Exemplo n.º 1
def create_named_globals(metadata):
    named_globals = []
    for k, v in metadata['namedGlobals'].items():
        v = int(v)
        if shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE:
            v += shared.Settings.GLOBAL_BASE
        elif k == '__data_end':
            # We keep __data_end alive internally so that wasm-emscripten-finalize knows where the
            # static data region ends.  Don't export this to JS like other user-exported global
            # address.
        mangled = asmjs_mangle(k)
        if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
            named_globals.append("var %s = %s;" % (mangled, v))
            named_globals.append("var %s = Module['%s'] = %s;" %
                                 (mangled, mangled, v))

    named_globals = '\n'.join(named_globals)

    if shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE:
        # wasm side modules are pure wasm, and cannot create their g$..() methods, so we help them out
        # TODO: this works if we are the main module, but if the supplying module is later, it won't, so
        #       we'll need another solution for that. one option is to scan the module imports, if/when
        #       wasm supports that, then the loader can do this.
        names = ["'%s'" % n for n in metadata['namedGlobals']]
        named_globals += '''
for (var name in [%s]) {
  (function(name) {
    Module['g$' + name] = function() { return Module[name]; };
''' % ','.join(names)

    return named_globals
Exemplo n.º 2
def report_missing_symbols(js_library_funcs):
    # Report any symbol that was explicitly exported but is present neither
    # as a native function nor as a JS library function.
    defined_symbols = set(
        asmjs_mangle(e) for e in settings.WASM_EXPORTS).union(js_library_funcs)
    missing = set(settings.USER_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS) - defined_symbols
    for symbol in sorted(missing):
                            f'undefined exported symbol: "{symbol}"')

    # Special hanlding for the `_main` symbol

    if settings.STANDALONE_WASM:
        # standalone mode doesn't use main, and it always reports missing entry point at link time.
        # In this mode we never expect _main in the export list.

    # PROXY_TO_PTHREAD only makes sense with a main(), so error if one is
    # missing. note that when main() might arrive from another module we cannot
    # error here.
    if settings.PROXY_TO_PTHREAD and '_main' not in defined_symbols and \
       not settings.RELOCATABLE:
            'PROXY_TO_PTHREAD proxies main() for you, but no main exists')

    if settings.IGNORE_MISSING_MAIN:
        # The default mode for emscripten is to ignore the missing main function allowing
        # maximum compatibility.

    if settings.EXPECT_MAIN and 'main' not in settings.WASM_EXPORTS:
        # For compatibility with the output of wasm-ld we use the same wording here in our
        # error message as if wasm-ld had failed (i.e. in LLD_REPORT_UNDEFINED mode).
            'entry symbol not defined (pass --no-entry to suppress): main')
Exemplo n.º 3
def make_export_wrappers(exports, delay_assignment):
  wrappers = []
  for name in exports:
    mangled = asmjs_mangle(name)
    # The emscripten stack functions are called very early (by writeStackCookie) before
    # the runtime is initialized so we can't create these wrappers that check for
    # runtimeInitialized.
    if shared.Settings.ASSERTIONS and not name.startswith('emscripten_stack_'):
      # With assertions enabled we create a wrapper that are calls get routed through, for
      # the lifetime of the program.
      if delay_assignment:
/** @type {function(...*):?} */
var %(mangled)s = Module["%(mangled)s"] = createExportWrapper("%(name)s");
''' % {'mangled': mangled, 'name': name})
/** @type {function(...*):?} */
var %(mangled)s = Module["%(mangled)s"] = createExportWrapper("%(name)s", asm);
''' % {'mangled': mangled, 'name': name})
    elif delay_assignment:
      # With assertions disabled the wrapper will replace the global var and Module var on
      # first use.
/** @type {function(...*):?} */
var %(mangled)s = Module["%(mangled)s"] = function() {
  return (%(mangled)s = Module["%(mangled)s"] = Module["asm"]["%(name)s"]).apply(null, arguments);
''' % {'mangled': mangled, 'name': name})
/** @type {function(...*):?} */
var %(mangled)s = Module["%(mangled)s"] = asm["%(name)s"]
''' % {'mangled': mangled, 'name': name})
  return wrappers
Exemplo n.º 4
def compute_minimal_runtime_initializer_and_exports(post, initializers,
                                                    exports, receiving):
    # Generate invocations for all global initializers directly off the asm export object, e.g. asm['__GLOBAL__INIT']();
    post = post.replace(
        '/*** RUN_GLOBAL_INITIALIZERS(); ***/', '\n'.join([
            "asm['" + x + "']();"
            for x in global_initializer_funcs(initializers)

    if shared.Settings.WASM:
        # Declare all exports out to global JS scope so that JS library functions can access them in a
        # way that minifies well with Closure
        # e.g. var a,b,c,d,e,f;
        exports_that_are_not_initializers = [
            x for x in exports if x not in initializers
        # In Wasm backend the exports are still unmangled at this point, so mangle the names here
        exports_that_are_not_initializers = [
            asmjs_mangle(x) for x in exports_that_are_not_initializers
        post = post.replace(
            '/*** ASM_MODULE_EXPORTS_DECLARES ***/',
            'var ' + ','.join(exports_that_are_not_initializers) + ';')

