Exemplo n.º 1
def new_post():
    title = request.form["title"]
    url = request.form["url"]
    text = request.form["text"]
    time = datetime.datetime.now()
    user = decode_auth_token(request.cookies.get('token'))
    if user is None:
        error = "ERROR: You must be logged to make a new post"
        return redirect("submit?error={0}".format(error))
    elif url != '' and text == '' and title != '' and not Contribution.exists(repository, url):
        contribution = Contribution(title, url, None, time, user, ContributionTypes.NEW.value, 0)
    elif text != '' and url == '' and title != '':
        contribution = Contribution(title, None, text, time, user, ContributionTypes.ASK.value, 0)
    elif text != '' and url != '':
        error = "ERROR: You can only fill URL or Text but not both"
        return redirect("submit?error={0}".format(error))
    elif url != '' and text == '' and Contribution.exists(repository, url):
        contribution_id = Contribution.get_contribution_id_by_URL(repository, url)
        return redirect("contribution?id={0}".format(contribution_id))
    elif text == '' and url == '' and title != '':
        error = "ERROR: You have to fill either URL or Text"
        return redirect("submit?error={0}".format(error))
        error = "ERROR: You must fill title"
        return redirect("submit?error={0}".format(error))
    return redirect('')
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_contribution():
    contribution_id = request.args.get('id')
    contribution = Contribution.get_contribution(repository, contribution_id)
    comments = Comment.get_comments_by_contribution(repository, contribution_id)
    contribution.n_comments = len(comments)
    username = decode_auth_token(request.cookies.get('token'))
    all_children = []
    comments_voted = []
    if username is not None:
        comments_voted = UserCommentVoted.get_voted(repository, username)
    for comment in comments:
        comment.voted = comment.id in [cv['comment_id'] for cv in comments_voted]
        children = Comment.get_comments_by_parent(repository, comment.id)
        comment.children = children
    for child in all_children:
        child.voted = child.id in [cv['comment_id'] for cv in comments_voted]
        # TODO: Falta votar ultim child
    parents_comments = []
    for comment in comments:
        if comment.id not in [c.id for c in all_children]:
    if username is not None:
        user = User.get(repository, username)
        contributions_voted = UserContributionVoted.get_voted(repository, username)
        voted = contribution.id in [cv['contribution_id'] for cv in contributions_voted]
        return render_template('contribution.html', contribution=contribution, comments=parents_comments, user=user,
    return render_template('contribution.html', contribution=contribution, comments=parents_comments)
Exemplo n.º 3
def edit_profile():
    username = decode_auth_token(request.cookies.get('token'))
    token_user = request.cookies.get('token')
    if username is not None:
        user = User.get(repository, username)
        return render_template('editProfile.html', user=user, token=token_user)
    return redirect('')
Exemplo n.º 4
def update_profile():
    username = decode_auth_token(request.cookies.get('token'))
    if username is not None:
        user = User.get(repository, username)
        user.update(repository, request.form["about"])
        return render_template('editProfile.html', user=user)
    return redirect('')
Exemplo n.º 5
def user():
    username = decode_auth_token(request.cookies.get('token'))
    user_to_show = User.get(repository, request.args.get('user'))
    if username is not None:
        user = User.get(repository, username)
        return render_template('profile.html', user_to_show=user_to_show, user=user)
    return render_template('profile.html', user_to_show=user_to_show)
Exemplo n.º 6
def reply():
    username = decode_auth_token(request.cookies.get('token'))
    comment_id = request.args.get('id')
    if username is not None:
        user = User.get(repository, username)
        comment = Comment.get_comment(repository, comment_id)
        return render_template('reply.html', user=user, comment=comment)
    return redirect('')
Exemplo n.º 7
def new_reply():
    username = decode_auth_token(request.cookies.get('token'))
    text = request.form["text"]
    contribution = request.form["contribution"]
    if username is not None and text:
        parent = request.form["parent"]
        comment = Comment(username, datetime.datetime.now(), text, contribution, parent)
    return redirect('contribution?id=' + contribution)
Exemplo n.º 8
def submit():
    username = decode_auth_token(request.cookies.get('token'))
    error = request.args.get('error')
    if username is not None:
        user = User.get(repository, username)
        if error is not None:
            return render_template('submit.html', user=user, error=error)
        elif error is None:
            return render_template('submit.html', user=user)
    return redirect('')
Exemplo n.º 9
def create_new_ask():
    if 'Authorization' not in request.headers:
        return jsonify(''), 401
    username = decode_auth_token(request.headers['Authorization'])
    if username is None:
        return jsonify(''), 401
    json = request.get_json()
    ask = Contribution(title=json['title'], url=None, text=json['text'], time=datetime.datetime.now(),
                       username=username, kind=ContributionTypes.ASK.value)
    return jsonify(ask.toJSON())
Exemplo n.º 10
def return_updated_user(userput):
