Exemplo n.º 1
def GGas_sat_spectrum(mass_func, z, F, rho_gas, rho_mean, n, population, ngal, k_x, r_x, m_x, T_dm, T_g, T_tot):
	Calculates the power spectrum for the component given in the name. Following the construction from Mohammed, but to general power of k!
	In practice the contributions from k > 50 are so small it is not worth doing it.
	Extrapolates the power spectrum to get rid of the knee, which is a Taylor series artifact.
	n = n + 2
	k_x = np.longdouble(k_x)
	#T = np.ones((n/2, len(m_x)))
	spec = np.ones(len(k_x))
	integ = np.ones((n/2, len(m_x)))
	T_comb1 = np.ones((n/2, len(m_x)))
	T_comb2 = np.ones((n/2, len(m_x)))
	comp = np.ones((n/2, len(k_x)), dtype=np.longdouble)
	# Calculating all the needed T's! 
	for i in range(0, n/2, 1):
		T[i,:] = T_n(i, rho_mean, z, m_x, r_x)
	norm = 1.0/((T_tot[0,:])**2.0)
	for k in range(0, n/2, 1):
		#print ('k:'), k
		#print ('-----------')
		T_combined1 = np.ones((k+1, len(m_x)))
		T_combined2 = np.ones((k+1, len(m_x)))
		for j in range(0, k+1, 1):
			T_combined1[j,:] = T_dm[j,:] * T_g[k-j,:]
		T_comb1[k,:] = np.sum(T_combined1, axis=0)
		T_comb2[k,:] = 1.0#T_g[k,:]#np.sum(T_combined2, axis=0)
		#print T_comb[k,:]
		integ[k,:] = norm*(population*mass_func.dndlnm*T_comb1[k,:]*T_comb2[k,:])/(F*rho_gas*ngal)
		comp[k,:] = Integrate(integ[k,:], m_x) * (k_x**(k*2.0)) * (-1.0)**(k)
	spec = np.sum(comp, axis=0)
	spec[spec >= 10.0**10.0] = np.nan
	spec[spec <= 0.0] = np.nan
	spec_ext = extrap1d(np.float64(k_x), np.float64(spec), 0.002, 2)
	return spec_ext
def extend_curves(freqs, curves, new_freqs, Noct=0):
    """ Extrapolates (freqs,curves) by using  a new frequency bands 'new_freqs'.
        Noct will smooth the resulting curves in 1/Noct, Noct=0 will not.
    new_curves = np.zeros((curves.shape[0], len(new_freqs)))
    for i, curve in enumerate(curves):
        I = interp1d(freqs, curve)
        X = extrap1d(I)
        if Noct:
            new_curves[i] = smooth(new_freqs, X(new_freqs), Noct)
            new_curves[i] = X(new_freqs)
    return new_curves
Exemplo n.º 3
def GGas_TwoHalo(mass_func, z, F, rho_gas, rho_mean, n, k_x, r_x, m_x, T_g, T_tot): # This is ok!
	Calculates the power spectrum for the component given in the name. Following the construction from Mohammed, but to general power of k!
	In practice the contributions from k > 50 are so small it is not worth doing it.
	Extrapolates the power spectrum to get rid of the knee, which is a Taylor series artifact.
	Norm = rho_stars in this case!
	n = n + 2
	k_x = np.longdouble(k_x)
	#T = np.ones((n/2, len(m_x)))
	spec = np.ones(len(k_x))
	integ = np.ones((n/2, len(m_x)))
	T_comb = np.ones((n/2, len(m_x)))
	comp = np.ones((n/2, len(k_x)))
	# Calculating all the needed T's! 
	for i in range(0, n/2, 1):
		T[i,:] = T_n(i, rho_mean, z, m_x, r_x)
	norm = 1.0/(T_tot[0,:])
	for k in range(0, n/2, 1):
		T_comb[k,:] = T_g[k,:]
		integ[k,:] = norm*(mass_func.dndlnm*T_comb[k,:]*halo.Bias_Tinker10(mass_func,r_x))/(F*rho_gas)#/m_x)/(rho_stars) # Fivided by m or not?
		comp[k,:] = Integrate(integ[k,:], m_x) * (k_x**(k*2.0)) * (-1.0)**(k)
	spec = np.sum(comp, axis=0)
	spec[spec >= 10.0**10.0] = np.nan
	spec[spec <= 0.0] = np.nan
	spec_ext =  extrap1d(np.float64(k_x), np.float64(spec), 0.01, 2)
	#P2 = (np.exp(mass_func.power)/norm)*(Integrate((mass_func.dndlnm*T_stars2*Bias_Tinker10(mass_func,r_x)/m_x),m_x))
    #print (Integrate((mass_func.dndlnm*population*Bias_Tinker10(mass_func,r_x)/m_x),m_x))/norm
	print ("Two halo term calculated - gas.")
	return spec_ext*np.exp(mass_func.power)
Exemplo n.º 4
def GS_cen_spectrum(mass_func, z, rho_stars, rho_mean, n, population, ngal, k_x, r_x, m_x, T_stars, T_tot):
	Calculates the power spectrum for the component given in the name. Following the construction from Mohammed, but to general power of k!
	In practice the contributions from k > 50 are so small it is not worth doing it.
	Extrapolates the power spectrum to get rid of the knee, which is a Taylor series artifact.
	n = n + 2
	k_x = np.longdouble(k_x)
	#T = np.ones((n/2, len(m_x)))
	spec = np.ones(len(k_x))
	integ = np.ones((n/2, len(m_x)))
	T_comb = np.ones((n/2, len(m_x)))
	comp = np.ones((n/2, len(k_x)), dtype=np.longdouble)
	# Calculating all the needed T's! 
	for i in range(0, n/2, 1):
		T[i,:] = T_n(i, rho_mean, z, m_x, r_x)
	norm = 1.0/(T_tot[0,:])
	for k in range(0, n/2, 1):
		T_comb[k,:] = T_stars[k,:]
		integ[k,:] = norm*(population*mass_func.dndlnm*T_comb[k,:])/(rho_stars*ngal)
		comp[k,:] = Integrate(integ[k,:], m_x) * (k_x**(k*2.0)) * (-1.0)**(k)

	spec = np.sum(comp, axis=0)
	spec[spec >= 10.0**10.0] = np.nan
	spec[spec <= 0.0] = np.nan
	spec_ext = extrap1d(np.float64(k_x), np.float64(spec), 0.01, 3)
	return spec_ext