Exemplo n.º 1
def score_all(functionNode):
        score all thresholds again by using the stream implementation
        #works only on context of the class object
    logger = functionNode.get_logger()
    progressNode = functionNode.get_child("control").get_child("progress")
    model = functionNode.get_model()  # for the model API
    annos = functionNode.get_child("annotations").get_leaves()
    annos = [
        anno for anno in annos if anno.get_child("type").get_value() == "time"
    ]  #only the time annotations
    variableIds = functionNode.get_child(
        "variables").get_leaves_ids()  # the variableids to work on
        overWrite = functionNode.get_child("overWrite").get_value()
        overWrite = True

    obj = functionNode.get_parent().get_object()
    )  #read the new thresholds into the object!! this also affects parallel streaming processes

    # for each id (variable) that has threshold(s)
    # take the values and times of that varialbe
    # find out the annotations we need, create the stream data blob, send it over
    progressStep = 1 / float(len(obj.get_thresholds()))
    total = None

    for id, thresholdsInfo in obj.get_thresholds().items(
    ):  # thresholds is a dict of {id: {tag:{"min":0,"max":1}, tag2:{} .. ,id2:{}}
        if id not in variableIds:
            continue  # skip this one, is not selected
        progressNode.set_value(progressNode.get_value() + progressStep)
        var = model.get_node(id)
        data = var.get_time_series()
        times = data["__time"]
        #now produce the interesting states
        blob = {
            "type": "timeseries",
            "data": {
                "__time": times,
                id: data["values"],
                "__states": {}
        for state in thresholdsInfo.keys(
        ):  #iterate over the states where the variable has special thresholds
            myAnnos = mh.filter_annotations(annos, state)
            stateMask = mh.annotations_to_class_vector(myAnnos, data["__time"])
            stateMask = numpy.isfinite(stateMask)
            blob["data"]["__states"][state] = stateMask

        #now we have prepared a data and state blob, we will now score by feeding it into the stream scorer
        #del blob["data"]["__states"]#for test, now
        blob = obj.feed(blob)
        #now the blob contains more entries, e.g. the score variable id and the according scores, that is what we want
        for blobId, values in blob["data"].items():
            if blobId not in ["__time", id, "__states"]:
                #this is the score, overwrite the whole thing
                scoreNode = model.get_node(blobId)
                if scoreNode.get_name() == "_total_score":
                    continue  # this is the combined result of several variables going into the stream scoring, not relevant here

                    values=values, times=times
                )  # xxx is set ok here, or do we need "insert" to make sure there has not been changed in the meantime?
                                       "children")  # we trigger

                # build the total score:
                # merge in the new times, resample the total score, resampel the local score, then merge them
                # the merge function will use the new values whereever there is one (empty fields are named "nan"
                #  for the total score, we need a resampling to avoid the mixing of results e.g.
                # two sensor have different result during a given interval, but different times, if we just merge
                # we get a True, False, True,False mixture
                # so we build the merge vector, first resample then merge

                    values)] = -1  # set -1 for all out of limit
                if type(total) is type(None):
                    total = TimeSeries(values=values, times=times)
                    local = TimeSeries(values=values, times=times)
                    )  # the merge resamples the incoming data to the existing time series, NaN will be replaced by new values,
    # finally, write the total
    # if the overWrite is True, we replace, otherwise we merge with the existing, previous result
    totalScoreNode = functionNode.get_parent().get_child("output").get_child(
    if overWrite:

    return True