Exemplo n.º 1
    def __api_import_new_workflow(self, trans, payload, **kwd):
        data = payload['workflow']
        raw_workflow_description = self.__normalize_workflow(trans, data)
        data = raw_workflow_description.as_dict
        import_tools = util.string_as_bool(payload.get("import_tools", False))
        if import_tools and not trans.user_is_admin:
            raise exceptions.AdminRequiredException()

        from_dict_kwds = self.__import_or_update_kwds(payload)

        publish = util.string_as_bool(payload.get("publish", False))
        # If 'publish' set, default to importable.
        importable = util.string_as_bool(payload.get("importable", publish))

        if publish and not importable:
            raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException("Published workflow must be importable.")

        from_dict_kwds["publish"] = publish
        workflow, missing_tool_tups = self._workflow_from_dict(trans, raw_workflow_description, **from_dict_kwds)
        if importable:
            self._make_item_accessible(trans.sa_session, workflow)
        # galaxy workflow newly created id
        workflow_id = workflow.id
        # api encoded, id
        encoded_id = trans.security.encode_id(workflow_id)
        item = workflow.to_dict(value_mapper={'id': trans.security.encode_id})
        item['annotations'] = [x.annotation for x in workflow.annotations]
        item['url'] = url_for('workflow', id=encoded_id)
        item['owner'] = workflow.user.username
        item['number_of_steps'] = len(workflow.latest_workflow.steps)
        if import_tools:
            tools = {}
            for key in data['steps']:
                item = data['steps'][key]
                if item is not None:
                    if 'tool_shed_repository' in item:
                        tool_shed_repository = item['tool_shed_repository']
                        if 'owner' in tool_shed_repository and 'changeset_revision' in tool_shed_repository and 'name' in tool_shed_repository and 'tool_shed' in tool_shed_repository:
                            toolstr = tool_shed_repository['owner'] \
                                + tool_shed_repository['changeset_revision'] \
                                + tool_shed_repository['name'] \
                                + tool_shed_repository['tool_shed']
                            tools[toolstr] = tool_shed_repository
            irm = InstallRepositoryManager(self.app)
            for k in tools:
                item = tools[k]
                tool_shed_url = 'https://' + item['tool_shed'] + '/'
                name = item['name']
                owner = item['owner']
                changeset_revision = item['changeset_revision']
        return item
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __api_import_new_workflow(self, trans, payload, **kwd):
        data = payload['workflow']
        raw_workflow_description = self.__normalize_workflow(trans, data)
        data = raw_workflow_description.as_dict
        import_tools = util.string_as_bool(payload.get("import_tools", False))
        if import_tools and not trans.user_is_admin:
            raise exceptions.AdminRequiredException()

        from_dict_kwds = self.__import_or_update_kwds(payload)

        publish = util.string_as_bool(payload.get("publish", False))
        # If 'publish' set, default to importable.
        importable = util.string_as_bool(payload.get("importable", publish))

        if publish and not importable:
            raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException("Published workflow must be importable.")

        from_dict_kwds["publish"] = publish
        workflow, missing_tool_tups = self._workflow_from_dict(trans, raw_workflow_description, **from_dict_kwds)
        if importable:
            self._make_item_accessible(trans.sa_session, workflow)
        # galaxy workflow newly created id
        workflow_id = workflow.id
        # api encoded, id
        encoded_id = trans.security.encode_id(workflow_id)
        item = workflow.to_dict(value_mapper={'id': trans.security.encode_id})
        item['url'] = url_for('workflow', id=encoded_id)
        item['owner'] = workflow.user.username
        item['number_of_steps'] = len(workflow.latest_workflow.steps)
        if import_tools:
            tools = {}
            for key in data['steps']:
                item = data['steps'][key]
                if item is not None:
                    if 'tool_shed_repository' in item:
                        tool_shed_repository = item['tool_shed_repository']
                        if 'owner' in tool_shed_repository and 'changeset_revision' in tool_shed_repository and 'name' in tool_shed_repository and 'tool_shed' in tool_shed_repository:
                            toolstr = tool_shed_repository['owner'] \
                                + tool_shed_repository['changeset_revision'] \
                                + tool_shed_repository['name'] \
                                + tool_shed_repository['tool_shed']
                            tools[toolstr] = tool_shed_repository
            irm = InstallRepositoryManager(self.app)
            for k in tools:
                item = tools[k]
                tool_shed_url = 'https://' + item['tool_shed'] + '/'
                name = item['name']
                owner = item['owner']
                changeset_revision = item['changeset_revision']
        return item
Exemplo n.º 3
    def install_repository_revision(self, trans, payload, **kwd):
        POST /api/tool_shed_repositories/install_repository_revision
        Install a specified repository revision from a specified tool shed into Galaxy.

        :param key: the current Galaxy admin user's API key

        The following parameters are included in the payload.
        :param tool_shed_url (required): the base URL of the Tool Shed from which to install the Repository
        :param name (required): the name of the Repository
        :param owner (required): the owner of the Repository
        :param changeset_revision (required): the changeset_revision of the RepositoryMetadata object associated with the Repository
        :param new_tool_panel_section_label (optional): label of a new section to be added to the Galaxy tool panel in which to load
                                                        tools contained in the Repository.  Either this parameter must be an empty string or
                                                        the tool_panel_section_id parameter must be an empty string or both must be an empty
                                                        string (both cannot be used simultaneously).
        :param tool_panel_section_id (optional): id of the Galaxy tool panel section in which to load tools contained in the Repository.
                                                 If this parameter is an empty string and the above new_tool_panel_section_label parameter is an
                                                 empty string, tools will be loaded outside of any sections in the tool panel.  Either this
                                                 parameter must be an empty string or the tool_panel_section_id parameter must be an empty string
                                                 of both must be an empty string (both cannot be used simultaneously).
        :param install_repository_dependencies (optional): Set to True if you want to install repository dependencies defined for the specified
                                                           repository being installed.  The default setting is False.
        :param install_tool_dependencies (optional): Set to True if you want to install tool dependencies defined for the specified repository being
                                                     installed.  The default setting is False.
        :param shed_tool_conf (optional): The shed-related tool panel configuration file configured in the "tool_config_file" setting in the Galaxy config file
                                          (e.g., galaxy.ini).  At least one shed-related tool panel config file is required to be configured. Setting
                                          this parameter to a specific file enables you to choose where the specified repository will be installed because
                                          the tool_path attribute of the <toolbox> from the specified file is used as the installation location
                                          (e.g., <toolbox tool_path="database/shed_tools">).  If this parameter is not set, a shed-related tool panel
                                          configuration file will be selected automatically.
        # Get the information about the repository to be installed from the payload.
        tool_shed_url, name, owner, changeset_revision = self.__parse_repository_from_payload(
            payload, include_changeset=True)
        irm = InstallRepositoryManager(self.app)
        installed_tool_shed_repositories = irm.install(tool_shed_url, name,

        def to_dict(tool_shed_repository):
            tool_shed_repository_dict = tool_shed_repository.as_dict(
            tool_shed_repository_dict['url'] = web.url_for(
            return tool_shed_repository_dict

        if installed_tool_shed_repositories:
            return list(map(to_dict, installed_tool_shed_repositories))
        message = "No repositories were installed, possibly because the selected repository has already been installed."
        return dict(status="ok", message=message)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def install_repository_revision( self, trans, payload, **kwd ):
        POST /api/tool_shed_repositories/install_repository_revision
        Install a specified repository revision from a specified tool shed into Galaxy.

        :param key: the current Galaxy admin user's API key

        The following parameters are included in the payload.
        :param tool_shed_url (required): the base URL of the Tool Shed from which to install the Repository
        :param name (required): the name of the Repository
        :param owner (required): the owner of the Repository
        :param changeset_revision (required): the changeset_revision of the RepositoryMetadata object associated with the Repository
        :param new_tool_panel_section_label (optional): label of a new section to be added to the Galaxy tool panel in which to load
                                                        tools contained in the Repository.  Either this parameter must be an empty string or
                                                        the tool_panel_section_id parameter must be an empty string or both must be an empty
                                                        string (both cannot be used simultaneously).
        :param tool_panel_section_id (optional): id of the Galaxy tool panel section in which to load tools contained in the Repository.
                                                 If this parameter is an empty string and the above new_tool_panel_section_label parameter is an
                                                 empty string, tools will be loaded outside of any sections in the tool panel.  Either this
                                                 parameter must be an empty string or the tool_panel_section_id parameter must be an empty string
                                                 of both must be an empty string (both cannot be used simultaneously).
        :param install_repository_dependencies (optional): Set to True if you want to install repository dependencies defined for the specified
                                                           repository being installed.  The default setting is False.
        :param install_tool_dependencies (optional): Set to True if you want to install tool dependencies defined for the specified repository being
                                                     installed.  The default setting is False.
        :param shed_tool_conf (optional): The shed-related tool panel configuration file configured in the "tool_config_file" setting in the Galaxy config file
                                          (e.g., galaxy.ini).  At least one shed-related tool panel config file is required to be configured. Setting
                                          this parameter to a specific file enables you to choose where the specified repository will be installed because
                                          the tool_path attribute of the <toolbox> from the specified file is used as the installation location
                                          (e.g., <toolbox tool_path="../shed_tools">).  If this parameter is not set, a shed-related tool panel configuration
                                          file will be selected automatically.
        # Get the information about the repository to be installed from the payload.
        tool_shed_url, name, owner, changeset_revision = self.__parse_repository_from_payload( payload, include_changeset=True )
        self.__ensure_can_install_repos( trans )
        irm = InstallRepositoryManager( self.app )
        installed_tool_shed_repositories = irm.install( tool_shed_url,
                                                        payload )

        def to_dict( tool_shed_repository ):
            tool_shed_repository_dict = tool_shed_repository.as_dict( value_mapper=self.__get_value_mapper( trans, tool_shed_repository ) )
            tool_shed_repository_dict[ 'url' ] = web.url_for( controller='tool_shed_repositories',
                                                              id=trans.security.encode_id( tool_shed_repository.id ) )
            return tool_shed_repository_dict
        if installed_tool_shed_repositories:
            return map( to_dict, installed_tool_shed_repositories )
        message = "No repositories were installed, possibly because the selected repository has already been installed."
        return dict( status="ok", message=message )
    def install(self, trans, **kwd):
        POST /api/tool_shed_repositories/install
        Initiate the installation of a repository.

        :param install_tool_dependencies: True to install tool dependencies.
        :param install_repository_dependencies: True to install repository dependencies.
        :param tool_panel_section_id: The unique identifier for an existing tool panel section
        :param new_tool_panel_section_label: Create a new tool panel section with this label
        :param shed_tool_conf: The shed tool config file to use for this installation
        :param tool_shed_url: The URL for the toolshed whence this repository is being installed
        :param changeset: The changeset to update to after cloning the repository
        params = dict()
        irm = InstallRepositoryManager(self.app)
        changeset = kwd.get('changeset', None)
        tool_shed_url = kwd.get('tool_shed_url', None)
        params['name'] = kwd.get('name', None)
        params['owner'] = kwd.get('owner', None)
        params['tool_panel_section_id'] = kwd.get('tool_panel_section_id',
        params['new_tool_panel_section_label'] = kwd.get(
            'new_tool_panel_section', None)
        params['tool_panel_section_mapping'] = json.loads(
            kwd.get('tool_panel_section', '{}'))
        params['install_tool_dependencies'] = util.asbool(
            kwd.get('install_tool_dependencies', False))
        params['install_repository_dependencies'] = util.asbool(
            kwd.get('install_repository_dependencies', False))
        params['shed_tool_conf'] = kwd.get('shed_tool_conf', None)
        params['tool_path'] = suc.get_tool_path_by_shed_tool_conf_filename(
            self.app, params['shed_tool_conf'])
            tool_shed_repositories = irm.install(tool_shed_url, params['name'],
                                                 params['owner'], changeset,
            if tool_shed_repositories is None:
                message = "No repositories were installed, possibly because the selected repository has already been installed."
                return dict(status="ok", message=message)
            tsr_ids_for_monitoring = [
                for tsr in tool_shed_repositories
            url = web.url_for(
            return url
        except RepositoriesInstalledException as e:
            return dict(message=e.message, status='error')
Exemplo n.º 6
    def install( self, trans, **kwd ):
        POST /api/tool_shed_repositories/install
        Initiate the installation of a repository.

        :param install_resolver_dependencies: True to install resolvable dependencies.
        :param install_tool_dependencies: True to install tool dependencies.
        :param install_repository_dependencies: True to install repository dependencies.
        :param tool_panel_section_id: The unique identifier for an existing tool panel section
        :param new_tool_panel_section_label: Create a new tool panel section with this label
        :param shed_tool_conf: The shed tool config file to use for this installation
        :param tool_shed_url: The URL for the toolshed whence this repository is being installed
        :param changeset: The changeset to update to after cloning the repository
        params = dict()
        irm = InstallRepositoryManager( self.app )
        changeset = kwd.get( 'changeset', None )
        tool_shed_url = kwd.get( 'tool_shed_url', None )
        params[ 'name' ] = kwd.get( 'name', None )
        params[ 'owner' ] = kwd.get( 'owner', None )
        params[ 'tool_panel_section_id' ] = kwd.get( 'tool_panel_section_id', None )
        params[ 'new_tool_panel_section_label' ] = kwd.get( 'new_tool_panel_section', None )
        params[ 'tool_panel_section_mapping' ] = json.loads( kwd.get( 'tool_panel_section', '{}' ) )
        params[ 'install_resolver_dependencies' ] = util.asbool( kwd.get( 'install_resolver_dependencies', False ) )
        params[ 'install_tool_dependencies' ] = util.asbool( kwd.get( 'install_tool_dependencies', False ) )
        params[ 'install_repository_dependencies' ] = util.asbool( kwd.get( 'install_repository_dependencies', False ) )
        params[ 'shed_tool_conf' ] = kwd.get( 'shed_tool_conf', None )
        params[ 'tool_path' ] = suc.get_tool_path_by_shed_tool_conf_filename( self.app, params[ 'shed_tool_conf' ] )
            tool_shed_repositories = irm.install(
                params[ 'name' ],
                params[ 'owner' ],
            if tool_shed_repositories is None:
                message = "No repositories were installed, possibly because the selected repository has already been installed."
                return dict( status="ok", message=message )
            tsr_ids_for_monitoring = [ trans.security.encode_id( tsr.id ) for tsr in tool_shed_repositories ]
            url = web.url_for( controller='admin_toolshed', action='monitor_repository_installation', tool_shed_repository_ids=','.join( tsr_ids_for_monitoring ) )
            return url
        except RepositoriesInstalledException as e:
            log.exception( e )
            return dict( message=e.message,
                         status='error' )
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __api_import_new_workflow(self, trans, payload, **kwd):
        data = payload['workflow']

        import_tools = util.string_as_bool(payload.get("import_tools", False))
        if import_tools and not trans.user_is_admin():
            raise exceptions.AdminRequiredException()

        publish = util.string_as_bool(payload.get("publish", False))
        # If 'publish' set, default to importable.
        importable = util.string_as_bool(payload.get("importable", publish))
        # Galaxy will try to upgrade tool versions that don't match exactly during import,
        # this prevents that.
        exact_tools = util.string_as_bool(payload.get("exact_tools", False))

        if publish and not importable:
            raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException("Published workflow must be importable.")

        from_dict_kwds = dict(
        workflow, missing_tool_tups = self._workflow_from_dict(trans, data, **from_dict_kwds)

        if importable:
            self._make_item_accessible(trans.sa_session, workflow)

        # galaxy workflow newly created id
        workflow_id = workflow.id
        # api encoded, id
        encoded_id = trans.security.encode_id(workflow_id)

        # return list
        rval = []

        item = workflow.to_dict(value_mapper={'id': trans.security.encode_id})
        item['url'] = url_for('workflow', id=encoded_id)
        item['owner'] = workflow.user.username
        item['number_of_steps'] = len(workflow.latest_workflow.steps)

        if import_tools:
            tools = {}
            for key in data['steps']:
                item = data['steps'][key]
                if item is not None:
                    if 'tool_shed_repository' in item:
                        tool_shed_repository = item['tool_shed_repository']
                        if 'owner' in tool_shed_repository and 'changeset_revision' in tool_shed_repository and 'name' in tool_shed_repository and 'tool_shed' in tool_shed_repository:
                            toolstr = tool_shed_repository['owner'] \
                                + tool_shed_repository['changeset_revision'] \
                                + tool_shed_repository['name'] \
                                + tool_shed_repository['tool_shed']
                            tools[toolstr] = tool_shed_repository
            irm = InstallRepositoryManager(self.app)
            for k in tools:
                item = tools[k]
                tool_shed_url = 'https://' + item['tool_shed'] + '/'
                name = item['name']
                owner = item['owner']
                changeset_revision = item['changeset_revision']
        return item
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __api_import_new_workflow(self, trans, payload, **kwd):
        data = payload['workflow']

        import_tools = util.string_as_bool(payload.get("import_tools", False))
        if import_tools and not trans.user_is_admin():
            raise exceptions.AdminRequiredException()

        publish = util.string_as_bool(payload.get("publish", False))
        # If 'publish' set, default to importable.
        importable = util.string_as_bool(payload.get("importable", publish))
        # Galaxy will try to upgrade tool versions that don't match exactly during import,
        # this prevents that.
        exact_tools = util.string_as_bool(payload.get("exact_tools", False))

        if publish and not importable:
            raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException(
                "Published workflow must be importable.")

        from_dict_kwds = dict(
        workflow, missing_tool_tups = self._workflow_from_dict(
            trans, data, **from_dict_kwds)

        if importable:
            self._make_item_accessible(trans.sa_session, workflow)

        # galaxy workflow newly created id
        workflow_id = workflow.id
        # api encoded, id
        encoded_id = trans.security.encode_id(workflow_id)

        # return list
        rval = []

        item = workflow.to_dict(value_mapper={'id': trans.security.encode_id})
        item['url'] = url_for('workflow', id=encoded_id)
        item['owner'] = workflow.user.username
        item['number_of_steps'] = len(workflow.latest_workflow.steps)

        if import_tools:
            tools = {}
            for key in data['steps']:
                item = data['steps'][key]
                if item is not None:
                    if 'tool_shed_repository' in item:
                        tool_shed_repository = item['tool_shed_repository']
                        if 'owner' in tool_shed_repository and 'changeset_revision' in tool_shed_repository and 'name' in tool_shed_repository and 'tool_shed' in tool_shed_repository:
                            toolstr = tool_shed_repository['owner'] \
                                + tool_shed_repository['changeset_revision'] \
                                + tool_shed_repository['name'] \
                                + tool_shed_repository['tool_shed']
                            tools[toolstr] = tool_shed_repository
            irm = InstallRepositoryManager(self.app)
            for k in tools:
                item = tools[k]
                tool_shed_url = 'https://' + item['tool_shed'] + '/'
                name = item['name']
                owner = item['owner']
                changeset_revision = item['changeset_revision']
                irm.install(tool_shed_url, name, owner, changeset_revision,
        return item