Exemplo n.º 1
def list_own_projects(request, timeslot=None):
    This lists all proposals that the given user has something to do with. Either a responsible or assistant. For
    Type3staff this lists all proposals. This is the usual view for staff to view their proposals.

    :param request:
    :param timeslot: optional timeslot to view proposals from, default is current ts.
    if timeslot:
        ts = get_object_or_404(TimeSlot, pk=timeslot)
        projects = get_all_projects(old=True).filter(TimeSlot=ts)
        ts = None
        projects = get_all_projects(old=True).filter(TimeSlot=None)  # proposals of future timeslot

    if get_grouptype("3") in request.user.groups.all() or get_grouptype("5") in request.user.groups.all():
        projects = projects.filter(Q(ResponsibleStaff=request.user) |
    projects = prefetch(projects)
    return render(request, 'proposals/list_projects_custom.html', {
        'hide_sidebar': True,
        'projects': projects,
        'favorite_projects': get_favorites(request.user),
        'timeslots': get_recent_timeslots(),
        'timeslot': ts,
Exemplo n.º 2
def list_private_projects(request, timeslot=None):
    List all private proposals.

    :param request:
    :param timeslot: timeslot to show projects from.
    if timeslot:
        ts = get_object_or_404(TimeSlot, pk=timeslot)
        projects = get_all_projects(old=True).filter(TimeSlot=ts)
        ts = None
        projects = get_all_projects(old=True).filter(TimeSlot=None)  # proposals of future timeslot

    projects = prefetch(projects.filter(Private__isnull=False).distinct())
    return render(request, "proposals/list_projects_custom.html", {
        'hide_sidebar': True,
        'projects': projects,
        'favorite_projects': get_favorites(request.user),
        "title": "All private proposals",
        'timeslots': get_recent_timeslots(),
        'timeslot': ts,
        "private": True  # to show extra column with private students
Exemplo n.º 3
def list_track(request, timeslot=None):
    List all proposals of the track that the user is head of.

    :param request:
    :param timeslot: Time slot to show projects from
    if not Track.objects.filter(Head=request.user).exists():
        raise PermissionDenied("This page is only for track heads.")
    tracks = Track.objects.filter(Head__id=request.user.id)

    if timeslot:
        ts = get_object_or_404(TimeSlot, pk=timeslot)
        projects = get_all_projects(old=True).filter(TimeSlot=ts)
        ts = None
        projects = get_all_projects(old=True).filter(TimeSlot=None)  # proposals of future timeslot
    projects = projects.filter(Track__in=tracks)
    projects = prefetch(projects)
    return render(request, "proposals/list_projects_custom.html", {
        'projects': projects,
        'favorite_projects': get_favorites(request.user),
        "title": "Proposals of track {}".format(print_list(tracks)),
        'timeslots': get_recent_timeslots(),
        'timeslot': ts,
Exemplo n.º 4
def list_group_projects(request, timeslot=None):
    List all proposals of a group.

    :param request:
    :param timeslot: timeslot to view.l
    if timeslot:
        ts = get_object_or_404(TimeSlot, pk=timeslot)
        projects = get_all_projects(old=True).filter(TimeSlot=ts)
        ts = None
        projects = get_all_projects(old=True).filter(
            TimeSlot=None)  # proposals of future timeslot

    projects = prefetch(
    return render(
        request, 'proposals/list_projects_custom.html', {
            'Proposals of {}'.format(
                        'Group__ShortName', flat=True))),
Exemplo n.º 5
def list_users(request, filter=False):
    List of all active users, including upgrade/downgrade button for staff and impersonate button for admins

    :param request:
    if filter == 'all':
        users = User.objects.all()
    elif filter == 'current':
        users = User.objects.filter(
            | Q(usermeta__TimeSlot=get_timeslot())).distinct()
    else:  # recent
        users = User.objects.filter(
            Q(groups__isnull=False) | Q(usermeta__TimeSlot__id__in=[
                x.id for x in get_recent_timeslots()
            ]) | (Q(usermeta__TimeSlot=None)
                  & Q(last_login__isnull=False))).distinct()

    return render(
        request, "support/list_users.html", {
            users.prefetch_related('groups', 'usermeta', 'usermeta__TimeSlot',
Exemplo n.º 6
def project_stats(request, timeslot=None):
    Statistics for projects, allowed for all staff except unverified.

