Exemplo n.º 1
    def filterBlastHit( self ):
        Extract sequence identity and overlap length from one single
        bl2seq hit

        @return: blast results, e.g. {'aln_id':1.0, 'aln_len':120}
        @rtype: dict
        ## check that the outfut file is there and seems valid
        if not os.path.exists( self.f_out ):
            raise Blast2SeqError,\
                  'Hmmersearch result file %s does not exist.'%self.f_out

        if T.fileLength( self.f_out ) < 10:
            raise Blast2SeqError,\
                  'Hmmersearch result file %s seems incomplete.'%self.f_out

        out = open( self.f_out, 'r' )
        hitStr = out.read()

        # get rid of line breaks
        hitStr = hitStr.replace( '\n', '#' )

            _id = self.ex_identity.match(hitStr)  # Blast Identity
            if (_id == None):
                return {'res_id':0, 'aln_id':0, 'aln_len':0}
            res_identical, res_number = int(_id.group(1)), int(_id.group(2))
            id = 1.0 * res_identical/res_number
            return {'res_id':res_identical, 'aln_id':id, 'aln_len':res_number}
            T.errWriteln("Error 1 in filterBlastHit:")
            T.errWriteln("Hit Parsed: " + hitStr)
            return {}
Exemplo n.º 2
    def add(self, str):
        Add String str and line break to file.

        @param str: string to add to pml file
        @type  str: str        
            self.fgenerate.write(str + '\n')
        except (IOError):
                "PymolInput.add(): Error adding string to pymol script file.")
Exemplo n.º 3
    def add(self, str):
        Add String str and line break to file.

        @param str: string to add to pml file
        @type  str: str        
            self.fgenerate.write(str + '\n')
        except (IOError):
                "PymolInput.add(): Error adding string to pymol script file.")
            T.errWriteln( T.lastError() )
Exemplo n.º 4
    def go(self, dict):
        Calculate rmsd values for trajectory and plot them.

        @param dict: dictionary with path to pdb files as keys
        @type  dict: dict

        @return: dictionary mapping input:output names
        @rtype: dict        
        d = {}

        print "working on :",
        for pdbIn, out in dict.items():

            print T.stripFilename( pdbIn )

            ## set file name for pickled Structure object
            dir = os.path.dirname( pdbIn )
            if self.params['out'] <> None:
                dir = self.params['out']

            out = dir + '/' + T.stripFilename( pdbIn) + '.model'

                m = PDBModel( pdbIn, skipRes=self.params['skipRes'] )

                if self.params['amber']:
                    self.renameAmberRes( m )
                    self.renameToAmberAtoms( m )

                if self.params['sort']:
                    m = m.sort()

                m.saveAs( out )

                if self.params.has_key('report') and self.params['report']:
                    f = open( out[:-6] + '.error', 'w' )
                    f.write( T.lastError() )
                    T.errWriteln("Error" + T.lastError()  )

                out = ''

            d[pdbIn] = out

        print "Done."
        return d
Exemplo n.º 5
    def go(self, dict):
        Calculate rmsd values for trajectory and plot them.

        @param dict: dictionary with path to pdb files as keys
        @type  dict: dict

        @return: dictionary mapping input:output names
        @rtype: dict        
        d = {}

        print "working on :",
        for pdbIn, out in dict.items():

            print T.stripFilename(pdbIn)

            ## set file name for pickled Structure object
            dir = os.path.dirname(pdbIn)
            if self.params['out'] <> None:
                dir = self.params['out']

            out = dir + '/' + T.stripFilename(pdbIn) + '.model'

                m = PDBModel(pdbIn, skipRes=self.params['skipRes'])

                if self.params['amber']:

                if self.params['sort']:
                    m = m.sort()


                if self.params.has_key('report') and self.params['report']:
                    f = open(out[:-6] + '.error', 'w')
                    T.errWriteln("Error" + T.lastError())

                out = ''

            d[pdbIn] = out

        print "Done."
        return d
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _completeResidues(self, chain):
        Look for missing or unknown atom names, add missing atoms,
        report unknown atoms.
        @param chain: Scientific.IO.PDB.PeptideChain object
        @type  chain: object
        @return: Scientific.IO.PDB.PeptideChain object
        @rtype: chain object
        chain.deleteHydrogens()  ## delete all hydrogens
        i = 0
        self.log.add("Checking atoms of chain " + chain.segment_id)