    if 'Authorization' not in request.headers:
        return jsonify('Unauthorized'), 401
    username = decode_auth_token(request.headers['Authorization'])
    if username is None:
        return jsonify('Unauthorized'), 401
    if username != userput:
        return jsonify('Forbidden'), 403
    json = request.get_json()
    user_to_return = User.get(repository, username)
    user_to_return.update(repository, json['about'])
    return jsonify(user_to_return.toJSON())
Exemplo n.º 11
def create_new_comment(contribution_id):
    if 'Authorization' not in request.headers:
        return jsonify('Unauthorized'), 401
    username = decode_auth_token(request.headers['Authorization'])
    if username is None:
        return jsonify('Unauthorized'), 401
    if not Contribution.exists_contribution(repository, contribution_id):
        return jsonify('Not Found'), 404
    json = request.get_json()
    comment = Comment(username, datetime.datetime.now(), json['text'], contribution_id, None)
    return jsonify(comment.toJSON())
Exemplo n.º 12
def voteComment():
    username = decode_auth_token(request.cookies.get('token'))
    if username is not None:
        comment_id = request.form['comment']
        action = request.form['action']
        comment_voted = UserCommentVoted(username, comment_id)
        if action == 'vote':
        elif action == 'unvote':
    resp = make_response(redirect(request.form['view']))
    return resp
Exemplo n.º 13
def new_comment():
    user = decode_auth_token(request.cookies.get('token'))
    time = datetime.datetime.now()
    contribution = request.form["contribution"]
    text = request.form["text"]
    if user is not None and text:
        if text != '':
            comment = Comment(user, time, text, contribution, None)
            return redirect(url_for('get_contribution', id=contribution))
    return redirect(url_for('get_contribution', id=contribution))
Exemplo n.º 14
def delete_comment_api(comment_id):
    if 'Authorization' not in request.headers:
        return jsonify('Unauthorized'), 401
    username = decode_auth_token(request.headers['Authorization'])
    if username is None:
        return jsonify('Unauthorized'), 401
    if not Comment.exists_comment(repository, comment_id):
        return jsonify('Not Found'), 404
    comment = Comment.get_comment(repository, comment_id)
    if comment.username != username:
        return jsonify('Forbidden'), 403
    Comment.delete_comment(repository, comment_id)
    return jsonify('Successful delete'), 204
Exemplo n.º 15
def new():
    contributions = Contribution.get_contributions_new(repository)
    username = decode_auth_token(request.cookies.get('token'))
    for c in contributions:
        aux = Comment.get_number_comments_by_contribution(repository, str(c['id']))
        c['n_comments'] = aux[0]['n_comments']
    if username is not None:
        user = User.get(repository, username)
        contributions_voted = UserContributionVoted.get_voted(repository, username)
        for c in contributions:
            c.voted = c['id'] in [cv['contribution_id'] for cv in contributions_voted]
        return render_template('home.html', contributions=contributions, user=user)
    return render_template('home.html', contributions=contributions)
Exemplo n.º 16
def create_new_new():
    if 'Authorization' not in request.headers:
        return jsonify('Unauthorized'), 401
    username = decode_auth_token(request.headers['Authorization'])
    if username is None:
        return jsonify(''), 401
    json = request.get_json()
    new = Contribution(title=json['title'], url=json['url'], text=None, time=datetime.datetime.now(),
                       username=username, kind=ContributionTypes.NEW.value)
    if Contribution.exists(repository, new.url):
        new = Contribution.get_contribution_by_url(repository, new.url)
        return jsonify(new.toJSON()), 409
    return jsonify(new.toJSON())
Exemplo n.º 17
def threads():
    username = decode_auth_token(request.cookies.get('token'))
    email = request.args.get('id', default=username)
    if username is not None:
        user = User.get(repository, username)
        comments = Comment.get_comments_by_user(repository, email)
        all_children = []
        for comment in comments:
            children = Comment.get_comments_by_parent(repository, comment.id)
            comment.children = children
        first_level_comments = []
        for comment in comments:
            if not comment.id in [c.id for c in all_children]:
        return render_template('threads.html', comments=first_level_comments, user=user)
    return redirect('')
Exemplo n.º 18
def vote_comment_api(comment_id):
    if 'Authorization' not in request.headers:
        return jsonify('Unauthorized'), 401
    username = decode_auth_token(request.headers['Authorization'])
    if username is None:
        return jsonify('Unauthorized'), 401
    if not Comment.exists_comment(repository, comment_id):
        return jsonify('Not Found'), 404
    comment = Comment.get_comment(repository, comment_id)
    if comment.username == username:
        return jsonify('Forbidden'), 403
    comment_voted = UserCommentVoted(username, comment_id)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        if UserCommentVoted.exists(repository, comment_id, username):
            return jsonify('Conflict'), 409
    elif request.method == 'DELETE':
        if not UserCommentVoted.exists(repository, comment_id, username):
            return jsonify('Not Found'), 404
    return return_asked_contribution(str(comment.contribution_id))