Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_matching_multiple_tags(self):
     loader = tinctest.TINCTestLoader()
     test_suite = loader.loadTestsFromName('tinctest.test.test_core.MockTINCTestCaseForLoaderDiscovery.test_lacking_product_version')
     filtered_test_suite = loader._filter_and_expand(test_suite, TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler(['tags=storage', 'tags=executor']))
     self.assertEquals(len(filtered_test_suite._tests), 1)
     filtered_test_suite = loader._filter_and_expand(test_suite, TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler(['tags=storage', 'tags=optimizer']))
     self.assertEquals(len(filtered_test_suite._tests), 0)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_matching_maintainer(self):
     loader = tinctest.TINCTestLoader()
     test_suite = loader.loadTestsFromName('tinctest.test.test_core.MockTINCTestCaseForLoaderDiscovery.test_lacking_product_version')
     filtered_test_suite = loader._filter_and_expand(test_suite, TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler(['maintainer=balasr3']))
     self.assertEquals(len(filtered_test_suite._tests), 1)
     filtered_test_suite = loader._filter_and_expand(test_suite, TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler(['maintainer=kumara64']))
     self.assertEquals(len(filtered_test_suite._tests), 0)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_negative_queries(self):
        handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler("class=test_smoke*")
        test_queries = []
        test_queries.append("classtest_smoke* and moduletestsmoke*")
        # Partial match should error out
        test_queries.append("class=test_smoke* remaining text")
        # Unsupported operator
        test_queries.append("class=test* XOR package=storage.*")
        test_queries.append("class = test* AND module = test* OR packagetest*")
        # Mixed cases not for operators supported
        test_queries.append("claSS=test* oR Package=storage.*")
        test_queries.append("class=test* and module=test* And package=storage")

        # TBD: Following query currently passes , it should throw an exception instead
        # test_queries.append("class = test*AND module = test*")

        # Unclosed quotes in predicate should error out
        # Unmatched quotes in predicate should error out

        #hanging operators should error out
        test_queries.append("class=test* and method=test* or")
        for query in test_queries:
                handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler(query)
            except TINCDiscoveryException:
            self.fail("Query %s did not throw an exception" %query)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_discovery_with_single_predicate(self):
        query_handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler("class=*SmokeTests*")
        pwd = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))
        test_dir = os.path.join(pwd, 'discovery')
        tinc_test_result = self._discover_and_run_tests(start_dirs = [test_dir], patterns =['test*'],
                                                        top_level_dir = None, query_handler = query_handler)

        # Should have run four smoke tests - 2 each from test_smoke_*.py in mockstorage/uao and mockquery/cardinality
        self.assertEquals(tinc_test_result.testsRun, 4)

        # Predicate on module
        query_handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler("module=*_functional_*")
        pwd = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))
        test_dir = os.path.join(pwd, 'discovery')
        tinc_test_result = self._discover_and_run_tests(start_dirs = [test_dir], patterns =['test*'],
                                                        top_level_dir = None, query_handler = query_handler)

        # Should have run four functional tests - 2 each from *FunctionalTests in test_functional_*.py in mockstorage/uao and mockquery/cardinality
        self.assertEquals(tinc_test_result.testsRun, 4)

        # Predicate on package
        query_handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler("package=*query.*")
        pwd = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))
        test_dir = os.path.join(pwd, 'discovery')
        tinc_test_result = self._discover_and_run_tests(start_dirs = [test_dir], patterns =['test*'],
                                                        top_level_dir = None, query_handler = query_handler)
        # Should have run only tests from the package mockquery/*
        self.assertEquals(tinc_test_result.testsRun, 7)

        # predicate on test method
        query_handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler("method=*functional*")
        pwd = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))
        test_dir = os.path.join(pwd, 'discovery')
        tinc_test_result = self._discover_and_run_tests(start_dirs = [test_dir], patterns =['test*'],
                                                        top_level_dir = None, query_handler = query_handler)

