def setCustomFields(self, key, updates): """Set a list of fields for this issue in Jira The updates parameter is a dictionary of key values where the key is the custom field name and the value is the new value to set. /!\ This only works for fields of type text. """ issue = self.getIssue(key) update = {'fields': {}} for updatename, updatevalue in updates.items(): remotevalue = issue.get('named').get(updatename) if not remotevalue or remotevalue != updatevalue: fieldkey = [ k for k, v in issue.get('names').iteritems() if v == updatename ][0] update['fields'][fieldkey] = updatevalue if not update['fields']: # No fields to update debug('No updates required') return True resp = self.request('issue/%s' % (str(key)), method='PUT', data=json.dumps(update)) if resp['status'] != 204: raise JiraException('Issue was not updated: %s' % (str(resp['status']))) return True
def decommission_test(self): cluster = self.cluster tokens = cluster.balanced_tokens(4) cluster.populate(4, tokens=tokens).start() node1, node2, node3, node4 = cluster.nodelist() session = self.patient_cql_connection(node1) self.create_ks(session, 'ks', 2) self.create_cf(session, 'cf', columns={'c1': 'text', 'c2': 'text'}) insert_c1c2(session, n=30000, consistency=ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM) cluster.flush() sizes = [node.data_size() for node in cluster.nodelist() if node.is_running()] init_size = sizes[0] assert_almost_equal(*sizes) time.sleep(.5) node4.decommission() node4.stop() cluster.cleanup() time.sleep(.5) # Check we can get all the keys for n in xrange(0, 30000): query_c1c2(session, n, ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM) sizes = [node.data_size() for node in cluster.nodelist() if node.is_running()] debug(sizes) assert_almost_equal(sizes[0], sizes[1]) assert_almost_equal((2.0 / 3.0) * sizes[0], sizes[2]) assert_almost_equal(sizes[2], init_size)
def setCustomFields(self, key, updates): """Set a list of fields for this issue in Jira The updates parameter is a dictionary of key values where the key is the custom field name and the value is the new value to set. /!\ This only works for fields of type text. """ issue = self.getIssue(key) update = {'fields': {}} for updatename, updatevalue in updates.items(): remotevalue = issue.get('named').get(updatename) if not remotevalue or remotevalue != updatevalue: fieldkey = [k for k, v in issue.get('names').iteritems() if v == updatename][0] update['fields'][fieldkey] = updatevalue if not update['fields']: # No fields to update debug('No updates required') return True resp = self.request('issue/%s' % (str(key)), method='PUT', data=json.dumps(update)) if resp['status'] != 204: raise JiraException('Issue was not updated: %s' % (str(resp['status']))) return True
def createReceivingReport(): try: devicesToSend = [] strToSend = [] gps_stats = 66 bat = tools.getBatteryPercentage() st_bat = struct.pack(">I", bat) st_gps_stats = struct.pack(">I", gps_stats) whiteLen = struct.pack(">I", len(globalVars.devices_whitelist)) blackLen = struct.pack(">I", len(globalVars.devices_blacklist)) strToSend.append(struct.pack(">I", 173)[3]) # Protocol # strToSend.append(struct.pack(">I", 0)) # Command ID strToSend.append(globalVars.longitude[3]) # Gateway Longitude strToSend.append(globalVars.longitude[2]) # Gateway Longitude strToSend.append(globalVars.longitude[1]) # Gateway Longitude strToSend.append(globalVars.longitude[0]) # Gateway Longitude strToSend.append(globalVars.latitude[3]) # Gateway Latitude strToSend.append(globalVars.latitude[2]) # Gateway Latitude strToSend.append(globalVars.latitude[1]) # Gateway Latitude strToSend.append(globalVars.latitude[0]) # Gateway Latitude strToSend.append(st_gps_stats[3]) # Gateway GPS Status & Report type HARDCODE strToSend.append(st_bat[3]) strToSend.append(whiteLen[2]) strToSend.append(whiteLen[3]) strToSend.append(blackLen[2]) strToSend.append(blackLen[3]) tools.debug("Step 8 - Creating ack report: " + str(strToSend),'v') globalVars.lora_sent_acks.append(Device(addr="ackresp",raw=strToSend)) # tools.manage_devices_send(devicesToSend) except BaseException as e1: checkError("Step 5 - Error creating ack report", e1) return []
def resolveMultiple(self, names = []): """Return multiple instances""" if type(names) != list: if type(names) == str: names = list(names) else: raise Exception('Unexpected variable type') # Nothing has been passed, we use resolve() if len(names) < 1: M = self.resolve() if M: return [ M ] else: return [ ] # Try to resolve each instance result = [] for name in names: M = self.resolve(name = name) if M: result.append(M) else: debug('Could not find instance called %s' % name) return result
def save(self): current_tab = self.tabs[self.tabWidget.currentIndex()] file = open(current_tab._filepath, "w") file.write(current_tab.QSciEditor.text()) file.close() self.refresh_outline() debug(current_tab._filepath + " is saved...")
