Exemplo n.º 1
 def testJobDescription(self):       
     Tests the public interface of a JobDescription.
     command = "by your command"
     memory = 2^32
     disk = 2^32
     cores = "1"
     preemptable = 1
     j = JobDescription(command=command, requirements={"memory": memory, "cores": cores, "disk": disk, "preemptable": preemptable},
                        jobName='testJobGraph', unitName='noName')
     #Check attributes
     self.assertEqual(j.command, command)
     self.assertEqual(j.memory, memory)
     self.assertEqual(j.disk, disk)
     self.assertEqual(j.cores, int(cores))
     self.assertEqual(j.preemptable, bool(preemptable))
     self.assertEqual(type(j.jobStoreID), TemporaryID)
     self.assertEqual(list(j.successorsAndServiceHosts()), [])
     self.assertEqual(list(j.allSuccessors()), [])
     self.assertEqual(list(j.serviceHostIDsInBatches()), [])
     self.assertEqual(list(j.services), [])
     self.assertEqual(list(j.nextSuccessors()), [])
     self.assertEqual(sum((len(level) for level in j.stack)), 0)
     self.assertEqual(j.predecessorsFinished, set())
     self.assertEqual(j.logJobStoreFileID, None)
     #Check equals function (should be based on object identity and not contents)
     j2 = JobDescription(command=command, requirements={"memory": memory, "cores": cores, "disk": disk, "preemptable": preemptable},
                         jobName='testJobGraph', unitName='noName')
     self.assertNotEqual(j, j2)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def testJobDescriptionSequencing(self):
     j = JobDescription(command='command', requirements={},  jobName='unimportant')
     # With a command, nothing should be ready to run
     self.assertEqual(list(j.nextSuccessors()), [])
     # With command cleared, child should be ready to run
     j.command = None
     self.assertEqual(list(j.nextSuccessors()), ['child'])
     # Without the child, the follow-on should be ready to run
     j.filterSuccessors(lambda jID: jID != 'child')
     self.assertEqual(list(j.nextSuccessors()), ['followOn'])
     # Without the follow-on, we should return None, to be distinct from an
     # empty list. Nothing left to do!
     j.filterSuccessors(lambda jID: jID != 'followOn')
     self.assertEqual(j.nextSuccessors(), None)
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: worker.py Projeto: mr-c/toil
def nextChainable(predecessor: JobDescription, jobStore: AbstractJobStore,
                  config: Config) -> Optional[JobDescription]:
    Returns the next chainable job's JobDescription after the given predecessor
    JobDescription, if one exists, or None if the chain must terminate.

    :param predecessor: The job to chain from
    :param jobStore: The JobStore to fetch JobDescriptions from.
    :param config: The configuration for the current run.
    #If no more jobs to run or services not finished, quit
    if len(predecessor.stack) == 0 or len(predecessor.services) > 0 or (
            isinstance(predecessor, CheckpointJobDescription)
            and predecessor.checkpoint != None):
            "Stopping running chain of jobs: length of stack: %s, services: %s, checkpoint: %s",
            len(predecessor.stack), len(predecessor.services),
            (isinstance(predecessor, CheckpointJobDescription)
             and predecessor.checkpoint != None))
        return None

    if len(predecessor.stack) > 1 and len(predecessor.stack[-1]) > 0 and len(
            predecessor.stack[-2]) > 0:
        # TODO: Without a real stack list we can freely mutate, we can't chain
        # to a child, which may branch, and then go back and do the follow-ons
        # of the original job.
        # TODO: Go back to a free-form stack list and require some kind of
        # stack build phase?
            "Stopping running chain of jobs because job has both children and follow-ons"
        return None

    #Get the next set of jobs to run
    jobs = predecessor.nextSuccessors()
    if len(jobs) == 0:
        # If there are no jobs, we might just not have any children.
            "Stopping running chain of jobs because job has no ready children or follow-ons"
        return None

    #If there are 2 or more jobs to run in parallel we quit
    if len(jobs) >= 2:
            "No more jobs can run in series by this worker,"
            " it's got %i children",
            len(jobs) - 1)
        return None

