def date_format(self, time): """This method change the format of date in mangahub example from 1 hour ago or 10-31-2020 into 20200619""" if "just" in time: time ="%Y%m%d") elif "less than an hour" in time: time = - datetime.timedelta(seconds=50) time = time.strftime("%Y%m%d") elif "hour ago" in time: time = - datetime.timedelta(hours=1) time = time.strftime("%Y%m%d") elif "hours ago" in time: hour = int(time[:time.find("hours ago")].strip()) time = - datetime.timedelta(hours=hour) time = time.strftime("%Y%m%d") elif "Yesterday" in time: time = - datetime.timedelta(days=1) time = time.strftime("%Y%m%d") elif "days ago" in time: day = int(time[:time.find("days ago")].strip()) time = - datetime.timedelta(days=day) time = time.strftime("%Y%m%d") elif "weeks ago" in time: week = int(time[:time.find("weeks ago")].strip()) time = - datetime.timedelta(weeks=week) time = time.strftime("%Y%m%d") else: time = time.split("-") time = time[2] + time[0] + time[1] return int(time)
def time_ms(self, time): f = '00:00:00.00' if time[-2:] == '+2': time = time[:-2] elif time[-3:] == 'dnf': time = time[:-3] time = '00' + time + '00' dec = time.find('.') col = time.find(':') col2 = time.rfind(':') if '.' in time: f = f[:9] + time[dec + 1:dec + 3] f = f[:6] + time[dec - 2:dec] + f[8:] if ':' in time: f = f[:6] + time[col2 + 1:col2 + 3] + f[8:] f = f[:3] + time[col2 - 2:col2] + f[5:] if col != col2: f = time[col - 2:col] + f[2:] if dec == col: time = time[2:-2] while len(time) < 8: time = '0' + time f = time[:2] + ':' + time[2:4] + ':' + time[4:6] + '.' + time[6:] ms = 0 mul = 10 for c in f[-1::-1]: if c.isnumeric(): ms += int(c) * mul mul *= 10 elif c == ':': mul *= 60 return ms
def stringToTime(self, time): ''' Desc: Turns a string in HH:MM:SS format into seconds Arguments: time (string) - the time in HH:MM:SS format Returns: int Raises: InvalidTimeFormatException ''' sep1 = time.find(':') sep2 = time.find(':', sep1 + 1) if sep1 == -1 or sep2 == -2: raise InvalidTimeFormatException else: try: h = int(time[:sep1]) m = int(time[sep1 + 1:sep2]) s = int(time[sep2 + 1:]) except: raise InvalidTimeFormatException if h < 0 or m >= 60 or m < 0 or s >= 60 or s < 0: raise InvalidTimeFormatException else: return (h * 3600) + (m * 60) + s
def get_battery_status(self): import subprocess proc = subprocess.Popen(['pmset', '-g', 'batt'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = proc.communicate() out = out.split("\n") if len(out) == 2: return ("AC Power - No Battery", "No Battery or UPS", False, 0, 0, 0, 0) power_status = out[0].split("'")[1] data = out[1].split("\t") ups_model = data[0] data = data[1].split(";") percentage = data[0][0:-1] #data[1][0:percent_locale] charging = data[1].find("discharging") == -1 if not charging: time = data[2][0:data[2].find(":") + 3].strip() hours = data[2][0:time.find(":") + 1] min = data[2][time.find(":") + 2:time.find(":") + 4] else: time = 0 hours = 0 min = 0 return (power_status, ups_model, charging, percentage, time, hours, min)
def cfbschedule(self, irc, msg, args, optteam): """[team] Display the schedule/results for team. """ lookupteam = self._lookupTeam(optteam) if lookupteam == "0": irc.reply("I could not find a schedule for: %s" % optteam) return url = '' % lookupteam try: req = urllib2.Request(url) html = (urllib2.urlopen(req)).read() except: irc.reply("Failed to open: %s" % url) return html = html.replace('&','&').replace(';','') soup = BeautifulSoup(html) if soup.find('table', attrs={'class':'data stacked'}).find('tr', attrs={'class':'title'}).find('td'): title = soup.find('table', attrs={'class':'data stacked'}).find('tr', attrs={'class':'title'}).find('td') else: irc.reply("Something broke with schedules. Did formatting change?") return div = soup.find('div', attrs={'id':'layoutTeamsPage'}) # must use this div first since there is an identical table. table = div.find('table', attrs={'class':'data', 'width':'100%'}) rows = table.findAll('tr', attrs={'class':re.compile('^row[1|2]')}) append_list = [] for row in rows: date = row.find('td') team = date.findNext('td').find('a') time = team.findNext('td') if team.text.startswith('@'): # underline home team = team.text else: team = ircutils.underline(team.text) if time.find('span'): # span has score time. empty otherwise. time = time.find('span').string append_list.append(date.text + " - " + ircutils.bold(team) + " (" + time + ")") else: time = time.string append_list.append(date.text + " - " + ircutils.bold(team)) descstring = string.join([item for item in append_list], " | ") output = "{0} for {1} :: {2}".format(title.text, ircutils.bold(optteam.title()), descstring) irc.reply(output)