def BlackListNewDevice(devString): try: print("##### Blacklist new device ") if globalVars.MAC_TYPE == "LORA": listDevices = [devString[i:i+16] for i in range(0, len(devString), 16)] elif globalVars.MAC_TYPE == "BLE": listDevices = [devString[i:i+12] for i in range(0, len(devString), 12)] print("##### Creating registers in blacklist: " + str(listDevices)) f = open('/sd/blacklist.csv', 'r') black_lines = f.readlines() f.close() lstDummy = [] with open('/sd/blacklist.csv', 'w') as out: for dev in listDevices: exists = False for wht in black_lines: if dev in wht.split(',')[0]: exists = True break if exists == False: black_lines.append(str(str(dev).lower() + "," + str(int(utime.time()))+ "\r\n")) for ln in black_lines: out.write(ln) lstDummy.append(ln.split(',')[0].lower()) globalVars.devices_blacklist = lstDummy tools.debug("New blacklist inserted: " + str(globalVars.devices_blacklist),'vv') except Exception as e: print("##### - Error writing new device in blacklist: " + str(e))
def WhiteListDeleteSpecificDevice(devString): try: # print("In deleted specific device method - Step 1") listDevices = [ devString[i:i + 12] for i in range(0, len(devString), 12) ] lstToSave = [] f = open('/sd/whitelist.csv', 'r') sent_lines = f.readlines() f.close() # print("In deleted specific device method - Step 2") with open('/sd/whitelist.csv', 'w') as out: for ln in sent_lines: if ln.split(',')[0] not in listDevices: out.write(ln) lstToSave.append(ln.split(',')[0]) globalVars.devices_whitelist = lstToSave tools.debug( "New whitelist deleted: " + str(globalVars.devices_whitelist), 'vv') except Exception as e: print("##### - Error cleaning whitelist: " + str(e)) return 6, "##### - Error cleaning whitelist: " + str(e)
def send_MQTT_message(device): global client try: tools.debug("MQTT Sending message", "v") mac_pos = [ str(device.addr)[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(str(device.addr)), 2) ] dev_addr = "" for num, a in enumerate(mac_pos): dev_addr = dev_addr + a if num < (len(mac_pos) - 1): dev_addr = dev_addr + ":" msg_to = { "gpsQuality": 10, "lastEventDate": int(utime.time()) * 1000, "latitude": 40.34155561314692, "login": "", "longitude": -3.8205912308152103, "numSerie": str(dev_addr).upper() } client.publish(topic=globalVars.mqtt_topic, msg=ujson.dumps(msg_to), retain=False, qos=1) return 1 except BaseException as e: checkError("Error sending POST - ", e) client.disconnect() check_connectivity(e) return 0
def mqtt_disconnect(): global client try: tools.debug("Disconnecting MQTT", "v") client.disconnect() except BaseException as e: checkError("Error connecting to MQTT", e)
def drop(): result = (None, None, None) try: debug('Dropping database') result = self.cli('/admin/tool/behat/cli/util.php', args='--drop', stdout=None, stderr=None) except: pass return result
def install(): result = (None, None, None) try: debug('Installing Behat tables') result = self.cli('/admin/tool/behat/cli/util.php', args='--install', stdout=None, stderr=None) except: pass return result
def enable(): result = (None, None, None) try: debug('Enabling Behat') result = self.cli('/admin/tool/behat/cli/util.php', args='--enable') except: pass return result
def run_chrome(profile, output, refresh, undupe, clean, import_txt, get_hostname, output_name, list_profile, x_org_gui): tools.debug("profile [", str(profile), "]\noutput [", str(output), "]\nrefresh [", str(refresh), "]\nundupe [", str(undupe), "]\nclean [", str(clean), "]\nimport_txt [", str(import_txt), "]\nget_hostname [", str(get_hostname), "]\noutput_name [", str(output_name), "]\nlist_profiles [" + str(list_profile) + "]") if x_org_gui: import chromeExport chromeExport.main() elif list_profile: if not list_profile.isdigit(): list_profile = preset.all_profiles tools.list_profiles(list_profile) else: if import_txt == preset.none and profile == preset.none: tools.underline() tools.display(preset.message["missing_parameter"]) tools.overline() else: tools.display(preset.new_line + preset.new_line) tools.underline() tools.display(preset.message["starting_export"]) if profile: email, full, name = get_profile(profile) bookmarks = bookMarks.generate_bookmarks(profile) tools.underline() tools.display(preset.message["process_user"] + ": {", full, "} [" + email + "]") tools.overline() bookmarks_data = bookMarks.generate_data(bookmarks) else: bookmarks_data = [] if import_txt: bookmarks_data = append_data_table( bookmarks_data, import_text_file(import_txt)) if not output_name: if output == "xlsx": output_name = preset.xlsx_filename else: output_name = preset.html_filename refresh = normalize(refresh) undupe = normalize(undupe) clean = normalize(clean) get_hostname = normalize(get_hostname) if output == "xlsx": generate_work_book(output_name, bookmarks_data, refresh, undupe, clean, get_hostname) else: generate_web_page(output_name, bookmarks_data, refresh, undupe, clean, get_hostname)
def get_outline(self, file, kinds): opts = ['-x', 'c-header', '-std=c++11', '-D__CODE_GENERATOR__'] tu = self.index.parse(file, opts) if not tu: debug("Unable to analyse file") return None root = QStandardItemModel() self.append(root, tu.cursor, kinds) return root
def export_products(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): if context is None: context = {} shop_ids = self.pool.get('').search(cr, uid, []) for referential_id in ids: for shop in self.pool.get('').browse(cr, uid, shop_ids, context): context['conn_obj'] = self.external_connection(cr, uid, referential_id, context=context) #shop.export_catalog tools.debug((cr, uid, shop, context,)) shop.export_products(cr, uid, shop, context) return True
def setSubProject(index,single): if(single):pid=''#exec.background("sh %s/%s/"%(PROJHOME,index)); else: pid=shell_exec("cd %s/%s;qsub lammps.pbs;"%(PROJHOME,index)); from tools import debug debug("pbsid=%s"%pid) debug(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) print "submit: %s\t%s/%s"%(pid,PROJHOME,index); #sleep(1); return pid;
def create(self, cr, uid, vals, context=None): sentCode = vals['code'] debug(sentCode) if sentCode == self.get_search(cr, uid, 'account.asset.asset'): codep = self.pool.get('ir.sequence').get(cr, uid, 'account.asset.asset') return super(ccorp_addons_account_assets, self).create(cr, uid, vals, context=None)
def outline_clicked(self, index): loc = (self.treeOutline.model().itemFromIndex(index).location) debug("Node Location: " + str(loc.line) + "," + str(loc.column)) self.tabs[self.tabWidget.currentIndex()].QSciEditor.setCursorPosition( loc.line - 1, loc.column - 1) self.tabs[self.tabWidget.currentIndex()].QSciEditor.ensureLineVisible( loc.line - 1) self.tabs[ self.tabWidget.currentIndex()].QSciEditor.ensureCursorVisible() self.tabs[self.tabWidget.currentIndex()].QSciEditor.setFocus()