    :param request:
    :param timeslot: the time slot to view proposals from
    Project = Proposal
    if timeslot is None:
        # all projects
        p = Proposal.objects.filter(TimeSlot=None)
        timeslot = get_object_or_404(TimeSlot, pk=timeslot)
        p = Proposal.objects.filter(TimeSlot=timeslot)

    totalnum = p.count()

    groups = CapacityGroup.objects.all()
    group_count_prop = []
    group_count_distr = []
    group_count_appl = []
    group_labels = []
    group_labels_appl = []
    group_labels_distr = []
    group_labels_prop = []

    for group in groups:  # groups is tupple of (shortname, longname)
        group_count_distr.append(p.filter(Group=group, distributions__isnull=False).count())  # not distinct because users.
        group_count_appl.append(p.filter(Group=group, applications__isnull=False).count())  # not distinct because users.

    # sort both lists for each count-type by count number, make sure labels are in correct order.
    if group_count_prop:
        group_count_prop, group_labels_prop = (list(t) for t in
                                               zip(*sorted(zip(group_count_prop, group_labels), reverse=True)))
    if group_count_distr:
        group_count_distr, group_labels_distr = (list(t) for t in
                                                 zip(*sorted(zip(group_count_distr, group_labels), reverse=True)))
    if group_count_appl:
        group_count_appl, group_labels_appl = (list(t) for t in
                                               zip(*sorted(zip(group_count_appl, group_labels), reverse=True)))
    status_count = []
    status_labels = []
    for option in Project.StatusOptions:
    if status_count:
        status_count, status_labels = (list(t) for t in zip(*sorted(zip(status_count, status_labels), reverse=True)))

    track_count = []
    track_labels = []
    for track in Track.objects.all():
    if track_count:
        track_count, track_labels = (list(t) for t in zip(*sorted(zip(track_count, track_labels), reverse=True)))

    return render(request, 'proposals/stats_project.html', {
        'num': totalnum,
        # 'done': p.filter(Approved=True).count(),
        'timeslots': get_recent_timeslots(),
        'timeslot': timeslot,
        "mincapacity": p.aggregate(Sum('NumStudentsMin'))['NumStudentsMin__sum'],
        "maxcapacity": p.aggregate(Sum('NumStudentsMax'))['NumStudentsMax__sum'],
        'data': [
                'label': 'Projects by capacity group',
                'labels': group_labels_prop,
                'counts': group_count_prop,
                'total': sum(group_count_prop),
            }, {
                #     'label': 'Master program',
                #     'labels': program_labels,
                #     'counts': program_count,
                #     'total': totalnum,
                # }, {
                'label': 'Status options',
                'labels': status_labels,
                'counts': status_count,
                'total': sum(status_count),
            }, {
                'label': 'Track options',
                'labels': track_labels,
                'counts': track_count,
                'total': sum(track_count),
            }, {
                'label': 'Applications by capacity group',
                'labels': group_labels_appl,
                'counts': group_count_appl,
                'total': sum(group_count_appl),
            }, {
                'label': 'Distributions by capacity group',
                'labels': group_labels_distr,
                'counts': group_count_distr,
                'total': sum(group_count_distr),
            # {
            #     'label': 'Progress',
            #     'labels': progress_labels,
            #     'counts': progress_count,
            #     'total': sum(progress_count),
            # }, {
            #     'label': 'Type',
            #     'labels': type_labels,
            #     'counts': type_count,
            #     'total': sum(type_count),
            # }
Exemplo n.º 7
def list_students(request, timeslot):
    For support staff, responsibles and assistants to view their students.
    List all students with distributions that the current user is allowed to see.
    Including a button to view the students files.
    In later timephase shows the grades as well.

