Exemplo n.º 1
def time_avg(data, maxbins=None, binstep=1):
    Compute the binned root-mean-square and extrapolated
    Gaussian-noise RMS for a dataset.

    data: 1D float ndarray
        A time-series dataset.
    maxbins: Integer
        Maximum bin size to calculate, default: len(data)/2.
    binstep: Integer
        Stepsize of binning indexing.

    rms: 1D float ndarray
        RMS of binned data.
    rmslo: 1D float ndarray
        RMS lower uncertainties.
    rmshi: 1D float ndarray
        RMS upper uncertainties.
    stderr: 1D float ndarray
        Extrapolated RMS for Gaussian noise.
    binsz: 1D float ndarray
        Bin sizes.

    This function uses an asymptotic approximation to obtain the
    rms uncertainties (rms_error = rms/sqrt(2M)) when the number of
    bins is M > 35.
    At smaller M, the errors become increasingly asymmetric. In this
    case the errors are numerically calculated from the posterior
    PDF of the rms (an inverse-gamma distribution).
    See Cubillos et al. (2017), AJ, 153, 3.
    if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)):
        data = np.array(data)

    if maxbins is None:
        maxbins = len(data) // 2

    return ta.binrms(data, int(maxbins), int(binstep))
Exemplo n.º 2
def mcmc(data,
  This beautiful piece of code runs a Markov-chain Monte Carlo algorithm.

  data: 1D ndarray
     Dependent data fitted by func.
  uncert: 1D ndarray
     Uncertainty of data.
  func: callable or string-iterable
     The callable function that models data as:
        model = func(params, *indparams)
     Or an iterable (list, tuple, or ndarray) of 3 strings:
        (funcname, modulename, path)
     that specify the function name, function module, and module path.
     If the module is already in the python-path scope, path can be omitted.
  indparams: tuple
     Additional arguments required by func.
  params: 1D or 2D ndarray
     Set of initial fitting parameters for func.  If 2D, of shape
     (nparams, nchains), it is assumed that it is one set for each chain.
  pmin: 1D ndarray
     Lower boundaries of the posteriors.
  pmax: 1D ndarray
     Upper boundaries of the posteriors.
  stepsize: 1D ndarray
     Proposal jump scale.  If a values is 0, keep the parameter fixed.
     Negative values indicate a shared parameter (See Note 1).
  prior: 1D ndarray
     Parameter prior distribution means (See Note 2).
  priorlow: 1D ndarray
     Lower prior uncertainty values (See Note 2).
  priorup: 1D ndarray
     Upper prior uncertainty values (See Note 2).
  nsamples: Scalar
     Total number of samples.
  nchains: Scalar
     Number of simultaneous chains to run.
  walk: String
     Random walk algorithm:
     - 'mrw':  Metropolis random walk.
     - 'demc': Differential Evolution Markov chain.
     - 'snooker': DEMC-z with snooker update.
  wlike: Boolean
     If True, calculate the likelihood in a wavelet-base.  This requires
     three additional parameters (See Note 3).
  leastsq: Boolean
     Perform a least-square minimization before the MCMC run.
  lm: Boolean
     If True use the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for the optimization.
     If False, use the Trust Region Reflective algorithm.
  chisqscale: Boolean
     Scale the data uncertainties such that the reduced chi-squared = 1.
  grtest: Boolean
     Run Gelman & Rubin test.
  burnin: Scalar
     Burned-in (discarded) number of iterations at the beginning
     of the chains.
  thinning: Integer
     Thinning factor of the chains (use every thinning-th iteration) used
     in the GR test and plots.
  hsize: Integer
     Number of initial samples per chain.
  kickoff: String
     Flag to indicate how to start the chains:
       'normal' for normal distribution around initial guess, or
       'uniform' for uniform distribution withing the given boundaries.
  plots: Boolean
     If True plot parameter traces, pairwise-posteriors, and posterior
  savefile: String
     If not None, filename to store allparams (with np.save).
  savemodel: String
     If not None, filename to store the values of the evaluated function
     (with np.save).
  resume: Boolean
     If True resume a previous run.
  rms: Boolean
     If True, calculate the RMS of the residuals: data - bestmodel.
  log: String or FILE pointer
     Filename or File object to write log.
  parname: 1D string ndarray
     List of parameter names to display on output figures (including
     fixed and shared).
  full_output:  Bool
     If True, return the full posterior sample, including the burned-in

  bestp: 1D ndarray
     Array of the best-fitting parameters (including fixed and shared).
  uncertp: 1D ndarray
     Array of the best-fitting parameter uncertainties, calculated as the
     standard deviation of the marginalized, thinned, burned-in posterior.
  posterior: 2D float ndarray
     An array of shape (Nfreepars, Nsamples) with the thinned MCMC posterior
     distribution of the fitting parameters (excluding fixed and shared).
     If full_output is True, the posterior includes the burnin samples.
  Zchain: 1D integer ndarray
     Index of the chain for each sample in posterior.  M0 samples have chain
     index of -1.

  1.- To set one parameter equal to another, set its stepsize to the
      negative index in params (Starting the count from 1); e.g.: to set
      the second parameter equal to the first one, do: stepsize[1] = -1.
  2.- If any of the fitting parameters has a prior estimate, e.g.,
        param[i] = p0 +up/-low,
      with up and low the 1sigma uncertainties.  This information can be
      considered in the MCMC run by setting:
      prior[i]    = p0
      priorup[i]  = up
      priorlow[i] = low
      All three: prior, priorup, and priorlow must be set and, furthermore,
      priorup and priorlow must be > 0 to be considered as prior.

  >>> # See https://github.com/pcubillos/MCcubed/tree/master/examples

  Uncredited developers
  Kevin Stevenson (UCF)

    # Open log file if input is the filename:
    if isinstance(log, str):
        log = open(log, "w")
        closelog = True
        closelog = False

        1, "\n{:s}\n  Multi-Core Markov-Chain Monte Carlo (MC3).\n"
        "  Version {:d}.{:d}.{:d}.\n"
        "  Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Patricio Cubillos and collaborators.\n"
        "  MC3 is open-source software under the MIT license "
        "(see LICENSE).\n{:s}\n\n".format(mu.sep, ver.MC3_VER, ver.MC3_MIN,
                                          ver.MC3_REV, mu.sep), log)

    # Import the model function:
    if type(func) in [list, tuple, np.ndarray]:
        if len(func) == 3:
        fmodule = importlib.import_module(func[1])
        func = getattr(fmodule, func[0])
    elif not callable(func):
            "'func' must be either, a callable, or an iterable (list, "
            "tuple, or ndarray) of strings with the model function, file, "
            "and path names.", log)

    nproc = nchains
    # Cap the number of processors:
    if nproc >= mpr.cpu_count():
            "The number of requested CPUs ({:d}) is >= than the number "
            "of available CPUs ({:d}).  Enforced nproc to {:d}.".format(
                nproc, mpr.cpu_count(),
                mpr.cpu_count() - 1), log)
        nproc = mpr.cpu_count() - 1
        # Re-set number of chains as well:
        nchains = nproc

    nparams = len(params)  # Number of model params
    ndata = len(data)  # Number of data values
    # Set default uncertainties:
    if uncert is None:
        uncert = np.ones(ndata)

    # Set data and uncert shared-memory objects:
    sm_data = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_double, data)
    sm_uncert = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_double, uncert)
    # Re-use variables as an ndarray view of the shared-memory object:
    data = np.ctypeslib.as_array(sm_data.get_obj())
    uncert = np.ctypeslib.as_array(sm_uncert.get_obj())

    # Set default boundaries:
    if pmin is None:
        pmin = np.zeros(nparams) - np.inf
    if pmax is None:
        pmax = np.zeros(nparams) + np.inf
    # Set default stepsize:
    if stepsize is None:
        stepsize = 0.1 * np.abs(params)
    stepsize = np.asarray(stepsize)
    # Set prior parameter indices:
    if (prior is None) or (priorup is None) or (priorlow is None):
        prior = priorup = priorlow = np.zeros(nparams)  # Zero arrays
    iprior = np.where(priorlow != 0)[0]

    # Check that initial values lie within the boundaries:
    if np.any(np.asarray(params) < pmin):
            "One or more of the initial-guess values ({:s}) are smaller "
            "than the minimum boundary ({:s}).".format(str(params), str(pmin)),
    if np.any(np.asarray(params) > pmax):
            "One or more of the initial-guess values ({:s}) are greater "
            "than the maximum boundary ({:s}).".format(str(params), str(pmax)),

    nfree = int(np.sum(stepsize > 0))  # Number of free parameters
    ifree = np.where(stepsize > 0)[0]  # Free   parameter indices
    ishare = np.where(stepsize < 0)[0]  # Shared parameter indices
    # Number of model parameters (excluding wavelet parameters):
    if wlike:
        mpars = nparams - 3
        mpars = nparams

    # Initial number of samples:
    M0 = hsize * nchains
    # Number of Z samples per chain:
    nZchain = int(np.ceil(nsamples / nchains / thinning))
    # Number of iterations per chain:
    niter = nZchain * thinning
    # Total number of Z samples (initial + chains):
    Zlen = M0 + nZchain * nchains

    if niter < burnin:
            "The number of burned-in samples ({:d}) is greater than "
            "the number of iterations per chain ({:d}).".format(burnin, niter),

    # Intermediate steps to run GR test and print progress report:
    intsteps = Zlen / 10
    report = intsteps

    # Allocate arrays with variables:
    numaccept = mpr.Value(ctypes.c_int, 0)
    outbounds = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_int, nfree)  # Out of bounds proposals

    if savemodel is not None:
        allmodel = np.zeros((nchains, ndata, niter))  # Fit model

    # Z array with the chains history:
    sm_Z = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_double, Zlen * nfree)
    Z = np.ctypeslib.as_array(sm_Z.get_obj())
    Z = Z.reshape((Zlen, nfree))

    # Chi-square value of Z:
    Zchisq = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_double, Zlen)
    # Chain index for given state in the Z array:
    sm_Zchain = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_int, -np.ones(Zlen, np.int))
    Zchain = np.ctypeslib.as_array(sm_Zchain.get_obj())
    # Current number of samples in the Z array:
    Zsize = mpr.Value(ctypes.c_int, M0)
    # Burned samples in the Z array per chain:
    Zburn = int(burnin / thinning)

    # Initialize shared-memory free params array:
    sm_freepars = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_double, nchains * nfree)
    freepars = np.ctypeslib.as_array(sm_freepars.get_obj())
    freepars = freepars.reshape((nchains, nfree))

    # Get lowest chi-square and best fitting parameters:
    bestchisq = mpr.Value(ctypes.c_double, np.inf)
    sm_bestp = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_double, np.copy(params))
    bestp = np.ctypeslib.as_array(sm_bestp.get_obj())
    #bestmodel = np.copy(models[np.argmin(chisq)])

    # Current length of each chain:
    sm_chainsize = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_int, np.zeros(nchains, int) + hsize)
    chainsize = np.ctypeslib.as_array(sm_chainsize.get_obj())

    # Launch Chains:
    pipe = []
    chains = []
    for i in np.arange(nproc):
        p = mpr.Pipe()
            ch.Chain(func, indparams, p[1], data, uncert, params, freepars,
                     stepsize, pmin, pmax, walk, wlike, prior, priorlow,
                     priorup, thinning, Z, Zsize, Zchisq, Zchain, M0,
                     numaccept, outbounds, chainsize, bestp, bestchisq, i))

    # Populate the M0 initial samples of Z:
    for j in np.arange(nfree):
        idx = ifree[j]
        if kickoff == "normal":  # Start with a normal distribution
            vals = np.random.normal(params[idx], stepsize[idx], M0)
            # Stay within pmin and pmax boundaries:
            vals[np.where(vals < pmin[idx])] = pmin[idx]
            vals[np.where(vals > pmax[idx])] = pmax[idx]
            Z[0:M0, j] = vals
        elif kickoff == "uniform":  # Start with a uniform distribution
            Z[0:M0, j] = np.random.uniform(pmin[idx], pmax[idx], M0)

    # Evaluate models for initial sample of Z:
    fitpars = np.asarray(params)
    for i in np.arange(M0):
        fitpars[ifree] = Z[i]
        # Update shared parameters:
        for s in ishare:
            fitpars[s] = fitpars[-int(stepsize[s]) - 1]
        Zchisq[i] = chains[0].eval_model(fitpars, ret="chisq")

    # Best-fitting values (so far):
    Zibest = np.argmin(Zchisq[0:M0])
    bestchisq.value = Zchisq[Zibest]
    bestp[ifree] = np.copy(Z[Zibest])

    # FINDME: Un-break this code
    if resume:
        oldparams = np.load(savefile)
        nold = np.shape(oldparams)[2]  # Number of old-run iterations
        allparams = np.dstack((oldparams, allparams))  # FINDME fix
        if savemodel is not None:
            allmodel = np.dstack((np.load(savemodel), allmodel))
        # Set params to the last-iteration state of the previous run:
        params = np.repeat(params, nchains, 0)
        params[:, ifree] = oldparams[:, :, -1]
        nold = 0

    # Least-squares minimization:
    if leastsq:
        fitchisq, fitbestp, dummy, dummy = mf.modelfit(fitpars, func, data,
                                                       uncert, indparams,
                                                       stepsize, pmin, pmax,
                                                       prior, priorlow,
                                                       priorup, lm)
        # Store best-fitting parameters:
        bestp[ifree] = np.copy(fitbestp[ifree])
        # Store minimum chisq:
        bestchisq.value = fitchisq
               "Least-squares best-fitting parameters:\n  {:s}\n\n".format(

    # FINDME: think what to do with this:
    models = np.zeros((nchains, ndata))

    # Scale data-uncertainties such that reduced chisq = 1:
    chifactor = 1.0
    if chisqscale:
        chifactor = np.sqrt(bestchisq.value / (ndata - nfree))
        uncert *= chifactor

        # Re-calculate chisq with the new uncertainties:
        for i in np.arange(M0):
            fitpars[ifree] = Z[i]
            for s in ishare:
                fitpars[s] = fitpars[-int(stepsize[s]) - 1]
            Zchisq[i] = chains[0].eval_model(fitpars, ret="chisq")

        # Re-calculate best-fitting parameters with new uncertainties:
        if leastsq:
            fitchisq, fitbp, dummy, dummy = mf.modelfit(
                fitpars, func, data, uncert, indparams, stepsize, pmin, pmax,
                prior, priorlow, priorup, lm)
            bestp[ifree] = np.copy(fitbestp[ifree])
            bestchisq.value = fitchisq
                   "Least-squares best-fitting parameters (rescaled chisq):\n"
                   "  {:s}\n\n".format(str(fitbestp[ifree])),

    # FINDME: do something with models
    if savemodel is not None:
        allmodel[:, :, 0] = models

    # ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    # Start loop:
    print("Yippee Ki Yay Monte Carlo!")
    mu.msg(1, "Start MCMC chains  ({:s})".format(time.ctime()), log)
    for c in np.arange(nchains):
    i = 0
    bit = bool(1)  # Dummy variable to send through pipe
    while True:
        # Proposal jump:
        if walk == "demc":
            # Send jump (for DEMC):
            for j in np.arange(nchains):
            # Receive chi-square (merely for synchronization):
            for j in np.arange(nchains):
                b = pipe[j].recv()

        # Print intermediate info:
        if (Zsize.value > report) or (Zsize.value == Zlen):
            report += intsteps
            mu.progressbar((Zsize.value + 1.0) / Zlen, log)
                1, "Out-of-bound Trials:\n{:s}".format(
                    str(np.asarray(outbounds[:]))), log)
                1, "Best Parameters: (chisq={:.4f})\n{:s}".format(
                    bestchisq.value, str(bestp[ifree])), log)

            # Gelman-Rubin statistics:
            if grtest and np.all(chainsize > (Zburn + hsize)):
                psrf = gr.gelmanrubin(Z, Zchain, Zburn)
                    1, "Gelman-Rubin statistics for free parameters:\n{:s}".
                    format(str(psrf)), log)
                if np.all(psrf < 1.01):
                        "All parameters have converged to within 1% of unity.",
            # Save current results:
            if savefile is not None:
                np.savez(savefile, Z=Z, Zchain=Zchain)
            if savemodel is not None:
                np.save(savemodel, allmodel[:, :, 0:i + nold])
            if report > Zlen:
        i += 1

    # The models:
    if savemodel is not None:
        modelstack = allmodel[0, :, burnin:]
        for c in np.arange(1, nchains):
            modelstack = np.hstack((modelstack, allmodel[c, :, burnin:]))

    # Print out Summary:
    mu.msg(1, "\nFin, MCMC Summary:\n------------------", log)
    # Evaluate model for best fitting parameters:
    fitpars = np.asarray(params)
    fitpars[ifree] = np.copy(bestp[ifree])
    for s in ishare:
        fitpars[s] = fitpars[-int(stepsize[s]) - 1]
    bestmodel = chains[0].eval_model(fitpars)

    # Get indices for samples considered in final analysis:
    good = np.zeros(len(Zchain), bool)
    for c in np.arange(nchains):
        good[np.where(Zchain == c)[0][Zburn:]] = True
    # Values accepted for posterior stats:
    posterior = Z[good]
    pchain = Zchain[good]

    # Sort the posterior by chain:
    zsort = np.lexsort([pchain])
    posterior = posterior[zsort]
    pchain = pchain[zsort]

    # Get some stats:
    nsample = niter * nchains  # This sample
    nZsample = len(posterior)
    ntotal = nold + nsample
    BIC = bestchisq.value + nfree * np.log(ndata)
    if ndata > nfree:
        redchisq = bestchisq.value / (ndata - nfree)
        redchisq = np.nan
    sdr = np.std(bestmodel - data)

    #fmtlen = len(str(ntotal))
    fmtlen = len(str(nsample))
        "Total number of samples:            {:{}d}".format(nsample,
                                                            fmtlen), log, 2)
        "Number of parallel chains:          {:{}d}".format(nchains,
                                                            fmtlen), log, 2)
           "Average iterations per chain:       {:{}d}".format(niter,
                                                               fmtlen), log, 2)
           "Burned in iterations per chain:     {:{}d}".format(burnin,
                                                               fmtlen), log, 2)
        "Thinning factor:                    {:{}d}".format(thinning,
                                                            fmtlen), log, 2)
        "MCMC sample (thinned, burned) size: {:{}d}".format(nZsample,
                                                            fmtlen), log, 2)
           "Total MCMC sample size:             {:{}d}".format(ntotal,
                                                               fmtlen), log, 2)
        1, "Acceptance rate:   {:.2f}%\n".format(numaccept.value * 100.0 /
                                                 nsample), log, 2)

    # Compute the credible region for each parameter:
    CRlo = np.zeros(nparams)
    CRhi = np.zeros(nparams)
    pdf = []
    xpdf = []
    for i in np.arange(nfree):
        PDF, Xpdf, HPDmin = mu.credregion(posterior[:, i])
        CRlo[ifree[i]] = np.amin(Xpdf[PDF > HPDmin])
        CRhi[ifree[i]] = np.amax(Xpdf[PDF > HPDmin])
    # CR relative to the best-fitting value:
    CRlo[ifree] -= bestp[ifree]
    CRhi[ifree] -= bestp[ifree]

    # Get the mean and standard deviation from the posterior:
    meanp = np.zeros(nparams, np.double)  # Parameter standard deviation
    uncertp = np.zeros(nparams, np.double)  # Parameters mean
    meanp[ifree] = np.mean(posterior, axis=0)
    uncertp[ifree] = np.std(posterior, axis=0)
    for s in ishare:
        bestp[s] = bestp[-int(stepsize[s]) - 1]
        meanp[s] = meanp[-int(stepsize[s]) - 1]
        uncertp[s] = uncertp[-int(stepsize[s]) - 1]
        CRlo[s] = CRlo[-int(stepsize[s]) - 1]
        CRhi[s] = CRhi[-int(stepsize[s]) - 1]

        "\n      Best fit  Lo Cred.Reg.  Hi Cred.Reg.          Mean     Std. dev.      S/N",
    for i in np.arange(nparams):
        snr = "{:7.1f}".format(np.abs(bestp[i]) / uncertp[i])
        mean = "{: 13.6e}".format(meanp[i])
        lo = "{: 13.6e}".format(CRlo[i])
        hi = "{: 13.6e}".format(CRhi[i])
        if i in ifree:  # Free-fitting value
        elif i in ishare:  # Shared value
            snr = "[sh-p{:02d}]".format(-int(stepsize[i]))
        else:  # Fixed value
            snr = "[fixed]"
            mean = "{: 13.6e}".format(bestp[i])
               "{:14.6e} {:>13s} {:>13s} {:>13s} {:13.6e} {:>8s}".format(
                   bestp[i], lo, hi, mean, uncertp[i], snr),

    if leastsq and np.any(np.abs((bestp - fitbestp) / fitbestp) > 1e-08):
            "MCMC found a better fit than the minimizer:\n"
            "MCMC best-fitting parameters:        (chisq={:.8g})\n{:s}\n"
            "Minimizer best-fitting parameters:   (chisq={:.8g})\n"
            "{:s}".format(bestchisq.value, str(bestp[ifree]), fitchisq,
                          str(fitbestp[ifree])), log)

    fmtl = len("%.4f" % BIC)  # Length of string formatting
    mu.msg(1, " ", log)
        "sqrt(reduced chi-squared) factor: {:{}.4f}".format(chifactor,
                                                            fmtl), log, 2)
        1, "Best-parameter's chi-squared:     {:{}.4f}".format(
            bestchisq.value, fmtl), log, 2)
    mu.msg(1, "Bayesian Information Criterion:   {:{}.4f}".format(BIC, fmtl),
           log, 2)
           "Reduced chi-squared:              {:{}.4f}".format(redchisq,
                                                               fmtl), log, 2)
    mu.msg(1, "Standard deviation of residuals:  {:.6g}\n".format(sdr), log, 2)

    if rms:
        RMS, RMSlo, RMShi, stderr, bs = ta.binrms(bestmodel - data)

    if plots:
        print("Plotting figures.")
        # Extract filename from savefile:
        if savefile is not None:
            if savefile.rfind(".") == -1:
                fname = savefile[savefile.rfind("/") +
                                 1:]  # Cut out file extention.
                fname = savefile[savefile.rfind("/") + 1:savefile.rfind(".")]
            fname = "MCMC"
        # Trace plot:
        if parname is not None:
            parname = np.asarray(parname)[ifree]
                 savefile=fname + "_trace.png")
        # Pairwise posteriors:
                    savefile=fname + "_pairwise.png")
        # Histograms:
                     savefile=fname + "_posterior.png",
        # RMS vs bin size:
        if rms:
                   binstep=len(bs) / 500 + 1,
                   savefile=fname + "_RMS.png")
        # Sort of guessing that indparams[0] is the X array for data as in y=y(x):
        if (indparams != [] and isinstance(indparams[0],
                                           (list, tuple, np.ndarray))
                and np.size(indparams[0]) == ndata):
                        savefile=fname + "_model.png")