        # Should have run only four functional tests (test_functional_*) from *FunctionalTests in the modules test_functional_*.py in
        # mockquery/cardinality and mockstorage/uao
        self.assertEquals(tinc_test_result.testsRun, 4)

        # predicate on metadtata
        query_handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler("tags = stress")
        pwd = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))
        test_dir = os.path.join(pwd, 'discovery')
        tinc_test_result = self._discover_and_run_tests(start_dirs = [test_dir], patterns =['test*'],
                                                        top_level_dir = None, query_handler = query_handler)
        # Should have run the two test methods tagged 'stress' in test_uao.py and test_cardinality.py
        self.assertEquals(tinc_test_result.testsRun, 2)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_single_predicate_not_equals(self):
        query_handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler("class != *SmokeTests*")
        pwd = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))
        test_dir = os.path.join(pwd, 'discovery')
        tinc_test_result = self._discover_and_run_tests(start_dirs = [test_dir], patterns =['test*'],
                                                        top_level_dir = None, query_handler = query_handler)

        # Should have run everything except the tests in test_smoke_*.py
        self.assertEquals(tinc_test_result.testsRun, 10)

        # Predicate on module
        query_handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler("module != *_functional_*")
        pwd = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))
        test_dir = os.path.join(pwd, 'discovery')
        tinc_test_result = self._discover_and_run_tests(start_dirs = [test_dir], patterns =['test*'],
                                                        top_level_dir = None, query_handler = query_handler)

        # Should have run everything except the tests in test_functional*.py in mockquery and mockstorage
        self.assertEquals(tinc_test_result.testsRun, 10)

        # Predicate on package
        query_handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler("package != *query.*")
        pwd = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))
        test_dir = os.path.join(pwd, 'discovery')
        tinc_test_result = self._discover_and_run_tests(start_dirs = [test_dir], patterns =['test*'],
                                                        top_level_dir = None, query_handler = query_handler)
        # Should have run all the tests from within mockstorage
        self.assertEquals(tinc_test_result.testsRun, 7)

        # predicate on test method
        query_handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler("method != *functional*")
        pwd = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))
        test_dir = os.path.join(pwd, 'discovery')
        tinc_test_result = self._discover_and_run_tests(start_dirs = [test_dir], patterns =['test*'],
                                                        top_level_dir = None, query_handler = query_handler)

        # Should have run all tests in all the modules except for the tests in test_functioanl_*.py of the form test_functional*
        self.assertEquals(tinc_test_result.testsRun, 10)

        # predicate on metadtata
        query_handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler("tags != stress")
        pwd = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))
        test_dir = os.path.join(pwd, 'discovery')
        tinc_test_result = self._discover_and_run_tests(start_dirs = [test_dir], patterns =['test*'],
                                                        top_level_dir = None, query_handler = query_handler)

        # Should have run all the tests except for the tests tagged 'stress' within test_uao.py and test_cardinality.py
        self.assertEquals(tinc_test_result.testsRun, 12)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_multiple_predicates_within_a_query(self):

        # Run all smoke tests
        query_handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler("tags = smoke or method = *smoke* or class = *SmokeTests*")
        pwd = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))
        test_dir = os.path.join(pwd, 'discovery')
        tinc_test_result = self._discover_and_run_tests(start_dirs = [test_dir], patterns =['test*'],
                                                        top_level_dir = None, query_handler = query_handler)
        # Should have run all the tests from within test_module*.py and one test tagged 'smoke' in test_uao.py and test_cardinality.py
        self.assertEquals(tinc_test_result.testsRun, 6)

        # Run all smoke tests that are not tagged
        query_handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler("method = *smoke* or class = *SmokeTests*")
        pwd = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))
        test_dir = os.path.join(pwd, 'discovery')
        tinc_test_result = self._discover_and_run_tests(start_dirs = [test_dir], patterns =['test*'],
                                                        top_level_dir = None, query_handler = query_handler)
        # Should have run four tests, two each from within test_smoke_*.py in mockstorage and mockquery
        self.assertEquals(tinc_test_result.testsRun, 4)

