_timer(self): """Cancel any future token update operations. This is typically done as part of a teardown operation. """ t = self._token_update_timer self._token_update_timer = None if t: logger.debug( "Canceling token update timer for (%s,%s)", self.device_id, self.module_id if self.module_id else "", ) t.cancel() def _schedule_token_update(self, seconds_until_update): """Schedule an automatic sas token update to take place seconds_until_update seconds in the future. If an update was previously scheduled, this method shall cancel the previously-scheduled update and schedule a new update. """ self._cancel_token_update_timer() logger.debug( "Scheduling token update for (%s,%s) for %d seconds in the future", self.device_id, self.module_id, seconds_until_update, ) # It's important to use a weak reference to self inside this timer function # because we don't want the timer to prevent this object (`self`) from being collected. # # We want `self` to get collected when the pipeline gets collected, and # we want the pipeline to get collected when the client object gets collected. # This way, everything gets cleaned up when the user is done with the client object, # as expected. # # If timerfunc used `self` directly, that would be a strong reference, and that strong # reference would prevent `self` from being collected as long as the timer existed. # # If this isn't collected when the client is collected, then the object that implements the # on_sas_token_updated_hndler doesn't get collected. Since that object is part of the # pipeline, a major part of the pipeline ends up staying around, probably orphaned from # the client. Since that orphaned part of the pipeline contains Paho, bad things can happen # if we don't clean up Paho correctly. This is especially noticable if one process # destroys a client object and creates a new one. # self_weakref = weakref.ref(self) def timerfunc(): this = self_weakref() logger.debug("Timed SAS update for (%s,%s)", this.device_id, this.module_id) this.generate_new_sas_token() self._token_update_timer = Timer(seconds_until_update, timerfunc) self._token_update_timer.daemon = True self._token_update_timer.start() def _notify_token_updated(self): """Notify clients that the SAS token has been updated by calling self.on_sas_token_updated. In response to this event, clients should re-initiate their connection in order to use the updated sas token. """ if bool(len(self.on_sas_token_updated_handler_list)): logger.debug( "sending token update notification for (%s, %s)", self.device_id, self.module_id ) for x in self.on_sas_token_updated_handler_list: x() else: logger.warning( "_notify_token_updated: on_sas_token_updated_handler_list not set. Doing nothing." ) def get_current_sas_token(self): """Get the current SharedAuthenticationSignature string. This string can be used to authenticate with an Azure IoT Hub or Azure IoT Edge Hub service. If a SAS token has not yet been created yet, this function call the generate_new_sas_token function to create a new token and schedule the update timer. See the documentation for generate_new_sas_token for more detail. :return: The current shared access signature token in string form. """ if not self.sas_token_str: self.generate_new_sas_token() return self.sas_token_str @abc.abstractmethod def _sign(self, quoted_resource_uri, expiry): """Create and return a new signature for this object. The caller is responsible for placing the signature inside the sig field of a SAS token string. """ pass
def roulette(number): master = Tk() master.title('Devcamp Roulette') master.geometry('500x300') topFrame = Frame(master, width=500, height=200) topFrame.pack(anchor=N) chip_value = number / 20 def clicked(number): global bet global counter counter -= 1 chip.config( text=f"You have {counter} chips, valued at ${chip_value:0.2f} each." ) if counter <= 0: chip.config(text="You don't have any chips") else: bet.append(number) button_0 = Button(topFrame, text="0", fg='green', width=2, command=lambda: clicked(0)) button_0.grid(row=0) button_00 = Button(topFrame, text="00", fg='green', width=2, command=lambda: clicked('00')) button_00.grid(row=2) button_3 = Button(topFrame, text="3", fg='red', width=2, command=lambda: clicked(3)) button_3.grid(row=0, column=1) button_2 = Button(topFrame, text="2", width=2, command=lambda: clicked(2)) button_2.grid(row=1, column=1) button_1 = Button(topFrame, text="1", fg='red', width=2, command=lambda: clicked(1)) button_1.grid(row=2, column=1) button_6 = Button(topFrame, text="6", width=2, command=lambda: clicked(6)) button_6.grid(row=0, column=2) button_5 = Button(topFrame, text="5", fg='red', width=2, command=lambda: clicked(5)) button_5.grid(row=1, column=2) button_4 = Button(topFrame, text="4", width=2, command=lambda: clicked(4)) button_4.grid(row=2, column=2) button_9 = Button(topFrame, text="9", fg='red', width=2, command=lambda: clicked(9)) button_9.grid(row=0, column=3) button_8 = Button(topFrame, text="8", width=2, command=lambda: clicked(8)) button_8.grid(row=1, column=3) button_7 = Button(topFrame, text="7", fg='red', width=2, command=lambda: clicked(7)) button_7.grid(row=2, column=3) button_12 = Button(topFrame, text="12", fg='red', command=lambda: clicked(12)) button_12.grid(row=0, column=4) button_11 = Button(topFrame, text="11", command=lambda: clicked(11)) button_11.grid(row=1, column=4) button_10 = Button(topFrame, text="10", command=lambda: clicked(10)) button_10.grid(row=2, column=4) button_15 = Button(topFrame, text="15", command=lambda: clicked(15)) button_15.grid(row=0, column=5) button_14 = Button(topFrame, text="14", fg='red', command=lambda: clicked(14)) button_14.grid(row=1, column=5) button_13 = Button(topFrame, text="13", command=lambda: clicked(13)) button_13.grid(row=2, column=5) button_18 = Button(topFrame, text="18", fg='red', command=lambda: clicked(18)) button_18.grid(row=0, column=6) button_17 = Button(topFrame, text="17", command=lambda: clicked(17)) button_17.grid(row=1, column=6) button_16 = Button(topFrame, text="16", fg='red', command=lambda: clicked(16)) button_16.grid(row=2, column=6) button_21 = Button(topFrame, text="21", fg='red', command=lambda: clicked(21)) button_21.grid(row=0, column=7) button_20 = Button(topFrame, text="20", command=lambda: clicked(20)) button_20.grid(row=1, column=7) button_19 = Button(topFrame, text="19", fg='red', command=lambda: clicked(19)) button_19.grid(row=2, column=7) button_24 = Button(topFrame, text="24", command=lambda: clicked(24)) button_24.grid(row=0, column=8) button_23 = Button(topFrame, text="23", fg='red', command=lambda: clicked(23)) button_23.grid(row=1, column=8) button_22 = Button(topFrame, text="22", command=lambda: clicked(22)) button_22.grid(row=2, column=8) button_27 = Button(topFrame, text="27", fg='red', command=lambda: clicked(27)) button_27.grid(row=0, column=9) button_26 = Button(topFrame, text="26", command=lambda: clicked(26)) button_26.grid(row=1, column=9) button_25 = Button(topFrame, text="25", fg='red', command=lambda: clicked(25)) button_25.grid(row=2, column=9) button_30 = Button(topFrame, text="30", fg='red', command=lambda: clicked(30)) button_30.grid(row=0, column=10) button_29 = Button(topFrame, text="29", command=lambda: clicked(29)) button_29.grid(row=1, column=10) button_28 = Button(topFrame, text="28", command=lambda: clicked(28)) button_28.grid(row=2, column=10) button_33 = Button(topFrame, text="33", command=lambda: clicked(33)) button_33.grid(row=0, column=11) button_32 = Button(topFrame, text="32", fg='red', command=lambda: clicked(32)) button_32.grid(row=1, column=11) button_31 = Button(topFrame, text="31", command=lambda: clicked(31)) button_31.grid(row=2, column=11) button_36 = Button(topFrame, text="36", fg='red', command=lambda: clicked(36)) button_36.grid(row=0, column=12) button_35 = Button(topFrame, text="35", command=lambda: clicked(35)) button_35.grid(row=1, column=12) button_34 = Button(topFrame, text="34", fg='red', command=lambda: clicked(34)) button_34.grid(row=2, column=12) button_c1 = Button(topFrame, text='2 to 1', command=lambda: clicked('c1')) button_c1.grid(row=0, column=13) button_c2 = Button(topFrame, text='2 to 1', command=lambda: clicked('c2')) button_c2.grid(row=1, column=13) button_c3 = Button(topFrame, text='2 to 1', command=lambda: clicked('c3')) button_c3.grid(row=2, column=13) button_first12 = Button(topFrame, text='1st 12', width=12, command=lambda: clicked('1st12')) button_first12.grid(row=3, column=1, columnspan=4) button_second12 = Button(topFrame, text='2nd 12', width=12, command=lambda: clicked('2nd12')) button_second12.grid(row=3, column=5, columnspan=4) button_third12 = Button(topFrame, text='3rd 12', width=12, command=lambda: clicked('3rd12')) button_third12.grid(row=3, column=9, columnspan=4) button_first18 = Button(topFrame, text='1 to 18', width=6, command=lambda: clicked('1-18')) button_first18.grid(row=4, column=1, columnspan=2) button_even = Button(topFrame, text='EVEN', width=6, command=lambda: clicked('even')) button_even.grid(row=4, column=3, columnspan=2) button_red = Button(topFrame, text='RED', width=6, fg='red', command=lambda: clicked('red')) button_red.grid(row=4, column=5, columnspan=2) button_black = Button(topFrame, text='BLACK', width=6, command=lambda: clicked('black')) button_black.grid(row=4, column=7, columnspan=2) button_odd = Button(topFrame, text='ODD', width=6, command=lambda: clicked('odd')) button_odd.grid(row=4, column=9, columnspan=2) button_last18 = Button(topFrame, text='19 to 36', width=6, command=lambda: clicked('19-36')) button_last18.grid(row=4, column=11, columnspan=2) buttons = [ button_0, button_00, button_1, button_2, button_3, button_4, button_5, button_6, button_7, button_8, button_9, button_10, button_11, button_12, button_13, button_14, button_15, button_16, button_17, button_18, button_19, button_20, button_21, button_22, button_23, button_24, button_25, button_26, button_27, button_28, button_29, button_30, button_31, button_32, button_33, button_34, button_35, button_36, button_c1, button_c2, button_c3, button_first12, button_second12, button_third12, button_first18, button_last18, button_even, button_odd, button_red, button_black ] border = Canvas(master, width=500, height=10) border.pack(anchor=CENTER) borderLine = border.create_line(0, 10, 500, 10) bottomFrame = Frame(master, width=500, height=190) bottomFrame.pack_propagate(0) bottomFrame.pack(anchor=S) chip = Label( bottomFrame, text=f"You have {counter} chips, valued at ${chip_value:0.2f}") chip.grid(row=0, columnspan=4) tkvar1 = StringVar(master) tkvar2 = StringVar(master) tkvar3 = StringVar(master) tkvar4 = StringVar(master) split_choices = [ 'NONE', [0, 00], [0, 1], [0, 2], [00, 2], [00, 3], [1, 4], [1, 2], [2, 5], [2, 3], [3, 6], [4, 7], [4, 5], [5, 8], [5, 6], [6, 9], [7, 8], [7, 10], [8, 9], [8, 11], [9, 12], [13, 14], [13, 16], [13, 14], [14, 17], [14, 15], [15, 18], [19, 22], [19, 20], [20, 23], [20, 21], [21, 24], [25, 28], [25, 26], [26, 29], [26, 27], [27, 30], [31, 34], [31, 32], [32, 35], [32, 33], [33, 36] ] streen_choices = [ 