def checkCachedClones(self, stable = True, integration = True): """Clone the official repository in a local cache""" cacheStable = os.path.join(self.cache, 'moodle.git') cacheIntegration = os.path.join(self.cache, 'integration.git') if not os.path.isdir(cacheStable) and stable: debug('Cloning stable repository into cache...') result = process('%s clone %s %s' % (C.get('git'), C.get('remotes.stable'), cacheStable)) result = process('%s fetch -a' % C.get('git'), cacheStable) if not os.path.isdir(cacheIntegration) and integration: debug('Cloning integration repository into cache...') result = process('%s clone %s %s' % (C.get('git'), C.get('remotes.integration'), cacheIntegration)) result = process('%s fetch -a' % C.get('git'), cacheIntegration)
def _sale_shop(self, cr, uid, callback, context=None): if context is None: context = {} proxy = self.pool.get('') domain = [ ('magento_shop', '=', True), ('auto_import', '=', True) ] ids =, uid, domain, context=context) if ids: callback(cr, uid, ids, context=context) tools.debug(callback) tools.debug(ids) return True
def sendLoRaWANMessage(): global lora_socket try: if lora.has_joined(): sendAckMessageThread(lora_socket) else: tools.debug("Impossible to send because device is not joined", 'v') join_lora() if lora.has_joined(): sendAckMessageThread(lora_socket) except BaseException as eee: checkError("Error sending LoRaWAN message",eee)
def generate_data(instance): data_header = [] for folder in instance.folders: folder_item = None folder_date_added = preset.no_date folder_date_modified = preset.no_date folder_guid = preset.empty folder_id = preset.empty folder_last_visited = preset.no_date folder_name = preset.empty folder_sync_transaction_version = preset.empty folder_type = preset.empty folder_url = preset.empty for item in folder: if item == preset.children: folder_item = read_content(folder[item]) elif item == preset.meta_info: for element in folder[item]: if element == preset.last_visited: folder_last_visited = folder[item][element] elif item == preset.date_added: folder_date_added = folder[item] elif item == preset.date_modified: folder_date_modified = folder[item] elif item == preset.guid: folder_guid = folder[item] elif item == preset.item_id: folder_id = folder[item] elif item == preset.item_name: folder_name = folder[item] elif item == preset.sync_transaction_version: folder_sync_transaction_version = folder[item] elif item == preset.item_type: folder_type = folder[item] elif item == preset.url: folder_url = folder[item] else: tools.debug(preset.message["warning"] + str(item)) folder_data = (folder_guid, utils.to_number(folder_id), utils.to_number(folder_sync_transaction_version), folder_type, utils.to_date(folder_date_added), utils.to_date(folder_date_modified), utils.to_date(folder_last_visited), folder_name, folder_url) for item in folder_item: data_header.append(folder_data + item + preset.trail) return data_header
def forceRTC(dt, type_dt): global rtc try: # dt = pycom.nvs_get('rtc') if type_dt == "tuple": print("Step RTC - Forcing Tuple RTC to " + str(dt)) rtc.init(dt) elif type_dt == "epoch": print("Step RTC - Forcing Epoch RTC to " + str(int(dt))) rtc.init(utime.gmtime(int(dt))) utime.sleep(3) tools.debug("Setting time: " + str(int(utime.time())), "v") try: pycom.nvs_set('clock', str(int(utime.time()))) except OSError as err: tools.debug("Error setting RTC: " + str(err), "v") utime.sleep(5) try: dt_current = pycom.nvs_get('clock') except OSError as err: dt_current = -1 tools.debug("Error getting RTC: " + str(err), "v") tools.debug( "Current time: " + str(int(dt_current)) + " - RTC: " + str(getDatetime()), "v") except Exception as e1: checkError("Step RTC - Error initializing parametetr", e1)
def checkNextReset(self): dt = utime.gmtime() tools.debug( "Scheduler: " + str(dt[6]) + " " + str(dt[2]) + "-" + str(dt[1]) + "-" + str(dt[0]) + " " + str(dt[3]) + ":" + str(dt[4]) + ":" + str(dt[5]), 'v') if dt[3] == int(globalVars.dailyreset.split(":")[0]) and dt[4] == int( globalVars.dailyreset.split(":")[1]) and dt[5] > int( globalVars.dailyreset.split(":")[2]) and dt[5] < ( int(globalVars.dailyreset.split(":")[2]) + 15): tools.debug( "Scheduler - Reseting module because of daily schedule", "v") utime.sleep(2) machine.reset()
def crash_during_decommission_test(self): """ If a node crashes whilst another node is being decommissioned, upon restarting the crashed node should not have invalid entries for the decommissioned node @jira_ticket CASSANDRA-10231 """ cluster = self.cluster cluster.populate(3).start(wait_other_notice=True) node1, node2 = cluster.nodelist()[0:2] t = DecommissionInParallel(node1) t.start() null_status_pattern = re.compile(".N(?:\s*)127\.0\.0\.1(?:.*)null(?:\s*)rack1") while t.is_alive(): out = self.show_status(node2) if debug("Matched null status entry") break debug("Restarting node2") node2.stop(gently=False) node2.start(wait_for_binary_proto=True, wait_other_notice=False) debug("Waiting for decommission to complete") t.join() self.show_status(node2) debug("Sleeping for 30 seconds to allow gossip updates") time.sleep(30) out = self.show_status(node2) self.assertFalse(
def crash_during_decommission_test(self): """ If a node crashes whilst another node is being decommissioned, upon restarting the crashed node should not have invalid entries for the decommissioned node @jira_ticket CASSANDRA-10231 """ cluster = self.cluster cluster.populate(3).start(wait_other_notice=True) node1, node2 = cluster.nodelist()[0:2] t = DecommissionInParallel(node1) t.start() null_status_pattern = re.compile( ".N(?:\s*)127\.0\.0\.1(?:.*)null(?:\s*)rack1") while t.is_alive(): out = self.show_status(node2) if debug("Matched null status entry") break debug("Restarting node2") node2.stop(gently=False) node2.start(wait_for_binary_proto=True, wait_other_notice=False) debug("Waiting for decommission to complete") t.join() self.show_status(node2) debug("Sleeping for 30 seconds to allow gossip updates") time.sleep(30) out = self.show_status(node2) self.assertFalse(
