Exemplo n.º 1
    def process_fn(self, batch: Batch, buffer: ReplayBuffer,
                   indice: np.ndarray) -> Batch:
        r"""Compute the discounted returns for each transition.

        .. math::
            G_t = \sum_{i=t}^T \gamma^{i-t}r_i

        where :math:`T` is the terminal time step, :math:`\gamma` is the
        discount factor, :math:`\gamma \in [0, 1]`.
        v_s_ = np.full(indice.shape, self.ret_rms.mean)
        unnormalized_returns, _ = self.compute_episodic_return(
        if self._rew_norm:
            batch.returns = (unnormalized_returns - self.ret_rms.mean) / \
                np.sqrt(self.ret_rms.var + self._eps)
            batch.returns = unnormalized_returns
        return batch
Exemplo n.º 2
 def _compute_returns(self, batch: Batch, buffer: ReplayBuffer,
                      indice: np.ndarray) -> Batch:
     v_s, v_s_ = [], []
     with torch.no_grad():
         for b in batch.split(self._batch, shuffle=False, merge_last=True):
     batch.v_s = torch.cat(v_s, dim=0).flatten()  # old value
     v_s = batch.v_s.cpu().numpy()
     v_s_ = torch.cat(v_s_, dim=0).flatten().cpu().numpy()
     # when normalizing values, we do not minus self.ret_rms.mean to be numerically
     # consistent with OPENAI baselines' value normalization pipeline. Emperical
     # study also shows that "minus mean" will harm performances a tiny little bit
     # due to unknown reasons (on Mujoco envs, not confident, though).
     if self._rew_norm:  # unnormalize v_s & v_s_
         v_s = v_s * np.sqrt(self.ret_rms.var + self._eps)
         v_s_ = v_s_ * np.sqrt(self.ret_rms.var + self._eps)
     unnormalized_returns, advantages = self.compute_episodic_return(
     if self._rew_norm:
         batch.returns = unnormalized_returns / \
             np.sqrt(self.ret_rms.var + self._eps)
         batch.returns = unnormalized_returns
     batch.returns = to_torch_as(batch.returns, batch.v_s)
     batch.adv = to_torch_as(advantages, batch.v_s)
     return batch
Exemplo n.º 3
 def process_fn(
     self, batch: Batch, buffer: ReplayBuffer, indice: np.ndarray
 ) -> Batch:
     v_s, v_s_, old_log_prob = [], [], []
     with torch.no_grad():
         for b in batch.split(self._batch, shuffle=False, merge_last=True):
             old_log_prob.append(self(b).dist.log_prob(to_torch_as(b.act, v_s[0])))
     batch.v_s = torch.cat(v_s, dim=0).flatten()  # old value
     v_s = to_numpy(batch.v_s)
     v_s_ = to_numpy(torch.cat(v_s_, dim=0).flatten())
     if self._rew_norm:  # unnormalize v_s & v_s_
         v_s = v_s * np.sqrt(self.ret_rms.var + self._eps) + self.ret_rms.mean
         v_s_ = v_s_ * np.sqrt(self.ret_rms.var + self._eps) + self.ret_rms.mean
     unnormalized_returns, advantages = self.compute_episodic_return(
         batch, buffer, indice, v_s_, v_s,
         gamma=self._gamma, gae_lambda=self._lambda)
     if self._rew_norm:
         batch.returns = (unnormalized_returns - self.ret_rms.mean) / \
             np.sqrt(self.ret_rms.var + self._eps)
         mean, std = np.mean(advantages), np.std(advantages)
         advantages = (advantages - mean) / std  # per-batch norm
         batch.returns = unnormalized_returns
     batch.act = to_torch_as(batch.act, batch.v_s)
     batch.logp_old = torch.cat(old_log_prob, dim=0)
     batch.returns = to_torch_as(batch.returns, batch.v_s)
     batch.adv = to_torch_as(advantages, batch.v_s)
     return batch
Exemplo n.º 4
    def compute_episodic_return(
            batch: Batch,
            v_s_: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]] = None,
            gamma: float = 0.99,
            gae_lambda: float = 0.95) -> Batch:
        """Compute returns over given full-length episodes, including the
        implementation of Generalized Advantage Estimation (arXiv:1506.02438).

