Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: models.py Projeto: 0101/sctms
    def make_pairs_single_elimination(self, round, ranking):
        previous_round = round.previous_round

        if previous_round and previous_round.type == Round.TYPE_SINGLE_ELIM:
            previous_winners = [m.winner for m in previous_round.matches]
            # this is expected to return items from ranking...
            players = [{'player': p} for p in previous_winners]
            if odd(players):
                # something's wrong, abort
                return []
            return split(players, 2)
            playoff_rounds_count = (round.tournament.rounds
            player_count = 2 ** playoff_rounds_count
            players = ranking[:player_count]
            half = player_count / 2
            pairs = zip(players[:half], reversed(players[half:]))

            for i in range(1, playoff_rounds_count - 1):
                half = len(pairs) / 2 / i
                pairs = merge(merge(map(
                    lambda x, y: [x, y],
                    split(pairs, i)[:half],
                    reversed(split(pairs, i)[half:])
            return pairs
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: models.py Projeto: 0101/sctms
    def _bye_if_odd(self, round, ranking):
        If ranking player count is odd, pops a random player from a group of
        players with the lowest score and who didn't receive a bye yet, and
        gives them a bye. Returns odd-length ranking.
        if odd(ranking):
            bye_candidates = [x for x in ranking
                              if not x['player'].competitor.received_bye]

            if not bye_candidates:
                # everyone received a bye -- it's probably messed up
                # TODO: logging
                return []

            bye_candidates.sort(key=lambda x: x['points'])
            lowest_points = bye_candidates[0]['points']

            lp_group = [x for x in bye_candidates if x['points'] == lowest_points]

            bye_receiver = pop_random(lp_group)

            competitor = bye_receiver['player'].competitor
            competitor.received_bye = True
            competitor.extra_points = 3
            competitor.extra_buchholz = round.index * 3 + 1
        return ranking
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: models.py Projeto: 0101/sctms
    def make_pairs_swiss(self, round, ranking):
        ranking = self._bye_if_odd(round, ranking)
        group = []
        pairs = []
        points = ranking[0]['points']

        def pair(group):
            assert not odd(group)
            half = len(group) / 2
            return [list(p) for p in zip(group[:half], group[half:])]

        for player in ranking:
            if player['points'] == points or odd(group):
                pairs += pair(group)
                group = [player]
                points = player['points']
        pairs += pair(group)

        pairs = self._fix_rematches(pairs)

        return pairs
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: models.py Projeto: 0101/sctms
 def pair(group):
     assert not odd(group)
     half = len(group) / 2
     return [list(p) for p in zip(group[:half], group[half:])]