Exemplo n.º 1
class UpdateChecker():
    """Class responsible for doing dependency updates
    Currently it's working only with cfengine/buildscripts repo, as described at
    def __init__(self, github, slack, dispatcher, username):
        self.github = github
        self.slack = slack
        self.username = username
            callback=lambda branch: self.run(branch),
            short_help='Run dependency updates',
            'Try to find new versions of dependencies on given branch and create PR with them'
            callback=lambda branches: self.update_deps_version(branches),
            short_help='Rebuild dependencies table',
            'Enumerate used dependency versions and update dependency table. Argument is comma-separated list of branches, NO SPACES'

    def get_deps_list(self, branch='master'):
        """Get list of dependencies for given branch.
           Assumes proper branch checked out by `self.buildscripts` repo.
           Returns a list, like this: ["lcov", "pthreads-w32", "libgnurx"]
        # TODO: get value of $EMBEDDED_DB from file
        embedded_db = 'lmdb'
        if branch == '3.7.x':
            options_file = self.buildscripts.get_file(
            options_file = self.buildscripts.get_file(
        options_lines = options_file.splitlines()
        if branch == '3.7.x':
            filtered_lines = (x for x in options_lines
                              if re.match('\s*DEPS=".*\\$DEPS', x))
            only_deps = (re.sub('\\$?DEPS', '', x) for x in filtered_lines)
            only_deps = (re.sub('[=";]', '', x) for x in only_deps)
            only_deps = (x.strip() for x in only_deps)
            filtered_lines = (x for x in options_lines
                              if 'var_append DEPS' in x)
            only_deps = (re.sub('.*DEPS "(.*)".*', "\\1", x)
                         for x in filtered_lines)
        # currently only_deps is generator of space-separated deps,
        # i.e. each item can contain several items, like this:
        # list(only_deps) = ["lcov", "pthreads-w32 libgnurx"]
        # to "flattern" it we first join using spaces and then split on spaces
        # in the middle we also do some clean-ups
        only_deps = ' '.join(only_deps)\
                .replace('$EMBEDDED_DB', embedded_db)\
                .replace('libgcc ','')\
                .split(' ')
        # now only_deps looks like this: ["lcov", "pthreads-w32", "libgnurx"]
        return only_deps

    def increase_version(self, version, increment, separator='.'):
        """increase last part of version - so 1.2.9 becomes 1.2.10
               version - old version represented as string
               increment - by how much to increase
               separator - separator character between version parts. Typical
                   values are '.' and '-'. Special case: if separator is 'char'
                   string, then increase last character by 1 - so version
                   '1.2b' becomes '1.2c'
                   (we assume that we never meet version ending with 'z')
             new version as a string
        if separator == 'char':
            return version[:-1] + chr(ord(version[-1]) + increment)
        version_components = version.split(separator)
        version_components[-1] = str(int(version_components[-1]) + increment)
        return separator.join(version_components)

    def checkfile(self, url, sha256=False):
        """Checks if file on given URL exists and optionally returns its sha256 sum
               url - URL to check (starting with http or ftp, other protocols might not work)
               sha256 - set it to True to force downloading file and returning sha256 sum
                   (otherwise, for http[s] we use HEAD request)
               True, False, or sha256 of a linked file
        log.debug('checking URL: ' + url)
            if not sha256 and url.startswith('http'):
                log.debug('testing with HEAD')
                r = requests.head(url)
                return r.status_code >= 200 and r.status_code < 300
                log.debug('getting whole file')
                m = hashlib.sha256()
                with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as f:
                    data = f.read(4096)
                    while data:
                        data = f.read(4096)
                return m.hexdigest()
            return False

    def maybe_replace(self, string, match, old, new):
        """replaces `old` with `new` in `string` only if it contains `match`
            Does caseless compare by converting `string` to lowercase for comparison
                string - string to work on
                match - string to look for, MUST BE lowercase
                old - string to replace
                new - string to replace with
        if match not in string.lower():
            return string
        return string.replace(old, new)