        # Generate assignments from all asm.js/wasm exports out to the JS variables above: e.g. a = asm['a']; b = asm['b'];
        post = post.replace('/*** ASM_MODULE_EXPORTS ***/', receiving)
        receiving = ''

    return post, receiving
Exemplo n.º 5
def compute_minimal_runtime_initializer_and_exports(post, exports, receiving):
    # Declare all exports out to global JS scope so that JS library functions can access them in a
    # way that minifies well with Closure
    # e.g. var a,b,c,d,e,f;
    exports_that_are_not_initializers = [
        x for x in exports if x not in WASM_INIT_FUNC
    # In Wasm backend the exports are still unmangled at this point, so mangle the names here
    exports_that_are_not_initializers = [
        asmjs_mangle(x) for x in exports_that_are_not_initializers

    # Decide whether we should generate the global dynCalls dictionary for the dynCall() function?
    if shared.Settings.DYNCALLS and '$dynCall' in shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE and len(
            x for x in exports_that_are_not_initializers
            if x.startswith('dynCall_')
        ]) > 0:
        exports_that_are_not_initializers += ['dynCalls = {}']

    post = post.replace(
        '/*** ASM_MODULE_EXPORTS_DECLARES ***/',
        'var ' + ',\n  '.join(exports_that_are_not_initializers) + ';')

    # Generate assignments from all asm.js/wasm exports out to the JS variables above: e.g. a = asm['a']; b = asm['b'];
    post = post.replace('/*** ASM_MODULE_EXPORTS ***/', receiving)
    return post
Exemplo n.º 6
def make_export_wrappers(exports, delay_assignment):
  wrappers = []
  for name in exports:
    mangled = asmjs_mangle(name)
    if shared.Settings.ASSERTIONS:
      # With assertions enabled we create a wrapper that are calls get routed through, for
      # the lifetime of the program.
      if delay_assignment:
/** @type {function(...*):?} */
var %(mangled)s = Module["%(mangled)s"] = createExportWrapper("%(name)s");
''' % {'mangled': mangled, 'name': name})
/** @type {function(...*):?} */
var %(mangled)s = Module["%(mangled)s"] = createExportWrapper("%(name)s", asm);
''' % {'mangled': mangled, 'name': name})
    elif delay_assignment:
      # With assertions disabled the wrapper will replace the global var and Module var on
      # first use.
/** @type {function(...*):?} */
var %(mangled)s = Module["%(mangled)s"] = function() {
  return (%(mangled)s = Module["%(mangled)s"] = Module["asm"]["%(name)s"]).apply(null, arguments);
''' % {'mangled': mangled, 'name': name})
/** @type {function(...*):?} */
var %(mangled)s = Module["%(mangled)s"] = asm["%(name)s"]
''' % {'mangled': mangled, 'name': name})
  return wrappers
Exemplo n.º 7
def report_missing_symbols(pre):
  # the initial list of missing functions are that the user explicitly exported
  # but were not implemented in compiled code
  missing = set(settings.USER_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS) - set(asmjs_mangle(e) for e in settings.WASM_EXPORTS)

  for requested in sorted(missing):
    if (f'function {requested}(') not in pre:
      diagnostics.warning('undefined', f'undefined exported symbol: "{requested}"')

  # Special hanlding for the `_main` symbol

  if settings.STANDALONE_WASM:
    # standalone mode doesn't use main, and it always reports missing entry point at link time.
    # In this mode we never expect _main in the export list.

  if settings.IGNORE_MISSING_MAIN:
    # The default mode for emscripten is to ignore the missing main function allowing
    # maximum compatibility.

  if settings.EXPECT_MAIN and 'main' not in settings.WASM_EXPORTS:
    # For compatibility with the output of wasm-ld we use the same wording here in our
    # error message as if wasm-ld had failed (i.e. in LLD_REPORT_UNDEFINED mode).
    exit_with_error('entry symbol not defined (pass --no-entry to suppress): main')
Exemplo n.º 8
def update_settings_glue(metadata, DEBUG):
    optimize_syscalls(metadata['declares'], DEBUG)

    # Integrate info from backend
    if shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE:
        # we don't need any JS library contents in side modules
        shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE = []

    all_funcs = shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE + [
        shared.JS.to_nice_ident(d) for d in metadata['declares']
    shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE = sorted(

    shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE += metadata['externs']
    # With the wasm backend the set of implemented functions is identical to the set of exports
    shared.Settings.IMPLEMENTED_FUNCTIONS = [
        asmjs_mangle(x) for x in metadata['exports']

    shared.Settings.BINARYEN_FEATURES = metadata['features']
    if shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE:
        # When building relocatable output (e.g. MAIN_MODULE) the reported table
        # size does not include the reserved slot at zero for the null pointer.
        # Instead we use __table_base to offset the elements by 1.
        if shared.Settings.INITIAL_TABLE == -1:
            shared.Settings.INITIAL_TABLE = metadata['tableSize'] + 1

    shared.Settings.HAS_MAIN = shared.Settings.MAIN_MODULE or shared.Settings.STANDALONE_WASM or '_main' in shared.Settings.IMPLEMENTED_FUNCTIONS

    # When using dynamic linking the main function might be in a side module.
    # To be safe assume they do take input parametes.
    shared.Settings.MAIN_READS_PARAMS = metadata[
        'mainReadsParams'] or shared.Settings.MAIN_MODULE