def checkDutyCycle(self): try: dt = utime.gmtime() if globalVars.flag_rtc_syncro == False: tools.debug( "Scheduler - RTC is not syncronized, so not possible to check the DutyCycle properly", "v") return dt_dm = str(dt[6]) + " " + str(dt[2]) + "-" + str( dt[1]) + "-" + str(dt[0]) + " " + str(dt[3]) + ":" + str( dt[4]) + ":" + str(dt[5]) tools.debug( "Scheduler - Current date: " + str(dt_dm) + " - Daily ends at: " + globalVars.dailyStandBy + "- Downlinks begin at: " + globalVars.startDownlink, "v") # --------- S1 (Sleep Cycle 1) - From End of the day to first Downlink message --------------- if dt[3] == int( globalVars.dailyStandBy.split(":") [0]) and dt[4] == int( globalVars.dailyStandBy.split(":")[1]) and dt[5] > int( globalVars.dailyStandBy.split(":")[2]) and dt[5] < ( int(globalVars.dailyStandBy.split(":")[2]) + 60): rnd_tmp_1 = tools.calculateSleepTime(globalVars.dailyStandBy, globalVars.startDownlink) tools.debug( "Scheduler - DutyCycle - Going to sleep because the day ends and until the downlinks begin: " + str(rnd_tmp_1), "v") tools.deepSleepWiloc(rnd_tmp_1) # --------- S2 - Backup sleeping process in case the device is still on when passing the maximum downlink time --------------- if dt[3] == int( globalVars.endDownlink.split(":")[0]) and dt[4] == int( globalVars.endDownlink.split(":")[1]) and dt[5] > int( globalVars.endDownlink.split(":")[2]) and dt[5] < ( int(globalVars.endDownlink.split(":")[2]) + 60): rnm_tmp = tools.calculateSleepTime(globalVars.endDownlink, globalVars.dailyStart) tools.debug( "Scheduler - DutyCycle - Going to sleep until the day begins: " + str(rnm_tmp), "v") tools.deepSleepWiloc(rnm_tmp) # ---------- Check if today is the day OFF -------------- if dt[6] in globalVars.dayOff: tools.debug( "Scheduler - Going to sleep because is the day OFF", "v") tools.deepSleepWiloc(86460) except BaseException as e: checkError("Error on scheduler", e)
def _run(self, word, index, stack): if index == len(word): return stack.empty() symbol = word[index] for transition in self.transitions: t, V, S = transition if t == symbol and stack.head(V): s = Stack(stack.items[::-1]) s.pop() s.push(S) debug(index, transition, stack) if self._run(word, index + 1, s): return True return False
def read_content(folder_items): url_list = [] for folder_item in folder_items: url_date_added = preset.empty url_date_modified = preset.empty url_guid = preset.empty url_item_id = preset.empty url_last_visited = preset.empty url_name = preset.empty url_sync_transaction_version = preset.empty url_item_type = preset.empty url_address = preset.empty url_icon = preset.empty for item in folder_item: if item == preset.children: read_content(folder_item[item]) elif item == preset.meta_info: for element in folder_item[item]: if element == preset.last_visited: url_last_visited = folder_item[item][element] elif item == preset.date_added: url_date_added = folder_item[item] elif item == preset.date_modified: url_date_modified = folder_item[item] elif item == preset.guid: url_guid = folder_item[item] elif item == preset.icon: url_icon = folder_item[item] elif item == preset.item_id: url_item_id = folder_item[item] elif item == preset.item_name: url_name = folder_item[item] elif item == preset.sync_transaction_version: url_sync_transaction_version = folder_item[item] elif item == preset.item_type: url_item_type = folder_item[item] elif item == preset.url: url_address = folder_item[item] else: tools.debug(preset.message["warning"] + str(item)) url_data = (url_guid, utils.to_number(url_item_id), utils.to_number(url_sync_transaction_version), url_item_type, utils.to_date(url_date_added), utils.to_date(url_date_modified), utils.to_date(url_last_visited), url_name, htmlSupport.clean_url(url_address), url_address, url_icon) parsed_url = htmlSupport.parse_url(url_address) url_list.append(url_data + parsed_url) return url_list
def mqtt_connect(): global client try: tools.debug("Connecting MQTT", "v") client = MQTTClient("gtw001_" + str(int(utime.time())), globalVars.mqtt_url, user=globalVars.mqtt_user, password=globalVars.mqtt_psw, port=1883) client.set_callback(response_callback) client.connect() client.subscribe(topic=globalVars.mqtt_topic) return client except BaseException as e: checkError("Error connecting to MQTT", e)
def _zoook_sale_shop(self, cr, uid, callback, context=None): """ Sale Shop Schedules """ if context is None: context = {} ids = self.pool.get('').search(cr, uid, [('zoook_shop', '=', True),('zoook_automatic_export', '=', True)], context=context) if ids: callback(cr, uid, ids, context=context) tools.debug(callback) tools.debug(ids) return True
def export_products(self, cr, uid, ids, context): shop_ids = self.pool.get('').search(cr, uid, []) for inst in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context): for shop in self.pool.get('').browse( cr, uid, shop_ids, context): context['conn_obj'] = self.external_connection(cr, uid, inst) #shop.export_catalog tools.debug(( cr, uid, shop, context, )) shop.export_products(cr, uid, shop, context) return True
def bluetooth_scanner(): global ble_thread try: while True: try: tools.debug('BLE - Starting BLE scanner, RSSI: ' + str(int(globalVars.RSSI_NEAR_THRESHOLD,16) - 256) + " - RTC: " + str(int(utime.time())) + " - REFRESH: " + str(globalVars.MAX_REFRESH_TIME) + " - SCAN: " + str(int(globalVars.BLE_SCAN_PERIOD)) + " - SLEEP: " + str(int(globalVars.STANDBY_PERIOD)) + " - DEBUG: " + str(globalVars.debug_cc) ,'v') ble_thread = True bluetooth = Bluetooth() bluetooth.tx_power(Bluetooth.TX_PWR_SCAN, Bluetooth.TX_PWR_P9) bluetooth.start_scan(int(globalVars.BLE_SCAN_PERIOD)) while bluetooth.isscanning(): adv = bluetooth.get_adv() if adv: if 'WILOC_01' in str(bluetooth.resolve_adv_data(, Bluetooth.ADV_NAME_CMPL)): data_raw = str(ubinascii.hexlify('utf-8')) if globalVars.MAC_TYPE == "LORA": mac_proc = data_raw[34:50] # LoRa MAC elif globalVars.MAC_TYPE == "BLE": mac_proc = str(ubinascii.hexlify(adv.mac).decode('utf-8')) # MAC BLE tools.debug('Name: '+ str(bluetooth.resolve_adv_data(, Bluetooth.ADV_NAME_CMPL)) +' MAC: '+ str(mac_proc)+ ' RSSI: ' + str(adv.rssi) + ' DT: '+ str(int(utime.time())) +' RAW: ' + data_raw,'vvv') if mac_proc not in globalVars.mac_scanned: tools.debug('Step 1 - New device detected: ' + str(mac_proc),'vv') globalVars.mac_scanned.append(mac_proc) if adv.rssi >= (int(globalVars.RSSI_NEAR_THRESHOLD,16) - 256): wilocMain.checkListType(str(mac_proc), globalVars.ALARM_LIST_TYPE) globalVars.scanned_frames.append(Device(addr=mac_proc,rssi=adv.rssi, raw=data_raw)) elif 'WIL_C01' in str(bluetooth.resolve_adv_data(, Bluetooth.ADV_NAME_CMPL)): data_raw = str(ubinascii.hexlify('utf-8')) mac_proc = str(ubinascii.hexlify(adv.mac).decode('utf-8')) # MAC BLE #tools.debug('BLE Name: '+ str(bluetooth.resolve_adv_data(, Bluetooth.ADV_NAME_CMPL)) +' - BLE MAC: '+ str(mac_proc)+ ' - RSSI: ' + str(adv.rssi) + ' - DT: '+ str(int(utime.time())) +' - RAW: ' + data_raw,'vvv') if mac_proc not in globalVars.mac_scanned: tools.debug('Step 1 - BLE New device detected: ' + str(mac_proc),'vv') globalVars.mac_scanned.append(mac_proc) if adv.rssi >= (int(globalVars.RSSI_NEAR_THRESHOLD,16) - 256): wilocMain.checkListType(str(mac_proc), globalVars.ALARM_LIST_TYPE) globalVars.scanned_frames.append(Device(addr=mac_proc,rssi=adv.rssi, raw=data_raw)) tools.debug('BLE - Stopping BLE scanner ' + str(int(utime.time())),'v') tools.sleepWiloc(int(globalVars.STANDBY_PERIOD)) except BaseException as ee1: checkError("Error scanning Bluetooth",ee1) tools.sleepWiloc(int(globalVars.STANDBY_PERIOD)) except BaseException as e: checkError("Error thread Bluetooth", e) ble_thread = False finally: ble_thread = False _thread.start_new_thread(bluetooth_scanner,())