    def extract_version_from_filename(self, dep, filename):
        if dep == 'openssl':
            # On different branches we use openssl from different sources
            # (this will be cleaned up soon). When downloading from github,
            # filename is OpenSSL_1_1_1.tar.gz, where 1_1_1 is version.
            # When downloading from openssl website, filename for same version
            # is openssl-1.1.1.tar.gz, and version is 1.1.1.
            # We first check for website-style version, and if it doesn't match
            # then we fallback to github-style version. If neither version is
            # found - match.group(1) will raise an exception.
            match = re.search('-([0-9a-z.]*).tar', filename)
            if not match:
                match = re.search('_([0-9a-z_]*).tar', filename)
            version = match.group(1)
            separator = 'char'
        elif dep == 'pthreads-w32':
            version = re.search('w32-([0-9-]*)-rel', filename).group(1)
            separator = '-'
            version = re.search('[-_]([0-9.]*)[\.-]', filename).group(1)
            separator = '.'
        return (version, separator)

    def find_new_version(self, old_url, old_version, separator):
        """Finds new version by iteratively increasing version in URL and
        checking if it's still possible to download a file.
        Returns highest version for which a file exists.
        Note that if old_version is 1.2.3, and somebody released version
        1.2.5 WITHOUT releasing 1.2.4 before that, then this function will NOT
        find it
        increment = 0
        url_result = True
        while url_result:
            increment += 1
            new_version = self.increase_version(old_version, increment,
            # note that we change version on URL level, not on filename level -
            # because sometimes version might be in directory name, too
            new_url = old_url.replace(old_version, new_version)
            url_result = self.checkfile(new_url)
            # note that url_result might be True, False, or string with sha256 hash
        # Loop ends when `increment` points to non-existing version -
        # so we need to decrease it to point to last existing one
        increment -= 1
        if increment == 0:
            return old_version
        return self.increase_version(old_version, increment, separator)

    def get_version_from_monitoring(self, dep):
        """Gets latest version of a dependency from release-monitoring.org site.
        Returns latest version (string), or False if dependency not found in
        release-monitoring.json file.
        if dep not in self.monitoring_ids:
            return False
        id = self.monitoring_ids[dep]
        url = 'https://release-monitoring.org/api/project/{}'.format(id)
            data = requests.get(url).json()
            raise ReleaseMonitoringException(
                'Failed to do a request to release-monitoring.org website')
            return data['version']
            raise ReleaseMonitoringException(
                'Failed to get version from data received from release-monitoring.org website'

    def get_current_version(self, dep):
        """Get current version of dependency dep"""
        # Note: this function partially duplicates next one.
        # It is done on purpose, since that one does some extra stuff.
        dist_file_path = 'deps-packaging/{}/distfiles'.format(dep)
        dist_file = self.buildscripts.get_file(dist_file_path)
        dist_file = dist_file.strip()
        old_filename = re.sub('.* ', '', dist_file)
         separator) = self.extract_version_from_filename(dep, old_filename)
        return old_version

    def update_single_dep(self, dep):
        """Check if new version of dependency dep was released and create
        commit updating it in *.spec, dist, source, and README.md files
        # Note: this function partially duplicates above one.
        # It is done on purpose, since it will need several other variables
        # afterwards: dist_file_path, old_filename, and separator.
        log.info('Checking new version of {}'.format(dep))
        dist_file_path = 'deps-packaging/{}/distfiles'.format(dep)
        dist_file = self.buildscripts.get_file(dist_file_path)
        dist_file = dist_file.strip()
        source_file_path = 'deps-packaging/{}/source'.format(dep)
        source_file = self.buildscripts.get_file(source_file_path)
        source_file = source_file.strip()
        old_filename = re.sub('.* ', '', dist_file)
        old_url = '{}{}'.format(source_file, old_filename)
         separator) = self.extract_version_from_filename(dep, old_filename)
        new_version = self.get_version_from_monitoring(dep)
        if not new_version:
                'Dependency {} not found in release-monitoring.org or in data file'
            new_version = self.find_new_version(old_url, old_version,
        if new_version == old_version:
            # no update needed
            return False
        new_filename = old_filename.replace(old_version, new_version)
        new_url = old_url.replace(old_version, new_version)
        sha256sum = self.checkfile(new_url, True)
        if not sha256sum:
            message = 'Update {} from {} to {} FAILED to download {}'.format(
                dep, old_version, new_version, new_url)
            return False
        message = 'Update {} from {} to {}'.format(dep, old_version,
        dist_file = '{}  {}'.format(sha256sum, new_filename)
        self.buildscripts.put_file(dist_file_path, dist_file + '\n')
        source_file = source_file.replace(old_version, new_version)
        self.buildscripts.put_file(source_file_path, source_file + '\n')
        self.readme_lines = [
            self.maybe_replace(x, '* [{}]('.format(dep.replace('-hub', '')),
                               old_version, new_version)
            for x in self.readme_lines
        readme_file = '\n'.join(self.readme_lines)
        self.buildscripts.put_file(self.readme_file_path, readme_file)
        spec_file_path = 'deps-packaging/{}/cfbuild-{}.spec'.format(dep, dep)
            spec_file = self.buildscripts.get_file(spec_file_path)
            spec_file = spec_file.replace(old_version, new_version)
            self.buildscripts.put_file(spec_file_path, spec_file)
        return message

