Exemplo n.º 1
    def run_callbacks(self, callback, event):
        if callback in self.methods:
            for m in self.methods[callback]:

                except AttributeError:
                    #print("DEBUG -- skip this except run_callbacks()", __file__)
                    from timechart import raise_to_debug
                    raise_to_debug(2, __file__)


                    if not hasattr(m,"num_exc"):
                        m.num_exc = 0
                    m.num_exc += 1
                    if m.num_exc <10:
                        print("bug in ", m, "still continue..")
                    if m.num_exc == 10:
                        print(m, "is too buggy, disabling, please report bug!")
                        if len(self.methods[callback])==0:
                            del self.methods[callback]
            return True
        return False
Exemplo n.º 2
    def add_to_toolbar(self,
        from timechart import raise_to_debug
        raise_to_debug(2, __file__)
        """ Adds the item to a tool bar.

        parent : toolkit control
            The parent of the new menu item control.
        tool_bar : toolkit toolbar
            The toolbar to add the action item to.
        image_cache : ImageCache instance
            The image cache for resized images.
        controller : ActionController instance or None
            The controller to use.
        show_labels : bool
            Should the toolbar item show a label.
        if (controller is None) or controller.can_add_to_toolbar(self.action):
            wrapper = _Tool(parent, tool_bar, image_cache, self, controller,

            # fixme: Martin, who uses this information?
            if controller is None:
                self.control = wrapper.control
                self.control_id = wrapper.control_id

Exemplo n.º 3
    def _get_max_latency_ts(self):
        #print("DEBUG -- skip max_latency_ts ", __file__)
        from timechart import raise_to_debug
        raise_to_debug(1, __file__)

        if self.max_latency > 0:
            indices = np.nonzero((self.end_ts - self.start_ts) > self.max_latency)[0]
            return np.array(sorted([self.start_ts[i] for i in indices]))
        return []
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _get_max_latency(self):
        #print("DEBUG -- skip max_latency --- ", __file__)
        from timechart import raise_to_debug
        raise_to_debug(1, __file__)

        if self.pid==0 and self.comm.startswith("irq"):
            return 1000
            return 10
Exemplo n.º 5
    def normal_left_down(self, event):
        """ Handles the left mouse button being pressed when the tool is in
        the 'normal' state.

        Starts panning if the left mouse button is the drag button.
        from timechart import raise_to_debug
        raise_to_debug(1, __file__)

        if self.drag_button == "left":
Exemplo n.º 6
def load_ftrace(fn):
    from model import tcProject
    proj = tcProject()
    proj.filename = fn
    parse_ftrace(fn, proj.handle_trace_event)

    from timechart import raise_to_debug
    raise_to_debug(0, 'Finish parsing ' + __file__)

    return proj
Exemplo n.º 7
    def set_pointer(self, pointer):
        "Set the current pointer (i.e. cursor) shape"
        #print("ASSERT", __file__)
        assert True, 'set_pointer'

        from timechart import raise_to_debug
        raise_to_debug(1, __file__)

        ptr = POINTER_MAP[pointer]
        if type(ptr) is int:
            POINTER_MAP[pointer] = ptr = wx.StockCursor(ptr)
        # self.control.SetCursor( ptr )
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _paint(self, event=None):
        """ This method is called directly by the UI toolkit's callback
        mechanism on the paint event.
        from timechart import raise_to_debug
        raise_to_debug(2, __file__)

        if self.control is None:
            # the window has gone away, but let the window implementation
            # handle the event as needed

        # Create a new GC if necessary
        size = self._get_control_size()
        if (self._size != tuple(size)) or (self._gc is None):
            self._size = tuple(size)
            self._gc = self._create_gc(size)

        # Always give the GC a chance to initialize

        # Layout components and draw
        if hasattr(self.component, "do_layout"):
        gc = self._gc
        self.component.draw(gc, view_bounds=(0, 0, size[0], size[1]))

        #        damaged_regions = draw_result['damaged_regions']
        # FIXME: consolidate damaged regions if necessary
        if not self.use_damaged_region:
            self._update_region = None