def index_query_test(self): """ Check that a secondary index query times out """ cluster = self.cluster cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'read_request_timeout_in_ms': 1000}) cluster.populate(1).start(wait_for_binary_proto=True, jvm_args=["-Dcassandra.test.read_iteration_delay_ms=100"]) # see above for explanation node = cluster.nodelist()[0] session = self.patient_cql_connection(node) self.create_ks(session, 'ks', 1) session.execute(""" CREATE TABLE test3 ( id int PRIMARY KEY, col int, val text ); """) session.execute("CREATE INDEX ON test3 (col)") for i in xrange(500): session.execute("INSERT INTO test3 (id, col, val) VALUES ({}, {}, 'foo')".format(i, i // 10)) mark = node.mark_log() assert_unavailable(lambda c: debug(c.execute("SELECT * from test3 WHERE col < 50 ALLOW FILTERING")), session) node.watch_log_for("<SELECT \* FROM ks.test3 WHERE col < 50 (.*)> timed out", from_mark=mark, timeout=30)
def local_query_test(self): """ Check that a query running on the local coordinator node times out """ cluster = self.cluster cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'read_request_timeout_in_ms': 1000}) # cassandra.test.read_iteration_delay_ms causes the state tracking read iterators # introduced by CASSANDRA-7392 to pause by the specified amount of milliseconds during each # iteration of non system queries, so that these queries take much longer to complete, # see ReadCommand.withStateTracking() cluster.populate(1).start(wait_for_binary_proto=True, jvm_args=["-Dcassandra.test.read_iteration_delay_ms=100"]) node = cluster.nodelist()[0] session = self.patient_cql_connection(node) self.create_ks(session, 'ks', 1) session.execute(""" CREATE TABLE test1 ( id int PRIMARY KEY, val text ); """) for i in xrange(500): session.execute("INSERT INTO test1 (id, val) VALUES ({}, 'foo')".format(i)) mark = node.mark_log() assert_unavailable(lambda c: debug(c.execute("SELECT * from test1")), session) node.watch_log_for("<SELECT \* FROM ks.test1 (.*)> timed out", from_mark=mark, timeout=30)
def remote_query_test(self): """ Check that a query running on a node other than the coordinator times out """ cluster = self.cluster cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'read_request_timeout_in_ms': 1000}) cluster.populate(2) node1, node2 = cluster.nodelist() node1.start(wait_for_binary_proto=True, jvm_args=["-Djoin_ring=false"]) # ensure other node executes queries node2.start(wait_for_binary_proto=True, jvm_args=["-Dcassandra.test.read_iteration_delay_ms=100"]) # see above for explanation session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node1) self.create_ks(session, 'ks', 1) session.execute(""" CREATE TABLE test2 ( id int PRIMARY KEY, val text ); """) for i in xrange(500): session.execute("INSERT INTO test2 (id, val) VALUES ({}, 'foo')".format(i)) mark = node2.mark_log() assert_unavailable(lambda c: debug(c.execute("SELECT * from test2")), session) node2.watch_log_for("<SELECT \* FROM ks.test2 (.*)> timed out", from_mark=mark, timeout=30)
def materialized_view_test(self): """ Check that a materialized view query times out """ cluster = self.cluster cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'read_request_timeout_in_ms': 1000}) cluster.populate(2) node1, node2 = cluster.nodelist() node1.start(wait_for_binary_proto=True, join_ring=False) # ensure other node executes queries node2.start(wait_for_binary_proto=True, jvm_args=["-Dcassandra.monitoring_check_interval_ms=50", "-Dcassandra.test.read_iteration_delay_ms=1500"]) # see above for explanation session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node1) self.create_ks(session, 'ks', 1) session.execute(""" CREATE TABLE test4 ( id int PRIMARY KEY, col int, val text ); """) session.execute(("CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW mv AS SELECT * FROM test4 " "WHERE col IS NOT NULL AND id IS NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY (col, id)")) for i in xrange(50): session.execute("INSERT INTO test4 (id, col, val) VALUES ({}, {}, 'foo')".format(i, i // 10)) mark = node2.mark_log() statement = SimpleStatement("SELECT * FROM mv WHERE col = 50", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE, retry_policy=FallthroughRetryPolicy()) assert_unavailable(lambda c: debug(c.execute(statement)), session) node2.watch_log_for("Some operations timed out", from_mark=mark, timeout=60)
def index_query_test(self): """ Check that a secondary index query times out """ cluster = self.cluster cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'read_request_timeout_in_ms': 1000}) cluster.populate(1).start(wait_for_binary_proto=True, jvm_args=["-Dcassandra.monitoring_check_interval_ms=50", "-Dcassandra.test.read_iteration_delay_ms=1500"]) # see above for explanation node = cluster.nodelist()[0] session = self.patient_cql_connection(node) self.create_ks(session, 'ks', 1) session.execute(""" CREATE TABLE test3 ( id int PRIMARY KEY, col int, val text ); """) session.execute("CREATE INDEX ON test3 (col)") for i in xrange(500): session.execute("INSERT INTO test3 (id, col, val) VALUES ({}, {}, 'foo')".format(i, i // 10)) mark = node.mark_log() statement = session.prepare("SELECT * from test3 WHERE col < ? ALLOW FILTERING") statement.consistency_level = ConsistencyLevel.ONE statement.retry_policy = FallthroughRetryPolicy() assert_unavailable(lambda c: debug(c.execute(statement, [50])), session) node.watch_log_for("Some operations timed out", from_mark=mark, timeout=60)
