Exemplo n.º 1
    def compute(self, cr, uid, from_currency_id, to_currency_id, from_amount,
                round=True, currency_type_from_code=False, currency_type_to_code=False, context=None):
        if not context:
            context = {}
        if not from_currency_id:
            from_currency_id = to_currency_id
        if not to_currency_id:
            to_currency_id = from_currency_id
        # Added to check context for currency rate types 'ask_rate', 'middle_rate' or 'bid_rate'
        if not currency_type_from_code:
            currency_type_from_code = context.get('currency_type_from_code')
        if not currency_type_to_code:
            currency_type_to_code = context.get('currency_type_to_code')
        # Check ends
        xc = self.browse(cr, uid, [from_currency_id, to_currency_id], context=context)
        from_currency = (xc[0].id == from_currency_id and xc[0]) or xc[1]
        to_currency = (xc[0].id == to_currency_id and xc[0]) or xc[1]

        force_currency_rate = 0.0
        if context.get('force_currency_rate'):
            if not float_is_zero(context.get('force_currency_rate'), precision_digits=8):  # if self.is_zero(self.cr, self.uid, currency, res['credit'])
                force_currency_rate = 1. / context.get('force_currency_rate')
        if context.get('force_currency_inv_rate'):
            force_currency_rate = context.get('force_currency_inv_rate')
        if not float_is_zero(force_currency_rate, precision_digits=8):
            if round:
                return self.round(cr, uid, to_currency, from_amount * force_currency_rate)
                return (from_amount * force_currency_rate)

        if (to_currency_id == from_currency_id) and (currency_type_from_code == currency_type_to_code):
            if round:
                return self.round(cr, uid, to_currency, from_amount)
                return from_amount
            context.update({'currency_type_from_code': currency_type_from_code, 'currency_type_to_code': currency_type_to_code})
            rate = self._get_conversion_rate(cr, uid, from_currency, to_currency, context=context)
            if round:
                return self.round(cr, uid, to_currency, from_amount * rate)
                return (from_amount * rate)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def is_zero(self, cr, uid, currency, amount):
        """Returns true if ``amount`` is small enough to be treated as
           zero according to ``currency``'s rounding rules.

           Warning: ``is_zero(amount1-amount2)`` is not always equivalent to 
           ``compare_amounts(amount1,amount2) == 0``, as the former will round after
           computing the difference, while the latter will round before, giving
           different results for e.g. 0.006 and 0.002 at 2 digits precision.

           :param browse_record currency: currency for which we are rounding
           :param float amount: amount to compare with currency's zero
        return float_is_zero(amount, precision_rounding=currency.rounding)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def is_zero(self, cr, uid, currency, amount):
        """Returns true if ``amount`` is small enough to be treated as
           zero according to ``currency``'s rounding rules.

           Warning: ``is_zero(amount1-amount2)`` is not always equivalent to 
           ``compare_amounts(amount1,amount2) == 0``, as the former will round after
           computing the difference, while the latter will round before, giving
           different results for e.g. 0.006 and 0.002 at 2 digits precision.

           :param browse_record currency: currency for which we are rounding
           :param float amount: amount to compare with currency's zero
        return float_is_zero(amount, precision_rounding=currency.rounding)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def reconcile_cash_discount(self,
        if not context:
            context = {}
            'reconcile - action_move_line_create  voucher ids, context %s,%s' %
            (ids, context))
        move_obj = self.pool.get('account.move')
        move_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.move.line')
        voucher_obj = self.pool.get('account.voucher')
        invoice_obj = self.pool.get('account.invoice')
        invoice_tax_obj = self.pool.get('account.invoice.tax')
        move_reconcile_obj = self.pool.get('account.move.reconcile')
        obj_precision = self.pool.get('decimal.precision')
        prec = obj_precision.precision_get(cr, uid, 'Account')

        reconcile_ids = []
        reconcile_base_id = ''
        write_off_debit = 0.0
        write_off_credit = 0.0
        partner_id = ''
        # collect necessary data
        for line in move_line_obj.browse(cr, uid, lines):
                'reconcile voucher reconcile_id, acc_id, partner_id %s,%s %s %s'
                % (line.reconcile_id.id, line.account_id.id,
                   line.partner_id.id, line.name))