    # Store exports for Closure compiler to be able to track these as globals in
    shared.Settings.MODULE_EXPORTS = [(asmjs_mangle(f), f)
                                      for f in metadata['exports']]

    if shared.Settings.STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECK and not shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE:
        shared.Settings.EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS += [
            'writeStackCookie', 'checkStackCookie'
        # writeStackCookie and checkStackCookie both rely on emscripten_stack_get_end being
        # exported.  In theory it should always be present since its defined in compiler-rt.
        assert 'emscripten_stack_get_end' in metadata['exports']
Exemplo n.º 9
def load_metadata_wasm(metadata_raw, DEBUG):
        metadata_json = json.loads(metadata_raw)
    except Exception:
            'emscript: failure to parse metadata output from wasm-emscripten-finalize. raw output is: \n'
            + metadata_raw)

    metadata = {
        'declares': [],
        'externs': [],
        'staticBump': 0,
        'tableSize': 0,
        'exports': [],
        'namedGlobals': {},
        'emJsFuncs': {},
        'asmConsts': {},
        'invokeFuncs': [],
        'features': [],
        'mainReadsParams': 1,
    legacy_keys = set(['implementedFunctions', 'initializers', 'simd'])

    assert 'tableSize' in metadata_json.keys()
    for key, value in metadata_json.items():
        if key in legacy_keys:
        # json.loads returns `unicode` for strings but other code in this file
        # generally works with utf8 encoded `str` objects, and they don't alwasy
        # mix well.  e.g. s.replace(x, y) will blow up is `s` a uts8 str containing
        # non-ascii and either x or y are unicode objects.
        # TODO(sbc): Remove this encoding if we switch to unicode elsewhere
        # (specifically the glue returned from compile_settings)
        if type(value) == list:
            value = [asstr(v) for v in value]
        if key not in metadata:
                'unexpected metadata key received from wasm-emscripten-finalize: %s',
        metadata[key] = value

    if DEBUG:
        logger.debug("Metadata parsed: " + pprint.pformat(metadata))

    # Calculate the subset of exports that were explicitly marked with llvm.used.
    # These are any exports that were not requested on the command line and are
    # not known auto-generated system functions.
    unexpected_exports = [
        e for e in metadata['exports'] if treat_as_user_function(e)
    unexpected_exports = [asmjs_mangle(e) for e in unexpected_exports]
    unexpected_exports = [
        e for e in unexpected_exports
        if e not in shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS
    building.user_requested_exports += unexpected_exports

    return metadata
Exemplo n.º 10
def load_metadata_wasm(metadata_raw, DEBUG):
        metadata_json = json.loads(metadata_raw)
    except Exception:
            'emscript: failure to parse metadata output from wasm-emscripten-finalize. raw output is: \n'
            + metadata_raw)

    metadata = {
        'declares': [],
        'externs': [],
        'staticBump': 0,
        'tableSize': 0,
        'exports': [],
        'namedGlobals': {},
        'emJsFuncs': {},
        'asmConsts': {},
        'invokeFuncs': [],
        'features': [],
        'mainReadsParams': 1,
    legacy_keys = set(['implementedFunctions', 'initializers', 'simd'])

    assert 'tableSize' in metadata_json.keys()
    for key, value in metadata_json.items():
        if key in legacy_keys:
        if key not in metadata:
                'unexpected metadata key received from wasm-emscripten-finalize: %s',
        metadata[key] = value

    # Support older metadata when asmConsts values were lists.  We only use the first element
    # nowadays
    # TODO(sbc): remove this once binaryen has been changed to only emit the single element
    metadata['asmConsts'] = {
        k: v[0] if type(v) is list else v
        for k, v in metadata['asmConsts'].items()

    if DEBUG:
        logger.debug("Metadata parsed: " + pprint.pformat(metadata))

    # Calculate the subset of exports that were explicitly marked with llvm.used.
    # These are any exports that were not requested on the command line and are
    # not known auto-generated system functions.
    unexpected_exports = [
        e for e in metadata['exports'] if treat_as_user_function(e)
    unexpected_exports = [asmjs_mangle(e) for e in unexpected_exports]
    unexpected_exports = [
        e for e in unexpected_exports
        if e not in shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS
    building.user_requested_exports += unexpected_exports

    return metadata
Exemplo n.º 11
def create_receiving(exports):
  # When not declaring asm exports this section is empty and we instead programatically export
  # symbols on the global object by calling exportAsmFunctions after initialization
  if not shared.Settings.DECLARE_ASM_MODULE_EXPORTS:
    return ''

  exports_that_are_not_initializers = [x for x in exports if x != WASM_INIT_FUNC]

  receiving = []

  # with WASM_ASYNC_COMPILATION that asm object may not exist at this point in time
  # so we need to support delayed assignment.
  delay_assignment = shared.Settings.WASM_ASYNC_COMPILATION and not shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME
  if not delay_assignment:
    if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
      # In Wasm exports are assigned inside a function to variables existing in top level JS scope, i.e.
      # var _main;
      # WebAssembly.instantiate(Module["wasm"], imports).then((function(output) {
      # var asm = output.instance.exports;
      # _main = asm["_main"];
      receiving += [asmjs_mangle(s) + ' = asm["' + s + '"];' for s in exports_that_are_not_initializers]
      if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
        # In wasm2js exports can be directly processed at top level, i.e.
        # var asm = Module["asm"](asmLibraryArg, buffer);
        # var _main = asm["_main"];
        if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS and shared.Settings.MODULARIZE:
          # TODO: As a temp solution, multithreaded MODULARIZED MINIMAL_RUNTIME builds export all
          # symbols like regular runtime does.
          # Fix this by migrating worker.js code to reside inside the Module so it is in the same
          # scope as the rest of the JS code, or by defining an export syntax to MINIMAL_RUNTIME
          # that multithreaded MODULARIZEd builds can export on.
          receiving += [asmjs_mangle(s) + ' = Module["' + asmjs_mangle(s) + '"] = asm["' + s + '"];' for s in exports_that_are_not_initializers]
          receiving += ['var ' + asmjs_mangle(s) + ' = asm["' + asmjs_mangle(s) + '"];' for s in exports_that_are_not_initializers]
        receiving += make_export_wrappers(exports, delay_assignment)
    receiving += make_export_wrappers(exports, delay_assignment)