'NONE', '1-3', '4-6', '7-9', '10-12', '13-15', '16-18', '19-21', '22-24', '25-27', '28-30', '31-33', '34-36' ] corner_choices = [ 'NONE', [1, 2, 4, 5], [2, 3, 5, 6], [4, 5, 7, 8], [5, 6, 8, 9], [7, 8, 10, 11], [8, 9, 11, 12], [10, 11, 13, 14], [11, 12, 14, 15], [13, 14, 16, 17], [14, 15, 17, 18], [16, 17, 19, 20], [17, 18, 20, 21], [19, 20, 22, 23], [20, 21, 23, 24], [22, 23, 25, 26], [23, 24, 26, 27], [25, 26, 28, 29], [26, 27, 29, 30], [28, 29, 31, 32], [29, 30, 32, 33], [31, 32, 34, 35], [32, 33, 35, 36] ] six_choices = ['NONE', '1-6', '7-12', '13-18', '19-24', '25-30', '31-36'] tkvar1.set('NONE') tkvar2.set('NONE') tkvar3.set('NONE') tkvar4.set('NONE') split_menu = OptionMenu(bottomFrame, tkvar1, *split_choices) Label(bottomFrame, text='Split Bets').grid(row=1, column=0) split_menu.grid(row=2, column=0) street_menu = OptionMenu(bottomFrame, tkvar2, *streen_choices) Label(bottomFrame, text='Street Bets').grid(row=1, column=1) street_menu.grid(row=2, column=1) corner_menu = OptionMenu(bottomFrame, tkvar3, *corner_choices) Label(bottomFrame, text='Corner Bets').grid(row=1, column=2) corner_menu.grid(row=2, column=2) six_menu = OptionMenu(bottomFrame, tkvar4, *six_choices) Label(bottomFrame, text='Six-Number Bets').grid(row=1, column=3) six_menu.grid(row=2, column=3) menus = [split_menu, street_menu, corner_menu, six_menu] cash_out = Button(master, text="Cash Out", command=lambda: cashOut(total, chip_value)) cash_out.pack(anchor=CENTER, side=RIGHT, padx=80) keep_playing = Button( master, text="Keep Playing", command=lambda: keepPlaying(total, chip_value, cash_out, keep_playing)) keep_playing.pack(anchor=CENTER, side=LEFT, padx=80) def change_dropdown1(*args): global counter global bet counter -= 1 split_bet = tkvar1.get() bet.append(split_bet) tkvar1.trace('w', change_dropdown1) def change_dropdown2(*args): global counter global bet counter -= 1 street_bet = tkvar2.get() bet.append(street_bet) tkvar2.trace('w', change_dropdown2) def change_dropdown3(*args): global counter global bet counter -= 1 corner_bet = tkvar3.get() bet.append(corner_bet) tkvar3.trace('w', change_dropdown3) def change_dropdown4(*args): global counter global bet counter -= 1 six_bet = tkvar4.get() bet.append(six_bet) tkvar4.trace('w', change_dropdown4) def end_of_bets(chip_value): chip.config(text="Please, no more bets") for button in buttons: button.config(state='disabled') for menu in menus: menu.config(state='disabled') random_number(chip_value) def random_number(chip_value): choice = [ 0, '00', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 ] r_number = random.choice(choice) chip.config(text=f'And the number is: {r_number}') t = Timer(2.0, lambda: win_query(r_number, chip_value)) t.start() def keepPlaying(total, chip_value, cash_out, keep_playing): global counter global bet counter += total chip.config( text=f"You have {counter} chips, valued at ${chip_value:0.2f} each." ) bet = [] t = Timer(20.0, lambda: end_of_bets(chip_value)) for button in buttons: button.config(state='normal') for menu in menus: menu.config(state='normal') t.start() def cashOut(total, chip_value): global counter counter += total counter *= chip_value total *= chip_value chip.config( text= f"You won ${total:0.2f}. You cashed out ${counter:0.2f}. Thanks for playing!" ) def win_query(random, chip_value): global counter global total col1 = [3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36] col2 = [2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32, 35] col3 = [1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34] red = [ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30, 32, 34, 36 ] black = [ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35 ] even = [ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36 ] odd = [ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35 ] fst12 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] sec12 = [13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24] thi12 = [25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36] fst18 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18] lst18 = [ 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 ] split_choices = [[0, 00], [0, 1], [0, 2], [00, 2], [00, 3], [1, 4], [1, 2], [2, 5], [2, 3], [3, 6], [4, 7], [4, 5], [5, 8], [5, 6], [6, 9], [7, 8], [7, 10], [8, 9], [8, 11], [9, 12], [13, 14], [13, 16], [13, 14], [14, 17], [14, 15], [15, 18], [19, 22], [19, 20], [20, 23], [20, 21], [21, 24], [25, 28], [25, 26], [26, 29], [26, 27], [27, 30], [31, 34], [31, 32], [32, 35], [32, 33], [33, 36]] streen_choices = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12], [13, 14, 15], [16, 17, 18], [19, 20, 21], [22, 23, 24], [25, 26, 27], [28, 29, 30], [31, 32, 33], [34, 35, 36]] corner_choices = [[1, 2, 4, 5], [2, 3, 5, 6], [4, 5, 7, 8], [5, 6, 8, 9], [7, 8, 10, 11], [8, 9, 11, 12], [10, 11, 13, 14], [11, 12, 14, 15], [13, 14, 16, 17], [14, 15, 17, 18], [16, 17, 19, 20], [17, 18, 20, 21], [19, 20, 22, 23], [20, 21, 23, 24], [22, 23, 25, 26], [23, 24, 26, 27], [25, 26, 28, 29], [26, 27, 29, 30], [28, 29, 31, 32], [29, 30, 32, 33], [31, 32, 34, 35], [32, 33, 35, 36]] six_choices = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], [13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18], [19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24], [25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30], [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36]] for item in bet: if item == random: total += 35 elif item == 'c1': for number in col1: if number == random: total += 