        :param batch: a data batch which contains several full-episode data
        :type batch: :class:`~tianshou.data.Batch`
        :param v_s_: the value function of all next states :math:`V(s')`.
        :type v_s_: numpy.ndarray
        :param float gamma: the discount factor, should be in [0, 1], defaults
            to 0.99.
        :param float gae_lambda: the parameter for Generalized Advantage
            Estimation, should be in [0, 1], defaults to 0.95.
        if v_s_ is None:
            v_s_ = np.zeros_like(batch.rew)
            if not isinstance(v_s_, np.ndarray):
                v_s_ = np.array(v_s_, np.float)
            v_s_ = v_s_.reshape(batch.rew.shape)
        batch.returns = np.roll(v_s_, 1, axis=0)
        m = (1. - batch.done) * gamma
        delta = batch.rew + v_s_ * m - batch.returns
        m *= gae_lambda
        gae = 0.
        for i in range(len(batch.rew) - 1, -1, -1):
            gae = delta[i] + m[i] * gae
            batch.returns[i] += gae
        return batch
Exemplo n.º 5
 def learn(self, batch: Batch, batch_size: int, repeat: int,
           **kwargs) -> Dict[str, List[float]]:
     self._batch = batch_size
     r = batch.returns
     if self._rew_norm and r.std() > self.__eps:
         batch.returns = (r - r.mean()) / r.std()
     losses, actor_losses, vf_losses, ent_losses = [], [], [], []
     for _ in range(repeat):
         for b in batch.split(batch_size):
             dist = self(b).dist
             v = self.critic(b.obs)
             a = torch.tensor(b.act, device=v.device)
             r = torch.tensor(b.returns, device=v.device)
             a_loss = -(dist.log_prob(a) * (r - v).detach()).mean()
             vf_loss = F.mse_loss(r[:, None], v)
             ent_loss = dist.entropy().mean()
             loss = a_loss + self._w_vf * vf_loss - self._w_ent * ent_loss
             if self._grad_norm:
                 nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(list(self.actor.parameters()) +
     return {
         'loss': losses,
         'loss/actor': actor_losses,
         'loss/vf': vf_losses,
         'loss/ent': ent_losses,
Exemplo n.º 6
    def compute_episodic_return(
        batch: Batch,
        v_s_: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]] = None,
        gamma: float = 0.99,
        gae_lambda: float = 0.95,
        rew_norm: bool = False,
    ) -> Batch:
        """Compute returns over given full-length episodes.

        Implementation of Generalized Advantage Estimator (arXiv:1506.02438).

        :param batch: a data batch which contains several full-episode data
        :type batch: :class:`~tianshou.data.Batch`
        :param v_s_: the value function of all next states :math:`V(s')`.
        :type v_s_: numpy.ndarray
        :param float gamma: the discount factor, should be in [0, 1], defaults
            to 0.99.
        :param float gae_lambda: the parameter for Generalized Advantage
            Estimation, should be in [0, 1], defaults to 0.95.
        :param bool rew_norm: normalize the reward to Normal(0, 1), defaults
            to False.

