Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_circle(self):
     centre = 4.6
     shape = 19
     spacing = 1.3
     bins = tools.calc_bins(centre, shape, spacing, edge="left") + 0.1 * spacing
     inds = tools.calc_inds(bins, centre, shape, spacing)
     self.assertTrue(sp.allclose(inds, sp.arange(int(shape))))
     spacing = -0.35
     bins = tools.calc_bins(centre, shape, spacing, edge="left") + 0.1 * spacing
     inds = tools.calc_inds(bins, centre, shape, spacing)
     self.assertTrue(sp.allclose(inds, sp.arange(int(shape))))
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_circle(self):
     centre = 4.6
     shape = 19
     spacing = 1.3
     bins = tools.calc_bins(centre, shape, spacing,
                            edge='left') + 0.1 * spacing
     inds = tools.calc_inds(bins, centre, shape, spacing)
     self.assertTrue(sp.allclose(inds, sp.arange(int(shape))))
     spacing = -0.35
     bins = tools.calc_bins(centre, shape, spacing,
                            edge='left') + 0.1 * spacing
     inds = tools.calc_inds(bins, centre, shape, spacing)
     self.assertTrue(sp.allclose(inds, sp.arange(int(shape))))
Exemplo n.º 3
 def setUp(self) : 
     self.shape = (5, 5, 20) 
     self.ntime = 15
     self.map = ma.zeros(self.shape, dtype=float)
     self.noise_inv = sp.zeros(self.shape, dtype=float)
     self.data = ma.ones((self.ntime, self.shape[-1]))
     self.centre = (90.0,0.0,100.0)
     self.spacing = 1.0
     self.ra = 0.2*(sp.arange(self.ntime)-self.ntime/2.0) + self.centre[0]
     self.dec = 0.2*(sp.arange(self.ntime)-self.ntime/2.0) + self.centre[1]
     self.ra_inds = tools.calc_inds(self.ra, self.centre[0], self.shape[0],
     self.dec_inds = tools.calc_inds(self.dec, self.centre[1],
                                     self.shape[1], self.spacing)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_calc_inds(self):
        pointing = [4.001, 3.999, -0.999, 8.999]
        centre = 4.0
        shape = 10
        inds = tools.calc_inds(pointing, centre, shape)
        self.assertEqual(inds[0], 5)
        self.assertEqual(inds[1], 5)
        self.assertEqual(inds[2], 0)
        self.assertEqual(inds[3], 10)

        shape = 5
        spacing = 2.0
        inds = tools.calc_inds(pointing, centre, shape, spacing)
        self.assertEqual(inds[0], 2)
        self.assertEqual(inds[1], 2)
        self.assertEqual(inds[2], 0)
        self.assertEqual(inds[3], 4)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_calc_inds(self):
        pointing = [4.001, 3.999, -0.999, 8.999]
        centre = 4.
        shape = 10
        inds = tools.calc_inds(pointing, centre, shape)
        self.assertEqual(inds[0], 5)
        self.assertEqual(inds[1], 5)
        self.assertEqual(inds[2], 0)
        self.assertEqual(inds[3], 10)

        shape = 5
        spacing = 2.0
        inds = tools.calc_inds(pointing, centre, shape, spacing)
        self.assertEqual(inds[0], 2)
        self.assertEqual(inds[1], 2)
        self.assertEqual(inds[2], 0)
        self.assertEqual(inds[3], 4)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_calc_inds_neg(self):
     """Needs to work for negitive spacing."""
     pointing = [2.001, 1.999, 0.001, 3.49]
     centre = 2.0
     shape = 4
     spacing = -1
     inds = tools.calc_inds(pointing, centre, shape, spacing)
     self.assertEqual(inds[0], 2)
     self.assertEqual(inds[1], 2)
     self.assertEqual(inds[2], 4)
     self.assertEqual(inds[3], 1)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_calc_inds_neg(self):
     """Needs to work for negitive spacing."""
     pointing = [2.001, 1.999, 0.001, 3.49]
     centre = 2.
     shape = 4
     spacing = -1
     inds = tools.calc_inds(pointing, centre, shape, spacing)
     self.assertEqual(inds[0], 2)
     self.assertEqual(inds[1], 2)
     self.assertEqual(inds[2], 4)
     self.assertEqual(inds[3], 1)
Exemplo n.º 8
def build_hitmap(file_middles, input_end, output_root, scans, IFs,
                 field_centre, map_shape, pixel_spacing):
    # Rename some commonly used parameters.
    ra_spacing = -spacing / sp.cos(field_centre[1] * sp.pi / 180.)
    if len(IFs) != 1:
        raise ce.FileParameterTypeError('Can only process a single IF.')