    def collect_deps(self, branch):
        """List used dependencies for a branch, returns a dict like this:
            {"dep1": "version", "dep2": "version",...}
        deps_versions = {}
        deps_list = self.get_deps_list(branch)
        for dep in deps_list:
            deps_versions[dep] = self.get_current_version(dep)
        return deps_versions

    def update_deps_version(self, branches):
        # prepare repo
        repo_name = 'buildscripts'
        upstream_name = 'cfengine'
        local_path = "../" + repo_name
        self.buildscripts = GitRepo(local_path, repo_name, upstream_name,
                                    self.username, 'master')

        branches = branches.split(',')

        # fetch versions from all branches
        deps_table = {}
        # deps_table is a 2d dict: deps_table[dep][branch]=version
        branch_column_widths = {}
        for branch in branches:
            branch_column_widths[branch] = len(branch)
            deps_versions = self.collect_deps(branch)
            # deps_versions is a dict: deps_versions[dep]=version
            for dep in deps_versions:
                if not dep in deps_table:
                    deps_table[dep] = collections.defaultdict(lambda: "-")
                deps_table[dep][branch] = deps_versions[dep]
                branch_column_widths[branch] = max(
                    branch_column_widths[branch], len(deps_versions[dep]))

        # patch the readme
        self.readme_file_path = 'README.md'
        readme_file = self.buildscripts.get_file(self.readme_file_path)
        readme_lines = readme_file.split('\n')
        has_notes = False  # flag to say that we're in a table that has "Notes" column
        in_hub = False  # flag that we're in Hub section
        for i, line in enumerate(readme_lines):
            if ' Hub ' in line:
                in_hub = True
            if not line.startswith('| '):
            if line.startswith('| CFEngine version '):
                has_notes = 'Notes' in line
                # Desired output row: ['CFEngine version', branches..., 'Notes']
                # Also note that list addition is concatenation: [1] + [2] == [1, 2]
                row = (["CFEngine version"] + [branch for branch in branches] +
                       (['Notes'] if has_notes else []))
                # Width of source columns
                column_widths = [len(x) for x in line.split('|')]
                # Note that first and last column widths are zero, since line
                # begins and ends with '|'. We're actually interested in widths
                # of first column (with words "CFEngine version" in it) and,
                # possibly, last ("Notes", which is now second-to-last).
                # Between them are branch column widths, calculated earlier.
                # Also we substract 2 to remove column "padding".
                column_widths = (
                    [column_widths[1] - 2] +  # "CFEngine version"
                    [branch_column_widths[branch] for branch in branches] +
                    ([column_widths[-2] - 2] if has_notes else []
                     )  # "Notes", if exists
                line = '| ' + (" | ".join(
                     for val, width in zip(row, column_widths)))) + ' |'
            elif line.startswith('| --'):
                line = '| ' + (' | '.join(
                    ('-' * width for width in column_widths))) + ' |'
                # Sample line:
                # | [PHP](http://php.net/) ...
                # For it, in regexp below,
                # \[([a-z0-9-]*)\] will match [PHP]
                # \((.*?)\) will match (http://php.net/)
                match = re.match('\| \[([a-z0-9-]*)\]\((.*?)\) ',
                if match:
                    dep_title = match.group(1)
                    dep = dep_title.lower()
                    url = match.group(2)
                    log.warn("didn't find dep in line [%s]", line)
                if dep not in deps_table:
                        "unknown dependency in README: [%s] line [%s], will be EMPTY",
                        dep, line)
                    deps_table[dep] = collections.defaultdict(lambda: "-")
                if has_notes:
                    note = re.search('\| ([^|]*) \|$', line)
                    if not note:
                        log.warn("didn't find note in line [%s]", line)
                        note = ''
                        note = note.group(1)
                if in_hub:
                    dep = re.sub('-hub$', '', dep)
                row = (["[%s](%s)" % (dep_title, url)] +
                       [deps_table[dep][branch] for branch in branches] +
                       ([note] if has_notes else []))
                line = '| ' + (" | ".join(
                     for val, width in zip(row, column_widths)))) + ' |'
            readme_lines[i] = line

        timestamp = re.sub('[^0-9-]', '_', str(datetime.datetime.today()))
        new_branchname = 'deptables-{}'.format(timestamp)
        self.buildscripts.checkout(new_branchname, new=True)
        readme_file = '\n'.join(readme_lines)
        self.buildscripts.put_file(self.readme_file_path, readme_file)
        self.buildscripts.commit('Update dependency tables')
        pr_text = self.github.create_pr(target_repo='{}/{}'.format(
            upstream_name, repo_name),
                                        title='Update dependency tables',
        self.slack.reply("Dependency tables:\n{}".format(pr_text), True)

    def run(self, branch):
        """Run the dependency update for a branch, creating PR in the end"""
        self.slack.reply("Running dependency updates for " + branch)
        # prepare repo
        repo_name = 'buildscripts'
        upstream_name = 'cfengine'
        local_path = "../" + repo_name
        self.buildscripts = GitRepo(local_path, repo_name, upstream_name,
                                    self.username, branch)
        timestamp = re.sub('[^0-9-]', '_', str(datetime.datetime.today()))
        new_branchname = '{}-deps-{}'.format(branch, timestamp)
        self.buildscripts.checkout(new_branchname, new=True)
        self.readme_file_path = 'deps-packaging/README.md'
        readme_file = self.buildscripts.get_file(self.readme_file_path)
        self.readme_lines = readme_file.split('\n')
        self.monitoring_file_path = 'deps-packaging/release-monitoring.json'
        self.monitoring_ids = json.loads(
        updates_summary = []
        only_deps = self.get_deps_list(branch)
        for dep in only_deps:
            single_result = self.update_single_dep(dep)
            if single_result:
        if len(updates_summary) == 0:
            self.slack.reply("Dependency checked, nothing to update")
        updates_summary = '\n'.join(updates_summary)
        pr_text = self.github.create_pr(
            target_repo='{}/{}'.format(upstream_name, repo_name),
            title='Dependency updates for ' + branch,
            "Dependency updates:\n```\n{}\n```\n{}".format(
                updates_summary, pr_text), True)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def run(self, inputs):
        """Update the packages_mapping file and create PR"""
        # prepare repo
        repo_name = 'system-testing'
        upstream_name = 'cfengine'
        local_path = "../" + repo_name
        repo = GitRepo(local_path, repo_name, upstream_name, self.username, "master")
        timestamp = re.sub('[^0-9-]', '_', str(datetime.datetime.today()))
        new_branchname = 'packages_mapping-{}'.format(timestamp)
        repo.checkout(new_branchname, new=True)
        # load current file
        packages_mapping_file_path = 'deployment_tests/packages_mapping.json'
            packages_mapping_contents = repo.get_file(packages_mapping_file_path)
        except FileNotFoundError as e:
            raise RepoFileNotFoundException('file %s not found in repo. Is repo broken?' % packages_mapping_file_path) from e
            packages_mapping = json.loads(packages_mapping_contents, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict)
        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e:
            raise JSONParsingError('file %s is not a valid JSON' % packages_mapping_file_path) from e

        # sample of the file
        # {
        #   "packages": {
        #     "3.6.6": {
        #       "agent": {
        #         "community": {
        #           "PACKAGES_i386_linux_debian_4": {
        #             "url": "https://cfengine-package-repos.s3.amazonaws.com/community_binaries/cfengine-community_3.6.6-1_i386.deb"
        #           },
        for value in inputs.split(','):
            value_type = is_branch_or_version(value)
            assert value_type, 'couldn\'t decide if [%s] is branch or version' % value
            self.slack.reply("Updating packages mapping for %s %s " % ( value_type, value))
            result = {'agent':{}, 'hub':{}}
            for (product, codename) in [('community', 'community'), ('enterprise', 'nova')]:
                if value_type == 'version':
                    version = value
                    branch = re.sub('^(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.).*', '\\1x', version)
                    release_url = 'https://cfengine.com/release-data/%s/%s.json' % (product, version)
                    branch = value
                    releases_url = 'https://cfengine.com/release-data/%s/releases.json' % product
                    releases_request = requests.get(releases_url)
                    if not releases_request.ok:
                        raise URLDownloadFailureException('failed to download %s, return code %d' % (releases_url, releases_request.status_code))
                        releases_data = releases_request.json()
                    except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e:
                        raise JSONParsingError('file %s is not a valid JSON' % releases_url) from e
                    if 'releases' not in releases_data:
                        raise JSONStructureError('no "releases" in %s JSON' % releases_url)
                        release_url, version = next((release['URL'], release['version']) for release in releases_data['releases']
                                                    if "lts_branch" in release and release["lts_branch"] == branch
                                                    and "latest_on_branch" in release and release["latest_on_branch"])
                    except StopIteration as e:
                        raise JSONStructureError('no release with "lts_branch"=="%s" and "latest_on_branch"==true in %s JSON' % (branch, releases_url)) from e

                packages = self.collect_packages(release_url)
                # masterfiles hack #1: different parts of code expect the package to be called differently.
                # Instead of fixing it properly, we will just support both namings
                packages['VIRTUAL_PACKAGES_masterfiles'] = packages['PACKAGES_VIRTUAL_PACKAGES_masterfiles']
                # sort packages into agent/hub ones
                if product == 'community':
                    # for community, they are the same
                    hub_packages = agent_packages = packages
                    # masterfiles hack #2: different parts of code expect package to be in different groups
                    # ('hub' vs 'agent'). Instead of fixing it properly, we will just include it in both.
                    hub_packages = {platform: value for (platform, value) in packages.items() if
                                    ('_HUB_' in platform) or ("masterfiles" in platform)}
                    agent_packages = {platform: value for (platform, value) in packages.items()
                                      if ('_HUB_' not in platform)}
                result['agent'][codename] = agent_packages
                result['hub'][codename] = hub_packages
            # note that following code uses "branch" and "version" variables
            # they are left from last iteration of the above loop and should be
            # the same in all loop iterations
            packages_mapping['packages'][version] = result
            repo.put_file(packages_mapping_file_path, json.dumps(packages_mapping, indent=2))
            # update version in upgrade_from.json
            branch_nox = re.sub('\\.x$', '', branch)
            upgrade_from_file_path = 'deployment_tests/upgrade_from.json'
                upgrade_from_content = repo.get_file(upgrade_from_file_path)
            except FileNotFoundError as e:
                raise RepoFileNotFoundException('file %s not found in repo. Is repo broken?' % upgrade_from_file_path) from e
                upgrade_from = json.loads(upgrade_from_content, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict)
            except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e:
                raise JSONParsingError('file %s is not a valid JSON' % upgrade_from_file_path) from e
            upgrade_from['latest_version'][branch_nox] = version
            repo.put_file(upgrade_from_file_path, json.dumps(upgrade_from, indent=4))
            repo.commit('Add %s packages to packages_mapping' % version)
        pr_text = self.github.create_pr(
            target_repo='{}/{}'.format(upstream_name, repo_name),
            title='Add %s packages to packages_mapping' % inputs,
        self.slack.reply(pr_text, True)