def parse(urlweb): textdecode=HTMLParser.HTMLParser() ET=etree.HTML(urldata) tr=ET.xpath('//tr[2]/td/form/div') try: #------ time ---------------------------------------------------- time = etree.tostring(tr[1][0][1]) time=textdecode.unescape(time) _tag = u'乘車時間' t_value = time[time.find('"-1">')+len('"-1">')+2:time.find('</font>')-3] _time = _tag +' : '+ t_value #------ price ---------------------------------------------------- price = etree.tostring(tr[0][0][1][0][0][0]) price=textdecode.unescape(price) _tag = u'單程票價' p_value = price[price.find('">')+len('">'):price.find('</font>')-1] _price = _tag +' : '+ p_value #------ route ---------------------------------------------------- route = etree.tostring(tr[1][0][2]) route=textdecode.unescape(route) _tag = u'轉乘資訊' beg = 0 end = 0 transfer = [] while end != -1 and beg !=-1: beg = route.find('=>',end)+len('=>')+1 end = route.find(u'轉乘',beg) if end != -1 and beg !=-1: transfer.append(route[beg:end]) else: transfer.append(u'可直達') transfer.append(u'可直達') break _route = _tag +' : ' i = 0 for n in transfer: if n == u'可直達' and i>0: break else: _route = _route +'->'+ n +'\n\t ' i +=1 #------ start -> destination ---------------------------------------------------- _start = route[route.find('<font size="-1">')+len('<font size="-1">'):route.find(u'搭乘')] _dest = route[beg:route.find('</font>')] _station = _start +' -> '+ _dest info = _station+u'\n▪'+_time +u'分鐘\n▪'+ _price +u'元\n▪'+ _route app = _station+u'A▪'+_time +u'分鐘A▪'+ _price +u'元A▪'+ _route pxa = t_value+','+p_value+','+node.get(transfer[0])+','+node.get(transfer[1]) TX = pxa+'QAQ'+info return TX except: pass
async def mute(self, ctx, member: discord.Member, time: str, *, reason): role = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, name="mute") if role == None: role = await ctx.guild.create_role(name="mute") for channel in ctx.guild.channels: await channel.set_permissions(role, send_messages=False) hour = 0 minute = 0 second = 0 a = [time] if time.find("h") != -1: a = a[0].split("h") hour = a.pop(0).strip() if time.find("m") != -1: a = a[0].split("m") minute = a.pop(0).strip() if time.find("s") != -1: a = a[0].split("s") second = a.pop(0).strip() await member.add_roles(role) ending = + datetime.timedelta( hours=int(hour), minutes=int(minute), seconds=int(second)) ending = ending.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') cur.execute(f"INSERT INTO ON_MUTED VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (, ending, conn.commit() cur.execute(f"INSERT INTO MUTES VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (, time, reason)) conn.commit() embed = discord.Embed(title="관리 로그",, embed.add_field(name="처벌 내용", value=f"{time}동안 채팅 금지", inline=False) embed.add_field(name="유저", value=member.mention) embed.add_field(name="관리자", embed.add_field(name="사유", value=reason, inline=False) await await await ctx.send( f"> :ballot_box_with_check: {member.mention}님에게 일시적으로 입을 막았습니다", delete_after=3)
def get_time(time): if time.find("前")!=-1: ret=time.split("前")[-1].split(" ")[0] return ret elif time.find("日")!=-1: tmp=time.replace(" ","") tmp=time.split("日")[0] tmp_lst=tmp.split("月") ret="-".join(tmp_lst) ret=ret.replace(" ","") return ret else: return "0-0"
def convertTime(time): timeInSeconds = 0 if time.find(":")>0: min,sec = time.split(":") elif time.find("m")>0: min,sec = time.split("m") sec = sec.replace("s","") else: min = 0 sec = 0 min = int(min) sec = int(sec) return (min*60)+sec
def check_time(time): index2 = time.find('秒前', 0, len(time)) index3 = time == '刚刚' if index2 > 0 or index3: return 1 smin = '分钟前' index = time.find(smin, 0, len(time)) if index > 0: time = time.replace(smin, '', 1) return int(time) return -1
def date_format(self, time): """This method change the format of date in mangapark example from 1 hours ago into 20200619""" if "minutes ago" in time: time = int(time[:time.find("minutes ago")].strip()) / 1440 elif "an hour ago" in time: time = 1 / 24 elif "hours ago" in time: time = int(time[:time.find("hours ago")].strip()) / 24 elif "days ago" in time: time = int(time[:time.find("days ago")].strip()) elif "years ago" in time: time = int(time[:time.find("years ago")].strip()) * 365 elif "a year ago" == time: time = 365 return time
