Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, kernel_class, window_size):
        super(SVM, self).__init__(kernel_class, window_size)
        self.debug = False
        self.cycles = 0

        # timers
        self.t_migrate = t.Timing()
        self.t_updatek = t.Timing()
        self.t_move = t.Timing()
        self.t_q = t.Timing()
        self.t_learn = t.Timing()
        self.t_hdr = t.Timing()
        self.t_h = t.Timing()
        self.t_loop = t.Timing()
        self.t_end = t.Timing()
Exemplo n.º 2
from OpenGL.GL import *

import timing
timings = timing.Timing()

import numpy as np
from vector import Vec

def addRect(num, pmin, pmax, spacing):
    #Create a rectangle with at most num particles in it.  The size of the return
    #vector will be the actual number of particles used to fill the rectangle
    print "**** addRect ****"

    xmin = pmin.x  # * scale
    xmax = pmax.x  # * scale
    ymin = pmin.y  # * scale
    ymax = pmax.y  # * scale

    print "min, max", xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
    rvec = np.ndarray((num, 4), dtype=np.float32)
    i = 0
    for y in np.arange(ymin, ymax, spacing):
        for x in np.arange(xmin, xmax, spacing):
            if i >= num: break
            #print "x, y", x, y
            rvec[i, 0] = x
            rvec[i, 1] = y
            rvec[i, 2] = 0.
            rvec[i, 3] = 1.
            i += 1
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
    C = 100. # electricity
    #C = 10. # circles

    device = torch.device('cpu')
    #device = torch.device('cuda')
    #d, m = torch.load('data/KDDCup1999.pt'), 2
    #d, m = torch.load('data/electricity.pt'), 2
    #d, m = torch.load('data/circles/circles.pt'), 2
    d, m = torch.load('data/covertype.pt'), 2
    x_train, y_train = d['x'][:m], d['y'][:m]

    svm, vectors = reinit(x_train, y_train, device, C, window_size=WINDOW_SIZE)

    # maximum number of vectors to be kept in the window
    #window_width = 125
    #window_width = 155 # electricity
    #window_width = 300 # covertype
    #window_width = 100  # circles
    #window_width = 1000
    window_width = WINDOW_SIZE

    svm.debug = False
    set_len = 50

    file = open('running.csv', 'w')

    timer = t.Timing()

    for v in range(2, d['x'].shape[0]):
        # x_set, y_set = d['x'][v:v+set_len].double().to(device), d['y'][v:v+set_len].double().to(device)
        # x, y = x_set[0], y_set[0].unsqueeze(0)
        x, y = d['x'][v].double().to(device), d['y'][v].double().to(device).unsqueeze(0)

        if v > 3000:

        if v == window_width:
            print('Timers were reset')

        # learn vector v to 0.5
        if v % 100 == 0:
            print(f'>> adding {v} vector with {C/2}')
            if timer.count > 0:
                print(f'average time: {timer.get_mean()} s, std: {timer.get_std()} s')
        svm.append(v, x, y, c_init=C/2)
        # svm.update_kernel()

        # before learning the vector, show how it is classified
        #svm.collect_statistics(file, v, x_set, y_set)

        # first, check if contribution of this vector is identical
        # with other's vector already added
        res = svm.detect_similar(svm.compute_q())
        if res:
            print(f'>> removing {v} vector as duplicate')

        last = svm.rest_set[-1]
        assert last == v
        i, c = last, C/2
        # print(f'>> learn {i} vector to {c}')
            svm.learn(i, c)

        except SingularMatrixException as e:
            print(f'>> exception: {e}')
            print(f'>> removing {last} vector as singular')
            c = 0.0
            svm.unlearn(i, c)

        # svm.show_state()

        # prepare unlearning
        first = min(svm.support_set) if svm.rest_set is None or len(svm.rest_set) == 0 else min(min(svm.rest_set), min(svm.support_set))
        if len(svm.support_set) + len(svm.rest_set) >= window_width:
            i, c = first, C/2
            # print(f'>> unlearn {i} vector to {c}')
            if i not in svm.support_set and i not in svm.rest_set:
                print(f'>> vector {i} already unlearned')

