Exemplo n.º 1
def pairs_of_shortest_paths(graph, weight_attribute='weight', infinity=65536):
    ''' Computes all pairs of shortest paths in graph.
        Infinity should be specified, otherwise 65536 will be chosen.
        Returns dict with shortest paths, where dict[u][v] is the length
        of the shortest path between u and v, or infinity if there is no
        path between them. '''

    distance = {}
    for node in graph:
        distance[node] = defaultdict(lambda: infinity)
        distance[node][node] = 0

    for u, v, data in edge_iter(graph):
        distance[u][v] = data[weight_attribute]

    for u in graph:
        for v in graph:
            for w in graph:
                if distance[v][u] + distance[u][w] < distance[v][w]:
                    distance[v][w] = distance[v][u] + distance[u][w]
    return dict(distance)
Exemplo n.º 2
def shortest_paths_from(graph, start, weight_attribute='weight'):
    ''' Returns (predecessors, distance). predecessors[node]
    is the predecessor of node in the shortest path,
    distance[node] is the shortest-path's lenght to node. No
    negative cycles allowed! '''

    if start not in graph:
        raise NodeNotFound(
            "Node {0} is not in the graph!".format(start))

    distance = {start: 0}
    predecessors = {start: None}
    for i in range(0, graph.order()):
        for u, distance_u in list(distance.items()):
            for v, data in graph[u].items():
                if (v not in distance or
                        distance[v] > distance_u + data[weight_attribute]):
                    distance[v] = distance_u + data[weight_attribute]
                    predecessors[v] = u
    for (u, v, attributes) in edge_iter(graph):
        if u in distance and v in distance:
            if distance[v] > distance[u] + attributes[weight_attribute]:
                raise NegativeCycle("Negative cycle found!")
    return (predecessors, distance)