Exemplo n.º 1
    def infixToPostfix(self, expr):
        tokens = Token.tokenize(expr)
        operatorStack = []
        operandStack = []

        for token in tokens:
            if token.isOperand():
            elif (token.val == OperatorType.LParen or len(operatorStack) < 1 or
                    OperatorType.opHierarchy(token.val) > OperatorType.opHierarchy(operatorStack[-1].val)):
            elif token.val == OperatorType.RParen:
                # pop off both stacks building postfix expressions until LParen is found
                # each postfix expression gets pushed back into the operand stack
                while (operatorStack[-1].val != OperatorType.LParen):
                    self.__buildSinglePostfixExpr(operatorStack, operandStack)

                # pop the LParen from the stack
            elif OperatorType.opHierarchy(token.val) <= OperatorType.opHierarchy(operatorStack[-1].val):
                # Continue to pop operator and operand stack, building postfix
                # expressions until the stack is empty or until an operator at
                # the top of the operator stack has a lower hierarchy than that
                # of the token.
                while (len(operatorStack) > 0 and
                        OperatorType.opHierarchy(token.val) <= OperatorType.opHierarchy(operatorStack[-1].val)):
                    print 'operators', operatorStack
                    print 'operands', operandStack
                    self.__buildSinglePostfixExpr(operatorStack, operandStack)

                # push the lower prcendence operator onto stack

        # read in all tokens, pop stuff off the operator stack until it is empty (if it's not already)
        while (len(operatorStack) > 0):
            self.__buildSinglePostfixExpr(operatorStack, operandStack)

        return operandStack.pop()