        for res in chain:
                if i < len(chain) - 1:  # normal residue
                    alowed = self.aminoAcidDict[res.name]
                else:  # c-terminal residue
                    alowed = self._res2Terminal(self.aminoAcidDict[res.name])

                name_list = []

                for atom in res.atom_list:  # check for unknown atom names
                    # store for missing atom check
                    name_list = name_list + [atom.name]
                    if not (atom.name in alowed):
                        self.log.add('\tunknown atom: ' + atom.name + ' : '+\
                                     res.name+ str(res.number))

                for name in alowed:  # check for missing atoms
                    if not (name in name_list):
                        # add missing atom with 0 xyz
                        self._addMissing(res, name)
                        self.log.add('\tadded missing atom -> '+ name+ ' : '+\
                                     res.name+ str(res.number))

                s = "\ncompleteResidues(): Error while checking atoms.\n"
                s = s + "residue " + str(i) + " :" + str(res) + "\n"
                s = s + T.lastError()
                    "Error while completing residues, check log for details.")

            i = i + 1

        return chain
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _completeResidues(self, chain):
        Look for missing or unknown atom names, add missing atoms,
        report unknown atoms.
        @param chain: Scientific.IO.PDB.PeptideChain object
        @type  chain: object
        @return: Scientific.IO.PDB.PeptideChain object
        @rtype: chain object
        chain.deleteHydrogens() ## delete all hydrogens
        i = 0
        self.log.add("Checking atoms of chain "+chain.segment_id)

        for res in chain:
                if i < len(chain)-1:            # normal residue
                    alowed = self.aminoAcidDict[res.name]
                else:                           # c-terminal residue
                    alowed = self._res2Terminal(self.aminoAcidDict[res.name])

                name_list = []

                for atom in res.atom_list:      # check for unknown atom names
                    # store for missing atom check
                    name_list = name_list + [atom.name]
                    if not (atom.name in alowed):
                        self.log.add('\tunknown atom: ' + atom.name + ' : '+\
                                     res.name+ str(res.number))

                for name in alowed:              # check for missing atoms
                    if not (name in name_list):
                        # add missing atom with 0 xyz
                        self._addMissing(res, name)  
                        self.log.add('\tadded missing atom -> '+ name+ ' : '+\
                                     res.name+ str(res.number))

               s = "\ncompleteResidues(): Error while checking atoms.\n"
               s = s + "residue " + str(i)+ " :"+ str(res) + "\n"
               s = s + T.lastError()
                   "Error while completing residues, check log for details.")

            i = i+1

        return chain
Exemplo n.º 8
    def removeTER(self, fname):
        Remove TER record from PDB.

        @param fname: name of existing file.
        @type  fname: string
            #command = 'egrep -v "^TER " ' + fname + '> temp.pdb'
            path = os.path.dirname(fname)
            command = 'egrep -v "^TER " %s > %s/temp.pdb' % (fname, path)
            os.rename('%s/temp.pdb' % path, fname)
        except (OSError):
            T.errWriteln("Error removing 'TER' statement from %s: ")
Exemplo n.º 9
    def removeTER(self, fname):
        Remove TER record from PDB.

        @param fname: name of existing file.
        @type  fname: string
            #command = 'egrep -v "^TER " ' + fname + '> temp.pdb'
            path = os.path.dirname( fname )
            command = 'egrep -v "^TER " %s > %s/temp.pdb'%( fname, path )
            os.rename('%s/temp.pdb'%path, fname)
        except (OSError):
            T.errWriteln("Error removing 'TER' statement from %s: ")
            T.errWriteln( T.lastError() )
Exemplo n.º 10
    def setResValues( self, model, values, key='temperature_factor',
                      lastOnly=0 ):
        Add numeric value per residue to all atoms of all Structures
        or the last Structure in a model. The values will be written to
        either the B- (temperature_factor) or Q-factor 'occupancy' column
        in the temporary pdb-file.
        These values can then be used to display properties in PyMol
        via commands like 'color_b' and 'color_q'. See also
        @param model: model name
        @type  model: str
        @param values: list of numbers, len( values ) == number of residues
        @type  values: [float]      
        @param key: key for Atom.properties dictionary
                    (default: temperature_factor)
        @type  key: occupancy|temperature_factor
        @param lastOnly: 0 - add to all in model OR
                         1 - add only to last Structure (default: 0)
        @type  lastOnly: 1|0
        if lastOnly:
            self.dic[ model ][-1].addResProperty( values, key )