    all_file_names = []

    # Flag for the first block processed (will allowcate memory on the
    # first iteration).
    first_block = True
    # Loop over the files to process.
        for file_middle in file_middles:
            input_fname = (input_root + file_middle + input_end)
            # Read in the data, and loop over data blocks.
            Reader = fitsGBT.Reader(input_fname, feedback=feedback)
            Blocks = Reader.read(scans, IFs)

            # Calculate the time varience at each frequency.  This will
            # be used as weights in most algorithms.
            for Data in Blocks:
                dims = Data.dims
                # On first pass set up the map parameters.
                if first_block:
                    shape = map_shape + (dims[-1], )
                    centre_freq = Data.freq[dims[-1] // 2]
                    delta_freq = Data.field['CDELT1']
                    # Allocate memory for the map.
                    map_data = sp.zeros(shape, dtype=float)
                    map_data = algebra.make_vect(map_data,
                                                 axis_names=('ra', 'dec',
                    first_block = False
                # Figure out the pointing pixel index and the frequency
                # indicies.
                ra_inds = tools.calc_inds(Data.ra, field_centre[0], shape[0],
                dec_inds = tools.calc_inds(Data.dec, field_centre[1], shape[1],
                data = Data.data[:, pol_ind, 0, :]
                pixel_hits[:] = 0
                pixel_list = pixel_counts(data,
                # End Blocks for loop.

            # Free up all that memory and flush memory maps to file.
            del map_data

            # Save the file names for the history.
    except ce.NextIteration:
        # End polarization for loop.
    history.add("Made dirty map.", all_file_names)
    h_file_name = (output_root + 'history.hist')
Exemplo n.º 9
    def execute(self, nprocesses=1):
        """Function that acctually does the work.

        The nprocesses parameter does not do anything yet.  It is just there
        for compatibility with the pipeline manager.
        params = self.params
        parse_ini.write_params(params, params["output_root"] + "params.ini", prefix="mm_")
        # Rename some commonly used parameters.
        map_shape = params["map_shape"]
        spacing = params["pixel_spacing"]
        algorithm = params["noise_model"]
        noise_root = params["noise_parameters_input_root"]
        ra_spacing = -spacing / sp.cos(params["field_centre"][1] * sp.pi / 180.0)
        if not algorithm in ("grid", "diag_file", "disjoint_scans"):
            raise ValueError("Invalid noise model: " + algorithm)
        if len(params["IFs"]) != 1:
            raise ce.FileParameterTypeError("Can only process a single IF.")

        # Set up to iterate over the pol states.
        npol = 2  # This will be reset when we read the first data block.
        pol_ind = 0

        all_file_names = []

        while pol_ind < npol:
            # Flag for the first block processed (will allowcate memory on the
            # first iteration).
            first_block = True
            # Loop over the files to process.
                for file_middle in params["file_middles"]:
                    input_fname = params["input_root"] + file_middle + params["input_end"]
                    # Read in the data, and loop over data blocks.
                    Reader = fitsGBT.Reader(input_fname, feedback=self.feedback)
                    Blocks = Reader.read(params["scans"], params["IFs"])