        # Run all functional tests
        query_handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler("tags = functional or method = *functional* or class = *FunctionalTests*")
        pwd = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))
        test_dir = os.path.join(pwd, 'discovery')
        tinc_test_result = self._discover_and_run_tests(start_dirs = [test_dir], patterns =['test*'],
                                                        top_level_dir = None, query_handler = query_handler)
        # Should have run all the functional tests , four from test_functional_*.py and one test each tagged 'functional'
        # from within test_uao.py and test_cardinality.py
        self.assertEquals(tinc_test_result.testsRun, 6)

        # With AND predicates
        query_handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler("method = *functional* and class = *FunctionalTests*")
        pwd = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))
        test_dir = os.path.join(pwd, 'discovery')
        tinc_test_result = self._discover_and_run_tests(start_dirs = [test_dir], patterns =['test*'],
                                                        top_level_dir = None, query_handler = query_handler)
        # Should have run only four tests from within test_functional*.py in mockquery and mockstorage
        self.assertEquals(tinc_test_result.testsRun, 4)

        # Run all the tests except for stress tests
        query_handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler("module = test_* and tags != stress")
        pwd = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))
        test_dir = os.path.join(pwd, 'discovery')
        tinc_test_result = self._discover_and_run_tests(start_dirs = [test_dir], patterns =['test*'],
                                                        top_level_dir = None, query_handler = query_handler)
        # Run all the tests from within mockquery and mockstorage except the tests tagged 'stress' within
        # test_uao.py and test_cardinality.py
        self.assertEquals(tinc_test_result.testsRun, 12)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_sql_test_case_with_discovery_queries(self):
        tinc_test_loader = tinctest.TINCTestLoader()
        pwd = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))
        test_dir = os.path.join(pwd, 'sql_pattern')
        tinc_test_suite = tinc_test_loader.discover(start_dirs = [test_dir], patterns = ['sql_pattern.py'],
                                                    top_level_dir = None, query_handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler(['method=test_functional_*']))

        test_case = None
        test_result = None
        with closing(_WritelnDecorator(StringIO())) as buffer:
            tinc_test_runner = TINCTestRunner(stream = buffer, descriptions = True, verbosity = 1)
            test_result = tinc_test_runner.run(tinc_test_suite)
            self.assertEqual(test_result.testsRun, 6)
            self.assertEqual(len(test_result.skipped), 6)

        # Queries using metadata from sql files
        tinc_test_loader = tinctest.TINCTestLoader()
        pwd = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))
        test_dir = os.path.join(pwd, 'sql_pattern')
        tinc_test_suite = tinc_test_loader.discover(start_dirs = [test_dir], patterns = ['sql_pattern.py'],
                                                    top_level_dir = None,
                                                    query_handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler(['method=test_functional_* and tags != long']))

        test_case = None
        test_result = None
        with closing(_WritelnDecorator(StringIO())) as buffer:
            tinc_test_runner = TINCTestRunner(stream = buffer, descriptions = True, verbosity = 1)
            test_result = tinc_test_runner.run(tinc_test_suite)
            self.assertEqual(test_result.testsRun, 3)
            self.assertEqual(len(test_result.skipped), 3)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_multiple_queries(self):
     # Run all tests in class *SmokeTests* and starts with test_smoke_*
     queries = ['class = *SmokeTests*', 'method=test_smoke*']
     query_handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler(queries)
     pwd = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))
     test_dir = os.path.join(pwd, 'discovery')
     tinc_test_result = self._discover_and_run_tests(start_dirs = [test_dir], patterns =['test*'],
                                                     top_level_dir = None, query_handler = query_handler)
     self.assertEquals(tinc_test_result.testsRun, 4)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_queries_with_patterns(self):
     # patterns should be applied first
     queries = ['method = test_*']
     query_handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler(queries)
     pwd = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))
     test_dir = os.path.join(pwd, 'discovery', 'mockquery')
     tinc_test_result = self._discover_and_run_tests(start_dirs = [test_dir], patterns =['test_functional*'],
                                                     top_level_dir = None, query_handler = query_handler)
     # Only run two tests within mockquery since the patterns should be applied first and the queries should be applied
     # on the tests that match the pattern
     self.assertEquals(tinc_test_result.testsRun, 2)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_apply_queries_with_multiple_predicates(self):
        queries = []
        queries.append("method=test_smoke* OR class = Mock* or class = MockTINC*")
        queries.append("package=storage.uao.* OR method=test_smoke*")
        queries.append("package=storage.uao.* and method=*testsmoke* and module!=test_discovery or method=test_smoke_01")
        #queries.append("package != storage.uao or method=*testsmoke* and module != test_discovery and class != Mock* and tags = smoke and author != alice")
        handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler(queries)
        tinc_test_case = MockTINCTestCase('test_smoke_01')