        # Perform a paint of the GC to the window (only necessary on backends
        # that render to an off-screen buffer)

        self._update_region = []
Exemplo n.º 9
class Window(BaseWindow):
    from timechart import raise_to_debug
    raise_to_debug(3, __file__)

    def _create_gc(self, size, pix_format="bgra32"):
        "Create a Kiva graphics context of a specified size"
        # We have to set bottom_up=0 or otherwise the PixelMap will
        # appear upside down when blitting. Note that this is not the
        # case on Windows.
        bottom_up = 0 if sys.platform != 'win32' else 1
        gc = GraphicsContext((size[0] + 1, size[1] + 1),
        gc.translate_ctm(0.5, 0.5)
        return gc

    def _window_paint(self, event):
        "Do a GUI toolkit specific screen update"
        if self.control is None:

        control = self.control
        pixel_map = self._gc.pixel_map
        wdc = control._dc = wx.PaintDC(control)

        if hasattr(pixel_map, 'draw_to_wxwindow'):
            pixel_map.draw_to_wxwindow(control, 0, 0)
            # This should just be the Mac OS X code path
            bmp = _wx_bitmap_from_buffer(pixel_map.convert_to_argb32string(),
                                         self._gc.width(), self._gc.height())
            wdc.DrawBitmap(bmp, 0, 0)

        control._dc = None
Exemplo n.º 10
class ActionController(HasTraits):
    """ The default action controller for menus, menu bars and tool bars. """

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # 'ActionController' interface.
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    from timechart import raise_to_debug
    raise_to_debug(3, __file__)

    def perform(self, action, event):
        """ Control an action invocation.

        action : Action instance
            The action to perform.
        event : ActionEvent instance
            The event that triggered the action.

        result : any
            The result of the action's perform method (usually None).
        return action.perform(event)

    def can_add_to_menu(self, action):
        """ Can add an action to a menu

        action : Action instance
            The action to consider.

        can_add : bool
            ``True`` if the action can be added to a menu/menubar.
        return True

    def add_to_menu(self, action):
        """ Called when an action is added to the a menu/menubar.

        action : Action instance
            The action added to the menu.

    def can_add_to_toolbar(self, action):
        """ Returns True if the action can be added to a toolbar.

        action : Action instance
            The action to consider.

        can_add : bool
            ``True`` if the action can be added to a toolbar.
        return True

    def add_to_toolbar(self, action):
        """ Called when an action is added to the a toolbar.

        action : Action instance
            The action added to the toolbar.
Exemplo n.º 11
    def _draw ( self, gc, view_bounds, mode):

        from timechart import raise_to_debug
        raise_to_debug(3, __file__)

        # Set up all the control variables for quick access:
        ml  = self.margin_left
        mr  = self.margin_right
        mt  = self.margin_top
        mb  = self.margin_bottom
        pl  = self.padding_left
        pr  = self.padding_right
        pt  = self.padding_top
        pb  = self.padding_bottom
        bs  = self.border_size
        bsd = bs + bs
        bsh = bs / 2.0
        x, y, dx, dy = self.bounds

        ix, iy, idx, idy, tx, ty, tdx, tdy, itdx, itdy = self._info

        # Fill the background region (if required);
        bg_color = self.bg_color_
        if bg_color is not transparent_color:
            with gc:
                gc.set_fill_color( bg_color )
                gc.rect( x + ml + bs, y + mb + bs,
                         dx - ml - mr - bsd, dy - mb - mt - bsd )

        # Draw the border (if required):
        if bs > 0:
            border_color = self.border_color_
            if border_color is not transparent_color:
                with gc:
                    gc.set_stroke_color( border_color )
                    gc.set_line_width( bs )
                    gc.rect( x + ml + bsh, y + mb + bsh,
                             dx - ml - mr - bs, dy - mb - mt - bs )

        # Calculate the origin of the image/text box:
        text_position = self.text_position_

        if self.image_orientation == 'text':
            # Handle the 'image relative to text' case:
            if text_position & RIGHT:
                itx = x + dx - mr - bs - pr - itdx
                itx = x + ml + bs + pl
                if text_position & HCENTER:
                   itx += (dx - ml - mr - bsd - pl - pr - itdx) / 2.0
            if text_position & TOP:
                ity = y + dy - mt - bs - pt - itdy
                ity = y + mb + bs + pb
                if text_position & VCENTER:
                   ity += (dy - mb - mt - bsd - pb - pt - itdy) / 2.0
            # Handle the 'image relative to component' case:
            itx = ity = 0.0
            if text_position & RIGHT:
                tx = x + dx - mr - bs - pr - tdx
                tx = x + ml + bs + pl
                if text_position & HCENTER:
                   tx += (dx - ml - mr - bsd - pl - pr - tdx) / 2.0
            if text_position & TOP:
                ty = y + dy - mt - bs - pt - tdy
                ty = y + mb + bs + pb
                if text_position & VCENTER:
                   ty += (dy - mb - mt - bsd - pb - pt - tdy) / 2.0