            # timer.start()
            svm.unlearn(i, c)
            # timer.stop()
            # svm.show_state()

        # second phase of learning
        i, c = last, C
        # print(f'>> learn {i} vector to {c}')
        if i not in svm.support_set and i not in svm.rest_set:
            print(f'>> vector {i} already unlearned')
            svm.learn(i, c)
        except SingularMatrixException as e:
            print(f'>> exception: {e}')
            print(f'>> removing {last} vector as singular')
            c = 0.0
            svm.unlearn(i, c)
        # svm.show_state()

        # second phase of unlearning
        if len(svm.support_set) + len(svm.rest_set) >= window_width:
            i, c = first, 0.0
            # print(f'>> unlearn {i} vector to {c}')

            if svm.prevent_unlearn(i):
                print(f'>> cannot unlearn {i}, it is the only of its class')

            if i not in svm.support_set and i not in svm.rest_set:
                print(f'>> vector {i} already unlearned')

                # timer.start()
                svm.unlearn(i, c)
                # timer.stop()
            except NoOppositeClassLeftException as e:
                c = C/2 # as previous
                svm.learn(i, c, revert=True)

        # svm.show_state()


Exemplo n.º 4
#from OpenGL.GL import GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW, glFlush
from OpenGL.GL import *
from OpenGL.GLU import *

import pyopencl as cl
import sys

import timing
tim = timing.Timing()

import numpy

class Part2(object):
    def __init__(self, num, dt, *args, **kwargs):

        self.num = num
        self.dt = numpy.float32(dt)
        self.tim = tim

    def init_powers(self):
        mf = cl.mem_flags
        self.powers_buf = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.WRITE_ONLY, 2**30)
        self.program.init_powers(self.queue, (2**26, ), None, self.powers_buf)

    def loadData(self, pos_vbo, col_vbo, vel):
Exemplo n.º 5
def start():

    timer = timing.Timing()

    board = draw.Board(constants.length, constants.height)
    # bus.write_line(board.draw())

    gametime = float(time.time())
    balltime = gametime
    updateTime = 1
    timeToNextUpdate = 0
    serving = False
    serves = 0
    playerTwoIsServing = False
    playerOneBig = True
    playerTwoBig = True
    playerOneCanBig = True
    playerTwoCanBig = True
    gameOver = False
    speed = constants.speed[0]

    # currentNum = 0

    # Bat and ball default positions
    playerOnePos = constants.height // 2
    playerTwoPos = constants.height // 2
    playerOneScore = 0
    playerTwoScore = 0
    ballPos = [3, constants.height // 2]

    # ballMovement
    ballDirectionX = 1
    ballDirectionY = 0

    board.updateScore(0, True)
    board.updateBats(playerOnePos, playerTwoPos, playerOneBig, playerTwoBig)
    board.updateBall(ballPos[0], ballPos[1])
    # Infinite loop, maybe? Probably just stop it if a score reaches 10
    # Remember, game logic is stored in this file. So we have the REAL pos of the bats/ball here.
    while True:
        # Our game clock. Our tickrate is around 13.3, meaning we update our game that many times per sec.
        currentTime = float(time.time())

        # Checking if we should tick
        if currentTime - gametime >= 1 / constants.tickrate:

            # The process is update game time, update bats (size first, THEN movement),
            # update ball, check if ball is at edge.
            # If yes, update score, if we won then yay. Otherwise reset positions, push "game time"
            # forwards by 2 secs to freeze game. THEN we do serve logic until served
            # regardless: clear board, initialise board, draw scores, draw bats, draw ball.
            gametime = currentTime
            # currentNum = (currentNum + 1) % 10
            # bus.write_line(currentNum)
            # board.updateScore(currentNum)

            # Emulating random button press for big bat
            if random.randint(0, 250) == 9:
                if playerOneBig or playerOneCanBig:
                    playerOneBig = not playerOneBig
                    playerOneCanBig = False
            if random.randint(0, 250) == 9:
                if playerTwoBig or playerTwoCanBig:
                    playerTwoBig = not playerTwoBig
                    playerTwoCanBig = False