            for m in self.dic[ model ]:
                    m.addResProperty( values, key )
                    T.errWriteln( "Warning: error while adding properties.")
                    T.errWriteln( "Key: "+str( key )+" values: "+str( values ) )
                    T.errWriteln( T.lastError() )
Exemplo n.º 11
    def filterBlastHit(self):
        Extract sequence identity and overlap length from one single
        bl2seq hit

        @return: blast results, e.g. {'aln_id':1.0, 'aln_len':120}
        @rtype: dict
        ## check that the outfut file is there and seems valid
        if not os.path.exists(self.f_out):
            raise Blast2SeqError,\
                  'Hmmersearch result file %s does not exist.'%self.f_out

        if T.fileLength(self.f_out) < 10:
            raise Blast2SeqError,\
                  'Hmmersearch result file %s seems incomplete.'%self.f_out

        out = open(self.f_out, 'r')
        hitStr = out.read()

        # get rid of line breaks
        hitStr = hitStr.replace('\n', '#')

            _id = self.ex_identity.match(hitStr)  # Blast Identity
            if (_id == None):
                return {'res_id': 0, 'aln_id': 0, 'aln_len': 0}
            res_identical, res_number = int(_id.group(1)), int(_id.group(2))
            id = 1.0 * res_identical / res_number
            return {
                'res_id': res_identical,
                'aln_id': id,
                'aln_len': res_number
            T.errWriteln("Error 1 in filterBlastHit:")
            T.errWriteln("Hit Parsed: " + hitStr)
            return {}
Exemplo n.º 12
    def writeChain(self, chain):
        Write single chain as PDB. File name will be segid + '_seg.pdb'.

        @param chain: Scientific.IO.PDB.PeptideChain object
        @type  chain: chain object
        if (chain <> None):

                fname = self.path + '/' + chain.segment_id + "_seg.PDB"
                file = self._startPDB(chain, fname)     # include comments
                chain.writeToFile(file)     # create PDB
                file.close()                # make sure file is complete!
                self.removeTER(file.file.file.name) #remove TER record from PDB
                return 1        # write a chain

            except (IOError):
                T.errWriteln("Error writing chain to file %s:" % fname)
                T.errWriteln( T.lastError() )

        return 0            # false, no more chains to write
Exemplo n.º 13
    def setResValues(self,
        Add numeric value per residue to all atoms of all Structures
        or the last Structure in a model. The values will be written to
        either the B- (temperature_factor) or Q-factor 'occupancy' column
        in the temporary pdb-file.
        These values can then be used to display properties in PyMol
        via commands like 'color_b' and 'color_q'. See also
        @param model: model name
        @type  model: str
        @param values: list of numbers, len( values ) == number of residues
        @type  values: [float]      
        @param key: key for Atom.properties dictionary
                    (default: temperature_factor)
        @type  key: occupancy|temperature_factor
        @param lastOnly: 0 - add to all in model OR
                         1 - add only to last Structure (default: 0)
        @type  lastOnly: 1|0
        if lastOnly:
            self.dic[model][-1].addResProperty(values, key)

            for m in self.dic[model]:
                    m.addResProperty(values, key)
                    T.errWriteln("Warning: error while adding properties.")
                    T.errWriteln("Key: " + str(key) + " values: " +
Exemplo n.º 14
    def getFluct_local( self, mask=None, border_res=1,
                        left_atoms=['C'], right_atoms=['N'], verbose=1 ):
        Get mean displacement of each atom from it's average position after
        fitting of each residue to the reference backbone coordinates of itself
        and selected atoms of neighboring residues to the right and left.