                    # Calculate the time varience at each frequency.  This will
                    # be used as weights in most algorithms.
                    if not algorithm == "grid":
                        if not noise_root == "None":
                            # We have measured variance.
                            noise_pars = sp.load(noise_root + file_middle + ".npy")
                            var = noise_pars[params["IFs"][0], pol_ind, 0, :]
                            # We need to measure the variance.
                            var = tools.calc_time_var_file(Blocks, pol_ind, 0)
                            # Convert from masked array to array.
                            var = var.filled(9999.0)
                        var = 1.0
                    weight = 1 / var

                    for Data in Blocks:
                        dims = Data.dims
                        # On first pass set up the map parameters.
                        if first_block:
                            shape = map_shape + (dims[-1],)
                            centre_freq = Data.freq[dims[-1] // 2]
                            delta_freq = Data.field["CDELT1"]
                            if pol_ind == 0:
                                # Figure out the length of the polarization
                                # loop.
                                npol = dims[1]
                                # Accumulate the data history.
                                history = hist.History(Data.history)
                            # Get the current polarization integer.
                            this_pol = Data.field["CRVAL4"][pol_ind]
                            # Check that we even want to make a dirty map for
                            # this polarization.
                            if (not utils.polint2str(this_pol) in params["polarizations"]) and params["polarizations"]:
                                # Break to the end of the polarization loop.
                                raise ce.NextIteration()
                            # Allowcate memory for the map.
                            map_data = sp.zeros(shape, dtype=float)
                            map_data = algebra.make_vect(map_data, axis_names=("ra", "dec", "freq"))
                            # Allowcate memory for the inverse map noise.
                            if algorithm in ("grid", "diag_file"):
                                noise_inv = sp.zeros(shape, dtype=float)
                                noise_inv = algebra.make_mat(
                                    noise_inv, axis_names=("ra", "dec", "freq"), row_axes=(0, 1, 2), col_axes=(0, 1, 2)
                            elif algorithm in ("disjoint_scans", "ds_grad"):
                                # At each frequency use full N^2 noise matrix,
                                # but assume each frequency has uncorrelated
                                # noise. This is a big matrix so make sure it
                                # is reasonable.
                                size = shape[0] ^ 2 * shape[1] ^ 2 * shape[2]
                                if size > 4e9:  # 16 GB
                                    raise RunTimeError("Map size too big. " "Asked for a lot " "of memory.")
                                noise_inv = sp.zeros(shape[0:2] + shape, dtype=sp.float32)
                                noise_inv = algebra.make_mat(
                                    axis_names=("ra", "dec", "ra", "dec", "freq"),
                                    row_axes=(0, 1, 4),
                                    col_axes=(2, 3, 4),
                                # Allowcate memory for temporary data. Hold the
                                # number of times each pixel in this scan is
                                # hit. Factor of 2 longer in time in case some
                                # scans are longer than first block (guppi).
                                pixel_hits = sp.empty((2 * dims[0], dims[-1]))
                            first_block = False
                            if pol_ind == 0:
                        # Figure out the pointing pixel index and the frequency
                        # indicies.
                        ra_inds = tools.calc_inds(Data.ra, params["field_centre"][0], shape[0], ra_spacing)
                        dec_inds = tools.calc_inds(
                            Data.dec, params["field_centre"][1], shape[1], params["pixel_spacing"]
                        data = Data.data[:, pol_ind, 0, :]
                        if algorithm in ("grid", "diag_file"):
                            add_data_2_map(data, ra_inds, dec_inds, map_data, noise_inv, weight)
                        elif algorithm in ("disjoint_scans",):
                            add_data_2_map(data - ma.mean(data, 0), ra_inds, dec_inds, map_data, None, weight)
                            pixel_hits[:] = 0
                            pixel_list = pixel_counts(data, ra_inds, dec_inds, pixel_hits, map_shape=shape[0:2])
                            add_scan_noise(pixel_list, pixel_hits, var, noise_inv)
                        # End Blocks for loop.
                    # End file name for loop.
                # Now write the dirty maps out for this polarization.
                # Use memmaps for this since we want to reorganize data
                # and write at the same time.
                # New maps will have the frequency axis as slowly varying, for
                # future efficiency.
                map_file_name = params["output_root"] + "dirty_map_" + utils.polint2str(this_pol) + ".npy"
                mfile = algebra.open_memmap(map_file_name, mode="w+", shape=(shape[2],) + shape[:2])
                map_mem = algebra.make_vect(mfile, axis_names=("freq", "ra", "dec"))
                # And the noise matrix.
                noise_file_name = params["output_root"] + "noise_inv_" + utils.polint2str(this_pol) + ".npy"
                if algorithm in ("disjoint_scans", "ds_grad"):
                    mfile = algebra.open_memmap(noise_file_name, mode="w+", shape=(shape[2],) + shape[:2] * 2)
                    noise_mem = algebra.make_mat(
                        mfile, axis_names=("freq", "ra", "dec", "ra", "dec"), row_axes=(0, 1, 2), col_axes=(0, 3, 4)
                    mfile = algebra.open_memmap(noise_file_name, mode="w+", shape=(shape[2],) + shape[:2])
                    noise_mem = algebra.make_mat(
                        mfile, axis_names=("freq", "ra", "dec"), row_axes=(0, 1, 2), col_axes=(0, 1, 2)
                # Give the data arrays axis information.
                map_mem.set_axis_info("freq", centre_freq, delta_freq)
                map_mem.set_axis_info("ra", params["field_centre"][0], ra_spacing)
                map_mem.set_axis_info("dec", params["field_centre"][1], params["pixel_spacing"])
                noise_mem.set_axis_info("freq", centre_freq, delta_freq)
                noise_mem.set_axis_info("ra", params["field_centre"][0], ra_spacing)
                noise_mem.set_axis_info("dec", params["field_centre"][1], params["pixel_spacing"])
                # Copy the data to the memory maps after rearranging.
                # The roll_axis should return a view, so this should
                # be memory efficient.
                map_mem[...] = sp.rollaxis(map_data, -1)
                noise_mem[...] = sp.rollaxis(noise_inv, -1)