def market_recorder(self, product, path): ticker = self.api.ticker(product_code=product) board = self.api.board(product_code=product) time = ticker['timestamp'] last_price = ticker['ltp'] # 最終取引値 -> 値動きの判断に利用する mid_price = board['mid_price'] time = time.replace("T", " ") if time.find(".") == -1: tdatetime = dt.strptime(time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') tdatetime = tdatetime.timestamp() else: tdatetime = dt.strptime(time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') tdatetime = tdatetime.timestamp() time = tdatetime print(time) w = pd.DataFrame([[time, last_price, mid_price]]) # 取得したティッカーをデータフレームに入れる w.to_csv(path, index=False, encoding="utf-8", mode='a', header=False) # append to the CSV
def download_done(self, val): logging.debug(' - MyQuery - download_done') time = str(val['download_time']) index1 = time.find(':') index2 = time.find(':', index1 + 1) hour = time[:index1] min = time[index1 + 1:index2] sec = time[index2 + 1:] if len(hour) == 1: hour = '0' + hour if len(min) == 1: min ='0' + min self.download_time = hour + 'h ' + min + 'mn ' + sec + 's' self.file_path = val['file_path'] self.average_speed = val['average_speed'] self.close()
def getNimadili(): for page in range(1, 2001): proxy_url = '' + str(page) proxy_headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.143 Safari/537.36' } web_data = requests.get(proxy_url, headers=proxy_headers) soup = BeautifulSoup(web_data.text, 'lxml') ips = soup.find_all('tr') for i in range(1, len(ips)): ip_info = ips[i] try: tds = ip_info.find_all('td') time = tds[5].text if time.find('天') == -1: continue ip = tds[0].text port = '' httpType = tds[1].text.lower() othreType = tds[2].text address = httpType + '://' + ip proxies = {httpType: address} response = requests.get('', headers=proxy_headers, proxies=proxies) if response.status_code == 200: print(str(proxies) + '有效') sql = 'insert into proxy_ip (`address`,`ip`,`port`,`httpType`,`otherType`) values (?,?,?,?,?)' data = (address, ip, port, httpType, othreType) poolSqlite.saveInfo(sql, data) except: #traceback.print_exc() print(str(proxies) + '不可用,继续下一个')
def play(): import time global score global playing global starttime t.forward(11) if random.randint(1, 7) == 1: ang = te.towards(t.pos()) te.setheading(ang) if t.distance(te) < 12: time = str(time.time() - starttime) text = "Score : " + time[:time.find('.') + 2] + "'s" message("Game Over", text) playing = False score = 0 #------------------------위치------------- y = t.ycor() x = t.xcor() if y > 230: t.sety(-230) if y < -230: t.sety(-230) if x > 230: t.setx(230) if x < -230: t.setx(-230) if playing: talk.goto(180, 180) time = time.time() - starttime speed = time + 5 if speed > 12: speed = 12 te.forward(speed) talk.clear() time = str(time) time = (time)[:time.find('.') + 2] talk.write(time + "'s", False, "center", ("", 40)) t.ontimer(play, 1) elif not playing: import time time.sleep(2) finish()
def isValidTime(self, time): result = False if len(time) <= 5: if time.find(':'): for num in time.split(':'): if not num.isdigit(): result = False result = True return result
def scrapped_movie(mov_link): new_url = requests.get(mov_link).text soup = BeautifulSoup(new_url, 'lxml') movie_dict = {} new_data = soup.find('div', class_="title_wrapper").h1.text movie_name = '' for i in new_data: if i == '(': break else: movie_name += i movie_Name = movie_name.replace('\xa0', '') movie_dict['Name'] = movie_Name Bio = soup.find('div', class_='summary_text').text plot = '' for i in Bio: if '\n' in i: i.replace('\n', '') plot += (i) movie_dict['Bio'] = plot.strip() dire = soup.find('div', class_="credit_summary_item") director = dire.find_all('a') director_list = [] for i in director: director_list.append(i.text) movie_dict['Director'] = director_list pic = soup.find('div', class_="poster") movie_dict['Poster Url'] = pic.find('img')['src'] genre_list = [] gen = soup.find_all('div', class_="see-more inline canwrap") for i in gen: if 'Genres:' in i.text: genre = i break genres = genre.find_all('a') for i in genres: genre_list.append(i.text) movie_dict['Genres'] = genre_list detail = soup.find_all('div', class_="txt-block") for i in detail: if 'Country:' in i.text: movie_dict['Country'] = i.find('a').text elif 'Language:' in i.text: language = i.find_all('a') time = soup.find('div', class_="subtext") run = time.find('time').text.strip() if run[4] in string.digits: Runtime = (int(run[0]) * 60) + int(run[3] + run[4]) else: Runtime = (int(run[0]) * 60) + int(run[3]) movie_dict['Runtime'] = int(Runtime) language_list = [] for i in language: language_list.append(i.text) movie_dict['Language'] = language_list return (movie_dict)