        :return: a Batch. The result will be stored in batch.returns as a numpy
            array with shape (bsz, ).
        rew = batch.rew
        v_s_ = np.zeros_like(rew) if v_s_ is None else to_numpy(v_s_.flatten())
        returns = _episodic_return(v_s_, rew, batch.done, gamma, gae_lambda)
        if rew_norm and not np.isclose(returns.std(), 0.0, 1e-2):
            returns = (returns - returns.mean()) / returns.std()
        batch.returns = returns
        return batch
Exemplo n.º 7
 def process_fn(self, batch: Batch, buffer: ReplayBuffer,
                indice: np.ndarray) -> Batch:
     if self._rew_norm:
         mean, std = batch.rew.mean(), batch.rew.std()
         if not np.isclose(std, 0, 1e-2):
             batch.rew = (batch.rew - mean) / std
     v, v_, old_log_prob = [], [], []
     with torch.no_grad():
         for b in batch.split(self._batch, shuffle=False):
                 to_torch_as(b.act, v[0])))
     v_ = to_numpy(torch.cat(v_, dim=0))
     batch = self.compute_episodic_return(
         batch, v_, gamma=self._gamma, gae_lambda=self._lambda,
     batch.v = torch.cat(v, dim=0).flatten()  # old value
     batch.act = to_torch_as(batch.act, v[0])
     batch.logp_old = torch.cat(old_log_prob, dim=0)
     batch.returns = to_torch_as(batch.returns, v[0])
     batch.adv = batch.returns - batch.v
     if self._rew_norm:
         mean, std = batch.adv.mean(), batch.adv.std()
         if not np.isclose(std.item(), 0, 1e-2):
             batch.adv = (batch.adv - mean) / std
     return batch
Exemplo n.º 8
    def compute_nstep_return(
        batch: Batch,
        buffer: ReplayBuffer,
        indice: np.ndarray,
        target_q_fn: Callable[[ReplayBuffer, np.ndarray], torch.Tensor],
        gamma: float = 0.99,
        n_step: int = 1,
        rew_norm: bool = False,
    ) -> Batch:
        r"""Compute n-step return for Q-learning targets.

        .. math::
            G_t = \sum_{i = t}^{t + n - 1} \gamma^{i - t}(1 - d_i)r_i +
            \gamma^n (1 - d_{t + n}) Q_{\mathrm{target}}(s_{t + n})

        where :math:`\gamma` is the discount factor,
        :math:`\gamma \in [0, 1]`, :math:`d_t` is the done flag of step

        :param batch: a data batch, which is equal to buffer[indice].
        :type batch: :class:`~tianshou.data.Batch`
        :param buffer: a data buffer which contains several full-episode data
        :type buffer: :class:`~tianshou.data.ReplayBuffer`
        :param indice: sampled timestep.
        :type indice: numpy.ndarray
        :param function target_q_fn: a function receives :math:`t+n-1` step's
            data and compute target Q value.
        :param float gamma: the discount factor, should be in [0, 1], defaults
            to 0.99.
        :param int n_step: the number of estimation step, should be an int
            greater than 0, defaults to 1.
        :param bool rew_norm: normalize the reward to Normal(0, 1), defaults
            to False.

        :return: a Batch. The result will be stored in batch.returns as a
            torch.Tensor with shape (bsz, ).
        rew = buffer.rew
        if rew_norm:
            bfr = rew[:min(len(buffer), 1000)]  # avoid large buffer
            mean, std = bfr.mean(), bfr.std()
            if np.isclose(std, 0, 1e-2):
                mean, std = 0.0, 1.0
            mean, std = 0.0, 1.0
        buf_len = len(buffer)
        terminal = (indice + n_step - 1) % buf_len
        target_q_torch = target_q_fn(buffer, terminal).flatten()  # (bsz, )
        target_q = to_numpy(target_q_torch)

        target_q = _nstep_return(rew, buffer.done, target_q, indice, gamma,
                                 n_step, len(buffer), mean, std)

        batch.returns = to_torch_as(target_q, target_q_torch)
        # prio buffer update
        if isinstance(buffer, PrioritizedReplayBuffer):
            batch.weight = to_torch_as(batch.weight, target_q_torch)
        return batch
Exemplo n.º 9
    def compute_nstep_return(batch: Batch,
                             buffer: ReplayBuffer,
                             indice: np.ndarray,
                             target_q_fn: Callable[[ReplayBuffer, np.ndarray],
                             gamma: float = 0.99,
                             n_step: int = 1,
                             rew_norm: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:
        r"""Compute n-step return for Q-learning targets:

        .. math::
            G_t = \sum_{i = t}^{t + n - 1} \gamma^{i - t}(1 - d_i)r_i +
            \gamma^n (1 - d_{t + n}) Q_{\mathrm{target}}(s_{t + n})

        , where :math:`\gamma` is the discount factor,
        :math:`\gamma \in [0, 1]`, :math:`d_t` is the done flag of step

        :param batch: a data batch, which is equal to buffer[indice].
        :type batch: :class:`~tianshou.data.Batch`
        :param buffer: a data buffer which contains several full-episode data
        :type buffer: :class:`~tianshou.data.ReplayBuffer`
        :param indice: sampled timestep.
        :type indice: numpy.ndarray
        :param function target_q_fn: a function receives :math:`t+n-1` step's
            data and compute target Q value.
        :param float gamma: the discount factor, should be in [0, 1], defaults
            to 0.99.
        :param int n_step: the number of estimation step, should be an int
            greater than 0, defaults to 1.
        :param bool rew_norm: normalize the reward to Normal(0, 1), defaults
            to ``False``.

        :return: a Batch. The result will be stored in batch.returns as a
            torch.Tensor with shape (bsz, ).
        if rew_norm:
            bfr = buffer.rew[:min(len(buffer), 1000)]  # avoid large buffer
            mean, std = bfr.mean(), bfr.std()
            if np.isclose(std, 0):
                mean, std = 0, 1
            mean, std = 0, 1
        returns = np.zeros_like(indice)
        gammas = np.zeros_like(indice) + n_step
        done, rew, buf_len = buffer.done, buffer.rew, len(buffer)
        for n in range(n_step - 1, -1, -1):
            now = (indice + n) % buf_len
            gammas[done[now] > 0] = n
            returns[done[now] > 0] = 0
            returns = (rew[now] - mean) / std + gamma * returns
        terminal = (indice + n_step - 1) % buf_len
        target_q = target_q_fn(buffer, terminal).squeeze()
        target_q[gammas != n_step] = 0
        returns = to_torch_as(returns, target_q)
        gammas = to_torch_as(gamma**gammas, target_q)
        batch.returns = target_q * gammas + returns
        return batch
Exemplo n.º 10
    def compute_nstep_return(
        batch: Batch,
        buffer: ReplayBuffer,
        indice: np.ndarray,
        target_q_fn: Callable[[ReplayBuffer, np.ndarray], torch.Tensor],
        gamma: float = 0.99,
        n_step: int = 1,
        rew_norm: bool = False,
        use_mixed: bool = False,
    ) -> Batch:
        r"""Compute n-step return for Q-learning targets.

        .. math::
            G_t = \sum_{i = t}^{t + n - 1} \gamma^{i - t}(1 - d_i)r_i +
            \gamma^n (1 - d_{t + n}) Q_{\mathrm{target}}(s_{t + n})

        where :math:`\gamma` is the discount factor, :math:`\gamma \in [0, 1]`,
        :math:`d_t` is the done flag of step :math:`t`.

        :param Batch batch: a data batch, which is equal to buffer[indice].
        :param ReplayBuffer buffer: the data buffer.
        :param function target_q_fn: a function which compute target Q value
            of "obs_next" given data buffer and wanted indices.
        :param float gamma: the discount factor, should be in [0, 1]. Default to 0.99.
        :param int n_step: the number of estimation step, should be an int greater
            than 0. Default to 1.
        :param bool rew_norm: normalize the reward to Normal(0, 1), Default to False.

