def get_img_props(self, detection_proposals, annotations): img_name = detection_proposals[0] det_bb_pairs = detection_proposals[1] proposal_list = [] # Iterate through each pair in the detected objects for pair in det_bb_pairs: object_name = pair.obj.object_name.replace(' ','_') gt_hois = annotations.hoi_list confirmed_hoi_classes = [] #Iterate through the the list of groundtruths for gt in gt_hois: if gt.obj == object_name: # Iterate through the connection list in the ground truth annotation for connection in gt.connections: o_idx = connection[1]-1 h_idx = connection[0]-1 iou_h = tools.compute_iou(pair.human.bbox, gt.human_boxes[h_idx]) iou_o = tools.compute_iou(pair.obj.bbox, gt.object_boxes[o_idx]) min_iou = min(iou_o, iou_h) if min_iou >= 0.5: #print('Confirmed ' + str(gt.hoi_id.astype(np.int32))) confirmed_hoi_classes.append(gt.hoi_id.astype(np.int32)) # If no groundthruth for the pair is found, the pair must be a no interaction class: if confirmed_hoi_classes: # Append the human & object bboxes and the list of confirmed hoi_classes proposal_list.append([pair.human.bbox, pair.obj.bbox, confirmed_hoi_classes]) return proposal_list
def mark_true_false_positives(pred_boxes, gt_boxes, threshold_iou): nimages = len(pred_boxes) for i in range(nimages): gt_used = [] pred_boxes[i].sort(key=operator.attrgetter('confidence'), reverse=True) for idx_pred in range(len(pred_boxes[i])): pred_boxes[i][idx_pred].set_tp(False) iou_vec = np.zeros(len(gt_boxes[i])) class_ids = np.zeros(len(gt_boxes[i]), dtype=np.int32) for idx_lab in range(len(gt_boxes[i])): iou_vec[idx_lab] = tools.compute_iou(pred_boxes[i][idx_pred].get_coords(), gt_boxes[i][idx_lab].get_coords()) class_ids[idx_lab] = gt_boxes[i][idx_lab].classid ord_idx = np.argsort(-1 * iou_vec) iou_vec = iou_vec[ord_idx] class_ids = class_ids[ord_idx] for j in range(len(iou_vec)): if iou_vec[j] >= threshold_iou: if pred_boxes[i][idx_pred].classid == class_ids[j]: if ord_idx[j] not in gt_used: pred_boxes[i][idx_pred].set_tp(True) gt_used.append(ord_idx[j]) break else: break return pred_boxes
def assign_gt_to_anchors(classes, bboxes, path_to_data): """ Assigns ground truths to anchors, computes and prints the labels for each anchor """ for image_idx in range(0, len(classes)): ious = [] mask = np.zeros([p.NR_ANCHORS_PER_IMAGE]) for obj in bboxes[image_idx]: ious_obj = t.compute_iou(np.transpose(p.ANCHORS), np.transpose(obj)) ious.append(ious_obj) obj_idx_for_anchor = np.argmax(ious, axis=0) anchor_idx_for_obj = np.argmax(ious, axis=1) mask[anchor_idx_for_obj] = 1 im_coords = bboxes[image_idx] coords = [im_coords[i] for i in obj_idx_for_anchor[:]] deltas = compute_deltas(coords) im_label = classes[image_idx] pre_label = np.array([im_label[i] for i in obj_idx_for_anchor[:]]) label = np.zeros((p.NR_ANCHORS_PER_IMAGE, p.NR_CLASSES)) label[np.arange(p.NR_ANCHORS_PER_IMAGE), pre_label] = 1 create_files(image_idx, path_to_data + 'mask/', mask) create_files(image_idx, path_to_data + 'delta/', deltas) create_files(image_idx, path_to_data + 'coord/', coords) create_files(image_idx, path_to_data + 'class/', label)
def non_maximum_suppression(boxes, threshold_nms): # boxes: List with all the predicted bounding boxes in the image. nboxes = len(boxes) boxes.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('confidence')) for i in range(nboxes): for j in range(i + 1, nboxes): if np.abs(boxes[i].classid - boxes[j].classid) < 0.5: if tools.compute_iou(boxes[i].get_coords(), boxes[j].get_coords()) > threshold_nms: assert boxes[i].confidence <= boxes[j].confidence, 'Suppressing boxes in reverse order in NMS' boxes[i].confidence = -np.inf break remaining_boxes = [x for x in boxes if x.confidence != -np.inf] return remaining_boxes
