Exemplo n.º 1
    def createfileentry(self, parent_frame, fi_text, _def_fi_, f_ex=None):
        ''' Quite self explanatoy...
            creates a row in which is possible to search for a file'''
        file_row = Frame(parent_frame)
        if f_ex == None:
            f_ex = ((fi_text, '.' + _def_fi_.split('.')[-1]), )

        _f_labels = format_dec([file_row, fi_text], _pack_=False)

        Efile = Entry(file_row, width=13)
        Efile.insert('end', _def_fi_)

        Efile.bind("<Key>", lambda e: "break")  # Magic

        Bsearch = Button(file_row,
                         command=(lambda El=Efile: self.browsefile(El, f_ex)))

        # Just packing
        format_dec(_f_labels, _create_=False)

        Efile.pack(side='left', expand='yes', fill='x')

        Bsearch.pack(side='right', padx=0, pady=0)
        file_row.pack(side='top', fill='x', pady=3)

        # For tracing purposes list appending
        return Efile
Exemplo n.º 2
    def atomstyle( self):
        ''' in this case just one, but could be modified 
        to be generic, accepting <row>, <text> and <options>'''
        a_mainrow= Frame( self)
        row_fst = Frame( a_mainrow)
        #from self-ttk import Combobox
        TEXT2=  'Choose an atom style'
        format_dec([row_fst, TEXT2])

        row_fsep = Frame(row_fst)
        atom_var = StringVar()
        atom_style_ddl = Drop_Down_List(row_fsep,
                                        textvariable = atom_var,
        atom_style_ddl['values'] = ('full', 'charge', 'molecular',
                                    'angle', 'bond','atomic')
        atom_style_ddl.bind("<Key>", lambda e: "break") # Magic
        self.objt_c.append( atom_var)
        row_fsep.pack(side='left', fill='x', pady=0)
        # row packing
        row_fst.pack(side='left', pady=0)
        a_mainrow.pack(side='top', fill='x', pady=3)
    def createWidgets(self):
        '''creates the row content and stores the
        # INIT
        file_row = Frame(self)
        fi_text = self.entries_txt
        _def_file_ = self.entries_val
        f_ext_txt = ()
        for i in range(len(self.file_ext)):
            f_ext_txt += ((self.fex_description[i], self.file_ext[i]), )

        # Building
        _f_labels = format_dec([file_row, fi_text], _pack_=False)

        self._entry = Entry(file_row, width=13, textvariable=self._strvar)
        self._entry.insert('end', _def_file_)

        self._entry.bind("<Key>", lambda e: "break")  # Magic

        self._button = Button(
            command=(lambda El=self._entry: self.browsefile(El, f_ext_txt)))

        # Just packing
        format_dec(_f_labels, _create_=False)
        self._entry.pack(side='left', expand='yes', fill='x')
        self._button.pack(side='right', padx=0, pady=0)
        file_row.pack(side='top', fill='x', pady=3)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def radio_part(self, _s_row_, _text_, _desc_=[''], _vals_=[]):
     _f_labels = format_dec([_s_row_, _text_])#, _pack_=False)
     radio_var = IntVar()
     for d in range( len( _desc_)):
         label_rb = Radiobutton(_s_row_, width=0, text= _desc_[d]
                                ,variable = radio_var
                                , value= len( _desc_)-1-d
                                ,command = self.solvastuff
                                , anchor='w'
         label_rb.pack(side='left', padx=6)
     self.objt_c.append( radio_var)
    def autoloadff(self):
        function that enables the autoload of the forcefield files as
        stated in the top file, also as a logic side effect disables the 
        file load option for forcefields
        _a_row_ = Frame(self)

        _text_ = 'Autoload forcefield files'

        bt_txt_ = 'Press to autoload'

        _f_labels = format_dec([_a_row_, _text_])

        self.autol_b = Button(
            #width = 25, height=23,
        self.autol_b.pack(padx=0)  #side='center',
        _a_row_.pack(side='top', fill='x', pady=3)