        :return: a Batch. The result will be stored in batch.returns as a
            torch.Tensor with the same shape as target_q_fn's return tensor.
        assert not rew_norm, \
            "Reward normalization in computing n-step returns is unsupported now."
        rew = buffer.rew
        bsz = len(indice)
        indices = [indice]
        for _ in range(n_step - 1):
        indices = np.stack(indices)
        # terminal indicates buffer indexes nstep after 'indice',
        # and are truncated at the end of each episode
        terminal = indices[-1]
        with autocast(enabled=use_mixed):
            with torch.no_grad():
                target_q_torch = target_q_fn(buffer, terminal)  # (bsz, ?)
        target_q = to_numpy(target_q_torch.float().reshape(bsz, -1))
        target_q = target_q * BasePolicy.value_mask(buffer, terminal).reshape(
            -1, 1)
        end_flag = buffer.done.copy()
        end_flag[buffer.unfinished_index()] = True
        target_q = _nstep_return(rew, end_flag, target_q, indices, gamma,

        batch.returns = to_torch_as(target_q, target_q_torch)
        if hasattr(batch, "weight"):  # prio buffer update
            batch.weight = to_torch_as(batch.weight, target_q_torch)
        return batch
Exemplo n.º 11
    def process_fn(self, batch: Batch, buffer: ReplayBuffer,
                   indice: np.ndarray) -> Batch:
        r"""Compute the n-step return for Q-learning targets:

        .. math::
            G_t = \sum_{i = t}^{t + n - 1} \gamma^{i - t}(1 - d_i)r_i +
            \gamma^n (1 - d_{t + n}) \max_a Q_{old}(s_{t + n}, \arg\max_a
            (Q_{new}(s_{t + n}, a)))

        , where :math:`\gamma` is the discount factor,
        :math:`\gamma \in [0, 1]`, :math:`d_t` is the done flag of step
        :math:`t`. If there is no target network, the :math:`Q_{old}` is equal
        to :math:`Q_{new}`.
        returns = np.zeros_like(indice)
        gammas = np.zeros_like(indice) + self._n_step
        for n in range(self._n_step - 1, -1, -1):
            now = (indice + n) % len(buffer)
            gammas[buffer.done[now] > 0] = n
            returns[buffer.done[now] > 0] = 0
            returns = buffer.rew[now] + self._gamma * returns
        terminal = (indice + self._n_step - 1) % len(buffer)
        terminal_data = buffer[terminal]
        if self._target:
            # target_Q = Q_old(s_, argmax(Q_new(s_, *)))
            a = self(terminal_data, input='obs_next', eps=0).act
            target_q = self(terminal_data, model='model_old',
            if isinstance(target_q, torch.Tensor):
                target_q = target_q.detach().cpu().numpy()
            target_q = target_q[np.arange(len(a)), a]
            target_q = self(terminal_data, input='obs_next').logits
            if isinstance(target_q, torch.Tensor):
                target_q = target_q.detach().cpu().numpy()
            target_q = target_q.max(axis=1)
        target_q[gammas != self._n_step] = 0
        returns += (self._gamma**gammas) * target_q
        batch.returns = returns
        if isinstance(buffer, PrioritizedReplayBuffer):
            q = self(batch).logits
            q = q[np.arange(len(q)), batch.act]
            r = batch.returns
            if isinstance(r, np.ndarray):
                r = torch.tensor(r, device=q.device, dtype=q.dtype)
            td = r - q
            buffer.update_weight(indice, td.detach().cpu().numpy())
            impt_weight = torch.tensor(batch.impt_weight,
            loss = (td.pow(2) * impt_weight).mean()
            if not hasattr(batch, 'loss'):
                batch.loss = loss
                batch.loss += loss
        return batch
Exemplo n.º 12
 def process_fn(
     self, batch: Batch, buffer: ReplayBuffer, indice: np.ndarray
 ) -> Batch:
     v_s_ = []
     with torch.no_grad():
         for b in batch.split(self._batch, shuffle=False, merge_last=True):
     v_s_ = np.concatenate(v_s_, axis=0)
     if self._rew_norm:  # unnormalize v_s_
         v_s_ = v_s_ * np.sqrt(self.ret_rms.var + self._eps) + self.ret_rms.mean
     unnormalized_returns, _ = self.compute_episodic_return(
         batch, buffer, indice, v_s_=v_s_,
         gamma=self._gamma, gae_lambda=self._lambda)
     if self._rew_norm:
         batch.returns = (unnormalized_returns - self.ret_rms.mean) / \
             np.sqrt(self.ret_rms.var + self._eps)
         batch.returns = unnormalized_returns
     return batch
Exemplo n.º 13
 def learn(self, batch: Batch, batch_size: int, repeat: int,
           **kwargs) -> Dict[str, List[float]]:
     losses = []
     r = batch.returns
     if self._rew_norm and not np.isclose(r.std(), 0):
         batch.returns = (r - r.mean()) / r.std()
     for _ in range(repeat):
         for b in batch.split(batch_size):
             dist = self(b).dist
             a = torch.tensor(b.act, device=dist.logits.device)
             r = torch.tensor(b.returns, device=dist.logits.device)
             loss = -(dist.log_prob(a) * r).sum()
     return {'loss': losses}
Exemplo n.º 14
    def compute_episodic_return(
        batch: Batch,
        buffer: ReplayBuffer,
        indice: np.ndarray,
        v_s_: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]] = None,
        gamma: float = 0.99,
        gae_lambda: float = 0.95,
        rew_norm: bool = False,
    ) -> Batch:
        """Compute returns over given batch.

