Exemplo n.º 1
		return mosaic(images, cols, np.append(m, emptyrows, axis = 0), 0)
		m[-h:, col*w:col*w+w, :] = i
		return mosaic(images[1:], cols, m, col + 1)

tdb = TinyDB(dimensions = WIDTH * HEIGHT * CHANNELS, parse_args = False)
p = tdb.arg_parser()
p.add_argument("-o", required = True)
p.add_argument("-k", type = int, default = 100)
p.add_argument("-c", type = int, default = 10)
p.add_argument("--seed", type = int, default = -1)
p.add_argument("idx", type = int, nargs = '*')
args = tdb.parse_args()

# number of images
n = tdb.rows()

# if no index is given select indexes at random
idx = []
if len(args.idx) > 0:
	idx = args.idx
	# select a random set of n images
	if args.seed != -1:
	idx = random.sample(xrange(n), args.k)

m = mosaic(images(tdb, idx, WIDTH, HEIGHT, CHANNELS), args.c)

# swap color channels because OpenCV uses BGR instead of RGB
r = m[:, :, 0]