    # Save definitive results:
    if savefile is not None:
        np.savez(savefile, bestp=bestp, Z=Z, Zchain=Zchain)
    if savemodel is not None:
        np.save(savemodel, allmodel)

    # Close the log file if necessary:
    if closelog:

    if full_output:
        return bestp, CRlo, CRhi, uncertp, Z, Zchain
        return bestp, CRlo, CRhi, uncertp, posterior, pchain
Exemplo n.º 3
def mcmc(data,            uncert=None,      func=None,      indparams=[],
         parnames=None,   params=None,      pmin=None,      pmax=None,
         stepsize=None,   prior=None,       priorlow=None,  priorup=None,
         numit=10,        nchains=10,       walk='demc',    wlike=False,
         leastsq=True,    chisqscale=False, grtest=True,    grexit=False,
         burnin=0,        thinning=1,       fgamma=1.0,     fepsilon=0.0,
         plots=False,     savefile=None,    savemodel=None, comm=None,
         resume=False,    log=None,         rms=False,      hsize=1, 
         modelper=0,      p_est=np.array([0.68269, 0.95450, 0.99730])):
  This beautiful piece of code runs a Markov-chain Monte Carlo algoritm.

  data: 1D ndarray
     Dependent data fitted by func.
  uncert: 1D ndarray
     Uncertainty of data.
  func: callable or string-iterable
     The callable function that models data as:
        model = func(params, *indparams)
     Or an iterable (list, tuple, or ndarray) of 3 strings:
        (funcname, modulename, path)
     that specify the function name, function module, and module path.
     If the module is already in the python-path scope, path can be omitted.
  indparams: tuple
     Additional arguments required by func.
  params: 1D or 2D ndarray
     Set of initial fitting parameters for func.  If 2D, of shape
     (nparams, nchains), it is assumed that it is one set for each chain.
  pmin: 1D ndarray
     Lower boundaries of the posteriors.
  pmax: 1D ndarray
     Upper boundaries of the posteriors.
  stepsize: 1D ndarray
     Proposal jump scale.  If a values is 0, keep the parameter fixed.
     Negative values indicate a shared parameter (See Note 1).
  prior: 1D ndarray
     Parameter prior distribution means (See Note 2).
  priorlow: 1D ndarray
     Lower prior uncertainty values (See Note 2).
  priorup: 1D ndarray
     Upper prior uncertainty values (See Note 2).
  numit: Scalar
     Total number of iterations.
  nchains: Scalar
     Number of simultaneous chains to run.
  walk: String
     Random walk algorithm:
     - 'mrw':     Metropolis random walk with Gaussian proposals.
     - 'demc':    Differential Evolution Markov chain.
     - 'snooker': DEMC with modifications as per ter Braak & Vrugt 2008
  wlike: Boolean
     If True, calculate the likelihood in a wavelet-base.  This requires
     three additional parameters (See Note 3).
  leastsq: Boolean
     Perform a least-square minimization before the MCMC run.
  chisqscale: Boolean
     Scale the data uncertainties such that the reduced chi-squared = 1.
  grtest: Boolean
     Run Gelman & Rubin test.
  grexit: Boolean
     Exit the MCMC loop if the MCMC satisfies GR two consecutive times.
  burnin: Scalar
     Burned-in (discarded) number of iterations at the beginning
     of the chains.
  thinning: Integer
     Thinning factor of the chains (use every thinning-th iteration) used
     in the GR test and plots.
  fgamma: Float
     Proposals jump scale factor for DEMC's gamma.
     The code computes: gamma = fgamma * 2.4 / sqrt(2*Nfree)
  fepsilon: Float
     Jump scale factor for DEMC's support distribution.
     The code computes: e = fepsilon * Normal(0, stepsize)
  plots: Boolean
     If True plot parameter traces, pairwise-posteriors, and posterior
  savefile: String
     If not None, filename to store allparams (with np.save).
  savemodel: String
     If not None, filename to store the values of the evaluated function
     (with np.save).
  comm: MPI Communicator
     A communicator object to transfer data through MPI.
  resume: Boolean
     If True resume a previous run.
  log: FILE pointer
     File object to write log into.
  hsize: Int
     Initial samples for snooker walk.
  modelper: Int
     Sets how to split `savemodel` into subfiles.
     If 0, does not split. If >0, splits even `modelper` iterations.
     E.g., if nchains=10 and modelper=5, splits every 50 model evaluations.
  p_est: array 
     Credible regions to estimate uncertainty.

  allparams: 2D ndarray
     An array of shape (nfree, numit-nchains*burnin) with the MCMC
     posterior distribution of the fitting parameters.
  bestp: 1D ndarray
     Array of the best fitting parameters.

  1.- To set one parameter equal to another, set its stepsize to the
      negative index in params (Starting the count from 1); e.g.: to set
      the second parameter equal to the first one, do: stepsize[1] = -1.
  2.- If any of the fitting parameters has a prior estimate, e.g.,
        param[i] = p0 +up/-low,
      with up and low the 1sigma uncertainties.  This information can be
      considered in the MCMC run by setting:
      prior[i]    = p0
      priorup[i]  = up
      priorlow[i] = low
      All three: prior, priorup, and priorlow must be set and, furthermore,
      priorup and priorlow must be > 0 to be considered as prior.

  >>> # See examples: https://github.com/pcubillos/MCcubed/tree/master/examples

  Uncredited developers
  Kevin Stevenson  (UCF)

  mu.msg(1, "{:s}\n  Multi-Core Markov-Chain Monte Carlo (MC3).\n"
            "  Version {:d}.{:d}.{:d}.\n"
            "  Copyright (c) 2015-{:d} Patricio Cubillos and collaborators.\n"
            "  MC3 is open-source software under the MIT license "
            "(see LICENSE).\n{:s}\n\n".
            format(mu.sep, ver.MC3_VER, ver.MC3_MIN, ver.MC3_REV,
                   date.today().year, mu.sep), log)

  # Import the model function:
  if type(func) in [list, tuple, np.ndarray]:
    if func[0] != 'hack':
      if len(func) == 3:
      exec('from %s import %s as func'%(func[1], func[0]))
  elif not callable(func):
    mu.error("'func' must be either, a callable, or an iterable (list, "
             "tuple, or ndarray) of strings with the model function, file, "
             "and path names.", log)

  if np.ndim(params) == 1:  # Force it to be 2D (one for each chain)
    params  = np.atleast_2d(params)
  nparams = len(params[0])  # Number of model params
  ndata   = len(data)       # Number of data values
  # Set default uncertainties:
  if uncert is None:
    uncert = np.ones(ndata)
  # Set default boundaries:
  if pmin is None:
    pmin = np.zeros(nparams) - np.inf
  if pmax is None:
    pmax = np.zeros(nparams) + np.inf
  # Set default stepsize:
  if stepsize is None:
    stepsize = 0.1 * np.abs(params[0])
  # Set prior parameter indices:
  if (prior is None) or (priorup is None) or (priorlow is None):
    prior   = priorup = priorlow = np.zeros(nparams)  # Zero arrays
  iprior = np.where(priorlow != 0)[0]
  ilog   = np.where(priorlow <  0)[0]

  # Check that initial values lie within the boundaries:
  if np.any(np.asarray(params) < pmin):
    mu.error("One or more of the initial-guess values:\n{:s}\n are smaller "
      "than their lower boundaries:\n{:s}".format(str(params), str(pmin)), log)
  if np.any(np.asarray(params) > pmax):
    mu.error("One or more of the initial-guess values:\n{:s}\n are greater "
      "than their higher boundaries:\n{:s}".format(str(params), str(pmax)), log)

  nfree     = np.sum(stepsize > 0)        # Number of free parameters
  chainsize = int(np.ceil(numit/nchains)) # Number of iterations per chain
  ifree     = np.where(stepsize > 0)[0]   # Free   parameter indices
  ishare    = np.where(stepsize < 0)[0]   # Shared parameter indices
  # Number of model parameters (excluding wavelet parameters):
  if wlike:
    mpars  = nparams - 3
    mpars  = nparams

  if chainsize < burnin:
    mu.error("The number of burned-in samples ({:d}) is greater than "
             "the number of iterations per chain ({:d}).".
             format(burnin, chainsize), log)

  # Ensure that hsize is > nchains
  if walk=='snooker' and hsize < nchains:
    hsize = nchains + 1

  # Intermediate steps to run GR test and print progress report:
  intsteps   = chainsize / 10

  # Allocate arrays with variables:
  numaccept  = np.zeros(nchains)          # Number of accepted proposal jumps
  outbounds  = np.zeros((nchains, nfree), np.int)    # Out of bounds proposals
  allparams  = np.zeros((nchains, nfree, chainsize)) # Parameter's record
  if savemodel is not None:
    # Number of files to be saved out
    if modelper > 0:
      nsaves   = int(np.ceil(chainsize / modelper)) # Number of files to save
      nsaved   = 0 # Number of model files saved out so far
      neval    = 0 # Number of models evaluated for current savemodel file
      allmodel = np.zeros((nchains, ndata, modelper))  # Fit model
      allmodel = np.zeros((nchains, ndata, chainsize)) # Fit model

  if resume:
    oldparams = np.load(savefile)
    nold = np.shape(oldparams)[2] # Number of old-run iterations
    allparams = np.dstack((oldparams, allparams))
    if savemodel is not None:
      allmodel  = np.dstack((np.load(savemodel), allmodel))
    # Set params to the last-iteration state of the previous run:
    params = np.repeat(params, nchains, 0)
    params[:,ifree] = oldparams[:,:,-1]
    # Snooker things - not currently implemented into the savefile
    '''Zold      = oldparams["Z"]
    Zlenold   = Zold.shape()[0]
    Zchainold = oldparams["Zchain"]
    Zlen      = Zlen + Zlenold'''
    nold = 0

  # Set MPI flag:
  mpi = comm is not None

  if mpi:
    from mpi4py import MPI
    # Send sizes info to other processes:
    if walk=="snooker":
      array1 = np.asarray([mpars, chainsize+hsize], np.int)
      array1 = np.asarray([mpars, chainsize], np.int)
    mu.comm_bcast(comm, array1, MPI.INT)

  # DEMC parameters:
  gamma = fgamma * 2.4 / np.sqrt(2*nfree)

  # Least-squares minimization:
  if leastsq and walk!='unif':
    fitargs = (params[0], func, data, uncert, indparams, stepsize, pmin, pmax,
               prior, priorlow, priorup)
    fitchisq, dummy = mf.modelfit(params[0,ifree], args=fitargs)
    fitbestp = np.copy(params[0, ifree])
    mu.msg(1, "Least-squares best-fitting parameters: \n{:s}\n\n".
              format(str(fitbestp)), log)

  # Replicate to make one set for each chain: (nchains, nparams):
  if np.shape(params)[0] != nchains:
    params = np.repeat(params, nchains, 0)
    # Start chains with an initial jump:
    for p in ifree:
      # For each free param, use a normal distribution:
      params[1:, p] = np.random.normal(params[0, p], stepsize[p], nchains-1)
      # Stay within pmin and pmax boundaries:
      params[np.where(params[:, p] < pmin[p]), p] = pmin[p]
      params[np.where(params[:, p] > pmax[p]), p] = pmax[p]

  # Update shared parameters:
  for s in ishare:
    params[:, s] = params[:, -int(stepsize[s])-1]

  # Calculate chi-squared for model using current params:
  models = np.zeros((nchains, ndata))
  if mpi:
    # Scatter (send) parameters to func:
    mu.comm_scatter(comm, params[:,0:mpars].flatten(), MPI.DOUBLE)
    # Gather (receive) evaluated models:
    mpimodels = np.zeros(nchains*ndata, np.double)
    mu.comm_gather(comm, mpimodels)
    # Store them in models variable:
    models = np.reshape(mpimodels, (nchains, ndata))
    fargs = [params[:, 0:mpars]] + indparams  # List of function's arguments
    models[:] = func(*fargs)

  currchisq = np.zeros(nchains)
  if walk!='unif':
    # Calculate chi-squared for each chain:
    c2 = np.zeros(nchains)  # No-Jeffrey's chisq
    for c in np.arange(nchains):
      if wlike: # Wavelet-based likelihood (chi-squared, actually)
        currchisq[c], c2[c] = dwt.wlikelihood(params[c, mpars:], models[c]-data,
                   (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior])
        currchisq[c], c2[c] = cs.chisq(models[c], data, uncert,
                   (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior])

    # Scale data-uncertainties such that reduced chisq = 1:
    if chisqscale:
      chifactor = np.sqrt(np.amin(currchisq)/(ndata-nfree))
      uncert *= chifactor
      # Re-calculate chisq with the new uncertainties:
      for c in np.arange(nchains):
        if wlike: # Wavelet-based likelihood (chi-squared, actually)
          currchisq[c], c2[c] = dwt.wlikelihood(params[c,mpars:], models[c]-data,
                   (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior])
          currchisq[c], c2[c] = cs.chisq(models[c], data, uncert,
                   (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior])
      if leastsq:
        fitchisq = currchisq[0]

    # Snooker stuff - ter Braak & Vrugt 2008
    if walk == "snooker":
      # Initial number of samples
      M0      = hsize * nchains
      Zsize   = hsize
      # Number of Z samples per chain
      nZchain = int(np.ceil(numit / nchains / thinning))
      # Number of iterations per chain
      niter   = nZchain * thinning
      # Total number of Z samples
      Zlen    = M0 + nZchain * nchains
      # Burned samples
      Zburn   = int(burnin / thinning)
      # Z array
      Z       = np.zeros((hsize+nZchain, nchains, nparams), dtype=np.float64)
      # Chi-squared for Z
      Zchisq  = np.zeros((hsize+nZchain, nchains), dtype=np.float64)
      Zc2     = np.zeros((hsize+nZchain, nchains), dtype=np.float64)
      # Z models
      Zmodels = np.zeros((hsize+nZchain, nchains, ndata), np.double)

      # Populate Z array
      Z[:, :, 0:mpars] = params[:, 0:mpars]
      # Populate M0 samples in Z
      for i in range(nfree):
        ind = ifree[i]
        Z[:hsize, :, ind] = np.random.uniform(pmin[ind], pmax[ind],
                                              (hsize, nchains)    )
      # Evaluate models for initial samples of Z if using MPI
      if mpi:
        for i in range(hsize):
          # Send params to func
          mu.comm_scatter(comm, Z[i,:,0:mpars].flatten(), MPI.DOUBLE)
          # Get evaluated models
          mpiZmodels = np.zeros(nchains*ndata, np.double)
          mu.comm_gather(comm, mpiZmodels)
          # Store in `Zmodels`
          Zmodels[i] = np.reshape(mpiZmodels, (nchains, ndata))

      # Evaluate chi squared, and model if not using MPI
      for i in range(hsize):
        if not mpi:
          fargs = [Z[i,:,:mpars]] + indparams
          Zmodels[i] = func(*fargs)
        for c in range(nchains):
          # Chi squared
          if wlike:
            Zchisq[i,c], Zc2[i,c] = dwt.wlikelihood(Z[i,c,mpars:],
                      Zmodels[i,c] - data,
                      (Z[i,c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior])
            Zchisq[i,c], Zc2[i,c] = cs.chisq(Zmodels[i,c], data, uncert,
                      (Z[i,c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior])
      # Current best Z
      Zibest     = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(Zchisq[:hsize]),
      Zbestchisq = Zchisq[Zibest]
      Zbestp     = np.copy(Z[Zibest])
      Zbestmodel = np.copy(Zmodels[:hsize][Zibest])

    # Get lowest chi-square and best fitting parameters:
    bestchisq = np.amin(c2)
    bestp     = np.copy(params[np.argmin(c2)])
    bestmodel = np.copy(models[np.argmin(c2)])

    if walk == "snooker":
      if Zbestchisq < bestchisq:
        bestchisq = Zbestchisq
        bestp     = Zbestp
        bestmodel = Zbestmodel

  if savemodel is not None:
    allmodel[:,:,0] = models

  # Set up the random walks:
  if   walk == "mrw":
    # Generate proposal jumps from Normal Distribution for MRW:
    mstep   = np.random.normal(0, stepsize[ifree], (chainsize, nchains, nfree))
  elif walk == "demc":
    # Support random distribution:
    support = np.random.normal(0, stepsize[ifree], (chainsize, nchains, nfree))
    # Generate indices for the chains such that R1[c] != c:
    r1 = np.random.randint(0, nchains-1, (nchains, chainsize))
    for c in np.arange(nchains):
      r1[c][np.where(r1[c]==c)] = nchains-1
    # Make sure R2[c] != c and R2 != R1:
    r2 = np.zeros((nchains, chainsize), int)
    for c in np.arange(nchains):
      r2[c] = (c + np.random.randint(1, nchains-1, chainsize))%nchains
      r2[c][np.where(r2[c]==r1[c])] = (c-1)%nchains
  elif walk == "snooker":
    # Support random distribution:
    support = np.random.normal(0, stepsize[ifree], (chainsize, nchains, nfree))

  # Uniform random distribution for the Metropolis acceptance rule:
  unif   = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (chainsize, nchains))
  # Uniform distribution to do full DEMC jump:
  ugamma = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (chainsize, nchains))
  gamma1 = np.tile(gamma, (nchains,1))
  # Use Uniform distribution to determine snooker jumps
  if   walk == "snooker":
    sjump  = ugamma < 0.1
  elif walk == 'unif':
    unif   = np.zeros((chainsize, nchains))

  # Proposed iteration parameters and chi-square (per chain):
  nextp     = np.copy(params)    # Proposed parameters
  nextchisq = np.zeros(nchains)  # Chi square of nextp

  # Gelman-Rubin exit flag:
  grflag = False

  mrfactor = np.zeros(nchains)

  # ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  # Start loop:
  mu.msg(1, "Start MCMC chains  ({:s})".format(time.ctime()), log)

  for i in np.arange(chainsize):
    # Proposal jump:
    if   walk == "mrw":
      jump = mstep[i]
    elif walk == "demc":
      gamma1[ugamma[i]>=0.1] = gamma
      gamma1[ugamma[i]< 0.1] = 0.98
      jump = (gamma1 * (params[r1[:,i]]-params[r2[:,i]])[:,ifree] +
              fepsilon * support[i])
    elif walk == "snooker":
      # Random without replacement
      i1     = np.random.randint(0, (Zsize-1)*nchains, nchains)
      i2     = np.random.randint(0, (Zsize-1)*nchains, nchains)
      for j in range(nchains):
        while i1[j] == i2[j]:
          i2[j] = np.random.randint(0, (Zsize-1)*nchains)
      iz1, ic1  = np.unravel_index(i1, (Zsize, nchains))
      iz2, ic2  = np.unravel_index(i2, (Zsize, nchains))

      # Select another chain in state z, for each chain
      iz = np.random.randint(0, Zsize-1, nchains)
      ic = np.random.randint(0, nchains, nchains)
      z  = Z[iz, ic]
      # Jumps for chains
      jump   = np.zeros((nchains, nfree))
      noproj = np.all(z == params, axis=1)
      # Snooker jumps, do not project:
      if np.sum(noproj*sjump[i]) != 0:
        jump[noproj*sjump[i]] = np.random.uniform(1.2, 2.2,
                                        (np.sum(noproj*sjump[i]), nfree)) * \
      # Snooker jumps, project:
      if np.sum(~noproj*sjump[i]) != 0:
        dz  = (params - z)[:,ifree][~noproj*sjump[i]]
        zp1 = np.sum(Z[iz1,ic1][:,ifree][~noproj*sjump[i]] * dz, axis=1)
        zp2 = np.sum(Z[iz2,ic2][:,ifree][~noproj*sjump[i]] * dz, axis=1)
        jump[~noproj*sjump[i]] = np.random.uniform(1.2, 2.2,
                                         (np.sum(~noproj*sjump[i]), nfree)) * \
                              (zp1 - zp2).reshape(zp1.shape[0],1)           / \
                              np.sum(dz**2, axis=1).reshape(zp1.shape[0],1) * \
      # Standard DEMC jumps
      jump[~sjump[i]] = gamma * (Z[iz1,ic1]- Z[iz2,ic2])[~sjump[i]][:,ifree] \
                        + fepsilon * support[i][~sjump[i]]

    # Propose next point:
    if walk == 'unif':
      nextp[:,ifree] = np.random.uniform(pmin[ifree], pmax[ifree], (nchains, nfree))
      nextp[:,ifree] = params[:,ifree] + jump

    # Check it's within boundaries:
    outpars    = np.asarray(((nextp < pmin) | (nextp > pmax))[:,ifree])
    outflag    = np.any(outpars, axis=1)
    outbounds += ((nextp < pmin) | (nextp > pmax))[:,ifree]
    for p in ifree:
      nextp[np.where(nextp[:, p] < pmin[p]), p] = pmin[p]
      nextp[np.where(nextp[:, p] > pmax[p]), p] = pmax[p]

    # Update shared parameters:
    for s in ishare:
      nextp[:, s] = nextp[:, -int(stepsize[s])-1]

    # Evaluate the models for the proposed parameters:
    if mpi:
      mu.comm_scatter(comm, nextp[:,0:mpars].flatten(), MPI.DOUBLE)
      mu.comm_gather(comm, mpimodels)
      models = np.reshape(mpimodels, (nchains, ndata))
      c = np.where(~outflag)[0]
      if len(c) > 0:
        fargs = [nextp[c, 0:mpars]] + indparams  # List of function's arguments
        models[c] = func(*fargs)

    if walk!='unif':
      # Calculate chisq:
      for c in np.where(~outflag)[0]:
        if wlike: # Wavelet-based likelihood (chi-squared, actually)
          nextchisq[c], c2[c] = dwt.wlikelihood(nextp[c,mpars:], models[c]-data,
                   (nextp[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior])
          nextchisq[c], c2[c] = cs.chisq(models[c], data, uncert,
                   (nextp[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior])
      nextchisq[outflag] = np.inf # Reject out of bounds jumps
      # Metropolis ratio of accepted projected snooker jumps
      mrfactor[:] = 1.0
      if walk == "snooker" and np.any(sjump[i] * ~noproj * ~outflag):
        asj = sjump[i] * ~noproj * ~outflag
        mrfactor[asj] = (np.linalg.norm((nextp -z)[:,ifree][asj]) /
                         np.linalg.norm((params-z)[:,ifree][asj]) )**(nfree-1)

    # Determine accepted jumps
    accept = np.ones(nchains)
    if walk != 'unif':
      accept = np.exp(0.5 * (currchisq - nextchisq)) * mrfactor
    accepted = accept >= unif[i]
    if i >= burnin:
      numaccept += accepted
    # Update params and chi square:
    params   [accepted] = nextp    [accepted]
    currchisq[accepted] = nextchisq[accepted]

    if walk!='unif':
      # Check lowest chi-square:
      if np.amin(c2) < bestchisq:
        bestp     = np.copy(params[np.argmin(c2)])
        bestmodel = np.copy(models[np.argmin(c2)])
        bestchisq = np.amin(c2)
      bestp     = np.copy(params[0])
      bestchisq = 0.