            # search move_ids which are reconciled

            if line.reconcile_id and line.reconcile_id.id not in reconcile_ids:
                if not partner_id and line.partner_id:
                    partner_id = line.partner_id.id
                if not reconcile_base_id:
                    reconcile_base_id = line.reconcile_id.id

            if line.is_write_off:
                write_off_debit += line.debit
                write_off_credit += line.credit
                write_off_id = line.id
        if not reconcile_ids:
            return True
            'reconcile - partner_id, line_ids, reconcile_ids: %s %s %s' %
            (partner_id, lines, reconcile_ids))
        self._logger.debug('reconcile - writeoff deb/cred: %s/%s ' %
                           (write_off_debit, write_off_credit))
        if not isinstance(move_ids, list):
            move_ids = [move_ids]
        reconciled_move_line_ids = move_line_obj.search(
            cr, uid, [('move_id', 'not in', move_ids),
                      ('partner_id', '=', partner_id),
                      ('reconcile_id', 'in', reconcile_ids)])
        if not isinstance(reconciled_move_line_ids, list):
            reconciled_move_line_ids = [reconciled_move_line_ids]
        self._logger.debug('reconcile - reconcile_move_line_ids: %s' %
        reconciled_move_ids = []
        for move in move_line_obj.browse(cr, uid, reconciled_move_line_ids):
            if move.move_id.id not in reconciled_move_ids:
        if not isinstance(reconciled_move_ids, list):
            reconciled_move_ids = [reconciled_move_ids]
        self._logger.debug('reconcile - reconcile_move_ids: %s' %

        # now we find the invoice(s)
        invoice_ids = invoice_obj.search(
            cr, uid, [('move_id', 'in', reconciled_move_ids)])
        if not isinstance(invoice_ids, list):
            invoice_ids = [invoice_ids]
        invoice_discount_ids = []
        invoice_total = 0.0
        invoice_discount_total = 0.0
        invoice_discount_net = 0.0
        tax_base_total = 0.0
        tax_total = 0.0
        for invoice in invoice_obj.browse(cr, uid, invoice_ids):
            invoice_total += invoice.amount_total
            if invoice.payment_term.is_discount:
                invoice_discount_total += invoice.amount_total
                invoice_discount_net += invoice.amount_untaxed
                for tax in invoice.tax_line:
                    tax_base_total += tax.base_amount
                    tax_total += tax.tax_amount
        # process of invoicees with cash discount
        if invoice_discount_ids:
            #tax_base_total = 0.0
            #tax_total = 0.0
            #invoice_tax_ids = invoice_tax_obj.search(cr, uid, [('invoice_id','in',invoice_discount_ids)])
            #for tax in invoice_tax_obj.browse(cr, uid, invoice_tax_ids):
            #    tax_base_total += tax.base_amount
            #    tax_total += tax.tax_amount

            if write_off_debit > 0:
                factor = write_off_debit / invoice_total
                factor = write_off_credit / invoice_total
                'reconcile - compare: %s invoice_discount_net= %s, factor : %s'
                % (invoice_discount_net, tax_base_total, factor))
            #if not float_is_zero(invoice_discount_net - tax_base_total, prec):
            factor = factor * (tax_base_total / invoice_discount_net)
            self._logger.debug('reconcile - recalculate factor %s' % factor)
                'reconcile - invoice_discount_ids: %s invoice_discount_total= %s, factor: %s'
                % (invoice_discount_ids, invoice_discount_total, factor))

            invoice_discount_ids2 = ','.join(
                [str(id) for id in invoice_discount_ids])
            # group
                      select tax_code_id, payment_term,
                       split_part(pi.value_reference,',',2)::int as discount_income_account_id,
                       split_part(pe.value_reference,',',2)::int as discount_expense_account_id,
                       t.tax_code_id, t.base_code_id, 
                       sum(base_amount) as base_amount, sum(tax_amount) as tax_amount,
                       sum(tax_amount) * %s as tax_discount_amount,
                       sum(base_amount) * %s as base_discount_amount
                      from account_invoice i,
                      account_invoice_tax t,
                      account_payment_term p,
                      account_payment_term_line pl,
                      ir_property pe,
                      ir_property pi
                     where i.id in (%s)
                       and t.invoice_id = i.id
                       and p.id = i.payment_term
                       and pl.payment_id = p.id
                       and pl.discount > 0
                       and pi.res_id = 'account.payment.term.line,'||pl.id and pi.name ='discount_income_account_id'
                       and pe.res_id = 'account.payment.term.line,'||pl.id and pe.name ='discount_expense_account_id'
                     group by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7""" %
                       (factor, factor, invoice_discount_ids2))
            tax_moves = cr.dictfetchall()
            #if not tax_moves:
            #    self._logger.debug('reconcile - no tax_lines: %s' % res)
            #    return True