        queries = []
        queries.append("method=test_smoke* OR class = Mock* or class = MockTINC*")
        queries.append("package=storage.uao.* OR method=test_smoke*")
        queries.append("package=storage.uao.* and method=*testsmoke* and module!=test_discovery or method=test_smoke_01")
        queries.append("package != storage.uao or method=*testsmoke* and module != test_discovery and class != Mock*")
        # Introduce false at the end
        queries.append("package != storage and method != test_smoke_01")
        handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler(queries)
        tinc_test_case = MockTINCTestCase('test_smoke_01')
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_apply_queries_with_multiple_queries(self):
        queries = []
        queries.append("package = tinc*.test*")
        queries.append("method != test_smoke_02")
        queries.append("class != NonMock*")
        queries.append("package != storage.uao.*")
        queries.append("module != test_regression*")
        queries.append("author = bob")
        queries.append("tags = smoke")
        queries.append("author != alice")
        queries.append("tags != functional")
        handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler(queries)
        tinc_test_case = MockTINCTestCase('test_smoke_01')

        queries = []
        queries.append("package = storage.uao.*")
        handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler(queries)
        tinc_test_case = MockTINCTestCase('test_smoke_01')
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_apply_queries_with_multiple_predicates(self):
        queries = []
            "method=test_smoke* OR class = Mock* or class = MockTINC*")
        queries.append("package=storage.uao.* OR method=test_smoke*")
            "package=storage.uao.* and method=*testsmoke* and module!=test_discovery or method=test_smoke_01"
        #queries.append("package != storage.uao or method=*testsmoke* and module != test_discovery and class != Mock* and tags = smoke and author != alice")
        handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler(queries)
        tinc_test_case = MockTINCTestCase('test_smoke_01')

        queries = []
            "method=test_smoke* OR class = Mock* or class = MockTINC*")
        queries.append("package=storage.uao.* OR method=test_smoke*")
            "package=storage.uao.* and method=*testsmoke* and module!=test_discovery or method=test_smoke_01"
            "package != storage.uao or method=*testsmoke* and module != test_discovery and class != Mock*"
        # Introduce false at the end
        queries.append("package != storage and method != test_smoke_01")
        handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler(queries)
        tinc_test_case = MockTINCTestCase('test_smoke_01')
Exemplo n.º 13
 def test_suite_construction_with_discover_and_tinc_queries(self):
     tinc_test_loader = tinctest.TINCTestLoader()
     pwd = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))
     test_dir = os.path.join(pwd, 'data_provider')
     query_handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler("tags=tag1")
     tinc_test_suite = tinc_test_loader.discover(
     with closing(_WritelnDecorator(StringIO())) as buffer:
         tinc_test_result = tinctest.TINCTestResultSet(buffer, True, 1)
         # This should have filtered 4 tests and hence run 7 tests
         self.assertEquals(tinc_test_result.testsRun, 7)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_filtered_tests_with_dryrun(self):
        Test that tests filtered out with tinc queries are reported correctly in dryrun
        tinc_test_loader = tinctest.TINCTestLoader()
        pwd = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))
        test_dir = os.path.join(pwd, 'mocktests')
        query_handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler("tags != hawq")
        tinc_test_suite = tinc_test_loader.discover(

        with closing(_WritelnDecorator(StringIO())) as buffer:
            tinc_test_result = tinctest.TINCTestResultSet(buffer, True, 1)
            self.assertEquals(tinc_test_result.testsRun, 3)
            # This variable should be 0 even after the tests are run in the dryrun mode since
            # we do not expect to run the test code
            self.assertEquals(tinctest.test.dryrun.tests_run_count, 0)

