Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, dev1, dev2=None, bpf_filter=None, skip_forwarded=True,
                 unoffensive=False, capmethod=0):
        @param dev1 the first interface to sniff on
        @param dev2 the second interface to sniff on (used in bridged sniffing)
                    or None
        @param bpf_filter pcap filter to apply to the inputs interfaces
        @param skip_forwarded Skip forwarded packets. Don't execute decode phase
        @param unoffensive Don't forward any packets while unified sniffing
        @param capmethod use 0 for standard capture, 1 for tcpdump and 2 for
                         dumpcap helper
        @return a BaseAuditContext


        self._iface1 = dev1
        self._iface2 = dev2

        # These are sockets used to send packets
        self._l2_socket = None
        self._l3_socket = None
        self._lb_socket = None

        # Listen sockets
        self._listen_dev1 = None
        self._listen_dev2 = None

        self.capmethod = capmethod
        self.status = self.SAVED
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self,
        @param dev1 the first interface to sniff on
        @param dev2 the second interface to sniff on (used in bridged sniffing)
                    or None
        @param bpf_filter pcap filter to apply to the inputs interfaces
        @param skip_forwarded Skip forwarded packets. Don't execute decode phase
        @param unoffensive Don't forward any packets while unified sniffing
        @param capmethod use 0 for standard capture, 1 for tcpdump and 2 for
                         dumpcap helper
        @return a BaseAuditContext


        self._iface1 = dev1
        self._iface2 = dev2

        # These are sockets used to send packets
        self._l2_socket = None
        self._l3_socket = None
        self._lb_socket = None

        # Listen sockets
        self._listen_dev1 = None
        self._listen_dev2 = None

        self.capmethod = capmethod
        self.status = self.SAVED
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, metapacket, count, inter, iface, callback, udata=None):
        Create a BaseSendContext object

        @param metapacket the packet to send
        @param count the n metapacket to send
        @param inter the interval of time between two consecutive send
        @param iface the interface to use for sending
        @param callback the function to call at every send
        @param udata the user data to pass to callback

        self.packet = metapacket
        self.tot_count = count
        self.count = 0
        self.inter = float(inter) / 1000.0
        self.iface = iface
        self.callback = callback
        self.udata = udata

Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, metapacket, count, inter, iface, \
                  strict, report_recv, report_sent, capmethod, \
                  scallback, rcallback, sudata=None, rudata=None):

        Create a BaseSendReceiveContext object

        @param metapacket the packet to send
        @param count the n of metapacket to send
        @param interval the interval between two consecutive send
        @param iface the interface to listen on for replies
        @param strict strict checking for reply
        @param report_recv report received packets
        @param report_sent report sent packets
        @param capmethod 0 for native, 1 for tcpdump, 2 for dumpcap
        @param scallback the send callback to call at each send
        @param rcallback the recv callback to call at each recv
        @param sudata the user data for scallback
        @param rudata the user data for rcallback

        self.packet = metapacket
        self.tot_count = count
        self.count = 0
        self.inter = float(inter) / 1000.0
        self.iface = iface
        self.strict = strict
        self.report_recv = report_recv
        self.report_sent = report_sent
        self.scallback = scallback
        self.rcallback = rcallback
        self.sudata = sudata
        self.rudata = rudata

        self.remaining = count
        self.answers = 0
        self.received = 0
        self.capmethod = capmethod

Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, metapacket, count, inter, iface, \
                  strict, report_recv, report_sent, capmethod, \
                  scallback, rcallback, sudata=None, rudata=None):
        Create a BaseSendReceiveContext object

        @param metapacket the packet to send
        @param count the n of metapacket to send
        @param interval the interval between two consecutive send
        @param iface the interface to listen on for replies
        @param strict strict checking for reply
        @param report_recv report received packets
        @param report_sent report sent packets
        @param capmethod 0 for native, 1 for tcpdump, 2 for dumpcap
        @param scallback the send callback to call at each send
        @param rcallback the recv callback to call at each recv
        @param sudata the user data for scallback
        @param rudata the user data for rcallback

        self.packet = metapacket
        self.tot_count = count
        self.count = 0
        self.inter = float(inter) / 1000.0
        self.iface = iface
        self.strict = strict
        self.report_recv = report_recv
        self.report_sent = report_sent
        self.scallback = scallback
        self.rcallback = rcallback
        self.sudata = sudata
        self.rudata = rudata

        self.remaining = count
        self.answers = 0
        self.received = 0
        self.capmethod = capmethod

Exemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, iface, filter=None, minsize=0, maxsize=0, capfile=None, \
                 scount=0, stime=0, ssize=0, real=True, scroll=True, \
                 resmac=True, resname=False, restransport=True, promisc=True, \
                 background=False, capmethod=0, audits=True, \
                 callback=None, udata=None):
        Create a BaseSniffContext object

        @param iface the interface to sniff from
        @param filter the BPF filter to apply
        @param minsize the min size for every packet (0 no filter)
        @param maxsize the max size for every packet (0 no filter)
        @param capfile the file where the packets are saved (in real time)
        @param scount stop after scount packets sniffed (0 no filter)
        @param stime stop after stime seconds (0 no filter)
        @param ssize stop after ssize bytes (0 no filter)
        @param real if the view should be updated in real time
        @param scroll if the view shoud be scrolled at every packet received
        @param resmac enable MAC resolution
        @param resname enable name resolution
        @param restransport enable transport resolution
        @param promisc set the interface to promisc mode
        @param background if the sniff context should be runned in background
        @param capmethod the method to use (0 for standard, 1 for virtual
                         interface trough file, 2 for tcpdump helper, 3 for
                         dumpcap helper)
        @param audits a bool to indicate if auditdispatcher should be feeded
                       with captured packets.
        @param callback a function to call at every packet sniffed
        @param udata the user data to pass to callback


        self.iface = iface
        self.filter = filter
        self.min_packet_size = minsize
        self.max_packet_size = maxsize
        self.cap_file = capfile
        self.promisc = promisc

        self.stop_count = scount
        self.stop_time = stime
        self.stop_size = ssize

        self.real_time = real
        self.auto_scroll = scroll

        self.mac_resolution = resmac
        self.name_resolution = resname
        self.transport_resoltioin = restransport
        self.capmethod = capmethod
        self.audits = audits

        self.background = background
        self.callback = callback
        self.udata = udata

        self.tot_size = 0
        self.tot_time = 0
        self.tot_count = 0
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(

        Create a BaseSniffContext object

        @param iface the interface to sniff from
        @param filter the BPF filter to apply
        @param minsize the min size for every packet (0 no filter)
        @param maxsize the max size for every packet (0 no filter)
        @param capfile the file where the packets are saved (in real time)
        @param scount stop after scount packets sniffed (0 no filter)
        @param stime stop after stime seconds (0 no filter)
        @param ssize stop after ssize bytes (0 no filter)
        @param real if the view should be updated in real time
        @param scroll if the view shoud be scrolled at every packet received
        @param resmac enable MAC resolution
        @param resname enable name resolution
        @param restransport enable transport resolution
        @param promisc set the interface to promisc mode
        @param background if the sniff context should be runned in background
        @param capmethod the method to use (0 for standard, 1 for virtual
                         interface trough file, 2 for tcpdump helper, 3 for
                         dumpcap helper)
        @param audits a bool to indicate if auditdispatcher should be feeded
                       with captured packets.
        @param callback a function to call at every packet sniffed
        @param udata the user data to pass to callback


        self.iface = iface
        self.filter = filter
        self.min_packet_size = minsize
        self.max_packet_size = maxsize
        self.cap_file = capfile
        self.promisc = promisc

        self.stop_count = scount
        self.stop_time = stime
        self.stop_size = ssize

        self.real_time = real
        self.auto_scroll = scroll

        self.mac_resolution = resmac
        self.name_resolution = resname
        self.transport_resoltioin = restransport
        self.capmethod = capmethod
        self.audits = audits

        self.background = background
        self.callback = callback
        self.udata = udata

        self.tot_size = 0
        self.tot_time = 0
        self.tot_count = 0
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, seq, count=1, inter=0, iface=None, \
                 strict=True, report_recv=False, report_sent=True, capmethod=0,\
                 scallback=None, rcallback=None, sudata=None, rudata=None):
        Create a BaseSequenceContext object

        If seq is a string then the sequence is loaded from file pointed by
        seq variable and you could set the other attributes are ignored except
        [sr]callback and [sr]udata. The others are loaded directly from file.

        @param seq a Sequence object or a string to load from
        @param count the n of metapacket to send
        @param interval the interval between two consecutive send
        @param iface the interface to listen on for replies
        @param strict strict checking for reply
        @param report_recv report received packets
        @param report_sent report sent packets
        @param capmethod 0 for native, 1 for tcpdump, 2 for dumpcap
        @param scallback the send callback to call at each send
        @param rcallback the recv callback to call at each recv
        @param sudata the user data for scallback
        @param rudata the user data for rcallback


        if isinstance(seq, basestring):
            self.cap_file = seq

            self.title = self.cap_file

            self.tot_loop_count = 1
            self.loop_count = 0

            self.tot_packet_count = len(seq)
            self.packet_count = 0

            self.inter = 0
            self.iface = None

            self.strict = True
            self.report_recv = True
            self.report_sent = True
            self.capmethod = 0

            self.seq = seq
            self.title = _('Unsaved sequence')

            self.tot_loop_count = count
            self.loop_count = 0

            self.tot_packet_count = len(seq)
            self.packet_count = 0

            self.inter = float(inter) / 1000.0
            self.iface = iface

            self.strict = strict
            self.report_recv = report_recv
            self.report_sent = report_sent
            self.capmethod = capmethod

        self.scallback = scallback
        self.rcallback = rcallback
        self.sudata = sudata
        self.rudata = rudata

        self.answers = 0
        self.received = 0
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, seq, count=1, inter=0, iface=None, \
                 strict=True, report_recv=False, report_sent=True, capmethod=0,\
                 scallback=None, rcallback=None, sudata=None, rudata=None):

        Create a BaseSequenceContext object

        If seq is a string then the sequence is loaded from file pointed by
        seq variable and you could set the other attributes are ignored except
        [sr]callback and [sr]udata. The others are loaded directly from file.

        @param seq a Sequence object or a string to load from
        @param count the n of metapacket to send
        @param interval the interval between two consecutive send
        @param iface the interface to listen on for replies
        @param strict strict checking for reply
        @param report_recv report received packets
        @param report_sent report sent packets
        @param capmethod 0 for native, 1 for tcpdump, 2 for dumpcap
        @param scallback the send callback to call at each send
        @param rcallback the recv callback to call at each recv
        @param sudata the user data for scallback
        @param rudata the user data for rcallback


        if isinstance(seq, basestring):
            self.cap_file = seq

            self.title = self.cap_file

            self.tot_loop_count = 1
            self.loop_count = 0

            self.tot_packet_count = len(seq)
            self.packet_count = 0

            self.inter = 0
            self.iface = None

            self.strict = True
            self.report_recv = True
            self.report_sent = True
            self.capmethod = 0

            self.seq = seq
            self.title = _('Unsaved sequence')

            self.tot_loop_count = count
            self.loop_count = 0

            self.tot_packet_count = len(seq)
            self.packet_count = 0

            self.inter = float(inter) / 1000.0
            self.iface = iface

            self.strict = strict
            self.report_recv = report_recv
            self.report_sent = report_sent
            self.capmethod = capmethod

        self.scallback = scallback
        self.rcallback = rcallback
        self.sudata = sudata
        self.rudata = rudata

        self.answers = 0
        self.received = 0