    :param request:
    :param timeslot: the timeslot to look at. None for current timeslot (Future distributions do not exist)
    ts = get_object_or_404(TimeSlot, pk=timeslot)
    if ts.Begin > timezone.now().date():
        raise PermissionDenied("Future students are not yet known.")
    if ts == get_timeslot():
        current_ts = True
        current_ts = False

    if current_ts:
        # for current timeslot, check time phases.
        if get_timephase_number() < 0:  # no timephase
            if get_timeslot() is None:  # no timeslot
                raise PermissionDenied("System is closed.")
            if get_timephase_number() < 4:
                raise PermissionDenied("Students are not yet distributed")
            if get_timephase_number() < 5 and not get_grouptype(
                    "3") in request.user.groups.all():
                return render(
                    request, "base.html", {
                        "When the phase 'Distribution of projects' is finished, you can view your students here."
        if get_timephase_number() == -1 or get_timephase_number(
        ) >= 6:  # also show grades when timeslot but no timephase.
            show_grades = True
            show_grades = False
        # historic view of distributions. Hide grades, as they might have changed outside the system.
        show_grades = False

    des = get_distributions(request.user, ts).select_related(
        'Proposal__ResponsibleStaff', 'Proposal__Track',
    cats = None
    if show_grades:
        cats = GradeCategory.objects.filter(TimeSlot=get_timeslot())
    deslist = []
    # make grades
    for d in des:
        reslist = []
        if show_grades:
            for c in cats:
                except CategoryResult.DoesNotExist:
        deslist.append([d, reslist])
    return render(
        request, "support/list_students.html", {
            'des': deslist,
            'typ': cats,
            'show_grades': show_grades,
            'hide_sidebar': True,
            'timeslots': get_recent_timeslots(),
            'timeslot': ts,
            'is_current': current_ts,
Exemplo n.º 8
def list_students(request, timeslot=None):
    For support staff, responsibles and assistants to view their students.
    List all students with distributions that the current user is allowed to see.
    Including a button to view the students files.
    Shows the grades as well.

    :param request:
    :param timeslot: the timeslot to look at. None for current timeslot (Future distributions do not exist)
    ts = None
    show_grades = False
    error = None  # if error set, don't show students but do show notify and tabcontrol
    current_ts = False
    if not timeslot:
        error = 'There is currently not time slot active in the system.'
        ts = get_object_or_404(TimeSlot, pk=timeslot)

        if ts.Begin > timezone.now().date():
            error = 'Future students are not yet known.'
        if ts == get_timeslot():
            current_ts = True

        if current_ts:
            # for current timeslot, check time phases.
            if get_timephase_number() < 0:  # no timephase
                if get_timeslot() is None:  # no timeslot
                    error = "System is closed."
                if get_timephase_number() < 4:
                    error = "Students are not yet distributed"
                if get_timephase_number() < 5 and not get_grouptype(
                        "3") in request.user.groups.all():
                    error = "When the phase 'Distribution of projects' is finished, you can view your students here."
            if get_timephase_number() == -1 or get_timephase_number(
            ) >= 6:  # also show grades when timeslot but no timephase.
                show_grades = True
        else:  # historic grades
            show_grades = True

    if error:  # show error but not permissiondenied so still the tab view is shown.
        return render(
            request, "students/list_students.html", {
                'error': error,
                'hide_sidebar': True,
                'timeslots': get_recent_timeslots(),
                'timeslot': ts,
                'is_current': current_ts,

    # show students and possibly grades
    des = get_distributions(request.user, ts).select_related(
        'Proposal__ResponsibleStaff', 'Proposal__Track',
    cats = None

    if show_grades:
        cats = GradeCategory.objects.filter(TimeSlot=ts)
    deslist = []
    # make grades
    for d in des:
        reslist = []
        if show_grades:
            for c in cats:
                except CategoryResult.DoesNotExist:
        deslist.append([d, reslist])
    return render(
        request, "students/list_students.html", {
            'des': deslist,
            'typ': cats,
            'show_grades': show_grades,
            'hide_sidebar': True,
            'timeslots': get_recent_timeslots(),
            'timeslot': ts,
            'is_current': current_ts,