            self._logger.debug('reconcile - tax_moves: %s' % tax_moves)
            # get interesting data from write off record, which later will be deleted
            for r_line in move_line_obj.browse(cr, uid, [write_off_id]):
                ml = {
                    'move_id': r_line.move_id.id,
                    'journal_id': r_line.journal_id.id,
                    'period_id': r_line.period_id.id,
                    'date': r_line.date,
                    'name': r_line.name,
                    'debit': 0.0,
                    'credit': 0.0,
                    'company_id': r_line.company_id.id,
                    'name': _('Discount'),

            for tax_move in tax_moves:
                # FIXME code can be simplified / condensed
                mlt = dict(ml)
                if write_off_debit > 0.0:
                    write_off_debit -= tax_move['base_discount_amount']
                    write_off_credit -= tax_move['base_discount_amount']
                self._logger.debug('reconcile - base credit: %s' % mlt)
                move_line_obj.create(cr, uid, mlt)
                # tax
                mlt = dict(ml)
                if write_off_debit > 0.0:
                        'debit': tax_move['tax_discount_amount'],
                        'credit': 0.0,
                        'account_id': tax_move['account_id'],
                        'analytic_account_id': False,
                        'tax_code_id': tax_move['tax_code_id'],
                        'tax_amount': tax_move['tax_discount_amount'],
                    write_off_debit -= tax_move['tax_discount_amount']
                        'debit': 0.0,
                        'credit': tax_move['tax_discount_amount'],
                        'account_id': tax_move['account_id'],
                        'analytic_account_id': False,
                        'tax_code_id': tax_move['tax_code_id'],
                        'tax_amount': tax_move['tax_discount_amount'],
                    write_off_credit -= tax_move['tax_discount_amount']
                move_line_obj.create(cr, uid, mlt)

            # create move lines for remaining not discountable amount
                'reconcile - writeoff deb/cred remaining: %s/%s ' %
                (write_off_debit, write_off_credit))
            if not float_is_zero(write_off_debit, prec):
                self._logger.debug('reconcile - write_off_debit: %s' %
                if not context.get('writeoff_acc_id', False):
                    raise osv.except_osv(_('Error !'),
                                         _('No write off account defined.'))
                mlt = dict(ml)
                    'debit': write_off_debit,
                    'credit': 0.0,
                    'account_id': context['writeoff_acc_id'],
                    'tax_code_id': False,
                    'tax_amount': False,
                move_line_obj.create(cr, uid, mlt)
            if not float_is_zero(write_off_credit, prec):
                self._logger.debug('reconcile - write_off_credit: %s' %
                if not context.get('writeoff_acc_id', False):
                    raise osv.except_osv(_('Error !'),
                                         _('No write off account defined.'))
                mlt = dict(ml)
                    'credit': write_off_credit,
                    'debit': 0.0,
                    'account_id': context['writeoff_acc_id'],
                    'tax_code_id': False,
                    'tax_amount': False,
                move_line_obj.create(cr, uid, mlt)

            # delete originial move
            move_line_obj.unlink(cr, uid, [write_off_id], context)
            # set only ONE reconcile_id (instead of 2 or more)
            reconcile_lines_to_update = move_line_obj.search(
                cr, uid, [('reconcile_id', 'in', reconcile_ids),
                          ('reconcile_id', '!=', reconcile_base_id)])
            move_line_obj.write(cr, uid, reconcile_lines_to_update,
                                {'reconcile_id': reconcile_base_id}, context)
            # delete unused recocile lines
            reconcile_ids_to_delete = []
            for r_id in reconcile_ids:
                if r_id != reconcile_base_id:
            move_reconcile_obj.unlink(cr, uid, reconcile_ids_to_delete)

        return True
Exemplo n.º 5
    def reconcile_cash_discount(self, cr, uid, ids, move_ids, lines, write_off_ids=None, context=None):
        if not context:
           context = {}
        self._logger.debug('reconcile - action_move_line_create  voucher ids, context %s,%s' % (ids, context))
        move_obj = self.pool.get('account.move')
        move_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.move.line')
        voucher_obj = self.pool.get('account.voucher')
        invoice_obj = self.pool.get('account.invoice')
        invoice_tax_obj = self.pool.get('account.invoice.tax')
        move_reconcile_obj = self.pool.get('account.move.reconcile')
        obj_precision = self.pool.get('decimal.precision')
        prec = obj_precision.precision_get(cr, uid, 'Account')