def ParseTime(time): time = time.replace('PT', '') hours = 0 minutes = 0 seconds = 0 if (time.find('H') != -1): hours = time[:time.find('H')] time = time[time.find('H') + 1:] if (time.find('M') != -1): minutes = time[:time.find('M')] time = time[time.find('M') + 1:] if (time.find('S') != -1): seconds = time[:time.find('S')] time = time[time.find('S') + 1:] return (((int(hours) * 60) + int(minutes)) * 60 + int(seconds))
def time_calculate(time,origin): if origin=='sbaidu': if time.find(':')!=-1: time = str('%Y-%m-%d'))+" "+time return time+':00' else: if(int(time.split('-')[0])>1000): return time else: time = str("-"+time return time else: if time.count('-')==2: return time if time.find('刚'): time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # 得到今天日期 return str(time) if time.find('天前')==2: day = time[0:1] delta = datetime.timedelta(days=int(day)) time ='%Y-%m-%d')#得到今天日期 time = datetime.datetime.strptime(time, '%Y-%m-%d')#转换成时间格式 time = time - delta return str(time) if time.find('小时')==2: hour = time[0:1] if(hour=='半'): delta = datetime.timedelta(minutes=30) else: delta = datetime.timedelta(hours=int(hour)) time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # 得到今天日期 time = datetime.datetime.strptime(time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # 转换成时间格式 time = time - delta return str(time) if time.find('分钟')==2: minute = time[0:1] delta = datetime.timedelta(minutes=int(minute)) time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # 得到今天日期 time = datetime.datetime.strptime(time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # 转换成时间格式 time = time - delta return str(time) if time.find('昨天')==0: delta = datetime.timedelta(days=1) date ='%Y-%m-%d')# 得到今天日期 date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d') # 转换成时间格式 date = date - delta#减一天 time = date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')+' '+ time[3:]+":00" return str(time) if time.find('前天')==0: delta = datetime.timedelta(days=2) date ='%Y-%m-%d')# 得到今天日期 date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d') # 转换成时间格式 date = date - delta#减一天 print(time[3:]) time = date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')+' '+ time[3:]+":00" return str(time)
def matchDayWeek(self, event): path = str(event.src_path) global days for day in days: if re.match(MUSIC_FOLDER + SHOWS + day, path): time = path[(path.find(day) + len(day) + 1):] time = time[0:(time.find("/"))] addValue = (dig, MUSIC_FOLDER + SHOWS + day, day + sho + time) return addValue return ("", "", "")
def timezone(): conf = open("default.conf") for time in conf.readlines(): if (time.find('zonename') != -1): if (time[0] == '#'): continue cmd = "./ --timezone %s" % (time.strip()) os.system(cmd) break conf.close()
def save_article(self, num, content): ''' :param content: a list get from screen ''' chinese_keyword = { 'board': '看板', } author_line = content[0].encode('utf-8').split() if not chinese_keyword['board'] in author_line: return _i = author_line.index(chinese_keyword['board']) author = ' '.join(author_line[1:_i]) title_line = content[1].encode('utf-8').split()[1:] title = ' '.join(title_line) time_line = content[2].encode('utf-8').split()[1:] time = ' '.join(time_line) if not time.find('(') == -1: time = time[time.find('(') + 1:time.find(')')] time = time.split() time.pop(1) time = ' '.join(time) print time article = '\n'.join(content[3:]).encode('utf-8') try: post = Teacher.get(bbs_id=num) post.content = article'Update: {id}'.format(id=num)) except Teacher.DoesNotExist: post = Teacher.create(author=author, title=title, pub_time=time, content=article, bbs_id=num )'Insert: {id}'.format(id=num))
def modify_time(time): if ':' in time:#such as 20:30 time=str(' '+time date_time=datetime.datetime.strptime(time,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') else: if time.find('-')!=4:#such as 11-27 time='2021-'+time else:#such as 2020-11-27 pass date_time=datetime.datetime.strptime(time,'%Y-%m-%d').date() return date_time
def get_start_time(block, date): L = np.array([]) for time in block[:, 0]: a = time.find(" ") if a == 4: L = np.append(L, datetime.strptime\ (date+time[a-4:a+3], '%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p')) elif a == 5: L = np.append(L, datetime.strptime\ (date+time[a-5:a+3], '%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p')) block = np.insert(block, 0, L, axis=1) return block
def timetoseconds(time): seconds = 0 h = time.find("h") if (h != -1): seconds += int(time[0:h]) * 3600 h += 1 else: h = 0 m = time.find("m") if (m != -1): seconds += int(time[h:m]) * 60 m += 1 else: m = 0 s = time.find("s") if (s != -1): seconds += int(time[m:s]) return (seconds)
def get_runtime(soup): ''' Function to get total movie time in minutes from the Box Office Mojo individual movie site's soup. Args: soup (BeautifulSoup): The beautiful soup that is obtained from requests.get(url) Returns: runtime (int): The runtime of the movie ''' try: time = soup.find(text = 'Runtime: ').next_sibling.text if time.find('hrs.') > 0 and time.find('min.') > 0: hours = int(time[:time.find('hrs.')]) minutes = int(time[time.find('min.') - 3:time.find('min.')]) runtime = (hours*60) + minutes return runtime else: return None except: return 'N/A'
def __getIntFromTime(self, time): pm = False if "PM" in time.upper(): pm = True if "." in time or ":" in time: time = time.replace(":",".") time = time[:time.find(".")] time = int(time.replace("AM", "").replace("PM", "").replace("am", "").replace("pm", "")) if pm: time = int(time)+12 return str(time)
def standard_work_article(target_url): return_data = [] headers = {'User-Agent': UserAgent} res = requests.get(target_url, headers=headers) res.raise_for_status() reg_content = res.content.decode('utf8') html_page = bs4.BeautifulSoup(reg_content, 'lxml') infos = html_page.find(class_='detailCont').findAll('p') for one_info in infos: content_dir ='<p[\\s\\S]+/p>', str(one_info)) if content_dir: need_content = one_info.text else: if isinstance(one_info, bs4.NavigableString): need_content = one_info else: continue if not need_content.strip(): continue return_data.append(need_content.strip()) time = html_page.find(class_='Wh') time_year = time.find("span", {'class': ""}).text timer_hour = time.find("span", {'class': 'hour'}).text time = time_year + " " + timer_hour nian = urllib.parse.unquote_plus('%E5%B9%B4') yue = urllib.parse.unquote_plus('%E6%9C%88') ri = urllib.parse.unquote_plus('%E6%97%A5') datetime_dir = re.match( '(?P<year>\d{4})%s(?P<month>\d+?)%s(?P<day>\d+?)%s (?P<hour>\d+?):(?P<minute>\d+)' % (nian, yue, ri), time) tt_tmp = '%s-%s-%s %s:%s' % (datetime_dir['year'], datetime_dir['month'], datetime_dir['day'], datetime_dir['hour'], datetime_dir['minute']) _datetime = 0 if datetime_dir: _datetime = get_time('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', tt_tmp) _title = html_page.find('h2').text return _datetime, '%s<replace title>%s' % (_title, '\n'.join(return_data))
def parse_time(time): """Given the time string, parse and turn into normalised minute count""" if time.endswith('m'): time = time[0:-1] if time.find('h') != -1: time = time.replace('h', ':') if time.find(':') != -1: hours, minutes = time.split(':') if minutes.strip() == "": minutes = 0 else: hours = 0 minutes = int(time.strip()) total = int(minutes) + (int(hours) * 60) return total
def voice_manipulation(self, text): command = '' #Hours are requred, but I want to give minutes a default value minute = 0 if 'a.m.' in text: command = 'a.m.' if 'p.m.' in text: command = 'p.m.' split_text = text.split() if ':' not in text: hour = int(split_text[split_text.index(command) - 1]) print(hour, command) if ':' in text: split_text = text.split() time = split_text[split_text.index(command) - 1] hour = int(time[0:time.find(':')]) minute = int(time[time.find(':') + 1:len(time)]) try: if hour >= 1 and hour <= 12: if command == 'p.m.' and hour != 12: hour += 12 if command == 'a.m.' and hour == 12: hour = 0 self.action(command, alarm_hours=hour, alarm_minutes=minute) else: respond('Ivalid Input, Try Again') except Exception as e: print(e) respond('Invalid Input, Try Again')
def ParseTime(time): """ Parse time in format hh:mm:ss. :param time: input time :type time: str :returns: hours, minutes, seconds :rtype: tuple """ f = time.find(':') l = time.rfind(':') h = time[:f] m = time[f + 1:l] s = time[l + 1:] return int(h), int(m), int(s)
def convert_to_24(time): """Converts 12 hours time format to 24 hours """ time = time.replace(' ', '') time, half_day = time[:-2], time[-2:].lower() if half_day == 'am': return time elif half_day == 'pm': split = time.find(':') if split == -1: split = None return str(int(time[:split]) + 12) + time[split:] else: raise ValueError("Didn't finish with AM or PM.")
def time_module(): """ Manages all the time related stuff Outputs time in HH:MM format (final version) & HH:MM:SS format (testing version) Time error depends on window.after() associated with time_module() Eg. If process is repeated every 10 secs, error = +- 10 secs which is ok """ time = time = str(time) pos = time.find(".") time = time[:pos] #This is the time we want in format HH:MM:SS time = time[:pos - 3] #To do in final display. format HH:MM L1 = Label(window, text=time, fg="white", bg="black", font="Helvetica 30"), y=50) window.after(8353, time_module) #updates after 7 secs
def db_format_list(building): times = find_times(building) db_list = [] for time in times: if "UNSCHED" in time: db_list.append([time[time.find(" "):-len(building)].strip(), "UNSCHED", "0", "0"]) else: entry = db_format_entry(time, building) for indv_entry in entry: if indv_entry not in db_list: #prevents repeated entries db_list.append(indv_entry) building = building.lower() if " " in building: building = building.replace(" ", "_") building = building.replace("\'", "") return building, tuple(db_list)
def comment(request): data = json.loads( evtId = data['event_id'] userId = data['user_id'] comentario = data['comment'] profile = Profile.objects.get(facebook_id=userId) evento = Event.objects.get(id=evtId) new_comment = Comment(event=evento,person=profile,text=comentario,, foto = getUserImageUrl(profile.facebook_id) nome = profile.facebook_name date = - datetime.timedelta(hours=3) day = str(date).split(" ")[0] time = str(date).split(" ")[1] time = time[:time.find(".")] return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"photo":foto,"name":nome,"day":day, "time":time}), content_type="application/json")
def db_format_entry(time, building): entries = [] weekdays = ["M", "Tu", "W", "Th", "F"] for day in weekdays: if day in time[:time.find(" ")]: num1 = time[time.find(" "):time.find("-")].strip() num2 = time[time.find("-")+1:time.find(",")] num1, num2 = time_of_day(num1, num2) indv_ent = (time[time.find(",")+1:-len(building)].strip(), day, num1, num2) entries.append(indv_ent) return entries
def increment_time(time): colon_index = time.find(":") old_hour = time[:colon_index] if old_hour != '12': new_hour = int(old_hour) + 1 new_time = time.replace("{}".format(old_hour), "{}".format(new_hour), 1) return new_time else: new_hour = 1 new_time = time.replace("{}".format(old_hour), "{}".format(new_hour), 1) if new_time[-2:] == "am": new_time = new_time.replace("am", "pm") else: new_time = new_time.replace("pm", "am") return new_time
def get_projects(page): ret_projects = [] curr = page.find("div", {"class": "editable-item section-item current-position"}) t_curr = {} try: t_curr["title"] = str(curr.find("a", {"name": "title"}).text) except: t_curr["title"] = "?" aux_str = "" time = curr.find("span", {"class": "experience-date-locale"}) try: t_curr["duration"] = str(time.find("time").text + "Present") except: t_curr["duration"] = "?" try: t_curr["place"] = str(curr.find("span", {"class": "locality"}).text) except: t_curr["place"] = "?" ret_projects.append(t_curr) for link in page.find_all( "div", {"class": "editable-item section-item past-position"}): temp = {} try: temp["title"] = str(link.find("a", {"name": "title"}).text) except: temp["title"] = "?" try: time = link.find("span", {"class": "experience-date-locale"}) aux_str = "" for tim in time.find_all("time"): aux_str += tim.text # print aux_str temp["duration"] = aux_str except: temp["duration"] = "?" try: temp["place"] = str(link.find("span", {"class": "locality"}).text) except: temp["place"] = "?" ret_projects.append(temp) return ret_projects
def GetTime(bus, time): if time.find(bus.start)<0: bus.time = time return patterns = ("(?:.*)(\d+:\d\d(?:-|→)\d+?:\d\d)", bus.start+"((?:(?:(?:\d+:\d\d(?:(?:-|→)\d+?:\d\d)*))|、)*)" ) '''bus.start+"(\d+?:\d\d(?:-|→)\d+?:\d\d(?:、\d+?:\d\d(?:-|→)\d+?:\d\d)*)(?:,|,| |\|)"+bus.end+"(\d+?:\d\d(?:-|→)\d+?:\d\d(?:、\d+?:\d\d(?:-|→)\d+?:\d\d)*)"''' for pattern in patterns: o =, time) if o: g = o.groups() if(len(g)==1): bus.time = g[0] if(len(g)==2): bus.time = g[0] break
def play_note(dc, n, time): """ plays a random note for a fixed number of times or a random number of times in a range of times """ for _ in range(n): notes = random.randrange(31, 110) if time.find(', ') == -1: int_time = int(time) dc.robot.playNote(notes, int_time) while True: song_playing = dc.robot.getSensor("SONG_PLAYING") if song_playing == 0: break else: time_range = time.split(', ') random_time = random.randrange(int(time_range[0]), int(time_range[1])) dc.robot.playNote(notes, random_time) while True: song_playing = dc.robot.getSensor("SONG_PLAYING") if song_playing == 0: break
def get(self): global response the_url = self.request.url start_point = the_url.find('=') + 1 encoded_city = the_url[start_point:] less_encoded_city = encoded_city.replace('+', chr(32)) decoded_city = less_encoded_city.replace('%2C', chr(44)) if decoded_city == 'City, State': self.redirect('/updates') day = str(int(strftime('%d'))) month = str(int(strftime('%m'))) keys = [] for i in routes_library.keys(): first = i.find('-')+1 sec = i.find('-', first) city = i[first:sec] cur_m = i[sec+1: i.find('-', sec+1)] cur_d = i[i.find('-',sec+1)+1: ] if decoded_city == city and day == cur_d and month == cur_m: keys.append(i) response = '' for route in keys: #response += '<div><p name="route">' + route + '</p><ul>/n' response += '<div><input type="radio" name="route" value="%s"' % route + '><b>%s</b><ul style="list-style-type:none;">' % route for time in routes_library[route]: arrival_time = 'Arriving at ' + time[time.find('-')+1:] #response += '<li><input type="submit" name="time" value="%s"' % time + '>%s</li>' response += '<li><button name="time" value="%s"' % time + '>%s</button></li>' % arrival_time response += '</ul></div>' u = users.get_current_user() user = None if u: user = u.nickname() logout = users.create_logout_url(self.request.uri) self.render("times_choice.html", the_response=response, user=user, logout=logout)