def remote_query_test(self): """ Check that a query running on a node other than the coordinator times out """ cluster = self.cluster cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'read_request_timeout_in_ms': 1000}) cluster.populate(2) node1, node2 = cluster.nodelist() node1.start(wait_for_binary_proto=True, join_ring=False) # ensure other node executes queries node2.start(wait_for_binary_proto=True, jvm_args=["-Dcassandra.monitoring_check_interval_ms=50", "-Dcassandra.test.read_iteration_delay_ms=1500"]) # see above for explanation session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node1) self.create_ks(session, 'ks', 1) session.execute(""" CREATE TABLE test2 ( id int, col int, val text, PRIMARY KEY(id, col) ); """) for i in xrange(500): for j in xrange(10): session.execute("INSERT INTO test2 (id, col, val) VALUES ({}, {}, 'foo')".format(i, j)) mark = node2.mark_log() statement = SimpleStatement("SELECT * from test2", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE, retry_policy=FallthroughRetryPolicy()) assert_unavailable(lambda c: debug(c.execute(statement)), session) statement = SimpleStatement("SELECT * from test2 where id = 1", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE, retry_policy=FallthroughRetryPolicy()) assert_unavailable(lambda c: debug(c.execute(statement)), session) statement = SimpleStatement("SELECT * from test2 where id IN (1, 10, 20) AND col < 10", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE, retry_policy=FallthroughRetryPolicy()) assert_unavailable(lambda c: debug(c.execute(statement)), session) statement = SimpleStatement("SELECT * from test2 where col > 5 ALLOW FILTERING", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE, retry_policy=FallthroughRetryPolicy()) assert_unavailable(lambda c: debug(c.execute(statement)), session) node2.watch_log_for("Some operations timed out", from_mark=mark, timeout=60)
def execute(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): res = super(WizardMultiChartsAccounts, self).execute(cr, uid, ids, context) #getting the wizard object obj_self = self.browse(cr,uid,ids[0]) #getting the id of the company from the wizard id_companny = #getting the char_id from the wizard object id_char_template = obj_self.chart_template_id #getting the list of journal_templates lista = self.pool.get('account.journal.template').search(cr, uid, [('chart_template_id','=',id_char_template)]) for x in lista: obj = self.pool.get('account.journal.template').browse(cr,uid,x) vals = { 'name' :, 'code' : obj.code, 'type' : obj.type, 'currency' : obj.currency, 'allow_date' : obj.allow_date, 'centralisation' : obj.centralisation, 'entry_posted' : obj.entry_posted, 'update_posted' : obj.update_posted, 'group_invoice_lines' : obj.group_invoice_lines, 'sequence_id' :, 'view_id' :, 'default_credit_account_id':, 'default_debit_account_id' :, 'company_id': id_companny, } debug( journal = self.pool.get('account.journal') journal.create(cr,uid,vals, context=context) return res
def updateCachedClones(self, integration = True, stable = True, verbose = True): """Update the cached clone of the repositories""" caches = [] remote = 'origin' if integration: caches.append(os.path.join(self.cache, 'integration.git')) if stable: caches.append(os.path.join(self.cache, 'moodle.git')) for cache in caches: if not os.path.isdir(cache): continue repo = git.Git(cache, C.get('git')) verbose and debug('Working on %s...' % cache) verbose and debug('Fetching %s' % remote) if not repo.fetch(remote): raise Exception('Could not fetch %s in repository %s' % (remote, cache)) remotebranches = repo.remoteBranches(remote) for hash, branch in remotebranches: verbose and debug('Updating branch %s' % branch) track = '%s/%s' % (remote, branch) if not repo.hasBranch(branch) and not repo.createBranch(branch, track = track): raise Exception('Could not create branch %s tracking %s in repository %s' % (branch, track, cache)) if not repo.checkout(branch): raise Exception('Error while checking out branch %s in repository %s' % (branch, cache)) if not repo.reset(to = track, hard = True): raise Exception('Could not hard reset to %s in repository %s' % (branch, cache)) verbose and debug('') return True
def change_currency(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): obj_so = self.pool.get('sale.order') obj_so_line = self.pool.get('sale.order.line') obj_currency = self.pool.get('res.currency') data =, uid, ids)[0] new_pricelist_id = data['pricelist_id'] sorder = obj_so.browse(cr, uid, context['active_id'], context=context) #new_pricelist_id = sorder.pricelist_id and or False new_currency = self.pool.get('product.pricelist').browse(cr,uid,new_pricelist_id) if == new_currency: return {} rate = obj_currency.browse(cr, uid, new_currency).rate debug(sorder.order_line) for line in sorder.order_line: new_price = 0 if == new_price = line.price_unit * rate if new_price <= 0: raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'), _('New currency is not confirured properly !')) if != and == new_currency: old_rate = sorder.pricelist_id.currency_id.rate if old_rate <= 0: raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'), _('Currnt currency is not confirured properly !')) new_price = line.price_unit / old_rate if != and != new_currency: old_rate = sorder.pricelist_id.currency_id.rate if old_rate <= 0: raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'), _('Current currency is not confirured properly !')) new_price = (line.price_unit / old_rate ) * rate obj_so_line.write(cr, uid, [], {'price_unit': new_price}) obj_so.write(cr, uid, [], {'pricelist_id': new_pricelist_id}) return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
def run(self): node = self.node mark = node.mark_log() try: out, err = node.nodetool("decommission") node.watch_log_for("DECOMMISSIONED", from_mark=mark) debug(out) debug(err) except NodetoolError as e: debug("Decommission failed with exception: " + str(e)) pass
def install(self, dbname = None, engine = None, dataDir = None, fullname = None, dropDb = False): """Launch the install script of an Instance""" if self.isInstalled(): raise Exception('Instance already installed!') if dataDir == None or not os.path.isdir(dataDir): raise Exception('Cannot install instance without knowing where the data directory is') if dbname == None: dbname = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '', self.identifier).lower()[:28] if engine == None: engine = C.get('defaultEngine') if fullname == None: fullname = self.identifier.replace('-', ' ').replace('_', ' ').title() fullname = fullname + ' ' + C.get('wording.%s' % engine) debug('Creating database...') db = DB(engine, C.get('db.%s' % engine)) if db.dbexists(dbname): if dropDb: db.dropdb(dbname) db.createdb(dbname) else: raise Exception('Cannot install an instance on an existing database (%s)' % dbname) else: db.createdb(dbname) db.selectdb(dbname) # Defining wwwroot. wwwroot = 'http://%s/' % C.get('host') if C.get('path') != '' and C.get('path') != None: wwwroot = wwwroot + C.get('path') + '/' wwwroot = wwwroot + self.identifier debug('Installing %s...' % self.identifier) cli = 'admin/cli/install.php' params = (wwwroot, dataDir, engine, dbname, C.get('db.%s.user' % engine), C.get('db.%s.passwd' % engine), C.get('' % engine), fullname, self.identifier, C.get('login'), C.get('passwd')) args = '--wwwroot="%s" --dataroot="%s" --dbtype="%s" --dbname="%s" --dbuser="******" --dbpass="******" --dbhost="%s" --fullname="%s" --shortname="%s" --adminuser="******" --adminpass="******" --allow-unstable --agree-license --non-interactive' % params result = self.cli(cli, args, stdout=None, stderr=None) if result[0] != 0: raise Exception('Error while running the install, please manually fix the problem.\n- Command was: %s %s %s' % (C.get('php'), cli, args)) configFile = os.path.join(self.path, 'config.php') os.chmod(configFile, 0666) try: self.addConfig('sessioncookiepath', '/%s/' % self.identifier) except Exception as e: debug('Could not append $CFG->sessioncookiepath to config.php') self.reload()
def create(self, M): """Creates a new backup of M""" if M.isInstalled() and M.get('dbtype') != 'mysqli': raise BackupDBEngineNotSupported('Cannot backup database engine %s' % M.get('dbtype')) name = M.get('identifier') if name == None: raise Exception('Cannot backup instance without identifier!') now = int(time.time()) backup_identifier = self.createIdentifier(name) Wp = Workplace() # Copy whole directory, shutil will create topath topath = os.path.join(self.path, backup_identifier) path = Wp.getPath(name) debug('Copying instance directory') copy_tree(path, topath, preserve_symlinks = 1) # Dump the whole database if M.isInstalled(): debug('Dumping database') dumpto = os.path.join(topath, sqlfile) fd = open(dumpto, 'w') M.dbo().selectdb(M.get('dbname')) M.dbo().dump(fd) else: debug('Instance not installed. Do not dump database.') # Create a JSON file containing all known information debug('Saving instance information') jsonto = os.path.join(topath, jason) info = info['backup_origin'] = path info['backup_identifier'] = backup_identifier info['backup_time'] = now json.dump(info, open(jsonto, 'w'), sort_keys = True, indent = 4) return True
def local_query_test(self): """ Check that a query running on the local coordinator node times out: - set a 1-second read timeout - start the cluster with read_iteration_delay set to 1.5 seconds - (this will cause read queries to take longer than the read timeout) - CREATE and INSERT into a table - SELECT * from the table using a retry policy that never retries, and assert it times out @jira_ticket CASSANDRA-7392 """ cluster = self.cluster cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'read_request_timeout_in_ms': 1000}) # cassandra.test.read_iteration_delay_ms causes the state tracking read iterators # introduced by CASSANDRA-7392 to pause by the specified amount of milliseconds during each # iteration of non system queries, so that these queries take much longer to complete, # see ReadCommand.withStateTracking() cluster.populate(1).start(wait_for_binary_proto=True, jvm_args=["-Dcassandra.monitoring_check_interval_ms=50", "-Dcassandra.test.read_iteration_delay_ms=1500"]) node = cluster.nodelist()[0] session = self.patient_cql_connection(node) self.create_ks(session, 'ks', 1) session.execute(""" CREATE TABLE test1 ( id int PRIMARY KEY, val text ); """) for i in range(500): session.execute("INSERT INTO test1 (id, val) VALUES ({}, 'foo')".format(i)) mark = node.mark_log() statement = SimpleStatement("SELECT * from test1", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE, retry_policy=FallthroughRetryPolicy()) assert_unavailable(lambda c: debug(c.execute(statement)), session) node.watch_log_for("operations timed out", from_mark=mark, timeout=60)
def decommissioned_node_cant_rejoin_test(self): ''' @jira_ticket CASSANDRA-8801 Test that a decommissioned node can't rejoin the cluster by: - creating a cluster, - decommissioning a node, and - asserting that the "decommissioned node won't rejoin" error is in the logs for that node and - asserting that the node is not running. ''' rejoin_err = 'This node was decommissioned and will not rejoin the ring' try: self.ignore_log_patterns = list(self.ignore_log_patterns) except AttributeError: self.ignore_log_patterns = [] self.ignore_log_patterns.append(rejoin_err) self.cluster.populate(3).start(wait_for_binary_proto=True) node1, node2, node3 = self.cluster.nodelist() debug('decommissioning...') node3.decommission() debug('stopping...') node3.stop() debug('attempting restart...') node3.start(wait_other_notice=False) try: # usually takes 3 seconds, so give it a generous 15 node3.watch_log_for(rejoin_err, timeout=15) except TimeoutError: # TimeoutError is not very helpful to the reader of the test output; # let that pass and move on to string assertion below pass self.assertIn(rejoin_err, '\n'.join(['\n'.join(err_list) for err_list in node3.grep_log_for_errors()])) # Give the node some time to shut down once it has detected # its invalid state. If it doesn't shut down in the 30 seconds, # consider filing a bug. It shouldn't take more than 10, in most cases. start = time.time() while start + 30 > time.time() and node3.is_running(): time.sleep(1) self.assertFalse(node3.is_running())
def decommissioned_node_cant_rejoin_test(self): ''' @jira_ticket CASSANDRA-8801 Test that a decomissioned node can't rejoin the cluster by: - creating a cluster, - decomissioning a node, and - asserting that the "decomissioned node won't rejoin" error is in the logs for that node and - asserting that the node is not running. ''' rejoin_err = 'This node was decommissioned and will not rejoin the ring' try: self.ignore_log_patterns = list(self.ignore_log_patterns) except AttributeError: self.ignore_log_patterns = [] self.ignore_log_patterns.append(rejoin_err) self.cluster.populate(3).start(wait_for_binary_proto=True) [node1, node2, node3] = self.cluster.nodelist() debug('decommissioning...') node3.decommission() debug('stopping...') node3.stop() debug('attempting restart...') node3.start() try: # usually takes 3 seconds, so give it a generous 15 node3.watch_log_for(rejoin_err, timeout=15) except TimeoutError: # TimeoutError is not very helpful to the reader of the test output; # let that pass and move on to string assertion below pass self.assertIn(rejoin_err, '\n'.join(['\n'.join(err_list) for err_list in node3.grep_log_for_errors()])) self.assertFalse(node3.is_running())
def show_status(self, node): out, err = node.nodetool('status') debug("Status as reported by node {}".format(node.address())) debug(out) return out