            image_position = self.image_position_
            if image_position & RIGHT:
                ix = x + dx - mr - bs - pr - idx
                ix = x + ml + bs + pl
                if image_position & HCENTER:
                   ix += (dx - ml - mr - bsd - pl - pr - idx) / 2.0
            if image_position & TOP:
                iy = y + dy - mt - bs - pt - idy
                iy = y + mb + bs + pb
                if image_position & VCENTER:
                   iy += (dy - mb - mt - bsd - pb - pt - idy) / 2.0

        with gc:
            # Draw the image (if required):
            image = self._image
            if image is not None:
                gc.draw_image( image, ( itx + ix, ity + iy, idx, idy ) )

            # Draw the text (if required):
            gc.set_font( self.font )
            _text = self._text
            _tdx  = self._tdx
            tx   += itx
            ty   += ity + tdy * len( _text )
            style        = self.style_
            shadow_color = self.shadow_color_
            text_color   = self.color_
            for i, text in enumerate( _text ):
                ty -= tdy
                _tx = tx
                if text_position & RIGHT:
                    _tx += tdx - _tdx[i]
                elif text_position & HCENTER:
                    _tx += (tdx - _tdx[i]) / 2.0
                # Draw the 'shadow' text, if requested:
                if (style != 0) and (shadow_color is not transparent_color):
                    if style == EMBOSSED:
                        gc.set_fill_color( shadow_color )
                        gc.set_text_position( _tx - 1.0, ty + 1.0 )
                    elif style == ENGRAVED:
                        gc.set_fill_color( shadow_color )
                        gc.set_text_position( _tx + 1.0, ty - 1.0 )
                        gc.set_fill_color( shadow_color )
                        gc.set_text_position( _tx + 2.0, ty - 2.0 )
                    gc.show_text( text )

                # Draw the normal text:
                gc.set_fill_color( text_color )
                gc.set_text_position( _tx, ty )
                gc.show_text( text )
Exemplo n.º 12
class GUIApplication(Application):

    from timechart import raise_to_debug
    raise_to_debug(3, __file__)
    """ A basic Pyface GUI application. """

    # 'GUIApplication' traits -------------------------------------------------

    # Branding ---------------------------------------------------------------

    #: The splash screen for the application. No splash screen by default
    splash_screen = Instance(ISplashScreen)

    #: The about dialog for the application.
    about_dialog = Instance(IDialog)

    #: Icon for the application (used in window titlebars)
    icon = Image

    #: Logo of the application (used in splash screens and about dialogs)
    logo = Image

    # Window management ------------------------------------------------------

    #: The window factory to use when creating a window for the application.
    window_factory = Callable(default_window_factory)

    #: Default window size
    window_size = Tuple((800, 600))

    #: Currently active Window if any
    active_window = Instance(IWindow)

    #: List of all open windows in the application
    windows = List(Instance(IWindow))

    #: The Pyface GUI instance for the application
    gui = ReadOnly

    # Protected interface ----------------------------------------------------

    #: Flag if the exiting of the application was explicitely requested by user
    # An 'explicit' exit is when the 'exit' method is called.
    # An 'implicit' exit is when the user closes the last open window.
    _explicit_exit = Bool(False)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # 'GUIApplication' interface
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Window lifecycle methods -----------------------------------------------

    def create_window(self, **kwargs):
        """ Create a new application window.

        By default uses the :py:attr:`window_factory` to do this.  Subclasses
        can override if they want to do something different or additional.

