Exemplo n.º 1
    def find_contexts(self, time_interval, satellite, hirs2nc_delivery_id,
                      hirs_avhrr_delivery_id, hirs_csrb_daily_delivery_id,
                      hirs_ctp_orbital_delivery_id, hirs_ctp_daily_delivery_id,

        granules = []

        start = datetime(time_interval.left.year, time_interval.left.month, 1)
        end = datetime(time_interval.right.year, time_interval.right.month, 1)
        date = start

        while date <= end:
            date = date + timedelta(days=monthrange(date.year, date.month)[1])

        return [{
            'granule': g,
            'satellite': satellite,
            'hirs2nc_delivery_id': hirs2nc_delivery_id,
            'hirs_avhrr_delivery_id': hirs_avhrr_delivery_id,
            'hirs_csrb_daily_delivery_id': hirs_csrb_daily_delivery_id,
            'hirs_csrb_monthly_delivery_id': hirs_csrb_monthly_delivery_id,
            'hirs_ctp_orbital_delivery_id': hirs_ctp_orbital_delivery_id,
            'hirs_ctp_daily_delivery_id': hirs_ctp_daily_delivery_id,
            'hirs_ctp_monthly_delivery_id': hirs_ctp_monthly_delivery_id
        } for g in granules]
Exemplo n.º 2
    def satellite_version(self, satellite, granule):

        # 4 for everything post April 28, 2005
        if granule > datetime(2005, 4, 28):
            return 4
        # 3 for noaa-15,16,17 until April 28, 2005
        elif satellite in ['noaa-15', 'noaa-16', 'noaa-17']:
            return 3
        # 2 for noaa <= 14
            return 2
#intervals += [TimeInterval(datetime(years,month,1), datetime(years,month,calendar.monthrange(years,month)[1])+day-wedge) for month in range(4,13) ]
#for years in range(2010, 2018):
#intervals += [TimeInterval(datetime(years,month,1), datetime(years,month,calendar.monthrange(years,month)[1])+day-wedge) for month in range(1,13) ]
#years = 2018
#intervals += [TimeInterval(datetime(years,month,1), datetime(years,month,calendar.monthrange(years,month)[1])+day-wedge) for month in range(1,2) ]

satellite = 'metop-b'
#granule = datetime(2015,5,14, 9, 23)
#intervals = [TimeInterval(granule, granule + hour - wedge)]
# NSS.GHRR.M1.D13140.S0029.E0127.B0347172.SV.level2.hdf --> NSS.GHRR.M1.D15365.S2307.E0004.B1705253.SV.level2.hdf
# datetime(2013, 5, 20, 0, 0) --> datetime(2017, 12, 31, 0, 0)
intervals = []
years = 2013
intervals += [
        datetime(years, month, 1),
        datetime(years, month,
                 calendar.monthrange(years, month)[1]) + day - wedge)
    for month in range(5, 13)
for years in range(2014, 2018):
    intervals += [
            datetime(years, month, 1),
            datetime(years, month,
                     calendar.monthrange(years, month)[1]) + day - wedge)
        for month in range(1, 13)

satellite_choices = [
    'noaa-06', 'noaa-07', 'noaa-08', 'noaa-09', 'noaa-10', 'noaa-11',
Exemplo n.º 4
    def build_task(self, context, task):
        Build up a set of inputs for a single context
        global delta_catalog

        LOG.debug("Running build_task()")

        # Initialize the hirs2nc and hirs_avhrr modules with the data locations
        hirs2nc.delta_catalog = delta_catalog
        hirs_avhrr.delta_catalog = delta_catalog

        # Instantiate the hirs, hirs_avhrr and hirs_csrb_monthly computations
        hirs2nc_comp = hirs2nc.HIRS2NC()
        hirs_avhrr_comp = hirs_avhrr.HIRS_AVHRR()
        hirs_csrb_monthly_comp = hirs_csrb_monthly.HIRS_CSRB_MONTHLY()

        SPC = StoredProductCatalog()

        # HIRS L1B Input
        hirs2nc_context = context.copy()
            hirs2nc_context.pop(k) for k in [
                'hirs_avhrr_delivery_id', 'hirs_csrb_daily_delivery_id',
                'hirs_csrb_monthly_delivery_id', 'hirs_ctp_orbital_delivery_id'
        hirs2nc_prod = hirs2nc_comp.dataset('out').product(hirs2nc_context)

        if SPC.exists(hirs2nc_prod):
            task.input('HIR1B', hirs2nc_prod)
            raise WorkflowNotReady('No HIRS inputs available for {}'.format(

        # PTMSX Input
        LOG.debug('Getting PTMSX input...')
        sensor = 'avhrr'
        satellite = context['satellite']
        file_type = 'PTMSX'
        granule = context['granule']

            ptmsx_file = delta_catalog.file(sensor, satellite, file_type,
            task.input('PTMSX', ptmsx_file)
        except WorkflowNotReady:
            raise WorkflowNotReady(
                'No PTMSX inputs available for {}'.format(granule))

        # Collo Input
        hirs_avhrr_context = hirs2nc_context
        hirs_avhrr_context['hirs_avhrr_delivery_id'] = context[
        hirs_avhrr_prod = hirs_avhrr_comp.dataset('out').product(

        if SPC.exists(hirs_avhrr_prod):
            task.input('COLLO', hirs_avhrr_prod)
            raise WorkflowNotReady(
                'No HIRS_AVHRR inputs available for {}'.format(

