Exemplo n.º 1
 def _runParasol(self, command, autoRetry=True):
     Issues a parasol command using popen to capture the output. If the command fails then it
     will try pinging parasol until it gets a response. When it gets a response it will
     recursively call the issue parasol command, repeating this pattern for a maximum of N
     times. The final exit value will reflect this.
     command = list(concat(self.parasolCommand, command))
     while True:
         logger.debug('Running %r', command)
         process = subprocess.Popen(command,
         stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
         status = process.wait()
         for line in stderr.decode('utf-8').split('\n'):
             if line: logger.warning(line)
         if status == 0:
             return 0, stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n')
         message = 'Command %r failed with exit status %i' % (command,
         if autoRetry:
             return status, None
         logger.warning('Waiting for a 10s, before trying again')
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _run(cls, command, *args, **kwargs):
        Run a command. Convenience wrapper for subprocess.check_call and subprocess.check_output.

        :param str command: The command to be run.

        :param str args: Any arguments to be passed to the command.

        :param Any kwargs: keyword arguments for subprocess.Popen constructor. Pass capture=True
               to have the process' stdout returned. Pass input='some string' to feed input to the
               process' stdin.

        :rtype: None|str

        :return: The output of the process' stdout if capture=True was passed, None otherwise.
        args = list(concat(command, args))
        logger.info('Running %r', args)
        capture = kwargs.pop('capture', False)
        _input = kwargs.pop('input', None)
        if capture:
            kwargs['stdout'] = subprocess.PIPE
        if _input is not None:
            kwargs['stdin'] = subprocess.PIPE
        popen = subprocess.Popen(args, **kwargs)
        stdout, stderr = popen.communicate(input=_input)
        assert stderr is None
        if popen.returncode != 0:
            raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(popen.returncode, args)
        if capture:
            return stdout
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _run(cls, command: str, *args: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[str]:
        Run a command.

        Convenience wrapper for subprocess.check_call and subprocess.check_output.

        :param command: The command to be run.

        :param args: Any arguments to be passed to the command.

        :param kwargs: keyword arguments for subprocess.Popen constructor.
            Pass capture=True to have the process' stdout returned.
            Pass input='some string' to feed input to the process' stdin.

        :return: The output of the process' stdout if capture=True was passed, None otherwise.
        argl = list(concat(command, args))
        logger.info("Running %r", argl)
        capture = kwargs.pop("capture", False)
        _input = kwargs.pop("input", None)
        if capture:
            kwargs['stdout'] = subprocess.PIPE
        if _input is not None:
            kwargs['stdin'] = subprocess.PIPE
        popen = subprocess.Popen(args, universal_newlines=True, **kwargs)
        stdout, stderr = popen.communicate(input=_input)
        assert stderr is None
        if popen.returncode != 0:
            raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(popen.returncode, argl)
        if capture:
            return cast(Optional[str], stdout)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def testRestart(self):
        Test whether auto-deployment works on restart.
        with self._venvApplianceCluster() as (leader, worker):

            def userScript():
                from toil.job import Job
                from toil.common import Toil

                # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
                def job(job, disk='10M', cores=1, memory='10M'):
                    assert False

                if __name__ == '__main__':
                    options = Job.Runner.getDefaultArgumentParser().parse_args(
                    with Toil(options) as toil:
                        if toil.config.restart:

            userScript = self._getScriptSource(userScript)


            pythonArgs = ['venv/bin/python', '-m', 'foo.bar']
            toilArgs = [
                '--logDebug', '--batchSystem=mesos',
                '--mesosMaster=localhost:5050', '--defaultMemory=10M',
            command = concat(pythonArgs, toilArgs)
                              leader.runOnAppliance, *command)

            # Deploy an updated version of the script ...
            userScript = userScript.replace('assert False', 'assert True')
            # ... and restart Toil.
            command = concat(pythonArgs, '--restart', toilArgs)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def issueBatchJob(self, jobDesc, job_environment: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None):
        Issues parasol with job commands.
        self.checkResourceRequest(jobDesc.memory, jobDesc.cores, jobDesc.disk)