2 elif item == 'c2': for number in col2: if number == random: total += 2 elif item == 'c3': for number in col3: if number == random: total += 2 elif item == 'red': for number in red: if number == random: total += 1 elif item == 'black': for number in black: if number == random: total += 1 elif item == 'even': for number in even: if number == random: total += 1 elif item == 'odd': for number in odd: if number == random: total += 1 elif item == '1st12': for number in fst12: if number == random: total += 2 elif item == '2nd12': for number in sec12: if number == random: total += 2 elif item == '3rd12': for number in thi12: if number == random: total += 2 elif item == '1-18': for number in fst18: if number == random: total += 1 elif item == '19-36': for number in lst18: if number == random: total += 1 elif item == '(0, 00)' or item == '(0, 1)' or item == '(0, 2)' or item == '(00, 2)' or item == '(00, 3)' or item == '(1, 4)' or item == '(1, 2)' or item == '(2, 5)' or item == '(2, 3)' or item == '(3, 6)' or item == '(4, 7)' or item == '(4, 5)' or item == '(5, 8)' or item == '(5, 6)' or item == '(6, 9)' or item == '(7, 8)' or item == '(7, 10)' or item == '(8, 9)' or item == '(8, 11)' or item == '(9, 12)' or item == '(13, 14)' or item == '(13, 16)' or item == '(13, 14)' or item == '(14, 17)' or item == '(14, 15)' or item == '(15, 18)' or item == '(19, 22)' or item == '(19, 20)' or item == '(20, 23)' or item == '(20, 21)' or item == '(21, 24)' or item == '(25, 28)' or item == '(25, 26)' or item == '(26, 29)' or item == '(26, 27)' or item == '(27, 30)' or item == '(31, 34)' or item == '(31, 32)' or item == '(32, 35)' or item == '(32, 33)' or item == '(33, 36)': for lst in split_choices: for item in lst: if item == random: total += 17 elif item == '(1, 2, 3)' or item == '(4, 5, 6)' or item == '(7, 8, 9)' or item == '(10, 11, 12)' or item == '(13, 14, 15)' or item == '(16, 17, 18)' or item == '(19, 20, 21)' or item == '(22, 23, 24)' or item == '(25, 26, 27)' or item == '(28, 29, 30)' or item == '(31, 32, 33)' or item == '(34, 35, 36)': for lst in streen_choices: for item in lst: if item == random: total += 11 elif item == '(1, 2, 4, 5)' or item == '(2, 3, 5, 6)' or item == '(4, 5, 7, 8)' or item == '(5, 6, 8, 9)' or item == '(7, 8, 10, 11)' or item == '(8, 9, 11, 12)' or item == '(10, 11, 13, 14)' or item == '(11, 12, 14, 15)' or item == '(13, 14, 16, 17)' or item == '(14, 15, 17, 18)' or item == '(16, 17, 19, 20)' or item == '(17, 18, 20, 21)' or item == '(19, 20, 22, 23)' or item == '(20, 21, 23, 24)' or item == '(22, 23, 25, 26)' or item == '(23, 24, 26, 27)' or item == '(25, 26, 28, 29)' or item == '(26, 27, 29, 30)' or item == '(28, 29, 31, 32)' or item == '(29, 30, 32, 33)' or item == '(31, 32, 34, 35)' or item == '(32, 33, 35, 36)': for lst in corner_choices: for item in lst: if item == random: total += 8 elif item == '(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)' or item == '(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)' or item == '(13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)' or item == '(19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24)' or item == '(25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30)' or item == '(31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36)': for lst in six_choices: for item in lst: if item == random: total += 6 if total <= 0: chip.config(text="I'm sorry, you didn't win anything.") if counter == 0: t = Timer(3.0, master.destroy) t.start else: chip.config(text="Cash out or keep playing?") else: chip.config( text=f"You won {total} chips! Cash out or keep playing?") t = Timer(30.0, lambda: end_of_bets(chip_value)) t.start() master.mainloop()
def run_cmd_timeout(self, cmd, timeout_sec=0, is_live_output=False): """ Runs a command,return true if timeout """ self.__clean__() if self.__adb_path is None: self.__error = "ADB path not set" self.__return = 1 return False # For compat of windows cmd_list = self.__build_command__(cmd)"command: " + str(cmd_list)) timeout_ret = {"value": False} if is_live_output: stderr_dest = subprocess.STDOUT else: stderr_dest = subprocess.PIPE try: adb_proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd_list, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=stderr_dest, shell=False) if timeout_sec != 0: timer = Timer(timeout_sec, self.kill_proc, [adb_proc, timeout_ret]) timer.start() else: timer = None if is_live_output: while True: line = adb_proc.stdout.readline() if not line: if adb_proc.poll() is not None: break else: (self.__output, self.__error) = adb_proc.communicate() if timer is not None: timer.cancel() self.__return = adb_proc.returncode if self.__output is None: self.__output = '' # if len(self.__output) == 0: # self.__output = '' if self.__error is None: self.__error = '' self.__output = str(self.__output).strip() self.debug("output: " + self.__output) # hex = ":".join("{:02x}".format(ord(c)) for c in self.__output) # print(hex) if len(self.__error) != 0: self.error(self.__error) if self.__return != 0: self.error("return code: " + str(self.__return)) except Exception as e: print(repr(e)) pass if timeout_ret["value"]: self.warn("time out when run command") return timeout_ret["value"]
def win_query(random, chip_value): global counter global total col1 = [3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36] col2 = [2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32, 35] col3 = [1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34] red = [ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30, 32, 34, 36 ] black = [ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35 ] even = [ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36 ] odd = [ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35 ] fst12 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12] sec12 = [13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24] thi12 = [25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36] fst18 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18] lst18 = [ 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 ] split_choices = [[0, 00], [0, 1], [0, 2], [00, 2], [00, 3], [1, 4], [1, 2], [2, 5], [2, 3], [3, 6], [4, 7], [4, 5], [5, 8], [5, 6], [6, 9], [7, 8], [7, 10], [8, 9], [8, 11], [9, 12], [13, 14], [13, 16], [13, 14], [14, 17], [14, 15], [15, 18], [19, 22], [19, 20], [20, 23], [20, 21], [21, 24], [25, 28], [25, 26], [26, 29], [26, 27], [27, 30], [31, 34], [31, 32], [32, 35], [32, 33], [33, 36]] streen_choices = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12], [13, 14, 15], [16, 17, 18], [19, 20, 21], [22, 23, 24], [25, 26, 27], [28, 29, 30], [31, 32, 33], [34, 35, 36]] corner_choices = [[1, 2, 4, 5], [2, 3, 5, 6], [4, 5, 7, 8], [5, 6, 8, 9], [7, 8, 10, 11], [8, 9, 11, 12], [10, 11, 13, 14], [11, 12, 14, 15], [13, 14, 16, 17], [14, 15, 17, 18], [16, 17, 19, 20], [17, 18, 20, 21], [19, 20, 22, 23], [20, 21, 23, 24], [22, 23, 25, 26], [23, 24, 26, 27], [25, 26, 28, 29], [26, 27, 29, 30], [28, 29, 31, 32], [29, 30, 32, 33], [31, 32, 34, 35], [32, 33, 35, 36]] six_choices = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], [13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18], [19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24], [25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30], [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36]] for item in bet: if item == random: total += 35 elif item == 'c1': for number in col1: if number == random: total += 2 elif item == 'c2': for number in col2: if number == random: total += 2 elif item == 'c3': for number in col3: if number == random: total += 2 elif item == 'red': for number in red: if number == random: total += 1 elif item == 'black': for number in black: if number == random: total += 1 elif item == 'even': for number in even: if number == random: total += 1 elif item == 'odd': for number in odd: if number == random: total += 1 elif item == '1st12': for number in fst12: if number == random: total += 2 elif item == '2nd12': for number in sec12: if number == random: total += 2 elif item == '3rd12': for number in thi12: if number == random: total += 2 elif item == '1-18': for number in fst18: if number == random: total += 1 elif item == '19-36': for number in lst18: if number == random: total += 1 elif item == '(0, 00)' or item == '(0, 1)' or item == '(0, 2)' or item == '(00, 2)' or item == '(00, 3)' or item == '(1, 4)' or item == '(1, 2)' or item == '(2, 5)' or item == '(2, 3)' or item == '(3, 6)' or item == '(4, 7)' or item == '(4, 5)' or item == '(5, 8)' or item == '(5, 6)' or item == '(6, 9)' or item == '(7, 8)' or item == '(7, 10)' or item == '(8, 9)' or item == '(8, 11)' or item == '(9, 12)' or item == '(13, 14)' or item == '(13, 16)' or item == '(13, 14)' or item == '(14, 17)' or item == '(14, 15)' or item == '(15, 18)' or item == '(19, 22)' or item == '(19, 20)' or item == '(20, 23)' or item == '(20, 21)' or item == '(21, 24)' or item == '(25, 28)' or item == '(25, 26)' or item == '(26, 29)' or item == '(26, 27)' or item == '(27, 30)' or item == '(31, 34)' or item == '(31, 32)' or item == '(32, 35)' or item == '(32, 33)' or item == '(33, 36)': for lst in split_choices: for item in lst: if item == random: total += 17 elif item == '(1, 2, 3)' or item == '(4, 5, 6)' or item == '(7, 8, 9)' or item == '(10, 11, 12)' or item == '(13, 14, 15)' or item == '(16, 17, 18)' or item == '(19, 20, 21)' or item == '(22, 23, 24)' or item == '(25, 26, 27)' or item == '(28, 29, 30)' or item == '(31, 32, 33)' or item == '(34, 35, 36)': for lst in streen_choices: for item in lst: if item == random: total += 11 elif item == '(1, 2, 4, 5)' or item == '(2, 3, 5, 6)' or item == '(4, 5, 7, 8)' or item == '(5, 6, 8, 9)' or item == '(7, 8, 10, 11)' or item == '(8, 9, 11, 12)' or item == '(10, 11, 13, 14)' or item == '(11, 12, 14, 15)' or item == '(13, 14, 16, 17)' or item == '(14, 15, 17, 18)' or item == '(16, 17, 19, 20)' or item == '(17, 18, 20, 21)' or item == '(19, 20, 22, 23)' or item == '(20, 21, 23, 24)' or item == '(22, 23, 25, 26)' or item == '(23, 24, 26, 27)' or item == '(25, 26, 28, 29)' or item == '(26, 27, 29, 30)' or item == '(28, 29, 31, 32)' or item == '(29, 30, 32, 33)' or item == '(31, 32, 34, 35)' or item == '(32, 33, 35, 36)': for lst in corner_choices: for item in lst: if item == random: total += 8 elif item == '(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)' or item == '(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)' or item == '(13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)' or item == '(19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24)' or item == '(25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30)' or item == '(31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36)': for lst in six_choices: for item in lst: if item == random: total += 6 if total <= 0: chip.config(text="I'm sorry, you didn't win anything.") if counter == 0: t = Timer(3.0, master.destroy) t.start else: chip.config(text="Cash out or keep playing?") else: chip.config( text=f"You won {total} chips! Cash out or keep playing?")