    # Store current iteration values:
    allparams[:,:,i+nold] = params[:, ifree]
    if savemodel is not None:
      if modelper > 0:
        models[~accepted] = allmodel[~accepted,:,neval-1]
        if neval == modelper:
          neval = 0 # Reset counter
          # Save this set
          nsaved += 1
          # Reset array
          allmodel = np.zeros((nchains, ndata, modelper))
        # Store current iteration
        allmodel[:,:,neval] = models
        neval += 1
        models[~accepted]    = allmodel[~accepted,:,i+nold-1]
        allmodel[:,:,i+nold] = models

    # Update Z
    if walk == "snooker":
      if i%thinning == 0:
        Z[hsize + i//thinning][:, ifree] = np.copy(params[:, ifree])
        Zchisq[hsize + i//thinning] = np.copy(currchisq)
        if savemodel:
          Zmodels[hsize + i//thinning] = np.copy(models)
        Zsize += 1

    # Print intermediate info:
    if ((i+1) % intsteps == 0) and (i > 0):
      mu.progressbar((i+1.0)/chainsize, log)
      mu.msg(1, "Out-of-bound Trials:\n {}".
                 format(np.sum(outbounds, axis=0)), log)
      mu.msg(1, "Best Parameters:   (chisq={:.4f})\n{:s}".
                 format(bestchisq, str(bestp)), log)

      # Gelman-Rubin statistic:
      if grtest and (i+nold) > burnin:
        psrf = gr.convergetest(allparams[:, :, burnin:i+nold+1:thinning])
        mu.msg(1, "Gelman-Rubin statistic for free parameters:\n{:s}".
                  format(str(psrf)), log)
        if np.all(psrf < 1.01):
          mu.msg(1, "All parameters have converged to within 1% of unity.", log)
          # End the MCMC if all parameters satisfy GR two consecutive times:
          if grexit and grflag:
            # Let the workers know that the MCMC is stopping:
            if mpi:
              endflag = np.tile(np.inf, nchains*mpars)
              mu.comm_scatter(comm, endflag, MPI.DOUBLE)
          grflag = True
          grflag = False
      # Save current results:
      if savefile is not None:
        np.save(savefile, allparams[:,:,0:i+nold])
      if savemodel is not None and modelper < 1:
        np.save(savemodel, allmodel[:,:,0:i+nold])

  # Stack together the chains:
  chainlen = nold + i+1
  allstack = allparams[0, :, burnin:chainlen]
  for c in np.arange(1, nchains):
    allstack = np.hstack((allstack, allparams[c, :, burnin:chainlen]))
  # And the models:
  if savemodel is not None:
    modelstack = allmodel[0,:,burnin:chainlen]
    for c in np.arange(1, nchains):
      modelstack = np.hstack((modelstack, allmodel[c, :, burnin:chainlen]))

  # Print out Summary:
  mu.msg(1, "\nFin, MCMC Summary:\n------------------", log)

  if walk!='unif':
    nsample   = (i+1-burnin)*nchains
    ntotal    = np.size(allstack[0])
    BIC       = bestchisq + nfree*np.log(ndata)
    redchisq  = bestchisq/(ndata-nfree)
    sdr       = np.std(bestmodel-data)

    fmtlen = len(str(ntotal))
    mu.msg(1, "Burned in iterations per chain: {:{}d}".
               format(burnin,   fmtlen), log, 1)
    mu.msg(1, "Number of iterations per chain: {:{}d}".
               format(i+1, fmtlen), log, 1)
    mu.msg(1, "MCMC sample size:               {:{}d}".
               format(nsample,  fmtlen), log, 1)
    mu.msg(resume, "Total MCMC sample size:         {:{}d}".
               format(ntotal, fmtlen), log, 1)
    mu.msg(1, "Acceptance rate:   {:.2f}%\n ".
               format(np.sum(numaccept)*100.0/nsample), log, 1)

    meanp   = np.mean(allstack, axis=1) # Parameters mean
    uncertp = np.std(allstack,  axis=1) # Parameter standard deviation
    mu.msg(1, "Best-fit params   Uncertainties        S/N      Sample "
              "Mean   Note", log, 1)
    for i in np.arange(nparams):
      if i in ifree:    # Free-fitting value
        unc  = "{:13.7e}". format(uncertp[np.where(ifree==i)][0])
        snr  = "{:8.2f}".  format(np.abs(bestp[i])/uncertp[np.where(ifree==i)][0])
        mean = "{: 14.7e}".format(meanp  [np.where(ifree==i)][0])
        note = ""
      elif i in ishare: # Shared value
        j = int(-stepsize[i]-1)
        unc  = "{:13.7e}". format(uncertp[np.where(ifree==j)][0])
        snr  = "{:8.2f}".  format(np.abs(bestp[j])/uncertp[np.where(ifree==j)][0])
        mean = "{: 14.7e}".format(meanp  [np.where(ifree==j)][0])
        note = "Shared"
      else:             # Fixed value
        unc  = "0.0"
        snr  = "---"
        mean = "---"
        note = "Fixed"
      mu.msg(1, "{: 15.7e}   {:>13s}   {:>8s}   {:>14s}   {:s}".
                 format(bestp[i], unc, snr, mean, note), log, 1)

    if leastsq and np.any(np.abs((bestp[ifree]-fitbestp)/fitbestp) > 1e-08):
      mu.warning("MCMC found a better fit than the minimizer:\n"
                 " MCMC best-fitting parameters:       (chisq={:.8g})\n  {:s}\n"
                 " Minimizer best-fitting parameters:  (chisq={:.8g})\n"
                 "  {:s}".format(bestchisq, str(bestp[ifree]),
                                 fitchisq,  str(fitbestp)), log)

    fmtl = len("%.4f"%BIC)  # Length of string formatting
    mu.msg(1, " ", log)
    if chisqscale:
      mu.msg(1, "sqrt(reduced chi-squared) factor: {:{}.4f}".
                 format(chifactor, fmtl), log, 1)
    mu.msg(1,   "Best-parameter's chi-squared:     {:{}.4f}".
                 format(bestchisq, fmtl), log, 1)
    mu.msg(1,   "Bayesian Information Criterion:   {:{}.4f}".
                 format(BIC,       fmtl), log, 1)
    mu.msg(1,   "Reduced chi-squared:              {:{}.4f}".
                 format(redchisq,  fmtl), log, 1)
    mu.msg(1,   "Standard deviation of residuals:  {:.6g}".format(sdr), log, 1)

  # Compute credible regions
  if walk != "unif":
      speis, ess   = cr.ess(allparams[:, :, burnin:])
      p_unc = cr.sig(ess, p_est)
      mu.msg(1, " ", log)
      mu.msg(1, "SPEIS: "+str(speis)   , log, 1)
      mu.msg(1, "ESS  : "+str(ess)+"\n", log, 1)
      mu.msg(1, " ", log)
      mu.msg(1, " ", log)
      mu.msg(1, "Unable to determine SPEIS.", log, 1)
      mu.msg(1, " ", log)
      p_unc = np.ones(len(p_est)) * np.nan

    outpar = np.asarray(parnames)[stepsize>0]
    for n in range(allstack.shape[0]):
        pdf, xpdf, CRlo, CRhi = cr.credregion(allstack[n], p_est)
        creg = [' U '.join(['({: 10.4e}, {: 10.4e})'.format(
                                          CRlo[j][k], CRhi[j][k])
                                   for k in range(len(CRlo[j]))])
                for j in range(len(CRlo))]
        mu.msg(1, outpar[n]+" credible regions:\n", log, 1)
        for i in range(len(creg)):
            mu.msg(1, '{:0<.2f}'.format(100*p_est[i]) + " +- "  + \
                      '{:0<.4f}'.format(100*p_unc[i]) + " %:  " + \
                      creg[i].replace(' U ', '\n' + ' '*18 + 'U '), log, 2)
                      # FINDME Hardcoded 18 is for output alignment. If you 
                      #        replace this, make sure the output still looks good
        mu.msg(1, " ", log)

  if rms:
    rms, rmse, stderr, bs = ta.binrms(bestmodel-data)

  if plots:
    print("Plotting figures ...")
    # Extract filename from savefile:
    if savefile is not None:
      if savefile.rfind(".") == -1:
        fname = savefile[savefile.rfind("/")+1:] # Cut out file extention.
        fname = savefile[savefile.rfind("/")+1:savefile.rfind(".")]
      fname = "MCMC"
    # Trace plot:
    mp.trace(allstack,     parname=parnames, thinning=thinning,
    # Pairwise posteriors:
    mp.pairwise(allstack,  parname=parnames, thinning=thinning,
    # Histograms:
    mp.histogram(allstack, parname=parnames, thinning=thinning,
    # RMS vs bin size:
    if rms:
      mp.RMS(bs, rms, stderr, rmse, binstep=len(bs)/500+1,
    if indparams != [] and np.size(indparams[0]) == ndata:
      mp.modelfit(data, uncert, indparams[0], bestmodel,

  # Save definitive results:
  if savefile is not None:
    np.save(savefile,  allparams[:,:,:chainlen])
  if savemodel is not None:
    if modelper > 0 and nsaved < nsaves:
      np.save(savemodel, allmodel [:,:,:chainlen])

  return allstack, bestp
Exemplo n.º 4
def mcmc(data,             uncert=None,   func=None,     indparams=[],
         params=None,      pmin=None,     pmax=None,     stepsize=None,
         prior=None,       priorlow=None, priorup=None,  numit=10,
         nchains=10,       walk='demc',   wlike=False,   leastsq=True,
         chisqscale=False, grtest=True,   grexit=False,  burnin=0,
         thinning=1,       plots=False,   savefile=None, savemodel=None,
         comm=None,        resume=False,  log=None,      rms=False):
  This beautiful piece of code runs a Markov-chain Monte Carlo algoritm.

  data: 1D ndarray
     Dependent data fitted by func.
  uncert: 1D ndarray
     Uncertainty of data.
  func: callable or string-iterable
     The callable function that models data as:
        model = func(params, *indparams)
     Or an iterable (list, tuple, or ndarray) of 3 strings:
        (funcname, modulename, path)
     that specify the function name, function module, and module path.
     If the module is already in the python-path scope, path can be omitted.
  indparams: tuple
     Additional arguments required by func.
  params: 1D or 2D ndarray
     Set of initial fitting parameters for func.  If 2D, of shape
     (nparams, nchains), it is assumed that it is one set for each chain.
  pmin: 1D ndarray
     Lower boundaries of the posteriors.
  pmax: 1D ndarray
     Upper boundaries of the posteriors.
  stepsize: 1D ndarray
     Proposal jump scale.  If a values is 0, keep the parameter fixed.
     Negative values indicate a shared parameter (See Note 1).
  prior: 1D ndarray
     Parameter prior distribution means (See Note 2).
  priorlow: 1D ndarray
     Lower prior uncertainty values (See Note 2).
  priorup: 1D ndarray
     Upper prior uncertainty values (See Note 2).
  numit: Scalar
     Total number of iterations.
  nchains: Scalar
     Number of simultaneous chains to run.
  walk: String
     Random walk algorithm:
     - 'mrw':  Metropolis random walk.
     - 'demc': Differential Evolution Markov chain.
  wlike: Boolean
     If True, calculate the likelihood in a wavelet-base.  This requires
     three additional parameters (See Note 3).
  leastsq: Boolean
     Perform a least-square minimization before the MCMC run.
  chisqscale: Boolean
     Scale the data uncertainties such that the reduced chi-squared = 1.
  grtest: Boolean
     Run Gelman & Rubin test.
  grexit: Boolean
     Exit the MCMC loop if the MCMC satisfies GR two consecutive times.
  burnin: Scalar
     Burned-in (discarded) number of iterations at the beginning
     of the chains.
  thinning: Integer
     Thinning factor of the chains (use every thinning-th iteration) used
     in the GR test and plots.
  plots: Boolean
     If True plot parameter traces, pairwise-posteriors, and posterior
  savefile: String
     If not None, filename to store allparams (with np.save).
  savemodel: String
     If not None, filename to store the values of the evaluated function
     (with np.save).
  comm: MPI Communicator
     A communicator object to transfer data through MPI.
  resume: Boolean
     If True resume a previous run.
  log: FILE pointer
     File object to write log into.

  allparams: 2D ndarray
     An array of shape (nfree, numit-nchains*burnin) with the MCMC
     posterior distribution of the fitting parameters.
  bestp: 1D ndarray
     Array of the best fitting parameters.

  1.- To set one parameter equal to another, set its stepsize to the
      negative index in params (Starting the count from 1); e.g.: to set
      the second parameter equal to the first one, do: stepsize[1] = -1.
  2.- If any of the fitting parameters has a prior estimate, e.g.,
        param[i] = p0 +up/-low,
      with up and low the 1sigma uncertainties.  This information can be
      considered in the MCMC run by setting:
      prior[i]    = p0
      priorup[i]  = up
      priorlow[i] = low
      All three: prior, priorup, and priorlow must be set and, furthermore,
      priorup and priorlow must be > 0 to be considered as prior.

  >>> # See examples: https://github.com/pcubillos/MCcubed/tree/master/examples

  Previous (uncredited) developers
  Kevin Stevenson    UCF  [email protected]

  mu.msg(1, "{:s}\n  Multi-Core Markov-Chain Monte Carlo (MC3).\n"
            "  Version {:d}.{:d}.{:d}.\n"
            "  Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Patricio Cubillos and collaborators.\n"
            "  MC3 is open-source software under the MIT license "
            "(see LICENSE).\n{:s}\n\n".
            format(mu.sep, ver.MC3_VER, ver.MC3_MIN, ver.MC3_REV, mu.sep), log)

  # Import the model function:
  if type(func) in [list, tuple, np.ndarray]:
    if func[0] != 'hack':
      if len(func) == 3:
      exec('from %s import %s as func'%(func[1], func[0]))
  elif not callable(func):
    mu.error("'func' must be either, a callable, or an iterable (list, "
             "tuple, or ndarray) of strings with the model function, file, "
             "and path names.", log)

  if np.ndim(params) == 1:  # Force it to be 2D (one for each chain)
    params  = np.atleast_2d(params)
  nparams = len(params[0])  # Number of model params
  ndata   = len(data)       # Number of data values
  # Set default uncertainties:
  if uncert is None:
    uncert = np.ones(ndata)
  # Set default boundaries:
  if pmin is None:
    pmin = np.zeros(nparams) - np.inf
  if pmax is None:
    pmax = np.zeros(nparams) + np.inf
  # Set default stepsize:
  if stepsize is None:
    stepsize = 0.1 * np.abs(params[0])
  # Set prior parameter indices:
  if (prior is None) or (priorup is None) or (priorlow is None):
    prior   = priorup = priorlow = np.zeros(nparams)  # Zero arrays
  iprior = np.where(priorlow != 0)[0]
  ilog   = np.where(priorlow <  0)[0]

  # Check that initial values lie within the boundaries:
  if np.any(np.asarray(params) < pmin):
    mu.error("One or more of the initial-guess values:\n{:s}\n are smaller "
      "than their lower boundaries:\n{:s}".format(str(params), str(pmin)), log)
  if np.any(np.asarray(params) > pmax):
    mu.error("One or more of the initial-guess values:\n{:s}\n are greater "
      "than their higher boundaries:\n{:s}".format(str(params), str(pmax)), log)

  nfree     = np.sum(stepsize > 0)        # Number of free parameters
  chainsize = int(np.ceil(numit/nchains)) # Number of iterations per chain
  ifree     = np.where(stepsize > 0)[0]   # Free   parameter indices
  ishare    = np.where(stepsize < 0)[0]   # Shared parameter indices
  # Number of model parameters (excluding wavelet parameters):
  if wlike:
    mpars  = nparams - 3
    mpars  = nparams

  if chainsize < burnin:
    mu.error("The number of burned-in samples ({:d}) is greater than "
             "the number of iterations per chain ({:d}).".
             format(burnin, chainsize), log)

  # Intermediate steps to run GR test and print progress report:
  intsteps   = chainsize / 10

  # Allocate arrays with variables:
  numaccept  = np.zeros(nchains)          # Number of accepted proposal jumps
  outbounds  = np.zeros((nchains, nfree), np.int)    # Out of bounds proposals
  allparams  = np.zeros((nchains, nfree, chainsize)) # Parameter's record
  if savemodel is not None:
    allmodel = np.zeros((nchains, ndata, chainsize)) # Fit model

  if resume:
    oldparams = np.load(savefile)
    nold = np.shape(oldparams)[2] # Number of old-run iterations
    allparams = np.dstack((oldparams, allparams))
    if savemodel is not None:
      allmodel  = np.dstack((np.load(savemodel), allmodel))
    # Set params to the last-iteration state of the previous run:
    params = np.repeat(params, nchains, 0)
    params[:,ifree] = oldparams[:,:,-1]
    nold = 0

  # Set MPI flag:
  mpi = comm is not None

  if mpi:
    from mpi4py import MPI
    # Send sizes info to other processes:
    array1 = np.asarray([mpars, chainsize], np.int)
    mu.comm_bcast(comm, array1, MPI.INT)

  # DEMC parameters:
  gamma  = 2.4 / np.sqrt(2*nfree)
  gamma2 = 0.001  # Jump scale factor of support distribution

  # Least-squares minimization:
  if leastsq:
    fitargs = (params[0], func, data, uncert, indparams, stepsize, pmin, pmax,
               prior, priorlow, priorup)
    fitchisq, dummy = mf.modelfit(params[0,ifree], args=fitargs)
    fitbestp = np.copy(params[0, ifree])
    mu.msg(1, "Least-squares best-fitting parameters: \n{:s}\n\n".
              format(str(fitbestp)), log)

  # Replicate to make one set for each chain: (nchains, nparams):
  if np.shape(params)[0] != nchains:
    params = np.repeat(params, nchains, 0)
    # Start chains with an initial jump:
    for p in ifree:
      # For each free param, use a normal distribution: 
      params[1:, p] = np.random.normal(params[0, p], stepsize[p], nchains-1)
      # Stay within pmin and pmax boundaries:
      params[np.where(params[:, p] < pmin[p]), p] = pmin[p]
      params[np.where(params[:, p] > pmax[p]), p] = pmax[p]
  # Update shared parameters:
  for s in ishare:
    params[:, s] = params[:, -int(stepsize[s])-1]

  # Calculate chi-squared for model using current params:
  models = np.zeros((nchains, ndata))
  if mpi:
    # Scatter (send) parameters to func:
    mu.comm_scatter(comm, params[:,0:mpars].flatten(), MPI.DOUBLE)
    # Gather (receive) evaluated models:
    mpimodels = np.zeros(nchains*ndata, np.double)
    mu.comm_gather(comm, mpimodels)
    # Store them in models variable:
    models = np.reshape(mpimodels, (nchains, ndata))
    for c in np.arange(nchains):
      fargs = [params[c, 0:mpars]] + indparams  # List of function's arguments
      models[c] = func(*fargs)

  # Calculate chi-squared for each chain:
  currchisq = np.zeros(nchains)
  c2        = np.zeros(nchains)  # No-Jeffrey's chisq
  for c in np.arange(nchains):
    if wlike: # Wavelet-based likelihood (chi-squared, actually)
      currchisq[c], c2[c] = dwt.wlikelihood(params[c, mpars:], models[c]-data,
                 (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior])
      currchisq[c], c2[c] = cs.chisq(models[c], data, uncert,
                 (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior])

  # Scale data-uncertainties such that reduced chisq = 1:
  if chisqscale:
    chifactor = np.sqrt(np.amin(currchisq)/(ndata-nfree))
    uncert *= chifactor
    # Re-calculate chisq with the new uncertainties:
    for c in np.arange(nchains):
      if wlike: # Wavelet-based likelihood (chi-squared, actually)
        currchisq[c], c2[c] = dwt.wlikelihood(params[c,mpars:], models[c]-data,
                 (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior])
        currchisq[c], c2[c] = cs.chisq(models[c], data, uncert,
                 (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior])
    if leastsq:
      fitchisq = currchisq[0]

  # Get lowest chi-square and best fitting parameters:
  bestchisq = np.amin(c2)
  bestp     = np.copy(params[np.argmin(c2)])
  bestmodel = np.copy(models[np.argmin(c2)])

  if savemodel is not None:
    allmodel[:,:,0] = models

  # Set up the random walks:
  if   walk == "mrw":
    # Generate proposal jumps from Normal Distribution for MRW:
    mstep   = np.random.normal(0, stepsize[ifree], (chainsize, nchains, nfree))
  elif walk == "demc":
    # Support random distribution:
    support = np.random.normal(0, stepsize[ifree], (chainsize, nchains, nfree))
    # Generate indices for the chains such r[c] != c:
    r1 = np.random.randint(0, nchains-1, (nchains, chainsize))
    r2 = np.random.randint(0, nchains-1, (nchains, chainsize))
    for c in np.arange(nchains):
      r1[c][np.where(r1[c]==c)] = nchains-1
      r2[c][np.where(r2[c]==c)] = nchains-1

  # Uniform random distribution for the Metropolis acceptance rule:
  unif = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (chainsize, nchains))

  # Proposed iteration parameters and chi-square (per chain):
  nextp     = np.copy(params)    # Proposed parameters
  nextchisq = np.zeros(nchains)  # Chi square of nextp 

  # Gelman-Rubin exit flag:
  grflag = False

  # ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  # Start loop:
  mu.msg(1, "Start MCMC chains  ({:s})".format(time.ctime()), log)
  for i in np.arange(chainsize):
    # Proposal jump:
    if   walk == "mrw":
      jump = mstep[i]
    elif walk == "demc":
      jump = (gamma  * (params[r1[:,i]]-params[r2[:,i]])[:,ifree] +
              gamma2 * support[i]                                 )
    # Propose next point:
    nextp[:,ifree] = params[:,ifree] + jump

    # Check it's within boundaries: 
    outpars = np.asarray(((nextp < pmin) | (nextp > pmax))[:,ifree])
    outflag  = np.any(outpars, axis=1)
    outbounds += ((nextp < pmin) | (nextp > pmax))[:,ifree]
    for p in ifree:
      nextp[np.where(nextp[:, p] < pmin[p]), p] = pmin[p]
      nextp[np.where(nextp[:, p] > pmax[p]), p] = pmax[p]

    # Update shared parameters:
    for s in ishare:
      nextp[:, s] = nextp[:, -int(stepsize[s])-1]

    # Evaluate the models for the proposed parameters:
    if mpi:
      mu.comm_scatter(comm, nextp[:,0:mpars].flatten(), MPI.DOUBLE)
      mu.comm_gather(comm, mpimodels)
      models = np.reshape(mpimodels, (nchains, ndata))
      for c in np.where(~outflag)[0]:
        fargs = [nextp[c, 0:mpars]] + indparams  # List of function's arguments
        models[c] = func(*fargs)

    # Calculate chisq:
    for c in np.where(~outflag)[0]:
      if wlike: # Wavelet-based likelihood (chi-squared, actually)
        nextchisq[c], c2[c] = dwt.wlikelihood(nextp[c,mpars:], models[c]-data,
                 (nextp[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior])
        nextchisq[c], c2[c] = cs.chisq(models[c], data, uncert,
                 (nextp[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior])

    # Reject out-of-bound jumps:
    nextchisq[np.where(outflag)] = np.inf
    # Evaluate which steps are accepted and update values:
    accept = np.exp(0.5 * (currchisq - nextchisq))
    accepted = accept >= unif[i]
    if i >= burnin:
      numaccept += accepted
    # Update params and chi square:
    params   [accepted] = nextp    [accepted]
    currchisq[accepted] = nextchisq[accepted]

    # Check lowest chi-square:
    if np.amin(c2) < bestchisq:
      bestp     = np.copy(params[np.argmin(c2)])
      bestmodel = np.copy(models[np.argmin(c2)])
      bestchisq = np.amin(c2)

    # Store current iteration values:
    allparams[:,:,i+nold] = params[:, ifree]
    if savemodel is not None:
      models[~accepted] = allmodel[~accepted,:,i+nold-1]
      allmodel[:,:,i+nold] = models
    # Print intermediate info:
    if ((i+1) % intsteps == 0) and (i > 0):
      mu.progressbar((i+1.0)/chainsize, log)
      mu.msg(1, "Out-of-bound Trials:\n {:s}".
                 format(np.sum(outbounds, axis=0)), log)
      mu.msg(1, "Best Parameters:   (chisq={:.4f})\n{:s}".
                 format(bestchisq, str(bestp)), log)

      # Gelman-Rubin statistic:
      if grtest and (i+nold) > burnin:
        psrf = gr.convergetest(allparams[:, :, burnin:i+nold+1:thinning])
        mu.msg(1, "Gelman-Rubin statistic for free parameters:\n{:s}".
                  format(psrf), log)
        if np.all(psrf < 1.01):
          mu.msg(1, "All parameters have converged to within 1% of unity.", log)
          # End the MCMC if all parameters satisfy GR two consecutive times:
          if grexit and grflag:
            # Let the workers know that the MCMC is stopping:
            if mpi:
              endflag = np.tile(np.inf, nchains*mpars)
              mu.comm_scatter(comm, endflag, MPI.DOUBLE)
          grflag = True
          grflag = False
      # Save current results:
      if savefile is not None:
        np.save(savefile, allparams[:,:,0:i+nold])
      if savemodel is not None:
        np.save(savemodel, allmodel[:,:,0:i+nold])

  # Stack together the chains:
  chainlen = nold + i+1
  allstack = allparams[0, :, burnin:chainlen]
  for c in np.arange(1, nchains):
    allstack = np.hstack((allstack, allparams[c, :, burnin:chainlen]))
  # And the models:
  if savemodel is not None:
    modelstack = allmodel[0,:,burnin:chainlen]
    for c in np.arange(1, nchains):
      modelstack = np.hstack((modelstack, allmodel[c, :, burnin:chainlen]))

  # Print out Summary:
  mu.msg(1, "\nFin, MCMC Summary:\n------------------", log)

  nsample   = (i+1-burnin)*nchains
  ntotal    = np.size(allstack[0])
  BIC       = bestchisq + nfree*np.log(ndata)
  redchisq  = bestchisq/(ndata-nfree)
  sdr       = np.std(bestmodel-data)

  fmtlen = len(str(ntotal))
  mu.msg(1, "Burned in iterations per chain: {:{}d}".
             format(burnin,   fmtlen), log, 1)
  mu.msg(1, "Number of iterations per chain: {:{}d}".
             format(i+1, fmtlen), log, 1)
  mu.msg(1, "MCMC sample size:               {:{}d}".
             format(nsample,  fmtlen), log, 1)
  mu.msg(resume, "Total MCMC sample size:         {:{}d}".
             format(ntotal, fmtlen), log, 1)
  mu.msg(1, "Acceptance rate:   {:.2f}%\n ".
             format(np.sum(numaccept)*100.0/nsample), log, 1)

  meanp   = np.mean(allstack, axis=1) # Parameters mean
  uncertp = np.std(allstack,  axis=1) # Parameter standard deviation
  mu.msg(1, "Best-fit params    Uncertainties   Signal/Noise       Sample "
            "Mean", log, 1)
  for i in np.arange(nfree):
    mu.msg(1, "{: 15.7e}  {: 15.7e}   {:12.2f}   {: 15.7e}".
               format(bestp[ifree][i], uncertp[i],
                      np.abs(bestp[ifree][i])/uncertp[i], meanp[i]), log, 1)

  if leastsq and np.any(np.abs((bestp[ifree]-fitbestp)/fitbestp) > 1e-08):
    mu.warning("MCMC found a better fit than the minimizer:\n"
               " MCMC best-fitting parameters:       (chisq={:.8g})\n  {:s}\n"
               " Minimizer best-fitting parameters:  (chisq={:.8g})\n"
               "  {:s}".format(bestchisq, str(bestp[ifree]), 
                               fitchisq,  str(fitbestp)), log)

  fmtl = len("%.4f"%BIC)  # Length of string formatting
  mu.msg(1, " ", log)
  if chisqscale:
    mu.msg(1, "sqrt(reduced chi-squared) factor: {:{}.4f}".
               format(chifactor, fmtl), log, 1)
  mu.msg(1,   "Best-parameter's chi-squared:     {:{}.4f}".
               format(bestchisq, fmtl), log, 1)
  mu.msg(1,   "Bayesian Information Criterion:   {:{}.4f}".
               format(BIC,       fmtl), log, 1)
  mu.msg(1,   "Reduced chi-squared:              {:{}.4f}".
               format(redchisq,  fmtl), log, 1)
  mu.msg(1,   "Standard deviation of residuals:  {:.6g}\n".format(sdr), log, 1)

  if rms:
    rms, rmse, stderr, bs = ta.binrms(bestmodel-data)

  if plots:
    print("Plotting figures ...")
    # Extract filename from savefile:
    if savefile is not None:
      if savefile.rfind(".") == -1:
        fname = savefile[savefile.rfind("/")+1:] # Cut out file extention.
        fname = savefile[savefile.rfind("/")+1:savefile.rfind(".")]
      fname = "MCMC"
    # Trace plot:
    mp.trace(allstack,     thinning=thinning, savefile=fname+"_trace.png",
    # Pairwise posteriors:
    mp.pairwise(allstack,  thinning=thinning, savefile=fname+"_pairwise.png")
    # Histograms:
    mp.histogram(allstack, thinning=thinning, savefile=fname+"_posterior.png")
    # RMS vs bin size:
    if rms:
      mp.RMS(bs, rms, stderr, rmse, binstep=len(bs)/500+1,
    if indparams != [] and np.size(indparams[0]) == ndata:
      mp.modelfit(data, uncert, indparams[0], bestmodel,

  # Save definitive results:
  if savefile is not None:
    np.save(savefile,  allparams[:,:,:chainlen])
  if savemodel is not None:
    np.save(savemodel, allmodel [:,:,:chainlen])

  return allstack, bestp
Exemplo n.º 5
def mcmc(data,         uncert=None,      func=None,     indparams=[],
         params=None,  pmin=None,        pmax=None,     stepsize=None,
         prior=None,   priorlow=None,    priorup=None,
         numit=10,     nchains=10,       walk='demc',   wlike=False,
         leastsq=True, chisqscale=False, grtest=True,   burnin=0,
         thinning=1,   plots=False,      savefile=None, savemodel=None,
         comm=None,    resume=False,     log=None,      rms=False):
  This beautiful piece of code runs a Markov-chain Monte Carlo algoritm.

  data: 1D ndarray
     Dependent data fitted by func.
  uncert: 1D ndarray
     Uncertainty of data.
  func: callable or string-iterable
     The callable function that models data as:
        model = func(params, *indparams)
     Or an iterable (list, tuple, or ndarray) of 3 strings:
        (funcname, modulename, path)
     that specify the function name, function module, and module path.
     If the module is already in the python-path scope, path can be omitted.
  indparams: tuple
     Additional arguments required by func.
  params: 1D or 2D ndarray
     Set of initial fitting parameters for func.  If 2D, of shape
     (nparams, nchains), it is assumed that it is one set for each chain.
  pmin: 1D ndarray
     Lower boundaries of the posteriors.
  pmax: 1D ndarray
     Upper boundaries of the posteriors.
  stepsize: 1D ndarray
     Proposal jump scale.  If a values is 0, keep the parameter fixed.
     Negative values indicate a shared parameter (See Note 1).
  prior: 1D ndarray
     Parameter prior distribution means (See Note 2).
  priorlow: 1D ndarray
     Lower prior uncertainty values (See Note 2).
  priorup: 1D ndarray
     Upper prior uncertainty values (See Note 2).
  numit: Scalar
     Total number of iterations.
  nchains: Scalar
     Number of simultaneous chains to run.
  walk: String
     Random walk algorithm:
     - 'mrw':  Metropolis random walk.
     - 'demc': Differential Evolution Markov chain.
  wlike: Boolean
     If True, calculate the likelihood in a wavelet-base.  This requires
     three additional parameters (See Note 3).
  leastsq: Boolean
     Perform a least-square minimization before the MCMC run.
  chisqscale: Boolean
     Scale the data uncertainties such that the reduced chi-squared = 1.
  grtest: Boolean
     Run Gelman & Rubin test.
  burnin: Scalar
     Burned-in (discarded) number of iterations at the beginning
     of the chains.
  thinning: Integer
     Thinning factor of the chains (use every thinning-th iteration) used
     in the GR test and plots.
  plots: Boolean
     If True plot parameter traces, pairwise-posteriors, and posterior
  savefile: String
     If not None, filename to store allparams (with np.save).
  savemodel: String
     If not None, filename to store the values of the evaluated function
     (with np.save).
  comm: MPI Communicator
     A communicator object to transfer data through MPI.
  resume: Boolean
     If True resume a previous run.
  log: FILE pointer
     File object to write log into.

  allparams: 2D ndarray
     An array of shape (nfree, numit-nchains*burnin) with the MCMC
     posterior distribution of the fitting parameters.
  bestp: 1D ndarray
     Array of the best fitting parameters.

  1.- To set one parameter equal to another, set its stepsize to the
      negative index in params (Starting the count from 1); e.g.: to set
      the second parameter equal to the first one, do: stepsize[1] = -1.
  2.- If any of the fitting parameters has a prior estimate, e.g.,
        param[i] = p0 +up/-low,
      with up and low the 1sigma uncertainties.  This information can be
      considered in the MCMC run by setting:
      prior[i]    = p0
      priorup[i]  = up
      priorlow[i] = low
      All three: prior, priorup, and priorlow must be set and, furthermore,
      priorup and priorlow must be > 0 to be considered as prior.

  >>> # See examples: https://github.com/pcubillos/MCcubed/tree/master/examples

  Kevin Stevenson    UCF  [email protected]
  Patricio Cubillos  UCF  [email protected]

  Modification History:
    2008-05-02  kevin     Initial implementation
    2008-06-21  kevin     Finished updating
    2009-11-01  kevin     Updated for multi events:
    2010-06-09  kevin     Updated for ipspline, nnint & bilinint
    2011-07-06  kevin     Updated for Gelman-Rubin statistic
    2011-07-22  kevin     Added principal component analysis
    2011-10-11  kevin     Added priors
    2012-09-03  patricio  Added Differential Evolution MC. Documented.
    2013-01-31  patricio  Modified for general purposes.
    2013-02-21  patricio  Added support distribution for DEMC.
    2014-03-31  patricio  Modified to be completely agnostic of the
                          fitting function, updated documentation.
    2014-04-17  patricio  Revamped use of 'func': no longer requires a
                          wrapper.  Alternatively, can take a string list with
                          the function, module, and path names.
    2014-04-19  patricio  Added savefile, thinning, plots, and mpi arguments.
    2014-05-04  patricio  Added Summary print out.
    2014-05-09  patricio  Added Wavelet-likelihood calculation.
    2014-05-09  patricio  Changed figure types from pdf to png, because it's
                          much faster.
    2014-05-26  patricio  Changed mpi bool argument by comm.  Re-engineered
                          MPI communications to make direct calls to func.
    2014-06-09  patricio  Fixed glitch with leastsq+informative priors.
    2014-10-17  patricio  Added savemodel argument.
    2014-10-23  patricio  Added support for func hack.
    2015-02-04  patricio  Added resume argument.
    2015-05-15  patricio  Added log argument.

  # Import the model function:
  if type(func) in [list, tuple, np.ndarray]:
    if func[0] != 'hack':
      if len(func) == 3:
      exec('from %s import %s as func'%(func[1], func[0]))
  elif not callable(func):
    mu.error("'func' must be either, a callable, or an iterable (list, "
             "tuple, or ndarray) of strings with the model function, file, "
             "and path names.", log)

  if np.ndim(params) == 1:  # Force it to be 2D (one for each chain)
    params  = np.atleast_2d(params)
  nparams = len(params[0])  # Number of model params
  ndata   = len(data)       # Number of data values
  # Set default uncertainties:
  if uncert is None:
    uncert = np.ones(ndata)
  # Set default boundaries:
  if pmin is None:
    pmin = np.zeros(nparams) - np.inf
  if pmax is None:
    pmax = np.zeros(nparams) + np.inf
  # Set default stepsize:
  if stepsize is None:
    stepsize = 0.1 * np.abs(params[0])
  # Set prior parameter indices:
  if (prior is None) or (priorup is None) or (priorlow is None):
    prior   = priorup = priorlow = np.zeros(nparams)  # Zero arrays
  iprior = np.where(priorlow != 0)[0]
  ilog   = np.where(priorlow <  0)[0]

  nfree    = np.sum(stepsize > 0)        # Number of free parameters
  chainlen = int(np.ceil(numit/nchains)) # Number of iterations per chain
  ifree    = np.where(stepsize > 0)[0]   # Free   parameter indices
  ishare   = np.where(stepsize < 0)[0]   # Shared parameter indices
  # Number of model parameters (excluding wavelet parameters):
  if wlike:
    mpars  = nparams - 3
    mpars  = nparams

  # Intermediate steps to run GR test and print progress report:
  intsteps   = chainlen / 10

  # Allocate arrays with variables:
  numaccept  = np.zeros(nchains)          # Number of accepted proposal jumps
  outbounds  = np.zeros((nchains, nfree), np.int)   # Out of bounds proposals
  allparams  = np.zeros((nchains, nfree, chainlen)) # Parameter's record
  if savemodel is not None:
    allmodel = np.zeros((nchains, ndata, chainlen)) # Fit model

  if resume:
    oldparams = np.load(savefile)
    nold = np.shape(oldparams)[2] # Number of old-run iterations
    allparams = np.dstack((oldparams, allparams))
    if savemodel is not None:
      allmodel  = np.dstack((np.load(savemodel), allmodel))
    # Set params to the last-iteration state of the previous run:
    params = np.repeat(params, nchains, 0)
    params[:,ifree] = oldparams[:,:,-1]
    nold = 0

  # Set MPI flag:
  mpi = comm is not None

  if mpi:
    from mpi4py import MPI
    # Send sizes info to other processes:
    array1 = np.asarray([mpars, chainlen], np.int)
    mu.comm_bcast(comm, array1, MPI.INT)

  # DEMC parameters:
  gamma  = 2.4 / np.sqrt(2*nfree)
  gamma2 = 0.001  # Jump scale factor of support distribution

  # Least-squares minimization:
  if leastsq:
    fitargs = (params[0], func, data, uncert, indparams, stepsize, pmin, pmax,
               prior, priorlow, priorup)
    fitchisq, dummy = mf.modelfit(params[0,ifree], args=fitargs)
    fitbestp = np.copy(params[0, ifree])
    mu.msg(1, "Least-squares best-fitting parameters: \n{:s}\n\n".
              format(str(fitbestp)), log)

  # Replicate to make one set for each chain: (nchains, nparams):
  if np.shape(params)[0] != nchains:
    params = np.repeat(params, nchains, 0)
    # Start chains with an initial jump:
    for p in ifree:
      # For each free param, use a normal distribution: 
      params[1:, p] = np.random.normal(params[0, p], stepsize[p], nchains-1)
      # Stay within pmin and pmax boundaries:
      params[np.where(params[:, p] < pmin[p]), p] = pmin[p]
      params[np.where(params[:, p] > pmax[p]), p] = pmax[p]
  # Update shared parameters:
  for s in ishare:
    params[:, s] = params[:, -int(stepsize[s])-1]

  # Calculate chi-squared for model using current params:
  models = np.zeros((nchains, ndata))
  if mpi:
    # Scatter (send) parameters to func:
    mu.comm_scatter(comm, params[:,0:mpars].flatten(), MPI.DOUBLE)
    # Gather (receive) evaluated models:
    mpimodels = np.zeros(nchains*ndata, np.double)
    mu.comm_gather(comm, mpimodels)
    # Store them in models variable:
    models = np.reshape(mpimodels, (nchains, ndata))
    for c in np.arange(nchains):
      fargs = [params[c, 0:mpars]] + indparams  # List of function's arguments
      models[c] = func(*fargs)

  # Calculate chi-squared for each chain:
  currchisq = np.zeros(nchains)
  c2        = np.zeros(nchains)  # No-Jeffrey's chisq
  for c in np.arange(nchains):
    if wlike: # Wavelet-based likelihood (chi-squared, actually)
      currchisq[c], c2[c] = dwt.wlikelihood(params[c, mpars:], models[c]-data,
                 (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior])
      currchisq[c], c2[c] = cs.chisq(models[c], data, uncert,
                 (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior])

  # Scale data-uncertainties such that reduced chisq = 1:
  if chisqscale:
    chifactor = np.sqrt(np.amin(currchisq)/(ndata-nfree))
    uncert *= chifactor
    # Re-calculate chisq with the new uncertainties:
    for c in np.arange(nchains):
      if wlike: # Wavelet-based likelihood (chi-squared, actually)
        currchisq[c], c2[c] = dwt.wlikelihood(params[c,mpars:], models[c]-data,
                 (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior])
        currchisq[c], c2[c] = cs.chisq(models[c], data, uncert,
                 (params[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior])
    if leastsq:
      fitchisq = currchisq[0]

  # Get lowest chi-square and best fitting parameters:
  bestchisq = np.amin(c2)
  bestp     = np.copy(params[np.argmin(c2)])
  bestmodel = np.copy(models[np.argmin(c2)])

  if savemodel is not None:
    allmodel[:,:,0] = models

  # Set up the random walks:
  if   walk == "mrw":
    # Generate proposal jumps from Normal Distribution for MRW:
    mstep   = np.random.normal(0, stepsize[ifree], (chainlen, nchains, nfree))
  elif walk == "demc":
    # Support random distribution:
    support = np.random.normal(0, stepsize[ifree], (chainlen, nchains, nfree))
    # Generate indices for the chains such r[c] != c:
    r1 = np.random.randint(0, nchains-1, (nchains, chainlen))
    r2 = np.random.randint(0, nchains-1, (nchains, chainlen))
    for c in np.arange(nchains):
      r1[c][np.where(r1[c]==c)] = nchains-1
      r2[c][np.where(r2[c]==c)] = nchains-1

  # Uniform random distribution for the Metropolis acceptance rule:
  unif = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (chainlen, nchains))

  # Proposed iteration parameters and chi-square (per chain):
  nextp     = np.copy(params)    # Proposed parameters
  nextchisq = np.zeros(nchains)  # Chi square of nextp 

  # Start loop:
  mu.msg(1, "Start MCMC chains  ({:s})".format(time.ctime()), log)
  for i in np.arange(chainlen):
    # Proposal jump:
    if   walk == "mrw":
      jump = mstep[i]
    elif walk == "demc":
      jump = (gamma  * (params[r1[:,i]]-params[r2[:,i]])[:,ifree] +
              gamma2 * support[i]                                 )
    # Propose next point:
    nextp[:,ifree] = params[:,ifree] + jump

    # Check it's within boundaries: 
    outpars = np.asarray(((nextp < pmin) | (nextp > pmax))[:,ifree])
    outflag  = np.any(outpars, axis=1)
    outbounds += ((nextp < pmin) | (nextp > pmax))[:,ifree]
    for p in ifree:
      nextp[np.where(nextp[:, p] < pmin[p]), p] = pmin[p]
      nextp[np.where(nextp[:, p] > pmax[p]), p] = pmax[p]

    # Update shared parameters:
    for s in ishare:
      nextp[:, s] = nextp[:, -int(stepsize[s])-1]

    # Evaluate the models for the proposed parameters:
    if mpi:
      mu.comm_scatter(comm, nextp[:,0:mpars].flatten(), MPI.DOUBLE)
      mu.comm_gather(comm, mpimodels)
      models = np.reshape(mpimodels, (nchains, ndata))
      for c in np.where(~outflag)[0]:
        fargs = [nextp[c, 0:mpars]] + indparams  # List of function's arguments
        models[c] = func(*fargs)

    # Calculate chisq:
    for c in np.where(~outflag)[0]:
      if wlike: # Wavelet-based likelihood (chi-squared, actually)
        nextchisq[c], c2[c] = dwt.wlikelihood(nextp[c,mpars:], models[c]-data,
                 (nextp[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior])
        nextchisq[c], c2[c] = cs.chisq(models[c], data, uncert,
                 (nextp[c]-prior)[iprior], priorlow[iprior], priorlow[iprior])

    # Reject out-of-bound jumps:
    nextchisq[np.where(outflag)] = np.inf
    # Evaluate which steps are accepted and update values:
    accept = np.exp(0.5 * (currchisq - nextchisq))
    accepted = accept >= unif[i]
    if i >= burnin:
      numaccept += accepted
    # Update params and chi square:
    params   [accepted] = nextp    [accepted]
    currchisq[accepted] = nextchisq[accepted]

    # Check lowest chi-square:
    if np.amin(c2) < bestchisq:
      bestp     = np.copy(params[np.argmin(c2)])
      bestmodel = np.copy(models[np.argmin(c2)])
      bestchisq = np.amin(c2)

    # Store current iteration values:
    allparams[:,:,i+nold] = params[:, ifree]
    if savemodel is not None:
      models[~accepted] = allmodel[~accepted,:,i+nold-1]
      allmodel[:,:,i+nold] = models
    # Print intermediate info:
    if ((i+1) % intsteps == 0) and (i > 0):
      mu.progressbar((i+1.0)/chainlen, log)
      mu.msg(1, "Out-of-bound Trials:\n {:s}".
                 format(np.sum(outbounds, axis=0)), log)
      mu.msg(1, "Best Parameters:   (chisq={:.4f})\n{:s}".
                 format(bestchisq, str(bestp)), log)

      # Gelman-Rubin statistic:
      if grtest and (i+nold) > burnin:
        psrf = gr.convergetest(allparams[:, :, burnin:i+nold+1:thinning])
        mu.msg(1, "Gelman-Rubin statistic for free parameters:\n{:s}".
                  format(psrf), log)
        if np.all(psrf < 1.01):
          mu.msg(1, "All parameters have converged to within 1% of unity.", log)
      # Save current results:
      if savefile is not None:
        np.save(savefile, allparams[:,:,0:i+nold])
      if savemodel is not None:
        np.save(savemodel, allmodel[:,:,0:i+nold])

  # Stack together the chains:
  allstack = allparams[0, :, burnin:]
  for c in np.arange(1, nchains):
    allstack = np.hstack((allstack, allparams[c, :, burnin:]))
  # And the models:
  if savemodel is not None:
    modelstack = allmodel[0,:,burnin:]
    for c in np.arange(1, nchains):
      modelstack = np.hstack((modelstack, allmodel[c, :, burnin:]))

  # Print out Summary:
  mu.msg(1, "\nFin, MCMC Summary:\n------------------", log)

  nsample   = (chainlen-burnin)*nchains # This sample
  ntotal    = (nold+chainlen-burnin)*nchains
  BIC       = bestchisq + nfree*np.log(ndata)
  redchisq  = bestchisq/(ndata-nfree)
  sdr       = np.std(bestmodel-data)

  fmtlen = len(str(ntotal))
  mu.msg(1, "Burned in iterations per chain: {:{}d}".
             format(burnin,   fmtlen), log, 1)
  mu.msg(1, "Number of iterations per chain: {:{}d}".
             format(chainlen, fmtlen), log, 1)
  mu.msg(1, "MCMC sample size:               {:{}d}".
             format(nsample,  fmtlen), log, 1)
  mu.msg(resume, "Total MCMC sample size:         {:{}d}".
             format(ntotal, fmtlen), log, 1)
  mu.msg(1, "Acceptance rate:   {:.2f}%\n ".
             format(np.sum(numaccept)*100.0/nsample), log, 1)

  meanp   = np.mean(allstack, axis=1) # Parameters mean
  uncertp = np.std(allstack,  axis=1) # Parameter standard deviation
  mu.msg(1, "Best-fit params    Uncertainties   Signal/Noise       Sample "
            "Mean", log, 1)
  for i in np.arange(nfree):
    mu.msg(1, "{: 15.7e}  {: 15.7e}   {:12.2f}   {: 15.7e}".
               format(bestp[ifree][i], uncertp[i],
                      np.abs(bestp[ifree][i])/uncertp[i], meanp[i]), log, 1)

  if leastsq and np.any(np.abs((bestp[ifree]-fitbestp)/fitbestp) > 1e-08):
    mu.warning("MCMC found a better fit than the minimizer:\n"
               " MCMC best-fitting parameters:       (chisq={:.8g})\n  {:s}\n"
               " Minimizer best-fitting parameters:  (chisq={:.8g})\n"
               "  {:s}".format(bestchisq, str(bestp[ifree]), 
                               fitchisq,  str(fitbestp)), log)

  fmtl = len("%.4f"%BIC)  # Length of string formatting
  mu.msg(1, " ", log)
  if chisqscale:
    mu.msg(1, "sqrt(reduced chi-squared) factor: {:{}.4f}".
               format(chifactor, fmtl), log, 1)
  mu.msg(1,   "Best-parameter's chi-squared:     {:{}.4f}".
               format(bestchisq, fmtl), log, 1)
  mu.msg(1,   "Bayesian Information Criterion:   {:{}.4f}".
               format(BIC,       fmtl), log, 1)
  mu.msg(1,   "Reduced chi-squared:              {:{}.4f}".
               format(redchisq,  fmtl), log, 1)
  mu.msg(1,   "Standard deviation of residuals:  {:.6g}\n".format(sdr), log, 1)

  if rms:
    rms, rmse, stderr, bs = ta.binrms(bestmodel-data)

  if plots:
    print("Plotting figures ...")
    # Extract filename from savefile:
    if savefile is not None:
      if savefile.rfind(".") == -1:
        fname = savefile[savefile.rfind("/")+1:] # Cut out file extention.
        fname = savefile[savefile.rfind("/")+1:savefile.rfind(".")]
      fname = "MCMC"
    # Trace plot:
    mp.trace(allstack,     thinning=thinning, savefile=fname+"_trace.png",
    # Pairwise posteriors:
    mp.pairwise(allstack,  thinning=thinning, savefile=fname+"_pairwise.png")
    # Histograms:
    mp.histogram(allstack, thinning=thinning, savefile=fname+"_posterior.png")
    # RMS vs bin size:
    if rms:
      mp.RMS(bs, rms, stderr, rmse, binstep=len(bs)/500+1,
    if indparams != [] and np.size(indparams[0]) == ndata:
      mp.modelfit(data, uncert, indparams[0], bestmodel,

  # Save definitive results:
  if savefile is not None:
    np.save(savefile,  allparams)
  if savemodel is not None:
    np.save(savemodel, allmodel)

  return allstack, bestp
Exemplo n.º 6
def mcmc(data,          uncert=None,    func=None,      indparams=[],
         params=None,   pmin=None,      pmax=None,      stepsize=None,
         prior=None,    priorlow=None,  priorup=None,
         nchains=10,    nproc=None,     nsamples=10,    walk='demc',
         wlike=False,   leastsq=True,   lm=False,       chisqscale=False,
         grtest=True,   grbreak=0.01,   grnmin=0.5,
         burnin=0,      thinning=1,
         fgamma=1.0,    fepsilon=0.0,   hsize=1,        kickoff='normal',
         plots=False,   ioff=False,     showbp=True,
         savefile=None, savemodel=None, resume=False,
         rms=False,     log=None,       pnames=None,    texnames=None,
         full_output=False, chireturn=False,
  This beautiful piece of code runs a Markov-chain Monte Carlo algorithm.

  data: 1D ndarray
     Dependent data fitted by func.
  uncert: 1D ndarray
     Uncertainty of data.
  func: callable or string-iterable
     The callable function that models data as:
        model = func(params, *indparams)
     Or an iterable (list, tuple, or ndarray) of 3 strings:
        (funcname, modulename, path)
     that specify the function name, function module, and module path.
     If the module is already in the python-path scope, path can be omitted.
  indparams: tuple
     Additional arguments required by func.
  params: 1D or 2D ndarray
     Set of initial fitting parameters for func.  If 2D, of shape
     (nparams, nchains), it is assumed that it is one set for each chain.
  pmin: 1D ndarray
     Lower boundaries of the posteriors.
  pmax: 1D ndarray
     Upper boundaries of the posteriors.
  stepsize: 1D ndarray
     Proposal jump scale.  If a values is 0, keep the parameter fixed.
     Negative values indicate a shared parameter (See Note 1).
  prior: 1D ndarray
     Parameter prior distribution means (See Note 2).
  priorlow: 1D ndarray
     Lower prior uncertainty values (See Note 2).
  priorup: 1D ndarray
     Upper prior uncertainty values (See Note 2).
  nchains: Scalar
     Number of simultaneous chains to run.
  nproc: Integer
     The number of processors for the MCMC chains (consider that MC3 uses
     one other CPU for the central hub).
  nsamples: Scalar
     Total number of samples.
  walk: String
     Random walk algorithm:
     - 'mrw':  Metropolis random walk.
     - 'demc': Differential Evolution Markov chain.
     - 'snooker': DEMC-z with snooker update.
  wlike: Boolean
     If True, calculate the likelihood in a wavelet-base.  This requires
     three additional parameters (See Note 3).
  leastsq: Boolean
     Perform a least-square minimization before the MCMC run.
  lm: Boolean
     If True use the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for the optimization.
     If False, use the Trust Region Reflective algorithm.
  chisqscale: Boolean
     Scale the data uncertainties such that the reduced chi-squared = 1.
  grtest: Boolean
     Run Gelman & Rubin test.
  grbreak: Float
     Gelman-Rubin convergence threshold to stop the MCMC (I'd suggest
     grbreak ~ 1.001--1.005).  Do not break if grbreak=0.0 (default).
  grnmin: Integer or float
     Minimum number of samples required for grbreak to stop the MCMC.
     If grnmin > 1: grnmin sets the minimum required number of samples.
     If 0 < grnmin < 1: grnmin sets the minimum required nsamples fraction.
  burnin: Scalar
     Burned-in (discarded) number of iterations at the beginning
     of the chains.
  thinning: Integer
     Thinning factor of the chains (use every thinning-th iteration) used
     in the GR test and plots.
  fgamma: Float
     Proposals jump scale factor for DEMC's gamma.
     The code computes: gamma = fgamma * 2.38 / sqrt(2*Nfree)
  fepsilon: Float
     Jump scale factor for DEMC's support distribution.
     The code computes: e = fepsilon * Normal(0, stepsize)
  hsize: Integer
     Number of initial samples per chain.
  kickoff: String
     Flag to indicate how to start the chains:
       'normal' for normal distribution around initial guess, or
       'uniform' for uniform distribution withing the given boundaries.
  plots: Bool
     If True plot parameter traces, pairwise-posteriors, and posterior
  ioff: Bool
     If True, set plt.ioff(), i.e., do not display figures on screen.
  showbp: Bool
     If True, show best-fitting values in histogram and pairwise plots.
  savefile: String
     If not None, filename to store allparams and other MCMC results.
  savemodel: String
     If not None, filename to store the values of the evaluated function
     (with np.save).
  resume: Boolean
     If True resume a previous run.
  rms: Boolean
     If True, calculate the RMS of the residuals: data - bestmodel.
  log: String or FILE pointer
     Filename or File object to write log.
  pnames: 1D string iterable
     List of parameter names (including fixed and shared parameters)
     to display on output screen and figures.  See also texnames.
     Screen output trims up to the 11th character.
     If not defined, default to texnames.
  texnames: 1D string iterable
     Parameter names for figures, which may use latex syntax.
     If not defined, default to pnames.
  full_output:  Bool
     If True, return the full posterior sample, including the burned-in
  chireturn: Bool
     If True, include chi-squared statistics in the return.
  parname: 1D string ndarray
     Deprecated, use pnames.

  bestp: 1D ndarray
     Array of the best-fitting parameters (including fixed and shared).
  CRlo:  1D ndarray
     The lower boundary of the marginal 68%-highest posterior density
     (the credible region) for each parameter, with respect to bestp.
  CRhi:  1D ndarray
     The upper boundary of the marginal 68%-highest posterior density
     (the credible region) for each parameter, with respect to bestp.
  stdp: 1D ndarray
     Array of the best-fitting parameter uncertainties, calculated as the
     standard deviation of the marginalized, thinned, burned-in posterior.
  posterior: 2D float ndarray
     An array of shape (Nfreepars, Nsamples) with the thinned MCMC posterior
     distribution of the fitting parameters (excluding fixed and shared).
     If full_output is True, the posterior includes the burnin samples.
  Zchain: 1D integer ndarray
     Index of the chain for each sample in posterior.  M0 samples have chain
     index of -1.
  chiout: 4-elements tuple
     Tuple containing the best-fit chi-square, reduced chi-square, scale
     factor to enforce redchisq=1, and the Bayesian information
     criterion (BIC).
     Note: Returned only if chireturn=True.

  1.- To set one parameter equal to another, set its stepsize to the
      negative index in params (Starting the count from 1); e.g.: to set
      the second parameter equal to the first one, do: stepsize[1] = -1.
  2.- If any of the fitting parameters has a prior estimate, e.g.,
        param[i] = p0 +up/-low,
      with up and low the 1sigma uncertainties.  This information can be
      considered in the MCMC run by setting:
      prior[i]    = p0
      priorup[i]  = up
      priorlow[i] = low
      All three: prior, priorup, and priorlow must be set and, furthermore,
      priorup and priorlow must be > 0 to be considered as prior.

  >>> # See https://github.com/pcubillos/MCcubed/tree/master/examples

  Uncredited developers
  Kevin Stevenson (UCF)
  if ioff:

  # Open log file if input is a filename:
  if isinstance(log, str):
    log = mu.Log(log, append=resume)
    closelog = True
    closelog = False
    if log is None:
      log = mu.Log(logname=None)

  if parname is not None:
    log.error("'parname' argument is deprecated. Use 'pnames' instead.")

  if resume:
    log.msg("\n\n{:s}\n{:s}  Resuming previous MCMC run.\n\n".
            format(log.sep, log.sep))

     "  Multi-core Markov-chain Monte Carlo (MC3).\n"
     "  Version {:d}.{:d}.{:d}.\n"
     "  Copyright (c) 2015-{:d} Patricio Cubillos and collaborators.\n"
     "  MC3 is open-source software under the MIT license (see LICENSE).\n"
     "{:s}\n\n".format(log.sep, ver.MC3_VER, ver.MC3_MIN, ver.MC3_REV,
                       date.today().year, log.sep))

  # Import the model function:
  if type(func) in [list, tuple, np.ndarray]:
    if len(func) == 3:
    fmodule = importlib.import_module(func[1])
    func = getattr(fmodule, func[0])
  elif not callable(func):
    log.error("'func' must be either a callable or an iterable of strings "
              "with the model function, file, and path names.")

  if nproc is None:  # Default to Nproc = Nchains:
    nproc = nchains
  # Cap the number of processors:
  if nproc >= mpr.cpu_count():
    log.warning("The number of requested CPUs ({:d}) is >= than the number "
                "of available CPUs ({:d}).  Enforced nproc to {:d}.".
                 format(nproc, mpr.cpu_count(), mpr.cpu_count()-1))
    nproc = mpr.cpu_count() - 1

  nparams = len(params)  # Number of model params
  ndata   = len(data)    # Number of data values
  # Set default uncertainties:
  if uncert is None:
    uncert = np.ones(ndata)

  # Setup array of parameter names:
  if   pnames is None     and texnames is not None:
    pnames    = texnames
  elif pnames is not None and texnames is None:
    texnames = pnames
  elif pnames is None     and texnames is None:
    pnames = texnames = mu.default_parnames(nparams)
  pnames   = np.asarray(pnames)
  texnames = np.asarray(texnames)

  # Set uncert as shared-memory object:
  sm_uncert = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_double, uncert)
  uncert = np.ctypeslib.as_array(sm_uncert.get_obj())

  # Set default boundaries:
  if pmin is None:
    pmin = np.tile(-np.inf, nparams)
  if pmax is None:
    pmax = np.tile( np.inf, nparams)
  # Set default stepsize:
  if stepsize is None:
    stepsize = 0.1 * np.abs(params)
  stepsize = np.asarray(stepsize)
  # Set prior parameter indices:
  if (prior is None) or (priorup is None) or (priorlow is None):
    prior = priorup = priorlow = np.zeros(nparams)  # Zero arrays

  # Check that initial values lie within the boundaries:
  if (np.any(np.asarray(params) < pmin) or
      np.any(np.asarray(params) > pmax) ):
    pout = ""
    for (pname, par, minp, maxp) in zip(pnames, params, pmin, pmax):
      if   par < minp:
        pout += "\n{:11s}  {: 12.5e} < {: 12.5e}".format(pname[:11], minp, par)
      if par > maxp:
        pout += "\n{:26s}  {: 12.5e} > {: 12.5e}".format(pname[:11], par, maxp)

    log.error("Some initial-guess values are out of bounds:\n"
              "Param name           pmin          value           pmax\n"
              "-----------  ------------   ------------   ------------"

  nfree  = int(np.sum(stepsize > 0))   # Number of free parameters
  ifree  = np.where(stepsize > 0)[0]   # Free   parameter indices
  ishare = np.where(stepsize < 0)[0]   # Shared parameter indices

  # Initial number of samples:
  M0  = hsize * nchains
  # Number of Z samples per chain:
  nZchain = int(np.ceil(nsamples/nchains/thinning))
  # Number of iterations per chain:
  niter  = nZchain * thinning
  # Total number of Z samples (initial + chains):
  Zlen   = M0 + nZchain*nchains

  # Initialize shared-memory free params array:
  sm_freepars = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_double, nchains*nfree)
  freepars    = np.ctypeslib.as_array(sm_freepars.get_obj())
  freepars    = freepars.reshape((nchains, nfree))

  # Get lowest chi-square and best fitting parameters:
  bestchisq = mpr.Value(ctypes.c_double, np.inf)
  sm_bestp  = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_double, np.copy(params))
  bestp     = np.ctypeslib.as_array(sm_bestp.get_obj())
  # There seems to be a strange behavior with np.ctypeslib.as_array()
  # when the argument is a single-element array. In this case, the
  # returned value is a two-dimensional array, instead of 1D. The
  # following line fixes(?) that behavior:
  if np.ndim(bestp) > 1:
    bestp = bestp.flatten()

  if not resume and niter < burnin:
    log.error("The number of burned-in samples ({:d}) is greater than "
              "the number of iterations per chain ({:d}).".
               format(burnin, niter))

  # Check that output path exists:
  if savefile is not None:
    fpath, fname = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(savefile))
    if not os.path.exists(fpath):
      log.warning("Output folder path: '{:s}' does not exist. "
                  "Creating new folder.".format(fpath))

  # Intermediate steps to run GR test and print progress report:
  intsteps = (nZchain*nchains) / 10
  report = intsteps
  # Initial size of posterior (prior to this MCMC sample):
  size0 = M0

  if resume:
    oldrun   = np.load(savefile)
    Zold     = oldrun["Z"]
    Zlen_old = np.shape(Zold)[0]  # Previous MCMC
    Zchain_old = oldrun["Zchain"]
    # Redefine Zlen to include the previous runs:
    Zlen = Zlen_old + nZchain*nchains
    size0 = Zlen_old

  # Allocate arrays with variables:
  numaccept = mpr.Value(ctypes.c_int, 0)
  outbounds = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_int, nfree)  # Out of bounds proposals

  #if savemodel is not None:
  #  allmodel = np.zeros((nchains, ndata, niter)) # Fit model

  # Z array with the chains history:
  sm_Z = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_double, Zlen*nfree)
  Z    = np.ctypeslib.as_array(sm_Z.get_obj())
  Z    = Z.reshape((Zlen, nfree))

  # Chi-square value of Z:
  sm_Zchisq = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_double, Zlen)
  Zchisq = np.ctypeslib.as_array(sm_Zchisq.get_obj())
  # Chain index for given state in the Z array:
  sm_Zchain = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_int, -np.ones(Zlen, np.int))
  Zchain = np.ctypeslib.as_array(sm_Zchain.get_obj())
  # Current number of samples in the Z array:
  Zsize  = mpr.Value(ctypes.c_int, M0)
  # Burned samples in the Z array per chain:
  Zburn  = int(burnin/thinning)

  # Include values from previous run:
  if resume:
    Z[0:Zlen_old,:] = Zold
    Zchisq[0:Zlen_old] = oldrun["Zchisq"]
    Zchain[0:Zlen_old] = oldrun["Zchain"]
    # Redefine Zsize:
    Zsize.value = Zlen_old
    numaccept.value = int(oldrun["numaccept"])
  # Set GR N-min:
  if grnmin > 0 and grnmin < 1:  # As a fraction:
    grnmin = int(grnmin*(Zlen-M0-Zburn*nchains))
  elif grnmin > 1:               # As the number of iterations:
    log.error("Invalid 'grnmin' argument (minimum number of samples to stop"
              "the MCMC under GR convergence), must either be grnmin > 1"
              "to set the minimum number of samples, or 0 < grnmin < 1"
              "to set the fraction of samples required to evaluate.")
  # Add these to compare grnmin to Zsize (which also include them):
  grnmin += int(M0 + Zburn*nchains)

  # Current length of each chain:
  sm_chainsize = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_int, np.tile(hsize, nchains))
  chainsize = np.ctypeslib.as_array(sm_chainsize.get_obj())

  # Number of chains per processor:
  ncpp = np.tile(int(nchains/nproc), nproc)
  ncpp[0:nchains % nproc] += 1

  # Launch Chains:
  pipes  = []
  chains = []
  for i in range(nproc):
    p = mpr.Pipe()
    chains.append(ch.Chain(func, indparams, p[1], data, uncert,
                           params, freepars, stepsize, pmin, pmax,
                           walk, wlike, prior, priorlow, priorup, thinning,
                           fgamma, fepsilon, Z, Zsize, Zchisq, Zchain, M0,
                           numaccept, outbounds, ncpp[i],
                           chainsize, bestp, bestchisq, i, nproc))

  if resume:
    # Set bestp and bestchisq:
    bestp = oldrun["bestp"]
    bestchisq.value = oldrun["bestchisq"]
    for c in range(nchains):
      chainsize[c] = np.sum(Zchain_old==c)
    chifactor = float(oldrun['chifactor'])
    uncert *= chifactor
    fitpars = np.asarray(params)
    # Least-squares minimization:
    if leastsq:
      fitchisq, fitbestp, dummy, dummy = mf.modelfit(fitpars, func, data,
         uncert, indparams, stepsize, pmin, pmax, prior, priorlow, priorup, lm)
      # Store best-fitting parameters:
      bestp[ifree] = np.copy(fitbestp[ifree])
      # Store minimum chisq:
      bestchisq.value = fitchisq
      log.msg("Least-squares best-fitting parameters:\n  {:s}\n\n".
               format(str(fitbestp[ifree])), si=2)

    # Populate the M0 initial samples of Z:
    Z[0] = np.clip(bestp[ifree], pmin[ifree], pmax[ifree])
    for j in range(nfree):
      idx = ifree[j]
      if   kickoff == "normal":   # Start with a normal distribution
        vals = np.random.normal(params[idx], stepsize[idx], M0-1)
        # Stay within pmin and pmax boundaries:
        vals[np.where(vals < pmin[idx])] = pmin[idx]
        vals[np.where(vals > pmax[idx])] = pmax[idx]
        Z[1:M0,j] = vals
      elif kickoff == "uniform":  # Start with a uniform distribution
        Z[1:M0,j] = np.random.uniform(pmin[idx], pmax[idx], M0-1)

    # Evaluate models for initial sample of Z:
    for i in range(M0):
      fitpars[ifree] = Z[i]
      # Update shared parameters:
      for s in ishare:
        fitpars[s] = fitpars[-int(stepsize[s])-1]
      Zchisq[i] = chains[0].eval_model(fitpars, ret="chisq")

    # Best-fitting values (so far):
    Zibest          = np.argmin(Zchisq[0:M0])
    bestchisq.value = Zchisq[Zibest]
    bestp[ifree]    = np.copy(Z[Zibest])

    # FINDME: think what to do with this:
    #models = np.zeros((nchains, ndata))

    # Scale data-uncertainties such that reduced chisq = 1:
    chifactor = 1.0
    if chisqscale:
      chifactor = np.sqrt(bestchisq.value/(ndata-nfree))
      uncert *= chifactor

      # Re-calculate chisq with the new uncertainties:
      for i in range(M0):
        fitpars[ifree] = Z[i]
        for s in ishare:
          fitpars[s] = fitpars[-int(stepsize[s])-1]
        Zchisq[i] = chains[0].eval_model(fitpars, ret="chisq")

      # Re-calculate best-fitting parameters with new uncertainties:
      if leastsq:
        fitchisq, fitbestp, dummy, dummy = mf.modelfit(fitpars, func, data,
              uncert, indparams, stepsize, pmin, pmax, prior, priorlow,
              priorup, lm)
        bestp[ifree] = np.copy(fitbestp[ifree])
        bestchisq.value = fitchisq
        log.msg("Least-squares best-fitting parameters (rescaled chisq):\n"
                "  {:s}\n\n".format(str(fitbestp[ifree])), si=2)

  #if savemodel is not None:
  #  allmodel[:,:,0] = models

  # ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  # Start loop:
  print("Yippee Ki Yay Monte Carlo!")
  log.msg("Start MCMC chains  ({:s})".format(time.ctime()))
  for chain in chains:
  bit = bool(1)  # Dummy variable to send through pipe for DEMC
  while True:
    # Proposal jump:
    if walk == "demc":
      # Send and receive bit for synchronization:
      for pipe in pipes:
      for pipe in pipes:
        b = pipe.recv()

    # Print intermediate info:
    if (Zsize.value-size0 >= report) or (Zsize.value == Zlen):
      report += intsteps

      log.msg("Out-of-bound Trials:\n{:s}".
               format(str(np.asarray(outbounds[:]))),      width=80)
      log.msg("Best Parameters: (chisq={:.4f})\n{:s}".
               format(bestchisq.value, str(bestp[ifree])), width=80)

      # Save current results:
      if savefile is not None:
        np.savez(savefile, Z=Z, Zchain=Zchain)
      #if savemodel is not None:
      #  np.save(savemodel, allmodel)

      # Gelman-Rubin statistics:
      if grtest and np.all(chainsize > (Zburn+hsize)):
        psrf = gr.gelmanrubin(Z, Zchain, Zburn)
        log.msg("Gelman-Rubin statistics for free parameters:\n{:s}".
                 format(str(psrf)), width=80)
        if np.all(psrf < 1.01):
          log.msg("All parameters have converged to within 1% of unity.")
        if (grbreak > 0.0 and np.all(psrf < grbreak) and
            Zsize.value > grnmin):
          with Zsize.get_lock():
            Zsize.value = Zlen
          log.msg("\nAll parameters satisfy the GR convergence threshold "
                  "of {:g}, stopping the MCMC.".format(grbreak))
      if Zsize.value == Zlen:

  for chain in chains:  # Make sure to terminate the subprocesses

  #if savemodel is not None:
  #  modelstack = allmodel[0,:,burnin:]
  #  for c in range(1, nchains):
  #    modelstack = np.hstack((modelstack, allmodel[c, :, burnin:]))

  # Print out Summary:
  log.msg("\nFin, MCMC Summary:\n------------------")
  # Evaluate model for best fitting parameters:
  fitpars = np.asarray(params)
  fitpars[ifree] = np.copy(bestp[ifree])
  for s in ishare:
    fitpars[s] = fitpars[-int(stepsize[s])-1]
  bestmodel = chains[0].eval_model(fitpars)

  # Truncate sample (if necessary):
  Ztotal = M0 + np.sum(Zchain>=0)
  Zchain = Zchain[:Ztotal]
  Zchisq = Zchisq[:Ztotal]
  Z = Z[:Ztotal]

  # Get indices for samples considered in final analysis:
  good = np.zeros(len(Zchain), bool)
  for c in range(nchains):
    good[np.where(Zchain == c)[0][Zburn:]] = True
  # Values accepted for posterior stats:
  posterior = Z[good]
  pchain    = Zchain[good]

  # Sort the posterior by chain:
  zsort = np.lexsort([pchain])
  posterior = posterior[zsort]
  pchain    = pchain   [zsort]

  # Get some stats:
  nsample   = np.sum(Zchain>=0)*thinning  # Total samples run
  nZsample  = len(posterior)  # Valid samples (after thinning and burning)
  BIC       = bestchisq.value + nfree*np.log(ndata)
  if ndata > nfree:
    redchisq  = bestchisq.value/(ndata-nfree)
    redchisq = np.nan
  sdr = np.std(bestmodel-data)

  fmt = len(str(nsample))
  log.msg("Total number of samples:            {:{}d}".
           format(nsample,  fmt), indent=2)
  log.msg("Number of parallel chains:          {:{}d}".
           format(nchains,  fmt), indent=2)
  log.msg("Average iterations per chain:       {:{}d}".
           format(nsample//nchains, fmt), indent=2)
  log.msg("Burned-in iterations per chain:     {:{}d}".
           format(burnin,   fmt), indent=2)
  log.msg("Thinning factor:                    {:{}d}".
           format(thinning, fmt), indent=2)
  log.msg("MCMC sample size (thinned, burned): {:{}d}".
           format(nZsample, fmt), indent=2)
  log.msg("Acceptance rate:   {:.2f}%\n".
           format(numaccept.value*100.0/nsample), indent=2)

  # Compute the credible region for each parameter:
  CRlo = np.zeros(nparams)
  CRhi = np.zeros(nparams)
  pdf  = []
  xpdf = []
  for i in range(nfree):
    PDF, Xpdf, HPDmin = mu.credregion(posterior[:,i])
    CRlo[ifree[i]] = np.amin(Xpdf[PDF>HPDmin])
    CRhi[ifree[i]] = np.amax(Xpdf[PDF>HPDmin])
  # CR relative to the best-fitting value:
  CRlo[ifree] -= bestp[ifree]
  CRhi[ifree] -= bestp[ifree]

  # Get the mean and standard deviation from the posterior:
  meanp = np.zeros(nparams, np.double) # Parameters mean
  stdp  = np.zeros(nparams, np.double) # Parameter standard deviation
  meanp[ifree] = np.mean(posterior, axis=0)
  stdp [ifree] = np.std(posterior,  axis=0)
  for s in ishare:
    bestp[s] = bestp[-int(stepsize[s])-1]
    meanp[s] = meanp[-int(stepsize[s])-1]
    stdp [s] = stdp [-int(stepsize[s])-1]
    CRlo [s] = CRlo [-int(stepsize[s])-1]
    CRhi [s] = CRhi [-int(stepsize[s])-1]

  log.msg("\nParam name     Best fit   Lo HPD CR   Hi HPD CR        Mean    Std dev       S/N"
          "\n----------- ----------------------------------- ---------------------- ---------", width=80)
  for i in range(nparams):
    snr  = "{:.1f}".   format(np.abs(bestp[i])/stdp[i])
    mean = "{: 11.4e}".format(meanp[i])
    lo   = "{: 11.4e}".format(CRlo[i])
    hi   = "{: 11.4e}".format(CRhi[i])
    if   i in ifree:  # Free-fitting value
    elif i in ishare: # Shared value
      snr  = "[share{:02d}]".format(-int(stepsize[i]))
    else:             # Fixed value
      snr  = "[fixed]"
      mean = "{: 11.4e}".format(bestp[i])
    log.msg("{:<11s} {:11.4e} {:>11s} {:>11s} {:>11s} {:10.4e} {:>9s}".
            format(pnames[i][0:11], bestp[i], lo, hi, mean, stdp[i], snr),

  if leastsq and bestchisq.value-fitchisq < -3e-8:
    log.warning("MCMC found a better fit than the minimizer:\n"
                "MCMC best-fitting parameters:        (chisq={:.8g})\n{:s}\n"
                "Minimizer best-fitting parameters:   (chisq={:.8g})\n"
                "{:s}".format(bestchisq.value, str(bestp[ifree]),
                              fitchisq,  str(fitbestp[ifree])))

  fmt = len("{:.4f}".format(BIC))  # Length of string formatting
  log.msg(" ")
  if chisqscale:
    log.msg("sqrt(reduced chi-squared) factor: {:{}.4f}".
          format(chifactor, fmt),       indent=2)
  log.msg("Best-parameter's chi-squared:     {:{}.4f}".
          format(bestchisq.value, fmt), indent=2)
  log.msg("Bayesian Information Criterion:   {:{}.4f}".
          format(BIC, fmt),             indent=2)
  log.msg("Reduced chi-squared:              {:{}.4f}".
          format(redchisq, fmt),        indent=2)
  log.msg("Standard deviation of residuals:  {:.6g}\n".format(sdr), indent=2)

  # Save definitive results:
  if savefile is not None:
    np.savez(savefile, bestp=bestp, Z=Z, Zchain=Zchain, Zchisq=Zchisq,
             CRlo=CRlo, CRhi=CRhi, stdp=stdp, meanp=meanp,
             bestchisq=bestchisq.value, redchisq=redchisq, chifactor=chifactor,
             BIC=BIC, sdr=sdr, numaccept=numaccept.value)
  #if savemodel is not None:
  #  np.save(savemodel, allmodel)

  if rms:
    RMS, RMSlo, RMShi, stderr, bs = ta.binrms(bestmodel-data)

  if plots:
    print("Plotting figures.")
    # Extract filename from savefile:
    if savefile is not None:
      if savefile.rfind(".") == -1:
        fname = savefile
        # Cut out file extention.
        fname = savefile[:savefile.rfind(".")]
      fname = "MCMC"
    # Include bestp in posterior plots:
    if showbp:
      bestfreepars = bestp[ifree]
      bestfreepars = None
    # Trace plot:
    mp.trace(Z, Zchain=Zchain, burnin=Zburn, pnames=texnames[ifree],
    # Pairwise posteriors:
    mp.pairwise(posterior,  pnames=texnames[ifree], bestp=bestfreepars,
    # Histograms:
    mp.histogram(posterior, pnames=texnames[ifree], bestp=bestfreepars,
        percentile=0.683, pdf=pdf, xpdf=xpdf)
    # RMS vs bin size:
    if rms:
      mp.RMS(bs, RMS, stderr, RMSlo, RMShi, binstep=len(bs)//500+1,
    # Sort of guessing that indparams[0] is the X array for data as in y=y(x):
    if (indparams != [] and
        isinstance(indparams[0], (list, tuple, np.ndarray)) and
        np.size(indparams[0]) == ndata):
        mp.modelfit(data, uncert, indparams[0], bestmodel,

  # Close the log file if necessary:
  if closelog:

  # Build the output tuple:
  output = bestp, CRlo, CRhi, stdp

  if full_output:
    output += (Z, Zchain)
    output += (posterior, pchain)

  chiout = (bestchisq.value, redchisq, chifactor, BIC)

  if chireturn:
    output += (chiout,)

  return output
Exemplo n.º 7
def mcmc(data,
  This beautiful piece of code runs a Markov-chain Monte Carlo algorithm.

  data: 1D ndarray
     Dependent data fitted by func.
  uncert: 1D ndarray
     Uncertainty of data.
  func: callable or string-iterable
     The callable function that models data as:
        model = func(params, *indparams)
     Or an iterable (list, tuple, or ndarray) of 3 strings:
        (funcname, modulename, path)
     that specify the function name, function module, and module path.
     If the module is already in the python-path scope, path can be omitted.
  indparams: tuple
     Additional arguments required by func.
  params: 1D or 2D ndarray
     Set of initial fitting parameters for func.  If 2D, of shape
     (nparams, nchains), it is assumed that it is one set for each chain.
  pmin: 1D ndarray
     Lower boundaries of the posteriors.
  pmax: 1D ndarray
     Upper boundaries of the posteriors.
  stepsize: 1D ndarray
     Proposal jump scale.  If a values is 0, keep the parameter fixed.
     Negative values indicate a shared parameter (See Note 1).
  prior: 1D ndarray
     Parameter prior distribution means (See Note 2).
  priorlow: 1D ndarray
     Lower prior uncertainty values (See Note 2).
  priorup: 1D ndarray
     Upper prior uncertainty values (See Note 2).
  nchains: Scalar
     Number of simultaneous chains to run.
  nproc: Integer
     The number of processors for the MCMC chains (consider that MC3 uses
     one other CPU for the central hub).
  nsamples: Scalar
     Total number of samples.
  walk: String
     Random walk algorithm:
     - 'mrw':  Metropolis random walk.
     - 'demc': Differential Evolution Markov chain.
     - 'snooker': DEMC-z with snooker update.
  wlike: Boolean
     If True, calculate the likelihood in a wavelet-base.  This requires
     three additional parameters (See Note 3).
  leastsq: Boolean
     Perform a least-square minimization before the MCMC run.
  lm: Boolean
     If True use the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for the optimization.
     If False, use the Trust Region Reflective algorithm.
  chisqscale: Boolean
     Scale the data uncertainties such that the reduced chi-squared = 1.
  grtest: Boolean
     Run Gelman & Rubin test.
  grbreak: Float
     Gelman-Rubin convergence threshold to stop the MCMC (I'd suggest
     grbreak ~ 1.001--1.005).  Do not break if grbreak=0.0 (default).
  grnmin: Integer or float
     Minimum number of samples required for grbreak to stop the MCMC.
     If grnmin > 1: grnmin sets the minimum required number of samples.
     If 0 < grnmin < 1: grnmin sets the minimum required nsamples fraction.
  burnin: Scalar
     Burned-in (discarded) number of iterations at the beginning
     of the chains.
  thinning: Integer
     Thinning factor of the chains (use every thinning-th iteration) used
     in the GR test and plots.
  fgamma: Float
     Proposals jump scale factor for DEMC's gamma.
     The code computes: gamma = fgamma * 2.38 / sqrt(2*Nfree)
  fepsilon: Float
     Jump scale factor for DEMC's support distribution.
     The code computes: e = fepsilon * Normal(0, stepsize)
  hsize: Integer
     Number of initial samples per chain.
  kickoff: String
     Flag to indicate how to start the chains:
       'normal' for normal distribution around initial guess, or
       'uniform' for uniform distribution withing the given boundaries.
  plots: Bool
     If True plot parameter traces, pairwise-posteriors, and posterior
  ioff: Bool
     If True, set plt.ioff(), i.e., do not display figures on screen.
  showbp: Bool
     If True, show best-fitting values in histogram and pairwise plots.
  savefile: String
     If not None, filename to store allparams and other MCMC results.
  savemodel: String
     If not None, filename to store the values of the evaluated function
     (with np.save).
  resume: Boolean
     If True resume a previous run.
  rms: Boolean
     If True, calculate the RMS of the residuals: data - bestmodel.
  log: String or FILE pointer
     Filename or File object to write log.
  pnames: 1D string iterable
     List of parameter names (including fixed and shared parameters)
     to display on output screen and figures.  See also texnames.
     Screen output trims up to the 11th character.
     If not defined, default to texnames.
  texnames: 1D string iterable
     Parameter names for figures, which may use latex syntax.
     If not defined, default to pnames.
  full_output:  Bool
     If True, return the full posterior sample, including the burned-in
  chireturn: Bool
     If True, include chi-squared statistics in the return.
  parname: 1D string ndarray
     Deprecated, use pnames.

  bestp: 1D ndarray
     Array of the best-fitting parameters (including fixed and shared).
  CRlo:  1D ndarray
     The lower boundary of the marginal 68%-highest posterior density
     (the credible region) for each parameter, with respect to bestp.
  CRhi:  1D ndarray
     The upper boundary of the marginal 68%-highest posterior density
     (the credible region) for each parameter, with respect to bestp.
  stdp: 1D ndarray
     Array of the best-fitting parameter uncertainties, calculated as the
     standard deviation of the marginalized, thinned, burned-in posterior.
  posterior: 2D float ndarray
     An array of shape (Nfreepars, Nsamples) with the thinned MCMC posterior
     distribution of the fitting parameters (excluding fixed and shared).
     If full_output is True, the posterior includes the burnin samples.
  Zchain: 1D integer ndarray
     Index of the chain for each sample in posterior.  M0 samples have chain
     index of -1.
  chiout: 4-elements tuple
     Tuple containing the best-fit chi-square, reduced chi-square, scale
     factor to enforce redchisq=1, and the Bayesian information
     criterion (BIC).
     Note: Returned only if chireturn=True.

  1.- To set one parameter equal to another, set its stepsize to the
      negative index in params (Starting the count from 1); e.g.: to set
      the second parameter equal to the first one, do: stepsize[1] = -1.
  2.- If any of the fitting parameters has a prior estimate, e.g.,
        param[i] = p0 +up/-low,
      with up and low the 1sigma uncertainties.  This information can be
      considered in the MCMC run by setting:
      prior[i]    = p0
      priorup[i]  = up
      priorlow[i] = low
      All three: prior, priorup, and priorlow must be set and, furthermore,
      priorup and priorlow must be > 0 to be considered as prior.

  >>> # See https://github.com/pcubillos/MCcubed/tree/master/examples

  Uncredited developers
  Kevin Stevenson (UCF)
    if ioff:

    # Open log file if input is a filename:
    if isinstance(log, str):
        log = mu.Log(log, append=resume)
        closelog = True
        closelog = False
        if log is None:
            log = mu.Log(logname=None)

    if parname is not None:
        log.error("'parname' argument is deprecated. Use 'pnames' instead.")

    if resume:
        log.msg("\n\n{:s}\n{:s}  Resuming previous MCMC run.\n\n".format(
            log.sep, log.sep))

        "  Multi-core Markov-chain Monte Carlo (MC3).\n"
        "  Version {:d}.{:d}.{:d}.\n"
        "  Copyright (c) 2015-{:d} Patricio Cubillos and collaborators.\n"
        "  MC3 is open-source software under the MIT license (see LICENSE).\n"
        "{:s}\n\n".format(log.sep, ver.MC3_VER, ver.MC3_MIN, ver.MC3_REV,
                          date.today().year, log.sep))

    # Import the model function:
    if type(func) in [list, tuple, np.ndarray]:
        if len(func) == 3:
        fmodule = importlib.import_module(func[1])
        func = getattr(fmodule, func[0])
    elif not callable(func):
        log.error("'func' must be either a callable or an iterable of strings "
                  "with the model function, file, and path names.")

    if nproc is None:  # Default to Nproc = Nchains:
        nproc = nchains
    # Cap the number of processors:
    if nproc >= mpr.cpu_count():
            "The number of requested CPUs ({:d}) is >= than the number "
            "of available CPUs ({:d}).  Enforced nproc to {:d}.".format(
                nproc, mpr.cpu_count(),
                mpr.cpu_count() - 1))
        nproc = mpr.cpu_count() - 1

    nparams = len(params)  # Number of model params
    ndata = len(data)  # Number of data values
    # Set default uncertainties:
    if uncert is None:
        uncert = np.ones(ndata)

    # Setup array of parameter names:
    if pnames is None and texnames is not None:
        pnames = texnames
    elif pnames is not None and texnames is None:
        texnames = pnames
    elif pnames is None and texnames is None:
        pnames = texnames = mu.default_parnames(nparams)
    pnames = np.asarray(pnames)
    texnames = np.asarray(texnames)

    # Set uncert as shared-memory object:
    sm_uncert = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_double, uncert)
    uncert = np.ctypeslib.as_array(sm_uncert.get_obj())

    # Set default boundaries:
    if pmin is None:
        pmin = np.tile(-np.inf, nparams)
    if pmax is None:
        pmax = np.tile(np.inf, nparams)
    # Set default stepsize:
    if stepsize is None:
        stepsize = 0.1 * np.abs(params)
    stepsize = np.asarray(stepsize)
    # Set prior parameter indices:
    if (prior is None) or (priorup is None) or (priorlow is None):
        prior = priorup = priorlow = np.zeros(nparams)  # Zero arrays

    # Check that initial values lie within the boundaries:
    if (np.any(np.asarray(params) < pmin)
            or np.any(np.asarray(params) > pmax)):
        pout = ""
        for (pname, par, minp, maxp) in zip(pnames, params, pmin, pmax):
            if par < minp:
                pout += "\n{:11s}  {: 12.5e} < {: 12.5e}".format(
                    pname[:11], minp, par)
            if par > maxp:
                pout += "\n{:26s}  {: 12.5e} > {: 12.5e}".format(
                    pname[:11], par, maxp)

        log.error("Some initial-guess values are out of bounds:\n"
                  "Param name           pmin          value           pmax\n"
                  "-----------  ------------   ------------   ------------"

    nfree = int(np.sum(stepsize > 0))  # Number of free parameters
    ifree = np.where(stepsize > 0)[0]  # Free   parameter indices
    ishare = np.where(stepsize < 0)[0]  # Shared parameter indices

    # Initial number of samples:
    M0 = hsize * nchains
    # Number of Z samples per chain:
    nZchain = int(np.ceil(nsamples / nchains / thinning))
    # Number of iterations per chain:
    niter = nZchain * thinning
    # Total number of Z samples (initial + chains):
    Zlen = M0 + nZchain * nchains

    # Initialize shared-memory free params array:
    sm_freepars = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_double, nchains * nfree)
    freepars = np.ctypeslib.as_array(sm_freepars.get_obj())
    freepars = freepars.reshape((nchains, nfree))

    # Get lowest chi-square and best fitting parameters:
    bestchisq = mpr.Value(ctypes.c_double, np.inf)
    sm_bestp = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_double, np.copy(params))
    bestp = np.ctypeslib.as_array(sm_bestp.get_obj())
    # There seems to be a strange behavior with np.ctypeslib.as_array()
    # when the argument is a single-element array. In this case, the
    # returned value is a two-dimensional array, instead of 1D. The
    # following line fixes(?) that behavior:
    if np.ndim(bestp) > 1:
        bestp = bestp.flatten()

    if not resume and niter < burnin:
        log.error("The number of burned-in samples ({:d}) is greater than "
                  "the number of iterations per chain ({:d}).".format(
                      burnin, niter))

    # Check that output path exists:
    if savefile is not None:
        fpath, fname = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(savefile))
        if not os.path.exists(fpath):
            log.warning("Output folder path: '{:s}' does not exist. "
                        "Creating new folder.".format(fpath))

    # Intermediate steps to run GR test and print progress report:
    intsteps = (nZchain * nchains) / 10
    report = intsteps
    # Initial size of posterior (prior to this MCMC sample):
    size0 = M0

    if resume:
        oldrun = np.load(savefile)
        Zold = oldrun["Z"]
        Zlen_old = np.shape(Zold)[0]  # Previous MCMC
        Zchain_old = oldrun["Zchain"]
        # Redefine Zlen to include the previous runs:
        Zlen = Zlen_old + nZchain * nchains
        size0 = Zlen_old

    # Allocate arrays with variables:
    numaccept = mpr.Value(ctypes.c_int, 0)
    outbounds = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_int, nfree)  # Out of bounds proposals

    #if savemodel is not None:
    #  allmodel = np.zeros((nchains, ndata, niter)) # Fit model

    # Z array with the chains history:
    sm_Z = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_double, Zlen * nfree)
    Z = np.ctypeslib.as_array(sm_Z.get_obj())
    Z = Z.reshape((Zlen, nfree))

    # Chi-square value of Z:
    sm_Zchisq = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_double, Zlen)
    Zchisq = np.ctypeslib.as_array(sm_Zchisq.get_obj())
    # Chain index for given state in the Z array:
    sm_Zchain = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_int, -np.ones(Zlen, np.int))
    Zchain = np.ctypeslib.as_array(sm_Zchain.get_obj())
    # Current number of samples in the Z array:
    Zsize = mpr.Value(ctypes.c_int, M0)
    # Burned samples in the Z array per chain:
    Zburn = int(burnin / thinning)

    # Include values from previous run:
    if resume:
        Z[0:Zlen_old, :] = Zold
        Zchisq[0:Zlen_old] = oldrun["Zchisq"]
        Zchain[0:Zlen_old] = oldrun["Zchain"]
        # Redefine Zsize:
        Zsize.value = Zlen_old
        numaccept.value = int(oldrun["numaccept"])
    # Set GR N-min:
    if grnmin > 0 and grnmin < 1:  # As a fraction:
        grnmin = int(grnmin * (Zlen - M0 - Zburn * nchains))
    elif grnmin > 1:  # As the number of iterations:
            "Invalid 'grnmin' argument (minimum number of samples to stop"
            "the MCMC under GR convergence), must either be grnmin > 1"
            "to set the minimum number of samples, or 0 < grnmin < 1"
            "to set the fraction of samples required to evaluate.")
    # Add these to compare grnmin to Zsize (which also include them):
    grnmin += int(M0 + Zburn * nchains)

    # Current length of each chain:
    sm_chainsize = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_int, np.tile(hsize, nchains))
    chainsize = np.ctypeslib.as_array(sm_chainsize.get_obj())

    # Number of chains per processor:
    ncpp = np.tile(int(nchains / nproc), nproc)
    ncpp[0:nchains % nproc] += 1

    # Launch Chains:
    pipes = []
    chains = []
    for i in range(nproc):
        p = mpr.Pipe()
            ch.Chain(func, indparams, p[1], data, uncert, params, freepars,
                     stepsize, pmin, pmax, walk, wlike, prior, priorlow,
                     priorup, thinning, fgamma, fepsilon, Z, Zsize, Zchisq,
                     Zchain, M0, numaccept, outbounds, ncpp[i], chainsize,
                     bestp, bestchisq, i, nproc))

    if resume:
        # Set bestp and bestchisq:
        bestp = oldrun["bestp"]
        bestchisq.value = oldrun["bestchisq"]
        for c in range(nchains):
            chainsize[c] = np.sum(Zchain_old == c)
        chifactor = float(oldrun['chifactor'])
        uncert *= chifactor
        fitpars = np.asarray(params)
        # Least-squares minimization:
        if leastsq:
            fitchisq, fitbestp, dummy, dummy = mf.modelfit(
                fitpars, func, data, uncert, indparams, stepsize, pmin, pmax,
                prior, priorlow, priorup, lm)
            # Store best-fitting parameters:
            bestp[ifree] = np.copy(fitbestp[ifree])
            # Store minimum chisq:
            bestchisq.value = fitchisq
                "Least-squares best-fitting parameters:\n  {:s}\n\n".format(

        # Populate the M0 initial samples of Z:
        Z[0] = np.clip(bestp[ifree], pmin[ifree], pmax[ifree])
        for j in range(nfree):
            idx = ifree[j]
            if kickoff == "normal":  # Start with a normal distribution
                vals = np.random.normal(params[idx], stepsize[idx], M0 - 1)
                # Stay within pmin and pmax boundaries:
                vals[np.where(vals < pmin[idx])] = pmin[idx]
                vals[np.where(vals > pmax[idx])] = pmax[idx]
                Z[1:M0, j] = vals
            elif kickoff == "uniform":  # Start with a uniform distribution
                Z[1:M0, j] = np.random.uniform(pmin[idx], pmax[idx], M0 - 1)

        # Evaluate models for initial sample of Z:
        for i in range(M0):
            fitpars[ifree] = Z[i]
            # Update shared parameters:
            for s in ishare:
                fitpars[s] = fitpars[-int(stepsize[s]) - 1]
            Zchisq[i] = chains[0].eval_model(fitpars, ret="chisq")

        # Best-fitting values (so far):
        Zibest = np.argmin(Zchisq[0:M0])
        bestchisq.value = Zchisq[Zibest]
        bestp[ifree] = np.copy(Z[Zibest])

        # FINDME: think what to do with this:
        #models = np.zeros((nchains, ndata))

        # Scale data-uncertainties such that reduced chisq = 1:
        chifactor = 1.0
        if chisqscale:
            chifactor = np.sqrt(bestchisq.value / (ndata - nfree))
            uncert *= chifactor

            # Re-calculate chisq with the new uncertainties:
            for i in range(M0):
                fitpars[ifree] = Z[i]
                for s in ishare:
                    fitpars[s] = fitpars[-int(stepsize[s]) - 1]
                Zchisq[i] = chains[0].eval_model(fitpars, ret="chisq")

            # Re-calculate best-fitting parameters with new uncertainties:
            if leastsq:
                fitchisq, fitbestp, dummy, dummy = mf.modelfit(
                    fitpars, func, data, uncert, indparams, stepsize, pmin,
                    pmax, prior, priorlow, priorup, lm)
                bestp[ifree] = np.copy(fitbestp[ifree])
                bestchisq.value = fitchisq
                    "Least-squares best-fitting parameters (rescaled chisq):\n"
                    "  {:s}\n\n".format(str(fitbestp[ifree])),

    #if savemodel is not None:
    #  allmodel[:,:,0] = models

    # ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    # Start loop:
    print("Yippee Ki Yay Monte Carlo!")
    log.msg("Start MCMC chains  ({:s})".format(time.ctime()))
    for chain in chains:
    bit = bool(1)  # Dummy variable to send through pipe for DEMC
    while True:
        # Proposal jump:
        if walk == "demc":
            # Send and receive bit for synchronization:
            for pipe in pipes:
            for pipe in pipes:
                b = pipe.recv()

        # Print intermediate info:
        if (Zsize.value - size0 >= report) or (Zsize.value == Zlen):
            report += intsteps
            log.progressbar((Zsize.value + 1.0 - size0) / (nZchain * nchains))

            log.msg("Out-of-bound Trials:\n{:s}".format(
            log.msg("Best Parameters: (chisq={:.4f})\n{:s}".format(
                bestchisq.value, str(bestp[ifree])),

            # Save current results:
            if savefile is not None:
                np.savez(savefile, Z=Z, Zchain=Zchain)
            #if savemodel is not None:
            #  np.save(savemodel, allmodel)

            # Gelman-Rubin statistics:
            if grtest and np.all(chainsize > (Zburn + hsize)):
                psrf = gr.gelmanrubin(Z, Zchain, Zburn)
                log.msg("Gelman-Rubin statistics for free parameters:\n{:s}".
                if np.all(psrf < 1.01):
                        "All parameters have converged to within 1% of unity.")
                if (grbreak > 0.0 and np.all(psrf < grbreak)
                        and Zsize.value > grnmin):
                    with Zsize.get_lock():
                        Zsize.value = Zlen
                        "\nAll parameters satisfy the GR convergence threshold "
                        "of {:g}, stopping the MCMC.".format(grbreak))
            if Zsize.value == Zlen:

    for chain in chains:  # Make sure to terminate the subprocesses

    #if savemodel is not None:
    #  modelstack = allmodel[0,:,burnin:]
    #  for c in range(1, nchains):
    #    modelstack = np.hstack((modelstack, allmodel[c, :, burnin:]))

    # Print out Summary:
    log.msg("\nFin, MCMC Summary:\n------------------")
    # Evaluate model for best fitting parameters:
    fitpars = np.asarray(params)
    fitpars[ifree] = np.copy(bestp[ifree])
    for s in ishare:
        fitpars[s] = fitpars[-int(stepsize[s]) - 1]
    bestmodel = chains[0].eval_model(fitpars)

    # Truncate sample (if necessary):
    Ztotal = M0 + np.sum(Zchain >= 0)
    Zchain = Zchain[:Ztotal]
    Zchisq = Zchisq[:Ztotal]
    Z = Z[:Ztotal]

    # Get indices for samples considered in final analysis:
    good = np.zeros(len(Zchain), bool)
    for c in range(nchains):
        good[np.where(Zchain == c)[0][Zburn:]] = True
    # Values accepted for posterior stats:
    posterior = Z[good]
    pchain = Zchain[good]

    # Sort the posterior by chain:
    zsort = np.lexsort([pchain])
    posterior = posterior[zsort]
    pchain = pchain[zsort]

    # Get some stats:
    nsample = np.sum(Zchain >= 0) * thinning  # Total samples run
    nZsample = len(posterior)  # Valid samples (after thinning and burning)
    BIC = bestchisq.value + nfree * np.log(ndata)
    if ndata > nfree:
        redchisq = bestchisq.value / (ndata - nfree)
        redchisq = np.nan
    sdr = np.std(bestmodel - data)

    fmt = len(str(nsample))
    log.msg("Total number of samples:            {:{}d}".format(nsample, fmt),
    log.msg("Number of parallel chains:          {:{}d}".format(nchains, fmt),
    log.msg("Average iterations per chain:       {:{}d}".format(
        nsample // nchains, fmt),
    log.msg("Burned-in iterations per chain:     {:{}d}".format(burnin, fmt),
    log.msg("Thinning factor:                    {:{}d}".format(thinning, fmt),
    log.msg("MCMC sample size (thinned, burned): {:{}d}".format(nZsample, fmt),
    log.msg("Acceptance rate:   {:.2f}%\n".format(numaccept.value * 100.0 /

    # Compute the credible region for each parameter:
    CRlo = np.zeros(nparams)
    CRhi = np.zeros(nparams)
    pdf = []
    xpdf = []
    for i in range(nfree):
        PDF, Xpdf, HPDmin = mu.credregion(posterior[:, i])
        CRlo[ifree[i]] = np.amin(Xpdf[PDF > HPDmin])
        CRhi[ifree[i]] = np.amax(Xpdf[PDF > HPDmin])
    # CR relative to the best-fitting value:
    CRlo[ifree] -= bestp[ifree]
    CRhi[ifree] -= bestp[ifree]

    # Get the mean and standard deviation from the posterior:
    meanp = np.zeros(nparams, np.double)  # Parameters mean
    stdp = np.zeros(nparams, np.double)  # Parameter standard deviation
    meanp[ifree] = np.mean(posterior, axis=0)
    stdp[ifree] = np.std(posterior, axis=0)
    for s in ishare:
        bestp[s] = bestp[-int(stepsize[s]) - 1]
        meanp[s] = meanp[-int(stepsize[s]) - 1]
        stdp[s] = stdp[-int(stepsize[s]) - 1]
        CRlo[s] = CRlo[-int(stepsize[s]) - 1]
        CRhi[s] = CRhi[-int(stepsize[s]) - 1]

        "\nParam name     Best fit   Lo HPD CR   Hi HPD CR        Mean    Std dev       S/N"
        "\n----------- ----------------------------------- ---------------------- ---------",
    for i in range(nparams):
        snr = "{:.1f}".format(np.abs(bestp[i]) / stdp[i])
        mean = "{: 11.4e}".format(meanp[i])
        lo = "{: 11.4e}".format(CRlo[i])
        hi = "{: 11.4e}".format(CRhi[i])
        if i in ifree:  # Free-fitting value
        elif i in ishare:  # Shared value
            snr = "[share{:02d}]".format(-int(stepsize[i]))
        else:  # Fixed value
            snr = "[fixed]"
            mean = "{: 11.4e}".format(bestp[i])
            "{:<11s} {:11.4e} {:>11s} {:>11s} {:>11s} {:10.4e} {:>9s}".format(
                pnames[i][0:11], bestp[i], lo, hi, mean, stdp[i], snr),

    if leastsq and bestchisq.value - fitchisq < -3e-8:
            "MCMC found a better fit than the minimizer:\n"
            "MCMC best-fitting parameters:        (chisq={:.8g})\n{:s}\n"
            "Minimizer best-fitting parameters:   (chisq={:.8g})\n"
            "{:s}".format(bestchisq.value, str(bestp[ifree]), fitchisq,

    fmt = len("{:.4f}".format(BIC))  # Length of string formatting
    log.msg(" ")
    if chisqscale:
        log.msg("sqrt(reduced chi-squared) factor: {:{}.4f}".format(
            chifactor, fmt),
    log.msg("Best-parameter's chi-squared:     {:{}.4f}".format(
        bestchisq.value, fmt),
    log.msg("Bayesian Information Criterion:   {:{}.4f}".format(BIC, fmt),
    log.msg("Reduced chi-squared:              {:{}.4f}".format(redchisq, fmt),
    log.msg("Standard deviation of residuals:  {:.6g}\n".format(sdr), indent=2)

    # Save definitive results:
    if savefile is not None:
    #if savemodel is not None:
    #  np.save(savemodel, allmodel)

    if rms:
        RMS, RMSlo, RMShi, stderr, bs = ta.binrms(bestmodel - data)

    if plots:
        print("Plotting figures.")
        # Extract filename from savefile:
        if savefile is not None:
            if savefile.rfind(".") == -1:
                fname = savefile
                # Cut out file extention.
                fname = savefile[:savefile.rfind(".")]
            fname = "MCMC"
        # Include bestp in posterior plots:
        if showbp:
            bestfreepars = bestp[ifree]
            bestfreepars = None
        # Trace plot:
                 savefile=fname + "_trace.png")
        # Pairwise posteriors:
                    savefile=fname + "_pairwise.png")
        # Histograms:
                     savefile=fname + "_posterior.png",
        # RMS vs bin size:
        if rms:
                   binstep=len(bs) // 500 + 1,
                   savefile=fname + "_RMS.png")
        # Sort of guessing that indparams[0] is the X array for data as in y=y(x):
        if (indparams != [] and isinstance(indparams[0],
                                           (list, tuple, np.ndarray))
                and np.size(indparams[0]) == ndata):
                            savefile=fname + "_model.png")

    # Close the log file if necessary:
    if closelog:

    # Build the output tuple:
    output = bestp, CRlo, CRhi, stdp

    if full_output:
        output += (Z, Zchain)
        output += (posterior, pchain)

    chiout = (bestchisq.value, redchisq, chifactor, BIC)

    if chireturn:
        output += (chiout, )

    return output
Exemplo n.º 8
def mcmc(data,         uncert=None,   func=None,        indparams=[],
         params=None,  pmin=None,     pmax=None,        stepsize=None,
         prior=None,   priorlow=None, priorup=None,
         nsamples=10,  nchains=10,    walk='demc',      wlike=False,
         leastsq=True, lm=False,      chisqscale=False, grtest=True,
         burnin=0,     thinning=1,    hsize=1,          kickoff='normal',
         plots=False,  savefile=None, savemodel=None,   resume=False,
         rms=False,    log=None,      parname=None,     full_output=False):
  This beautiful piece of code runs a Markov-chain Monte Carlo algorithm.

  data: 1D ndarray
     Dependent data fitted by func.
  uncert: 1D ndarray
     Uncertainty of data.
  func: callable or string-iterable
     The callable function that models data as:
        model = func(params, *indparams)
     Or an iterable (list, tuple, or ndarray) of 3 strings:
        (funcname, modulename, path)
     that specify the function name, function module, and module path.
     If the module is already in the python-path scope, path can be omitted.
  indparams: tuple
     Additional arguments required by func.
  params: 1D or 2D ndarray
     Set of initial fitting parameters for func.  If 2D, of shape
     (nparams, nchains), it is assumed that it is one set for each chain.
  pmin: 1D ndarray
     Lower boundaries of the posteriors.
  pmax: 1D ndarray
     Upper boundaries of the posteriors.
  stepsize: 1D ndarray
     Proposal jump scale.  If a values is 0, keep the parameter fixed.
     Negative values indicate a shared parameter (See Note 1).
  prior: 1D ndarray
     Parameter prior distribution means (See Note 2).
  priorlow: 1D ndarray
     Lower prior uncertainty values (See Note 2).
  priorup: 1D ndarray
     Upper prior uncertainty values (See Note 2).
  nsamples: Scalar
     Total number of samples.
  nchains: Scalar
     Number of simultaneous chains to run.
  walk: String
     Random walk algorithm:
     - 'mrw':  Metropolis random walk.
     - 'demc': Differential Evolution Markov chain.
     - 'snooker': DEMC-z with snooker update.
  wlike: Boolean
     If True, calculate the likelihood in a wavelet-base.  This requires
     three additional parameters (See Note 3).
  leastsq: Boolean
     Perform a least-square minimization before the MCMC run.
  lm: Boolean
     If True use the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for the optimization.
     If False, use the Trust Region Reflective algorithm.
  chisqscale: Boolean
     Scale the data uncertainties such that the reduced chi-squared = 1.
  grtest: Boolean
     Run Gelman & Rubin test.
  burnin: Scalar
     Burned-in (discarded) number of iterations at the beginning
     of the chains.
  thinning: Integer
     Thinning factor of the chains (use every thinning-th iteration) used
     in the GR test and plots.
  hsize: Integer
     Number of initial samples per chain.
  kickoff: String
     Flag to indicate how to start the chains:
       'normal' for normal distribution around initial guess, or
       'uniform' for uniform distribution withing the given boundaries.
  plots: Boolean
     If True plot parameter traces, pairwise-posteriors, and posterior
  savefile: String
     If not None, filename to store allparams (with np.save).
  savemodel: String
     If not None, filename to store the values of the evaluated function
     (with np.save).
  resume: Boolean
     If True resume a previous run.
  rms: Boolean
     If True, calculate the RMS of the residuals: data - bestmodel.
  log: String or FILE pointer
     Filename or File object to write log.
  parname: 1D string ndarray
     List of parameter names to display on output figures (including
     fixed and shared).
  full_output:  Bool
     If True, return the full posterior sample, including the burned-in

  bestp: 1D ndarray
     Array of the best-fitting parameters (including fixed and shared).
  uncertp: 1D ndarray
     Array of the best-fitting parameter uncertainties, calculated as the
     standard deviation of the marginalized, thinned, burned-in posterior.
  posterior: 2D float ndarray
     An array of shape (Nfreepars, Nsamples) with the thinned MCMC posterior
     distribution of the fitting parameters (excluding fixed and shared).
     If full_output is True, the posterior includes the burnin samples.
  Zchain: 1D integer ndarray
     Index of the chain for each sample in posterior.  M0 samples have chain
     index of -1.