        @param mask: N_atoms x 1 array of 0||1, atoms for which fluctuation
                     should be calculated
        @type  mask: array
        @param border_res: number of neighboring residues to use for fitting
        @type  border_res: int
        @param left_atoms: atoms (names) to use from these neighbore residues
        @type  left_atoms: [str]
        @param right_atoms: atoms (names) to use from these neighbore residues
        @type  right_atoms: [str]

        @return: Numpy array ( N_unmasked x 1 ) of float
        @rtype: array
        if mask is None:
            mask = N.ones( len( self.frames[0] ), N.int32 )

        if verbose: T.errWrite( "rmsd fitting per residue..." )

        residues = N.nonzero( self.ref.atom2resMask( mask ) )

        ## backbone atoms used for fit
        fit_atoms_right = N.nonzero( self.ref.mask( right_atoms ) )
        fit_atoms_left  = N.nonzero( self.ref.mask( left_atoms ) )
        ## chain index of each residue
        rchainMap = N.take( self.ref.chainMap(), self.ref.resIndex() )

        result = []

        for res in residues:

            i_res, i_border = self.__resWindow(res, border_res, rchainMap,
                                               fit_atoms_left, fit_atoms_right)

                if not len( i_res ): raise PDBError, 'empty residue'

                t_res = self.takeAtoms( i_res + i_border )

                i_center = range( len( i_res ) )

                mask_BB = t_res.ref.maskBB() * t_res.ref.maskHeavy()

                ## fit with border atoms ..
                t_res.fit( ref=t_res.ref, mask=mask_BB, verbose=0 )
                ## .. but calculate only with center residue atoms
                frames = N.take( t_res.frames, i_center, 1 )

                avg = N.average( frames )

                rmsd = N.average(N.sqrt(N.sum(N.power(frames - avg, 2), 2) ))

                result.extend( rmsd )

                if verbose: T.errWrite('#')

            except ZeroDivisionError:
                result.extend( N.zeros( len(i_res), N.Float32 ) )
                T.errWrite('?' + str( res ))

        if verbose: T.errWriteln( "done" )

        return result
Exemplo n.º 15
    def getFluct_local(self,
        Get mean displacement of each atom from it's average position after
        fitting of each residue to the reference backbone coordinates of itself
        and selected atoms of neighboring residues to the right and left.

        @param mask: N_atoms x 1 array of 0||1, atoms for which fluctuation
                     should be calculated
        @type  mask: array
        @param border_res: number of neighboring residues to use for fitting
        @type  border_res: int
        @param left_atoms: atoms (names) to use from these neighbore residues
        @type  left_atoms: [str]
        @param right_atoms: atoms (names) to use from these neighbore residues
        @type  right_atoms: [str]

        @return: Numpy array ( N_unmasked x 1 ) of float
        @rtype: array
        if mask is None:
            mask = N.ones(len(self.frames[0]), N.int32)

        if verbose: T.errWrite("rmsd fitting per residue...")

        residues = N.nonzero(self.ref.atom2resMask(mask))

        ## backbone atoms used for fit
        fit_atoms_right = N.nonzero(self.ref.mask(right_atoms))
        fit_atoms_left = N.nonzero(self.ref.mask(left_atoms))
        ## chain index of each residue
        rchainMap = N.take(self.ref.chainMap(), self.ref.resIndex())

        result = []

        for res in residues:

            i_res, i_border = self.__resWindow(res, border_res, rchainMap,
                                               fit_atoms_left, fit_atoms_right)

                if not len(i_res): raise PDBError, 'empty residue'

                t_res = self.takeAtoms(i_res + i_border)

                i_center = range(len(i_res))

                mask_BB = t_res.ref.maskBB() * t_res.ref.maskHeavy()

                ## fit with border atoms ..
                t_res.fit(ref=t_res.ref, mask=mask_BB, verbose=0)
                ## .. but calculate only with center residue atoms
                frames = N.take(t_res.frames, i_center, 1)

                avg = N.average(frames)

                rmsd = N.average(N.sqrt(N.sum(N.power(frames - avg, 2), 2)))


                if verbose: T.errWrite('#')

            except ZeroDivisionError:
                result.extend(N.zeros(len(i_res), N.Float32))
                T.errWrite('?' + str(res))

        if verbose: T.errWriteln("done")

        return result