        reconcile_ids = []
        reconcile_base_id = ''
        write_off_debit = 0.0
        write_off_credit = 0.0
        partner_id = ''
        # collect necessary data
        for line in move_line_obj.browse(cr, uid, lines):
            self._logger.debug('reconcile voucher reconcile_id, acc_id, partner_id %s,%s %s %s' % (line.reconcile_id.id, line.account_id.id, line.partner_id.id, line.name))
            # search move_ids which are reconciled
            if line.reconcile_id and line.reconcile_id.id not in reconcile_ids:
                if not partner_id and line.partner_id:
                    partner_id = line.partner_id.id
                if not reconcile_base_id: 
                    reconcile_base_id = line.reconcile_id.id
            if line.is_write_off:
                write_off_debit += line.debit
                write_off_credit += line.credit
                write_off_id = line.id        
        if not reconcile_ids:
            return True
        self._logger.debug('reconcile - partner_id, line_ids, reconcile_ids: %s %s %s' % (partner_id,lines, reconcile_ids))
        self._logger.debug('reconcile - writeoff deb/cred: %s/%s ' % (write_off_debit,write_off_credit))
        if not isinstance(move_ids,list):
            move_ids = [move_ids]
        reconciled_move_line_ids = move_line_obj.search(cr, uid, [('move_id','not in',move_ids),('partner_id','=', partner_id),('reconcile_id','in', reconcile_ids ) ])
        if not isinstance(reconciled_move_line_ids, list):
            reconciled_move_line_ids = [reconciled_move_line_ids]
        self._logger.debug('reconcile - reconcile_move_line_ids: %s' % (reconciled_move_line_ids))
        reconciled_move_ids = []
        for move in move_line_obj.browse(cr, uid, reconciled_move_line_ids):
            if move.move_id.id not in reconciled_move_ids:
        if not isinstance(reconciled_move_ids, list):
            reconciled_move_ids = [reconciled_move_ids]
        self._logger.debug('reconcile - reconcile_move_ids: %s' % (reconciled_move_ids))

        # now we find the invoice(s)
        invoice_ids = invoice_obj.search(cr, uid, [('move_id','in', reconciled_move_ids)])
        if not isinstance(invoice_ids, list):
            invoice_ids = [invoice_ids]
        invoice_discount_ids = []    
        invoice_total = 0.0
        invoice_discount_total = 0.0
        invoice_discount_net = 0.0
        tax_base_total = 0.0
        tax_total = 0.0
        for invoice in invoice_obj.browse(cr, uid, invoice_ids):
            invoice_total += invoice.amount_total
            if invoice.payment_term.is_discount:
                invoice_discount_total += invoice.amount_total
                invoice_discount_net += invoice.amount_untaxed
                for tax in invoice.tax_line:
                    tax_base_total += tax.base_amount
                    tax_total += tax.tax_amount
        # process of invoicees with cash discount
        if invoice_discount_ids:
            #tax_base_total = 0.0
            #tax_total = 0.0
            #invoice_tax_ids = invoice_tax_obj.search(cr, uid, [('invoice_id','in',invoice_discount_ids)])
            #for tax in invoice_tax_obj.browse(cr, uid, invoice_tax_ids):
            #    tax_base_total += tax.base_amount
            #    tax_total += tax.tax_amount
            if write_off_debit > 0:
                factor = write_off_debit / invoice_total
                factor = write_off_credit / invoice_total
            self._logger.debug('reconcile - compare: %s invoice_discount_net= %s, factor : %s' % (invoice_discount_net, tax_base_total, factor))
            #if not float_is_zero(invoice_discount_net - tax_base_total, prec):
            factor = factor * (tax_base_total / invoice_discount_net)
            self._logger.debug('reconcile - recalculate factor %s' % factor)
            self._logger.debug('reconcile - invoice_discount_ids: %s invoice_discount_total= %s, factor: %s' % (invoice_discount_ids, invoice_discount_total, factor))
            invoice_discount_ids2 = ','.join([str(id) for id in invoice_discount_ids])
            # group 
                      select tax_code_id, payment_term,
                       split_part(pi.value_reference,',',2)::int as discount_income_account_id,
                       split_part(pe.value_reference,',',2)::int as discount_expense_account_id,
                       t.tax_code_id, t.base_code_id, 
                       sum(base_amount) as base_amount, sum(tax_amount) as tax_amount,
                       sum(tax_amount) * %s as tax_discount_amount,
                       sum(base_amount) * %s as base_discount_amount
                      from account_invoice i,
                      account_invoice_tax t,
                      account_payment_term p,
                      account_payment_term_line pl,
                      ir_property pe,
                      ir_property pi
                     where i.id in (%s)
                       and t.invoice_id = i.id
                       and p.id = i.payment_term
                       and pl.payment_id = p.id
                       and pl.discount > 0
                       and pi.res_id = 'account.payment.term.line,'||pl.id and pi.name ='discount_income_account_id'
                       and pe.res_id = 'account.payment.term.line,'||pl.id and pe.name ='discount_expense_account_id'
                     group by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7""" % (factor, factor, invoice_discount_ids2))
            tax_moves = cr.dictfetchall()
            #if not tax_moves:
            #    self._logger.debug('reconcile - no tax_lines: %s' % res)
            #    return True