    # Grab the only job that should be there.
    successorID = next(iter(jobs))

    # Load the successor JobDescription
    successor = jobStore.load(successorID)

    #We check the requirements of the successor to see if we can run it
    #within the current worker
    if successor.memory > predecessor.memory:
        logger.debug("We need more memory for the next job, so finishing")
        return None
    if successor.cores > predecessor.cores:
        logger.debug("We need more cores for the next job, so finishing")
        return None
    if successor.disk > predecessor.disk:
        logger.debug("We need more disk for the next job, so finishing")
        return None
    if successor.preemptable != predecessor.preemptable:
            "Preemptability is different for the next job, returning to the leader"
        return None
    if successor.predecessorNumber > 1:
            "The next job has multiple predecessors; we must return to the leader."
        return None

    if len(successor.services) > 0:
            "The next job requires services that will not yet be started; we must return to the leader."
        return None

    if isinstance(successor, CheckpointJobDescription):
        # Check if job is a checkpoint job and quit if so
        logger.debug("Next job is checkpoint, so finishing")
        return None

    # Made it through! This job is chainable.
    return successor
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _buildToilState(self, jobDesc: JobDescription) -> None:
        Traverses tree of jobs down from the subtree root JobDescription
        (jobDesc), building the ToilState class.

        :param jobDesc: The description for the root job of the workflow being run.

        # If the job description has a command, is a checkpoint, has services
        # or is ready to be deleted it is ready to be processed (i.e. it is updated)
        if (jobDesc.command is not None
                or (isinstance(jobDesc, CheckpointJobDescription)
                    and jobDesc.checkpoint is not None)
                or len(jobDesc.services) > 0
                or jobDesc.nextSuccessors() is None):
                "Found job to run: %s, with command: %s, with checkpoint: %s, with "
                "services: %s, with no next successors: %s",
                jobDesc.command is not None,
                isinstance(jobDesc, CheckpointJobDescription)
                and jobDesc.checkpoint is not None,
                len(jobDesc.services) > 0,
                jobDesc.nextSuccessors() is None,
            # Set the job updated because we should be able to make progress on it.
            self.bus.put(JobUpdatedMessage(str(jobDesc.jobStoreID), 0))

            if isinstance(jobDesc, CheckpointJobDescription
                          ) and jobDesc.checkpoint is not None:
                jobDesc.command = jobDesc.checkpoint

        else:  # There exist successors
                "Adding job: %s to the state with %s successors",

            # Record the number of successors
            self.successorCounts[str(jobDesc.jobStoreID)] = len(

            def processSuccessorWithMultiplePredecessors(
                    successor: JobDescription) -> None:
                # If jobDesc is not reported as complete by the successor
                if jobDesc.jobStoreID not in successor.predecessorsFinished:

                    # Update the successor's status to mark the predecessor complete

                # If the successor has no predecessors to finish
                assert len(successor.predecessorsFinished
                           ) <= successor.predecessorNumber
                if len(successor.predecessorsFinished
                       ) == successor.predecessorNumber:

                    # It is ready to be run, so remove it from the set of waiting jobs

                    # Recursively consider the successor

            # For each successor
            for successorJobStoreID in jobDesc.nextSuccessors():

                # If the successor does not yet point back at a
                # predecessor we have not yet considered it
                if successorJobStoreID not in self.successor_to_predecessors:

                    # Add the job as a predecessor
                    self.successor_to_predecessors[successorJobStoreID] = {

                    # We load the successor job
                    successor = self.get_job(successorJobStoreID)

                    # If predecessor number > 1 then the successor has multiple predecessors
                    if successor.predecessorNumber > 1:

                        # We put the successor job in the set of waiting successor
                        # jobs with multiple predecessors
                        assert successorJobStoreID not in self.jobsToBeScheduledWithMultiplePredecessors

                        # Process successor

                        # The successor has only this job as a predecessor so
                        # recursively consider the successor

                    # We've already seen the successor

                    # Add the job as a predecessor
                    assert (jobDesc.jobStoreID not in self.

                    # If the successor has multiple predecessors
                    if successorJobStoreID in self.jobsToBeScheduledWithMultiplePredecessors:

                        # Get the successor from cache
                        successor = self.get_job(successorJobStoreID)

                        # Process successor