            # Emulating random bat movement.
            playerOneMove = random.randint(-1, 1)
            playerTwoMove = random.randint(-1, 1)

            playerOnePos += playerOneMove
            playerTwoPos += playerTwoMove

            # We wanna make sure our midpoint doesn't mean we're outside our game.
            # So anything below 2 becomes 2, anything above 22 becomes 22. If big bats then 3 < x < 24
            # bats are 1x3 despite image making them look 1x4. Regardless,
            # this makes things easier. Take pos to be the midpoint.
            if playerOnePos < (3 if playerOneBig else 2):
                playerOnePos = (3 if playerOneBig else 2)
            elif playerOnePos > (20 if playerOneBig else 22):
                playerOnePos = (20 if playerOneBig else 22)
            if playerTwoPos < (3 if playerTwoBig else 2):
                playerTwoPos = (3 if playerTwoBig else 2)
            elif playerTwoPos > (20 if playerTwoBig else 22):
                playerTwoPos = (20 if playerTwoBig else 22)

            if serving:
                ballPos = [constants.length - 4, playerTwoPos
                           ] if playerTwoIsServing else [3, playerOnePos]

                # emulating random serve
                if random.randrange(0, 100) == 9:
                    ballDirectionY = random.randrange(-1, 1, 2)
                    ballDirectionX = -1 if playerTwoIsServing else 1
                    serving = False
                    serves += 1
                    if serves == 5:
                        serves = 0
                        playerTwoIsServing = not playerTwoIsServing

                # Move our ball.
                if currentTime - balltime >= speed:
                    balltime = currentTime
                    ballPos = [
                        ballPos[0] + ballDirectionX,
                        ballPos[1] + ballDirectionY

                    # check if we hit the top or bottom, reverse ballDirY
                    if ballPos[1] == 0 or ballPos[1] == constants.height - 1:
                        ballDirectionY *= -1

                    # check if ball has hit bat, so calc next speed/direction
                    if ballPos[0] == 2 or ballPos[0] == constants.length - 3:
                        # nested if looks nicer
                        # Can confirm
                        deltaOne = playerOnePos - ballPos[1]
                        deltaTwo = playerTwoPos - ballPos[1]
                        if (-2 if playerOneBig else
                                -1) <= deltaOne <= (3 if playerOneBig else 1):
                            print("hit right bat")
                            # set our direction depending whether we hit top, middle, bottom (random right now)
                            if deltaOne < 0:
                                ballDirectionY = -1
                            elif deltaOne > 0:
                                ballDirectionY = 1
                                ballDirectionY = 0
                            ballDirectionX *= -1
                            speed = random.choice(constants.speed)

                        elif (-2 if playerTwoBig else
                              -1) <= deltaTwo <= (3 if playerTwoBig else 1):
                            print("hit left bat")

                            if deltaTwo < 0:
                                ballDirectionY = -1
                            elif deltaTwo > 0:
                                ballDirectionY = 1
                                ballDirectionY = 0
                            ballDirectionX *= -1
                            speed = random.choice(constants.speed)

            board.updateBats(playerOnePos, playerTwoPos, playerOneBig,
            board.updateBall(ballPos[0], ballPos[1])
            # check if ball is at left/right edge, increase score, next serve.
            if ballPos[0] == 0:
                playerTwoScore += 1
                serving = True
                playerOnePos = constants.height // 2
                playerTwoPos = constants.height // 2
            elif ballPos[0] == constants.length - 1:
                playerOneScore += 1
                serving = True
                playerOnePos = constants.height // 2
                playerTwoPos = constants.height // 2
            board.updateScore(playerTwoScore, True)
            # check if score is more than 9, win game.
            if playerOneScore > 9:
                gameOver = True
            elif playerTwoScore > 9:
                gameOver = True
                # os.system("cls")
            timeToNextUpdate = updateTime - (currentTime - gametime)
            if gameOver: