Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_sima(self):
        (BlockMethod) with SIMA strategy
        # NOTE: this test was brittle and failed non-deterministically with any
        # more than one source
        import sima.segment

        # construct the SIMA strategy
        simaStrategy = sima.segment.STICA(components=1)

        tsc = ThunderContext(self.sc)
        data = tsc.makeExample('sources',
                               dims=(60, 60),
                               centers=[[20, 15]],

        # create and fit the thunder extraction strategy
        strategy = SourceExtraction('sima', simaStrategy=simaStrategy)
        model = strategy.fit(data, size=(30, 30))

        assert (model.count == 1)

        # check that the one center is recovered
        ep = 1.5
        assert (model[0].distance([20, 15]) < ep)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_local_max(self):
        (FeatureMethod) localmax with defaults
        tsc = ThunderContext(self.sc)
        data = tsc.makeExample('sources', dims=[60, 60], centers=[[10, 10], [40, 40]], noise=0.0, seed=42)
        model = SourceExtraction('localmax').fit(data)

        # order is irrelevant, but one of these must be true
        cond1 = (model[0].distance([10, 10]) == 0) and (model[1].distance([40, 40]) == 0)
        cond2 = (model[0].distance([40, 40]) == 0) and (model[1].distance([10, 10]) == 0)
        assert(cond1 or cond2)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_nmf(self):
        (BlockMethod) nmf with defaults
        tsc = ThunderContext(self.sc)
        data = tsc.makeExample('sources', dims=(60, 60), centers=[[20, 20], [40, 40]], noise=0.1, seed=42)

        model = SourceExtraction('nmf', componentsPerBlock=1).fit(data, size=(30, 30))

        # order is irrelevant, but one of these must be true
        ep = 0.50
        cond1 = (model[0].distance([20, 20]) < ep) and (model[1].distance([40, 40]) < ep)
        cond2 = (model[0].distance([40, 40]) < ep) and (model[1].distance([20, 20]) < ep)
        assert(cond1 or cond2)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_sima(self):
        (BlockMethod) with SIMA strategy
        import sima.segment

        # construct the SIMA strategy
        simaStrategy = sima.segment.STICA(components=2)

        tsc = ThunderContext(self.sc)
        data = tsc.makeExample('sources', dims=(60, 60), centers=[[20, 15], [40, 45]], noise=0.1, seed=42)

        # create and fit the thunder extraction strategy
        strategy = SourceExtraction('sima', simaStrategy=simaStrategy)
        model = strategy.fit(data, size=(30, 30))

        # order is irrelevant, but one of these must be true
        ep = 1.5
        cond1 = (model[0].distance([20, 15]) < ep) and (model[1].distance([40, 45]) < ep)
        cond2 = (model[1].distance([20, 15]) < ep) and (model[0].distance([40, 45]) < ep)
        assert(cond1 or cond2)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def setUp(self):
     super(TestContextLoading, self).setUp()
     self.tsc = ThunderContext(self.sc)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def setUp(self):
     super(TestLoadIrregularImages, self).setUp()
     self.tsc = ThunderContext(self.sc)
def CompressImages(inputs, output, confObj):
    debugMode = False
    st = datetime.now()
    imageExt = confObj['ext']
    imageHeight = confObj['dims'][0]
    imageWidth = confObj['dims'][1]
    refImgId = confObj['refImageId']
    diffImageFolder = confObj['DiffImageFolder']

    if debugMode == True:
        print confObj

    import glob
    totImages = len(glob.glob(inputs + "*." + imageExt))

    if os.path.exists(output):

    conf = SparkConf().setAppName('ImgCompress')
    sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)
    imageHeight = sc.broadcast(imageHeight)
    imageWidth = sc.broadcast(imageWidth)

    tsc = ThunderContext(sc)
    tscImages = tsc.loadImages(inputs, (imageHeight.value, imageWidth.value),
                               imageExt, imageExt).cache()

    floatingPixelRdd = tscImages.rdd.flatMapValues(lambda r: r).zipWithIndex().map(lambda l: ((l[0][0],(l[1]-(l[0][0]*int(imageHeight.value)))),l[0][1]))\
        .flatMapValues(lambda r: r).zipWithIndex().\
        map(lambda l: ((l[0][0][1],(l[1]-(l[0][0][0]*int(imageWidth.value)*int(imageHeight.value) + l[0][0][1]*int(imageWidth.value)))),(l[0][0][0],l[0][1])))

    if debugMode == True:
        floatingPixelRdd.saveAsTextFile(output + "\\Stage-1-FloatingPixel")

    temporalVoxelRdd = floatingPixelRdd.groupByKey().map(
        lambda x: (x[0], list(x[1]))).cache()
    if debugMode == True:
        temporalVoxelRdd.saveAsTextFile(output + "\\Stage-2-TemporalVoxel")

    iMapImageDict = {}
    for imgIndex in range(totImages):
        imgIndexBD = sc.broadcast(imgIndex)

        #-------------------------------HELPER FUNCTIONS-------------------------------------
        def ReAdjustImapList(l):
            intList = l[1]
            mKey = intList.pop(imgIndexBD.value)[1]
            return (mKey, intList)

        def calculateMedainForEachImage(l):
            intRdd = sc.parallelize(l[1]).flatMap(
                lambda l: l).groupByKey().map(lambda x: (x[0], list(x[1])))
            intRddSorted = intRdd.map(lambda l: (l[0], sorted(l[1])))
            intRddMedian = intRddSorted.map(lambda l:
                                            (l[0], l[1][int(len(l[1]) / 2)]))
            return intRddMedian.collect()

        #-------------------------------HELPER FUNCTIONS-------------------------------------

        imapRdd = temporalVoxelRdd.map(lambda l: ReAdjustImapList(l)).sortBy(lambda  l: l[0], False)\
            .groupByKey().map(lambda x : (x[0], list(x[1])))
        if debugMode == True:
            imapRdd.saveAsTextFile(output + "\\Stage-3__IMAP-Stage-1_imgIdx-" +

        imapRdd = imapRdd.flatMapValues(lambda l: l).flatMapValues(lambda l: l).map(lambda l: ((l[0],l[1][0]),l[1][1])).\
            groupByKey().map(lambda x : (x[0], list(x[1]))).\
            map(lambda l: (l[0],sorted(l[1]))).map(lambda l: (l[0], l[1][int(len(l[1])/2)])).\
            map(lambda l: (l[0][0],(l[0][1], l[1])))
        if debugMode == True:
            imapRdd.saveAsTextFile(output + "\\Stage-3__IMAP-Stage-2_imgIdx-" +

        imapRdd = imapRdd.groupByKey().map(
            lambda x: (x[0], sorted(list(x[1]), key=lambda k: k[0])))
        if debugMode == True:
            imapRdd.saveAsTextFile(output + "\\Stage-3__IMAP-Stage-3_imgIdx-" +

        imapDict = imapRdd.collectAsMap()
        iMapImageDict[imgIndex] = imapDict

    iMapDictBD = sc.broadcast(iMapImageDict)

    refImageIdBD = sc.broadcast(refImgId)

    def CalcMapValue(pix, iMapVal):
        pImgIdx = pix[0]
        residual = 0
        for iIdx in iMapVal:
            if pImgIdx == iIdx[0]:
                residual = int(iIdx[1]) - pix[1]
        return (pix[0], residual)

    def ApplyIMap(l):
        voxel = l[1]
        refIntensity = l[1][refImageIdBD.value][1]
        iMapValues = iMapDictBD.value[refImageIdBD.value][refIntensity]
        resdualValues = []
        for pixel in voxel:
            if pixel[0] != refImageIdBD.value:
                resdualValues.append(CalcMapValue(pixel, iMapValues))

        return (l[0], resdualValues)

    diffFVRdd = temporalVoxelRdd.map(lambda l: ApplyIMap(l))
    if debugMode == True:
        diffFVRdd.saveAsTextFile(output + "\\Stage-4__Diff-Stage-1")

    residualImages = diffFVRdd.flatMapValues(lambda l: l).map(lambda l: ((l[1][0], l[0][0]),(l[0][1],l[1][1])))\
        .groupByKey().map(lambda x : (x[0], sorted(list(x[1]),key = lambda k: (k[0]))))\
        .map(lambda l: (l[0][0],(l[0][1],l[1])))\
        .groupByKey().map(lambda x : (x[0], sorted(list(x[1]),key = lambda k: (k[0]))))\
        .map(lambda l: (l[0], removeRCIndex(l[1])))

    residualImages.saveAsTextFile(output + "\\" + diffImageFolder)

    for ingIdx in range(totImages):
        iMapImageDict[str(ingIdx)] = dict([
            (str(k), str(v)) for k, v in iMapImageDict[ingIdx].items()
        del iMapImageDict[ingIdx]

    import json
    with open(output + "\\imap.json", 'w') as f:
        json.dump(iMapImageDict, f)

    with open(output + '\\conf.json', 'w') as f:
        json.dump(confObj, f)

    # clean up

    en = datetime.now()
    td = en - st
    print td