            # Two tests should be skipped one because of skip metadata and one because of filtering out

            self.assertEquals(len(tinc_test_result.skipped), 2)

            metadata_skip_test_tuple = None
            queries_skip_test_tuple = None
            # tinc_test_result.skipped will be a list of tuple containing test instance and the skip message
            for test_tuple in tinc_test_result.skipped:
                if test_tuple[0]._testMethodName == 'test_03':
                    metadata_skip_test_tuple = test_tuple
                elif test_tuple[0]._testMethodName == 'test_01':
                    queries_skip_test_tuple = test_tuple


                "Filtering out test as it did not satisy tinc queries check" in
            self.assertTrue("just skipping" in metadata_skip_test_tuple[1])
Exemplo n.º 15
    def test_positive_queries(self):
        test_queries = []
        test_queries.append("class=* and module=* or package=* and class=SmokeTests*")
        test_queries.append("class=* AND module=* OR package=* AND class=SmokeTests*")
        test_queries.append("class=* and module=* or package=* and class=SmokeTests*")

        test_queries.append("""class != * and module != * or package != * and class != SmokeTests*
         AND class = test""")
        test_queries.append("class != \"test_smoke\"")
        test_queries.append("class != 'test_smoke'")
        test_queries.append("""class = 'test' AND module=\"test\"""")
        test_queries.append("class = test* and method=test*")
        test_queries.append("tags = tag1")

        handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler(test_queries)
        self.assertEquals(len(handler.query_list), len(test_queries))
Exemplo n.º 16
    def test_all_tests_loaded(self):
        tinc_test_loader = tinctest.TINCTestLoader()
        pwd = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))
        test_dir1 = os.path.join(pwd, 'dryrun/mocktests')
        tinc_test_suite = tinc_test_loader.discover(start_dirs = [test_dir1],
                                                    patterns = ['dryrun_test_sample2.py'],
                                                    top_level_dir = None)
        self.assertEquals(tinc_test_suite.countTestCases(), 3)
        flat_test_suite = TINCTestSuite()
        for test in flat_test_suite._tests:

        test_dir1 = os.path.join(pwd, 'dryrun/mocktests')
        tinc_test_suite = tinc_test_loader.discover(start_dirs = [test_dir1],
                                                    patterns = ['dryrun_test_sample2.py'],
                                                    top_level_dir = None,
                                                    query_handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler('tags=hawq'))
        self.assertEquals(tinc_test_suite.countTestCases(), 1)
        for test in flat_test_suite._tests:
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_apply_queries_with_single_query(self):
        handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler("method=test_smoke*")
        tinc_test_case = MockTINCTestCase('test_smoke_01')

        # metadata equals predicate
        handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler("author=bob")
        tinc_test_case = MockTINCTestCase('test_smoke_01')

        # metadata equals predicate with dash (typically used for bugs)
        handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler("tags=bug-1")
        tinc_test_case = MockTINCTestCase('test_smoke_01')

        #metadata not equals predicate
        handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler("tags != functional")
        tinc_test_case = MockTINCTestCase('test_smoke_01')

        # metadata non-match

        # metadata equals predicate
        handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler("author=alice")
        tinc_test_case = MockTINCTestCase('test_smoke_01')

        #metadata not equals predicate
        handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler("tags != smoke")
        tinc_test_case = MockTINCTestCase('test_smoke_01')

        # non existing metadata should return False
        handler = TINCDiscoveryQueryHandler("non_existing_tags = smoke")
        # not equals on a non existing metadata will currently return True
        # We will have to decide whether or not to throw an exception for such tests
        tinc_test_case = MockTINCTestCase('test_smoke_01')