        **kwargs : dict
            Additional keyword arguments to pass to the window factory.

        window : IWindow instance or None
            The new IWindow instance.
        window = self.window_factory(application=self, **kwargs)

        if window.size == (-1, -1):
            window.size = self.window_size
        if not window.title:
            window.title = self.name
        if self.icon:
            window.icon = self.icon

        return window

    def add_window(self, window):
        """ Add a new window to the windows we are tracking. """

        # Keep a handle on all windows created so that non-active windows don't
        # get garbage collected

        # Something might try to veto the opening of the window.
        opened = window.open()
        if opened:

    # Action handlers --------------------------------------------------------

    def do_about(self):
        """ Display the about dialog, if it exists. """
        if self.about_dialog is not None:

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # 'Application' interface
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def start(self):
        """ Start the application, setting up things that are required

        Subclasses should open at least one ApplicationWindow or subclass in
        their start method, and should call the superclass start() method
        before doing any work themselves.
        from pyface.gui import GUI

        ok = super(GUIApplication, self).start()
        if ok:
            # create the GUI so that the splash screen comes up first thing
            if self.gui is Undefined:
                self.gui = GUI(splash_screen=self.splash_screen)

            # create the initial windows to show

        return ok

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # 'GUIApplication' Private interface
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def _create_windows(self):
        """ Create the initial windows to display.

        By default calls :py:meth:`create_window` once. Subclasses can
        override this method.
        window = self.create_window()

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # 'Application' private interface
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def _run(self):
        """ Actual implementation of running the application: starting the GUI
        event loop.
        # Fire a notification that the app is running.  This is guaranteed to
        # happen after all initialization has occurred and the event loop has
        # started.  A listener for this event is a good place to do things
        # where you want the event loop running.

        # start the GUI - script blocks here
        return True

    # Destruction methods -----------------------------------------------------

    def _can_exit(self):
        """ Check with each window to see if it can be closed

        The fires closing events for each window, and returns False if any
        listener vetos.
        if not super(GUIApplication, self)._can_exit():
            return False

        for window in reversed(self.windows):
            window.closing = event = Vetoable()
            if event.veto:
                return False
            return True

    def _prepare_exit(self):
        """ Close each window """
        # ensure copy of list, as we modify original list while closing
        for window in list(reversed(self.windows)):
            window.closed = window

    def _exit(self):
        """ Shut down the event loop """

    # Trait default handlers ------------------------------------------------

    def _window_factory_default(self):
        """ Default to ApplicationWindow

        This is almost never the right thing, but allows users to get off the
        ground with the base class.
        from pyface.application_window import ApplicationWindow

        return lambda application, **kwargs: ApplicationWindow(**kwargs)

    def _splash_screen_default(self):
        """ Default SplashScreen """
        from pyface.splash_screen import SplashScreen

        dialog = SplashScreen()
        if self.logo:
            dialog.image = self.logo
        return dialog

    def _about_dialog_default(self):
        """ Default AboutDialog """
        from html import escape

        from pyface.about_dialog import AboutDialog

        additions = [
            "Copyright &copy; 2018 {}, all rights reserved".format(
        additions += [escape(line) for line in self.description.split("\n\n")]

        dialog = AboutDialog(title="About {}".format(self.name),
        if self.logo:
            dialog.image = self.logo
        return dialog

    # Trait listeners --------------------------------------------------------

    def _on_activate_window(self, window, trait, old, new):
        """ Listener that tracks currently active window.
        if window in self.windows:
            self.active_window = window

    def _on_deactivate_window(self, window, trait, old, new):
        """ Listener that tracks currently active window.
        self.active_window = None

    def _on_window_closed(self, window, trait, old, new):
        """ Listener that ensures window handles are released when closed.
        if window in self.windows:
Exemplo n.º 13
# the conditions described in the aforementioned license. The license
# is also available online at http://www.enthought.com/licenses/BSD.txt
# Thanks for using Enthought open source!

Defines the TraitType class.

The ``TraitType`` class a trait handler that is the base class for modern
traits, and provides a richer API than the old-style traits derived from

import warnings
from timechart import raise_to_debug
raise_to_debug(3, __file__)

from .base_trait_handler import BaseTraitHandler
from .constants import ComparisonMode, DefaultValue, TraitKind
from .trait_base import Missing, Self, TraitsCache, Undefined, class_of
from .trait_dict_object import TraitDictObject
from .trait_errors import TraitError
from .trait_list_object import TraitListObject
from .trait_set_object import TraitSetObject

#: Mapping from trait metadata 'type' to CTrait 'type':
trait_types = {"python": 1, "event": 2}

def _infer_default_value_type(default_value):