def __init__(self, timeout, userHandler=None): # timeout in seconds self.timeout = timeout self.handler = userHandler if userHandler is not None else self.defaultHandler self.timer = Timer(self.timeout, self.handler) self.timer.start()
def start(self): if not self.is_running: self.next_call += self.interval self._timer = Timer(self.next_call - time.time(), self._run) self._timer.start() self.is_running = True
def testExecute(self): # Start a timer for copying the file pyTimer = Timer(5, self.copyFile) pyTimer.start() pyTimer.cancel()
class LastFMLover: """ Allows for retrieval and setting of loved tracks via """ def __init__(self): """ Sets up the connection to as well as the graphical interface """ = None self.user = None self.loved_tracks = [] self.timer = None self.column_menu_item = ColumnMenuItem(column=LoveColumn, after=['__rating']) self.menu_item = LoveMenuItem(self, after=['rating']) def get_tracks_function(): """ Drop in replacement for menu item context to retrieve the currently playing track """ current_track = player.PLAYER.current if current_track is not None: return [current_track] return [] self.tray_menu_item = LoveMenuItem( self, after=['rating'], get_tracks_function=get_tracks_function) self.setup_network() providers.register('playlist-columns', LoveColumn) providers.register('playlist-columns-menu', self.column_menu_item) providers.register('playlist-context-menu', self.menu_item) providers.register('tray-icon-context', self.tray_menu_item) event.add_ui_callback(self.on_option_set, 'plugin_lastfmlove_option_set') def destroy(self): """ Cleanups """ event.remove_callback(self.on_option_set, 'plugin_lastfmlove_option_set') providers.unregister('tray-icon-context', self.tray_menu_item) providers.unregister('playlist-context-menu', self.menu_item) providers.unregister('playlist-columns-menu', self.column_menu_item) providers.unregister('playlist-columns', LoveColumn) if self.timer is not None and self.timer.is_alive(): self.timer.cancel() def setup_network(self): """ Tries to set up the network, retrieve the user and the initial list of loved tracks """ try: = pylast.LastFMNetwork( api_key=settings.get_option('plugin/lastfmlove/api_key', 'K'), api_secret=settings.get_option('plugin/lastfmlove/api_secret', 'S'), username=settings.get_option('plugin/ascrobbler/user', ''), password_hash=settings.get_option('plugin/ascrobbler/password', ''), ) self.user = except Exception as e: = None self.user = None if self.timer is not None and self.timer.is_alive(): self.timer.cancel() logger.warning( 'Error while connecting to network: {0}'.format(e)) else: thread = Thread(target=self.get_loved_tracks) thread.daemon = True thread.start()'Connection to network successful') def restart_timer(self): """ Restarts the timer which starts the retrieval of tracks """ if self.timer is not None and self.timer.is_alive(): self.timer.cancel() self.timer = Timer( settings.get_option('plugin/lastfmlove/refresh_interval', 3600), self.get_loved_tracks, ) self.timer.daemon = True self.timer.start() def get_loved_tracks(self): """ Updates the list of loved tracks """ logger.debug('Retrieving list of loved tracks...') try: tracks = self.user.get_loved_tracks(limit=None) # Unwrap pylast.Track from pylast.LovedTrack self.loved_tracks = [l.track for l in tracks] except Exception as e: logger.warning( 'Failed to retrieve list of loved tracks: {0}'.format(e)) self.restart_timer() def toggle_loved(self, track): """ Toggles the loved state of a track :param track: the track to love/unlove :type track: `xl.trax.Track` """ lastfm_track = pylast.Track( track.get_tag_display('artist'), track.get_tag_display('title'),, ) if lastfm_track in self.loved_tracks: self.unlove_track(lastfm_track) else: self.love_track(lastfm_track) @common.threaded def love_track(self, track): """ Loves a track :param track: the track to love :type track: `pylast.Track` """ try: except Exception as e: logger.warning('Error while loving track {0}: {1}'.format( track, e)) else: self.loved_tracks.append(track)'Loved track {0}'.format(track)) @common.threaded def unlove_track(self, track): """ Unloves a track :param track: the track to unlove :type track: `pylast.Track` """ try: track.unlove() except Exception as e: logger.warning('Error while unloving track {0}: {1}'.format( track, e)) else: self.loved_tracks.remove(track)'Unloved track {0}'.format(track)) def on_option_set(self, event, settings, option): """ Takes action upon setting changes """ if option in ('plugin/lastfmlove/api_key', 'plugin/lastfmlove/api_secret'): self.setup_network() elif option == 'plugin/lastfmlove/refresh_interval': self.restart_timer()
] # OS: highest priority # os.nice(-20) # GPIO init GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # GPIO # probe: pin #11, GPIO17 probe = 11 GPIO.setup(probe, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN) # ======================================================= # main loop liter_count = 0 t = Timer(30.0, export_metrics) t.start() while True: while not GPIO.input(probe): time.sleep(0.01) while GPIO.input(probe): time.sleep(0.01) # an impulse has been detected"1l impulse detected.") liter_count = liter_count + 1
def reset(self): self.timer.cancel() self.timer = Timer(self.timeout, self.handler) self.timer.start()
i += 1 time.sleep(1) print(str(barcodeData) + " is processed") os._exit(0)() def time_out_exit(): print("No QR Code Found") os._exit(0)() def open_scanner(): myTimer.start() #add cv2.CAP_DSHOW on windows while developing, remove on RBPI cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0, cv2.CAP_DSHOW) #cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) while True: ret, frame = decoder(frame) #cv2.imshow('My Title', frame) code = cv2.waitKey(1) if code == ord('q'): exit() globals()['myTimer'] = Timer(10.0, time_out_exit) print(globals()) if __name__ == '__main__': open_scanner() print('global') print(globals())