  if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
    return '\n  '.join(receiving) + '\n'
    return '\n'.join(receiving) + '\n'
Exemplo n.º 12
def update_settings_glue(metadata, DEBUG):
  optimize_syscalls(metadata['declares'], DEBUG)

  # Integrate info from backend
  if shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE:
    # we don't need any JS library contents in side modules

  all_funcs = shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE + [shared.JS.to_nice_ident(d) for d in metadata['declares']]
  implemented_funcs = [x[1:] for x in metadata['implementedFunctions']]
  shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE = sorted(set(all_funcs).difference(implemented_funcs))

  shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE += [x[1:] for x in metadata['externs']]
  shared.Settings.IMPLEMENTED_FUNCTIONS = metadata['implementedFunctions']

  if metadata['asmConsts']:
    # emit the EM_ASM signature-reading helper function only if we have any EM_ASM
    # functions in the module.
    shared.Settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE += ['$readAsmConstArgs']

    # Extract the list of function signatures that MAIN_THREAD_EM_ASM blocks in
    # the compiled code have, each signature will need a proxy function invoker
    # generated for it.
    def read_proxied_function_signatures(asmConsts):
      proxied_function_signatures = set()
      for _, sigs, proxying_types in asmConsts.values():
        for sig, proxying_type in zip(sigs, proxying_types):
          if proxying_type == 'sync_on_main_thread_':
            proxied_function_signatures.add(sig + '_sync')
          elif proxying_type == 'async_on_main_thread_':
            proxied_function_signatures.add(sig + '_async')
      return list(proxied_function_signatures)

    shared.Settings.PROXIED_FUNCTION_SIGNATURES = read_proxied_function_signatures(metadata['asmConsts'])

  shared.Settings.BINARYEN_FEATURES = metadata['features']
  if shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE:
    # When building relocatable output (e.g. MAIN_MODULE) the reported table
    # size does not include the reserved slot at zero for the null pointer.
    # Instead we use __table_base to offset the elements by 1.
    if shared.Settings.INITIAL_TABLE == -1:
      shared.Settings.INITIAL_TABLE = metadata['tableSize'] + 1

  shared.Settings.MAIN_READS_PARAMS = metadata['mainReadsParams']

  # Store exports for Closure compiler to be able to track these as globals in
  shared.Settings.MODULE_EXPORTS = [(asmjs_mangle(f), f) for f in metadata['exports']]

  if shared.Settings.STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECK:
    if 'emscripten_stack_get_end' not in metadata['exports']:
      logger.warning('STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECK disabled because emscripten stack helpers not exported')
      shared.Settings.STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECK = 0
      shared.Settings.EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS += ['writeStackCookie', 'checkStackCookie']
Exemplo n.º 13
def create_fp_accessors(metadata):
  if not shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE:
    return ''

  # Create `fp$XXX` handlers for determining function pionters (table addresses)
  # at runtime.
  # For SIDE_MODULEs these are generated by the proxyHandler at runtime.
  accessors = []
  for fullname in metadata['declares']:
    if not fullname.startswith('fp$'):
    _, name, sig = fullname.split('$')
    mangled = asmjs_mangle(name)
    side = 'parent' if shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE else ''
    assertion = ('\n  assert(%sModule["%s"] || typeof %s !== "undefined", "external function `%s` is missing.' % (side, mangled, mangled, name) +
                 'perhaps a side module was not linked in? if this symbol was expected to arrive '
                 'from a system library, try to build the MAIN_MODULE with '
                 'EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS=XX in the environment");')
    # the name of the original function is generally the normal function
    # name, unless it is legalized, in which case the export is the legalized
    # version, and the original provided by orig$X
    if shared.Settings.LEGALIZE_JS_FFI and not shared.JS.is_legal_sig(sig):
      name = 'orig$' + name

Module['%(full)s'] = function() {
  // Use the original wasm function itself, for the table, from the main module.
  var func = Module['asm']['%(original)s'];
  // Try an original version from a side module.
  if (!func) func = Module['_%(original)s'];
  // Otherwise, look for a regular function or JS library function.
  if (!func) func = Module['%(mangled)s'];
  if (!func) func = %(mangled)s;
  var fp = addFunction(func, '%(sig)s');
  Module['%(full)s'] = function() { return fp };
  return fp;
''' % {'full': asmjs_mangle(fullname), 'mangled': mangled, 'original': name, 'assert': assertion, 'sig': sig})

  return '\n'.join(accessors)
Exemplo n.º 14
def compute_minimal_runtime_initializer_and_exports(post, exports, receiving):
  # Declare all exports out to global JS scope so that JS library functions can access them in a
  # way that minifies well with Closure
  # e.g. var a,b,c,d,e,f;
  exports_that_are_not_initializers = [x for x in exports if x not in WASM_INIT_FUNC]
  # In Wasm backend the exports are still unmangled at this point, so mangle the names here
  exports_that_are_not_initializers = [asmjs_mangle(x) for x in exports_that_are_not_initializers]
  post = post.replace('/*** ASM_MODULE_EXPORTS_DECLARES ***/', 'var ' + ',\n  '.join(exports_that_are_not_initializers) + ';')