def untis(file, opts): import logs logs.logs('h1', 'Untis import') logs.logs(None, 'File: ' + file) from datetime import datetime # import base64 # broken import binascii import os import re import sys import time import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET os.environ['TZ'] = opts['timezone'] time.tzset() # print('Reading XML from stdin ...') # file = "\n".join(sys.stdin) # tree = ET.fromstring(file) tree = ET.parse(file) tree = ET.ElementTree(tree) root = tree.getroot() termbegin = root.find('general').find('termbegindate').text termbegin = datetime.strptime(termbegin, '%Y%m%d') logs.logs(None, 'Term Begin: ' + termbegin.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) termbegin = termbegin.strftime('%s') termbegin = int(termbegin) termend = root.find('general').find('termenddate').text termend = datetime.strptime(termend, '%Y%m%d') logs.logs(None, 'Term End: ' + termend.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) termend = termend.strftime('%s') termend = int(termend) rooms = {} for room in root.find('rooms'): id = room.attrib['id'] id2 = re.sub(r'^RM_', '', id) longname = room.find('longname') if longname is None: rooms[id] = id2 else: rooms[id] = id2 + ' ' + strip(longname.text) logs.logs(None, 'Rooms: ' + str(len(rooms))) subjects = {} for subject in root.find('subjects'): id = subject.attrib['id'] id2 = re.sub(r'^SU_', '', id) longname = subject.find('longname') if longname is None: subjects[id] = id2 else: subjects[id] = strip(longname.text) teachers = {} for teacher in root.find('teachers'): id = teacher.attrib['id'] id2 = re.sub(r'^TR_', '', id) surname = teacher.find('surname') if surname is None: teachers[id] = id2 else: teachers[id] = strip(surname.text) logs.logs(None, 'Teachers: ' + str(len(teachers))) classes = {} for clss in root.find('classes'): id = clss.attrib['id'] id2 = re.sub(r'^CL_', '', id) longname = clss.find('longname') if longname is None: classes[id] = id2 else: classes[id] = strip(longname.text) logs.logs(None, 'Classes: ' + str(len(classes))) lessons = {} for lesson in root.find('lessons').findall('lesson'): subject_id = lesson.find('lesson_subject') if subject_id is None: subject = '' subject_id = '' else: subject_id = subject_id.attrib['id'] subject = subjects[subject_id] teacher_id = lesson.find('lesson_teacher') if teacher_id is None: teacher = '' teacher_id = '' else: teacher_id = teacher_id.attrib['id'] teacher = teachers[teacher_id] times = lesson.find('times') # class id-s may contain spaces, yuck! class_ids = lesson.find('lesson_classes') if class_ids is None: class_ids = [''] else: class_ids = class_ids.attrib['id'] class_ids = re.split(r'\s*CL_', class_ids) class_ids = filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, class_ids) class_ids = map(lambda x: 'CL_' + x, class_ids) for class_id in class_ids: class_id = class_id if len(class_id) > 0: clAss = classes[class_id] else: clAss = '' for time in times: room = time.find('assigned_room') if room is None: room_id = '' room = '' else: room_id = room.attrib['id'] room = rooms[room_id] date = time.find('assigned_date').text start0 = time.find('assigned_starttime').text start = datetime.strptime(date + start0, '%Y%m%d%H%M').strftime('%s') start = int(start) end0 = time.find('assigned_endtime').text end = datetime.strptime(date + end0, '%Y%m%d%H%M').strftime('%s') end = int(end) id = [subject_id, teacher_id, class_id, room_id, str(start), str(end)] id = ':'.join(id) # b32encode() is unable to handle unicode id = id.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace') # id = base64.b32encode(id) # broken id = binascii.hexlify(id) id = id.decode('utf-8') id = id.lower() lessons[id] = { 'id': id, 'subject_id': subject_id, 'subject': subject, 'teacher_id': teacher_id, 'teacher': teacher, 'room_id': room_id, 'room': room, 'class_id': class_id, 'class': clAss, 'start': start, 'end': end, # for debugging timezone # 'start0': start0, # 'end0': end0, 'timezone': opts['timezone'], } logs.logs(None, 'Lessons: ' + str(len(lessons))) return { 'termbegin': termbegin, 'termend': termend, 'rooms': rooms, 'classes': classes, 'subjects': subjects, 'teachers': teachers, 'lessons': lessons }