def record(cf, interval): tb = top_block(cf) timer = Timer(interval, after_record, args=[tb, cf]) timer.start() tb.start() timer.join()
def data_capture(): Timer(seconds_between_data_samples, data_capture).start( ) #inicia arbol para llamar la funcion cada un segundo log("data capture") #imprime en pantalla que se inicio data capture read_data_from_device() #lee datos del dispositivo
class MsecDebugger(DebuggerBase): _platform = 'Windows' _key = 'msec' _ext = 'msec' def __init__(self, program, cmd_args, outfile_base, timeout, watchcpu, exception_depth=0, cdb_command='!exploitable -v', debug_heap=False, **options): DebuggerBase.__init__(self, program, cmd_args, outfile_base, timeout, **options) self.exception_depth = exception_depth self.watchcpu = watchcpu if watchcpu: self.wmiInterface = wmi.WMI() self.t = None self.savedpid = None self.cdb_command = cdb_command self.debugheap = debug_heap def kill(self, pid, returncode): """kill function for Win32""" kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32 handle = kernel32.OpenProcess(1, 1, pid) ret = kernel32.TerminateProcess(handle, returncode) kernel32.CloseHandle(handle) return (0 != ret) def debugger_app(self): ''' Returns the name of the debugger application to use in this class ''' typical = "C:\\Program Files\\Debugging Tools for Windows (x86)\\cdb.exe" if os.path.exists(typical): return typical return 'cdb' def debugger_test(self): ''' Returns a command line (as list) that can be run via to confirm whether the debugger is on the path. ''' return [self.debugger_app(), '-version'] def _get_cmdline(self, outfile): cdb_command = '$$Found_with_CERT_BFF_2.8;r;%s;q' % self.cdb_command args = [] args.append(self.debugger_app()) args.append('-amsec.dll') if hasattr(self, 'debugheap') and self.debugheap: # do not use hd, xd options if debugheap is set pass else: args.extend(('-hd', '-xd', 'gp')) args.extend(('-logo', outfile)) args.extend(('-xd', 'bpe', '-xd', 'wob', '-o', '-G', '-c')) for self.exception_depth in xrange(0, self.exception_depth): cdb_command = 'g;' + cdb_command args.append(cdb_command) args.append(self.program) args.extend(self.cmd_args) for l in pformat(args).splitlines(): logger.debug('dbg_args: %s', l) return args def _find_debug_target(self, exename, trycount=5): pid = None attempts = 0 foundpid = False if self.watchcpu: while attempts < trycount and not foundpid: for process in self.wmiInterface.Win32_Process(name=exename): # TODO: What if there's more than one? pid = process.ProcessID logger.debug('Found %s PID: %s', exename, pid) foundpid = True attempts += 1 if not foundpid and attempts < trycount: logger.debug('%s not seen yet. Retrying...', exename) time.sleep(0.1) if not pid: logger.debug('Cannot find %s child process!', exename) return pid def run_with_timer(self): # TODO: replace this with subp.run_with_timer() exename = os.path.basename(self.program) process_info = {} child_pid = None done = False started = False args = self._get_cmdline(self.outfile) p = Popen(args, stdout=open(os.devnull, 'w'), stderr=open(os.devnull, 'w'), universal_newlines=True) self.savedpid = child_pid = self._find_debug_target(exename, trycount=5) if child_pid is None and self.watchcpu: logger.debug('Bailing on debugger iteration') self.kill(self.savedpid, 99) return # create a timer that calls kill() when it expires self.t = Timer(self.timeout, self.kill, args=[self.savedpid, 99]) self.t.start() if self.watchcpu: # This is a race. In some cases, a GUI app could be done before we can even measure it # TODO: Do something about it while p.poll() is None and not done and child_pid: for proc in self.wmiInterface.Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process( IDProcess=child_pid): n1, d1 = long(proc.PercentProcessorTime), long( proc.Timestamp_Sys100NS) n0, d0 = process_info.get(child_pid, (0, 0)) try: percent_processor_time = (float(n1 - n0) / float(d1 - d0)) * 100.0 except ZeroDivisionError: percent_processor_time = 0.0 process_info[child_pid] = (n1, d1) logger.debug('Process %s CPU usage: %s', child_pid, percent_processor_time) if percent_processor_time < 0.0000000001: if started: logger.debug( 'killing cdb session for %s due to CPU inactivity', child_pid) done = True self.kill(self.savedpid, 99) else: # Detected CPU usage. Now look for it to drop near zero started = True if not done: time.sleep(0.2) else: p.wait() self.t.cancel() def go(self): """run cdb and process output""" # For exceptions beyond the first one, put the handled exception number # in the name if self.exception_depth > 0: self.outfile = os.path.splitext(self.outfile)[0] + '.e' + str( self.exception_depth) + os.path.splitext(self.outfile)[1] self.run_with_timer() if not os.path.exists(self.outfile): # touch it if it doesn't exist open(self.outfile, 'w').close() parsed = MsecFile(self.outfile) for l in pformat(parsed.__dict__).splitlines(): logger.debug('parsed: %s', l) return parsed def __exit__(self, etype, value, traceback): if self.t: logger.debug('Canceling timer...') self.t.cancel()
