def ParseSessionIdAndStartTime(sessionId):
  # NOTE: If the session ID looks too much like a serialized json date/time then the deserializer will
  #       deserialize it into a date/time object, which is undesirable in this case.
  #       Hence the addition of the surrounding angle brackets to thwart this behaviour.
  haveSessionId = (sessionId is not None and (sessionId.StartsWith("<") and sessionId.EndsWith(">")))

  if haveSessionId:
    sessionStartTime = time_util.GetDateTimeUtcFromISO8601FormattedDate(sessionId[1:-1])
    sessionStartTime = time_util.GetDateTimeUtcNow()
    sessionId = "<" + time_util.GetISO8601FormattedUtcDate(sessionStartTime) + ">"
  return sessionId, sessionStartTime
def GetUniqueIdForProcess(process):
    return str.Join(PROCESS_UNIQUE_ID_DELIMITER, process.Id.ToString(),