  # Generate assignments from all asm.js/wasm exports out to the JS variables above: e.g. a = asm['a']; b = asm['b'];
  post = post.replace('/*** ASM_MODULE_EXPORTS ***/', receiving)
  return post
Exemplo n.º 15
def create_named_globals(metadata):
  named_globals = []
  for k, v in metadata['namedGlobals'].items():
    v = int(v)
    if shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE:
      v += shared.Settings.GLOBAL_BASE
    mangled = asmjs_mangle(k)
    if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
      named_globals.append("var %s = %s;" % (mangled, v))
      named_globals.append("var %s = Module['%s'] = %s;" % (mangled, mangled, v))

  return '\n'.join(named_globals)
Exemplo n.º 16
def create_named_globals(metadata):
    named_globals = []
    for k, v in metadata['namedGlobals'].items():
        v = int(v)
        if shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE:
            v += shared.Settings.GLOBAL_BASE
        elif k == '__data_end':
            # We keep __data_end alive internally so that wasm-emscripten-finalize knows where the
            # static data region ends.  Don't export this to JS like other user-exported global
            # address.
        mangled = asmjs_mangle(k)
        if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
            named_globals.append("var %s = %s;" % (mangled, v))
            named_globals.append("var %s = Module['%s'] = %s;" %
                                 (mangled, mangled, v))

    return '\n'.join(named_globals)
Exemplo n.º 17
def create_receiving(exports):
    # When not declaring asm exports this section is empty and we instead programatically export
    # symbols on the global object by calling exportAsmFunctions after initialization
    if not settings.DECLARE_ASM_MODULE_EXPORTS:
        return ''

    receiving = []

    # with WASM_ASYNC_COMPILATION that asm object may not exist at this point in time
    # so we need to support delayed assignment.
    delay_assignment = settings.WASM_ASYNC_COMPILATION and not settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME
    if not delay_assignment:
        if settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
            # In Wasm exports are assigned inside a function to variables
            # existing in top level JS scope, i.e.
            # var _main;
            # WebAssembly.instantiate(Module["wasm"], imports).then((function(output) {
            # var asm = output.instance.exports;
            # _main = asm["_main"];
            generate_dyncall_assignment = settings.DYNCALLS and '$dynCall' in settings.DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FUNCS_TO_INCLUDE
            exports_that_are_not_initializers = [
                x for x in exports if x != building.WASM_CALL_CTORS

            for s in exports_that_are_not_initializers:
                mangled = asmjs_mangle(s)
                dynCallAssignment = (
                    'dynCalls["' + s.replace('dynCall_', '') + '"] = '
                ) if generate_dyncall_assignment and mangled.startswith(
                    'dynCall_') else ''
                receiving += [
                    dynCallAssignment + mangled + ' = asm["' + s + '"];'
            receiving += make_export_wrappers(exports, delay_assignment)
        receiving += make_export_wrappers(exports, delay_assignment)

    if settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
        return '\n  '.join(receiving) + '\n'
        return '\n'.join(receiving) + '\n'
Exemplo n.º 18
def load_metadata_wasm(metadata_raw, DEBUG):
        metadata_json = json.loads(metadata_raw)
    except Exception:
            'emscript: failure to parse metadata output from wasm-emscripten-finalize. raw output is: \n'
            + metadata_raw)

    metadata = {
        'aliases': {},
        'declares': [],
        'implementedFunctions': [],
        'externs': [],
        'simd': False,  # Obsolete, always False
        'maxGlobalAlign': 0,
        'staticBump': 0,
        'tableSize': 0,
        'initializers': [],
        'exports': [],
        'namedGlobals': {},
        'emJsFuncs': {},
        'asmConsts': {},
        'invokeFuncs': [],
        'features': [],
        'mainReadsParams': 1,

    assert 'tableSize' in metadata_json.keys()
    for key, value in metadata_json.items():
        # json.loads returns `unicode` for strings but other code in this file
        # generally works with utf8 encoded `str` objects, and they don't alwasy
        # mix well.  e.g. s.replace(x, y) will blow up is `s` a uts8 str containing
        # non-ascii and either x or y are unicode objects.
        # TODO(sbc): Remove this encoding if we switch to unicode elsewhere
        # (specifically the glue returned from compile_settings)
        if type(value) == list:
            value = [asstr(v) for v in value]
        if key not in metadata:
                'unexpected metadata key received from wasm-emscripten-finalize: %s',
        metadata[key] = value

    if not shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
        # In regular runtime initializers call the global var version of the export, so they get the mangled name.
        # In MINIMAL_RUNTIME, the initializers are called directly off the export object for minimal code size.
        metadata['initializers'] = [
            asmjs_mangle(i) for i in metadata['initializers']

    if DEBUG:
        logger.debug("Metadata parsed: " + pprint.pformat(metadata))

    # Calculate the subset of exports that were explicitly marked with llvm.used.
    # These are any exports that were not requested on the command line and are
    # not known auto-generated system functions.
    unexpected_exports = [
        e for e in metadata['exports'] if treat_as_user_function(e)
    unexpected_exports = [asmjs_mangle(e) for e in unexpected_exports]
    unexpected_exports = [
        e for e in unexpected_exports
        if e not in shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS
    building.user_requested_exports += unexpected_exports