def begin_test(self): """ @jira_ticket CASSANDRA-7436 This test measures the values of MBeans before and after running a load. We expect the values to change a certain way, and thus deem them as 'MBeanEqual','MBeanDecrement', 'MBeanIncrement', or a constant to experss this expected change. If the value does not reflect this expected change, then it raises an AssertionError. @jira_ticket CASSANDRA-9448 This test also makes sure to cover all metrics that were renamed by CASSANDRA-9448, in post 3.0 we also check that the old alias names are the same as the new names. """ cluster = self.cluster cluster.populate(1) node = cluster.nodelist()[0] remove_perf_disable_shared_mem(node) cluster.start(wait_for_binary_proto=True) session = self.patient_cql_connection(node) self.create_ks(session, 'keyspace1', 1) session.execute(""" CREATE TABLE keyspace1.counter1 ( key blob, column1 ascii, value counter, PRIMARY KEY (key, column1) ) WITH COMPACT STORAGE AND CLUSTERING ORDER BY (column1 ASC) AND caching = {'keys': 'ALL', 'rows_per_partition': 'NONE'} AND comment = '' AND compaction = {'min_threshold': '4', 'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy', 'max_threshold': '32'} AND compression = {} AND dclocal_read_repair_chance = 0.1 AND default_time_to_live = 0 AND gc_grace_seconds = 864000 AND max_index_interval = 2048 AND memtable_flush_period_in_ms = 0 AND min_index_interval = 128 AND read_repair_chance = 0.0 AND speculative_retry = 'NONE'; """) with JolokiaAgent(node) as jmx: debug("Cluster version {}".format(cluster.version())) if cluster.version() <= '2.2.X': mbean_values = MBEAN_VALUES_PRE('keyspace1', 'counter1') mbean_aliases = None else: mbean_values = MBEAN_VALUES_POST('keyspace1', 'counter1') mbean_aliases = MBEAN_VALUES_PRE('keyspace1', 'counter1') before = [] for package, bean, bean_args, attribute, expected in mbean_values: mbean = make_mbean(package, type=bean, **bean_args) debug(mbean) before.append(jmx.read_attribute(mbean, attribute)) if mbean_aliases: alias_counter = 0 for package, bean, bean_args, attribute, expected in mbean_aliases: mbean = make_mbean(package, type=bean, **bean_args) debug(mbean) self.assertEqual(before[alias_counter], jmx.read_attribute(mbean, attribute)) alias_counter += 1 node.stress(['write', 'n=100K']) errors = [] after = [] attr_counter = 0 for package, bean, bean_args, attribute, expected in mbean_values: mbean = make_mbean(package, type=bean, **bean_args) a_value = jmx.read_attribute(mbean, attribute) after.append(a_value) b_value = before[attr_counter] if expected == 'MBeanIncrement': if b_value >= a_value: errors.append(mbean + " has a before value of " + str(b_value) + " and after value of " + str(a_value) + " and did not increment" + "\n") elif expected == 'MBeanDecrement': if b_value <= a_value: errors.append(mbean + " has a before value of " + str(b_value) + " and after value of " + str(a_value) + " and did not decrement" + "\n") elif expected == 'MBeanEqual': if b_value != a_value: errors.append(mbean + " has a before value of " + str(b_value) + " and after value of " + str(a_value) + ", which are not equal" + "\n") elif expected == 'MBeanZero': if not (b_value == 0 and a_value == 0): errors.append(mbean + " has a before value of " + str(b_value) + " and after value of " + str(a_value) + " and they do not equal zero" + "\n") # If expected is none of the above, then expected should be a number. else: if a_value != expected: errors.append(mbean + " has an after value of " + str(a_value) + " which does not equal " + str(expected) + "\n") attr_counter += 1 self.assertEqual(len(errors), 0, "\n" + "\n".join(errors)) if mbean_aliases: alias_counter = 0 for package, bean, bean_args, attribute, expected in mbean_aliases: mbean = make_mbean(package, type=bean, **bean_args) self.assertEqual(after[alias_counter], jmx.read_attribute(mbean, attribute)) alias_counter += 1
addon_name = addon.getAddonInfo('name') addon_version = addon.getAddonInfo('version') # Servidor origen if addon.getSetting('av_source_server') == "0": parserJsonUrl = "" elif addon.getSetting('av_source_server') == "1": parserJsonUrl = "" else: parserJsonUrl = "" # Devel #parserJsonUrl = "http://localhost/arena/json.php" # Debug servidor seleccionado tools.debug("arenavisionezy Servidor: " + addon.getSetting('av_source_server')) tools.debug("arenavisionezy Json: " + parserJsonUrl) # Entry point def run(): #plugintools.log("") # Get params params = plugintools.get_params() plugintools.log(" " + repr(params)) if params.get("action") is None: plugintools.log(" No hay accion") listado_categorias(params) else: action = params.get("action")
def remote_query_test(self): """ Check that a query running on a node other than the coordinator times out: - populate the cluster with 2 nodes - set a 1-second read timeout - start one node without having it join the ring - start the other node with read_iteration_delay set to 1.5 seconds - (this will cause read queries to take longer than the read timeout) - CREATE a table - INSERT 5000 rows on a session on the node that is not a member of the ring - run SELECT statements and assert they fail # TODO refactor SELECT statements: # - run the statements in a loop to reduce duplication # - watch the log after each query # - assert we raise the right error """ cluster = self.cluster cluster.set_configuration_options(values={'read_request_timeout_in_ms': 1000}) cluster.populate(2) node1, node2 = cluster.nodelist() node1.start(wait_for_binary_proto=True, join_ring=False) # ensure other node executes queries node2.start(wait_for_binary_proto=True, jvm_args=["-Dcassandra.monitoring_check_interval_ms=50", "-Dcassandra.test.read_iteration_delay_ms=1500"]) # see above for explanation session = self.patient_exclusive_cql_connection(node1) self.create_ks(session, 'ks', 1) session.execute(""" CREATE TABLE test2 ( id int, col int, val text, PRIMARY KEY(id, col) ); """) for i, j in itertools.product(range(500), range(10)): session.execute("INSERT INTO test2 (id, col, val) VALUES ({}, {}, 'foo')".format(i, j)) mark = node2.mark_log() statement = SimpleStatement("SELECT * from test2", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE, retry_policy=FallthroughRetryPolicy()) assert_unavailable(lambda c: debug(c.execute(statement)), session) statement = SimpleStatement("SELECT * from test2 where id = 1", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE, retry_policy=FallthroughRetryPolicy()) assert_unavailable(lambda c: debug(c.execute(statement)), session) statement = SimpleStatement("SELECT * from test2 where id IN (1, 10, 20) AND col < 10", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE, retry_policy=FallthroughRetryPolicy()) assert_unavailable(lambda c: debug(c.execute(statement)), session) statement = SimpleStatement("SELECT * from test2 where col > 5 ALLOW FILTERING", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.ONE, retry_policy=FallthroughRetryPolicy()) assert_unavailable(lambda c: debug(c.execute(statement)), session) node2.watch_log_for("operations timed out", from_mark=mark, timeout=60)