            self._logger.debug('reconcile - tax_moves: %s' % tax_moves)
            # get interesting data from write off record, which later will be deleted
            for r_line in move_line_obj.browse(cr, uid, [write_off_id]):
                ml = {
                   'move_id' : r_line.move_id.id,
                   'journal_id' : r_line.journal_id.id,
                   'period_id' : r_line.period_id.id,
                   'date' : r_line.date ,
                   'name' : r_line.name,
                   'debit' : 0.0,
                   'credit' : 0.0,
                   'company_id' : r_line.company_id.id,
                   'name' : _('Discount'),

            for tax_move in tax_moves:
                # FIXME code can be simplified / condensed
                mlt = dict(ml)
                if write_off_debit > 0.0:
                       'debit' : tax_move['base_discount_amount'],
                       'account_id' : tax_move['discount_expense_account_id'],
                       'tax_code_id' : tax_move['base_code_id'],
                       'tax_amount' : tax_move['base_discount_amount'],
                    write_off_debit -= tax_move['base_discount_amount']
                       'debit' : 0.0,
                       'credit' : tax_move['base_discount_amount'],
                       'account_id' : tax_move['discount_income_account_id'],
                       'tax_code_id' : tax_move['base_code_id'],
                       'tax_amount' : tax_move['base_discount_amount'],
                    write_off_credit -= tax_move['base_discount_amount']
                self._logger.debug('reconcile - base credit: %s' % mlt)
                move_line_obj.create(cr, uid, mlt)
                # tax
                mlt = dict(ml)
                if write_off_debit > 0.0:
                       'debit' : tax_move['tax_discount_amount'],
                       'account_id' : tax_move['account_id'],
                       'analytic_account_id' : False,
                       'tax_code_id' : tax_move['tax_code_id'],
                       'tax_amount' : tax_move['tax_discount_amount'],
                    write_off_debit -= tax_move['tax_discount_amount']
                       'debit' : 0.0,
                       'credit' : tax_move['tax_discount_amount'],
                       'account_id' : tax_move['account_id'],
                       'analytic_account_id' : False,
                       'tax_code_id' : tax_move['tax_code_id'],
                       'tax_amount' : tax_move['tax_discount_amount'],
                    write_off_credit -= tax_move['tax_discount_amount']
                move_line_obj.create(cr, uid, mlt)

            # create move lines for remaining not discountable amount 
            self._logger.debug('reconcile - writeoff deb/cred remaining: %s/%s ' % (write_off_debit,write_off_credit))
            if not float_is_zero(write_off_debit, prec):
                self._logger.debug('reconcile - write_off_debit: %s' % write_off_debit)
                if not context.get('writeoff_acc_id',False):
                     raise osv.except_osv (_('Error !'), _('No write off account defined.'))
                mlt = dict(ml)
                       'debit' : write_off_debit,
                       'account_id' : context['writeoff_acc_id'],
                       'tax_code_id' : False,
                       'tax_amount' : False,
                move_line_obj.create(cr, uid, mlt)
            if not float_is_zero(write_off_credit, prec): 
                self._logger.debug('reconcile - write_off_credit: %s' % write_off_credit)
                if not context.get('writeoff_acc_id',False):
                     raise osv.except_osv (_('Error !'), _('No write off account defined.'))
                mlt = dict(ml)
                       'credit' : write_off_credit,
                       'debit' : 0.0,
                       'account_id' : context['writeoff_acc_id'],
                       'tax_code_id' : False,
                       'tax_amount' : False,
                move_line_obj.create(cr, uid, mlt)
            # delete originial move
            move_line_obj.unlink(cr, uid,  [write_off_id], context)
            # set only ONE reconcile_id (instead of 2 or more)
            reconcile_lines_to_update = move_line_obj.search(cr, uid, [('reconcile_id','in',reconcile_ids),('reconcile_id','!=',reconcile_base_id)])
            move_line_obj.write(cr, uid, reconcile_lines_to_update,{'reconcile_id':reconcile_base_id}, context)    
            # delete unused recocile lines
            reconcile_ids_to_delete = [] 
            for r_id in reconcile_ids:
                if r_id != reconcile_base_id:
            move_reconcile_obj.unlink(cr, uid, reconcile_ids_to_delete)
        return True