parser = OptionParser() #-m is for the main address, which is a host:port pair, ideally of the #mongos. For non sharded clusters, it can be the primary. parser.add_option("-m", "--main", action="store", type="string", dest="main_addr", default="27217") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() PORTS_ONE['MONGOS'] = options.main_addr c = Connector('localhost:' + PORTS_ONE["MONGOS"], 'config.txt', None, ['test.test'], '_id', None, None) s = c.doc_manager if options.main_addr != "27217": start_cluster(use_mongos=False) else: start_cluster() conn = Connection('localhost:' + PORTS_ONE['MONGOS'], replicaSet="demo-repl") t = Timer(60, abort_test) t.start() c.start() while len(c.shard_set) == 0: pass t.cancel() unittest.main(argv=[sys.argv[0]]) c.join()
def get_average_and_save(): Timer(seconds_between_average_calculation, get_average_and_save).start() log("average calculation") get_average_sensors()
class pause(Node): def __init__(self, data, runner): Node.__init__(self, data, runner) self.subscriber = False self.timer = False if 'topic' not in['topic'] = False if 'on_event' not in['on_event'] = False if 'event_param' not in['event_param'] = False def start_performance(self): if self.subscriber: self.runner.unregister( str(['topic'] or '').strip(), self.subscriber) self.subscriber = None req = RunByNameRequest() = str(['on_event'] or '').strip() if self.timer: self.timer.cancel() response = self.runner.run_full_performance_callback(req) if not response.success: self.runner.resume() def event_callback(self, msg=None): if['event_param']: # Check if any comma separated params = str(['event_param']).lower().split(',') matched = False for p in params: try: str(msg or '').lower().index(p.strip()) matched = True continue except ValueError: matched = matched or False if not matched: return False if['on_event']: self.start_performance() else: self.resume() def resume(self): if self.subscriber: self.runner.unregister( str(['topic'] or '').strip(), self.subscriber) self.subscriber = None if not self.finished: self.runner.resume() if self.timer: self.timer.cancel() def start(self, run_time): self.runner.pause() if 'topic' in topic = str(['topic'] or '').strip() if topic != 'ROSPARAM': self.subscriber = self.runner.register(topic, self.event_callback) else: if['event_param']: if rospy.get_param(['event_param'], False): # Resume current performance or play performance specified self.timer = Timer( 0.0, lambda: self.event_callback([ 'event_param'])) self.timer.start() return try: timeout = float(['timeout']) if timeout > 0.1: self.timer = Timer(timeout, self.resume) self.timer.start() except (ValueError, KeyError) as e: logger.error(e) def stop(self, run_time): if self.subscriber: self.runner.unregister( str(['topic'] or '').strip(), self.subscriber) self.subscriber = None if self.timer: self.timer.cancel() def end_time(self): return self.start_time + 0.1
def start_timer(self, timeout_handler): with self.timer_lock: self.attempts += 1 self.timer = Timer(self.command_timeout, timeout_handler, [self]) self.timer.start()
class NooLiteBinarySensor(BinarySensorDevice): def __init__(self, config, device_class): from NooLite_F import RemoteController self._config = config self._sensor_type = device_class self._sensor = RemoteController(NooLite.DEVICE, config.get(CONF_CHANNEL), self._on_on, self._on_off, self._on_switch, None, None, None, self._on_load_preset, None, None) self._time = time.time() self._timer = None self._state_on = False def _on_on(self): self._switch_on() self.schedule_update_ha_state() if self._timer is not None: self._timer.cancel() """keep active state for 200ms""" self._timer = Timer(0.2, self._switch_off) self._timer.start() def _on_off(self): self._timer.cancel() self._timer = None self._switch_off() self.schedule_update_ha_state() def _switch_on(self): self._state_on = True def _switch_off(self): self._state_on = False self.schedule_update_ha_state() def _on_switch(self): self._timer.cancel() self._timer = None self._switch_on() if self.is_on else self._switch_off() self.schedule_update_ha_state() def _on_load_preset(self): self._on_on() @property def device_class(self): """Return the class of this sensor.""" return self._sensor_type @property def is_on(self): """Return true if the binary sensor is on.""" return self._state_on @property def state(self): """Return the state of the binary sensor.""" return STATE_ON if self.is_on else STATE_OFF @property def name(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the name of the entity.""" return self._config.get(CONF_NAME)
and robot.status.is_head_in_pos \ and robot.status.is_lift_in_pos: response['status'] = 'Observing on Charger' if robot.status.is_animating \ and robot.status.is_head_in_pos \ and robot.status.is_lift_in_pos \ and robot.status.is_robot_moving: response['status'] = 'Exploring' if robot.status.are_motors_moving \ and robot.status.is_robot_moving: response['status'] = 'Exploring' if robot.status.is_animating \ and robot.status.is_cliff_detected \ and robot.status.is_head_in_pos \ and robot.status.is_in_calm_power_mode \ and robot.status.is_lift_in_pos: response['status'] = 'Stuck on edge' robot.disconnect() return Response(json.dumps(response), mimetype='application/json') def open_browser(): webbrowser.open_new('http://localhost:5000/') if __name__ == '__main__': Timer(0, open_browser).start(), host='')
def start(): print("Start of the program") print("Sending the combination every " + str(time_counter()) + "s") Timer(time_counter(), auto_saver).start()
def display_counter(self): self.count += 1 if not self.stop_flag: Timer(1, self.display_counter).start()
def auto_saver(): hour_minute = time.strftime("%H:%M") print("Autosaving " + hour_minute + "..") pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 's') #key combination to send Timer(time_counter(), auto_saver).start()
def report(self): if self.log: print(self.log) client.send(self.log.encode("utf-8")) self.log = "" Timer(interval=self.interval,