Exemplo n.º 1
 def classify_match():
     results = []
     for window in testset:
         result,classificationtime = logger.executeandtime(lambda:knn.predict_shotprobgoalprob(window,direct=direct))
         (shotprobdom,shotprobother),(goalprobdom,goalprobother) = result
         is_shot = 0
         if window.is_shot():
             is_shot = 1 if not window.is_defensive_error_shot() else -1
         is_goal = 0
         if window.is_goal():
             is_goal = 1 if not window.is_defensive_error_goal() else -1
         time = window.get_time()
         half = window.matchhalf.halfid
         dom_team = window.get_dominating_team()
         fcb = 1 if dom_team == "32311" else 0 if dom_team == "None" else -1
         np.savetxt('../data/' + resultsfolder + "/" + folder + "/" + filename,results)
         tx = time //1000
         if half ==2:
             tx+= 45*60
         if tx%(60*15) in range(0,5) and v > 0:
             print "Time in-game:",logger.to_timestring(tx)
Exemplo n.º 2
def predictmatchflow(matchid,distancemetric = "dtw",direct=False,v=0,k=100,resultsfolder="results"):
    folder = "direct" if direct else "indirect"
    if not os.path.exists('../data/' + resultsfolder):
        os.makedirs('../data/' + resultsfolder)
    if not os.path.exists('../data/' + resultsfolder + "/" + folder):
        os.makedirs('../data/' + resultsfolder +"/"+folder)
    if not os.path.exists('../data/logs/' + resultsfolder):
        os.makedirs('../data/logs/' + resultsfolder)
    if not os.path.exists('../data/logs/' + resultsfolder +"/"+folder):
        os.makedirs('../data/logs/' + resultsfolder+"/"+folder)
    if distancemetric == "dtw":
        dist = custom_dtw_distance
        filename=str(matchid) + "_dtw"
        dist = naive_distance
        filename= (str(matchid) + "_naive")
        distancemetric = "naive"
    print "Predicting flow of match %s with distancemetric %s and direct: %s and k: %s and resultsfolder: %s"%(matchid,distancemetric,direct,k,resultsfolder)
    logdict = dict()
    rows = c.execute("select id from match where not (id =?)",(matchid,)).fetchall()
    trainset,windowstime = logger.executeandtime(lambda:getWindows([m for (m,) in rows]))
    logdict["get windows"] = windowstime
    if v > 0: print("windows retrieved")
    knn,constructclassifiertime = logger.executeandtime(lambda:NearestNeighboursVP(
    logdict["construct classifier"] = constructclassifiertime
    if v > 0: print("classifier constructed")
    testset,testsettime = logger.executeandtime(lambda:getWindows([matchid]))
    logdict["get testset"] = testsettime
    if v > 0: print("testset retrieved")
    def classify_match():
        results = []
        for window in testset:
            result,classificationtime = logger.executeandtime(lambda:knn.predict_shotprobgoalprob(window,direct=direct))
            (shotprobdom,shotprobother),(goalprobdom,goalprobother) = result
            is_shot = 0
            if window.is_shot():
                is_shot = 1 if not window.is_defensive_error_shot() else -1
            is_goal = 0
            if window.is_goal():
                is_goal = 1 if not window.is_defensive_error_goal() else -1
            time = window.get_time()
            half = window.matchhalf.halfid
            dom_team = window.get_dominating_team()
            fcb = 1 if dom_team == "32311" else 0 if dom_team == "None" else -1
            np.savetxt('../data/' + resultsfolder + "/" + folder + "/" + filename,results)
            tx = time //1000
            if half ==2:
                tx+= 45*60
            if tx%(60*15) in range(0,5) and v > 0:
                print "Time in-game:",logger.to_timestring(tx)
    foo,classifytime = logger.executeandtime(classify_match)
    logdict["match classification"] = classifytime
    logfile = open('../data/logs/' + resultsfolder+ "/" + folder + "/" + filename,"w+")
    print "Match", matchid, "classified and written to file", filename