    # With the wasm backend the set of implemented functions is identical to the set of exports
    # Set this key here simply so that the shared code that handle it.
    metadata['implementedFunctions'] = [
        asmjs_mangle(x) for x in metadata['exports']

    return metadata
Exemplo n.º 19
def emscript(infile, outfile, memfile, temp_files, DEBUG):
    # Overview:
    #   * Run wasm-emscripten-finalize to extract metadata and modify the binary
    #     to use emscripten's wasm<->JS ABI
    #   * Use the metadata to generate the JS glue that goes with the wasm

    metadata = finalize_wasm(temp_files, infile, outfile, memfile, DEBUG)

    update_settings_glue(metadata, DEBUG)

    if shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE:

    if DEBUG:
        logger.debug('emscript: js compiler glue')

    if DEBUG:
        t = time.time()
    glue, forwarded_data = compile_settings(temp_files)
    if DEBUG:
        logger.debug('  emscript: glue took %s seconds' % (time.time() - t))
        t = time.time()

    forwarded_json = json.loads(forwarded_data)
    # For the wasm backend the implementedFunctions from compiler.js should
    # always be empty. This only gets populated for __asm function when using
    # the JS backend.
    assert not forwarded_json['Functions']['implementedFunctions']

    pre, post = glue.split('// EMSCRIPTEN_END_FUNCS')

    # memory and global initializers

    global_initializers = ', '.join('{ func: function() { %s() } }' % i
                                    for i in metadata['initializers'])

    staticbump = shared.Settings.STATIC_BUMP

    if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
        # In minimal runtime, global initializers are run after the Wasm Module instantiation has finished.
        global_initializers = ''
        # In regular runtime, global initializers are recorded in an __ATINIT__ array.
        global_initializers = '''/* global initializers */ %s __ATINIT__.push(%s);
''' % ('if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD)' if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS else '',

    pre = pre.replace(
''' % (staticbump, global_initializers))

    pre = apply_memory(pre)
    pre = apply_static_code_hooks(
        pre)  # In regular runtime, atinits etc. exist in the preamble part
    post = apply_static_code_hooks(
        post)  # In MINIMAL_RUNTIME, atinit exists in the postamble part

    if shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE and not shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE:
        pre += 'var gb = GLOBAL_BASE, fb = 0;\n'

    # merge forwarded data
    shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS = forwarded_json['EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS']

    exports = metadata['exports']

    # Store exports for Closure compiler to be able to track these as globals in
    shared.Settings.MODULE_EXPORTS = [(asmjs_mangle(f), f) for f in exports]

    if shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY:
        exports += [
            'asyncify_start_unwind', 'asyncify_stop_unwind',
            'asyncify_start_rewind', 'asyncify_stop_rewind'

    report_missing_symbols(set([asmjs_mangle(f) for f in exports]), pre)

    asm_consts = create_asm_consts_wasm(forwarded_json, metadata)
    em_js_funcs = create_em_js(forwarded_json, metadata)
    asm_const_pairs = ['%s: %s' % (key, value) for key, value in asm_consts]
    asm_const_map = 'var ASM_CONSTS = {\n  ' + ',  \n '.join(
        asm_const_pairs) + '\n};\n'
    pre = pre.replace('// === Body ===',
                      ('// === Body ===\n\n' + asm_const_map +
                       '\n'.join(em_js_funcs) + '\n'))
    pre = apply_table(pre)
    pre = None

    invoke_funcs = metadata['invokeFuncs']
        del forwarded_json['Variables']['globals'][
            '_llvm_global_ctors']  # not a true variable
    except KeyError:

    sending = create_sending_wasm(invoke_funcs, forwarded_json, metadata)
    receiving = create_receiving_wasm(exports, metadata['initializers'])

    if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
        post = compute_minimal_runtime_initializer_and_exports(
            post, metadata['initializers'], exports, receiving)
        receiving = ''

    module = create_module_wasm(sending, receiving, invoke_funcs, metadata)

    write_output_file(outfile, post, module)
    module = None

Exemplo n.º 20
def emscript(in_wasm, out_wasm, outfile_js, memfile, temp_files, DEBUG):
    # Overview:
    #   * Run wasm-emscripten-finalize to extract metadata and modify the binary
    #     to use emscripten's wasm<->JS ABI
    #   * Use the metadata to generate the JS glue that goes with the wasm

    if shared.Settings.SINGLE_FILE:
        # placeholder strings for JS glue, to be replaced with subresource locations in do_binaryen
        shared.Settings.WASM_BINARY_FILE = '<<< WASM_BINARY_FILE >>>'
        # set file locations, so that JS glue can find what it needs
        shared.Settings.WASM_BINARY_FILE = shared.JS.escape_for_js_string(

    metadata = finalize_wasm(in_wasm, out_wasm, memfile, DEBUG)

    update_settings_glue(metadata, DEBUG)

    if shared.Settings.SIDE_MODULE:
        logger.debug('emscript: skipping remaining js glue generation')

    if DEBUG:
        logger.debug('emscript: js compiler glue')
        t = time.time()

    glue, forwarded_data = compile_settings(temp_files)
    if DEBUG:
        logger.debug('  emscript: glue took %s seconds' % (time.time() - t))
        t = time.time()

    forwarded_json = json.loads(forwarded_data)
    # For the wasm backend the implementedFunctions from compiler.js should
    # always be empty. This only gets populated for __asm function when using
    # the JS backend.
    assert not forwarded_json['Functions']['implementedFunctions']

    pre, post = glue.split('// EMSCRIPTEN_END_FUNCS')

    exports = metadata['exports']

    if shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY:
        exports += [
            'asyncify_start_unwind', 'asyncify_stop_unwind',
            'asyncify_start_rewind', 'asyncify_stop_rewind'

    all_exports = exports + list(metadata['namedGlobals'].keys())
    all_exports = set([asmjs_mangle(e) for e in all_exports])
    report_missing_symbols(all_exports, pre)

    if not outfile_js:
        logger.debug('emscript: skipping remaining js glue generation')