image = gData[i].findPreviousSibling('div').find_all('div')[1].get('style') startPos = image.find("//") + 2 imageUrl = image[startPos:-2] # Get movie name movieTitle = gData[i].find('h3', {'class': 'film-title'}).text # Get date when move is showing movieDate = gData[i].find('h4', {'class': 'session-date'}).text movieDate = movieDate.split(',')[1].strip() movieDate = time.mktime(datetime.strptime(movieDate, "%d %B %Y").timetuple()) # Get movie Timings Timing = list(gData[i].find('div', {'class': 'session-times'})) Timing = [element for element in Timing if element != '\n'] # Remove '\n' from the timing list movieTiming = [time.find('time').text for time in Timing] # Storing everything in json format data.update({i: {'name': movieTitle, 'date': movieDate, 'timing': movieTiming, 'url':imageUrl}}) # Sorting dictionary by date sortedData = sorted(data.values(), key=itemgetter('date')) # Creating List with Dictionaries sorted by Date for i,values in enumerate(sortedData): sortedJson.update({i:{'name': values['name'], 'timing': values['timing'], 'url': values['url'], 'date': str(datetime.fromtimestamp(int(values['date'])).strftime("%d %B %Y")) }})
def post(self): global jars, openers, userclasses username = str(self.request.get("username")) password = str(self.request.get("password")) #setup cookies cj = cookielib.CookieJar() opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)) try: #here open url #setup for logon through UWaterloo's central authentication system url = '' data = urllib.urlencode({'username':username, 'password':password, #enter password to login 'lt':'e1s1', '_eventId':'submit', 'submit':'LOGIN'}) #first request: GET to CAS, set up session cookies req = urllib2.Request(url, headers=headers) page = #second request: POST to CAS, login req = urllib2.Request(url, data, headers=headers) page = result = if "You have successfully logged into the University of Waterloo Central Authentication Service" in result: self.login(username) #setup for logon through Quest to get schedule url = '' data = urllib.urlencode({'userid':username, 'pwd':password}) # POST to login to quest req = urllib2.Request(url, data, headers=headers) page = # GET classes url = '' req = urllib2.Request(url, headers=headers) page = html = class_name_start_match = "class='PAGROUPDIVIDER' align='left'>" class_nbr_match = "id='DERIVED_CLS_DTL_CLASS_NBR$" class_time_match = "id='MTG_SCHED$" courses = [] while class_name_start_match in html: [course_name, html] = parse(html, class_name_start_match, "</td>") course = CourseInfo(course_name) while (((html.find(class_name_start_match) > html.find(class_nbr_match)) and class_name_start_match in html) or (class_name_start_match not in html and class_nbr_match in html)): html = html[html.find("Class Section"):] [section, html] = parse(html, "class='PSHYPERLINK' >", "</a>") [component, html] = parse(html, "id='MTG_COMP$", "</span>") component = component[component.find('>')+1:] classes = [] [time, html] = parse(html, class_time_match, "</span>") time = time[time.find('>')+1:] [room, html] = parse(html, "id='MTG_LOC$", "</span>") room = room[room.find('>')+1:] [instructor, html] = parse(html, "id='DERIVED_CLS_DTL_SSR_INSTR_LONG$", "</span>") instructor = instructor[instructor.find('>')+1:] [dates, html] = parse(html, "id='MTG_DATES$", "</span>") dates = dates[dates.find('>')+1:] classes.append([room, time, dates]) while (html.find(class_name_start_match) > html.find(class_nbr_match)): number = findin(html, class_nbr_match, "</span>") number = number[number.find('>')+1:] if number != ' ': break; [time, html] = parse(html, class_time_match, "</span>") time = time[time.find('>')+1:] [room, html] = parse(html, "id='MTG_LOC$", "</span>") room = room[room.find('>')+1:] [dates, html] = parse(html, "id='MTG_DATES$", "</span>") dates = dates[dates.find('>')+1:] classes.append([room, time, dates]) course.addClass(component, section, instructor, classes) courses.append(course) userclasses[username] = courses jars[username] = cj openers[username] = opener self.redirect('/') else: self.render("login.html", error="You don't even go here...") except urllib2.HTTPError: self.redirect('/login')
def parseXML(root, number, book, key): newInvention = BachInvention(number, book, key) # Determine the number of divisions in the musicXML File (don't currently use) # Essentially the size of a quarter note # Should not change within a single score, but may differ across scores # for attributes in root.iter('attributes'): # divisions = attributes.find('divisions').text # Iterate through each part for part in root.findall('part'): partID = part.get('id') newPart = Part(part.get('id')) # Iterate through each measure and get a measure number for measure in part.findall('measure'): measureNumber = measure.get('number') # Iterate through all the measure's attributes for attributes in measure.iter('attributes'): # Get time signature - may not actually change for time in attributes.findall('time'): beats = time.find('beats').text beatType = time.find('beat-type').text timeSig = "%s/%s" % (beats, beatType) # May use to get note's exact position #measureLength = int(divisions) * int(beats) newMeasure = Measure(measureNumber, timeSig) # Get the notes in the measure noteNumber = 1 for note in measure.findall('note'): duration = note.find('type').text # eg "whole" position = noteNumber # Check if note or rest if note.find('pitch') != None: # Get the note's pitch pitch = note.find('pitch') # Check if we are at a rest or a note step = pitch.find('step').text octave = int(pitch.find('octave').text) # Alter tag may or may not exist if pitch.find('alter') != None: alter = pitch.find('alter').text else: alter = "0" stepWithAlter = step + alter else: stepWithAlter = 'Rest' octave = None newNote = Note(position, duration, stepWithAlter, octave) newMeasure.notes.append(newNote) noteNumber = noteNumber + 1 newPart.measures.append(newMeasure) return newInvention