def compute_mAP(predictions, labels, classnames, opts): # predictions (nimages) List with the predicted bounding boxes of each image. # labels (nimages) List with the ground truth boxes of each image. logging.debug('Computing mean average precision...') initime = time.time() nclasses = len(classnames) nimages = len(predictions) predictions_matches = [] for cl in range(nclasses): predictions_matches.append([]) nobj_allclasses = np.zeros(shape=(nclasses), dtype=np.int32) # Compute correspondences between predictions and ground truth for every image. # logging.debug('Computing correspondences...') ini = time.time() for i in range(nimages): # print(str(i) + '/' + str(nimages)) predboxes_img = predictions[i] gtlist_img = labels[i] for cl in range(nclasses): gtlist_img_class = [box for box in gtlist_img if box.classid == cl] predboxes_img_class = [ box for box in predboxes_img if box.classid == cl ] nobj_allclasses[cl] += len(gtlist_img_class) gt_used = [] predboxes_img_class.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('confidence'), reverse=True) for k in range(len(predboxes_img_class)): matches_gt = False iou_list = [] iou_idx = [] # Compute iou with all gt boxes for l in range(len(gtlist_img_class)): if l not in gt_used: iou = tools.compute_iou( predboxes_img_class[k].get_coords(), gtlist_img_class[l].get_coords()) if iou >= opts.threshold_iou: iou_list.append(iou) iou_idx.append(l) if len(iou_list) > 0: iou_array = np.array(iou_list) # Order iou in descending order: ord_idx = np.argsort(-1 * iou_array) iou_idx = np.array(iou_idx)[ord_idx] # Assign ground truth box: for l in range(len(iou_idx)): if iou_idx[l] not in gt_used: gt_used.append(iou_idx[l]) matches_gt = True break if matches_gt: predictions_matches[cl].append( PredictionMatch(predboxes_img_class[k].confidence, True)) else: predictions_matches[cl].append( PredictionMatch(predboxes_img_class[k].confidence, False)) lapse = time.time() - ini # logging.debug('Correspondences ready (done in ' + str(lapse) + ' s).') # Compute precision and recall curves for every class: precision_allclasses = [] precision_rec_allclasses = [] recall_allclasses = [] AP_allclasses = [] for cl in range(nclasses): # Compute the precision-recall curve: thresholds, recall, precision = precision_recall_curve( predictions_matches[cl], nobj_allclasses[cl]) if len(recall) > 0: # Rectify precision: precision_rect = rectify_precision(precision) # Interpolate precision-recall curve: recall_interp, precision_interp = interpolate_pr_curve( precision_rect, recall, opts.mean_ap_opts) # Average precision: AP = 1 / len(recall_interp) * np.sum(precision_interp) # Plot curve: plot_pr_curve(recall, precision_rect, recall_interp, precision_interp, thresholds, classnames[cl], AP, opts.outdir, opts.mean_ap_opts) precision_allclasses.append(precision) precision_rec_allclasses.append(precision_rect) recall_allclasses.append(recall) else: AP = 0 AP_allclasses.append(AP) #'class ' + classnames[cl] + ' - ' + 'AP: ' + str(AP)) # Mean average precision: mAP = 0 for i in range(nclasses): mAP += AP_allclasses[i] mAP = mAP / nclasses'Mean average precision: ' + str(mAP)) fintime = time.time() logging.debug('mAP computed in %.2f s' % (fintime - initime)) return mAP