    # memory and global initializers

    if shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE:
        static_bump = align_memory(
        memory = Memory(static_bump)
        logger.debug('stack_base: %d, stack_max: %d, dynamic_base: %d',
                     memory.stack_base, memory.stack_max, memory.dynamic_base)

        pre = apply_memory(pre, memory)
        post = apply_memory(post, memory)

    pre = apply_static_code_hooks(
        pre)  # In regular runtime, atinits etc. exist in the preamble part
    post = apply_static_code_hooks(
        post)  # In MINIMAL_RUNTIME, atinit exists in the postamble part

    # merge forwarded data
    shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS = forwarded_json['EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS']

    asm_consts = create_asm_consts(metadata)
    em_js_funcs = create_em_js(forwarded_json, metadata)
    asm_const_pairs = ['%s: %s' % (key, value) for key, value in asm_consts]
    asm_const_map = 'var ASM_CONSTS = {\n  ' + ',  \n '.join(
        asm_const_pairs) + '\n};\n'
    pre = pre.replace('// === Body ===',
                      ('// === Body ===\n\n' + asm_const_map +
                       '\n'.join(em_js_funcs) + '\n'))

    with open(outfile_js, 'w') as out:
        pre = None

        invoke_funcs = metadata['invokeFuncs']
        sending = create_sending(invoke_funcs, metadata)
        receiving = create_receiving(exports)

        if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
            post = compute_minimal_runtime_initializer_and_exports(
                post, exports, receiving)
            receiving = ''

        module = create_module(sending, receiving, invoke_funcs, metadata)

        write_output_file(out, post, module)
        module = None
Exemplo n.º 21
def emscript(infile, outfile_js, memfile, temp_files, DEBUG):
    # Overview:
    #   * Run wasm-emscripten-finalize to extract metadata and modify the binary
    #     to use emscripten's wasm<->JS ABI
    #   * Use the metadata to generate the JS glue that goes with the wasm

    metadata = finalize_wasm(infile, memfile, DEBUG)

    update_settings_glue(metadata, DEBUG)

    if not outfile_js:
        logger.debug('emscript: skipping js compiler glue')

    if DEBUG:
        logger.debug('emscript: js compiler glue')

    if DEBUG:
        t = time.time()
    glue, forwarded_data = compile_settings(temp_files)
    if DEBUG:
        logger.debug('  emscript: glue took %s seconds' % (time.time() - t))
        t = time.time()

    forwarded_json = json.loads(forwarded_data)
    # For the wasm backend the implementedFunctions from compiler.js should
    # always be empty. This only gets populated for __asm function when using
    # the JS backend.
    assert not forwarded_json['Functions']['implementedFunctions']

    pre, post = glue.split('// EMSCRIPTEN_END_FUNCS')

    # memory and global initializers

    # In minimal runtime, global initializers are run after the Wasm Module instantiation has finished.
    if not shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
        global_initializers = ', '.join('{ func: function() { %s() } }' % i
                                        for i in metadata['initializers'])
        # In regular runtime, global initializers are recorded in an __ATINIT__ array.
        global_initializers = '__ATINIT__.push(%s);' % global_initializers
        if shared.Settings.USE_PTHREADS:
            global_initializers = 'if (!ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD) ' + global_initializers

        pre += '\n' + global_initializers + '\n'

    if shared.Settings.RELOCATABLE:
        static_bump = align_memory(webassembly.parse_dylink_section(infile)[0])
        memory = Memory(static_bump)
        logger.debug('stack_base: %d, stack_max: %d, dynamic_base: %d',
                     memory.stack_base, memory.stack_max, memory.dynamic_base)

        pre = apply_memory(pre, memory)
        post = apply_memory(post, memory)

    pre = apply_static_code_hooks(
        pre)  # In regular runtime, atinits etc. exist in the preamble part
    post = apply_static_code_hooks(
        post)  # In MINIMAL_RUNTIME, atinit exists in the postamble part

    # merge forwarded data
    shared.Settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS = forwarded_json['EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS']

    exports = metadata['exports']