        # CSRB Monthly Input
        hirs_csrb_monthly_context = context.copy()
            for k in ['hirs_ctp_orbital_delivery_id']
        hirs_csrb_monthly_context['granule'] = datetime(
            context['granule'].year, context['granule'].month, 1)
        hirs_csrb_monthly_prod = hirs_csrb_monthly_comp.dataset(

        if SPC.exists(hirs_csrb_monthly_prod):
            task.input('CSRB', hirs_csrb_monthly_prod)
            raise WorkflowNotReady(
                'No HIRS_CSRB_MONTHLY inputs available for {}'.format(
        # CFSR Input
        LOG.debug('Getting CFSR input...')
        cfsr_file = self.get_cfsr(context['granule'])
        if cfsr_file is not None:
            task.input('CFSR', cfsr_file)
            raise WorkflowNotReady(
                'No CFSR inputs available for {}'.format(granule))

        LOG.debug("Final task.inputs...")
        for task_key in task.inputs.keys():
            LOG.debug("\t{}: {}".format(task_key, task.inputs[task_key]))
# Satellite specific information

#satellite = 'noaa-19'
#granule = datetime(2015, 4, 17, 0, 20)
#intervals = [TimeInterval(granule, granule + day - wedge)]
# NSS.GHRR.NP.D09108.S2301.E0050.B0100809.GC.level2.hdf --> NSS.GHRR.NP.D17365.S2238.E2359.B4585757.GC.level2.hdf
# datetime(2009, 4, 18, 0, 0) --> datetime(2017, 12, 31, 0, 0)
#intervals = [TimeInterval(datetime(years,1,1), datetime(years+1,1,1)-wedge) for years in range(2009, 2018) ]

satellite = 'metop-b'
#intervals = [TimeInterval(datetime(2015,1,1), datetime(2015,2,1)-wedge)]
# NSS.GHRR.M1.D13140.S0029.E0127.B0347172.SV.level2.hdf --> NSS.GHRR.M1.D15365.S2307.E0004.B1705253.SV.level2.hdf
# datetime(2013, 5, 20, 0, 0) --> datetime(2017, 12, 31, 0, 0)
intervals = [
    TimeInterval(datetime(years, 1, 1),
                 datetime(years + 1, 1, 1) - wedge)
    for years in range(2013, 2018)

satellite_choices = [
    'noaa-06', 'noaa-07', 'noaa-08', 'noaa-09', 'noaa-10', 'noaa-11',
    'noaa-12', 'noaa-14', 'noaa-15', 'noaa-16', 'noaa-17', 'noaa-18',
    'noaa-19', 'metop-a', 'metop-b'

# Instantiate the computation
hirs_csrb_daily_comp = hirs_csrb_daily.HIRS_CSRB_DAILY()
comp = hirs_csrb_monthly.HIRS_CSRB_MONTHLY()

LOG.info("Submitting intervals...")
Exemplo n.º 6
#intervals = []
#years = 2009
#intervals += [TimeInterval(datetime(years,month,1), datetime(years,month,calendar.monthrange(years,month)[1])+day-wedge) for month in range(4,13) ]
#for years in range(2010, 2018):
    #intervals += [TimeInterval(datetime(years,month,1), datetime(years,month,calendar.monthrange(years,month)[1])+day-wedge) for month in range(1,13) ]
#years = 2018
#intervals += [TimeInterval(datetime(years,month,1), datetime(years,month,calendar.monthrange(years,month)[1])+day-wedge) for month in range(1,2) ]

satellite = 'metop-b'
#granule = datetime(2015,5,14, 9, 23)
#intervals = [TimeInterval(granule, granule + hour - wedge)]
# NSS.GHRR.M1.D13140.S0029.E0127.B0347172.SV.level2.hdf --> NSS.GHRR.M1.D15365.S2307.E0004.B1705253.SV.level2.hdf
# datetime(2013, 5, 20, 0, 0) --> datetime(2017, 12, 31, 0, 0)
intervals = []
years = 2013
intervals += [TimeInterval(datetime(years,month,1), datetime(years,month,calendar.monthrange(years,month)[1])+day-wedge) for month in range(5,13) ]
for years in range(2014,2018):
    intervals += [TimeInterval(datetime(years,month,1), datetime(years,month,calendar.monthrange(years,month)[1])+day-wedge) for month in range(1,13) ]

satellite_choices = ['noaa-06', 'noaa-07', 'noaa-08', 'noaa-09', 'noaa-10', 'noaa-11',
                    'noaa-12', 'noaa-14', 'noaa-15', 'noaa-16', 'noaa-17', 'noaa-18',
                    'noaa-19', 'metop-a', 'metop-b']

def setup_computation(satellite):

    input_data = {'HIR1B': '/mnt/software/flo/hirs_l1b_datalists/{0:}/HIR1B_{0:}_latest'.format(satellite),
                  'CFSR':  '/mnt/cephfs_data/geoffc/hirs_data_lists/CFSR.out',
                  'PTMSX': '/mnt/software/flo/hirs_l1b_datalists/{0:}/PTMSX_{0:}_latest'.format(satellite)}

    # Data locations
    collection = {'HIR1B': 'ILIAD',