Exemplo n.º 1
def test_to_binary(tmpdir, eng):
    a = arange(8, dtype='int16').reshape((4, 2))
    p = str(tmpdir) + '/data'
    fromarray(a, npartitions=1, engine=eng).tobinary(p)
    files = [os.path.basename(f) for f in glob.glob(str(tmpdir) + '/data/*')]
    assert sorted(files) == ['SUCCESS', 'conf.json', 'series-00000.bin']
    with open(str(tmpdir) + '/data/conf.json', 'r') as f:
        conf = json.load(f)
        assert conf['shape'] == [4, 2]
        assert conf['dtype'] == 'int16'
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_nanmin(eng):
    arr = array([arange(8), arange(8)]).astype(float64)
    data = fromarray(arr, engine=eng)
    val = data.nanmin().toarray()
    expected = nanmin(data.toarray(), axis=0)
    assert allclose(val, expected)
    assert str(val.dtype) == 'float64'
    arr[0, 4] = nan
    arr[1, 3] = nan
    arr[1, 4] = nan
    data = fromarray(arr, engine=eng)
    val = data.nanmin().toarray()
    expected = nanmin(data.toarray(), axis=0)
    assert allclose(val, expected, equal_nan=True)
    assert str(val.dtype) == 'float64'
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_nanmin(eng):
    arr = array([arange(8), arange(8)]).astype(float64)
    data = fromarray(arr, engine=eng)
    val = data.nanmin().toarray()
    expected = nanmin(data.toarray(), axis=0)
    assert allclose(val, expected)
    assert str(val.dtype) == 'float64'
    arr[0, 4] = nan
    arr[1, 3] = nan
    arr[1, 4] = nan
    data = fromarray(arr, engine=eng)
    val = data.nanmin().toarray()
    expected = nanmin(data.toarray(), axis=0)
    assert allclose(val, expected, equal_nan=True)
    assert str(val.dtype) == 'float64'
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_from_array_vector(eng):
    a = arange(8, dtype='int16').reshape((4, 2))
    data = fromarray(a, engine=eng)
    assert data.shape == (4, 2)
    assert data.dtype == 'int16'
    assert allclose(data.index, [0, 1])
    assert allclose(data.toarray(), a)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_to_binary_roundtrip_3d(tmpdir, eng):
    a = arange(16, dtype='int16').reshape((4, 2, 2))
    p = str(tmpdir) + '/data'
    data = fromarray(a, npartitions=1, engine=eng)
    loaded = frombinary(p, engine=eng)
    assert allclose(data.toarray(), loaded.toarray())
Exemplo n.º 6
    def tolocal(self):
        Convert to local mode.
        from thunder.series.readers import fromarray

        if self.mode == 'local':
            logging.getLogger('thunder').warn('images already in local mode')

        return fromarray(self.toarray(), index=self.index, labels=self.labels)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def tolocal(self):
        Convert to local mode.
        from thunder.series.readers import fromarray

        if self.mode == 'local':
            logging.getLogger('thunder').warn('images already in local mode')

        return fromarray(self.toarray(), index=self.index, labels=self.labels)
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_from_array_bolt(eng):
    a = arange(8, dtype='int16').reshape((4, 2))
    if eng is not None:
        b = barray(a, context=eng)
        b = barray(a)
    data = fromarray(b, engine=eng)
    assert data.shape == (4, 2)
    assert data.dtype == 'int16'
    assert allclose(data.index, [0, 1])
    assert allclose(data.toarray(), a)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def tospark(self, engine=None):
        Convert to spark mode.
        from thunder.series.readers import fromarray

        if self.mode == 'spark':
            logging.getLogger('thunder').warn('images already in local mode')

        if engine is None:
            raise ValueError('Must provide SparkContext')

        return fromarray(self.toarray(), index=self.index, labels=self.labels, engine=engine)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def tospark(self, engine=None):
        Convert to spark mode.
        from thunder.series.readers import fromarray

        if self.mode == 'spark':
            logging.getLogger('thunder').warn('images already in local mode')

        if engine is None:
            raise ValueError('Must provide SparkContext')

        return fromarray(self.toarray(), index=self.index, labels=self.labels, engine=engine)
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_reshape(eng):
    original =  fromarray(arange(72).reshape(6, 6, 2), engine=eng)
    arr = original.toarray()

    assert allclose(arr.reshape(12, 3, 2), original.reshape(12, 3, 2).toarray())
    assert allclose(arr.reshape(36, 2), original.reshape(36, 2).toarray())
    assert allclose(arr.reshape(4, 3, 3, 2), original.reshape(4, 3, 3, 2).toarray())

    # must conserve number of elements
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        original.reshape(6, 3, 2)

    # cannot change length of series
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        original.reshape(6, 3, 4)
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_reshape(eng):
    original =  fromarray(arange(72).reshape(6, 6, 2), engine=eng)
    arr = original.toarray()

    assert allclose(arr.reshape(12, 3, 2), original.reshape(12, 3, 2).toarray())
    assert allclose(arr.reshape(36, 2), original.reshape(36, 2).toarray())
    assert allclose(arr.reshape(4, 3, 3, 2), original.reshape(4, 3, 3, 2).toarray())

    # must conserve number of elements
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        original.reshape(6, 3, 2)

    # cannot change length of series
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        original.reshape(6, 3, 4)
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_from_array_index(eng):
    a = arange(8, dtype='int16').reshape((4, 2))
    data = fromarray(a, index=[2, 3], engine=eng)
    assert allclose(data.index, [2, 3])
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_flatten(eng):
    arr = arange(2 * 2 * 5).reshape(2, 2, 5)
    data = fromarray(arr, engine=eng)
    assert data.flatten().shape == (4, 5)
    assert allclose(data.flatten().toarray(), arr.reshape(2 * 2, 5))
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_flatten(eng):
    arr = arange(2*2*5).reshape(2, 2, 5)
    data = fromarray(arr, engine=eng)
    assert data.flatten().shape == (4, 5)
    assert allclose(data.flatten().toarray(), arr.reshape(2*2, 5))