    # Store exports for Closure compiler to be able to track these as globals in
    shared.Settings.MODULE_EXPORTS = [(asmjs_mangle(f), f) for f in exports]

    if shared.Settings.ASYNCIFY:
        exports += [
            'asyncify_start_unwind', 'asyncify_stop_unwind',
            'asyncify_start_rewind', 'asyncify_stop_rewind'

    all_exports = exports + list(metadata['namedGlobals'].keys())
    all_exports = set([asmjs_mangle(e) for e in all_exports])
    report_missing_symbols(all_exports, pre)

    asm_consts = create_asm_consts(metadata)
    em_js_funcs = create_em_js(forwarded_json, metadata)
    asm_const_pairs = ['%s: %s' % (key, value) for key, value in asm_consts]
    asm_const_map = 'var ASM_CONSTS = {\n  ' + ',  \n '.join(
        asm_const_pairs) + '\n};\n'
    pre = pre.replace('// === Body ===',
                      ('// === Body ===\n\n' + asm_const_map +
                       '\n'.join(em_js_funcs) + '\n'))

    with open(outfile_js, 'w') as out:
        pre = None

        invoke_funcs = metadata['invokeFuncs']
        sending = create_sending(invoke_funcs, metadata)
        receiving = create_receiving(exports, metadata['initializers'])

        if shared.Settings.MINIMAL_RUNTIME:
            post = compute_minimal_runtime_initializer_and_exports(
                post, metadata['initializers'], exports, receiving)
            receiving = ''

        module = create_module(sending, receiving, invoke_funcs, metadata)

        write_output_file(out, post, module)
        module = None
Exemplo n.º 22
def finalize_wasm(infile, outfile, memfile):
    building.save_intermediate(infile, 'base.wasm')
    args = []

    # if we don't need to modify the wasm, don't tell finalize to emit a wasm file
    modify_wasm = False

    if settings.WASM2JS:
        # wasm2js requires full legalization (and will do extra wasm binary
        # later processing later anyhow)
        modify_wasm = True
    if settings.USE_PTHREADS and settings.RELOCATABLE:
        # HACK: When settings.USE_PTHREADS and settings.RELOCATABLE are set finalize needs to scan
        # more than just the start function for memory.init instructions.  This means it can't run
        # with setSkipFunctionBodies() enabled.  Currently the only way to force this is to set an
        # output file.
        # TODO(sbc): Find a better way to do this.
        modify_wasm = True
    if settings.GENERATE_SOURCE_MAP:
        building.emit_wasm_source_map(infile, infile + '.map', outfile)
        building.save_intermediate(infile + '.map', 'base_wasm.map')
        args += [
            '--output-source-map-url=' + settings.SOURCE_MAP_BASE +
            os.path.basename(outfile) + '.map'
        modify_wasm = True
    if settings.DEBUG_LEVEL >= 2 or settings.ASYNCIFY_ADD or settings.ASYNCIFY_ADVISE or settings.ASYNCIFY_ONLY or settings.ASYNCIFY_REMOVE or settings.EMIT_SYMBOL_MAP or settings.EMIT_NAME_SECTION:
    if settings.WASM_BIGINT:
    if settings.DYNCALLS:
        # we need to add all dyncalls to the wasm
        modify_wasm = True
        if settings.WASM_BIGINT:
            # we need to add some dyncalls to the wasm
            modify_wasm = True
    if settings.LEGALIZE_JS_FFI:
        # When we dynamically link our JS loader adds functions from wasm modules to
        # the table. It must add the original versions of them, not legalized ones,
        # so that indirect calls have the right type, so export those.
        if settings.RELOCATABLE:
        modify_wasm = True
    if memfile:
        modify_wasm = True
    if settings.SIDE_MODULE:
    if settings.STACK_OVERFLOW_CHECK >= 2:
        modify_wasm = True
    if settings.STANDALONE_WASM:

    if settings.DEBUG_LEVEL >= 3:

    # Currently we have two different ways to extract the metadata from the
    # wasm binary:
    # 1. via wasm-emscripten-finalize (binaryen)
    # 2. via local python code
    # We also have a 'compare' mode that runs both extraction methods and
    # checks that they produce identical results.
    read_metadata = os.environ.get('EMCC_READ_METADATA', 'python')
    if read_metadata == 'binaryen':
        metadata = get_metadata_binaryen(infile, outfile, modify_wasm, args)
    elif read_metadata == 'python':
        metadata = get_metadata_python(infile, outfile, modify_wasm, args)
    elif read_metadata == 'compare':
        shutil.copy2(infile, infile + '.bak')
        if settings.GENERATE_SOURCE_MAP:
            shutil.copy2(infile + '.map', infile + '.map.bak')
        pymetadata = get_metadata_python(infile, outfile, modify_wasm, args)
        shutil.move(infile + '.bak', infile)
        if settings.GENERATE_SOURCE_MAP:
            shutil.move(infile + '.map.bak', infile + '.map')
        metadata = get_metadata_binaryen(infile, outfile, modify_wasm, args)
        compare_metadata(metadata, pymetadata)
        assert False

    if modify_wasm:
        building.save_intermediate(infile, 'post_finalize.wasm')
    elif infile != outfile:
        shutil.copy(infile, outfile)
    if settings.GENERATE_SOURCE_MAP:
        building.save_intermediate(infile + '.map', 'post_finalize.map')

    if memfile:
        # we have a separate .mem file. binaryen did not strip any trailing zeros,
        # because it's an ABI question as to whether it is valid to do so or not.
        # we can do so here, since we make sure to zero out that memory (even in
        # the dynamic linking case, our loader zeros it out)

    expected_exports = set(settings.EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS)
    expected_exports.update(asmjs_mangle(s) for s in settings.REQUIRED_EXPORTS)

    # Calculate the subset of exports that were explicitly marked with llvm.used.
    # These are any exports that were not requested on the command line and are
    # not known auto-generated system functions.
    unexpected_exports = [
        e for e in metadata['exports'] if treat_as_user_function(e)
    unexpected_exports = [asmjs_mangle(e) for e in unexpected_exports]
    unexpected_exports = [
        e for e in unexpected_exports if e not in expected_exports

    return metadata