        Use Implementation of Generalized Advantage Estimator (arXiv:1506.02438)
        to calculate q function/reward to go of given batch.

        :param Batch batch: a data batch which contains several episodes of data in
            sequential order. Mind that the end of each finished episode of batch
            should be marked by done flag, unfinished (or collecting) episodes will be
            recongized by buffer.unfinished_index().
        :param numpy.ndarray indice: tell batch's location in buffer, batch is equal to
        :param np.ndarray v_s_: the value function of all next states :math:`V(s')`.
        :param float gamma: the discount factor, should be in [0, 1]. Default to 0.99.
        :param float gae_lambda: the parameter for Generalized Advantage Estimation,
            should be in [0, 1]. Default to 0.95.
        :param bool rew_norm: normalize the reward to Normal(0, 1). Default to False.

        :return: a Batch. The result will be stored in batch.returns as a numpy
            array with shape (bsz, ).
        rew = batch.rew
        if v_s_ is None:
            assert np.isclose(gae_lambda, 1.0)
            v_s_ = np.zeros_like(rew)
            v_s_ = to_numpy(v_s_.flatten()) * BasePolicy.value_mask(
                buffer, indice)

        end_flag = batch.done.copy()
        end_flag[np.isin(indice, buffer.unfinished_index())] = True
        returns = _episodic_return(v_s_, rew, end_flag, gamma, gae_lambda)
        if rew_norm and not np.isclose(returns.std(), 0.0, 1e-2):
            returns = (returns - returns.mean()) / returns.std()
        batch.returns = returns
        return batch
Exemplo n.º 15
    def compute_episodic_return(
        batch: Batch,
        v_s_: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]] = None,
        gamma: float = 0.99,
        gae_lambda: float = 0.95,
        rew_norm: bool = False,
    ) -> Batch:
        """Compute returns over given full-length episodes, including the
        implementation of Generalized Advantage Estimator (arXiv:1506.02438).

        :param batch: a data batch which contains several full-episode data
        :type batch: :class:`~tianshou.data.Batch`
        :param v_s_: the value function of all next states :math:`V(s')`.
        :type v_s_: numpy.ndarray
        :param float gamma: the discount factor, should be in [0, 1], defaults
            to 0.99.
        :param float gae_lambda: the parameter for Generalized Advantage
            Estimation, should be in [0, 1], defaults to 0.95.
        :param bool rew_norm: normalize the reward to Normal(0, 1), defaults
            to ``False``.