        MiB = 1 << 20
        truncatedMemory = jobDesc.memory // MiB * MiB
        # Look for a batch for jobs with these resource requirements, with
        # the memory rounded down to the nearest megabyte. Rounding down
        # meams the new job can't ever decrease the memory requirements
        # of jobs already in the batch.
        if len(self.resultsFiles) >= self.maxBatches:
            raise RuntimeError('Number of batches reached limit of %i' % self.maxBatches)
            results = self.resultsFiles[(truncatedMemory, jobDesc.cores)]
        except KeyError:
            results = get_temp_file(rootDir=self.parasolResultsDir)
            self.resultsFiles[(truncatedMemory, jobDesc.cores)] = results

        # Prefix the command with environment overrides, optionally looking them up from the
        # current environment if the value is None
        command = ' '.join(concat('env', self.__environment(job_environment), jobDesc.command))
        parasolCommand = ['-verbose',
                          '-ram=%i' % jobDesc.memory,
                          '-cpu=%i' % jobDesc.cores,
                          '-results=' + results,
                          'add', 'job', command]
        # Deal with the cpus
        self.usedCpus += jobDesc.cores
        while True:  # Process finished results with no wait
                jobID = self.cpuUsageQueue.get_nowait()
            except Empty:
            if jobID in list(self.jobIDsToCpu.keys()):
                self.usedCpus -= self.jobIDsToCpu.pop(jobID)
            assert self.usedCpus >= 0
        while self.usedCpus > self.maxCores:  # If we are still waiting
            jobID = self.cpuUsageQueue.get()
            if jobID in list(self.jobIDsToCpu.keys()):
                self.usedCpus -= self.jobIDsToCpu.pop(jobID)
            assert self.usedCpus >= 0
        # Now keep going
        while True:
            line = self._runParasol(parasolCommand)[1][0]
            match = self.parasolOutputPattern.match(line)
            if match is None:
                # This is because parasol add job will return success, even if the job was not
                # properly issued!
                logger.debug('We failed to properly add the job, we will try again after a 5s.')
                jobID = int(match.group(1))
                self.jobIDsToCpu[jobID] = jobDesc.cores
                logger.debug("Got the parasol job id: %s from line: %s" % (jobID, line))
                return jobID
Exemplo n.º 6
 def __enter__(self):
     with self.lock:
         image = applianceSelf()
         # Omitting --rm, it's unreliable, see https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/16575
         args = list(
             concat('docker', 'run',
                    '--entrypoint=' + self._entryPoint(), '--net=host',
                    '-i', '--name=' + self.containerName, [
                        '--volume=%s:%s' % mount
                        for mount in self.mounts.items()
                    ], image, self._containerCommand()))
         logger.info('Running %r', args)
         self.popen = subprocess.Popen(args)
     return self
Exemplo n.º 7
 def _resourcePath(self):
     The path to the directory that should be used when shipping this module and its siblings
     around as a resource.
     if self.fromVirtualEnv:
         return self.dirPath
     elif '.' in self.name:
         return os.path.join(self.dirPath, self._rootPackage())
         initName = self._initModuleName(self.dirPath)
         if initName:
             raise ResourceException(
                 "Toil does not support loading a user script from a package directory. You "
                 "may want to remove %s from %s or invoke the user script as a module via "
                 "'PYTHONPATH=\"%s\" %s -m %s.%s'." %
                 tuple(concat(initName, self.dirPath, exactPython, os.path.split(self.dirPath), self.name)))
         return self.dirPath
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _runningOnWorker(self):
            mainModule = sys.modules['__main__']
        except KeyError:
            log.warning('Cannot determine main program module.')
            return False
            # If __file__ is not a valid attribute, it's because
            # toil is being run interactively, in which case
            # we can reasonably assume that we are not running
            # on a worker node.
                mainModuleFile = os.path.basename(mainModule.__file__)
            except AttributeError:
                return False

            workerModuleFiles = concat(('worker' + ext for ext in self.moduleExtensions),
                                       '_toil_worker')  # the setuptools entry point
            return mainModuleFile in workerModuleFiles