                # Free up all that memory and flush memory maps to file.
                del mfile, map_mem, noise_mem, map_data, noise_inv

                # Save the file names for the history.
            except ce.NextIteration:
            pol_ind += 1
            # End polarization for loop.
        history.add("Made dirty map.", all_file_names)
        h_file_name = params["output_root"] + "history.hist"
Exemplo n.º 10
def build_hitmap(file_middles, input_end, output_root, scans, IFs,
                 field_centre, map_shape, pixel_spacing):
    # Rename some commonly used parameters.
    ra_spacing = -spacing/sp.cos(field_centre[1]*sp.pi/180.)
    if len(IFs) != 1:
        raise ce.FileParameterTypeError('Can only process a single IF.')

    all_file_names = []

    # Flag for the first block processed (will allowcate memory on the
    # first iteration).
    first_block = True
    # Loop over the files to process.
        for file_middle in file_middles:
            input_fname = (input_root + file_middle +
            # Read in the data, and loop over data blocks.
            Reader = fitsGBT.Reader(input_fname, feedback=feedback)
            Blocks = Reader.read(scans, IFs)

            # Calculate the time varience at each frequency.  This will
            # be used as weights in most algorithms.
            for Data in Blocks:
                dims = Data.dims
                # On first pass set up the map parameters.
                if first_block:
                    shape = map_shape + (dims[-1],)
                    centre_freq = Data.freq[dims[-1]//2]
                    delta_freq = Data.field['CDELT1']
                    # Allocate memory for the map.
                    map_data = sp.zeros(shape, dtype=float)
                    map_data = algebra.make_vect(map_data,
                                    axis_names=('ra', 'dec', 'freq'))
                # Figure out the pointing pixel index and the frequency
                # indicies.
                ra_inds = tools.calc_inds(Data.ra,
                            field_centre[0], shape[0],
                dec_inds = tools.calc_inds(Data.dec,
                                        shape[1], pixel_spacing)
                data = Data.data[:,pol_ind,0,:]
                pixel_hits[:] = 0
                pixel_list = pixel_counts(data, ra_inds, dec_inds,
                                            pixel_hits, map_shape=shape[0:2])
                # End Blocks for loop.

            # Free up all that memory and flush memory maps to file.
            del map_data

            # Save the file names for the history.
    except ce.NextIteration:
        # End polarization for loop.
    history.add("Made dirty map.", all_file_names)
    h_file_name = (output_root + 'history.hist')