  1.- To set one parameter equal to another, set its stepsize to the
      negative index in params (Starting the count from 1); e.g.: to set
      the second parameter equal to the first one, do: stepsize[1] = -1.
  2.- If any of the fitting parameters has a prior estimate, e.g.,
        param[i] = p0 +up/-low,
      with up and low the 1sigma uncertainties.  This information can be
      considered in the MCMC run by setting:
      prior[i]    = p0
      priorup[i]  = up
      priorlow[i] = low
      All three: prior, priorup, and priorlow must be set and, furthermore,
      priorup and priorlow must be > 0 to be considered as prior.

  >>> # See https://github.com/pcubillos/MCcubed/tree/master/examples

  Uncredited developers
  Kevin Stevenson (UCF)

  # Open log file if input is the filename:
  if isinstance(log, str):
    log = open(log, "w")
    closelog = True
    closelog = False

  mu.msg(1, "\n{:s}\n  Multi-Core Markov-Chain Monte Carlo (MC3).\n"
            "  Version {:d}.{:d}.{:d}.\n"
            "  Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Patricio Cubillos and collaborators.\n"
            "  MC3 is open-source software under the MIT license "
            "(see LICENSE).\n{:s}\n\n".
            format(mu.sep, ver.MC3_VER, ver.MC3_MIN, ver.MC3_REV, mu.sep), log)

  # Import the model function:
  if type(func) in [list, tuple, np.ndarray]:
    if len(func) == 3:
    fmodule = importlib.import_module(func[1])
    func = getattr(fmodule, func[0])
  elif not callable(func):
    mu.error("'func' must be either, a callable, or an iterable (list, "
             "tuple, or ndarray) of strings with the model function, file, "
             "and path names.", log)

  nproc = nchains
  # Cap the number of processors:
  if nproc >= mpr.cpu_count():
    mu.warning("The number of requested CPUs ({:d}) is >= than the number "
      "of available CPUs ({:d}).  Enforced nproc to {:d}.".format(nproc,
             mpr.cpu_count(), mpr.cpu_count()-1), log)
    nproc = mpr.cpu_count() - 1
    # Re-set number of chains as well:
    nchains = nproc

  nparams = len(params)  # Number of model params
  ndata   = len(data)    # Number of data values
  # Set default uncertainties:
  if uncert is None:
    uncert = np.ones(ndata)

  # Set data and uncert shared-memory objects:
  sm_data   = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_double, data)
  sm_uncert = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_double, uncert)
  # Re-use variables as an ndarray view of the shared-memory object:
  data   = np.ctypeslib.as_array(sm_data.get_obj())
  uncert = np.ctypeslib.as_array(sm_uncert.get_obj())

  # Set default boundaries:
  if pmin is None:
    pmin = np.zeros(nparams) - np.inf
  if pmax is None:
    pmax = np.zeros(nparams) + np.inf
  # Set default stepsize:
  if stepsize is None:
    stepsize = 0.1 * np.abs(params)
  stepsize = np.asarray(stepsize)
  # Set prior parameter indices:
  if (prior is None) or (priorup is None) or (priorlow is None):
    prior   = priorup = priorlow = np.zeros(nparams)  # Zero arrays
  iprior = np.where(priorlow != 0)[0]

  # Check that initial values lie within the boundaries:
  if np.any(np.asarray(params) < pmin):
    mu.error("One or more of the initial-guess values ({:s}) are smaller "
       "than the minimum boundary ({:s}).".format(str(params), str(pmin)), log)
  if np.any(np.asarray(params) > pmax):
    mu.error("One or more of the initial-guess values ({:s}) are greater "
       "than the maximum boundary ({:s}).".format(str(params), str(pmax)), log)

  nfree    = int(np.sum(stepsize > 0))   # Number of free parameters
  ifree    = np.where(stepsize > 0)[0]   # Free   parameter indices
  ishare   = np.where(stepsize < 0)[0]   # Shared parameter indices
  # Number of model parameters (excluding wavelet parameters):
  if wlike:
    mpars  = nparams - 3
    mpars  = nparams

  # Initial number of samples:
  M0  = hsize * nchains
  # Number of Z samples per chain:
  nZchain = int(np.ceil(nsamples/nchains/thinning))
  # Number of iterations per chain:
  niter  = nZchain * thinning
  # Total number of Z samples (initial + chains):
  Zlen   = M0 + nZchain*nchains

  if niter < burnin:
    mu.error("The number of burned-in samples ({:d}) is greater than "
             "the number of iterations per chain ({:d}).".
             format(burnin, niter), log)

  # Intermediate steps to run GR test and print progress report:
  intsteps = Zlen / 10
  report   = intsteps

  # Allocate arrays with variables:
  numaccept = mpr.Value(ctypes.c_int, 0)
  outbounds = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_int, nfree)  # Out of bounds proposals

  if savemodel is not None:
    allmodel = np.zeros((nchains, ndata, niter)) # Fit model

  # Z array with the chains history:
  sm_Z = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_double, Zlen*nfree)
  Z    = np.ctypeslib.as_array(sm_Z.get_obj())
  Z    = Z.reshape((Zlen, nfree))

  # Chi-square value of Z:
  Zchisq = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_double, Zlen)
  # Chain index for given state in the Z array:
  sm_Zchain = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_int, -np.ones(Zlen, np.int))
  Zchain = np.ctypeslib.as_array(sm_Zchain.get_obj())
  # Current number of samples in the Z array:
  Zsize  = mpr.Value(ctypes.c_int, M0)
  # Burned samples in the Z array per chain:
  Zburn  = int(burnin/thinning)

  # Initialize shared-memory free params array:
  sm_freepars = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_double, nchains*nfree)
  freepars    = np.ctypeslib.as_array(sm_freepars.get_obj())
  freepars    = freepars.reshape((nchains, nfree))

  # Get lowest chi-square and best fitting parameters:
  bestchisq = mpr.Value(ctypes.c_double, np.inf)
  sm_bestp  = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_double, np.copy(params))
  bestp     = np.ctypeslib.as_array(sm_bestp.get_obj())
  #bestmodel = np.copy(models[np.argmin(chisq)])

  # Current length of each chain:
  sm_chainsize = mpr.Array(ctypes.c_int, np.zeros(nchains, int)+hsize)
  chainsize = np.ctypeslib.as_array(sm_chainsize.get_obj())

  # Launch Chains:
  pipe   = []
  chains = []
  for i in np.arange(nproc):
    p = mpr.Pipe()
    chains.append(ch.Chain(func, indparams, p[1], data, uncert,
                           params, freepars, stepsize, pmin, pmax,
                           walk, wlike, prior, priorlow, priorup, thinning,
                           Z, Zsize, Zchisq, Zchain, M0,
                           numaccept, outbounds,
                           chainsize, bestp, bestchisq, i))

  # Populate the M0 initial samples of Z:
  for j in np.arange(nfree):
    idx = ifree[j]
    if   kickoff == "normal":   # Start with a normal distribution
      vals = np.random.normal(params[idx], stepsize[idx], M0)
      # Stay within pmin and pmax boundaries:
      vals[np.where(vals < pmin[idx])] = pmin[idx]
      vals[np.where(vals > pmax[idx])] = pmax[idx]
      Z[0:M0,j] = vals
    elif kickoff == "uniform":  # Start with a uniform distribution
      Z[0:M0,j] = np.random.uniform(pmin[idx], pmax[idx], M0)

  # Evaluate models for initial sample of Z:
  fitpars = np.asarray(params)
  for i in np.arange(M0):
    fitpars[ifree] = Z[i]
    # Update shared parameters:
    for s in ishare:
      fitpars[s] = fitpars[-int(stepsize[s])-1]
    Zchisq[i] = chains[0].eval_model(fitpars, ret="chisq")

  # Best-fitting values (so far):
  Zibest = np.argmin(Zchisq[0:M0])
  bestchisq.value = Zchisq[Zibest]
  bestp[ifree] = np.copy(Z[Zibest])

  # FINDME: Un-break this code
  if resume:
    oldparams = np.load(savefile)
    nold = np.shape(oldparams)[2] # Number of old-run iterations
    allparams = np.dstack((oldparams, allparams))  # FINDME fix
    if savemodel is not None:
      allmodel  = np.dstack((np.load(savemodel), allmodel))
    # Set params to the last-iteration state of the previous run:
    params = np.repeat(params, nchains, 0)
    params[:,ifree] = oldparams[:,:,-1]
    nold = 0

  # Least-squares minimization:
  if leastsq:
    fitchisq, fitbestp, dummy, dummy = mf.modelfit(fitpars, func, data, uncert,
          indparams, stepsize, pmin, pmax, prior, priorlow, priorup, lm)
    # Store best-fitting parameters:
    bestp[ifree] = np.copy(fitbestp[ifree])
    # Store minimum chisq:
    bestchisq.value = fitchisq
    mu.msg(1, "Least-squares best-fitting parameters:\n  {:s}\n\n".
               format(str(fitbestp[ifree])), log, si=2)

  # FINDME: think what to do with this:
  models = np.zeros((nchains, ndata))

  # Scale data-uncertainties such that reduced chisq = 1:
  chifactor = 1.0
  if chisqscale:
    chifactor = np.sqrt(bestchisq.value/(ndata-nfree))
    uncert *= chifactor

    # Re-calculate chisq with the new uncertainties:
    for i in np.arange(M0):
      fitpars[ifree] = Z[i]
      for s in ishare:
        fitpars[s] = fitpars[-int(stepsize[s])-1]
      Zchisq[i] = chains[0].eval_model(fitpars, ret="chisq")

    # Re-calculate best-fitting parameters with new uncertainties:
    if leastsq:
      fitchisq, fitbp, dummy, dummy = mf.modelfit(fitpars, func, data, uncert,
            indparams, stepsize, pmin, pmax, prior, priorlow, priorup, lm)
      bestp[ifree] = np.copy(fitbestp[ifree])
      bestchisq.value = fitchisq
      mu.msg(1, "Least-squares best-fitting parameters (rescaled chisq):\n"
                "  {:s}\n\n".format(str(fitbestp[ifree])), log, si=2)

  # FINDME: do something with models
  if savemodel is not None:
    allmodel[:,:,0] = models

  # ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  # Start loop:
  print("Yippee Ki Yay Monte Carlo!")
  mu.msg(1, "Start MCMC chains  ({:s})".format(time.ctime()), log)
  for c in np.arange(nchains):
  i = 0
  bit = bool(1)  # Dummy variable to send through pipe
  while True:
    # Proposal jump:
    if walk == "demc":
      # Send jump (for DEMC):
      for j in np.arange(nchains):
      # Receive chi-square (merely for synchronization):
      for j in np.arange(nchains):
        b = pipe[j].recv()

    # Print intermediate info:
    if (Zsize.value > report) or (Zsize.value == Zlen):
      report += intsteps
      mu.progressbar((Zsize.value+1.0)/Zlen, log)
      mu.msg(1, "Out-of-bound Trials:\n{:s}".
                           format(str(np.asarray(outbounds[:]))),    log)
      mu.msg(1, "Best Parameters: (chisq={:.4f})\n{:s}".
                           format(bestchisq.value, str(bestp[ifree])), log)

      # Gelman-Rubin statistics:
      if grtest and np.all(chainsize > (Zburn+hsize)):
        psrf = gr.gelmanrubin(Z, Zchain, Zburn)
        mu.msg(1, "Gelman-Rubin statistics for free parameters:\n{:s}".
                   format(str(psrf)), log)
        if np.all(psrf < 1.01):
          mu.msg(1, "All parameters have converged to within 1% of unity.", log)
      # Save current results:
      if savefile is not None:
        np.savez(savefile, Z=Z, Zchain=Zchain)
      if savemodel is not None:
        np.save(savemodel, allmodel[:,:,0:i+nold])
      if report > Zlen:
    i += 1

  # The models:
  if savemodel is not None:
    modelstack = allmodel[0,:,burnin:]
    for c in np.arange(1, nchains):
      modelstack = np.hstack((modelstack, allmodel[c, :, burnin:]))

  # Print out Summary:
  mu.msg(1, "\nFin, MCMC Summary:\n------------------", log)
  # Evaluate model for best fitting parameters:
  fitpars = np.asarray(params)
  fitpars[ifree] = np.copy(bestp[ifree])
  for s in ishare:
    fitpars[s] = fitpars[-int(stepsize[s])-1]
  bestmodel = chains[0].eval_model(fitpars)

  # Get indices for samples considered in final analysis:
  good = np.zeros(len(Zchain), bool)
  for c in np.arange(nchains):
    good[np.where(Zchain == c)[0][Zburn:]] = True
  # Values accepted for posterior stats:
  posterior = Z[good]
  pchain    = Zchain[good]

  # Sort the posterior by chain:
  zsort = np.lexsort([pchain])
  posterior = posterior[zsort]
  pchain    = pchain   [zsort]

  # Get some stats:
  nsample   = niter*nchains  # This sample
  nZsample  = len(posterior)
  ntotal    = nold + nsample
  BIC       = bestchisq.value + nfree*np.log(ndata)
  if ndata > nfree:
    redchisq  = bestchisq.value/(ndata-nfree)
    redchisq = np.nan
  sdr       = np.std(bestmodel-data)

  #fmtlen = len(str(ntotal))
  fmtlen = len(str(nsample))
  mu.msg(1, "Total number of samples:            {:{}d}".
             format(nsample,  fmtlen), log, 2)
  mu.msg(1, "Number of parallel chains:          {:{}d}".
             format(nchains,  fmtlen), log, 2)
  mu.msg(1, "Average iterations per chain:       {:{}d}".
             format(niter,    fmtlen), log, 2)
  mu.msg(1, "Burned in iterations per chain:     {:{}d}".
             format(burnin,   fmtlen), log, 2)
  mu.msg(1, "Thinning factor:                    {:{}d}".
             format(thinning, fmtlen), log, 2)
  mu.msg(1, "MCMC sample (thinned, burned) size: {:{}d}".
             format(nZsample, fmtlen), log, 2)
  mu.msg(resume, "Total MCMC sample size:             {:{}d}".
             format(ntotal,   fmtlen), log, 2)
  mu.msg(1, "Acceptance rate:   {:.2f}%\n".
             format(numaccept.value*100.0/nsample), log, 2)

  # Compute the credible region for each parameter:
  CRlo = np.zeros(nparams)
  CRhi = np.zeros(nparams)
  pdf  = []
  xpdf = []
  for i in np.arange(nfree):
    PDF, Xpdf, HPDmin = mu.credregion(posterior[:,i])
    CRlo[ifree[i]] = np.amin(Xpdf[PDF>HPDmin])
    CRhi[ifree[i]] = np.amax(Xpdf[PDF>HPDmin])
  # CR relative to the best-fitting value:
  CRlo[ifree] -= bestp[ifree]
  CRhi[ifree] -= bestp[ifree]

  # Get the mean and standard deviation from the posterior:
  meanp   = np.zeros(nparams, np.double) # Parameter standard deviation
  uncertp = np.zeros(nparams, np.double) # Parameters mean
  meanp  [ifree] = np.mean(posterior, axis=0)
  uncertp[ifree] = np.std(posterior,  axis=0)
  for s in ishare:
    bestp  [s] = bestp  [-int(stepsize[s])-1]
    meanp  [s] = meanp  [-int(stepsize[s])-1]
    uncertp[s] = uncertp[-int(stepsize[s])-1]
    CRlo   [s] = CRlo   [-int(stepsize[s])-1]
    CRhi   [s] = CRhi   [-int(stepsize[s])-1]

  mu.msg(1, "\n      Best fit  Lo Cred.Reg.  Hi Cred.Reg.          Mean     Std. dev.      S/N", log, width=80)
  for i in np.arange(nparams):
    snr  = "{:7.1f}".  format(np.abs(bestp[i])/uncertp[i])
    mean = "{: 13.6e}".format(meanp[i])
    lo   = "{: 13.6e}".format(CRlo[i])
    hi   = "{: 13.6e}".format(CRhi[i])
    if   i in ifree:  # Free-fitting value
    elif i in ishare: # Shared value
      snr  = "[sh-p{:02d}]".format(-int(stepsize[i]))
    else:             # Fixed value
      snr  = "[fixed]"
      mean = "{: 13.6e}".format(bestp[i])
    mu.msg(1, "{:14.6e} {:>13s} {:>13s} {:>13s} {:13.6e} {:>8s}".
           format(bestp[i], lo, hi, mean, uncertp[i], snr), log, width=80)

  if leastsq and np.any(np.abs((bestp-fitbestp)/fitbestp) > 1e-08):
    mu.warning("MCMC found a better fit than the minimizer:\n"
               "MCMC best-fitting parameters:        (chisq={:.8g})\n{:s}\n"
               "Minimizer best-fitting parameters:   (chisq={:.8g})\n"
               "{:s}".format(bestchisq.value, str(bestp[ifree]),
                             fitchisq,  str(fitbestp[ifree])), log)

  fmtl = len("%.4f"%BIC)  # Length of string formatting
  mu.msg(1, " ", log)
  mu.msg(chisqscale, "sqrt(reduced chi-squared) factor: {:{}.4f}".
                      format(chifactor, fmtl), log, 2)
  mu.msg(1, "Best-parameter's chi-squared:     {:{}.4f}".
             format(bestchisq.value, fmtl), log, 2)
  mu.msg(1, "Bayesian Information Criterion:   {:{}.4f}".
             format(BIC,             fmtl), log, 2)
  mu.msg(1, "Reduced chi-squared:              {:{}.4f}".
             format(redchisq,        fmtl), log, 2)
  mu.msg(1, "Standard deviation of residuals:  {:.6g}\n".format(sdr), log, 2)

  if rms:
    RMS, RMSlo, RMShi, stderr, bs = ta.binrms(bestmodel-data)

  if plots:
    print("Plotting figures.")
    # Extract filename from savefile:
    if savefile is not None:
      if savefile.rfind(".") == -1:
        fname = savefile[savefile.rfind("/")+1:] # Cut out file extention.
        fname = savefile[savefile.rfind("/")+1:savefile.rfind(".")]
      fname = "MCMC"
    # Trace plot:
    if parname is not None:
      parname = np.asarray(parname)[ifree]
    mp.trace(Z, Zchain=Zchain, burnin=Zburn, parname=parname,
    # Pairwise posteriors:
    mp.pairwise(posterior,  parname=parname, savefile=fname+"_pairwise.png")
    # Histograms:
    mp.histogram(posterior, parname=parname, savefile=fname+"_posterior.png",
                 percentile=0.683, pdf=pdf, xpdf=xpdf)
    # RMS vs bin size:
    if rms:
      mp.RMS(bs, RMS, stderr, RMSlo, RMShi, binstep=len(bs)/500+1,
    # Sort of guessing that indparams[0] is the X array for data as in y=y(x):
    if (indparams != [] and
        isinstance(indparams[0], (list, tuple, np.ndarray)) and
        np.size(indparams[0]) == ndata):
      mp.modelfit(data, uncert, indparams[0], bestmodel,

  # Save definitive results:
  if savefile is not None:
    np.savez(savefile, bestp=bestp, Z=Z, Zchain=Zchain)
  if savemodel is not None:
    np.save(savemodel, allmodel)

  # Close the log file if necessary:
  if closelog:

  if full_output:
    return bestp, CRlo, CRhi, uncertp, Z, Zchain
    return bestp, CRlo, CRhi, uncertp, posterior, pchain