        :return: a Batch. The result will be stored in batch.returns as a numpy
            array with shape (bsz, ).
        rew = batch.rew
        v_s_ = rew * 0. if v_s_ is None else to_numpy(v_s_).flatten()
        returns = np.roll(v_s_, 1, axis=0)
        m = (1. - batch.done) * gamma
        delta = rew + v_s_ * m - returns
        m *= gae_lambda
        gae = 0.
        for i in range(len(rew) - 1, -1, -1):
            gae = delta[i] + m[i] * gae
            returns[i] += gae
        if rew_norm and not np.isclose(returns.std(), 0, 1e-2):
            returns = (returns - returns.mean()) / returns.std()
        batch.returns = returns
        return batch
Exemplo n.º 16
    def _compute_return(
        batch: Batch,
        buffer: ReplayBuffer,
        indice: np.ndarray,
        gamma: float = 0.99,
    ) -> Batch:
        rew = batch.rew
        with torch.no_grad():
            target_q_torch = self._target_q(buffer, indice)  # (bsz, ?)
        target_q = to_numpy(target_q_torch)
        end_flag = buffer.done.copy()
        end_flag[buffer.unfinished_index()] = True
        end_flag = end_flag[indice]
        mean_target_q = np.mean(target_q, -1) if len(target_q.shape) > 1 else target_q
        _target_q = rew + gamma * mean_target_q * (1 - end_flag)
        target_q = np.repeat(_target_q[..., None], self.num_branches, axis=-1)
        target_q = np.repeat(target_q[..., None], self.max_action_num, axis=-1)

        batch.returns = to_torch_as(target_q, target_q_torch)
        if hasattr(batch, "weight"):  # prio buffer update
            batch.weight = to_torch_as(batch.weight, target_q_torch)
        return batch
Exemplo n.º 17
 def learn(self, batch: Batch, batch_size: int, repeat: int,
           **kwargs) -> Dict[str, List[float]]:
     self._batch = batch_size
     losses, clip_losses, vf_losses, ent_losses = [], [], [], []
     v = []
     old_log_prob = []
     with torch.no_grad():
         for b in batch.split(batch_size, shuffle=False):
                     torch.tensor(b.act, device=v[0].device)))
     batch.v = torch.cat(v, dim=0)  # old value
     dev = batch.v.device
     batch.act = torch.tensor(batch.act, dtype=torch.float, device=dev)
     batch.logp_old = torch.cat(old_log_prob, dim=0)
     batch.returns = torch.tensor(batch.returns,
     if self._rew_norm:
         mean, std = batch.returns.mean(), batch.returns.std()
         if std > self.__eps:
             batch.returns = (batch.returns - mean) / std
     batch.adv = batch.returns - batch.v
     if self._rew_norm:
         mean, std = batch.adv.mean(), batch.adv.std()
         if std > self.__eps:
             batch.adv = (batch.adv - mean) / std
     for _ in range(repeat):
         for b in batch.split(batch_size):
             dist = self(b).dist
             value = self.critic(b.obs)
             ratio = (dist.log_prob(b.act) - b.logp_old).exp().float()
             surr1 = ratio * b.adv
             surr2 = ratio.clamp(1. - self._eps_clip,
                                 1. + self._eps_clip) * b.adv
             if self._dual_clip:
                 clip_loss = -torch.max(torch.min(surr1, surr2),
                                        self._dual_clip * b.adv).mean()
                 clip_loss = -torch.min(surr1, surr2).mean()
             if self._value_clip:
                 v_clip = b.v + (value - b.v).clamp(-self._eps_clip,
                 vf1 = (b.returns - value).pow(2)
                 vf2 = (b.returns - v_clip).pow(2)
                 vf_loss = .5 * torch.max(vf1, vf2).mean()
                 vf_loss = .5 * (b.returns - value).pow(2).mean()
             e_loss = dist.entropy().mean()
             loss = clip_loss + self._w_vf * vf_loss - self._w_ent * e_loss
                 list(self.actor.parameters()) +
                 list(self.critic.parameters()), self._max_grad_norm)
     return {
         'loss': losses,
         'loss/clip': clip_losses,
         'loss/vf': vf_losses,
         'loss/ent': ent_losses,